The Entire Universe 13 Arc (Dragon Ball Super Kai) Merno Arc COMPLETE STORY

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you're watching unreal at gaming this is go Han from Dragon Ball Z you want to see me turn Super Saiyan or should I take you to the next level I'm also the narrator - next time on Dragon Ball Z make sure and smash subscribe to unreal end gaming the story of universe 13 takes place following the events of the tournament of power with the former angel who governed the 13th universe Murnau if now entering universe 7 and with this vengeful deity seeking retribution for what the Omni King had done to his universe the story of mur no now brings us along for the ride in diving in depth in seeing the tragedy of what once was of the 13th universe along with murrow's motives and agenda in seeking out revenge in destroying the one entity that took everything away from him as this is the story of Dragon Ball super Kai universe 13 as once more before we begin if you are new to this channel and have a love and passion for all things Dragon Ball and anime related then be sure to smash that subscribe button on this channel and turn on all notifications to never miss a single upload along with giving this video a big thumbs up by slapping that like button down below if you guys love Dragon Ball and anime as well as checking out the official Dragon Ball fan mangas playlist located down in the description box below so we're on that playlist you guys will be able to find all the latest and best Dragon Ball fan mangas created by the community for the community so be sure to head on down below check out the official Dragon Ball fan mangas playlist for all the best and latest videos on Dragon Ball fan mangas as we kick off the story of the beyond Dragon Ball super Kai universe 13 manga chapters special deep within outer space the narration opens up by letting us know a few days after the tournament of power and as we observe a planet be completely obliterated by an individual up in space we only then observe how its Frieza who is destroying planets out of pure rage as he went along to comment curse them curse them all I will never stop until each and every one of them die first it was the destroyer beerus then it was the sands and now it's others like cheerin I am Lord Frieza yet I've been reduced to taking a backseat to mortals unworthy of my power I'll show them all Who I am as Frieza has memories of the events that followed during the tournament of power with rivals like Vegeta and Goku along with individuals like jiren who had now surpassed freezes so far along in power that he seemingly enough is falling behind as Frieza goes on to comment perhaps if I go back to training I will start by killing the gods then those pathetic sand monkeys along with jiren and then finally the Omni Kings maybe this time I'll train for an entire year straights as out of nowhere a voice then goes on to tell Frieza what wonderful weather we're having out here aren't we it's almost as if someone is having a really bad day and couldn't wait to get it all out of their system and as Frieza slowly then turns around he is met by an unknown individual that's standing before him as he went along to them tell Frieza you know I couldn't help but overhear your plan on destroying the gods along with the Omni Kings I'll be the first to tell you that despite your best efforts you will never be able to accomplish such a goal and with Murr no continuing he only went along to then tell Frieza with the power such as this it would only guarantee your destruction such a task would require far more power in order to make sure that nobody survives which you wouldn't though I must say I sense a great hatred within you such a power that is raw and untapped though your blood boils with rage and hatred it will still not be enough to finish what very few have already tried in the past it's best if you quit while you're ahead and with Frieza then getting irritated he went along to ask and you are as this individual goes on to respond up being above you as he then continues and as such I don't need to answer to you with Frieza having to respond interesting tell me how are you able to survive out here in space as the individual goes on to tell Frieza I could do more than just simply survive in space things that you can't outside of us being able to roam the void we have nothing in common I am only here because you are making too much noise so I figured I'd see what's going on and as Frieza asks is that so he then continues well allow me to show you the noise I was making as Frieza wastes little time in blasting this individual down with a death beam with the shot then having to actually make contact Frieza had then asserted the idea that he had completely destroyed this individual as he went along to comment so much for being someone above the mighty Lord free until out of nowhere this individual surprises Frieza by then asking what was that supposed to be a mighty Lord Frieza as we then observe how this individual steps out of a portal and then telling Frieza you seemed a little confused let me then enlighten