March 27, 2021 - Youth Rally - Bro. Mark Stroud

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all right let's go ahead and get started first of all i just want to tell everybody thank you for coming i really appreciate the turnout we have knocked on doors we've put flyers out we've made phone calls and now it's all come down to now now it's just up to what the lord wants to do so i hope you come here with your hearts and your minds open wanting to see something from god not from each other not from anybody just come seek in the lord and see what he can do for you individually but we're going to have a word of prayer brother mark you can start this way we're gonna have a word of prayer to get started we'll open up a prayer but anybody that can and will i understand if you're nervous you don't want to that's fine but if you can and will if y'all come get around the halter and we'll open this thing up the right way we'll ask god to meet with us because if if we don't have the lord in the middle of this it's just a bunch of people under a roof so let's ask god to come meet with us and let him do what he wants to do and have his way yeah but brother mars is going to lead us in prayer and open this thing up y'all let me go ahead and say this before i forget to say it because i will if you need restrooms during this meeting ladies just straight through this door go all the way straight ahead you'll run right into it men not straight through this door straight ahead you run into it there's also a restroom in the crowd room there right there just out them double doors and to the left you'll find a restroom there if you need it but brother mark you'll come just leave some prayer let us pray father we love you tonight we thank you for your blessings lord thank you lord for the opportunity but you've given us to be in the house of god again father i'm not worthy lord god to be here but god i'm glad thank you thank you lord that you allow us to come gather together father once again the people of god that we could lord meet together under the roof of a house of god that you would allow us to be able to hear the preaching of the word of god tonight hear the songs of zion father tonight lord without the presence of god lord it's all in vain i pray god tonight lord you'll move in you'll meet with us father you'll help us lord i pray god tonight you unctionize the preaching get great liberty tonight father but most of all i pray y'all tonight lord that you'll do a work in the hearts father those that are here those that are lost and undone lord that are lost and going to heal i pray that you deal with their hearts tonight i pray god should convict them i pray the holy ghost of god walk the owls and how the lord begin to work on the hearts of those that are here tonight that need to do business with you some may be back sleeping away from you god tonight lord i pray god that then come hi lord to an altar and repent father tonight lord i pray god should help us to draw close to you father we need you tonight lord we don't want just another medium but god we want you father we don't need just another time together but god we need you father tonight lord what a generation we're in oh father what an hour lord we're in but god hi lord have you come and lord you'd help us lord we're asking you to help us and revive us father my lord we want revival tonight lord i know in my heart tonight lord you know what i desire my lord you know i desire father that you do something for me lord help me tonight i pray god tonight lord you to help each other i pray to help brother tim as he moderates the meaning i pray lord you bless every song that sung i pray god should help every every uh a musician and every singer lord god that sings i pray to you touch every preacher that stands i practice you get brother mark out of liberty and um preaching our holy ghost father tonight god have your will we need you tonight father i praise you to help us tonight we love you and we thank you in jesus name we pray amen all right thank you brother lamar thank you very much congregational singing y'all let me just tell you real quick why we're doing this it's just what's been on my mind all day this lord's been dealing with me talking to me just the one thing's been on my mind y'all i keep thinking of nehemiah the condition of our world now lord people the condition of our world of christianity and our nation and our community and our homes all that though it's in bad shape it's in bad shape i i know you don't you don't have to look around hard to see but here's the thing has it broke your heart has it bothered you do you want to fix it i talked with young people wednesday night and i said do you see the condition do you know how bad it is they all said yes i said does it bother you does it break your heart do you want it to fix do you want it better and then if you do want it better you're going to ask god to use you to do something about it you know nehemiah didn't only just see the problem he didn't only know what the problem was it didn't only broke his heart but then he said god let me do something to fix it he fasted and prayed and he said send me i'll do it that's what we're looking for tonight this is set aside young people this meeting set aside for you this is a youth rally and rally you to get closer to god do something about it you know used to i used to hear preachers preach and say would there be any god in your house if it wasn't for your mom and daddy making it hey listen y'all here's your world now if there's gonna be any god in your house you're gonna have to take him there you're not gonna be able to wait on the ones ahead of you because some of us my generation we've backed off and we shouldn't have so y'all get a hold of god regardless if anybody else does or not you know when the lord i'll shut up a second but when the lord come down there to he was headed to heal uh jerry is his daughter but when he walked by that lady said he ain't passing me without me getting a hold of him getting what i need it ain't gonna happen so he may have come to trenton to bless somebody else tonight don't let him walk by get a hold of him get two hands full and hang on and i didn't let him go did i get what i need from god if you don't need it i know i do so get a hold of him when he shows up i know he'll show up he's done cut grass he's done weed eating we've done rick we don't been down there in the kitchen he's been here most of the day so you ain't got to wait on him to show up he's here but get a hold of him don't let don't waste this meeting one of the young people said you know what a youth rally is it's a time when we don't have to worry about the olders we can just do our thing amen then get at it tonight y'all don't sit there on you and hold back because of what somebody thinks or what somebody will say i promise somebody will talk about you they might as well talk about you because he's trying to do something for god all right while we're standing grab your church endlessly page 317 page 317 and let's do that his love lights the way for me y'all sing out don't hold back tonight all right page 317 is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is grab your book now get on your part here we go the pleasure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] amen remain standing let's see that page 346 i sure like this song that i know my name is written baby man i'm glad it's there it can't be taken out page 346. i know my name is there y'all doing good tonight my name is the name of jesus [Music] i know [Applause] [Music] my name [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise god it's never clear i know i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please try to [Music] my name is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh let's do that page page uh 130 right there i never shall forget the day oh yeah he saved me amen i remember where i was at amen south georgia folks from georgia people's baptist church i was my pastor at the time when i was seven years old and i was lost and i was headed to hell i was in need of a great savior amen i remember the night when i realized that i was i believe spurgeons did it this way i was a great sinner but yet i had a greater savior amen and i remember that day on wednesday we had chapel that day at the christian school and i remember when i fell under conviction amen i knew i was headed to hell and i knew i knew i i know that i needed him amen and i remember i waited that night till uh we had church that night at people's baptist church and i remember tugging on my dad's jacket that whole night uh begging if i could go right now and get saved amen and i remember that night when the preacher got done preaching i stepped down and i remember i walked down there and i'll be honest with you to this day i don't really remember all the things that i said but i remember [Applause] but you'll have a place amen you'll remember i i remember just about every time that god's ever met with me i remember those times and i remember i climbed off down here it was on this side and there was a little old pie pine altar right there i remember my dad was there weeping openly and i remember calling out and god saving me that night i remember walking around the other side over this side of the church and there was a dear man back here by the name of brother peter jury i remember i walked back to that man and i want to tell him that god done something for me you can't you help me may i say tonight that if you'll ever let god do something for you you'll have to tell somebody about it i remember i walked on by and i had to tell them that god saved me i don't believe it that night like it did be but it done something for me the next day i went to the christian school and guess what i wanted to tell them to a man when god saved me now let's see like we needed i know there we got visitors here tonight and we don't know who's sitting beside us or in front of us didn't do what's good we just set aside and just chuck those things up i didn't come to look at you this evening but i come to see him amen i didn't come so much to hear my pastor preach but i come to hear him amen and let's sing like we made it like god really did say this amen hey we're just not going to hell i mean it ain't like when he got nothing to shout about that man how much does god got to do for you tonight you finally go yes lord you are worthy to be praised amen listen to brother jacob preached the other day and he talked about that word appraisal that appraisal he said it means that it's putting the price tag on something amen about you praising him tonight you're putting a price tag and may i say i'll go ahead and tell you uh uh there ain't enough