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yeah what is happening fanbase and welcome back to another episode of ranking all arts of blank anime a brilliantly crafted title that I totally did not just come up with on the spot with me today I have taking 101 let's do this for the second time for the last time there possibly not the last time hopefully for the last time we recorded this about a month or two ago and unfortunately the audio got very dead so we're doing this again of course now we're gonna be doing it much better because we've had practice and was all according to the master plan that was the theory of course yes yes so our brilliant scheme is to cover every single arc in one piece pre time skip pre time skip the post time skip one maybe a part two if you like this one definitely leave likes and subscribes and all that but we're also gonna be ranking all the arcs with a number between one and ten a ranking method passed down the Armstrong line for generations oh I don't remember the the numbers we use the first time so you know I might have ranked something higher or lower last time but you'll never know because that audio is just lost no your audio is good my audio is bad so you're in trouble oh yeah I'm gonna match up everything you say to what you said last time and catch you on anything that you may have changed oh yes I'll totally spend like four hours doing that I ranked thriller bark as a seven now I'm giving it a six point five oh man but yeah we got a lot of stuff in front of us here we got it we're gonna divide this by sagas yeah what we're gonna be doing is very professionally we'll be dividing it by sagas then talking about each arc in each saga so basically this whole video is math I hate you knocks yeah sometimes I hate myself too especially because I estimate this video being like an hour and a half let's begin oh that's nothing for me I eat an hour and a half videos for breakfast let's do this romance dawn east blue saga hell yeah east blue saga romance dad it starts off with luffy in a barrel which no one knows how he got that barrel uh I'm assuming he climbed into it you know honestly I think that 20-year old mystery just solved yeah in the anime and you know romance dawn really features the most prominent introduction not shanks but the punching out of the seeking by Luffy which has been done like nine different times throughout the course of one piece through different forms yes poor seeking I feel bad for that everyone's like you know yeah but that seeking deserved a trip shanks is arm off you'd be like the sea King is just a wild animal guys come on we also just take a moment to realize that this seeking that Luffy beats up no problem took the arm off an emperor III know so what the obvious conclusion there is that the seeking is you know emperor level beyond emperor level really I think that that is a valid assessment and also this is the one seeking that happens to have hashirama's cells yeah and it's weird that it has hashirama cells because it also has God demon and dragon slaying powers as well it's crazy yeah it's pretty insane I have to say the conditions it used before using its nen attacks against shanks were very powerful okay the meme is gone I will save it for him I don't know I don't know why that one was so much funnier but it was I don't picturing the seeking romanced on Oda is in love with that term romance dawn it's the dawn of new romance and adventure but we get to see Luffy and shanks and it's a good start to the series I think yeah well I only really got into one piece like halfway through the Bharati a arc I was not a huge fan of the romance dawn arc not gonna lie while sorrow at this point in time is my favorite character in one piece give or take to other characters but he's up there and I'm working on this whole massive video on the guy whoa Zorro videos like my first one piece video to hit a million was a Zorro video so that's the route to go on yeah well it's a long trek but I'm working on it fam I'm working on after all this time yes so the thing is I started around I think orange town and this was the four kids table I started with so I had to go back and watch romance dawn and I didn't think it was like you know if I started from Episode one I don't think it would be like blow out of the water like I need to keep watching this but you know considering it's such a long anime and this is where it starts kind of a humble sort of beginning um I think it works great yeah I have nothing against it on the rewatch but it did not suck me in from the get-go yeah yeah because especially since where we're at right now all this crazy stuff yeah and it's a chapter one episode one you don't know all the intrigue you don't know anything about the world I mean one thing you have to say Luffy does respect whamon and will destroy alveta whether she's a man or women yeah he treats them evenly because he is basically the Messiah of One Piece who alveta but okay we'll go okay well I thought Oh sock was the Messiah if we're going down that road with it okay we're never gonna finish oh god why did you oh man this is not a good idea to have me on here we're gonna have so many tangents all right all right all right so orange town then oh well we have to rank romanced on first right also xaro's intro yeah but everybody knows about Zorba okay so I wasn't sure I thought it was underwhelming compared to the epic badass that he was later although I love Zorro and you will see why soon I mean it starts a trend with Zorro for a long time where he always has to be incapacitated before he starts a major fight yeah sorry has to be starved it yeah why did they do that with Zorro they had to starve him for 30 days after he got freed so he could fight you know so he doesn't just annihilate everybody immediately with one sword swing um but yeah Zorro's introduction I thought was pretty beast I did like that part of it I I uh yeah I'm of course we don't know everything he's gonna do yet it's also funny cuz introducing Luffy and Zorro in this arc I totally did not get what their characters were going to become like the salsa and Luffy that I see now two of my favorite anime characters like Zorro is like top tier and Luffy's like top five there are two epic characters but you would never assume anything by the introduction of the two of them you know things are oohs this stoic badass sword man guy and he turns out to be such a lake loving character like he cares about his dad and stuff and Luffy he looks like such a bumbling [ __ ] but yes he still has his bubbly moronic qualities but at the same time they really evolved he's not a stupid character at the time a lot of shown in protagonists start off as just I'm a bumbling [ __ ] or through I'm just a light hearted not caring kid between the ages of 12 and 18 and you know and I'm planning on taking over the world like every good village it's sort of like the blank slate for a lot of manga like that's the safe opportunity to start a character off like that but it's what the manga cut does with that character and evolves like there's a grace period where you can kind of be like okay but it has to change eventually as far as one piece goes characters don't per se develop every character is good characterization like different personalities and whatever but it's not like the Luffy that we see in chapter 900 is that different of a person than the Luffy we see in Chapter 1 no not really and I love that because the story is about how Luffy is changing the world around him as opposed to how the world around him is changing him and it's a good way that Oda like keeps to his roots he's like I know what kind of character Luffy is gonna be and he's gonna be that same basic character throughout the entire thing I'm not gonna have a big moment to like you know oh he has a completely different personality now or something yeah so I feel like the introductions in retrospect were very good and this arc I definitely appreciate far more on a second time viewing and I would give it a 7 out of 10 I would give it actually know what I'll go right along with you I'll give it a 7 out of 10 on that alright dope next arc we have the orange town arc which includes epic characters like Nami and buggy also Kabaddi also Kabaddi who no one ever heard of except for you taking dude I seriously when I watched orange town I loved Kabaddi he was this he had this really edgy haircut and he rode around on a unicycle and he used swords I'm like this guy's pretty badass yeah but buggy well I mean he he had yet to become you know cuz that's at first at this point it's just like okay this is one of the early arcs of the series buggy is nothing more than just a low-grade villain that Luffy is gonna defeat and they move on yeah I actually loved but I UNAC Lee loved buggies character I mean I do too but I didn't start to really love it until he started to make his appearances after this are impel down buggy was like yes yes you know that was that was the part I started to really love buggy yeah since we basically discussed it they saw buggy they saw an minami sort of joined them and she later betrays them very cool I would give it a 6 yeah point 5 I was disappointed with the beginning of one piece not gonna lie 5 though most of that might be because of the four kids dub influencing me if not I'll go I'll go six but uh yeah so you're also not very impressed all right well we have a lot in common next I'm glad we can move through these a little faster well yeah sirrah village okay sheriff village there we go introducing a villain with the most useful weapon of all time yes I'm talking about the guy with the freaking gloves sword thing goes that he has to pick up his palms I thought you were talking about Panda man cuz he makes an appearance in this anyway we didn't wanna make this a whole video on helmeppo hammer gun and why it's the most we could do that if you want we could stop what we're doing right now and we should just have another hour and a half of the hammer gun that's right we're gonna title the video ranking every arc in one piece but in actuality it's gonna be an hour and a half long discussion about helmet bows hammer gun that would have been perfect to upload yesterday oh god by the way fun fact yesterday was April Fool's Day yeah I'm gonna be able to edit all this in the day so yeah but you're in Canada and time dilates there so you should have time anyway okay so yeah sirrah village ker oh this is the thing that I love Oda comes out and says oh he's the second most intelligent guy in the entire east blue but that doesn't really Luffy just hits him in really hard with his head and knocks him out so all that genius planning didn't really account for Luffy did it there Kuro yeah well that's why we love Luffy I mean it was an interesting because it's like herose character was basically like the introduction do okay Luffy not every villain you face is going to just be I'm a big tough guy that's gonna hit you really hard you know it's gonna be some of them are gonna be a little bit more scheming a little bit more you know Makaveli on with their plans yeah and the solution to all of them is whack them as hard as possible hit them really hard in the face and if that doesn't work try it again and it might work the second time yeah give him the one-two Luffy the one to Luffy Luffy you'd be the best champion ever kid but then of course we get the introduction of a sob as well as the we marry which is a crew made of a and again I didn't feel a connection to the going marry until the water seven arc um yeah I mean like I started to feel it during that filler honestly the g8 cuz they also because that was right before things started getting really crazy with the Mary and they started focusing on how injured it is but that was anime on Lee right but yeah right about water seven is when you start to notice hey yeah we have been with this ship for so long and it is getting pretty beat up yeah I mean again in retrospect this arc means so much more to me than the first time watching I feel like that kind of rings through for all of the east blue saga more than almost any introductory arctan anime in retrospect I like all these arcs and introductions to all these characters but the first time watching who's up was insufferable ion is a good way I didn't think he was insufferable I knew the kind of character they were going with with who saw up like the Cowardly character but also he can stand up when the going gets rough I've seen that character a bunch of times you're right so like has no purpose it's like everyone has like a purpose and he's done oh he's this sniper again at this point it's like there's three crew mates and it's like okay we got a swordsman which isn't a standard crew mate but okay I'll give it to you we got the Navigator all right we got the captain and we got a sharpshooter okay yeah I mean they don't really use cannons all that much in the series to fight the straw hat stone but I mean when they do use cannons Luffy blasts the cannonballs back anyways or it's a laser cannon they they do it is just like okay they're not using cannons enough I'm just gonna give him a laser cannon there we go that's why we love him so syrup village I would give also a six point five uh yeah I'll give it a six point five I read it recently actually the original way who saw is drawn is really funny because he's drawn in a very different way than he is now I mean you could tell the difference but it has been a while so but getting on now to the parati a which is probably my favorite out of the east blue saga well for me it's a throw up between the Bharati and our long both arcs I loved so so many people I mean our long park arc is the climax of everything that happened in the east blue and and it's a great arc but Bharati I introduced Angie at that before Frankie Sanji was my favorite straw hat I just love the idea of like he's this badass cook uses his legs to fight he's so suave he's so cool and don't forget his introduction was actually serving wine to