March 28, 2021 - 11:00 AM - Pastor Tim Renshaw

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[Music] majesty [Music] unto jesus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] let's pray lord we thank you for this morning lord we thank you for the blood that covers our sin lord not just covers it but washes it away lord we thank you for the holy spirit that indwells us yes god we pray that you'd touch miss phyllis lord that you would give her some rest today lord that you would not let her be too embarrassed god let her know she's loved yes lord while she goes home and rests lord that you had comfort her don't you not lord to bother her lord let her nod her neck lord and make it not hurt nowhere on the body lord i pray that you'd love on her lord now we're moving into this worship service time lord i'll be honest with you it's got me tore up i'm asking that you'd calm me down a little bit lord the best way to do that is to watch over here comfort her love on her lord help me to remember that you got her in her hand your hands you direct her steps love on her this morning and lord you're still worthy to be praised help us this morning in jesus name we pray amen have a few announcements april the 4th on sunday the ladies sunday school class prayer time all ladies are welcome to join uh also on april 4th there will be an egg hunt for all children after the morning service on april the 4th there will not be an evening service and please begin praying about a mission conference in the next few months special prayer remember dylan payne carol elkins church families what a personal moor needs to be the senate vote on the equality act and to pray for our nation each evening from 9-9-1 thanks to uh everyone who helped in some way with the youth rally especially to those who lifted it up in prayer we really had a good attendance and thankful for everybody that helped out uh any all the uh the young lady stacy anderson has been in the hospital since friday that's been coming if you would please pray for her and her family we have a card from the family of donald everett your kind expression of sympathy sympathy is deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged the family of donald everett please continue to pray for that family any other announcement that we need to make at this time all right then if you would open that same book number 746 number 746 he keeps me singing [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus strings again jesus jesus jesus [Music] feasting on the riches of his friends [Music] always looking on his smiling face that is jesus [Music] swedish though sometimes it leads to what to [Music] see [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] is [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] 12. praising praising jesus [Music] is [Music] every joyful song praise him praising jesus [Music] praise him praise him every joyful song [Music] jesus say [Music] [Music] unto the lord beloved [Music] number 43. [Music] the oh of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you know if you look on the calendar it says i think today's palm sunday yeah jesus come into town and they laid down those pawns before him as he come through but you know one day if we're in heaven i don't know how that's going to play out but lord jesus christ [Music] i can't help but think all hell the power of jesus yeah yeah all the angels they prostrate fall they're just going to fall flat on their faces bring forth the royalty and crown him lord of lord i hope this morning in your heart you have crowned him yes lord of all and i hope he's marching in and marching through you as you walk through this line let's do that let's do this him to save you by his grace [Music] let every kindred [Music] see us right [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] shake hands [Music] [Music] glad y'all are here this morning it's good to see some some of our church members back made me smile well i sat there and just every time a new one comes i just smile yeah well will you make my day son you look so good you make your family look good i'm just saying man i'm glad you're here man i hope you know you're saved this morning i hope you know you're on your way to heaven god's holding you in the palm of his hand yes he's not gonna let go of you god is so good to us man everybody that's everybody that's watching this morning i pray that the lord comes into your little house your little room today sits down with you and just loves all over you i thank god for the singing that we've had man it's time to worship god it's just time to love on him i need two of my ushers to come forward we'll take up our morning offer right now nobody want to come with you well tim go ahead bro father over thank you god for another chance to come to your house oh we thank you for what you've already done lord thank you for showing up last night lord blessings thank you i pray lord jesus come visit with us again this morning lord praise the lord with him lord i pray you'll bless this offer lord use it for your glory and your honor [Music] so thank you so [Music] just having a time with the lord deal with it anyway these little kids come down let's take up our missionary [Music] so so so [Music] so [Music] so all right before we have our special thing about chuck you need to come up here we got as far as i know as far as i know we got two birthdays one really really really really ancient and then one kind of young carson how old are you well i didn't say your iq and then we got one really really old bro junior how old are you anybody else's birthday let's