The Kray Twins: London's Infamous Mafia Duo | Rise And Fall Of The Krays | Timeline

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[Music] Ronnie and Reggie Kray the twins who became the undisputed bosses of East End gangland were they born villains or did fate shape them for the role a lot of people stole things because they were angry but they'd never meanst to live I know people say oh we have a people grow out the East End and they made it it's not like that for everybody I mean some people more brainy than others had more chances and in your life you mean to go one way and you're pulled in now though it's not individual fall with the time the craze had got something about them that was almost indefinable to say that they were personalities is wrong because they projected an aura of even of power they would resort to violence at the slightest provocation to establish a reputation and this they did very very successfully so that not only foreigners and people that intruded in the into the East End but members of their own gang respected them because of that violence but if the craze were so evil why did the community in which they lived put up with them for so long in London's poorer quarters the line between right and wrong had long been blurred many of life's simple pleasures were outlawed by the state late night drinking card and dice games and off-course betting I mean I lived in a place called South grow building so I was a big old block of flats it was at least three bookmakers in they used to take the [ __ ] and they all got a living and all the sudden they might say yeah to my dead bone in my dad you know Barney got Nicky today so it'd be stone to get Nick to take him to court illegal bookmaking street bookmaking my get fan foot the father the East End contained many illegal drinking and gambling clubs which were frequently targeted by the police people in there playing cards and then the police was raided they take them to the police station after appear in court next one find intentions fight whatever it was in them days and that's where the people for what what are we doing wrong we're doing his playing cards we're not doing anything wrong and they're arresting us and so they lost their respect for them don't least and the police we're sort of natural enemies in some extent and people didn't come running in with information unless it was today a benefit because there was so little respect for the law itself many eastenders were unwilling to call on the police to investigate even serious crimes they're a community of their own they've lived hard they've had a hard time but it was their ethics and a code of honor that you didn't normally grass but this code of honor exposed the community to exploitation by professional criminals who turned it to their own advantage in the East End the law that was enforced was often the law of the Kray twins Ronnie and Reggie the twins ran that pearl of London like an iron rod there was nothing that went on in there a stain that they didn't know about if there was a wrongdoing get off the manor because they would come down on you like a ton of bricks well you know they keep saying about protection they was running the protection racket it wasn't actually like it sounds you would go they would go into a place and say if you don't give me a look after if you don't pay this you'll be in trouble and all that the people actually used to go to them and want them to look after they'd be known that they was looking after a place I think wasn't better actually I suppose it is a protection racket in a way but it was worked on a different basis people used to go to them and ask them to look after them there were lots of people that walking into pubs pubs that were tain a lot of money in those days remember we're talking about the early sixties when live music and good entertainment was throughout the East End throughout every Park London and protection money was being asked for and therefore rather than pay three four or five Tim bullies it's better to go and ask Ronnie and Reggie Kray could you just appear for 10 minutes or have one or two drinks in our pub on a Saturday night once it was known as a public the craze used then that publican didn't have any more trouble only went into people that were breaking the law you know if you had a publican who was having a laugh - timer then they could go into him or if they had a clamp where they were doing the illegal gambling dice spilling or someone like they would go into them they weren't they away but no way could they ever go into straight people because the first if they come in to you the first thing you need to put the phone up give me the police that preserve so the only people a good intimidate were people they couldn't found the place I was known as Reggie's main scotch scotch Ian Barry was known as Ronnie's name the twins themselves would would never like go on a an organised robbery or a plague in or anything Arnett they considered that the work of jailbirds near onwards but as soon as I heard of somebody who had it off they the first concern was did I know anyone on the team if they do then it would go in for their wek as it was known knew [ __ ] if he says I'm not gonna give you any money you don't jump all over him you come back and you say he's not gonna pay now there'll be a different mission gonna get three or four guys and go and sit on his ass or a