this posh guy and the posh guy was like yeah this is your best wine it's the champagne young debt one day hey and oh my and Haku what did you did you forget the man's name is full-body ha ha ha look man I'm not the freaking living Wikipedia okay that's why I'm here hi with my memes and your knowledge we could take over the world holy [ __ ] we totally good yeah we attack a foreign country like knucks hit him with the memes I'll hit him with the one piece knowledge Iraq them the two most most important things that of course they won't teach you in college but also Bharati eh this was the first one piece backstory I remember watching as a kid that I actually felt like I'm sitting there watching Sanji's backstory was f and stranded on that rock and starving to death and I'm like oh my god that would be horrible to deal with yes this was the fit-out act story that really hit home yeah it was cuz Xaro at the end of the day I felt bad for him but you know yeah he chose to live this swordman life and Nami we didn't know yet and yes sup was insufferable stop was well let me say if you were somebody who and this is a real life thing that happens so sorry to get real here but if you're somebody that like your mom and your dad left at a young age and you don't know who they were really whose ops backstory would hit home a thousand times more impactful easier knocks I'm assuming your parents are still around yes uh you know but but yeah yeah soft just leaves his wife and who's soft when new stuff was a little kid I mean yeah that's that's pretty powerful but they didn't hit as hard as as me and not to mention Sanji was also paired off with Zeff who was yes truly badass character and the first real badass ol dude ever introduced in one piece yeah he was the one he was the pegleg pirate because you know pirates have those stereotypes like they have hooks for hands and yes even though not a single character and all of one piece has an eyepatch no no because knocks that is like I think Otis even addressed this it's because he's saving those traits for very important characters so the hook-handed pirate it's crocodile and he's a really important character and so people are thinking that gene BAE is gonna be the eyepatch pirate when he shows up oh that's cool yeah I'll take it but I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give the broad ei I'm gonna give it a 9 I really love my job I love I even like I even like Krieg Krieg isn't the best villain but he looked cool he was not a huge fan of Krieg I thought that the fight against Luffy was but Zorro versus me Hawk was oh god we didn't even talk about that yeah dude he sliced the boat in half and we were like put it's a sword he blocked bullets with a sword he cuts or oh down he was handling Zorro with just a pocket knife Oh God and then Zorro after this whole thing he turns to Luffy and says I promise you I will never lose again and Zorro and me hawks like fix up this guy he's gonna become like one of the best Ordman in the world like cuz me Hawks not a bad guy either that is something that gets way more impactful also every other every time I watch it and the more the series progresses every time I go back and watch that scene it hits me home even more yes because now we understand me honk a little better we understand sorrow a little better the entire east blue saga on rewatch is so great because in retrospect all these characterizations and all the things that are implemented into the various arcs in the saga are freakin great somebody threw out an idea and I don't know if you know you're for this cuz you know East Blue is the old animation style people have said maybe they should just go back and redo the whole use blue in the modern animation style I'm like I I wouldn't be against that if they kept the same script and everything yeah sure why not yeah don't stop the current one piece anime because of that yeah that's the only thing like you couldn't like I don't know how tow a would be able to juggle that but it was just an idea oh he can hardly spit up an episode exactly they would have to hire like they would have to literally make clones and or like robots to write to animate the manga and the anime and stuff alright so yeah I'm gonna say brought a pretty solid arc yeah I would give it a dude I'd happily give it that's fair intro Sanjay Zeff as a complete badass this is the first badass of like the previous generation man Zeca the older the older dude he also had a braided mustache coming out of his nose well we had guy maan but we kind of skipped over him I don't know who that is he's the green haired afro dude stuck in a Treasury ah you made look I love this art so baseless arc this arc all right is there a character in one piece that does the are scallywag um I don't it would probably be a laughter style like rrrrr like mr. Krabs like I don't I don't know if anybody has the yargh maybe Brooke has the yohohoho right but uh yeah but anyway yeah our long park y'all landlubbers don't understand the greatness of the park that's funny cuz that's what for kids does they are like piratey access to random people man okay with Nami and like whatever her name was and she like looks at Nami like crying and goes are matey Bellamy ya belem ears like Nami I argue that reminds me of this gem from for kids you know our Long's getting money from the entire towns folk and they're like if you can't pay the cash then you're out with the trash I'm evil eye it's not just for kids it's like anime dubs in general are you know I just watched like one of the latest episodes of Fairy Tail and Locke yeah I was like shooting lightning it and in the distance they're like what's going on over there and Grey's like it looks like it's cloudy with a chance of Laxus oh god dude there was a fairy tale dub before the one that exists now but it was like the Oh Dex dub it was like an unofficial one and oh my god they gave ray this like nasally keine like nerd voice they gave Juvia this super thick Russian accent thing oh my gosh you know Oh God although I'm glad you just mentioned the best couple in fairytales so that was cool I love Juvia and I love drew be angry and yeah but okay yeah our long party this is a serious arc this is a serious arc it's Tommy's backstory yeah dude can I just say something really cool well yeah when luffy put his hat on Ami's head and just silently walks towards our lan park with boo sorrow and Sanji and even noose up walking beside him before of them silently walking up to this you know basically army of fishman that are considered beings that are on a different level of skill and power than humans and these four random schmoes are just walking up to i that it that it pretty much encapsulate Saarland park right there and like overtaking plays in the background and it's like oh god this is such an epic scene I'll be honest with you I don't like the beginning of our long park I find it kind of slow getting into just everybody arriving on the island meeting no yeah random here's random fish man Burt attacking the village Team Rocket grunt it basically is he hears you stop running into no Chico and that random kid whose name I can't even remember and it's like okay can we get but when it finally gets good and it gets good we get na meas backstory then we get the whole scene with Luffy and Ami's like stabbing herself from the knife and remember this is after Nami betrayed him stole yeah stuff for our lung and luffy's like yeah but you're part of the crew there's a scene and I don't know what it is in the Japanese but in the Funimation dub they take it to a level where Zorro after finding out Nami betray them Zorro calls Nami a [ __ ] and it's like whoa it's just kind of real here like you know and I don't know and even the little fights also it's like ooh stop beating Chu or whatever his name was Shu yes yes that was amazing cuz I'm sorry sucks but like he's Usopp hammered the hell out of him do something that was his that was his shining moment in all of these blue was his like even I think even better maybe than even his uh the alabaster moment I was gonna say yeah when he's like you know Luffy will be king of the Pirates I won't let that me made fun of that's a great scene but this scene is like okay who's up you know he's been playing pirate his whole life he wants to be like his dad and he's nervous going out to sea cuz he doesn't know and of course Luffy and everybody's a lot stronger than him at this point but he realizes like nobody's gonna come to help me with this I have to do this on my own I have to defeat this guy even if it kills me putting my life on the line is something he's not something that's it's hard to do to put your life on the line for something but he does it and he wins and then of course there's a sorrow being held up by his neck by our lung and he takes his back oh I and sees those gashes that he just just fought me Huck I'm glad so many people remember that because it's something that I thought not a lot of people would remember that from that arc but it's such a powerful moment when our lungs like what the hell this guy shouldn't even be alive right now let alone fighting and then use the octopus guy in the water just explode Hachi oh god um let's see what else were they even when in the hour-long park arc itself and of course there was Luffy versus our log which was hilarious because it's totally Luffy like he knocks his teeth out and then he puts it in his own mouth yeah he puts it in his own mouth and then he's like are la Grieg roses too even he tries to bite him with it and it's just this weird and it's so funny cuz it's like typical Luffy ingenuity and it's totally stupid but you know it works sort of yeah and also not only that but this arc again in retrospect is so damn good because the whole idea of Fishman being bad guys you know we're used to it because in pretty much anime and fiction until this point like yeah Dragon Ball where these aliens are pretty much the bad guys right I mean anyone that's humanoid is a good guy the bad guys are cell and Frieza Jungman it's the monsters that are the evil people right so that's pretty much how it is in almost all fiction especially until this point and now we have our long who is that the villain and is also not human and is looking down at human and his races towards human and all that but then you realize that it's all stemming from humans being racist towards Fishman yeah and you don't find out about all of that until way later I like that Oda didn't like okay we're gonna do our long parking at the end of our long park we're gonna make our long sympathetic no no he doesn't do that anyway down the road that you feel bad for Fishman it's not in sabadie that you feel bad for them and not until the Fishman Island dark that you really understand what's going on yeah and our long is not he's still not sympathetic after what he did know he's a bad guy just like humans there are good Fishman there are bad Fishman exactly categorizing them by their race you all find out about his backstory about you know fish or tiger and how he died and how that affected our long and how he went to go do that and she may want to go do something completely different it's just such a great message for people especially if you're like a kid watching one piece you know yeah I I really appreciate that theme and again it makes the our long Park Ark even more powerful unlike a second viewing oh I would give the hour-long Park Ark I think in 8.5 I'll give it a nine as well from yeah continuing on from the Bharati a alright and next I believe is log town yeah or rogue town which I also think is a pretty cool name for it yeah it's a pretty sick name so this is our little buffer arc until we get to the Grand Line basically just recapping everything and also like okay this is the Grand Line this is the big adventure this is what Roger represented right this is basically this is the straw hat symbolism arc it like yeah you are on the very island that Roger was killed you're about to enter the grand line it's like you know really this is our first major altercation with Marines they're not all just like bumbling idiots yeah up until this point they were just like we're they're Marines and we can swing swords and shoot bullets at you but it's like luffy's like I made a rubber so my name is Brad ekeus and I have a sword with a gun I'm you don't want to mess with me man I'm the best marine there is I taped I duct-taped a gun to my hammer but then you start getting to like oh wait a second cuz we got Captain Morgan who was kind of lame but no this is Captain smoker and he's a total badass [ __ ] this guy he takes Luffy and there's nothing he could do about it so this is also really our first major altercation with the logia yeah and at this point we don't know what a Loki is are we don't know any other types of device so this is basically where if YouTube would exist at that point every single animal God would be making videos on how Loki is are the most broken power ever dude I actually considered do it because we had this conversation before I actually considered doing that for April Fool's I still might do that that's actually hilarious I got like I like oh my god Loki's are insane attacks just like go through them I'm gonna go and dress up like an early 2000s guy I'm gonna get like a Smash Mouth poster to put in my room and I'm gonna be like yo guys what's going on yo guys so these videos gonna be Totally Rad nice that's a little bit yeah I'd have to work on my 2000s vernacular because that's like more Michelangelo like the 90s but it's like um one piece chapter 97 review can you believe smoker is this broken oh god yeah I was gonna do that and I was also gonna like I could tweak my video camera to make it look like it's in the twin like the early days yeah but uh hey smoker was cool that smoker was a really really interesting character because in the end of the day Luffy despite the fact that he ends up saving villages and stuff the guy's a pirate I mean most pirates that we've met until this point