Manhattan Mob Rampage

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New York City through murder and betrayal two Mafia captains fight their way to the top of the Lucchese crime family these guys didn't have any training and he schooling when it came to La Cosa Nostra they knew how to kill the new bosses embark on a bloody campaign of violence that rocks the New York underworld bound by the mafia code of obedience their troops have no choice but to follow you don't follow the Ouachita rush let's see you don't break the move but when the bosses themselves begin breaking the Mafia's rules their loyal troops draw the line they turn to the FBI and the Lucchese family is brought to its knees November 1986 three New York Mafia captains eat breakfast at a home in Manhattan the men discussed the future of the Lucchese crime family one of the wealthiest of the five Mafia families that dominate New York's underworld all three of them are in the running to become the new Godfather but one is the clear favorite we thought a guy by the name of Hampton who long we used to call him buddy we thought that he was going to be the next boss in the family but in the Mafia things are never straightforward murder is a tool and this is a calculated power play the assassins names are Vittorio a mousou or little Vick and Anthony gas-pipe Casso the pair are so close they are known throughout the Lucchese family as Vick and gas the Luongo hit is the climax of a struggle dating back over a year in February 1985 the current Lucchese boss Tony ducks Corallo is arrested on racketeering charges known as ducks because of his reputation for ducking subpoenas the FBI finally catch up with the Lucchese Godfather by bugging Karolos car they build the commission case the government says they are the board of directors of the nation's largest criminal company which the Commission is a forum originally created in 1931 during the founding of the five families all five of New York's Mafia families have representatives on the Commission and like a mafia United Nations the Commission enforces the Mafia's codes of conduct and resolves conflicts between families Tony ducks is eventually released on bail but he knows he faces life in prison he must choose a successor to take over as the Lucchese Godfather family needs to continue the family needs to to get somebody that could run and continue to operate this criminal enterprise it's almost like a private organization you need another CEO to succeed Vic Amuso and Anthony Casso are desperate to take control of this powerful mafia family with 120 full members and around 1,000 associates the Lucchese command particular respect in La Cosa Nostra the New York mobs preferred name for itself the Lucchese heartland is in Harlem and the Bronx and all the previous bosses have come from that faction but the Lucchese also command factions in Brooklyn and New Jersey the strength always came from Harlem on June 8th Street bass you know that represented that his friends of the crew always came from there Tommy Riccardi is a captain from New Jersey the New York faction of the KC family could counter the New Jersey faction for anything anything they'd be needed whether it was a murder or whatever they wanted they can count on on New Jersey to handle the for them for 50 years the Lucchese family has remained united but now captains from the different factions are fighting to become the new godfather Vic and gas are from Brooklyn and their biggest rival Buddy Luongo is a captain from the Bronx the level of paranoia that normally exists in the street was heightened everybody's wondering maybe what the next moves are going to be in the Lucchese family Vic and gas are the family's biggest earners which makes them strong contenders for the leadership in the Mafia everyone kicks up a percentage of their profits to the boss so the best earners command the most respect but Tony ducks has a problem with the to Brooklyn captain's they are drug dealers a career that has been outlawed by the mafia Commission the reason why the Cosa Nostra doesn't want its members in the drug business is because first of all the tiny carries they're not small sentences they're usually life sciences are 40 50 year sentences and it could create a lot more rats in 1986 the United States is in the drift of a cocaine epidemic with nearly 6 million users nationwide responding to public outcry the government imposes draconian jail sentences the Mafia Commission takes steps to ensure its members stay out of the drug business guys shrewd selling drugs but they made examples a few guys they they kill them many guys they kill them got caught with drugs we talked to but Vick and gas are prepared to take the risk by defying the Commission's edict they have risen to become the family's top earning captain's guys around them gravitate for them because they're earners and they're strong they may command respect on the street but unlike buddy Luongo Vick and gasp Lex support from the Lucchese stronghold in the Bronx Tony ducks needs to test whether Vick and gas have what it takes to become mafia leaders in December 1985 an opportunity presents itself John Gotti an ambitious captain from the rival Gambino family has shocked the mafia world by murdering his own boss in a brazen unsanctioned bid for power three gunmen in New