money in all the world to put a price tag on how good and how blessed he is tonight all right let's see that page 130 and this time let's sing it like we've made it i never shall forget that day all right all right here we go now long years ago [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i never said [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] 1994 right over here little church i was leaving on the back doors i was leaving i was leaving service once again i made it through it again i'm done i'm gone and then i started to step off that back porch and i feel like god said that step if you don't take me now you'll not get another chance hey listen today i can tell you if i left that had been it for me i believe god don't tell me he ain't gonna lie to me so he told me if i had a left that'd have been it thank god i turned around i went back to an altar by myself i got down crying begging god for something that mama couldn't do daddy couldn't do it ain't no preacher there's already been a man back when i was nine years old come to me and he said would you like to be saved but he said it like this he said do you want to go to heaven i thought that's the dumbest question i've ever heard in my life why wouldn't i want to go to heaven so he said if you'll say this and he did the repeat after me thing so i thought i was good but when god come by that night and said and he spoke there was no doubt he wanted to save me so i went back in by myself but thank god when i got done praying there's a few guys done slip back in there with me and pray hey listen i've messed up since then he said all the burdens from my soul were rolled away if there's been any burden since then i'll put him there not god not the world he cleansed and cleared everything up and i can't get no more save than what i got saved that day he don't take it away it's stuck and he's been after me ever since then he called me to preach and i tried to say no i finally said yes first time i got my feelings hurt i decided i'd go back to saying no for a while hey i don't work if you're gonna say yes to god say yes to him and get in dig in don't be wimp like me dig in so tonight y'all if you're not saying hey this altar's been open since before we got here it'd be a good day to get saved i promise that's the first thing he wants to do and he'll deal with your heart and ask you to do it tonight yo this is all about i just want you to obey god and the other thing young people that's on my mind bothering me bad i know things are tough but i want you to understand something if they ain't nobody if you can't find nobody high or low there's a church in dade county in trenton georgia that loves you wants to put you closer to god wants you to get you saved wants to show you the right way and we're human and we'll mess up but hey listen we love you god loves you more than we'll ever love you get to know him get close to him all right well i'm thankful brother mark's trying to come and preach to us brother i mean i listen to him when i'm old grass when i walk i'm thankful for all that but you know what's even better when god speaks to you it'll be better than any preacher so if you open up listen tonight he'll let you right right now what we're gonna do though brother noah i'm coming this way please brother noah's gonna come he's gonna share a few minutes with us y'all y'all listen to him open your hearts and ears open your bibles get in with him amen thank you for being here amen thank you for the great honor and great privilege that it is to be in the lord's house to see then take your bibles and turn to uh malachi chapter number three verse number six a very familiar passage of scripture and i don't want to keep you too long i've got 10 minutes so praise the lord take your bibles from the malachi chapter number three in verse malachi chapter number three verse number 16 or verse number six sorry very very nervous and it caught me off guard but thank the lord that it's a great honor great privilege that it is to preach his word i am so unworthy to be able to preach but i want to thank the lord for saving my soul at seven years old yeah and i'll never forget the day but i never malachi chapter number three verse number six it says for i am the lord and i change not that's enough to praise him for a million years for i am the lord can i change not therefore he sons of jacob who are not consumed let us pray our dear heavenly father lord god we come to you and pray god i want to thank you lord for the good day thank you for what you've done think of what you're going to do god and i pray that you please have every preacher that stands behind the sacred desk god i pray that you please lord god moving the lives in the hearts of your people god in jesus name i do pray amen and amen being from brother uh gravely bible college i got to spend a couple times with our brother blue and his big rule was when a preacher gives you a time limit like this certain time ten minutes was to shut it down at nine so praise the lord i'm gonna try to shut it down in nine minutes so we see malachi chapter number three i want to give you a couple of things you see the person in malachi chapter 3 says for i am the lord and i've already said it but that is enough to praise him it doesn't say muhammad is the lord it says for i am the lord and i change notice we see the person we see the promise i change not that's the promise we can lean upon i'm telling you we can't lean upon much in this world we can take his blessed word and land upon we can live [Applause] the promise and the purpose therefore ye sons of jacob who are not consumed and here's the message his beautiful way to heaven will not change i want to give you three things his beautiful way to heaven will not change the path to heaven is simple salvation is simple in this damn time we've got a lot of people trying to twist it and they're trying to repeat it for after me as the brother said but it comes through holy ghost conviction only he'll put holy ghost conviction upon your life and upon your sins i i wouldn't give you two sins for salvation and this may teach the people all but i mean i will give you two sins for salvation that don't bring you on the church on sunday night i wouldn't trust that salvation my salvation gave me a desire to be in the house and i want to tell the lord thank you but salvation is simple but salvation is straight matthew chapter number seven verse number 14. take your bibles and turn around just for a minute matthew chapter number 7 verse number 14. matthew chapter 7 verse number 14 let me hurry up and get there matthew chapter 7 verse number 14. yes matthew chapter 7 verse number 14. matthew chapter i turn back matthew chapter 14 matthew chapter 7 verse number 14. it says because go straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads them to life and few there will be that fondness that verse right there just shocks me half the dead because when i got salvation i'm telling you and that's not only straight but it's small but when i received salvation i thought everybody wanted it i was for sure that everybody was going to receive it i mean it was just so good the the burden of sin just rolled off i thought everybody would have it but this verse right here tells us that this is small and not a whole lot of people want it this day and time they want to keep in their sins they want to keep to their pride but let me tell you let me tell you friend that it's not worth holding on to your sin it's not worth holding on to your pride but we see not only the pet to heaven uh the beautiful way to heaven will not change but we see his beloved handbook will not change psalms 119 verse number 89 we see that it is forever settled in let me tell you and i'm not talking about just any old him but i'm talking about the king james bible it's not a verse and it's the king james bible his word is precious his word is perfect let me tell you there's not an error this is infallible you can't find a corrupt thing in here my friend that may be something you don't agree with but either you change because this word will not change let me tell you it is a beautiful way to heaven his blessing him but when i change his word as pearson is what is a precious perfect his word is piercing it's like a two-edged sword brother sometimes i think that i'm right and then i go and read his word and i figure out that i'm not too right let me tell you that when it gets done piercing it pulls the oil healing my friend it just doesn't want to pierce you and leave you wounded but it wants to heal you but we said it is it's perfect it's piercing but lastly it is powerful let me tell you i don't know we get a whole lot of books but i can't tell you another book that's more powerful than this blessed word and god james bible but his beloved handbook will not change but let me tell you his blessed hope will not change he is coming back my friends too chapter number 13 let's turn there uh you don't have to but i will too titus chapter number two verse number 13. titus number 13. we see titus 2 13 it says looking for that blessed hope in the glorious appearing of the great god our savior jesus christ but his his blessed hope will not change for it is a glorious return it is a guaranteed return let me tell you that he says in john chapter 14 verse number three says i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there you may be also it is a guarantee return you can take it to the bank and that check will bounce from it he could turn back for you and me this world may be a dark and a dimming place you may look around and there's nothing but wickedness upon this world and it is but we can always look for that blessed hope that he is coming back it is a glorious return it is a guarantee return but it is a glad return let me tell you that we will be glad man you talked about a worship service down here you just wait [Music] image but god's rainbow means a promise let me tell you that rainbow we see half of it down here why don't you why don't you see half of it because the half has never been told but we get around the throne we'll see the whole regrowth because all the half will be told brother we'll see the whole rainbow and will seek god for god in his glory there'll be no vow between us for i will be worthy to be out there because i'll be like christ i have a christ like body let me tell you that it is going to be a glad return but for the sinner it's not going to be so glad you'll see all the saints dead in christ that shall rise and you'll be left behind let me tell you i'd hate to be left behind especially in this wicked ungodly world and you think it's wicked now it's for sure going to get even wicked or when satan takes the throne that's