weren't exactly upstanding citizens yeah that's the thing you got to remember about one piece as a whole it's like you know the what the straw hats are the exception to this most pirates you know you know shanks also doesn't really do it the same way as like you know kid does but most pirates are not good people we also got to get sneak peeks at railay oh yeah and drag and drag wait did we get her did we get a reference to Riley in this arc yeah I thought so he met Luffy in the bar no oh no no no no no that was Raul what okay so first off all right nuts okay here's deal ah here's the deal first off that whole scene in the bar that was anime I feel betrayed I know and the guy that was there his name was Raul and he was this old dude he referenced Roger but we don't get to see Raley we do get to see Raley earlier in the east blue during buggy's flashback but we didn't know he was Rayleigh Oh there you go all this time sorry buddy oh well I thought it was a pretty sick Ark it was a great way to get introduced to the Grand Line we got to see dragon for a split second not knowing what he was doing all we knew is that smoker went his pants yeah we know he was like oh mysterious shadowy tattoo guy he's probably gonna be important probably gonna be important later little did we know he's potentially the strongest man alive yeah we're the most we will he is the most wanted whatever that means anyway lock town I had to give it a solid 7.5 I was gonna go seven I liked blog town I like my town I also like the scene where Zorro got his new swords yes good call that was a sick scene yeah Yuba City let's see what stronger this swords curse or my luck I want to see him do that again with the knee tie and it actually does cut him but he's like well I know it's a good sword then it's stronger than my luck I guess I'll have to teach this sword a lesson and we're just like watching it like what is happening here Oh Zahraa is so much fun yeah we need some some of that Careless Whisper you know Nana Nana Nana Nana need to join a like a boy band knocks we can do it Elia with my beams and your knowledge you would take oh okay never mind we could take over the land of teen pop music hell yes from henceforth we will be known as the we boys the we boys all gonna make a I'm gonna make a shirt it's gonna be great you have we all have boys okay I'll be the weeb UV they'll both be equally weird don't worry anyway moving on this concludes the east blue saga ladies and gentlemen whamon and gentlewomen and i would in total give the entirety of the saga a solid 7.58 I will give this an 8 that might not work with the averages of the scores we chose but eight it's it's an all it's what it matters to you welcome to nook star qu the most unofficial official anime channel of all time damn it locked in but give me the second sock up we have alabasta not to be confused with alle bastards but it's a totally different thing and we start off with reverse mountain did you know alabasta is a alabaster is like a rock yes I was aware of that in fact yeah okay okay just a little bit of geology knowledge for everybody in hospital so yeah reverse mountain I thought it was like okay and it shouldn't have been four episodes uh you know the boot oh the labou doc I think that was less than that I think it was only like two or are you talking about whiskey peak or did the whole reverse Mountain thing up yeah that was like two episodes yeah again I like how one piece introduces like the wacky stuff that goes on in the world cuz every time you see like you know a waterfall going backwards it's like a little nugget of information we understand about the world because as you know gyah geography is most things geography I think is some stuff in the world but it's good stuff it's it's it's like everything actually oh right yeah damn it I'm sorry I kind of a duck now man I forgot so many thing I don't know if anything about the world now all right with that I think you should take the role of memes and all have the knowledge I am NOT ready to go to meme University like you did so I can't I understand but anyway yeah the thing is about the one piece world is whenever you do encounter something weird like that like here's a giant whale or here's a cat just in the middle of the water that might just be a wacky thing oh it'll wants to draw or it might be a super important thing 200 chapters later you just don't know hey now so you got to keep mental and mental notes of all this stuff or rather you have to keep mental notes about this stuff and I just have to watch your videos uh yeah that's my videos exist dude that's the whole reason I'm doing this yeah in case Oda forgets the freaking check you it's my burden to bear alright well I'm glad it's yours that not mine because I'd lose my mind downloading all this stuff into me brain aside from all the other stuff you cover but again reverse mountain I'd give it like a seven yeah I'll give it like a I'll give it a seven I'll go with you yeah cuz Laboon was cool when they learned about the grand line and like crocus explains you know how to get to raftel he explains what raftel is so that's cool and they get logged poses which is just like weird compasses and okay anyway moving on whiskey freaking peak sorrow versus live a and also on freaking dude Zorro versus Livi yeah but that's like doesn't end so you know a fight without a conclusions yeah that's right it is it's more of a it's more of a scuffle than anything Zorro scuffles Luffy it was a [ __ ] for the whole fandom yeah well you know it would be more of a [ __ ] if it happened now like if one a luffy fights or oh you know that'd be war and then it just ends after like oh okay you know it'll be exactly the same thing I don't I don't think the one-piece anime is ever gonna straight out say that Luffy is stronger than Zorro at least not until the end oh but anyway yeah so whiskey peak first island in the grand line introduces us to baroque works and also it introduces us to the fact that these islands that we're gonna be meeting in the Grand Line are all insane well yeah it's like don't don't get used to the normal stuff in like orange town syrup village and well our long Park I guess but you know yeah whiskey whiskey Peak is not that weird in terms of climate the next island is not climate but the fact that everyone on the whole island is just there to ambush the freakin straw hats oh yeah yeah every island you go to it's gonna be a coin flip of a chance whether or not everyone's gonna want to kill you or if they're gonna be just cool with you and you know or if there's just wild beast that want to devour you yeah or or like they get into arguments about who will eat who first and so yeah we get to see sorrow and all of his splendor and glory taking on a ton of guys and we actually see opponents that you know it's our first evil organization we know that anime are gonna have evil organizations every anime has evil organizations yeah except for Naruto I don't think there's any evil organizations in Naruto right yeah except Naruto yeah except Naruto himself yeah the Akatsuki was actually good guys in disguise they were they were actually pain was just trying to bring the world free ice cream and Naruto kept screwing him up yeah that's the secret plot of Naruto that most people don't talk about but anyway yeah I mean most of the people that we meet in baroque works in whiskey Peak are not like super impressive like you know mr. 9 misses Monday they're not really that dangerous even when mr. Fong my mom even when mr. 5 shows up he's like I can its pew things with my boogers I love that power he's awesome but Luffy and Soros still manage to knock them out with one shot basically so it's like yeah but it's fair I don't necessarily want every villain to be a challenge per se Luffy's is strong glad he could take down guys who throw exploding boogers it's fair at the time but it doesn't really strike a lot of terror for this organization quite yet yeah but this is mr. five we know there's stronger guys I like the comedy involved I like sorrow beating a hundred guys than I did I mention that enough times yet everybody likes watching I enjoyed sorrow just Futterwacken a bunch of guys too that's a fun word Futterwacken it is a good word everyone should use it in fact you should may put it on a shirt I should yes so whiskey peak 7.5 I will give it in 7 fair enough I guess I'm a bigger fan of Zorro Futterwacken his opponents under lacquering ah now you're saying it like a pro yes next I think we have little garden we do and it's a tiny little place full of dinosaurs and it's also the origin of Zorro and Sanji's fated rivalry between one the origin of their rivalry yes it's beautiful there's our Oh get lost there or was that later um Zorro gets lost I can't remember the first time he gets lost actually but it probably might have happened in our long I guess I think he accidentally found the our long Park Place and just chills out there for a little while all right well in any case I love that little gimmick um so little garden we got introduced to the Giants let's not make believe that's not gonna be important later that's what I love about it's like here's an island full of dinosaurs but I'm also gonna introduce Giants just because and it's like oh ok yeah we could do these I feel like the dinosaurs were the backdrop saying that look how freakin cool this world is and all these wacky Islands funfact giant yeah they're thing they're here Dorian Bradley legee Dorian brokey gg gg gg of the giant warrior pirates also mr. three who's a wax man and a lolly that can make you her best friend and as we know all lollies are at least 75 plus yeah I'm gonna have to give this a 12 out of 10 just because Miss Golden Week is this hashtag not a wet ah not into lollies not a PITA all right well we've learned something interesting today uh I liked the little garden arc I did too but I did not like it as much as whisky peak well the thing is with me for kids skipped it so I didn't know about I actually read the little garden art for the first time when I was in middle school out of Shonen Jump magazine and I was so blown away cuz I was like this is a whole part of this story I have never even heard of before do you know why they decided to skip it I have a third some thing from somebody a long time ago and I have no idea if this is accurate accurate I hear they wanted to get two choppers so they could profit off of the merchandise from him they just wanted to hurry up and get to the choppa oh my god I can't imagine that was something that was somebody something said a long time ago and I have no idea if that's factual because there's always questions why people would die for kids did what they did I'm not even sure they knew what they did 100% of the time and then in middle of the fight between Luffy and crocodile they were like holy [ __ ] we forgot the Giants yeah it's the funniest thing the funniest thing is they cut out Laboon in the for kids tub and they replace them with an iceberg and the straw hats just break through the iceberg and just continue to whiskey peak so it's like okay so if they would have made it to thriller bark then Brooke would have been I need to get back to my iceberg I need to get back to my I need to get back to my best friend the iceberg we had to leave the iceberg behind sorry Brooke we destroyed it with a cannon what that was my only friend yeah well in any case for kids very cool and little garden I would give it a 7 out of 10 I thought it was solid I've given their little garden an 8.5 out of 10 I like that Orko see you got to see Nami in a bra so that was always a positive did you just give it a little a garden arc the same rank that you gave like our long no no no no it is pretty cool no no I like that arc I really do um the ingenuity that you had between Luffy and who sob trying to love that candle set thing that mr3 made I like mr. three a lot you know I don't think he gives as much credit as he does granted I only started really liking him in impel down yeah I liked him in him pale down to but I liked him in this art too and the Miss golden weeks like colors trap that was such a unique power you don't just don't you don't see that in other it's so you know it's it's not devil fruit it's something else and an exploding boogers was just you know I'm not as into the exploding booger guys as you are but yeah that's basically my spirit animal well we we all need a spirit animal mine is a penguin that has the wings of an eagle the ability to to throw exploding boogers that's the coolest freakin power ever so that's the devil for it you go with if you can have anyone well I can you think of one that would be stronger like kaido's the the opieop you know me maybe to do like the Aviano me gives you the ability to do like 13 different things dude the opioid I know me laws right yes yeah that hands down the fruit I would take um yeah everything is the one everyone would take you know what I wouldn't take luffy's him and his rubber schlong yeah I mean like if you train with it it might be cool but I think it would just be good for parties yeah and the fact that you can use your penis as a whip yeah I mean that'd be cool like hey look guys what I could do oh yeah watch me lasso that bottle of beer with me penis yeah you actually getting drunk at a party and doing that definitely gay guys check out what I could do oh my god but yeah yeah this is the helicopter oh god it would be funny though I'd be laughing Maya anyway moving on drum island okay so drama island I feel bad cuz I feel like I'm kind of the pessimistic part of this group in the alabaster Ark even though I love the saga I was not a huge fan of drama island is it because it's sharper look I don't have anything against chopper I thought he was okay yeah I mean every you need the cute animal mascot I mean you need the cute animal merch I mean mascot yeah I mean if you played Final Fantasy or something there's always got to be a cute animal mascot and there's some yeah but Mughals are cuter than chopper