public library drinks and give him a talking-to no send him to the hospital for a couple of days and then talk to him again yes that was everyday firm work to take the heat off their activities as criminal overlords the craze maintained an elaborate facade of public relations they were very conscious of the public image they were they worked a lot on it and so when they would do is higher thought or use one of their own clubs and let it be known that they were organizing a charity night they didn't put their hands in their pockets and say look at this I'm shocked about the the children's unit has got no scanner or whatever I'm gonna put this money in no they would get other people to give it to them then they would hand the older the the cameras whatever and take the glory from it news of these up-and-coming charitable sportsmen was by now hitting Fleet Street but to some crime reporters the story didn't quite add up Norman Lucas of the Sunday Mirror sought to win the Krays confidence in search of the truth he found the twins at their club the Double R there was a constant flow of villains in and out and they would stand at the other end of the bar and there would be whispered conversations and then Reggie would say or I will be minute and he'd detach himself and go along the other end of the bar and have whispered conversations with these various people it was then that I began to get my first suspicions that the Krays weren't what they were pretending to be very very honest chaps who were working for charities norman lucas nursed his suspicions about the craze but many patrons of the Double R saw nothing in the twins conduct to disturb them Ronnie and Reggie were always the customer side of the bar with the customers they were just socializing the whole time you were never aware of any business going on whatsoever they were just in the company all the time as we always said if you want to be treated like a lady you would be speaking to a villain I mean I've been invited to lots of Chelsea parties with hooray Henry's I've heard language that I would never ever hear in the East End when I was out was Ronnie and Reggie cry God there'd be one look from his eyes if anyone dared to swear in front of his mother or his aunt or myself or any other lady in his presence say they used to come to the Aster you could feel you could feel a certain atmosphere the Kray twins had arrived that was the atmosphere that let people go I don't think it was fair it was just I suppose it well I suppose if the Queen was to walk in every time I said look there's the Queen there they were summing a feeling would arise this royal progress might have continued unchecked but for Ronnie's recurring bouts of mental instability in 1958 he was committed to a mental hospital after attacking a man with a bayonet Reggie Kray invited Norman Lucas to accompany him on a visit Reggie went in to this mental hospital and I thought Reggie came out and we drove off in a bit of a hurry honestly I mean I was being driven when I wasn't I was in their car and so I turned round to Reggie he'd like an idiot and said well how was Ronnie and he said well I'm bloody vana he said Reggie's in there now and I thought Jesus what have I got myself into I said what do you mean you were now in escaper and he said well I'm not really am i he said they shouldn't put being in the first place I'm perfectly sane why should they do that and III thought well now where the hell does this put me I mean I'm just a newspaper man the switch pulled off Reggie walked free but Ronnie was now a fugitive and Lukas perhaps an accomplice with Reggie at his elbow Lucas called on contacts at the Home Office to negotiate a surrender deal for Ronnie with no penalties attached and I came off the phone and Reggie said I wouldn't a bloody believed it if I hadn't been standing in the phone books he said what's he saying this man and home office I said well you heard I said if Ronnie will give himself out now at all tomorrow morning he will go back there but he won't necessarily stay there and very show us bloody marvelous he said how's it you know that's high-powered paper at there and officer all part of the job Reggie all part of the job the job Lucas was really doing was penetrating the Krays Empire in order to expose them it wasn't easy but following Ronnie's release the police were having even less success it was always difficult to try to mount an action against the crazed if you worked in the East End I mean the story always was that whenever there was a serious crime the East End it was down to the Krays on two occasions I was approached by individuals one of whom had a small club the other had a small business making perfume for these suitcase sellers in Oxford Street both of whom were threatened by the crazed to pay their rent as they called it and if they didn't they got beaten up and in fact the chappie with the poor perfume he got his place burnt down and the answer is yes they got there by fear and the lack of evidence in july 1964 Scotland Yard set up a special squad to investigate the Krays rackets but even after nipper Reed had taken the twins into custody key witnesses mysteriously withdrew their evidence including one woman who had begged him to free her from the craze when we said that we were taking these people away they were going to be arrested she fell down on a knees and grasped my legs in our arms and said thank