you as to why you're hopeless I am an angel and as Frieza asks what an angel we only then go back to beerus is planet we're assuming li goku and vegeta have been training with Wiest and with something having to catch all three of their attentions they momentarily stop their training as goku went along to comment whoa did you guys just feel that as Vegeta went along to comment I did too one of them feels like Frieza and the other I can't make of it as weas comments this you could it be as Goku comments whoever this is I'm afraid not even I can do much to defeat them their key is just out of this world but how did it appear and why now as Vegeta comments ker this is crazy this could be a new enemy Kakarot and with Goku not wasting any time he then went along to comment I'm going out there to check it out whoever it may be is still there I gotta go and with lys overhearing this he only then goes on to tell Goku hold on you can't breathe in space Kokua therefore i will be going with you to check it out I will keep you protected while finding the cause of this disturbance so with wheeze getting behind Goku in agreeing to go with him he only then went along to comment I have a bad feeling about this Wiese alright let's go and with Vegeta asking wait a second I'm coming along as well wheeze then went along to tell him you will not be jito in case something happens we need you as Goku only then ends up using Instant Transmission in going deep within outer space he only then went along to comment I think this was the spot where I felt the power surge ah as only then they both observed how this mysterious Angel literally has Frieza pinned on a pile of rocks in space as he then notices that other individuals are there he quickly turns around and telling them well well I wasn't expecting to find you living in the 7th it's been far too long we as this angel wastes little time in completely destroying whatever was left of Frieza in space with Wiese and goku having to observe this they are absolutely stunned as to what they have just witnessed as goku went along to ask wait a minute you know we's who are you and why did you kill Frieza what's your deal around here we've never felt your energy in this universe before as myrna went along to then tell them it's been far too long actually Wiese you haven't changed much since the last time we met I can also see that you're still as giving as you always were tell me something is the grand priest still in command it's very interesting to see how he simply stands around and takes orders from a pair of delusional children as Goku went along to question hold on you're an angel that explains everything as Myrtle then continues indeed I am the strongest of the Angels in fact I am Lisa's older brother Murr no and to answer your question yes I am indeed not from your universe I in fact and from a long-forgotten era a time far beyond your own once home to some of the strongest mortals and gods in the multiverse I was from the long destroyed universe 13 as he only then opens up a portal he follows up by commenting and now that we've addressed that little issue do give the family my hello Wiese it's been far too long since I've seen them not that they even cared to begin with just know brother that I do intend to see you again very soon however this is not the right time or the right place for us to play family and catch up just know that I am still alive and I am just as powerful as before as weas then goes on to shout waits brother come back where are you going as Goku asked Suisse Myrtle then goes on to tell them I have other plans to get to it's as I said this is not the right time or place for catching up don't be a fool Wiese stop acting as if you truly care you never did there is so much that I look forward to coming up as he then steps through the portal he then goes on to tell them see you soon and as Murr know ends up leaving Goku Annelise behind we then observe how moments later Wiese and Goku end up going back to beerus is planted as vegeta went along to ask there's another angel in our universe as we spent along to comment yes and he was my older sibling miRNA was thought to have been missing for a very long time but somehow remained in hiding until now he even killed Frieza as Goku then remembers his brother raddatz and then commenting I remember when my brother and I first met it was a very bad situation hey don't you have a brother too as Vegeta went along to comment what are you even talking about Kakarot this isn't about me or you having siblings as Goku then I went along to respond well to be fair Vegeta you really don't sound like a great brother to me if you won't even reach out to your own brother to begin with as Vegeta comments shut your mouth clown stop making this situation about our families when it has nothing to do with any of that as Goku then responds yeah but isn't your still alive terrible was it how come you haven't connected with him since then as Vegeta responds I have no idea what he's been doing nor do I care it's his life he could do what he wants as least went along to then comment Myrna wasn't just my brother