and have better personality not the point that's a different discussion I love Mughal yeah I love me a Mughal too but I mean wha Paul not exactly the single most terrifying villain of all time oh you don't say I mean he's up there I mean him and EMU sama and like you know Kaito but I would say wobble is the least intimidating of the three I guess the most terrifying thing about him though was more like simple like like this is what a corrupted King can do to his country and a Vivi was there of course so that leads in developing her because you know I originally was gonna say this arc has nothing to do with alabasta cuz we don't run into any baroque works agency or anything but it is important because we find out more about Vivi sure whatever you can twist it to be symbolic I I didn't damn straight I can tell ya but I was personally not all too impressed and I give it a six point five I get a seven solid seven look looks like you're just 0.5 over me so the fans could like you more hmm I'll do I'll do 0.3 from now on a six point eight point six I would give this a four points to seven eight nine whatever let's not do that let's do let's recite PI Knox 3.14159 three one two three four okay you got it wrong I did I did actually I actually know PI up to a point which is terrifying yeah I could do it up to like ten points I think 3.14159265 nine four and then I kind of lose I'm not sure anyway whatever look there are more important things to do like for example talking about one piece and you heard it here first ladies and gentlemen one piece is more important than math okay yep even though this is all based on math my least favorite yes right this is all based on math we are in quadrant 2 in the second saga in arc four I hated those yeah oh my god math and most math let's be honest you never need to know that you know plus or minus B to the square root of 4a over two like screw that stuff yes seriously it wasn't fun for me either yeah and in the end of the day think about it this way here we are making a living off anime yeah I know right I would say never thought in a million years this is how I would get my paycheck but okay I'll take it yeah well anyway on to the big big arc in this saga the alabaster Ark named after the alabaster Saga named after the country alabasta get it I get it cool so I fell in love with one piece this was the Ark I mean I got into one piece at the Bharati a an hour long arks but this is the art that I was like oh my god one piece is actually like good amazes you / good it's amazing yeah yeah cuz like until this point I was like one piece is never gonna be better than Naruto and then I was like wait you know I ate I could sympathize with that cuz I had a point there too because I did watch Naruto first I think even bleach first before I got super into one piece I mean beyond yeah I watched Naruto and bleach before one piece as well okay I technically watched it first because of you know the for kid stuff but I just thought oh this is just a kid show I mean Naruto's cooler cuz it's got Itachi yeah there we go but like even before Itachi like the Chunin exams was sick and I mean you had like this whole crazy invasion and the Third Hokage died and like Sasuke retrieval and there was all this cool stuff then you got to learn about the Akatsuki but alabasta was like wait a second now I know why one piece is like the king of the big three yeah it's really good and it's the first arc where Luffy did not win right away well right away and then of course crocodiles like will I relieve you here since you posed no further threat to me I love it when villains do that I love it's like you're not even worth killing because the manga would be over if I just cut your head off right here you're far too weak to be worth me killing here and then like two episodes later you have and then he kicks his ass again a second time and then Luffy wins the third yeah well go prideful villains but the alabaster arc in all it really first of all we got smoker back yes and he's a Commodore now wait no did no no I he's a Commodore after alabasta cuz he got the rap for yeah and he actually learned that Luffy's not a bad guy Luffy saved the freakin country crocodile had this massive plan to actually take over and he wound up if it wasn't for those meddling kids and that blasted reindeer that's really important for I love the Scooby Doo reference that's really important for smokers character though because it's like he's up to this point like I'm a Marine I obey the law all pirates need to you know need or just scum right it opened his eyes to the fact that wait a second there aren't pirates shouldn't just be all necessarily you know branded as evil and then he sees this and he's like oh wait wait a second so crocodile who's working for the government is evil and the straw hats are trying to save that's different so yeah and you know at this point I mean smoker doesn't appear that often in the story as like luffy's dyrus rival but you know he is in the Marines yeah yeah I would say more so before the time-skip but i mean as far as the rest of the art goes this is the first one that I mean since our long it followed the Shonan formula of you know Luffy beats crocodile and Xaro beats mr1 and Sanji beats mr2 in a fight that I still shudder to this day it's more obvious in this arc because they all have numbers that descend and he's like you okay we see what you're right and and you also have luffy's crew members and you know who's stronger than who at this point it's a lot like wait a second do stop actually defeats Angie and if I know let's not worry about that but he can't be yeah he can't beat a mole lady and a giant dude with a baseball bat right the ultimate combo with the help of a reindeer of course well of course and let's not forget an epic moment cuz this introduced mr. Prince and yeah and that's once again a freakin foreshadowing moment it's like oh I guess he just picked that name out of a hat no he didn't he really is nah but I loved that moment so much for it introduced Seastone yeah I guess yeah I guess it did I guess it wasn't a thing before alabasta huh you know the things you look back on yeah it's pretty crazy I love doing these videos they're so great they're so fun yes you remember so much [ __ ] about the series like oh wait yeah that's right that did happen yeah I'm gonna eat my words when I'm audio editing but you know hey Doc's future NOx editing this good job buddy thank you future nuts I'm sure very much appreciates the sentiment keep it up keep it up I don't we might be actually well I'm keeping track of this and I think we're about halfway through it actually maybe a little bit over halfway yeah and we're also at about an hour of audio so yeah I have 57 minutes okay good at least we're synched up there yeah we go anyway but I thought the mr. Prince moment was sick cuz it really really annoyed crocodile and it's like it goes to show that every single member of the straw hats is their own autonomous unit it's not just like they don't it's not just one big body it's like everyone has their advantages and disadvantages and what they can do to help out and mr. prince was so cool cuz like they were keeping track the entire times Sanji was the only one that wasn't picked up on by baroque works he was like a shadow remember and he used their own traps against them like taking over the casino and whatever yeah he's almost like this will blow your mind he was almost like he was a stealth guy that was a black leg he was almost like a stealth guy oh my god I know I think Oda does this [ __ ] on purpose sometimes you know like it's like oh I'm gonna give him a stealth powerup later on it's gonna be like 10 years but I'm gonna give it to him and he was wrong because it was like 15 years or 20 years oh yeah it was a while alabaster was like Oh 203 I think it was actually at chapter right from 155 to 217 yeah damn that's pretty insane anyway I loved the mr. prince part that was my highlight of the entire arc we also got to meet Nico Robin I mean we saw her for a moment before but we really got to know her a little better yeah but Robin I mean she's my favorite female character so kawaii-desu na yeah for me it's I have to say boa Hancock for me man hey we all have our wrong opinions but you know yeah we do like for example you think Robyn's best girl and for example I think helmeppo with a hammer gun is stronger than buggy but alas we'll never be able to make it this is this is the eternal this is like in breakable shield in permeate like AB the strongest spear vs. the strongest shield it's just we're never gonna break yeah yeah exactly can I be the shield I just finished watching rising of the shield here oh yeah well I ended up actually dropping it I found it a little bit repetitive I like the theme but it wasn't the best thing I've ever seen but you know it was into it it was a good time I enjoyed it I watched the first bunch of episodes then I picked up the manga and whatever yeah I haven't gotten to the manga yet I got caught up to the anime yeah well in any case what would you rank the alabaster Ark because I had to give it a solid 9 matey 9 points 0 no no no we're not doing that ok yeah let's avoid that but yeah 9 I give it a 9 how'd you feel about crocodiles character as like one of the first major big yeah big protagonist I'm a big big antagonist in the series I loved crocodile I mean obviously he was my favorite villain up to this point and I think to this day he still remains in my mind as like a top tier anime villain he even I so okay there was a few stupid things the four kids dub did with him and I know if you're wondering why I keep bringing up the four kids dub that was my first introduction to this series so a lot of these memories I have of these early arcs they the first ones are the for kid stuff but that's ending soon cuz they stopped up and get in the middle of Skype yeah but anyway yeah they actually have a voice actor first crocodile which i think is better than the Funimation one it is a rather an whose actor very intimidating they give him some stupid lines like your desert do do draw hat but he sounds like he sounds like a Bond villain for the most part you know this sophisticated dude you know I like him I mean he gave me Giovanni flashbacks cuz he was like this mafia boss yeah he is he does you know everyone respected the guy had his trench coat and whatever which is very cool and totally not ripped off by Laxus to mention him again but is it cloudy with a chance of Laxus where you're at right now yeah but anyway that wine was like killer yeah there's you get to some that are so punny you just you just want to take a pen and just hit up although low key the current fairytale season is pretty hype i I mean I watch though I've read the manga of it I haven't really watched the new and Verena anime too much yeah well in any case so I thought crocodiles character itself really shown this arc like it really showed us a good villain for the first time in one piece and the villains only get better I mean they do I love I love crocodile as far as villains go but like no flamingos doflamingo but in any case yeah so I'd give the alabaster Ark a 9 yeah I'm pretty confident with that and I would give the alabaster saga an 8.5 I would give the whole thing enough no I would give the alabaster saga 9 as well I'd give both alabaster Ark and the saga oh yeah because you figure well I really like little garden too probably more than you do but I mean yeah I would give it a 9 I mean for me it's like alabasta whiskey peak and the Baroque works train that just kind of ran through the whole thing I was chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga yes that is a train so with that said teching thank you very much very cool to the sky Island saga got your wheel indoor okay so they go to this place called Jaya right now get this it's an island yeah let's start with Jaya it's an island full of a bunch of dicks yes and I love those big not literal dicks but to be fair most of them do have literal dicks yeah there was a in part of Bellamy's little group there was a girl but I don't remember her name but yeah yeah yeah and Bellamy is a springy dick he is a springy boy yeah um so I know this is gonna come out of left field and sound weird especially because I may be doing an entire video on Bellamy this is your favorite Bellamy is this is not my fav but Bellamy is one of the greatest villains in one piece make your case go ahead all right so I have your attention I have your attention go ahead so listen to this throughout one piece there were many themes that were pushed until this point we had you know friendship we had adventures we had you know realism and materialism versus like an optimist and optimism and idealism it's like that was kind of like crocodile trying to take over the only time in the entirety of one piece that the ideal of dreams was shattered was by Bellamy ah you know other villain does this I mean you had a ton of villains that were stomping on Luffy's ideals that movie was stupid he's hard-headed he's too nice he's too moral he tries to deal in certain fashions with certain factions in stupid ways but in the end of the day the one thing that went unchallenged throughout one piece was dreams everyone had a dream Luffy had a dream to be Pirate King Hazara had a dream to be destruct the greatest swordsman everyone in the crew itself was bound together by their dreams now what sky Island was another step on this grand adventure and what does Bellamy do off that's like the first thing he does is stomp on dreams ha ha ha they don't exist kid sky island is just a fake yeah and you don't have that anywhere else in one piece so it really hit me I love Bellamy as a villain I love the fact that he still wanted the he's the easiest fight Luffy ever fought I mean he knocked him down in like one second yeah like both times I mean a little the second time it gave him a little bit of a trouble but for the most part II just yeah yeah and also of course we had their earlier