York City tonight shot and killed a man identified by police as Paul Castellano reputed chief of the Gambino mafia family you can't do that first of all he did not be okay to kill for the customer he made himself boss he was my boss he even though that he sealed his own death warrant at that time Gotti has broken one of the Commission's oldest rules and Tony ducks is furious he demands that Vic and gas take revenge on the Gambino captain but the order comes with a catch let's kill John Gotti with a ball and then we'll say the Zips did it meaning Italian organized crime bombs are the trademark of the Sicilian Mafia bella cosa nostra and america does not use a bomb because too many innocent people could get hurt bystanders or innocent people that might happen again in the car at the time eager to prove themselves to Tony ducks Vick and gas decide to take the John Gotti contract April 13th 1986 Vick and gas get a tip that Gotti is inside a well-known Gambino hangout in Bensonhurst Brooklyn they see his car parked outside with the trap set Vic and gas wait for Gotti and an associate to leave the club Casso signals their triggerman Vic and gas leave the scene confident they have hit their mark but the next day they find out they've made a serious error one man was killed 58 year old Frank DeCicco described as a lieutenant to John Doe they have failed to kill Gotti Frank DeCicco his right-hand man dies in the blast Tony ducks is pleased with the outcome Vic and gas are one step closer to being chosen as the new leaders of the Lucchese family but failing to kill John Gotti was a big mistake it doesn't take gaudy long to figure out who was behind the bomb plot September 14th while parked on a Brooklyn Street Anthony gasps Casso is enjoying a late night ice cream another car pulls up alongside him a shotgun blast tears through his flesh he dives across a parking lot to a nearby Chinese restaurant seeking refuge among diners Casso staggers into the room and collapses but he's alive and angry police interview Casso in the hospital but he refuses to talk having survived this and felt that his reputation was there who dare come after him and so he had to prove a point and his point was getting the guys responsible for this particular mother Casso is beyond fury the attempt on his life has had a profound effect he's broken something inside of him has snapped this is not the same Anthony Casso you knew before one name rings out on the street the leader of the plot is the man named Jimmy Hydell Casso pays an associate $35,000 to have hydel kidnapped and delivered to a basement in Brooklyn Anthony Casso was hell-bent on revenge that's what he was his motive for it early evening October 18th 1986 Casso stands over hydel with a pistol he tortured him to find out who else was involved or the way he tortured him as he explained it to me was he just shot him repeatedly in his extremities working up from his ankle through his leg with shoulders down his arm limb by limb until Jimmy Hydell begged him to finish him off Casso takes pleasure in high Del's lingering death he forces hydel to give up the name of the man who hired him before granting Jimmy Hydell his final wish Hidell was hired by one of John Gotti's soldiers Miki Paradiso Casso had double-crossed Paradiso in a big drug store months before it's clear proof that John Gotti sanctioned the hit on Anthony Casso we told me Gambino's that they had a to levy poverty show because they shot - but Gaddy fails to punish the Gambino soldier it's a slap in the face for Anthony Casso and dense his reputation in the Mafia hierarchy to save face Casso leaks news of the hydel murder hoping it will reach his boss Tony ducks Corallo killing of Jimmy Hydell was something that he wanted everyone to know that he was personally responsible for Casso hopes his ruthlessness will win favor from the outgoing boss Tony ducks Corallo boss of the Lucchese family convicted of racketeering and a laundry list of other crimes including November 1986 Lucchese boss Tony ducks Corallo has found guilty of racketeering along with eight other top mobsters karela must at last pick a successor the old Godfather is impressed by the ruthlessness of to Brooklyn captain's Vic Amuso and Anthony gas-pipe Casso as he waits for sentences to be handed down Tony ducks calls Vic and gas to a secret meeting he offers the position of Lucchese godfather to Anthony Casso but astonishingly Castle refuses Anthony had ways very very very funny he's burning very smart why are we for every guy Casso shrewdly recognizes that whoever becomes the Godfather will draw the most flat from the FBI he convinces Tony ducks to make his colleague Vic Amuso boss and to make him advisor or consigliere a mousou is torn over his new appointment walking 90 seas in a while I'm divorced now I said I'll congratulations Vic you know and he was like a little unsure of himself he always had that tendency to be I don't know like I'm not good enough for woman sure or myself he had that tree a musos lack of confidence makes him the perfect puppet as from ciliary Casso will be the bosses closest advisor Anthony Casso was a big influence on Vic Vic was the kind of shy guy liked to stay more behind the scenes where Anthony was more outspoken more flamboyant liked to take the reins kind of a guy the Lucchese family has new