right let me tell you that you don't have to stay behind god intended he wants everybody to be saved that's why he's not coming back yet he's so merciful that he wants you to be born again you could be the last person for the body of christ to get saved well god we're gonna god's gonna shout with the voice of the archangel with the trump of god and the dead in christ show us first amendment and we withdraw live and remain we're going home friend we're gonna get out of here thank you brother hey thank you for that great preaching yeah hey that's what it's all about right there a young person wants to serve god they ain't a bit afraid you call him up here and he'll just get at it thank you i appreciate that uh we need to slow down just a minute i ain't trying to rush through this uh y'all come on up calvary youth hold up i think we need to sing our song i think we got plenty to be thankful i want to put our own spot this season we need to sing it all right bless the lord [Music] for making the sun to shine putting the stars [Music] [Music] i just want to thank [Music] you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] want to is you thank you [Music] you [Music] thank [Music] me you soul thank you [Music] yes all right [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] mercy is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] showers [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] blessings [Music] blessings [Music] hey [Music] hey everybody where's ben where are you bro man why don't you stand up tell us why i got us to do it right out there right out there is my little place i got saved i'll tell you what there's no other feeling like i was i was talking to a girl yesterday and she was talking to me i'm sure our family had grown up and they believed all their life that you had to work to get saved well i tell you what not through works but through jesus christ the longer you say [Music] and he came by in the same exact spot you were in except just a day earlier i was sitting there came over me with conviction and he told me i wasn't saved and i'm thankful i was able to get down her daughter and ask him to save me i thank god for saving me i would just like to thank god because i definitely didn't deserve it because i actively told people that he wasn't real and they were stupid for believing it and it was a fairy tale and then um and then tara over there invited me on a youth retreat and this guy wouldn't stop talking about him until i eventually started thinking well maybe it's true and then god kind of came into my heart and he was like you know i am here you're lying to yourself and i was like i can just make it through this i've made it through plenty of church services and then we got back to the to the church it was like the final test and i couldn't even tell you what preacher tim was preaching on it it was like background noise to just the conviction and i was just so bad yeah and then the um the service ended and i didn't think he knew i was an atheist but i guess he did because he he came up here and i was like just waiting for my ride and he was like you aren't saved are you and uh i was like well i guess not and he was like well why don't you get saved so i was too embarrassed to do it on a pew so my little spot is in the uh in the ladies sunday school room it's all right so he brought me back there and he saved me i i didn't want to mess it up and i got down to pray like two or three times and i was like no that one wasn't right and it was like just do it no it's like with that one i don't know what to say and i don't remember any of my prayers except i remember at the end i wasn't thinking and i said i love you to god after years and years of telling people there was no one there too hey hallelujah thank god hey let me ask you a question boys done said where's your little spot yeah yeah you got one he's sitting there right now these boys just did i warned him all week i said listen don't come to this youth route and not not be ready to stand up and say something if i call on me this time y'all started standing up doing some stuff so i promise i told them i'm gonna pick on some of you young boys but if you when them boys that's the young boy said that not me not brother tim not not brother mark them boys said here's my little spot where's yours immediately in your mind in your heart here's what god did when they said that he brought that spot back to your mind if you've got one that's what that's what the holy ghost did he brought it back to your mind if that wasn't a spot popped into your mind in your heart when that boy said that you ain't got one you need one that's a fantastic spot right there hey i'm putting on the parcel with this off there and i'll tell you why because one daughter got saved at this end nothing got saved about halfway so i think that's the best dog is anywhere yeah all right that's the thing probably i ain't gonna say more exciting when i gotta save myself but it's pretty close it's pretty close when i looked up that morning my oldest daughter got saved first she laid in her bed to drive all night because she wouldn't be safe at church but i told her just to tug on me well the next morning we're sitting right there where brother james is at and we're standing and she tugs on me so much i thought i was gonna lose an arm she about pulled it off so we come up here and prayed and she got saved well then my youngest daughter tara i've been begging god she first said i think i am and i thought no and the lord was letting me know no so i beg please don't let us cross into the new year without her getting saved well my birthday's in november she got saved in november that's a good month but i remember they were sitting on this side of church of me and christie's sitting on this side of the church and here come big sister with little sister walking and desiree said and now is the time here come tara and she begged god to save her and he did hey my whole family then i know for a fact we're all going to heaven y'all too they got something special about this god will do it for you but you got to want it you got to go after me if there's ever been a time when you ought to be wanting to be saved it's right now because he's coming back and he's coming back soon and the word he used was quickly yes so he's coming back so you better be ready uh brother mark i i really believe it's time for you to say something mark comes up listen young people how oh just to the young people if you're saved would you please stand just to the young people yeah you're too old boy all right i would like to just say something because a lot of it they talked about salvation and a lot of our young people's already saved but that spot that god gave you is so special that you got saved at that you don't never want to forget that spot back there in the ladies room the spot down here on this place yeah and the spot wherever you got saved that's good and i'll never forget it brother mark i really want right but i tell you i got more spots than with god than just that spot yes thank god there got a spot at calvary baptist church where god saved me down there in homeland georgia but can i tell you when god gave me a spot where he snuggled up against me let me know that he was still gone and that he loved me and that he wanted no that he desired for me to know him that spot becomes just as important has the spot right god got satan i'm thankful i'm thankful to that little spot two foot off to end where i asked the lord to save me but there's been spots where he snuggled up beside me in my bed at night on them long nights where i didn't know what was going on and i went down to that spot that he gave me that he was still there he was still caring about me i still love it on me i'm thankful to the spot where he come out my way and he said i know you're mine and i know you know me now but now i want you to preach i want you to do something for me i'm thankful for that spot i'm telling you young people what i'm trying to tell you tonight be thankful for that spot where you got saved but be looking for that other spot oh god's wanting to meet with you again and again and mark that spot mark it in your life and don't ever forget it and god's wanting you tonight you say god don't want me i'm just a girl he don't call girls to preach and he don't what he wants is some girl to come with their why don't you come find the lord oh where he's at break open your box man mark them kids young people learn learn that there's more spots that you can have with god than just salvation amen amen i am convinced that we're raising a bunch of young people that all they got is salvation holy they don't know how that relationship that they can have with god they don't know that closeness they don't know that still small they don't know that touch in the midnight hour how they just know they're saved i'm thankful for that but man i want y'all to know your pastor's wanting you to know him i want you to know him i want you to know him hey y'all listen pay attention open open up and listen brother mark's going to preach i promise you he's going to breathe to you but y'all listen and respond because god speaks to your heart listen for god and respond when god speaks to you all right if you've got your bible open it within the book of luke chapter number 24 echo what brother tim has just said it'd be ashamed just to get saved and that's as far as you ever go yeah come on preacher i ain't never got over getting saved amen everything i've enjoyed since getting saved has just made the salvation part that much better i didn't know everything and i still don't know when i got saved but the more that i go with him and the more that i learned about what he did to me my soul it gives me some water i'm like brother team i got a lot of spots i can tell you where god fill me with a holy ghost and i know you get saved don't get we're don't get nervous right there you're gonna get saved god comes and dwells but i remember when he became when he with the spirit of god filled my heart and it was never the same after that i'm not talking about a second blessing man i'm i'm in the hundreds of the blessings second blessing amen and i tell you what i can tell you where god's told me some things god's given some place he's given his word to go with those places and i'd say those those spots will change your life amen you have you may not have a plethora a lot of them but i tell you the ones that god puts in you he gives you those special places it'll change your life and you'll never be the same and i appreciate that no i appreciate the preaching son that was good yeah a day where people are changing day when our world is changing right david ministries are changing