God thank God you've saved my life and I said we'll come later and take a statement from you thinking that the next day would suffice but the next day of course as has happened in those days we'd arrested the Krays at one o'clock in the morning we they were charged and they appeared at court the next day the on that day when they appeared at Old Street Magistrates Court this lady now resplendent in furs high-heeled shoes was they're all very nicely dressed than saying mr. Reid I'd like to stand bail for my good friends the Kray twins and so Reid's first bid to jail the craze collapsed with Ronnie and Reggie back on the streets they seemed invincible but crime reporter Norman Lucas had hit on a sensational story Lord Boothby a leading member of the House of Lords had been caught up in a homosexual relationship with Ronnie Kray Ronnie didn't hide the fact that he was a homosexual he liked young boys young men there were writers there was the politician like the famous ones I Boothby dreiberg and a few others supposing Ronnie might fancy a showbiz so used to put what they called a W out it's a warrant anybody can get him back to the twins would get payments of some sort of cash we were all up at the West End somewhere one night in this well-known Chinese place and we saw these guys sitting on his own they were unexpired him I said who's that and somebody said that's cliff Richards an up-and-coming star you know and I'd like to meet him you know so straightaway as a double your hair if anyone can get him in to a meet that's all he's got to do Oh cliff I don't particularly like he's singing in all that but you don't seem a bad guy I wouldn't hate to see him involved in it sort of person you know I thought well this has gone far enough and now I think I should write an expose news story I knew that once I'd done that I was finished as far as the craze were concerned but it was a story which in my view needed to be published and and everybody needed to be made aware of what they really were so that no more titled people or prominent show business people should be caught up in their web the problem was the sexual revelation at the heart of the story the newspaper was delighted with the scoop and wanted to run it Lucas himself was not so sure I said well we can't we we can run the story about their association with appear but we must not use the word homosexual because who we going to call if both pieces who can we call to prove this will be sued for libel but Lucas was overruled the newspapers lawyer Philip Levy worked out a formula to protect the mirror from a libel action and Levy said well as long as you just say the PR approving a homosexual relationship between Ronald Kray and appear you will be safe and but don't mention Lord Boothby snake the allegation was inserted into Lucas's story the mirror went ahead and published but then of course the walls came tumbling down on the Monday because Boothby did the most cunning thing in the world he wrote a letter to The Times saying everybody says this is me and on that basis he sued us and got 46,000 pounds damages which as I learned just 48 hours later after he got the money he was forced to hand over to the Krays who blackmailed him and said well if you don't we will say this is a true story now the Kray twins seemed untouchable but the old demons of paranoia returned to haunt Ronnie the slightest squeak of opposition was enough to trigger the most extreme of responses was running it was different it was a bit more weird if you like because other people's violence if he heard about it he would get him to sit down give it to him detail by detail he he got some hair in it he was definitely Freddy Krueger type person I mean Ronnie would smash some that he would literally smash him you know with whatever he had in his hand doesn't matter a hammer buying it or an X or whatever he would just slice somebody for the wrong word one man with no respect was George Cornell who had publicly ridiculed Ronnie for his sexual preferences it will say to him George in life you don't want to be careful you're going over the top you achieve a warning once Stanford is here you go you know what he is he's a nut so that's happy we say you understand with this any carried on a candy and Ronnie even said to me but always thinks is a Coryell he may not go too far with me in 1966 Cornell drove into the heart of Cray territory to take a very public drink in the blind beggar pub with his South London friend Albie Woods we walked in the pub we walked to the end of the bar George plunks he felt right in the corner who will be back to a petition and by discarded George there was some curtains which led into the public bowl and this was it 10 past 8:00 in the evening there were a number of other people in the pub 32 people altogether in fact and and the barmaid was behind the bar and so on it wasn't the normal kind of evening in a pub of that kind when suddenly the door bursts open and Ronnie Kray walked in with another man I think someone has stopped a couple of feet before they've regionally and about a step backwards like you know knew enough beyond me I look back at yours old look at how it didn't as I noticed it was a gun pointing at George I look better cured quick George was really small named sneery named him Ronny drew from his pocket a Luger automatic gun and and just pointed it at Cornell's head and shot him straight through the forehead