he was also an attendee to one of the strongest gods of destruction within universe 13 outside of the grand priest he was one of the most powerful angels amongst us all he was highly skilled and incredibly dangerous for him to be here means that he is up to something I surely assume that Myrna was erased along with everything that once was by the Omni Kings but somehow he managed to escape this fate and hide himself from all of us it was forbidden for an angel to misuse their gifts the law of the angels forbids any one of us to fully use our powers in battle I'm afraid if Myrna has other plans then he may be the first to break this code he seems to be planning something within the shadows as goku went along to a squaw so he's really that strong I'm surprised someone was actually able to somehow avoid and survive the Omni Kings attack that must mean he's figured out a way how to avoid being totally erased as Vegeta then asks how could there exist an angel that powerful it seems rare for someone to avoid being detected for so long only to show up out of the blue with an agenda surely the Omni Kings and the grand priests would have picked up by this by now so tell me is he really as powerful as you make him out to be is he really the strongest among your family of brothers and sisters to be stopped as weas went along to reply I'm afraid so yes escaping xennos wrath is unheard of destroying Frieza is one thing but to survive being erased and to mask your powers for so long from all of us is another nobody is above Z no not my father not my brothers or sisters not the gods of destruction or creation nobody Myrna must have found an escape that had led to his survival it's the only way once the Omni King decides to do something it is then written in blood and cannot be changed and for Zeno to choose to erase my brother only shows that Zeno had no interest in keeping him or anyone else around Myrna could not have possibly survived without knowing prior Myrna grew to learn things that were far beyond standard practices which is what made him so strong Myrna devoted himself in learning everything he could learn even things outside of our teachings has only then out of nowhere Merle ends up using one of the portals to show up on beerus is planted as he went along to comment well well so this is where you've been hiding and with everyone's attention then we directed Myrtle then goes on to states it's not as I expected it to be but I had a feeling you'd be living with your destroyer as we spent along to come and were no how did you find this place as Myrna went along to respond and who might these ants be they don't seem to be universal destroyers mortals on a divine world interesting ah yes you were with my brother earlier I admire your skill on getting back here so quickly I can sense a lot of power coming from you as he then turns towards vegeta he then goes on to tell him you on the other hand what a shame I'm assuming you're only here to clean up after the god of destruction yes as Vegeta asks what Myrtle then continues I can sense that you do not possess the same power as your friend over there you are a complete and utter waste and this gets Vegeta angry because he then went along to come and how dare you why does that matter you don't even know who I am or what I could do I'm just as powerful as Kakarot is as Myrna went along to reply you need to relax mortal as a matter of fact this is exactly why I am now here with you all as Goku then asks what exactly do you want from us as Myrtle then continues the reason why I am here is very simple I just want to find out who the strongest of this vii universe is it intrigues me asko who asks ya well I don't think you want to find out as Myrtle then responds huh I don't then suppose that the purple cat you call of a God then is I don't hold a grudge towards any of you I just want to see who I also heard that the seventh has amazingly good foods as well another reason I'm here as Goku flat-out goes on to tell him I don't buy it what exactly is your end goal here you're hiding something as Vernell then went along to respond all but a game Mortal I want to learn more about this universe and why it's still here given its low mortal ranking it must house many secrets because for whatever reason myrna wants to find out which fighter is the strongest of the seventh universe as he only then goes on to ask so which one of you ants would like to show me your true power I understand this comes as a sudden surprise but I would really greatly enjoy seeing what my brother has taught you as we strives to intervene he went along to then tell me no I will not allow you to break our code nor kill these mortals Myr know as Myrtle then responds I never thought you would have such a soft spot for these mortals now wheeze I would advise that you step away and here I was happy to see you again wheeze if you won't move then you will be moved try me I am curious about your universe mine was ripped away but that doesn't mean that I am NOT curious on what others have hidden within them this is the beginning of the game this is my enlightenment I want your