leadership but by handing over control to the Brooklyn faction Tony ducks has made a profound mistake there was some resentment on the part of the other factions well the power was being directed to the Brooklyn faction and that didn't sit well with the family Vic and gases violent rise to power has created suspicion and mistrust in the family the Bronx thatching had a little resentment because they had lost buddy speaking with a few of them they said that for about four or five months they were tormented Vic and gas will not tolerate dissension in the ranks they plan to execute anyone whom they deem disloyal but before they deal with the family Casso still has a personal vendetta to settle revenge on John Gotti January 13th 1987 8 mobsters were found guilty of serving as Commission members the boss of the Lucchese crime family Tony ducks Corallo is found guilty in the Commission case and sentenced to 100 years in prison Vic Amuso and Anthony gas-pipe Casso are now the new boss and consignee arey of the family Anthony Casso has one thing on his mind revenge on the Gambino boss John Gotti gadi fails to punish members of a Gambino hit team who tried to murder caso two months earlier but killing Gotti will be difficult he made a quat to kill all the guys around Johnny Johnny then he's gonna be lish this was plan Casso immediately puts out a contract on Gotti's underboss Salvatore Sammy the bull Gravano she he was locked in lush he was money what a return you see me he doc Gravano dodges the Lucchese hit teams for months and before long Vic and gasps are forced to put their gaudy campaign on hold when they begin to draw heat from the FBI by taking control of the Lucchese family Vic and gas have become a top priority for Special Agent Richard Rudolph as Castle predicted the FBI focuses its attention on Vic Amuso the boss as consigliere Casso slips under the radar at that time we began looking at really am you so as opposed to K so as as the guy that we really like the target agent Rudolph puts a mousou under constant surveillance we go out there on an everyday basis and we would be out there all day and and sometimes all night trying to follow him around but mafia members are experts at counter surveillance and evading the law Rudolph knows surveillance alone will not be enough to take down the Lucchese leaders he needs something more he needs informants and Vic and gas have a weakness they make the fatal mistake of having direct contact with a bank robbery crew they operate known as the bypass gang many members of the crew are street-level criminals who owe no allegiance to the mob any one of these men could now betray the new Lucchese leaders but Vic and gas have a very effective way of dealing with rats it's the only way really to be certain in a situation of tremendous turmoil when you don't trust anyone then you have to get rid of those people that that and the detriment so gas-pipe was getting information guys our rat Vic and gas keep one step ahead of the FBI they send out hit teams to kill John Hyde Allah and Dominick Costa two members of the bypass gang who are ratting to the FBI as fakin gas pile bodies up on New York streets one by one the FBI's avenues are cut off free from FBI interference Vic and gas can now concentrate on running their new empire or so they think GL Vic Amuso and Anthony gas-pipe Casso violent takeover of the Lucchese family sparks unrest among the Bronx and New Jersey factions to maintain control Vic and gas exploit the Mafia's code of unswerving obedience to the boss it was the thing that they had you buy the good news because the rules are what the boss says goals that's what it is there's no no democracy say for you know what we could do it another way that's war that's the end Vick and gases campaign begins with the Bronx faction the Lucchese family controls the garment district in Manhattan a monopoly over all merchandise college as well as loan sharking and extortion nets millions of dollars a year for years the district has been controlled by Michael Pappa do a soldier from the Bronx Vic and gas want pepper do to hand over control of the garment district to them Papa do is stubborn and considers the demand to be unreasonable this is listen stay out of Gaza this is you know it's gonna happen to you like I said definitely they're gonna kill you and they're gonna tell me to kill you sure enough they can gasp turn to al d'arco to do their dirty work after we located them and we ought to get somebody that he absolutely trusted Dave Fortman and a bagel bakery I was sure lying my friend and I killed Vick and gases Bronx campaign continues a Lucchese soldier Anthony de Lappe refuses to report and goes on the run to California Casa believes de Lappe is plotting against him and Vick and so orders him killed for the first time the loyal troops begin to question the wisdom of their leaders removable world everybody's just really go out of character and they're all good but for a moment d'arco and the other Lucchese captains feel they have no choice but to obey to be a good soldier you have to follow orders to make it successful in that life you have to have blind faith because if you see something and it doesn't seem right here anything you don't question it when you start questioning things in that way if you can run into trouble real fast the