so it's absolutely terrible you can imagine being there and there's people far in gangs like in your direction know what I've got is a stall you know in front of me and it you know it's what for I don't know it still wasn't gonna do any good you don't think they're nothing you know all I was thinking over will any second no it's gonna be me within minutes the bar was empty people were gone the people that were with Cornell had left George was moaning and groaning you know anyway I stood up he was nothing I could do a nudie ambulance was on its way and I didn't want to get involved and I walked out the pub there was really no motive it was just a question of Ronnie trying to assert himself as a gang leader to show that he was like the Americans that he got his buttons they say that he'd killed his man he wanted to show his gang that he was really the colonel he wanted the public to know that he was a gang leader and so it was with this in mind that he was able to walk into the blind beggars with 32 other people inside with no attempt to disguise himself confident because of his ability as a gang leader that he could walk in there and know that no one would give evidence against him Charlie Kray was unaware of the shooting a few hours later he was summoned to meet Ronnie after show Cornell Oh in a pop you've gone into PubMed show summary up I'll say doc do me a favor you know well now you'll they'll have you by tomorrow don't worry about there Ronnie eluded the police but it wasn't long before they caught up with Albie Woods they said right now we want you to name who killed George Cornell said I don't know Georgia Gaul no I said I never saw in their face I was hit happens so quickly I said and you know just that they were standing behind me I was just shocked you know when a right across my face in a jewel oh and when we tried to get witnesses people said they didn't see anything they didn't hear anything you know it's as if the thing had never happened the barmaid said she was downstairs she was in the cellars trying to get some more drinks up and things of that kind and so that there was this desperate situation where suddenly this this dramatic event had taken place and nobody had seen anything that I kept on and putting plenty of pressure on and you know but with all the pressure and all what was offered you know or no way could they win with me but sooner being in cellar for the rest of my life then you know girls paving up when I think about the Cornell case and all the problems that was the really the beginnings the worst problems I was ever gonna have when I knew what happened when they told me I thought I was just sick inside you know and I felt then this is the beginning of the end further evidence of Ronnie's deteriorating condition was the extraordinary scheme to spring his old friend mad axe man Frank Mitchell from dartmoor Jail in the absurd hope that it would force the Home Office to grant him an early release in fact it was hardly an escape at all Mitchell simply walked away from a moorland work party it was picked up in a car by Donahue they're actually in Fulham when he came on the news that he'd been reported missing anyway he went up in a friend over and and he started performing you imagine if all the psychiatrists and screws and what Evers can't control this guy what chances twins got in there we got him a girl I was test out wonder crabs keeping quiet that worked for a couple of weeks but it soon became clear that Frank Mitchell was more trouble alive than dead they wanted him to give himself up and go back to prison but of course it was too late there Mitchell and enjoyed this comfort relative comfort he'd enjoyed the the pleasures of this young girl and so he said no I'm not going back and then he became an encumbrance and so then it was decided that they got to do something very positive about him they told Mitchell that he was going to another house in in Kent it has never been proved who was behind the events that unfolded next pack up get him at the flat take your man in the corner the guy stood on the pavement open the back of this old Thames type then I get in his two guys sitting on a wheel casing on the left the relocation on the right is empty so Frank go in first I went to sit beside him they said now you go out the front and told the driver how to get back to the tunnel and I'm taught unsanded to drive a lot of plumb I'm saying just go down to a right and a right on your back on barking Road in the meantime the guy shut the back doors he's come round to where he's gonna sit in a passenger door gets in the van he's run in there he gets in as he slams a passenger door I later found out that was the signal I'm still leaning like an idiot talking to the driver bow-bow-bow the guns start off behind me they just kept popping him in and he came off the caisson onto his knees and then he fell back and these bullets are going all over him and he sure went still and one of the guys leaned over and put three shots bend around the heart you could see the shirt jumping now we'll move him he'd done the first right we're going up we got a dude and X right all of a sudden is a groan so the guy said he ain't date give him another one I'm empty yeah I'm started thinking I've got a go as will ya I'm piggy in the middle yeah I was pleased to hear one guy's empty anyway the other guy go puts the gun behind his ear and pop best allow shock