day when preachers are changing day when the bible not the word of god but bibles are changing yeah i'm glad there's something the bible said in james one neither is there any shadow of turning in him i'm glad he's the same yes he is i ain't got to worry about if he's having a good day or a bad day i don't have to worry about it somebody hurt his feelings or didn't hurt his feelings i'm glad every time i get to it he's the very same yes luke chapter number 24 thank you for the opportunity stand their feet you find your place brother tim thank you for the opportunity to be here with tim richard i love you i'll say to the folks here calvary i love your pastor and i love his wife and i love his children and i love his grandchildren yeah and uh it's a joy for us to be here i was coming up the road to icebreak jacob i said i said they have been there about five years about four i guess uh it's amazing just how quickly time passes and it's good to see this number in the choir and singing to this member of the church tonight and you asked the lord to help me god give me strength luke chapter number 24 i want to begin reading in verse number 13. the bible said and behold two of them went that same day to a village called emmaus which was from jerusalem about three score for laws they talked together of all these things which had happened it came to pass that while they commune together and reason jesus himself drew near he's about to give them a spot praise god amen not a salvation spot either this is another one that's right jesus himself drew near and went with them but their eyes were holding that they should not know him and he said unto thee on what manner of communications are these that you have one to another as you walk and are sad one of them whose name was what was his name was cleophas i believe i can take the word of god and show you this is a husband and a wife amen this is cleophas and mary the wife of cleophas answering sinner them art now only a stranger in jerusalem has not known these things which are come to pass in these days he said unto them what things and they said unto him concerning jesus of nazareth which was a prophet mighty indeed and word before god and all the people how that she preached and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and crucified him but we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed israel beside all this today is the third day since these things were done yay and certain women also of our company made us astonish which were early at the sepulcher they found not his body they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels which said that he was alive certain of them which were with us went to the sepulcher and found it even so as the women had said but they saw him not then he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not christ who have suffered these things and to enter into them enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself they drew nigh unto the village which whether they went and he made as though he would have gone further but they constrained him saying abide with us for it is toward evening and the day is far spent and he went in to tarry with the um it came to pass as he said it meet with him he took bread he blessed it and he break and gave to them and their eyes were open yeah and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight the bible said in verse number 32 they said one to another did our heart not burn within us why while he taught or did our not our heartburn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures you cannot be seated i want you to notice verse number 32 the bible said they said one to another did not our heart burn within us while they talked with us by the way and while they opened to us the scriptures i want to take verse number 32 it's my text i want to preach on this thought to you tonight our young people and older ones alike on this thought it always makes a difference when jesus passes by yeah it always makes a difference when jesus had passes by when you walk into luke chapter number 24 we find ourselves in a time where the son of god had been crucified hadn't he been buried and now it is the third day it was the third day since the son of god had died and they had placed it in joseph's new tomb and here we have a husband and wife but they're making their way home from emmaus uh they're making their own just a short journey from jerusalem about a seven mile journey from jerusalem to omega and they're making their way home and instead of walking down the road with their hands in the air thanks to the walking down the road with joy in there a soul i hate instead of walking down the road with a spring in their step i can imagine them walking away from jerusalem but their heads are bound of their spirits alone and their heart is broken up because what should have been the very thing other than it caused them to rejoice and wants you to be the very thing that should have put a joy in their soul and praise on their lips i was now the very thing that was caused their doubt of the lord meant it to be the foundation of their hope of the lord meant it to mean the foundation of their walk but now what he meant for good have they caused himself to find their self in a place of doubt and then cause their find their self in a place of despair and god didn't intend it that way but they had walked away from jerusalem with a broken heart i wondered who in here to my god has allowed things to come in your heart other than meant to be something that would cause you to have joy and cause you to have strength and cause you to have praise in your heart but tonight you ain't coming to this meeting and you didn't come with joy hate you didn't come with lifted hands and you didn't come with praise in your heart how but your heart's full of doubt and your hearts full of despair how can i tell you if the lord would come by for a little while tonight but you could end up like a diverse dude you don't have to walk without and you don't have to walk with despair but god can give you joy in your heart yes notice verse 21 the bible said in verse number 31 today is the third day and that statement because it was the third day they should have been rejoicing they should have been rejoicing on that statement right and i say to you both the written word in both the living word a city would rise on the third day but their heart was half with half faith and they had a heart half full of doubt but they knew it was uh today is the third day oh notice what your bible said verse 21 he said but we trusted yeah but we trust him right there about jacob we see their faith they say we trusted we trusted him but when they make the statement today is the third day that it's not a statement of hope that is not a statement of faith but that is a statement of doubt you say why are you saying that i'm telling you they see and they've heard what the lord had to say but they heard what the written word of god had to say or that he would be in the belly the earth three days as jonah i was in the belly of the whale so shall the son of god be in the hot belly of the earth and they had heard what the written word had to say and they heard what the living word had to say and you think man if they had heard that roll off the very lips of the incarnate god of heaven but surely they wouldn't find their self in doubt but the problem were they were struggling between what they had heard and what they were seeing notice your bible look at verse number 24 they trusted what they heard but the bible said but him they saw not yeah can i tell you why the emails too were kicking the rocks down the road can i tell you why their heart was broken their shoulders were bearing and their soul was buried because yes they had heard the lord say today i'm going on the third day i will arise but listen the problem was they hadn't seen him yet and can i tell you young people some of the greatest struggles all you'll ever have in your christian world is when you know what god said and you've heard what the preachers preached to you but for some reason you just can't see it right now and some reason you have been god's not revealed it to you and what you'll find is that will breed a heart a full of a heart health full of faith and a heart hath full of doubt but can i tell you the problem was but they had their facts right but they had drawn the wrong conclusion they knew that it was the third day but they knew the timeline said that or that the son of god would resurrect on the third day but they knew that god had promised that but they thought because they had not seen that but that it had not been done how can i tell you god does more behind the scenes that you and i have never seen how they will ever lay our hands on that and we'll never lay our eyes on that of god help us not but we don't see it come to pass just like the way we think it ought to that does not mean god is at work in your life that little woman at the whale john four yeah she looked and said man that has nothing to draw with and the whale is me oh she had her facts right yeah but then she made the wrong conclusion she said whence the hell hashtag living water he wasn't going to get living water out of that well water he had was out of another way can i say you a lot of times you'll get your facts right but if you're not careful you'll draw the wrong conclusion yes you'll draw the wrong conclusion can i say it this way brother tim tonight i believe we've got churches full of emmaus christians yeah yes sir come on preacher yes sir they've heard what he said all right they've read what he said and they trusted yeah but they ain't seen it like they want to see it so they've got a heart full of that amen there's some that are more active other son will willingly admit it they'll come to an altar with their head bowed and their shoulders low with tears dripping off their face and they will admit uh that they are amazed christians but they were admitted that their heart is burned under oh they will admit their hearts full of doubt of their hearts full of despondency and there's others that are just too proud to admit the truth that they are disappointed and can i say it this way they're too proud to admit that they're disappointed i'm not with the lord but with their experience of the law that's right i wonder how many young people tonight with everything that's going on in the last year next sunday well brother jacob last sunday or didn't know it's tomorrow tomorrow would have been the first or the third the third week in march would have been the first sunday we went to live stream and then the next week we did a live stream and then the first week of april we went outside i wonder how many youngers