sing happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday [Music] happy birthday y'all we'll give you your birthday licks after church if you weren't here last night you missed it that's right man we had young and old like and um i mean it was a awesome service and the church house was filled and i don't know how many churches we had represented do you know four churches i was thinking six or seven i mean i was just sounds good sounds good to me but um i mean it was good from the beginning to the end and um my son he was leaving the singing and he was telling you know how he got saved and i always remember that day that he got saved but most importantly i always remember the day that i got saved somebody's been really bugging me to sing this song and um tim riddle so um i'm gonna do it [Music] but it it'll never it just never ceases to amaze me how good god has been um to me and i'll never forget that day [Music] my soul from hell and i thank god every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh but it didn't matter [Music] now i stand here before you tonight rejoicing everything's all right cause in my [Music] i know i heart found him still but i'm so glad he is [Music] is [Music] but you hear that second verse that's my verse many times i've messed up and failed he ain't feeling that one time yet his grace keeps showing up every day and keeping me i've made huge mistakes i've walked away i'm disappointed but god's been there every step of the way he cannot mess up and if you're saved you'll never lose it god will never mess up that order to get us excited you know it amazes me that it even saves somebody like me to begin with but to come by my way a second time and say come here i'll take you back man that amazes me it blows my mind y'all been done with me that song i can't handle it when she says many times i've walked away before david y'all have two it ain't no secret we failed him when you get a problem and you say oh that's the end of it you get mad puffed up you just walked away you don't have to literally leave church to do it we've all done it but god's still standing right there going here [Music] it didn't matter how far i'd gone was faithful when i came [Music] you back rejoicing everything's all right cause in my heart [Music] is [Music] [Applause] that means he caused the shots you don't know anymore inside of me that preacher last night was talking about some spots in our lives talking about them two men and yeah [Music] christ come along and walk right beside them and they got a spot they'll never forget that moment that's right when the lord jesus christ came up beside them and comforted them and loved on them and revealed himself to me all the way through the scriptures ain't that good how the lord just shows up in her life i'm glad i got some spots you got some spots i remember when i came to a place called cades barney yeah hey i was third about that last night this morning i got to share a little bit evidence sunday school there was a time in my life when the lord said i've got something more for you camping out there on the shore eating leeks and garlic and just right stalled out yes yeah he said i want you to cross over yeah into the promised land he wasn't talking about heaven he's talking about the victorious life of christians amen they some mighty big cities and there's some mighty big giants hey there's obstacles but can i tell you the lord jesus christ goes before you all you got to do is blow the horn hey all you got to do is march around the city and that thing it'll just crumble and fall before you just marching right along with the lord jesus christ right next to you yes you could have a victorious life in christ it ain't going to be easy it ain't always going to be wonderful but well just like he was just talking about peace knowing that everything's all right [Laughter] [Music] the lord saved him he just got the holy ghost living inside of me he just rejoiced in what god's done for him yes [Music] members but he showed up with me i've gotten away since then but when i came back i kid you not he let okay the next morning after i worked in a warehouse i was doing everything but running through those aisles [Music] me he sure wasn't cared about no band members it'd be like a year old boy he wanted to say hey man i was working on you i really wasn't like at home [Music] thank you and he just about preached he didn't stop there it would have been a lesson yeah then when your son got in there yeah [Music] is i was doing a lot last night yeah and he was moving in more ways than i've ever seen in in a in a church setting and i mean there was things being done last night that just amazed me i just sat around and watched in a way that god was dealing with people on what they needed on their level i've never seen it like that it just seemed like everybody stood up was meeting somebody else's need and i was just amazed i just sat back there can i tell you though this right here most of the time brother chuck i i really do this i'm so concerned about my church family getting help that i'm consumed lord touch help this one they're in need lord move on that one thank god to have you boy they're going through trouble this one lord's dealing with sickness lord will you please just give them what they need and that's how my mind operates since i've been a pastor last night i said all day i said lord i know there's people there that need help but god don't pass by without not touching me today [Music] i prayed kind of selflessly yesterday lord i need to touch can i tell you i didn't leave disappointed lord come out there