High humidity giving San Antonio an early taste of summer | KENS 5 Forecast

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so theresa a lot of people have put their plants away because it's been so cold out there we don't know if the cold's going to come back and it looks like it is right yes we are looking at a couple of cold fronts in the seven-day forecast and right now it's really just very warm outside so taking a live look with our traffic cam we have some cloud coverage out there and you can see the camera is a little bit shaky as well so we do have some winds and it's not too breezy but definitely you are starting to see that out there just up on our weather cam so 77 degrees right now and the dew point is at a 63 so we have a lot of humidity out there it's making you feel much warmer for your saturday right now we do have some 80s on the map even some 90s pure salt and catula so it's feeling a little bit more like summer time unfortunately now those dew points can see with that green color that means we're having more moisture and it's really adding to the humidity so again it doesn't really feel much like this time of year but a change is on the way we're going to see those winds start to kick up as we go into sunday night and into monday this is monday at 2 a.m so this is where that front starts to make its way a little bit closer to san antonio you can see we have around 20 miles per hour with this front so we are going to see some changes it's also going to bring some dry air that's going to start to move in so that's also going to make temperatures drop especially into the evening and morning hours but right now you can see just some cumulus clouds and the cloud coverage was pretty stubborn throughout the day and unfortunately with this we're not going to see much rain it's really not that impressive of a front as far as rain is concerned we can see that we have those 80s that are going to start to go away our 80 degree temperature because temperatures will start to drop this is going to be early monday morning and just some light rain is expected and then temperatures drop from monday down into the 50s and then high temperatures really are just going to be in the 60s but drought conditions staying across the state so we really do need some rain especially for our friends down to the south for catoola and tilden san antonio we're staying in that dry to moderate category but definitely we could use some more rainfall across the nation here we have some temperatures in the 30s and below freezing as we get further north now we're not expecting any freezing temperatures with this front you can see though we do have some lift that's going to continue this is for tuesday so with that wind speed and that dip here in our upper level pattern is going to allow just another slight chance of rainfall as we go into your tuesday and wednesday and then thursday we're going to see more of this kind of zonal pattern so that means temperatures are actually going to start to rise and we're going to have more quiet weather and also just a little bit more of some sunshine that's going to start to appear for your wednesday and thursday but until then breezy conditions and this cold front is actually going to stick with us for about two days we're going to have those temperatures drop down into the 50s and could get even towards the 40s as we go into the morning for your tuesday but then as we go into the rest of the week we're looking at thursday for the highest temperature as we go into midweek next week but then another cold front and this is a little bit ways away but on friday we're expecting another cold front and there's a slight chance we could see some freezing temperatures right now we're going to keep it just about 35 for saturday morning so if you have plans for next weekend you just might want to get prepared and get a jacket on hand to pack away because we do have a chance to have some more winter like conditions as we go into your next weekend
Channel: KENS 5: Your San Antonio News Source
Views: 505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forecast, weather
Id: WXQRVVh08ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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