are sitting here you trusted you got bored again you got under conviction and you got saved you heard but it ain't just turned out just like you thought it was gonna turn out you're not seeing everything that you want to see and instead of hope tonight instead of joy in your heart you've got a heart full of we trusted and a heart full of today's the third day yeah yeah i wonder in the last year with all of the youth meetings being gone and all the youth camps being gone yeah and all the special times at the youth retreat to the youth trips and and the church being different let's just be honest everybody in here might as well shake your head yes church has been different that's right i'm a man for four months we stayed in the parking lot because really of a building not necessarily a covey and i remember back in the summer we had our summer revival about wednesday night i walked to the pulpit and i said listen i i mean we were back in the church been about to be church about two weeks and i walked back to pulpit and i said i'm not fussing at you and i'm not trying to be ugly i said but listen out there in the parking lot for four months so i said we got accustomed to watching church happen we got a custom to seeing it from a distance and we could hear each other sing and we couldn't hear each other testify and there wasn't a great place to come and buy now i i said but we've got to get out of that habit of watching church we have no excuse but we're in a new building thank god the lord's helped us and spared us up from the virus i said but somehow or another and some way or another we're going to have to get back under heaven church again can i tell you i watched it our adults had come back without watching the hearts of our young folks but they didn't do it by rebellion brother lamar but they didn't go out to the bars and they didn't go out dancing and drinking up with a distance was created in their heart they didn't get to sing in the youth choir we didn't get to have camp we didn't get out the winter meeting and what's happened is they trusted but but they've not seen they trusted and they turned out just like they said it was and god help us many might be in that place tonight and you won't want anybody else to know but you don't want anybody else to know that your walt's not flourishing but so you keep singing and you keep coming to church that because you don't want anybody to know that you're working that i'm with a foreign without any force behind right come on amen some of these folks they say words and sing songs but they're like water fountain when water gushes out of it they never taste the water oh yeah yeah they're living in the bitterness of romans 7 instead of the blessedness of romans 8 yeah amen can i tell y'all something this christianity we believe in is one that you can lace up in boot leather and live it's not just some fantasy it's not just some emotional ecstasy but i'm talking about when it's hard yeah you can lacer up yeah and play all the feet and when your heart's broken you can walk home and when you're sad you can praise all and when it's hard you can preach on and when you don't have words you can pray all amen friend i'm telling you it's not that they don't believe the doctrine it's not that you don't believe what you've heard how can i tell you a fundamentalist convenience a dry as a liberal amen friend listen to me but it's been this way so many times in a lot of places in a lot of christian's heart they've got to the place they're not even burdened about it anymore are you listening and you don't have to resign yourself to live in that diminished condition yeah you're right amen amen you know the blessing thing about this emmaus too they were still troubled over the situation yeah today's third day we ain't seen them arisen but at least they just ain't turned their back and walked oh they're walking yeah at least they're walking back towards another man i wish it was better than his i i wish i didn't like it i wish i didn't feel so despaired i wish i didn't feel so despondent i wish i didn't feel some trouble about what was going on at least they had enough god about them at least they had enough faith about to be concerned about their condition yes yes i worry about folks like that but not near as many as folks that don't give a rip about where they are that's right come on amen are you listening amen yes sir preach can i tell you this the living christ that walk with them is the living christ that walks with us thank you and he'll turn us in from a weakling to a worshiper amen he'll take our spirit of heaviness and give us a garment of praise if we just let him come by and listen he may not meet with you in a blind envision or some other a thrilling manner but if you've trusted him and your faith has grown nearby and disappointed you need to have the lamar's praying about god's sin revival listen you can have that reviving of a living christ that'll turn you around on the emmaus road and send you back right where you came here amen amen can i say this to you too many are seeking it that's right yeah and when they find it they think they've arrived but you're not looking for an it that's right you're looking for him yeah you're looking for him revival and a revival is not the goal walking with christ is amen and i know what brother mark's praying what not a new work revival is a stirring of an old word yes and what will revive when revival gets you to the end it's going to get you to him amen and that's what he's praying god's in revival what is he going to do he's going to revive in your heart what you believed and what you trusted but it's not a service it's not necessarily a meeting it's christ that's right i mean that's my nature i like it i like to rejoice i like to praise i mean man i i mean my wife if she shouted i'd have a heart attack go to heaven if my mother would have ever shouted out of died two godly women that know how to pull a plow in the ministry amen amen they'd sit back there and weave it occasionally they'd put their hand up and hand the cage will they testify but man if mom was if my wife or my mom was testifying if you engaged that in my life i'd be walking the pews yeah yeah yeah that's how full island amen that's how full i would be but can i tell you it's not always in the noise of your worship right i tell you some of the most precious times but where i felt like god did some of the deepest words in my heart it was not in a crowd it was not in a time of rejoicing but it was behind the shoot door in the prayer closet but where god the holy ghost walked in there and began to witness to me and begin to work in my life i'm glad i'm getting away it may not be fireworks it may not be loud noise but i'm not trying necessarily to get to that i'm looking for him four things quickly that i believe they're in this text that will mark every time that you have an experience with the lord you did right and testify amen four four things will that'll mark those spots four things that'll mark those spots that'll be the same for you it'll be the same for me and it'll be the same for every youngest christian sitting in here yeah amen number one let me give them to you i want you to notice where it started look at verse 25 where does it go start the bible said that he said unto them old fools and so of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken the beginning of moses and all the prophets he expounded and bounded under them in all the scriptures it'd been enough of him to just stop right there right if he'd just preach the bible to him if he just said man i'm going to take the word of god yeah and i'm gonna preach to you yeah amen but that ain't what he said that's right and he didn't even say at all if you a lot of fighters brother people misquote that verse and they'll say in all all things concerning itself in the scriptures that ain't what it said it said in all the scriptures concerning themselves oh hallelujah amen oh honey the next time they tell you to pick up a hymn book you might want to pick up your bible yeah yeah that king james bible that you're holding in your lap is more of a hymn book than the church yes it is the brawlman hymnal the inspiration the mole book or all them other good books the soul stirring hymns that book is about him yes what about that he didn't just take up if all you ever do is when you read the bible if all you ever do is when you read the bible is you get principles and you get rules and you get ideas and you get theology you've missed the reason of reading the bible what the problem what the purpose of the word of god is it's like if i were to walk up and say sir and you would introduce me as your free under somebody you knew and you would tell him what my name is and you would tell him about me that's what that bible's about it's called us it will introduce you to the main character it will introduce you but to the hero introduce you unto the greatest story of the very first thing the son of god dionne and when he came alongside them he took them to the word of god and the bible said you do air not knowing the scriptures how can i tell you thank god friend of something that'll mark those spots that the preacher's talking to you about it's going to start in the word of god you know what something you might have learned this year is when there's not a youth rally you've got a bible yeah that's right when there's not a do you believe me we got a bible yeah right when there's not a youth camp yes you got a bible that's right well there's not a summer camp you've got a bible when there's 19 retreat you've got a bible where church service looks a lot different yeah and the look part is not near as hard on the kids as the feel part let's just be honest amen brother don yeah it's all right if it don't necessarily look the same and people are spread out and mask and all that kind of stuff but it's when you don't when you come and church don't feel like church anymore amen you all okay yes sir i mean i preached a full schedule in the fall and and i went in some places it was churches normal i went to other places where they were nervous and apprehensive they didn't know whether to shake a hand lift a hand they didn't know whether to go to the altar pray with somebody hook somebody's neck and can i tell you for youngins that's a big deal hey they listen thank god for the word of god i bless the lord and i will i told our youngest to start with i said listen i said services are going to look different they're going to feel different i said but god help you to let the lord show you that in the privacy of your own bible study in the privacy of your own prayer time or that god can get up on the page of that book walk into your heart and minister