and sat with me and just a man sat with me and then sat with me and and talked with me and held my hand and looked on me and convicted on me whooped me a couple of times and then after that i could turn around and start looking at all the ones that they altered and i mean there was some down there for a long time well i like that stuff sure man all right anybody else i told y'all this youth rally wasn't just for you we call it a youth rally but really it was for me so i'm sure not used i got i'm not joking i enjoyed every ounce of it and i'm saved all right turn your bible deuteronomy chapter 2. now if you were supposed to testify and if you didn't i pray god don't whoop you too bad deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 26 yet yesterday i thought me and the lord had this sermon figured out and then come this morning the lord said i didn't so we was back at the church a little earlier than normal and god was changing the whole thing sometimes it makes me worried when he does that and then sometimes it don't assist and i'll be honest with you church i really don't know how it's gonna go i haven't had time to sit there and just meditate and think about it and chew on it and be like that old cow out there in the field and just keep chewing and chewing till it all gets worked out in your mind god didn't let me do that so you better pray that god gets in there you're going to get a mess amen deuteronomy chapter 2. let me tell you a little bit about the book of due book of deuteronomy was written by moses and he's at the end of his life now it goes all the way back pretty much to the beginning of israel leaving exodus and what he's doing is he's standing in front of the whole congregation two and a half three million people and he is just rehearsing the last 40 years because he's fixing to walk off the scene and he knows that and so this is what's going on and you think that it's it's another book just started over but it ain't it's god let moses tell the people i've been with you every step of the way yeah you thought i didn't care and i fed you when there's no food yeah i want you to remember you thought there was no water your kids was going to dive thirst he said that was the rock that let the water yes he said that was me i'm telling you you thought that you was going to get defeated when that army come up from behind and was attacking the weaklings how was me that kept them off of you that was me yeah joshua you thought you won that battle but it was me i've been with you every step of the way and this is what he's doing through the whole book well it gives a little more deeper insight from god's viewpoint deuteronomy does exodus gives it more from man's viewpoint from moses this one god is stirring moses's mind meant to let him remember where god was and all this verse 26 and i sent messengers out of the wilderness of kedemoth unto shaihan king of heshbon with words of peace saying let me pass through thy land and i will go along by the highway i will neither turn unto the right hand nor to the left thou shalt sell me meat for money that i may eat and give me water for money that i may drink only i will pass through on my feet as the children of esau which dwell and seer and the moabites which dwell and are did unto me until i shall pass over jordan and to the land which the lord our god giveth us but zion king of heshbon would not let us pass by him for the lord thy guard hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate that he might deliver him into thy hand as appeareth this day i want you to pay attention to verse 31 and the lord said unto me as moses said behold this is what god said i have begun to give sihon and his land before thee begin to possess that thou mayest inherit the land then zion came out against us he and all his people defy that jedis and the lord our god delivered him before us and we smote him and his sons and all his people and we took all his cities at that time another destroyed lord tonight today lord i pray that you would help our church yes lord take this sermon lord already done no there's some people warring in a fight that don't need to be lord i pray god that you would help them to get into the right fight yes lord i pray god that you would love on us today lord help our young people to to want more than just last night god help me to walk more than just last night yes in jesus name we pray amen amen sometimes in the christian life now listen christian i want to talk just to you lost if you're lost here this morning if you never have been saved you need to be safe let me say that again if you're lost here this morning if you never bent your knee if you've never bent your pride and said lord i'm a sinner please forgive me of my sin save me by your grace ain't got to be them exact words save me lord i'm trusting in what you've done on the cross of calvary maybe you just said lord please save me i don't want to go to hell just save me if you've never done that you need to be saved but i want to talk to this morning to the church that's the saved people the ones that's been born again the one that knows god resides in them the ones that wants to walk with god and talk with god the ones that just ain't satisfied with just being saved they want that victorious life that brother chuck talked about this morning they want more from god they want a fresh vision that's who i want to talk to this morning i'm talking about the ones that wants to know god you'll trade out everything from behind that i may win christ philippians i'm talking to that group this morning and maybe for the rest of y'all that really