scene where Bellamy and his group were beating Luffy and Zorro up and they weren't raising a finger to fight with him yeah I love that scene because it's like it because yeah went against their ideals they said some fights are not worth fighting in me back to shanks and there was this entire argument like Bellamy was a completely ideological villain he was a complete nobody like power wise but ideologically he was powerful he was and that's why I would give the Jaya Ark an 8.5 I also I would probably give it an 8 but that's also you know juxtaposed to the like you also get Blackbeard showing up right after that pretty much right after that bar fight right that's true we didn't even mention meeting a synth alabasta oh well ace dies so I mean we don't have to cover him boilers but you know like I'll talk about Blackbeard then we'll talk about ace but Blackbeard I mean he shows up right after that and he just kind of like we know he's a bad guy given what ace told us about him and given he attacked from Island we know he's not a good guy but he gives Luffy that in like oh the era of dreams the era of pirates will never die and it's like well I like this guy more than Bellamy you know what I mean well yeah like Blackbeard I mean I made a whole video on Blackbeard because he's the anti Luffy he's like a come yeah he has similar and opposite at the same time and that's why I loved him as far as you know antagonistic oh but when he was first introduced I don't think anyone really understood that he would be a major player in the world I mean Blackbeard is probably the most famous pirate so when he shows up in one piece well aside from that yeah when he showed up in one piece I'm like yeah I don't see him being just like a one-off villain and alas he was not so yeah Jai is a solid eight point five for me I like Jaya in fact I like Jaya a lot better than Skye Pia yeah I think it's a lot of people that go with that now listen I mean Skye Pia it's a long arc is there stuff that should be cut out from it yeah it's so long dude it does not need to be 70 chapters is there stuff that they could have done a little differently sure like they can handle the fights a little bit differently sure but I'll just give you my rating for it at the beginning here when we start talking about it I would give it a solid seven all right it was a completely different world we learned about I mean yeah you've learned a lot about dials and that might take away from it but I just love learning about world building [ __ ] so that's that's where that comes from me the whole world building aspect and everything I mean it gave us the city of gold he gave his pony lifts yeah and also it's not the only sky island that's the other thing it would be one thing if it's just oh there's only one sky island in the entire world and this is it but it's like no this is a whole other world that exists above your world I'm like oh okay that's pretty cool we don't get to explore that world too often but it's cool to know it's up there so I also I liked it for different reasons and it's weird because I feel like as far as the one piece community on YouTube goes I her teak sky Pia I feel like more than most like I know it's one of Rogers favorite arcs and what it is I think yeah I don't know if it's his favorite arc but I he's told me before it was one of his favorites yeah right so like a lot of people love this arc and I give it crap but I didn't think you liked it less than I did I mean as far as NL goes I think he was a pretty cool villain and he's nowhere near crocodile head in fact I don't think he's anywhere near bellami or Blackbeard you know I don't know I I don't know like looking back cuz I've made of some a few videos about it recently and looking back you know I guess I should probably sit down and watch that whole arc again maybe I've seen bits and pieces of it a second time but I haven't watched the whole thing so like I I didn't fall for any of the characters in the arc maybe that's what yeah none of the characters really did it for me like wiper or Conan's they didn't really resonate with me on any big level honestly probably my favorite part of this arc is probably the flashback with kagura and Knowland that's a really good flashback yeah yeah that was a great flashback that was so what I wanted to say is the reason why I like Sky Pia arc is not because of any of the materialistic things we saw in sky Pia it's the fact that this is something that it's a dream they reach their dream I mean that's really what the whole sky island saga is they actually reached this dream that I mean the warlords were never there I mean allegedly I mean they say I don't know who was there who wasn't there the Marie yeah I'm sure a few of the strong fighters were there at some point maybe yeah I'm sure they figured this place out but that's not really the point cuz it's it's its own and closed journey skyy Pia is a microcosm of all of one piece yes one piece is this fantastical journey with the weird plots the weird politics the the fantastical places with the waterfalls that go the wrong way and that's really what this arc encapsulates it's its own world I I love that you understand this because yeah it is really its own little self-contained adventure I mean yeah the things the straw hats learned and do effect later on but over like they have the dials afterwards of course but it's pretty much its own little self-contained story and [ __ ] until annaroo shows back up again which he might well I'm sure he will yeah really but yeah I would give this guy piarc like I guess give it what you feel Knox give it what you feel a 7.5 ok I would give it a 7.5 and I while I feel like that's lower than it sounds like I appraised it I'm praising it on the idea of the arc more than what actually went on in Skype eeeh like I love everything about the build-up of what this arc is much more than I like the individual fights or you know I understand that viewpoint and I agree with you right yeah by the way teching yeah I love you I love you too bro I love you too this is it this is a touching moment anyway I was gonna say let's move on to the water seven you need to add some really emotional music back there we had a moment knocks by the time I get to this point in the editing because I'm gonna be editing this one myself I have a feeling suicidal students Eggman's it doesn't have to get up tomorrow you know oh no oh no you don't understand this is gonna be done in one shot you know what I'm the same exact way I the other last week I was editing the Shuckle video actually and that took a while to edit and I was like not even halfway done with it and my mom's like you want to go out to eat somewhere and I'm like yes but no cuz I really don't want to end I get weird stopping in the middle you know well I I already have this whole thing planned that I gave myself an hour an hour I gave myself like an afternoon to edit the audio and um it'll probably take about that long you're more your planned stuff I had more than I did and so that's the only stuff I have planned other than that I know that I'm gonna spend a bunch of hours downloading millions of episodes and then I am going to spend even more hours piecing together the episodes as far as what we're talking about oh that's right cuz you gotta throw in the anime along with it oh yes oh that's you know what I don't put anime episode clips in there cuz yeah I told you I'm afraid of copyright even if you're fine with it it's it's I know I'm probably not gonna get taken down but I just have this weird fear the other thing is how much time it would take to look up the perfect episode I do you download the episode you just get the clips download the episode oh god that would take so long and that would be so much extra space on my computer yeah well that's why I usually hire editors but for something like this I honestly feel bad to drop an hour and a half or two hours of audio off at an editor and a mic okay and we like this ready by tomorrow I would like I would have to buy a separate like storage drive just for one piece episodes if I were to do that yeah well in any case that's the end of the sky island aside from the g8 filler arc which is the only good filler arc in one piece yeah yeah yeah also there's that little arc where Luffy action fun fact Luffy arrives and this Fox shows up and he punches him in the face and they just it was a weird kind of thing they just kept going I'm pretty sure that was actually water 7 I will say one thing though I cuz I just found this out the other day about the long ring long land arc that is where choppers love for cotton candy started that's the most significantly no work yeah really and you know that we're gonna see foxy again oh yeah at least at least twice or three times or whatever but yeah let's move on to the arc that many fans actually consider one of if not the best arc in the entire one-piece series but before we do that you didn't rank the sky island saga and that is the most important part of this video in fact that's the title so I would give the entire sky islands saga Nate I gave it a seven at the beginning yeah I'm good ok moving on but water 7s saga alright so basically we got water 7 and n is lobby which I guess are two separate arts I view them as separate arcs but you're feel free to do whatever way you feel is best yeah I would view it as separate X as well oh and they're both freakin awesome I know god I could sit here it all day and talk about it like I really could like Frankie gets introduced I love the galley law I love Kaku even Paulie with the rope [ __ ] I love that I love that arc to pigeon oh yeah Lucci of course I mean how could you forget him I mean again Lucci didn't strike me as a villain as much as crocodile oh he totally struck me as that might be like the second I saw Lucci I'm like oh [ __ ] this guy is gonna be like the villain of the arc I could tell oh yeah 100% he's the villain of the arc I liked him as far as villains go I his fight against Luffy was obviously way cooler than crocodiles but I didn't think he was as good of a villain his crocodile per if okay so if crocodile was kind of like a suave like Giovanni kind of Bond villains sort of character Lucci is this guy he's like a secret agent but you can tell there's this like incredible amount of like blood studies constantly like restraining but he does it in such a kind of suave way and he is a pigeon I don't know how to describe it yeah I don't know how to describe it but it's just like he's like I can't wait for a really good fight you know yeah he makes being a psychopath look basically yeah that's the best way for that's actually a good term for it yeah pretty some pretty scary stuff but I love the water 7 arc I love I love the fact that the villains are actually the world governments but they're not the Marines and they're also not the warlords there's like this whole new thing that's the arc where Oda was like yeah well we knew the world government existed but we didn't know really the hierarchy of it like what was the world government in the broader scope to be honest at this point in this story I thought the world government was the government and the Marines were like the police of the government I didn't think the world government and the Marines were separate entities yeah yeah yeah that's how that's how most people viewed it we knew that they work together but I figured yeah they're like the US government and the u.s. like Marines don't like you know much about military so I don't know why I made that comparison but hahaha but yeah I know I especially like Canadian military it's like you know that one guy in a horse you got the Mounties yeah that one guy on the horse over there that's patrol way he's defending our country valiantly he is he is he has his work cut out for him but anyway yeah I always thought the world government was just like oh there's a building with some politicians no but in all honesty actually Canada once had an army yeah you guys have you guys ever fought you fought World War two but he died oh I get it I get it hey hey you laughs yeah when something happens we have to come to you to be like hey Canada come on we need some help and they're like oh crap we don't have an army yeah but we pay with maple syrup so it's okay anyway new thing we have water seven we have n is lobby they're both awesome and Robin so geeky Oh Luffy versus goofs up Mary there are so many cool parts about this arc that I mean like we can make a dedicated video to it so just doing the Rick like the like the quick recap but let me tell you something man water seven I could watch the entire thing like without feeling bored once it's so good dude I watched it all in one sitting I could watch the water seven and in his Lobby arcs and one no I didn't do both in one sitting but I think I watched all the water seven basically just like one night I started I finished it up the next day I I remember I got so into it I was watching it at like four times speed the first time I saw it yeah I can't do that I have to keep yeah I have to keep it regular speed when I do it but it's like a hundred episodes you know yeah something like that um I think luffy versus usopp was the most emotional fight in all of one piece um I'm going through my little mental rolodex of all the fights in one piece that would certainly be a contender if it isn't the number one like it would be in the Taif there was gonna be a top three that would definitely be in there and of course the the ultimate badassery of Xaro yeah that's also gonna be on there but I mean like no I mean I was talking about sorrow and this this very moment where he's like don't take him back or I'm leaving the crew oh that moment oh I thought you were thinking about yeah the the other scene in thriller bark oh that's not really a fight but yeah that wasn't really an emotional fight I mean it was the best moments in the series but but yeah yeah Zoro like this is a moment where luffy has to realize hey I'm the captain of a crew that doesn't