mortals to show me the powers they possess if any at all I must learn of what they can do in this realm as Goku went along to reply be that as it may I have no issue in fighting you even if you are an angel as Myrtle goes on to reply even though I am much more superior than you you accept interesting but why this confidence of yours intrigues me greatly what game will you have if you choose to fight against me surely you can't win so why try as Goku responds let's get something straight I don't want to fight you but if you came here to cause trouble then you leave me no other choice as Myrtle goes on to tell him mortals who aren't fearful of gods this is rather interesting to me yet you lack the motivation to engage against Mia unless there is a good enough reason you wish to only fight if forced a primal mindset but interesting nonetheless let's see if there needs to be a reason for you mortals to fight me then surely I could work something out in order to push you in doing so but I ask for you to agree then I could end you both in seconds but what if you could best me this is what makes me wonder about you the idea of mortal strength even if it means nothing and how about you creature as he appoints to Vegeta would you also fight surely you'd say no correct as Vegeta went along to reply I'd smash your face into the ground angel or not as myrna replies perfect so then you both agreed to show me the depths of your true powers then I must say you don't stand the chance in winning but I admire your passion for battle now let's start with you Goku I wonder what it would take to get you angry enough to fight me what will it take to push you as he then opens up a portal next to him he then goes on to come and oh yes I know exactly what will push you into fighting me at your best let's see as he only then goes on ahead to pull out Goku's granddaughter pan from the portal Goku is absolutely shocked as myrna then continues there we are I believe this is your granddaughter mortal isn't she adorable it truly would be a shame if something very bad were to suddenly happen to her rights as Goku cries out let her go mur no pan doesn't have a clue on what the heck is going on she's crying out dad as she's being held up in the air and with Goku concerned am Arnold ven went along to tell him relax mortal I simply wanted to show you a very small example of my power and the things I can do I searched your feelings and knew what would you I can do things that mortals like you could only dream of power that cannot be rivaled or matched I could do many things outside of this Goku including ending the life of everyone I choose with in the blink of an eye destroyed and sent into the afterlife without warning including this child I hold listen to me Kokua if you don't show me the depths of your true power then I will erase everything everyone you love would be gone saving you for last of course so you may watch them all suffer now the choice is yours what will you do will you choose to engage me at your best or will you sit back and watch your entire world burn before your eyes and as Pam begins to cry mur no gets very irritated and having to cut Tara what's this disgusting creature enough of this as he places her back through the portal he only then continues I don't know what I'm doing with this thing here anyway away now do you see with Goku angry he then went along to tell her no how dare you put your hands on the ones I love you should be careful of what you wish for as Myrna Levin went along to respond oh please your meaningless threats mean nothing to me unless you truly plan to back them up I've seen tougher before so I doubt that you will even be of any real threat to me you can stand up there all you want and talk but I'd much rather you take action I don't plan to be here all day either so unless you plan to fight then I would encourage you to do so right now time is wasting as only then Goku agrees and telling her no now as he quickly jumps into Super Saiyan God this is undoubtedly the first time that myrna had ever seen a mortal access to powers of a god let alone transform into a Super Saiyan God as Myrtle then went along to comment a mortal with God ki well well but Goku wastes little time in quickly dashing on in in connecting a thunderous shock tumour nose face this is assuming Lee the first time that Moreau and Angel had ever been touched by a mortal like this before considering the fact that this is an enraged Goku hitting Moroso with Myrtle having to take the shot head-on Goku ended up landing a thunderous shot that literally miRNA to fly out into the distance as he only then went along to tell him don't ever threaten my family and with Myrna Levin hitting the landscape Goku then went along to continue is this what you want bring it on as we strides to intervene he only then goes on to tell Goku no Goku this must not continue as only then when Goku looks up he went along to say to himself what the how did he end up all the way over there when I was just looking at him in front of man and with Moreau standing there so casually he then went along to tell Goku I mean really