don't have a hunger for god you're saved and that's all you want i just want to miss hell that's all i want i hope today helps you to want more yeah i want you to understand this there are some things that you go through in this life that's gonna look like little nations little enemies popping up all around you and you think in your mind i got to defeat them i got to whoop up on them i got to show them that god's real i got to beat them down that i might have victory i'm going to show you some things in the bible first thing i want you to do is look back at verse 31. he's saying to israel i have begun i have begun to give let's stop right there don't even go to the rest of that verse yet god's telling you if you're a christian that's walking a closer walk with god i just have begun to give you think you caught it all when you got saved god's saying man i just gave you salvation i just gave you the holy spirit i just gave you life and life more abundant i just gave you hope i just gave you joy i just got your help and you think man there's what else can god do i mean look at all that he gave jesus says i just begun to give amen they've been to the red sea ah 40 years ago the blood was applied 40 years ago god's led them and fed them and clothed them and blessed him and their shoes didn't wear out and here he says to him 40 years later i've just begun to give amen amen but now look at that next phrase because that's what i'm trying to get to this morning that's what the lord's trying to get to he said i have begun to give let's leave the rest of it because you're not fighting zion this morning you're fighting something else so the next part of that phrase is let me read it because i don't want you to miss it begin to possess now there's where the problem is brother tim god is standing there god is standing there and i'm going to make it to where we can get it this morning with all the blessings of god with another with another blessing and he's standing there like this i've begun to give yeah but that's what the church is doing brother tim he said give me a moment he says i have begun to give but you've got to take it yeah it's just like kind of the way you got saved he handed it out there he put it out there you wasn't looking for him that night but he come by your way and i said and he's going like this i know you didn't come looking for me you come to look at that little band and go oh over them and and you come for that he said but i'm trying to tell you that i've got something i want to give you and he hands it out there like that people will get up and slap god's hand and walk it away and i'm trying to tell you in this life after you're saved brother chuck you done mentioned it tonight but god still wanting to bless you more and more and more he has just got started blessing you you're not going to get to the end of his barrel amen it ain't like to win widow's barrel with just a little bit in it god's barrel is all the way to the top but the problem is you keep scooping but it never ends it stays at the top it's the opposite of the widow's barrel then the problem is church just won't get you know why we're too busy fighting things we not we're not supposed to be fighting that's right i want you to back up in the chapter this is what the lord showed me this morning to tell somebody in the house of god this morning i want you to look back at verse uh let's start off in verse one then we turned and took our journey into the wilderness by the red sea by of the red sea as the lord spake unto me and we come compassed mount seared many days and the lord spake unto me saying this is moses ah and so god says this to moses i have compassed uh this mountain long enough you ye have come past this mountain long enough turn you northward and command thou the people saying get this now ye are to pass through the coast of your brethren the children of esau and dwell in which dwell and seer and they shall be afraid of you take ye good heed unto yourselves therefore meddle not with them for i will not give you of their land no not so much as a footprint because i have given mounts here unto esau for a possession now if you look back and you look at esau esau was a selfish man born of a righteous man and a righteous mama and the firstborn he had the birthright of that family he was the first poor son he was from a family that knew god that walked with man man he was abraham wasn't his grandpa isaac was his daddy man he was a man's man too he knew how to hunt how to fish how to keep cattle man he knew how to trail a deer he knew how to how to find the best fish in hope uh he knew how to do but i'm telling you he traded out god for a bowl of soup yeah he's the bible says that he despised his birthright i despise my mom and daddy telling me i have to go to church i despise them making me pray i despise them making me read my bible i despise what they keep telling me i'm the oldest and i need to act like the oldest i need to act like a child of god i need to act like i'm supposed to act i'm supposed to be the plot respect my elders i'm tired of it i despise my birthright so him and jacob split up ways esau become a company a man that i started serving other gods well ain't that who we're supposed to convict ain't that who we're supposed to fight and go after and ain't that supposed to be them that we're supposed to show that they're living in sin god said don't meddle with them i don't bother them i don't mess with them don't marry them don't get around them don't let them be your friend don't you fight them because i'm not going to give you nothing that they have nothing but