just mean like they do whatever I say it means you know they're I have standards I have to hold up to and Zorro was calling him out on that [ __ ] he's like I'm not gonna let you just bring who saw back after he said that crap to you that's that's not respect and also let's not forget this is the only time in one piece where Sanji disagreed with Zorro and then then admitted Zorro was right yeah that that's like a kind of like oh [ __ ] moment you know like wow yeah this is serious yeah I loved that whole I mean Frankie was great too and Sookie King coming back was great too but for me the the highlight of water 7 was that Luffy versus our Luffy versus who's up my favorite Frankie moments in Frankie is my favorite straw hat my favorite Frankie moments don't happen till Enys lobby but I still do a pre I do love him in water seven but yeah probably that you soften and Luffy fight takes the cake for me in terms of highlights from water seven out of all the things to bring up that's the moment yeah and I would give the water seven Arcanine oh I'm straddling to give it a ten cuz Frankie's introduced and you saw up and Robin you know it's screwed I'm giving it a ten cuz it really I really can't watch that arc whenever and not feel bored and just be like this is one piece yeah look I I'm not arguing with you I'll freaking love water seven I guess I'm just more hesitant to give tens than you are i hey it's the first ten I've given out I'm not gonna be handing them out like cake you know and he's Lobby you get a ten thriller bark you get a ten Amazon by the way you get it said impale down might impale down Mike because that is my objectively favored arc that I can also watch whenever oh god I've watched the impel down arc so many times that's not I shouldn't admit how many times I've seen it but uh well the good news is it's only 25 episodes dad but still I've seen it probably the whole way through probably at least four or five times that's pretty cool that's how many times I've seen like all of Naruto's so you know I uh I rewatched part one Naruto last year for the first time since I was like you know twelve pretty sick first time like I went back and watched all of part one it was pretty lifts a lot of it lived up I agree and one face is pretty amazing also I I need to reread the manga like the whole thing don't you mean the manga yeah but the end is lobby arc okay this okay okay okay so you say anything go ahead Robin saying I want to live I love you too but no yeah by the end of this video we're gonna be like moving in together the only time it well I'm looking for a place to rent I I'm not above moving to Canada I mean but you know you look old okay then hick town Pennsylvania or wherever you are it's pretty cold it's like 50 actually right now it's 50 degrees outside in celcius that would be 9 it's nine so Wow anyway look in the anime they kind of botched this because the moment where Robin is like those episodes that are not Robins backstory they have these weird fillers included in them too so it's this weird kind of thing but in the manga it's very powerful and her backstory is up until that point I think the saddest backstory even more so than Nami Nami had her adoptive mother killed in front of her Robin had her entire home and everybody that she ever loved burned to the ground and killed but just because they were trying to learn stuff so yeah yeah that takes the cake yeah and also it's like she met her mom for the first time and well she met her mom when she was two then she left and she might her mom one more time and then she immediately gets shot so it's like dear God Oda what the hell are you doing thinking back Oh to really one-upped himself you know that yeah really it's like karate arts Angie's backstory was like damn then Ami's Baxter's like damn Robins back stories like damn and then honestly Brooks yeah you get out of all them and then you find out Lupe's backstory finally but it's like out of all of them you get to use ops and it's like oh yeah who stops dad abandon him that was frickin like the happiest backstory ever compared to all the other ones I mean xaro's friends died who sobs dad left Sanji was abandoned on a rock plus you find out more about Shawn geez later too when it's like good lord well yeah of course yeah damn so yeah that I want to live moment for Robin that was out of this world so as for the actual the fights yeah and then you have Luffy just saying like sniper King yeah it's just like sniper king Shh fire and then he like lights the flag shoot down that flag declaring war on the world government I love spawned him spawned him such a dork but I kind of love to hate him it was so sick he's the guy that Robin slaps the [ __ ] out of at the end of the arc which is so freakin cathartic I don't know oh that guy yeah it did introduce a lot to the world also let's not forget we learned about cp9 the world government has own plans and forces we got straw hat power-ups those are always fun we gots tried power-ups we got diabolo zombie which is basically the power of friction I love that just spin around really fast and you can light your leg on fire without it actually hurting you of course and then you got xaro's ash or thinner which he never used again uh he used it in sabadie and yes he did and I think in one of the movies but I don't think he's used it since then well in any case it looked badass of course it did we got monster point I love that I mean like I love Diablo John Bay but monster point is like cuz it's the last thing you expect from frickin chopper you know he's gonna turn into this huge death machine and I mean it's pretty hilarious Sanji's fights in general like first he fought a noodle guy and he used those knives he's like one say I love ya that's one of my favorite fights with Sanjay just cuz he uses the kitchen God it's also hilarious that all of Sanji's opponents are like total morons at first he fights mister too many fights noodle guy mister - mister - don't open up old wounds knocks look I love mister - I think he's one of the greatest characters ever everybody loves mister - I made a video about him not long ago yeah yeah well you made a video on everyone so you know I haven't made one on actually haven't made one on mister five yet so I could do that that'll be fun oh yeah the booger guy yep the booger guy alright well enough of booger guy because if we start talking about him this video will last forever oh yeah we're getting tangent yeah yeah we're almost done though we're I think we're actually I don't know from last time but I think we're making way better progress if not because I don't I don't feel as winded as last time when we're going through all these well I'm feeling pretty winded we're at the hour and 26 minute mark in the audio and last time we got to an hour and 45 so let's see let's see you need to build up your stamina knocks yeah a hundred push-ups a hundred sit-ups a hundred squats and a ten kilometer run every single day and then basically you become God so you want to just cut - then she versus uh Luffy that fight how cuz we got to talk about that go free I do and that we got to talk about the merry go for it fire away Luffy vs. Lucci i I mean I know everyone likes this fight more than I do I like it but not as much as anyone else yeah you know it's a it's one of those things where it's like okay the beginning of it is and then the finale is phenomenal I think I've watched that's probably the one clip ivory watched more than anything on YouTube of one piece when luffy just punches the [ __ ] out of Lucci and ends the fight like jet Gatling and just damn their frickin voice actors must have had just like their throats dead after that because that likes is he's just pushing through the pain and just pounding the crap out of Lucci Luke she's back stories mixed in there too yeah I I loved that fight I think everyone loved that fight i if I'm not mistaken I would say that it is the most fan liked fight in all of one half I think that yeah I think that's the case because I mean for me katakuri versus luffy blows it out of there fighting but they're fighting for a friend and they are in the tought land arc too but you know they're fighting for robbins sake and all the [ __ ] she's been through and it's like okay you know Robin is like nothing has gone good her entire life this is gonna be the one time it works out for her I'm gonna beat you Rob you know it's gonna go down yeah it was amazing I'm not trying to deny it I loved it oh no it's fine I just you know I'll admit when I'm rewatching that fight I do usually skip to the latter half so like right around the time Luffy gear thirds and punches Lucci out of the wall with the giant fist yeah um you know and then it's the gear 2nd jet Gatling finish but yeah and then oh and then the scene where there's ooh soft they're shouting over at Luffy and he can't even move so in all I think that I would give the Ennis Lobby arcanine yeah 9 I don't think yeah 10 I I mean people like the Enna's lobby arc I think more because it could takes what water 7 did and built upon it but I'm weird because I like water 7 more than in his Lobby I just think there's more stuff too so for me Luffy versus ooze is more powerful yeah yeah it is for me too I mean again I'm just like internally destroying myself over what destroys me more is it Luffy versus Usopp or is it Robin wanting to live like you're weighing those two against each other so you're saying Robin has to fight you saw the only solution I think or thought might I think Robin would win that fight honestly but of course I'm a Robin fan girl so of course I wouldn't pick that yeah well wow she would be a sob granted who's up was the most wanted man in dressrosa and he was God so it's kind of hard to beat God but I think Robin could do it if anybody could do it well so I'd give the water 7 saga a 9 being that I'd give water 7 to 9 and in his Lobby a 9 so I think that's a I feel like I gotta give it like a 9.5 considering I gave water 7 at 10:00 fair enough water 7 is classic it is do you want to talk about I kind of want to give the water 7 sag no I take it back I'm giving the water 7 so I got a 9.5 also yes even though I would give each arc individually a 9 together I think there are nine point five I mean you got GARP introduced at the end man the death of the Mary I mean that also kind of tips the scale they stole Frankie's pants yeah but what's more okay what was more impactful for you the Mary dying or Frankie losing his pants because for me it was the not gonna lie Frankie losing his pants tore a psychological scar within my mind I still cry about it some nights I wake up mill the night yeah Frankie y-yeah and his poor pants they should make a spin-off series about Frankie's pants but we're getting ahead of ourselves again it's gonna happen um the thriller bark saga which is just the thriller bark arc it's just the thriller bark arc yeah yeah yeah so Brooks backstory is the saddest out of all the woof straw hats I think that that case could be made yes I concur Brooke also despite the fact that he has he's only made of bone he's a pervert oh we got a boner he has a bone to pick god that could be the rest of this it's just let's just make let's just make skull jokes all day but no yeah so this is odahviing i got a ton of jokes left uh skeleton shoutout to everyone who knows where that review got to stop it right away Knox no bones about it but look I like what I was doing here he was like alright let's have a horror themed Ark let's break out the freaking zombies let's get ghosts let's get invisible people let's get mad scientist and he just takes all of that throws into a blender and we get thriller bark and like Skype eeeh it is a more isolated kind of arc but I think it now I would disagree go ahead Skype eeeh I would say is a microcosm of all of one piece but thriller bark isn't it's another stop on the same journey no no no it isn't it isn't but you know in terms of just isolation from other stuff I mean I guess but then again we have warlords we have two warlords running around in thriller bark whereas in sky island it was really its own thing yeah but it's the laziest one it's the laziest one and he and Moria you learn from him it's just like I don't even really I think I might have wanted to bend the king of pirates at one point but I've just kind of like hey I'm just gonna rule my zombie island yeah I was not the hugest fan of Moria I don't think anybody really was is anybody out there listening to this as Moria your favorite character if not I mean if so you need to explain I'm actually working working on I mean it's down the road but what your favorite warlord says about you and if it's warrior oh my god oh god I can only imagine if it's Moria I could only imagine if it was Hancock actually damn I would go with me Hawk on that yeah but let's not forget about kuma who is the star of the arc I'd say right after the entire arc goes it goes down like we have all this shadow stealing we have all the straw hats working together to fight ORS yes is his name Wars yes yes right to fight ORS and like I thought it was hilarious it's like you have Frankie building steps in midair fortnight style and luffy light shattering is fine yep before fortnight but you now know fortnight copied Frankie Frankie started fortnight time to copy strike fortnight that might lower Frankie stalk a little bit oh good point it's it's not a compliment I guess but we got that great fight we got Lola you MA which turns out to be extremely important right now and one oh we got Cesaro vs dragonslayer dude and Ryu ma which turns out to be extremely important right now in wha know as taking just mentioned and I repeated I'm not exactly sure why but in all honesty the arc was totally unimpressive aside from Brookes back story until kuma shows up because everyone is dead tired brutally battered they just defeated a warlord the second warlord they've ever defeated mind you and crocodile was yes right after of course the glorious crocodile but it's like okay we're