arco sends a hit team to California to dispatch de Lappe Vick and gas now moved the battle to New Jersey at the end of 1988 Tommy Riccardi meets Anthony Casso for the first time since he's taken control of the family at the meeting Tommy has made the new captain of the New Jersey faction under the previous boss New Jersey had enjoyed a significant degree of independence but when Tommy begins reporting to Vic and gas in New York they make it clear that things are changing once I became the captain everything was running pretty smooth but it wouldn't last too long where everything just started to fall apart the previous captain Anthony asset Toro has been paying less than 1% of all New Jersey's income up to the Lucchese boss khasinau demands 50% but asset Oro refuses so Casso summons both asset Oro and Riccardi to a meeting the first time that I knew something was wrong was when Vicki yes had sent for four of us from the Jersey after meeting and at one place they tried the luggage to a different location and we didn't go the Mafia uses tricks like these when they are about to carry out a hit Tommy worries it could be an ambush knowing their history knowing how they were thinking we felt they were just taking us somewhere to to kill us and and that's you know and that's that's why we didn't go it's a major display of disrespect for the new Lucchese leaders fearful of Vic and gases reaction to the insult Tommy agrees to a meeting instead with their number two al d'arco and became to the restaurant Dom emotion no shaking needed bouche long when Tommy arrives in the basement the atmosphere is charged I walk down in the basement and I was there my friends are also down here and he's got some loose paper rolled up in his hand and he's banging it against a pole and he's telling us that we have a very bad leak in our family calling someone a rat is a deadly accusation in La Cosa Nostra I don't think there was anybody in that room from the New Jersey side knew for sure we were if we were leaving that appointment d'arco is not ready to condemn the Jersey crew quite yet I got to like for trying to push for this thing you know you can't just keep killing guys like the hit of the day or week club you want to meet us from district 1 tommy Riccardi is aware of the fate of michael papa do and the other bronx soldiers who stood up against vic and gas he will not let New Jersey be destroyed by their violent campaign the decision to break away from vacant guests and break away from the family has never been done I mean no one's ever done that and and survived but it was just better to go out that way than just to be led somewhere and slaughtered Tommy's decision is met with incandescent rage Vic and gas give Diaco the order the New Jersey faction must die we drove out there looking in Jersey ferrati for months al d'arco and fat Pete Giotto hunt the New Jersey crew but getting at Tommy and his men on their own turf proves difficult finally d'arco gets a break when fat Petey Otto catches up with one of Tommy's men Joseph l'amour is shot twice but survives Tommy's men are terrified his crew divides half join Casso in an attempt to save their own lives these men now become part of the hit teams hunting for their own captain Tommy Riccardi and expect to survive it but I just felt I would die on my terms and the way I want to die you know not being slaughtered in some room just down there out on the street you know but before the violence can escalate Vic and gas are forced to call off the hunt FBI agent Richard Rudolph has finally found a way to take down the Lucchese leadership and the secret lies in Windows during the 70's and 80's America goes through an energy crisis and there is a big push to become more energy-efficient the New York City Housing Authority decides to replace all the windows in its housing projects with more energy efficient designs contracts to replace these windows are incredibly lucrative with the Lucchese family controlling the ironworkers Union Vic and gas are in prime position to take a big cut of this windows replacement scam by charging the housing authority Union wages for using non-union staff the scam Nets millions we came up with a number of about 190 million dollars worth of contracts been given out over about a 10-year period what organized crime was getting at least for the window replacements about $2 for every window that was replaced the man behind the scam is a mafia associate named Pete Savino dozens of high-ranking mobsters have a share in his window replacement company but what the mob doesn't realize is that Pete has been compromised in November 1987 the feds arrest Pete Savino following the discovery of two bodies buried under his factory floor we told Pete at that particular time his life was over in terms of what he was doing and now he was going to have to to work with us to get out of this particular massive his in Savino agrees to work with agent Rudolph in exchange for a more lenient sentence he wears a wire and records hundreds of hours of conversations with his mafia associates Rudolph discovers that Vic and gas are deeply involved in the window's scam the case the feds put together is huge the windows case was so incredibly disruptive to the major organized crime families here that it resulted in an a devastating series of prosecutions May 