that was fired now I'm thinking the next thing I can do is dive in this cab amongst these two and just start kicking and punching to not get out I'm firmly convinced I'm gonna die anyway we now come back up to the old barking road so I said right all you got to do drop me off here hopefully cert the back door was open no I got out and I started walking away still waiting for one in a Beckett and now as I was walking away but when I had a van pull off it was it always played Ronnie's lust for violence was beyond control has increased the pressure on Reggie his marriage to childhood sweetheart Frances Shea was cracking under the strain of her husband's criminal lifestyle well she would smile but I mean what's a smile you know you can sit in a dentist's chair and open your mouth it looks like you're smiling but it was a lot of glamour to I suppose and it must have looked nice at the time but when she actually saw her the whole thing was made up with Ronnie screaming in the background and going it no he's he's troughs she must have got sick of probably four I know it as well see because in the early days they were both homosexual and then Reggie sort of came away from it he has asked me how you actually touch a woman to make her excited I've interrupt you didn't know where you touched her how you touch her all up and be honestly I don't think you know where to put it while he was married the problem was an ordinary person would have had a gun through a divorce and met someone else that she couldn't do that if you could imagine some handsome young chap falling for brownie cry Reggie heard about it yeah he can have his late cow so she could never have another life sort of thing just two years after her celebrity style wedding Frannie Kray killed herself with an overdose of sleeping tablets I've never known anyway my life towards I someone I did a it really did I'd love it and when she died his Lord Reggie he was taking tranquilizers he was drinking and he was never in a right frame of mind for a long long time it just crucified him distraught with grief Reggie Kray was unable to help Ronnie in his desperate struggle with madness if you went to the house you would see him sitting in his armchair and he'd be like this he'd be changed smoking and if he popping these every pills and scaling used to scale a lot and if somebody said something you'd be like a general conversation going on and if he wanted to listen to one the tailor person he'd shut up you and now you know it was time to shut up because see with Ronnie you could say to him one day time to go down the caravan I don't you look like you're putting on a bit of weight that would be okay you could say exactly the same thing tomorrow and you would have to fight for your life still no one dared to give evidence against Ronnie but any chance he might have had of getting away with the murder of George Cornell was smashed the night his brother Reggie killed Jack McVitie with a carving knife Chet was a man who had Trevor doing him a good time he was a a typical what he called a villain who's over the camera I'm gonna move on it's a bank robbery the record of violence I'm just giving you a background of what Chet movie was like and it came a point where I think people start to get bit for that within bad-mouthing people all of a sudden Reggie walked in now what a while Newsome was wrong the way Reggie was reacting we'd all been drinking them like because he was biting his lip Richie wasn't sure I was got the opinion wasn't sure what was going on and he said who's testing its also there's no equation and I checked yet there no one yeah and he bit his lip I come upstairs to get take of the cigarettes and the machined and Charlie Berry's walking towards me the club owner and he says to me there's a party very long kills so we go down to Blanco is s which is never around and having a bit a joke on the way down then we go in and we go down the stairs jack goes running in the room where's the pie where's the pie I'm walking the room I see Ronnie over the corner what some television I'm actually morally pushed past me he went alone Tony and heat check on the other glass Jim glass glass it was and he came under the left eye but the next one happened bridge you got a knife in his hand and heart pinned him for some reason told him and he'll am going rigid why shouid but the gun felt that go officer 32 moors there's a brand new one come on I mean I don't believe this is happening these are professional people I mean these are the nice professional villains in London you don't do these kind of things I got myself involved in here and I said to I think it was Connie why I said Connie I don't want no part of this this is so out of order and Ronnie Kray came out and he said what's a mattress and Connie said it isn't wait they didn't come down a furnace in the meantime check John's heart and this is what exactly happened he walked over to the window and he punched the window and the words he said with this it would they feel like oh and he punched the window in timber and for the first time I was scared that's what I really felt I've never told anybody there and it's under diss some ways I felt coward there was a part of me wanting a run in and just help the guy help and a part of me held back because I had Tony was there and I mean I didn't know what he knew or what he didn't know so I'm really on the orders of the dilemma