good crocodile wasn't an easy win either now it wasn't but it's like okay we beat Moria he had the power of like a thousand people or whatever but we beat them everybody's good right everybody's good right and everyone's like dead and then and then kuma shows up a second Warlow know and we're like oh my god do you ever play a video game knucks where they do that like you're fighting a boss character in a video game and it takes everything to kill them and it's like oh good I'm done oh no then there's like another boss after that yes yes Mega Man Legends PlayStation 2 PlayStation 1 I was thinking of Metroid Fusion but okay but not the point the point is that was devastating and I think that the sorrow moment right there where's our takes all the pain and the and the best scene in one piece is best scene in one piece I mean look it no hyperbole I mean like I know people might just say if you say that's the best scene it's like oh you're nothing but a Zorro you know fanboy or whatever I am 100% Azzaro fanboy but it's but it really is a great scene it really is it's genuine is it genuinely is I I don't think anything could match the fact that after the fight ends and everyone gets up and they're like wait a second I actually feel kind of good I'm not in pain or anything I'm not tired and then they're like wait where's where's ro and Sanji like he finds him standing there yep he's like Cesaro can't even use just like his eyes are all from was just taken and Sanji looks at him and he's like what are you doing there and he's in a pool of blood that there shouldn't be that much blood in a human body and Xaro who can't even move stands there and after Sanji says like what happened we another word the word showed up why did he decide to leave and all that and then Xaro just like with his raspy beat-up voice nothing happened nothing yeah he's all bloodshot he's bleeding and he just oh god I guess taking one for the team is I wish I was a Slee understading going on here that's another chapter I wish I would have been around to review back in like 2008 you know cuz that would have been yeah you imagine so cool you imagine when this came out I can I should deep dive on this I should go on YouTube and deep dive to see if anybody reviewed that chapter when it first came out cuz it would have been in like oh eight oh nine a YouTube would have been around I didn't even know they were like anime reviewers on YouTube at that point but this scene is so powerful like I mean thriller bark without the scene is like a 6 and with the scene is like an 8 I would say yeah that's fair I would give it an 8 I'll give it an 8.5 wait now wait that might be going too far I'll give it an 8 solid eight and this whole scene is like three minutes I mean the arc is 47 episodes oh we are chapters 47 chapters yeah yeah it's a little it's a decent it has some girth the arc has some girth yeah it's it's oh another sick moment I mean I I didn't think it was before but who's up versus the ghost lady oh perotta yeah I love that scene yes it was stopping her I love that it's like because her powered makes everyone like super depressed and feel terrible about themselves but since he already feels terrible about himself and him you and then after that they're like oh don't feel too bad buddy even though the enemy is depressed for him because he's like yes now I thought that was a cute gimmick I love the ODA humour yeah but I mean Zorro took the big fat W on Zorro took the taco on this one yeah and I believe we have reached the summit war saga don don don don the the big climax of you know the super rookies saga the entirety of one piece until the new world has reached its climax which is supposed to be even more epic than this and this was already pretty damn epic yeah so the sabadie archipelago arc which believe it or not is only like 23 chapters i manages to accomplish quite a bit in that 23 it does and I freaking loved it I did too I mean we got introduced all the supernovas because something that a lot of anime or stories do is when you're introducing your main characters you main characters are you know the big up-and-comers of the world right they're the ones that are gonna change everything and then you realize wait a second he's just one supernova and every single one of these supernovas they have their own adventures that rival luffy's but not only that kid has a higher bounty than luffy so kid is probably even more important in the world's eyes he's more well-known yeah because he's the one that goes to town to town and like that scene at log tap not log town the scene in jaya when everyone was making fun of luffy and he walked away kids the kind of guy that would like smash a bottle over the bar and like attack Bellamy with it like he doesn't take that stuff standing down no yeah I mean so he's infamous law had a pretty dope bounty yeah 200 million exactly at the time and of course we got introduced to law who later became my second favorite character in the series yeah Hawkins was 249 million and that was pretty high back then - no I'm pretty sure the third highest was his law no it went kid luffy hawkins in law no I mean I don't want to argue with the the one piece Encyclopaedia but I would wager I would wager absolutely nothing I take it all back you're probably right I just know it's okay I mean like I think law stayed a little bit more under the radar as much because he was a little bit more intelligent he didn't want to be as you know infamous as everybody else yeah but I like law I like the fact that this basically introduced to us the corruption in the world government between the know paddy and everyone else this introduced this introduced railay it introduced the ten rabito we got the whole Fishman pirates you know well we got Luffy punching a ten rabito that was also a very cathartic moment in one piece and I'm boosting it by one point just for that alone yeah well I would give the sabadie archipelago arc a nine out of ten because I love the world-building in one piece I love the characters in one piece in terms of just the way that it ended and yes it's about to get it because I I did not I unfortunately did not read it weekly when that happened I didn't start reading it weekly until impelled down but you know can you imagine the week that that happened at that that's a Cliff Lee [ __ ] yeah that is a cliffhanger amongst cliffhangers I would give it a nine as well yeah I mean we got Keys aru akise aru oh yeah took out a bunch of the supernovas we got introduced to the pacifist a guy that's another scene I've watched so many times on YouTube just Kizer wrecking all the supernovas like an OP who doing it's like music thing and and then we had kuma kumar one-by-one taking out every member of this drazi bear yeah so I I love dark 9210 not looking back Amazon Lily pretty short I think is only ten chapters or so yeah and we got introduced to boa Hankuk who I think is still best girl in one piece and I love that she loves Luffy yeah she and I ship she loves Luffy but you know well you want to ship her with Luffy go ahead I mean Luffy has the sexual intake you know a couple like a tree but uh Luffy with the sexuality of Iraq yeah pretty much yeah I mean Oded basically depicts him as asexual but yeah I mean Hancock her ability was cool I still don't like it because you know Oda depicts our like kicking dogs and like small baby otters and stuff and the only person she cares about really is Luffy and I'm like alright you couldn't you have and whamon she respect to a man you can have well even her own people she's kind of not the nicest person to so they all love her yeah they do because she is beautiful but I'm thinking after the time skip and everything she's improved on that a bit we haven't seen her very much since then but yeah and the fact that they she snuck Luffy in to impel down yeah I mean that would have been a that would have been very difficult for her you know but I like that scene yeah yeah yeah I like that whole arc I like the fact that he said that Luffy really lifted their whole spirits after beating her sisters yeah well what he did was and the thing that really spoke to everybody cuz you have to figure in Amazon Lilly all of the women there think men are like straight-up demons the way that they're talked about but then Luffy shows up and he's actually kind the way he treats Sandra Sonia and so that kind of gives everybody on Goofy's side yeah so in all I like the arc it's nothing like classic but I'm really happy it happened you know it's like one of those arts I'd give it a yeah I give it like a 6 6 and 1/2 something I was gonna say is seven and a half I thought the comedy was also pretty top-notch it's like they say Luffy and they're like what is this thing hanging from his abdomen it's stretchy yeah yeah there's always that there's always that scene yeah well they they made a hentai version of that actually you can go check it out on anime anime pornhub I appreciate it it will not be linked in the description yeah actually I don't think it exists but it probably exists it's the Internet yeah well I'm sure it does so when I go to my favorite arc now my favorite arc all right let's take it away so tacky yeah okay so impale town is a prison-break arc and you got references to the seven hells of buddhist teachings you got references to Dante's Inferno you the free kid buggy the buggy showing up you got all of the members of baroque works that are back again which I love that Oda does that he doesn't forget about the old characters he brings them back we got Ivonne cough which is an awesome character who has an awesome theme song got Magellan of this art Magellan is a great Magellan is a badass in villain well antagonist I kind of see his antagonist he is he is he is more of an antagonist he is an antagonist he's just doing his job as warden you know but oh man I love him so much and of course we got big boy Jim Bay who I love Jim we got crocodile coming back and that got badass just like from his sallies like you know you need me oh my god this is the guy that took forever to put in jail moment where luffy kind of squints cuz he can't see him and then he noses he realizes who he is and he's like you and he has this whole ragtag team of pirates taking down the entire freakin jail and as he gets levels lower he has like higher level guys on his side i love it so much there's a whole society alive into jail luffy starts the arc off like with nobody and he has to basically build up a de-facto crew as he goes and he does and mr2 is like the most loyal pirate yep mr. t I forgot to include it there's so much [ __ ] about this arc I give it 10 out of 10 I'm giving it right now cuz I this I don't care maybe you don't like it as much as I do I understand I'm a huge fan boy for impale down but I have watched this like I said probably four or five times you know in its entirety over the course of you know the years it's been out well I love impel down and I give it a solid nine yeah it's so much fun and it's just the set up for marine Ford but I love it so much I might actually love it more than marine Ford in fact I probably would rank marine Ford lower than well fair enough I mean we got Blackbeard at the end of the impel down arc also first at fighting Luffy oh my god yes that's scene where Blackbeard's just walking toward Magellan and he's like so I guess you're Magellan and he's like I guess you're Blackbeard and he just covers it in poison and just done wipe yeah that was crazy and if and if freakin if she ran this is a hundred percent factual information if [ __ ] you did not show up and give them the [ __ ] antidote they would have died they would have died they were poisoned there's nothing else they could do if they didn't get the antidote yeah Magellan was an actual badass yes I loved Magellan damn yeah impel dan was a hell of a sick arc I mean it also introduced us to the create the ultimate prison of the world you know this is the prison break Luffy left a mark on history man yes it was glorious it was like no but one person broke out of impel down in all those years well actually two because more lay also escaped but you know one person of note and then loopy breaks out with like 250 people it's pretty insane man I mean just one more thing to wrap it up and people think Magellan cuz he got the crap beat out of him at the end of the arc because he had to go deal with level six and later on you see em and he's all banged up and [ __ ] but you know I like to think that he took out a bunch of level six prisoners before he eventually got you know like overrun I like to think that was an epic battle for the ages yeah Magellan is quite the beast I mean he took down Luffy in a heartbeat and I love you sense of humor too you know the whole thing with the the diarrhea jokes and yes like okay that's what we're doing with that alright fine and Honya bulls fun too yeah so I'm a big fan of impelled down because this also we get to see the political structures I mean until now we're used to the wacky stuff on islands but this was actually man-made you know yeah it was and it's like how did they do that all right fish man slavery probably a whole bunch of fish man so yeah probably but so I give it a 9 out of 10 you give it a 10 out of 10 and I respect that because this arc was incredible yeah I have no regrets I have no regrets of that at all so I hear there's um Nux I don't know if you've heard but I heard there's like a war or something that's kind of important yeah what I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to maybe jog my memory ah it involves a I with a moustache a moustache that the anime righteously calls a beard in fact I've come to the conclusion as to why the world calls a white beard because do you know that gosh do you know the real reason though cuz I it's funny is it because in Japan beard and moustache is all beard yes he gay yeah it's just facial hair just means facial hair right well I came to the conclusion that white beard is so badass that he could call his mustache it took you till