to you and can i tell you if you'll ever learn that you won't have to have a meeting but you won't have to have a quartet you don't have to have a radio station you won't have to have a group of just you and your bible and the holy ghost and god can minister to you but let's be honest these youngins they're looking to when they come to the house of god they they want to feel god move sure i'll just be honest we are going to feel wow can i tell you what i've learned is when i can't feel him i've always got a place i can find him hey when i can't feel him and i want to feel it no more you know what's right we've been in being together and shouted and ran the aisles and rejoiced and screamed to the top of my lungs and wept and turned blood red i like to feel it but thanks god oh that i can't find me with a search warrant i'm glad that i've got a book now that i can open both the answer and it doesn't matter if you get it in genesis or an exodus restaurant thank god he's in every place thank god it started with the word of god amen yeah number two hey mark you remember years ago y'all you might even been there you might not be as old as that you may not be as old as me but years ago brother don y'all might have been there you and your wife the boys wouldn't have been there they wouldn't have been here years ago johnny pope preached their brother sammy's on jesus is wonderful and man he exhorted about christ and brother jacob when he got done i thought jesus was 100 feet tall and 50 feet wide he had preached him so big he had preached him so wonderful and i thought my heavens and maybe you've heard your preacher exalt oh brother grabbing as good as there is anywhere amen and you've heard him be excited and exalt christ but what do you think it would have been to her jesus preach [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] all those offerings all those feasts all the pictures through the word of god that shut the might's love for the one it was all together lovely on the wheel around the wheel of the captain of my salvation it didn't matter you got to meet joshua he didn't matter he found him as the good shepherd or the great shepherd or the lamb of god what you found now was jesus is wonderful [Music] i promise you this all inexpensive books i buy you know what i've learned real lamar they skipped the same verses i have trouble with [Laughter] go have some help from me and right over that verse he goes and the next one i know what he said i want a refund praise god someone's been dead 200 years they won't give me a refund but could you imagine the son of god oh wow preaching about the burnt sacrifice i'd like to heard the lord talk about the escape god oh yeah oh yeah yeah hey i'd like to heard the lord talk about the fit man the one that took that scapegoat out there into that land uninhabited and when it came back the scapegoat didn't come with him praise god amen i'm telling you listen to me children he's more wonderful than you think he is he's more faithful than you realize he is he's more lovable than you can ever imagine he's everything he said it was and so much more and what you'll find is when god comes along it's going to start in the book that's number two amen brother number two i'mma hurry goodness i guess like me and bro jacob miss brittany and the boys got the longest ride home amen it's gonna be so long i'm gonna spend the night at church tonight amen i'm gonna wake up preach it hallelujah notice verse 32 not only where it started but i want you to notice who it stirred yeah who it stirred can i tell you a genuine experience of the lord is based on scripture not feelings that's right are you listening but that doesn't mean your feelings will go unaffected that's right can i say to you if you really get the right kind your feelings will be affected amen we're so afraid of feeling our day we've let these liberals we've let them call us emotionless and emotionalism and can i say there's a difference between emotions and emotionalism yeah the bible says god's anger with a wicked every day angry is an emotion and i think we're created in his image so i think it's all right for us to have emotions and it's all right to exercise those emotions hey can i tell you listen but i'm telling even though it's uh we're so afraid in our day of somebody getting too listen before you've got to worry about wildfire just understand this there's enough wet blankets around pretty wild yeah yeah amen we're not saved because you feel safe that's right but being saved ought to make you happy amen there's never listen there's never been a real revival that did not produce hallelujahs and heartburn amen they said they're not our heartburn let me ask you when's the last time your heart burns that's right that's right i mean showman except your girlfriend right that ain't your heart burning right that's your lust yes hello yes sir y'all might as well say man yeah i'm old but i ain't that old yes amen you listening you're right there's a whole lot of folks shaking on what they believe but very few that are shaken by what they believe are you listening dead men don't sing and dead men don't cry and dead churches don't sing and dead churches don't cry you've got to be alive that's right to feel are you listening we moved from burning hearts to engineers yes sir yes sir wow when's the last time you got happy first we're living in a day brother tim where most folks get their spiritual thrills their spiritual fulfillment of somebody else's experience this is exactly circular young lady was singing just a minute ago and she hadn't got happy there's others in here that wasn't got happy right but because she did get happy and the fact that she was getting happy was helping me more than even i told brother jacob it is a blessing when you watch words walk off the page that's something that they're saying that's a fact i'd rather hear a drunk man that knew what he was singing about and hear the boston tabernacle choir that's right that's a zombie amen you got to understand something you we're going to practice and brother jacob leads our choir both our choirs and when we practice quartets and trios we're going to try to get the music just as right as we possibly can and we're going to work hard but we don't ever let that stand in the way of our worship if it gets old it doesn't matter if somebody's a half a step flat listen what you understand is this is not a performance you're not performing for us for anybody we're worshiping god amen i guess my question will be some of you youngans have you ever got happy by yourself were you ever the first one in a meeting before i mean man i remember one night in in roanoke alabama i was in a youth meeting and brother jacob miss chris's sisters were singing and they were singing across the miles yeah someone's praying for you i sit back here in the back of that tent mind in my own business a half a mile down a dirt road well actually a mile a half down the main dirt road and then a half a mile down the other dirt road i mean man somebody could have killed you back there and they'd have never known you were gone they got to see in the holy ghost sat down with me in the back of that chest and they were singing across the miles someone's praying for you across the miles tell it that's right brother he's mad at work you know what happened the lord said before the sun came up this morning some of you folks was talking to me about you i didn't care who got happy i didn't care if it was my turn to preach i didn't care if it was time to preach i shouted a half a mile down the dirt road i shouted a half a mile back down the dirt road amen nobody i mean i'm talking about it but the truth is meat was dead as a hammer at that moment but god came in the back side of that little tree and he made my heart burn until you burn about the nba you burn about the nfl every other kind of thing there is out there listen uh when's the last time your heart burned for the things of god it doesn't go just for a teenager what about you mom what about you dad what about you deacon what about you what about you a sunday school teacher wins the last time your heart was on fire for god right yeah right who it stirs who it stirred i'm about done come on miss brittany come up here miss yeah we'll see with the kid thanks glad to see their mama i was just glad gibson remembered who i was after being up here with his papa daniel i want you to notice where it shows where it shows look at verse 29 they constrain and sing about it with us abide with us it's not just enough to see the lord in scripture it's not just enough to see that it stirs your heart [Music] sadly enough feelings will rise and feelings will fall zeal will come and see them will go we need is a bride and presence at all times can i say this to you something you need to understand the night childhood young person when the lord manifested himself this emmaus too it was not in some breathtaking narrative it was it was not in some breathtaking experience [Music] but it was in one of the most simple plain acts that can be done on this earth what was it preacher it was in the breaking of bread yeah oh my god this wasn't a miraculous meal like the feeding of the five thousand this was not a miraculous meal like the feeding of the four thousand it wasn't even a special meal like the lord's supper [Music] but you know what boys you know what made it miraculous and you know what made it special was the fact that he came here [Music] the fact that he came yes our homes in america have gone to pieces and if we don't get him back in our home we're a mess a lot of folks got sunday morning grades they've got revival grace they've got youth rally grace i'm looking for us getting back to have some kitchen room kitchen grace and some living room grace youngins bedroom grace when you shut your door that's right mom and dad aren't in there nobody knows what you're doing a lot of folks were laying outside of christianity like taking their sunday clothes off and let them on the bed oh my where it started it started in the word of god who had stirred and stirred those demands too where did it show up at home oh come on preacher daddy could it be the reason your youngest don't worship they've never seen you worse church leader could it be that these kids don't worship because they don't see yours they don't hear you praise the lord yeah they don't see you weak amen you'll show up at home why is it that whole we believe we behave the worst around those who love the most think about it they'll show up at home come on brother notice notice first let me just say this to you [Music] you understand the bible said when he came by their eyes they couldn't they couldn't know it that's about like some sinners