that's the group well we want to go straight now that's the group we want to go fit how dare you trade out god how dare you get away from what god has blessed you with how dare you god says uh-uh don't you fight that you can fight that all day long but you ain't gonna get nothing they got all you're gonna do is get defeated and get war out and get nothing right you won't get no blessings you won't get no victory you won't get nothing matter of fact i'll help them fight you to defeat you won't you just walk on through their land he said there's a reason why i got them there and he said one of the reason is is your family's gonna get hungry uh your family's gonna get thirsty and he said i got him there that you might buy some meat that you might buy some water but that's all you get for them and you make sure you pay for it and you keep watching don't you try to get that man don't you try to get what ain't yours you keep marching but man will frail beat and beat ourselves half to death trying to get victory in a place where god does not want you to have no victory there let me move on i want you to look at verse 9. so they passed through there and the lord said now you're going to come and to the moabites verse 9. yeah and the lord said unto me distress not the moabites the stress do not give them anxiety do not give them sorrow do not give them pain neither contend with them content cause uh to uh don't contend with them in battle in other words don't fight don't cause a fight don't strive in a debate don't struggle or strive for you'll get around some of them moabites now this moabite family if you know anything about them it's the law he ha he god got him out of uh what's the country they from help me there solomon saw he was living in sodom god was fixed and destroyed god got him out of there and they went into a mountain part and the daughters his two daughters the oldest one said i'll lay with daddy this night you lay with daddy the next because there's no other man around and we will have to have children under our daddy and so the these molar pots is uh from the oldest daughter of lot what a messed up family yeah god said don't you distress them don't you cause them no anxiety don't you cause them no problems don't you go contend with them don't you start a fight don't you get in the pace man there's so many times we get around a moabite in this world they don't care about god they don't want god they're worshiping all their other gods just like they are uh they're doing their thing and god said don't get any bait with them and we'll stand for days and days and try to debate the bible with them we'll try to get in there and bring them under conviction and they'll laugh at you and walk at you and play around with your mind and get you all troubled up instead of getting them saved they'll wear you out where you down want you to give up that god's not going to save none of them god said leave them alone i'm not going to give you no land i'm not going to give you no victory there i'll leave them alone and march on and that'll be the only thing you think about i can't believe they said that about my bible and so for the next three weeks you'll spend time having to learn how to defeat their little belief instead of drawing closer to god instead of getting nearer to him instead of seeing god moving your life instead of god using you to save somebody else instead of god helping you you sat out there and consumed yourself how you can defeat them at the next debate god ain't in it no yeah you're right bro amen and move on down look at verse 19. when you pass on you're out of the land of moab when they'll come us now over against the children of ammon now ammon is the brother i mean the cousin of moab this is the younger daughter's family oh what a messed up family he said when you come to these folks he said you distress them not nor meddle with them for i will not give thee of the land of the children or amen any to possess but because i have given it unto the children a lot for possession and so it goes back to the same thing don't distress them doesn't mean you don't be rude don't be crude give them the bible if you if the lord tells you to witness to them if the lord tells you to but if they don't mow on it march on don't sit there and meddle in it don't sit there and distress them you give it to them you march on don't get in the fight with them don't get an argument with them you march on now listen that's god telling them not to fight in three different nations don't even fight i won't be with you when you do i won't bless it when you do and you're not going to get victory if you decide to do it you will wind up in defeat and you know what us christians doing nowadays we try to argue about every denomination out there we try to prove we spend more time trying to prove our bible right we spend more time trying to prove our doctrinal right can i tell you this without hurting your feelings god's not into your doctrine as big as you think he is [Music] come on did paul tell timothy to teach the doctrine be instant in season now yes he did but some of us that's all we want to do is prove we're right and make somebody else wrong yeah so that we can walk away i'm right and if that's all you want is to prove that you're right you aren't right in the right doctrine amen and so you walk around and the only time you feel like a christian the only time you feel like you've done something right the only time you feel that i've done something christian-y is when you defeat somebody else that's a sad christian life right there that's a sad christian life hey i'm glad for