now to come up with that conclusion no no no I'm explaining here white beard is so badass that he can call his mustache a beard and no one will argue with him that is the that is the funnier way of looking at it and I've seen that right and of course did you start that meme I made it in my honest descriptions actually I think that's where it started I think it deserves it because that is pretty damn funny and I have to say my favorite line I've said in my honest descriptions video in regards to white beard was you know how he calls all of his crew like his children yes and they all call him like father whatever and he his ship is called V Moby Dick so whenever he tries to recruit someone to his crew he technically says oh boy ride my dick and call me daddy do you need to make a shirt of that you need to make a shirt of that you might have to bleep out some words but man you could not I would I'll screw that I would wear that to church and I'm a damn atheist I would go to church just for the sake of wearing that shirt but it's a sick line I was so proud of myself and I came up with it it's like yeah every now and then it's like because you script your stuff I don't but every now and then when I'm coming up with an idea for a video I'm like I need to come up with like a like a catchphrase or a really good joke every now and then I'll come up with some good ones but my favorite one is uh the attempted murder joke because Cara soo can turn into crows and I'm like a group of crows is called a murder and a group of only two two three crows an attempted murder a lot of people sick one yeah a lot of people like that when I stole that from a friend though that told me that in high school unfortunately but you know yeah but it works it still works it still works yeah yeah but I was proud of myself that I came up with it anyway it's a weird line the moral of the story is white beards and utter badass rogue I took like a million sword wounds a million cannon wounds a million bullet wounds to his torso but not a scar on his back because this guy will never run a way look there are a lot of old badasses in anime and a lot of them die you know they eventually end up dying by the end of the series like Jiraiya spoiler alert but the way that they handled white beards death that is the way you go out because the entire end of that chapter was just yes it was majestic he died on his feet the Sun was shining over him like this towering imposing figure like a statue like a mighty Greek god and they narrator just goes through everything he suffered that's how you end a character damn yeah that was powerful that was so powerful now we kind of avoided talking about a sit it's not because we don't like ace it's just because we've just kind of forgot about him um yeah we kind of skipped him in alabasta - yeah we did he's some luffy's bro and Luffy wanted to save him and he didn't kind of okay to put it in different words ace was a plot point and after being a plot point he was also a character he was and I feel like Blackbeard gets a lot of credit because he really orchestrated the whole thing he did kudos to him I mean and then he became an emperor and it was one of the greatest rises to power ever because not only did he end up getting an entire crew out of prisoners thanks to Luffy not only did he managed to nab whitebeard's power thanks to you know getting white beard to chase after ace but he also terrified the entire world in front of their faces like all the white beard pirates all the Marines the world before him yeah that's like that that was like the perfect representation of the power you know the power distribution in the world because it's like okay you have one young Co waging war against the Marines what are the Marines do they bring everybody all the Warlord's all the Admirals the warlords yeah we find out Aquino is revealed properly in this arc yeah they they they bring everybody just because of one Janka one Yonko is is worth the entire marines to and this is white beer too and I very clearly remember line of sangoku saying that men look that's white beard the strongest man in the world he has the potential to destroy the world to with his devil fruit so that's insane yeah I'm a big fan of the entire Marine Ford war as I'm sure everyone else is we got to see everyone fight we got to see Marco the Phoenix we got to see doflamingo taking down Moria doflamingo vs. crocodile yeah I mean like I think what oda did with this is like okay there's so many like we didn't get to see joe flamingos do that much but he's like I'm gonna still show him doing stuff but I just I can't focus on him the entire time you know it's kind of different like have you ever watched have you ever read bleach uh yes not all of bleach I've watched most right well in the fake cara cara town arc the way that Kubo did it was like okay every one of these characters has to have their own little individual fights that's going to last like two to three chapters and the way that that happened kind of screwed up the you know the pace of the arc Oda couldn't do that he couldn't like okay here's Jim Bay versus Moria and that's a to chapter fight between Oriya Moria and G Bay here's doflamingo no I I really like how oda did it yeah I did too it felt like an actual battle it felt like all this [ __ ] going on at once yeah I mean the whole thing starts off with like you know okichi making tidal waves well um white beard makes tidal waves okichi freezes them yeah yeah like yeah this was a top tier fight and they winks ends the whole thing just BAM done a show by just by show wing up it's like it's like that scene in Pokemon will wreak ways that comes down and just shouts that freakin Groudon and Kyogre yes go back to sleep yeah God shanks shows up and everyone's like yeah I was I wasn't doing anything and Blackbeard leaves and that's how yeah that's how you end a war shanks shows up and with his crew of like less than a hundred people probably only a dozen or so a few dozen and they're like you want to still fight you were right here and like nope nope we're done we're done have a nice day and they just wrap everything up and goodbye but again not to put too much pressure on ace here but aces death felt more like a plot point for Luffy sorrow than a character death I mean we didn't really and what while it did hit me I felt worse for Luffy than for Ace here's a question for you do you think it would have been more impactful if we got Luffy and aces and Szabo's back story before marine forward rather than after that's a very valid question um yeah because then we would have learned more about his past I would say yes I would say I guess interwoven two aces death I feel like it would have been the prime time to like give us flashes of what was going on and I understand you know he wants to get auto wants to get to the war and you can't bog it down cuz the post-war arc with that was like a TED chapter many are you can't distract us from that yeah no I don't mean ten chapters in a row but just like small flashes not the whole story oh yeah yeah something like that we got a few of those but they weren't anything coherent enough we got will though we did get his uh birth before the war started like with the whole thing with Rouge and rut Rouge and Roger but he was a baby that didn't really serve to his well it did help his character out cuz it you know how he felt about his dad and everything here's the thing we never really Luffy was inspired to be a pirate because of shanks why does ace want to be a pirate you know because it's like he doesn't like his dad so was he trying to become a pirate to prove his dad wrong or to prove the world wrong it was never really made clear to me that that's why again I feel like ace is more of a plot point than a character I disagree with that but I see where you're coming from you know I I'm not saying this to aces major detriment because I did like him as a character despite this I even like the detail that he spelled ace wrong on his tattoo and he like crossed it out yeah and that's not a mistake that was because of yeah Sabo yeah so um it might just be because after aces death we've gotten like we got the flash back then we had the light novel series I don't know if I read novels I haven't read them directly I've read the translations in the general idea of them I hope at one point they actually get animated because they would be really cool to see animated um but yeah I don't think he's a plot point I did care about his death I wasn't like choked up about it or anything I didn't cry when he died or I was actually more a little bit more choked up when when uh well white beard uh I didn't cry or anything at either of them but I think I was probably look I was like taking a bet one white beard died I was like whoa this is the end of an era I didn't see I didn't see that coming because I'm like okay the arc is finished ace is dead end of Arc Oh white beards dead - oh [ __ ] yeah that was my reaction yeah I I was hit more by white beards death I guess but not like in a saddening way and just like she respect for this guy has any moment in one piece ever made you cry knocks so I'm not good at crying I'm not either the media but so the marrow the merry kind of got me one made me cry kind of I I have teared up at occasion I mean the may I'd say it's okay to cry I know I know the Mary Brooks back story I want to live I didn't cry I didn't cry a book sprack story but it was yeah it was pretty sad and yeah and in the end of the day Ace was a bit of a dick too like he left white beard to chase black beard even though he was told not to and he was like no but for the sake of their family and whatever and he ended up killing out I understand why I mean I understand his motivation for why he felt he had to do that you know he's like okay pops accepted me as his son I never really had a real father so I owe everything to him and now this is my family and Blackbeard who was because he was member of aces division and he killed thatch and he's like okay this is my way to repay pops this is my responsibility to clean up yeah ace was an okay character I didn't love him but as far as a plot point he did a great job yeah that's funny I mean you probably I probably like him a little bit more than you do but that's fine I mean we all have our own and so I'd give the war a nine also um yeah that's probably a good place to put it one notch below impel down in my book cuz I do I've certainly watched impel down more than marine Ford and I would give the post war which we touched upon and hate nine I'll keep it at nine just because of impel down there and everything and I would give the entirety of the Marine Ford saga the summit war the summit war including sabadie impel down marine Ford I'd give the entirety a nine point five nine point five for me to I'm just gonna follow your lead on that one I maybe ya know I'm not gonna give it a ten and in all if you were to give a rank to the entirety of wind peace until this point I thought you were gonna ask me that um that's a load that's a loaded question I would give it a nine a solid nine nine out of ten nine point three nine point nine nine point three all right you be that guy be that guy that gives it the points right I love one piece I do I was gonna like should I say ten by nine point three nine point three kids all right well I'll live with the point three she well that well that's good cuz you're gonna have to and this was even longer than last time we just hit the two-hour mark in the recording yeah I see that on there I'm little hungry sounds good because I didn't eat lunch today and we've been recording for like ever and it's like six o'clock at night where I filmed a video and then I edited the video and I'm like maybe I'll have time to eat before this and then I'm like nope I don't and I'm like yeah I'm kind of hungry so I think I'm gonna go get some McDonald's or whatnot uh mounds exciting yeah today at McDonald's in Canada they do oh sweet but yeah I love one piece I love free time skip we need to get together and do the post time skip hopefully it won't take quite as long dress roses the longest arc in the series so that'll be true but in the end of the day the dressrosa saga is potentially smaller then get it until down um so I actually believe it or not even though it took two hours and I'm dreading editing I love doing this thank you so much man it is such a pleasure speaking to you no problem man I you know what if this fails if this fails we could do it a third time probably anniversary linked to takings channel in the description everyone checked the guy out he's the white he's the one peace king of YouTube and he does sick other videos as well on one punch man on bleach um pretty much whatever he wants I've got back into doing the bleach discussions weekly and I gotta tell you I have fun with those it's been so long since I talked about it in that way yeah well III didn't see your latest one but I did see the the Yamamoto bun yeah yeah next is a guinea Chamorro sword and that's that Sheen so that's gonna be that's gonna be a fun that fan favorite yep but okay thanks for having me once again knucks have a great night everybody cruelly my pleasure alright have yourself as most wonderful evening and remember to stay weird fam
Channel: Nux Taku
Views: 2,043,734
Rating: 4.7959361 out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, one piece, tekking, tekking101, nux taku one piece, tekking one piece, tekking101 one piece, nux taku tekking, one piece arc, one piece arcs, ranking one piece arcs, one piece arcs ranked, best one piece arcs, one piece marineford arc, one piece impel down arc, one piece water 7 arc, one piece luffy, one piece straw hats, one piece tekking chapter, one piece chapter, one piece zoro, one piece wano arc, one piece sanji, one piece top arc, nux taku anime
Id: PjjEX6E_icE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 34sec (6994 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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