sitting here tonight you don't know it and you'll never know it until the lord introduces you to it yeah that word conviction they're talking about when you realize that you're a sinner and when you realize that christ is the only way to heaven hear what he said he said man i used to tell people he didn't even belong and he didn't even he wasn't real there was no sense of believing in him but it's hard to deny when he comes to talk to you y'all can believe y'all can believe i ain't real all i want to til i picked you up body slammed you then you know i'm real so y'all think just try it preacher [Music] y'all look you already had another day i had to tell you hey i'm just playing i'm just trying to smile [Music] the bible said he blessed it he broke it do you know where they realized who he was [Music] i believe he would have been sitting at the head of the table he would have been the most welcome yes he'd have broke that bread get him in there breaking that brain this is what he'd done you see what the sleeve did hey you oh he didn't reveal it with the lights going over lamar but he just took the breath and it broke it yeah and [Music] look at verse i believe it's verse 35 and i'm almost done notice how it sins they didn't sit around giving each other five and congratulating each other on what they saw as soon as they realized who he was yes they turned around and went back to jerusalem because they were gonna go tell everybody what they see yeah let me ask you young as this when's the last monday you went to school there you go yeah you were so tore up about what happened on sunday now you just couldn't get what you just couldn't wait to get there to tell somebody what you saw how about us adults when's the last time your heartburn souls you just couldn't wait to get out of church [Music] not just how it starts who it's stirred where it shows up but i'm interested in how it seems they got their hearts that doubt that that today's the third day out of there they went running back to jerusalem because they finally got to see what they trusted sometimes you may not get to see what you trust but you know when they got back what happened they got back and they had to stand in mind yeah can i say this to you what you'll find out and while they're sitting there talking simon to them guess what happens if he walks right in the middle of them and shows up again can i say this to you just because you've got a spot doesn't mean he won't come by again and give you another [Music] 20 years ago 20 and a half almost 21 years ago today father's day june of 2000. it was in a delivery room with my wife come back in from preaching in florida we had to take her to the hospital she was 32 weeks pregnant [Music] and her blood pressure was sky high out just out of the room went on friday night they tested her and sent us back home to do some other tests about lunchtime on saturday we had to go back it was higher than it was the night before never forget about 3 30 that doctor walked out of that room and looked at me she said mr stroud said this is a this is an urgent situation she said your wife's blood pressure is 220 over 120 and said at any moment she could go into seizures because of her blood pressure and we could lose her we could lose your child [Music] so they said we're going to give her some medicine and normally we try to give it one day and then another day to try to help develop the lungs of the unborn child because it's going to be eight weeks early he said it's so serious we're going to give her a shot now and then 12 hours later we're going to give her another shot we'll give another shot so here we go sunday mornings father's day six o'clock they walk in with the shots to induce later walk in there and create all that so we can try to welcome our new baby our first baby [Music] and we'll tell him i stayed in there as long as i could at times and i would i'd stay and i finally had to get her mom and her sister to come in because i needed to hear from the lord yeah i needed him to talk to me about the situation so i'd leave the room and i'd find a corner that hospital and i pray and then i come back in and she she wouldn't say anything but she'd look at my face when i'd walk in the walk in the room to see if i'd heard from him and i'd sit down and see you i hadn't i'd sit down i'd stay another hour till i'd have to get back up and go out again and i'd go find me another hall i'd go find me another corner and i'd sit down and now that's the lord and i'd come back in as soon as the door would open she'd look at my face that went on all day long about 5 30 they came to the room they asked me to step out in the hall he said mr stroud we're gonna we're gonna have to take the baby so this induces not working we're afraid it's gonna put stress on the baby i said now we need to prepare you for some things we're going in here just a minute i don't want you to be alarmed they said when he we get him out he may not cry [Music] so because of the medicine we've given the medicine it slows your wife's heartbeat down your blood pressure down has slowed the baby down he may not cry and he may not move instead when he gets out his color may not be right he's he said maybe black and blue because the because of the the fact that his blood has slowed down and there's not as much oxygen in the blood and he may be blue in ten and black and ten he said but don't be alarmed now here i am here i am 26 years old sure never been through labor with my wife and i thought my eye lord i know what you said yeah but i ain't seen it i got a hard hat full of faith and a heart out full of doubt [Music] believe it he can't do it but lord you've i didn't even have to see it i just wanted to hear from it yeah yeah and then we had to go back in and tell my wife well we got done they took her to the operating room they took me to a to what is the recovery room they put my gown and put my hat on i sat down on that show [Music] miss carol when i sat down on that stone broken-hearted yeah there you go it was as real as if i heard the door clicked behind me when he walked in that's exactly right and he said everything's gonna be all right [Music] but long they came and got me i walked around i come out of this door walked around to the other side of almost the room that i was in walked in the other side i sat down and her head hurt she was on that bed and when i sat down her head was between my knees and brother renshaw was god as my witness she didn't say have you heard from him daddy she said what did he say what did he say what did he say i said mama with tears dripping off her pants on to i said mama he said everything's going to be all right and god came it made a difference when the lord came yes we'll fast forward that 20 and a half years december the 13th of this past year i was in the hospital room with my dad it was one floor up a half a wing over from where the lord came by 20 and a half years ago but this time i was not in a birthing room this time i was in a going-home room and when i say going home i mean going home [Music] i meet stayed women the night before amy and stayed with me my sister my wife went home my niece stayed with me that night and i knew things were not good but no doctors had been in and out and at 8 15 that sunday morning the same one that had walked in that recovery 20 and a half years before walked in that little death room i called my sister and i called my wife i said if y'all go see papa you better come on they said what did the doctor say they said the doctor's been by i said no but the lord has the lord's been by yeah he ain't gonna be here long and i got up there i put my hand on his chest and put my right hand on his head [Music] and i got to sing and there's a lamb that is fair today yes and by faith we can see it afar for my father waits over the way i got to sing in beulah land and what a day that'll be how beautiful heaven must be [Music] you say why how could you do that because he gave me another spot yeah it's hard to imagine your heart being stirred when your dad's about to go to heaven but it's a whole lot better than going to hell that's right everybody okay yeah so what i'm saying is if he showed up before he'll come by again if he had a word before yeah he'll have a word again yes it don't matter what size of tracks you come from it don't matter how much money you got the bank what kind of vehicle you drive or if you've even got a car [Music] because if you're his child you're special to him that's exactly right if he's ever been by before yes sir he'll come by again but i wonder if we would have tonight anybody that would be honest and say this last year has left me with a heart half full of them we trusted and a heart half full of a heart half full of today's the third day [Music] i wonder if we've got an emmaus christian in here that would say it's been a long time since my heart burned since my heart burned since my heart burned when's the last time you just opened your bible and he walked off your pages yeah he said may i introduce myself to you [Music] i'm the son of god i'm your savior well amen i'm not i don't make no bones about it there's a certain way i like to go to church i mean i mean i'm just telling you there was there's a certain way i like it i like it when the congregation said i like it with him on facebook i mean i like it when it's old y'all all right yeah if i was from michigan i'd say it's on but i'm not for michigan it's all it's all i like it like that but we went some and bro jake will tell you there's some mornings they got pretty good and they got pretty good in the parking lot [Music] but in these last months god has let us get back to where church feels like church but you know what i've learned is when church didn't feel like church god still felt like god oh yeah amen amen so they're going soon and i just say this to you i didn't preach an evangelist message but if you're lost you know it by now there's been enough gospel preached if you've never been saved you say what i do preacher just like just like with abraham that ram was it was behind him and he had to turn from where he was back to where it was and look at it that's a turning away from sin yeah and turn into him put your faith in christ and he'll save you but i'd say there's probably some amazed christians if you'd be honest a heart full of we trust a heart half full of we trust and a heart half full of today's the third day your heart's a little cold wouldn't it be good if he came by today and your [Music] you're not gonna be honest today you're just gonna keep trying to pump water out of a dry whale or are you gonna come and let the lord come alongside you let the lord come along the sides would you come young person old person middle