everybody that's listening at home i had another state i'm glad everybody here in the church that i believe in a king james bible i'm glad that i believe that i'm sealed by the holy spirit i'm glad that i believe in the rapture of jesus christ i'm glad that i believe that i'm riding the white horse on the second coming i'll be following the lord boy i'll be i'm i believe that there's a millennial reign i thank god for it i think god that there is a tribulation period it's going to last seven years i'm thankful for that man i'm thankful for that but can i tell you that if if if i'm not in the will of god and if all i do is get caught up into my beliefs into my doctrine and i can't follow the will of god in my life i've missed it god is gonna let israel fight these other nations that we just mentioned he just didn't want them called up right then but here we are now he's done been through three places that could have took all your time to war against and he's trying to take him to the land of promise the victorious life and he's trying to get them through the three nations don't file we're on our way to the victorious life and they don't understand it yet they walk through it why aren't we taking this land this beautiful land man we can get it and really use it in the church man we could get it and people might be saved might be changing man we might this we might that and god's saying no it then it's not right you understand even if you think it's right go study your bible paul leaves the antiochus syria and he starts moving up north on his second missionary trip and god's moving or moving him to where he wants him to go and so uh paul he's going straight to the next country and he's fixing to start preaching and he's going to say and god and the holy ghost says no not here what but doesn't be saved not here and not today move on paul being a man that wants to follow the will of god said okay god and so he starts walking to the next nation and he gets up there and he's ready to preach to word and he said the one who was um true and the holy spirit says no no i want you here neither so he moves over to the mediterranean sea and he's sitting there and saying god you wouldn't let me go into one country and preach the word god said yep but god don't they need to be saved yep well then why didn't he let me preach it not now they're not ready they're not ready well god i went to the next you told me no not ready i'm now i'm sitting here on the side of the mediterranean sea i don't know what to do i don't know where to go y'all said just stay right there yeah amen hang on amen that night paul fell asleep got a vision yeah somebody over there in macedonia calling him we need help paul god said that's where i want you amen and he went and he won a lot of folks in the town can i tell you he says not these don't fight over them yet we're going to fight them later but not today but now this is who i want you to fight am i right i want you to fight science and i want you to find a dog they're going to be big people their bed's going to be almost 13 foot long and six foot wide what a mountain of a man makes brother donald look little like a 13 foot long is his bed and i want you to fight him i'd rather fight moab and you know that's who we always want to fight as somebody we think we can win and you know why because you're more worried about winning than you are following god amen amen scion the king now this is something i studied yesterday lives in heshban heshban literally means uh with uh intelligence intelligence and thinking you know what they had to destroy first their own intelligence and their own thinking oh yeah see brother ben you think you got food god figured out you think i can win here and i can i'll lose here i'll fight there i won't fight there i'll send this many i'll send that many out i'll test it there tesla god said i don't want you to go by your thinking because your ways ain't my ways your thoughts ain't my thoughts i want you to fight when i tell you to fight where to fight and not backing up that's got to go down first your intelligence your thinking's got to go down first if you go over to israel right now i learned this yesterday and you eat at a restaurant and you sit and you get down to the boy you love the food you gain 40 pounds and you get down you don't say in israel give me the bill please you say give me the heshvan so they right out the hitch behind and you gotta sit there with your thinking and say now how am i gonna pay this 542 deal yeah why did you order that woman i should have stopped at two kids instead of having nine yeah lee what a bill and so you pull out with your own thinking you pull out your wallet you go let's see we ain't got enough cash there i'm probably gonna have to pay for my critical but george how much money you got we gotta pay this bill and you start trying to figure and think that you're gonna pay your bills your hedge fund god says i that's got to be destroyed i'm going to pay for it amen i'm going to pay that bill i'm going to handle it and you're going to get victory and you're going to walk away fed happy but you know what the problem is you're still fighting them other nations you ain't supposed to be fighting yeah now here's the message this morning then we're done i'm coming to this side i don't know why somebody over here is in a fight that they don't need to be in i don't know who it is brother i don't know if it's a sister y'all ain't told me but somebody's in a fight that they're not supposed to be you won't stand up for god because you see your inabilities and you're trying to defeat your inabilities