you know whichever way I turn I mean I've got a sword hanging over my head when the gunfire caught I didn't off what that would be but then again I look back on it and I think we saw he had to God you couldn't leave him free now we're setting up we'd put him in the middle there was no way out whatever way it did it's gonna have to go but mixed what happened is a carving knife is fussing to Reggie's name now things are moving fast and all I saw was the knife it must have stabbed him twice in seconds because I see sag and Nixon happened ridged under in the neck and then the knife arched and I turned away then and as a turn around again I sold to Mills Brothers run that around and there's check on the floor bed of cash in his neck which I would say and the third of the way around his neck but he was dead the blood was everywhere and there was a there was just his soil and safe about 30 seconds no one's seemed to realize what happened everyone was looking at each other and all the happened it was was really saying to me get rid of that Sony and they've gone I went in went downstairs and there's the body layer there but it's hard to understand and unless you he was in my boots I just didn't think he was dead I just couldn't imagine him he's laying there in front of me I thought he's gonna come a life I thought was asleep I just didn't think he was dead then we heard a knock from upstairs and it was Tony I said to my brother Rob endless wolf what do we do here now the idea is to get him out in that flat went upstairs and got a quill you know we're in big fleece he kind of quilt the old-fashioned kind come well then got Jack's body put him on the on the quill wrapped over left him in the middle of a floor and sister male he went through the whole house washing up glasses carpet pulled out where there was blood stains and all that kind of things come about maybe three o'clock maybe between two or three where we ran the body out to the car and if did the bow and she put the body in the blanket and all that in the car in the bow of the car pull the lid down we then have an argument about who's gonna drive it away because nobody wants to be seen that time in the morning they are bearing in mind that I don't know that the offside limp is gone it was a two-tone zodiac blue and cream if I remember right hi and the other guy got in my car and Tony set off in that car in Jack's car now we pull out and we get on semester II and we're going down their Street and I've got this 38 now know why am I gonna let anybody take Tony and he arrived it was vital to be stopped it would have been trouble there was no wasn't take a stop with that so there's a police car pulls up gets between Tony and I and I thought if they stopped him I'm gonna get her and I'm gonna do the business and I let the other guy me know to have some reason either they turned off and Tony went on and he went through the Blackwall tunnel and I followed him up and I went through a door after it a few hours later the car with McVitie's body in it was abandoned in South London so we ever meet but the twins were a twig like they've gone up a country narrator I'm here to meet the carbon source and all that was ever said in it it was losers with my brother Simon was here gross was it a wrong 11 loan he was just Newton's and that is why generally as Charlie gray told his twin brothers we have had a fabulous life before these murders we had it made and we could have gone to better things and as I said Yuto would have been somebody he was failing life and I said now my fingers gone you're blowing it everything you know her mother father made you we're gonna go I know we are and everything's finished the police were now investigating the Krays involvement in at least three murders at last they felt they had the evidence needed to mop up the firm the 34 year old Xbox twins Reginald and Ronald came here early this morning with slangs blood officers and are still here they were in bed when the squad called at their home in Shoreditch at about 6 o'clock this morning but Donahue escaped the net and I didn't know anything that happened till I get again the lift go up to me I forget what floor they run I walk along and I see these two coppers outside their flat even net wouldn't normally worry me too much I see their front door standing up against a wall and I thought oh yeah and one of these coppers said who are you I said my name is Donahue I've got a cab firm in BO and I have a running account with mr. cry and I'll come once a week to collect anyway very politely tells me I'll bunk collect that particular week and piss off so I did and I was gone and I went all over the place weighing up in Bethnal Green three weeks later the squad came in and it was it wiped up nicked somebody said maybe I heard about the cries so now I haven't he said they've all been arrested they made it thorn right well it wasn't a matter of weeks before I was standing hotel hold hearts in Walsall that the place might arrived there and brought me down it's inside your house at their headquarters on the south bank of the Thames the investigating team headed by Leonard nipper read was searching for the first cracks in the wall of silence that protected the Krays you see this was a conspiracy between a number of people and when you get that situation unless one or other is prepared to give evidence for the crown then it's impossible to break that silence I