aged person youth meetings [Music] fulfillment what god's loving god was doing in somebody else's heart would you come but somehow how about an adult [Music] somehow [Music] [Music] burns [Music] but i need a place [Music] so no matter what we think or feel it's time to make our claim we must go back to where we were when we first [Music] a lot of things [Music] why would they want anything we have if our hearts don't burn within us why would they want what we have they're gonna sing another verse see i know about all that getting saved well i tell you this i know about not wanting to go to hell i don't care if you get saved because you don't want to go to hell or you want to go to heaven i think they're both very valid reasons amen you say well i don't believe there is a hell i just promise you this if there's a heaven there's a hail you don't have one without the god listen i don't know much about presbyterians and i don't know much about episcopalians and i don't know much about catholics and i spend the majority of my life with baptists about every night in my life at least half the week of about every week about every week of my life i promise you one thing i'm preaching to churches full of amaze christians they've trusted but they're struggling because they hadn't saw them oh they're not disappointed in christ they're just disappointed in their experience with christ yeah be a good night to come they're gonna see one more verse [Music] finished that you will never open the sweetness in your life [Music] is still the same and he's waiting patiently so no matter what we think or feel it's time to make our claim we must go back to where we were [Music] [Music] but i need a place to start [Music] but i promise you this emmaus syndrome is not relegated just enough i mean honestly i think all the groups have been overlooked and the cove deal has been our kids we're people are worried about burns and people people are worried about jobs and people worry about house payments they don't have all that that doesn't mean their hearts were not affected come can i say to you i believe there's some adults here if you'll be honest [Music] don't go out of here so worried that somebody else is going to understand that you're in that position to where you'll just keep singing the songs and teaching the lessons or coming to church [Music] so many times there's a lot of us we try to attend everybody else's vineyard while we leave our own lunch in there i'm telling you what pumping water out of a dry well is going to get tiring if you don't let him come by and help you yeah he'll come alongside he'll come alongside if you'll help him it amazes me that parents want kids to be honest with them but you won't be honest with god if some of you were to tell me the truth i know it's saturday night i know it's five o'clock on saturday afternoon and you're here because you are expected to be here or you felt like you needed to be here the last time he stirred your heart about anything yeah amen [Music] when's the last time you were moved [Music] you don't have to be a it shouldn't have to be the lights going off the fourth of july fireworks spectacular a three-year-old want to be able to walk up here and say jesus loves me i thought that land about a half a mile deep in your soul and full and bringing glory they're going to sing one verse and i extend this invitation to our adults i wonder some of us would come and say preacher we'll be honest i'm trying to pump water out of the driveway they're going to sing would [Music] is [Music] he's [Music] [Music] is [Music] god [Music] shelter just ahead i could not see those doors [Music] from [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] he can turn you off they never called anybody to be a witness if they didn't see [Music] them [Music] from [Music] they're gonna sing some more i'll just say this to you they're not saved you've never trusted christ he's your refuge yes he is see how do i get saved you run to him amen preacher i don't know what to do somebody take a bible and show you what yeah the problem is he's not it's not the fact that we're missing a savior the problem is today we're missing sinners yeah and nobody willing they need the lord say what if i got a date listen ain't nobody trying to get you to do anything yeah we don't want anything from you we do all we want you to do if you're lost is get to christ if you come the bible said if any man will come he said i'll in no wise cast him out that's fine out of nowhere if you come you may not know all the words all peter said was on that waters lord say that's a job done yes salvation is not in your words i got saved when i was 13. i don't remember what it said because salvation was not in my prayer i said salvation is of the lord they're gonna sing you could come and and trust [Music] me [Music] jesus [Music] it's good to know [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you say what are they doing [Music] looking for forgiveness [Music] is [Music] my refuge [Music] whatever you got your heart the lord's dealing with some of these in the altar if you pray it'd be a good time to pray yes and ask the lord help them see whatever you need to see god to reveal himself to him amen [Music] maybe maybe somebody don't trust him trust the lord as their savior wouldn't that be a blessing we could go out of here and go back to jerusalem and say he can't mind you he gave me another spot where he came by and spoke to me showed me who he was what he could do they're gonna say won't you pray when you're at pray and i said lord you have peace young people say man jesus [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] has left [Music] right me me he would go that's what he said [Music] after 34 years oh jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is just as long as this world [Music] is [Music] he's the best [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] once again he would go [Music] [Music] you know what the appraiser told me he told me probably going to come back lord i can't bring the alcohol and come here gifts come to preach you know what he told me brother jacob he said it's probably going to come back more than you think it is i just want to say after 34 years of being saved he's come back a whole lot more than i thought it was yeah amen and every once in a while i will give him some praise so he knows he's worth something to me they're going to sing while they deal with these precious phones we didn't know her in this most important time i'd rather be than altering somebody help them to be ushered pray you worship and pray obviously when the spirit of the lord is there's liberty some of y'all mind god worship ain't no telling what [Music] but i don't mean to [Music] is [Music] [Applause] for all you have been [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] right here [Music] magnify your name all my problems seem so small so i will [Music] foreign [Music] their [Music] foreign [Music] you [Music] just pray you're saved you pray for somebody down here to get assurance whoever doubted you know where they are you know how to get hold [Music] peace [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] what what's her name kelly are you saved can you come back up here a second [Music] what you're gonna pray for hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's grace [Music] it's a blessing [Music] [Music] lord [Music] brother grayson um i recommend my life to the lord tonight hallelujah i think time i come to myself [Applause] he said he asked the lord to save him years ago in the shop bay [Music] and he said but he strayed and he's wondering if you really had it he said tonight the lord said you straight but you're still mine right now some of y'all admitted you've been you there or you've been there [Music] man thank god tonight been good thank you lord ain't the singing been good ain't the preaching been good can i tell you this god's better than the singing god's better than the preaching amen and it don't have to end tonight this could be the beginning and you could know god more than you've ever known me before amen is everybody all right tonight oh yeah i hope you're not going to leave trouble tonight i hope that you're going to not leave with something undone [Music] now we fixing to go get something to eat but can i tell you this if you ain't got it right god's going to keep dealing with you [Music] i'm praying that he does man let's close it lord tonight we thank you for being good for being god for loving us for the cross of calvary i thank you lord for not leaving us here by ourselves i thank you lord for the holy spirit that endures i thank you god for the bible that i get to have i thank you for the lord how you come by and talk with me and my caller i thank you god for this church i thank you for all the churches that are represented lord i thank you for every visitor that showed up yeah but lord i thank you for the holy ghost yes i thank you lord howie can draw somebody to the cross of calvary at the same time that has convicted somebody somewhere else lord i thank you that we're not you're not bound the way we think we bind you lord i pray that you would touch everybody that leaves here tonight lord if somebody didn't get it right lord if somebody's lost lord if somebody's still trying to hang on the world and hang on to you lord i pray that you keep just convicting them lord of the ones that are lost that you'll hang them out over hell lord that it won't quit just because the meeting quits lord i pray that you would be with us as we go in the back lord and as we uh go down to eat lord that you would bless all the ones that prepared lord for the ones that diligently worked hard today that uh fixed up the place that fixed the food lord that you would bless their faithfulness lord and i pray that as we uh eat of this food that you give us lord that you would nourish our bodies lord that we might take these bodies and be a better service to you help us lord and draw us close to you for all the ones that are leaving and going home lord watch over them give them a safe trip home we thank you for your goodness in jesus name we pray amen in case y'all don't know where the fellowship poll is you can just follow our young people or somebody else you go through these doors up the ramp and over down the hallway down the step down to the fellowship hall or you can just drive around back we'll see you all down
Channel: Calvary Baptist Church Trenton GA
Views: 433
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: k6i_RdGOQ6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 32sec (8372 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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