you can't win that fight right now you can't win that fight tim said last night the day that you asked the lord to save you you didn't get it right but he did yeah you mean [Music] when you pray and ask god to forgive you there's some sins you leave out but he don't amen there's some of y'all that's in a fight and you're trying to get victory over sin before you're going to give it all to god they some of y'all preachers talking to preachers uh you think that you won't never be a good preacher because you don't know enough you'll never know enough that's right you're in a fight that you're not gonna win same thing with the teachers some of y'all are fighting some spiritual things god never intended you to fight some of y'all are fighting your family members and god never intended for you to fight that family member some of you are fighting people at work leave them alone quit fighting them that's not the fight god put you in amen i tell you a fight brother that you need to be in and that's spotting yourself that's keeping you from god yeah anything that gets in front of you and tries to fight you from knowing god and giving time to god just quit fighting it and go after god we spend so much time trying to get ourselves right so that we can get their god that we miss god get to god and let him take care of your enemies he said i'll fight this fight for you you can't do it get to god man get to god quit worrying about that sin that so easily beset you quit worrying about them things in your life ah the thing that's going to help your family is for you to get to god you're in a war and you're losing it and you can and we can tell it y'all know when i when i'm defeated i've been in a fight that i shouldn't have been in so i don't see the victories no more i see the defeats and it's all because we've been into something and here's god messiah in the place of victory and he says man i've just begun to give but man why don't you rise up and possess it why don't you rise up and take it oh why don't you rise up and go after it why don't you rise up and take it out of my hand why don't you have faith and march on by faith able and by faith abraham about faith sarah by faith that's how they did it it was by faith and getting up and doing and they didn't try to get it right and they didn't know where they was going they didn't know how they was going to get there but god told them so they got up and did [Applause] young people over there your age god was dealing with me at 16 to preach and i seen all the negative things and so i fought against it and i lost i walked away from it because i knew that i couldn't do it i couldn't do it i do i couldn't so man i walked away and lost that fight because i was fighting something i wasn't supposed to be fighting would you please stand um this is it i was somebody i had my mind more on what god was telling me to say i'm sorry so next time just figure me out might take some years my wife's still ain't figuring out god never intended you to be a king in this life [Music] so quit trying to get it god never intended carson for you to be a king in this life he intended you to be a servant he's made you a point he's made you good [Music] he's made you that so you don't have to fight for him what we got to learn to do is just to be his servant and if he says go over there and fight then we go 105. he says don't fight over there then don't move you know what your real fight is learning to be a servant [Music] and somebody on this side can't get away from it i don't know if it's in the back i don't know if it's in front but you're fighting things you ought to be fighting trust god it's a hard thing to do on everything around the sinks to be battle [Music] you're defeated your face shows defeat your eyes has got no life your hands has got no victory no strength and all you got is i'm saved and i'm trying to defeat this person i'm not supposed to or my battle but i'm not supposed to be fighting and that's all you got won't you come down and say god i'm losing i've been into something i've not been in help me to just get back to you yeah if i just get back to you i fight to trade all them things behind me that i might win said that ain't happening that ain't happening so i know how you think i was a church member longer than i was a preacher i want to read my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his mind put on the whole armor of god yes that you might be able to stand against the wiles of the devil here goes for we wrestle not against flesh and blood we're fighting principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness it's a spiritual fight and we're more worried about winning an argument at work [Music] to follow jesus no turning back and he said in deuteronomy chapter 2 he said we won't turn to the right and we won't turn to the left [Music] no turning to the right [Music] when he [Music] lord this morning god i know i know this message for somebody lord i know nobody moved in the altar call that's fine lord may they get some help may they get out of the fight that they bore their self out with and they've gained no ground [Music] lord let them back let them up of you lord that they might have peace they might have joy yes and they might be on their way to the victorious life help us lord today in jesus name we pray amen amen
Channel: Calvary Baptist Church Trenton GA
Views: 9
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: 3OOjcISN_Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 24sec (4584 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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