28 1990 the FBI swoops in but thanks to a tip-off Vic and gas have already gone on the land before he leaves Casso meets with al d'arco his number two he makes d'arco the acting boss of the Lucchese family with the FBI on his tail Tasos paranoia finally overwhelmed he was always power and white about one thing or the other this guy is that that guy says Casso will kill anyone he suspects of betrayal but when he turns on his most loyal men he forces them into the arms of the FBI 1990 New York City the windows case has led to the arrest of the top echelon of the city's Mafia families 15 in all arrested by the FBI or due to surrender on racketeering charges but when the FBI makes its arrests the bosses of the Lucchese family have disappeared Vic Amuso also known as little Vic and Anthony Casso or gas pipe have gone on the lam apprehending the fugitives becomes a tough priority at the time was a very big priority to find video gas they made the most amount of money out of the windows case and they were very violent individuals Vic and gas run the Lucchese family with an iron fist through intimidation and murder they have subjugated the Bronx and New Jersey factions gas pipe has become an expert at manipulating little bit he totally white Vic's mine destroyed its money Vic was walking around like Don Corleone in The Godfather had a big black beard he had the Hat my doubt between the where's the warm coat we saw laughing see myself left he totally was like off his rocker that's yes right sentence so he will do whatever gasp a what with caso calling the shots the killings now spiral out of control I think that there were a lot of people outside of the locate a family wondering you know what gas pipes state of mind was before he leaves Brooklyn Casso orders the arco to kill a Bronx captain Mike Salerno bound by the code of obedience to the boss d'arco meets with one of his info I see a got big news Rico you know my period he flipped she decided to do it right away shot him then cutter stroke to make sure is dead and then they put him in his own classroom June 5th 1990 police respond to reports of a foul smell on Westervelt Avenue Brooklyn they find an abandoned car and in the trunk is the decomposing body of Mike Salerno no one seems to be safe from casos paranoid mind he continues to turn on his own crew Bruno Facciolo is a captain from the Brooklyn faction Casso tells the arco that he believes Bruno is ratting to the feds Richard was in the mob 30 years all of a sudden is a strong person staying true to the mafia code of obedience the arco feels he has to follow orders he directs his men to lure Bruno to a car garage in Brooklyn back over drag demand a nickname he was saying system like hey I want to see my daughter come on they just shot The Killers leave a canary in his mouth to indicate he sang to the feds Anthony gas-pipe Casso bloody campaign against his own men seems endless but his targets extend beyond the Lucchese family ever since the attempt of his life Casso has been looking for payback on the boss of the Gambino family John Gotti after attempts to kill his underboss Sammy Gravano failed Casso decides to use dirty tactics for years Casso has kept a dangerous secret from the rest of the family he has been working hand in hand with two corrupt NYPD cops Louis Eppolito is a detective in the 63rd precinct in Brooklyn a mafia Heartland and Stephen Caracappa is head of the Lucchese section of the NYPD organized crime squad the cops are perfectly placed to help caso and have been feeding his paranoia by providing the names of possible enemies but the cops are prepared to do far more for caso than just obtain information he now hires the cops to murder one of Gotti's key men the target is Eddie lino anything it was a captain in the Gambino family and again it went back to Anthony cases obsession with finding everybody who had to do with his attempted homicide and in his mind Eddie lino was somebody who approved of the hit so he was gonna make sure that he paid for it for $65,000 each the cops accept the job November 6 1990 as Eddie lino drives on the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn an unmarked police car pulls him over Caracappa approaches the driver window the contract is completed January 9th 1991 Anthony Casso sneaks back into Brooklyn and summons al d'arco to a meeting the Arcos doubts about Casso state of mind are confirmed you know while he says I want to buy a house and I'm gonna fight ten guys and then have a drink they sit down with each other more what what what what is that every what kind of sense does that make Anthony Casso is murdering spree continues it's like all these empress sitting around Ceaser and all these people right thumbs down killin an abbot drinkin eat next dice name comes up thumbs down killed the gladiator getting killed by they never thumbs up if the while they're looking at each other on this faithful see married once thought childrenís Shobha caso has ordered the deaths of captains in the Bronx New Jersey and even his own Brooklyn faction but his next campaign fills the Arco with horror Casso tells d'arco that he's worried about the integrity of a top enforcer in the family fat Pete Chiodo the 400-pound hitman is a loyal Brooklyn captain who has carried out many of the murders Casso has ordered he wants to kill guys