tried it as I've explained with three of the participants and all of them had rejected my overtures and if I said well do you want to talk to us now so I said no I don't want audio why sure one told you but we are asking you what you know about the murder each other here maybe I said I don't know nothing well as we've got it you were there but took the actual part in the murder in fact you quietly protested about it I said I don't know what you're talking about so I'm not I'm not only defended I mean I'm lump with them anyway there's no way I can get out of it if I want to change solicitors I'm gonna offend them you understand what I mean so really there was no way of even fighting the case and really I mean there were in many respects anything you said to defend yourself put them in in in in in in in a very very bad position so invariably we said nothing as far as the trees were concerned it didn't happen we can't be seen to be sorry seven did happen when 1801 all knowledge of it that's sundial in there coughing and bearing in mind we were river we're involved here it's not our round that really evolved so we've got a scene with women or not people have said to me many times I wouldn't have done that but they haven't got look in the mirror it's me who's got look in the mirror at the end of the day and I have to live with it and though I couldn't stand for that anything I said would help to convict men I put them down for that length of time but the persistence of nipper and his team was rewarded one after another former Kray associates broke the criminal code of silence and turned queens evidence anyway I'll go up for a special is a is visit it's cold I walk in the room is the twins and Charlie cry and all many Freddie sit down there's an empty chair for me so we're all sitting down so they say to me what do you reckon I said well this is what I've made notes I've made Reggie takes the notes reads him and just ripped him up when he sees this 3d he gets up he says I'll go and get another chair before then he just wanted to be out of the room so he don't hear Ronnie says don't bother wit notes ill but he said what we're gonna do Scotch Jack he's gonna rolled his hands up for Cornell young Ronnie's gonna hold his hands out for Jackie act and we want you to old drains out for Mitchell and we'll take all the violence and frauds but a wonderful check so I looked in it and I I said no and well the temperature went down in that room about 10 degrees tray away and they just staring at me so that was it I am now off the firm freed he comes back smells it and he said my boy just because you are not a cry doesn't mean you won't get the same treatment since it Benny Donahue trusted his instinct he pleaded guilty to a lesser offense of being an accessory to murder and was sent to prison for two years the most damning witness of all proved to be Ronnie Hart the crazed own cousin once Hart a decided to tell us who was present what their involvement was and the fact that they were present of course makes them guilty of the murder indeed as guilty as Reggie crowd actually wielded the knife once he had given that evidence we could charge all of them which which we did he said you want to go down with him you're gonna go down with him understand no nonsense of him charge him Ronald and Reginald Kray were sentenced to life with a recommendation that they should serve a minimum of 30 years chris and tony lambrianou were also sentenced to life they didn't come out for 15 years Charlie Kray was sentenced to 10 years for being an accessory to murder but in the East End there were mixed feelings about the verdicts when the twins finally got nicked and they got they got found guilty and what happened to him I was very very upset very upset because even though people think they was murderous villains gangsters I mean there's a lot of people don't a lot worse the limb got a lot less for it and still getting less for it and in a lot of people's our age they'll still go as two nice boys even though it's much mainstream stuff to you we know there will be known as two enormous boys I mean the whole of these damn was devastated I don't think they ever dream nobody in easy and thought that they'd be sentenced to 30 years minimum sentence but one of the architects of their downfall has no such sympathy I I didn't consider them to be friends as Sarge okay III I enjoy having a drink with anybody and I enjoy listening to anybody stories of this all that but I felt that at the end of the day it was I was going to get a first-class story out of it possibly a book a feature series and do a public service in exposing them and I had no scruples about using them and calling them as much as I could [Music] [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 4,791,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the krays, kray twins, the kray twins, the krays documentary, crime documentary, true crime, kray twins documentary, tom hardy, history documentary, tv shows - topic, kray brothers documentary, the kray brothers, kray brothers, krays documentary, full documentary, documentary 2018, the kray twins documentary, timeline documentary, kray twins interview, documentary history, channel 4 documentary, full length documentaries, documentary movies - topic, bbc documentary
Id: 8zNkmlf9G90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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