the don't break the rules see he's got no body he's like a psychopath d'arco does what he can to head off this latest order making one excuse after the other not making an appeal like an excuse but Jericho knows he can't stall forever May 8 1991 fat Pete is changing the oil in his car at a service station in Brooklyn the hit team is convinced they have succeeded and that Pete is dead but they're wrong Lucchese family capo fack Pete Chiodo lies in a hospital with 12 bullet wounds as he considers his options Fat Pete makes a fateful decision he agrees to cooperate with the FBI it's the break the feds are hoping for it was a banner year for the government when Pete Chiodo became a cooperating witness Casso is livid that the Arcos team bungled the hit and so strips him of his position as acting boss now that he is out of favor with the Lucchese leadership al d'arco knows he is in serious danger he wants me out of the way see ya know no limits on what he wanted that's what he wanted but he had no brakes like he would just kill your Fanny whoo whoo just a few days after the Arcos demotion the FBI arrests Vic Amuso in a shopping mall in Scranton Pennsylvania Casso now takes over as boss of the family d'arco knows that with caso in charge he and his family will never be safe yo without of control mob boss Anthony Casso in charge al d'arco former acting boss of the Lucchese crime family hands himself into the FBI after fat Pete's decision to flip the FBI is astonished that an even higher ranking mobster volunteers to cooperate please open the door there's no doubt about it al came in and blew the door off in the wall with him and created such a big opening for others to come walking down that that burn the Arcos decision to cooperate send shockwaves throughout the criminal world even if it was a small fly whoops you know it's a big deal but to have a man and a position and responsibility to cooperate with the government can give up I don't know how it feels the FBI rushed all of the Archos family into witness protection but before they can do the same for Fat Pete Casso makes a move that shocks everyone he puts out a hit on Fat Pete sister even by mob standards it was shocking two men wearing ski masks pumped three bullets into a civilian a woman a mother they [ __ ] the main room if families are supposed to be respected like my Valen this supposed to respect my family like I respected so I went they're part of our family by breaking a highly cherished rule in La Cosa Nostra casos actions caused the Lucchese structure to fall apart mutiny is in the air free from the chains of honor to the boss longtime rebel Tommy Riccardi follows his peers into witness protection I mean I didn't respect them anymore in honor that doesn't make it right what I did but I had a shot for her in her life and I took it though justified the defection of so many top mafia captains repels the rank-and-file gangsters of New York's underworld witness protection program but these guys been with us all our lives witness protection program do you remember what we did when we were kids together where's protection program you give up your friends give up everybody you give up everything with the secrets of the Lucchese family laid bare it doesn't take long for FBI agent Richard Rudolph to track down Anthony Casso early morning January 19th 1993 Richard Rudolph and a SWAT team wait outside a house in bud Lake New Jersey Casso is a psychotic multiple murderer and weapons expert Rudolf knows to expect a full-blown firefight but Casso has no prior warning of the raid and emerges from the shower wearing just a robe rudolf confronts the mafia boss he says i know you get me one day of something to that effect is what it said catching Anthony Casso is the final piece in the puzzle he was about the most treacherous sociopath in organized crime during that era he had a willingness to use murder with very very little restraint he was a morsel Asst the end the combination of power and and lethal power that made him I think one of the most dangerous person on the East Coast in a last-minute attempt to save his own skin Casso seeks a plea deal with the feds he offers to become a confidential witness in exchange for leniency Greg O'Connell and Richard Rudolph discovered the identities of the two corrupt cops that caso has on his books it's an unexpected bonus to a Seminole prosecution but Casso is flaky and inconsistent with his evidence the deal falls apart he is sentenced to 12 consecutive life sentences in the supermax prison in Florence Colorado Vic and gases rise to power leaves the Lucchese family in ruin they toured the pieces they destroyed our honor there is no question in my mind that they can guess destroyed the Lucchese family and it's lost its honor and respect under the leadership of dosto when guys at the top start to go down like that then but there's nowhere to jump off this ship and when bosses are giving each other up it signals an end to what this thing was you
Views: 2,746,758
Rating: 4.3461499 out of 5
Keywords: Manhattan (US County), mafia, dons, captains, Sicilian Mafia (Film Subject), Nyc, gangsters, gangland, fight, live, mob, godfather, Rampage (video Game), Short, City, Rap
Id: VWzoXOtxXuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2012
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