what was that supposed to be it and here I was expecting so much more from you that it didn't even sting as Vegeta went alone to comment Kakarot attack was nothing to him it's almost as if were just wookies to him this is bad even with masters super saiyan blue Kakarot sponge had no effect on him he's toying with us which means he's hiding a lot of power which also means were in trouble and with myrna looking down he only then went along to tell Goku I'll give you another chance to show me more of your hidden power I'm very excited to see what the future holds for you and I don't let your family down and with miRNA creating a portal and thus having to extend his hand out and grabbing Goku's leg he only then tells him now show me what a mortal like yourself with evolve God ki can do against an angel as he then proceeds to grab on to Goku's ankle he then shouts at Goku by telling him show Mia as he then throws Goku out into the distance go who then went along to comic damnit how was mur know again telling Goku show me right before connecting a monstrous punch to goku face what mur know ends up doing is opening up portals that further causes gohu to literally get hit from all angles and directions as Myrna went along to then tell him fight for your people prove yourself to me right before kicking Goku up in the sky what Myrna ends up doing is thus knocking Goku back down onto the ground as he went along to tell him show me your potential and with Goku having to hit the ground with such force he's still not finished because as gohu leaves back up he then went alone to comment he's barely even try against me and I already feel like there's nothing I can really do to stop him and with Goku having to then be shown meeting Murr no eye to eye in the sky Myrtle then went along to tell him you seem to be struggling to catch your breath don't tell me that this is all you have in the tank what a shame Anse will always be ants never anything more than bugs and with Vegeta observing he went along to say to himself I can't believe how badly Kakarot is struggling to hold his own against him if this continues then he will surely burn out and be killed this Murr know is barely even showing off any of his true power and yet he's still acting as if nothing is even happening this is very bad I fear not even Kakarot ultra instinct would even be enough and if that's the case then I don't know how we will manage to escape or even survive this battle against him as all of a sudden mur no then begins to clab and then having to acknowledge Vegeta by telling him oh but of course I couldn't agree more ultra instinct wouldn't stand a chance you have none and beating me zero hope surprise I could hear and read your thoughts Vegeta it's another skill I have I admire you for admitting that you have no chance in this fight although I would still love to see the fruits of your power despite you feeling bad as Vegeta then went along to come and well aren't you full of surprises even so we will find the way to win we always have and we always will this is far from over just you wait as Mertle then replies your threats mean nothing to me there is not one single plan you can forge to stop me that I wouldn't be aware of so you can keep hoping and wishing you can I've seen dozens like you before a brash and full of their own lies do you believe that you can surpass a being with nearly unlimited power no you can't you're flawed your race is flawed your universe is flawed your eye deels and power are all flawed I am NOT which reminds me of someone very similar to you back in universe 13 a Saiyan just like you as Vegeta shockingly then went along to ask someone like me in universe 13 what do you mean as myrna then went on to tell him my universe was one of the highest ranking universes in all of creation we housed some of the strongest warriors including one of the strongest gods of destruction who in fact was a demon a demon very similar to the one you once fought against on earth only much more powerful and divine among them we also housed Saiyans small in number but extremely powerful and this Saiyan was a galactic ruler just like Frieza was in this universe so mano has something up his sleeve as he's really trying to persuade and impress Vegeta as Mertle then continues he went along to tell Vegeta our destroyer wasn't as lazy as the one in yours he took pride in destroying everything and anything that stood in his way many feared him but his power was unlike anything you've ever seen from the others he was as powerful as he was ruthless and wise in everything he did making sure that everyone respected him the Galactic ruler however was also a mighty warrior a king a proud and powerful warrior who looked exactly like you he led an army and stopped at nothing to do as he pleased this is why you could never be like him ever but as powerful as he was he was destroyed by our god of destruction along with his entire army however here things seem to be much different as your own destroyer has taken a liking to you which is very rare so as it is in my time you are not related to the king of my universe and with Vegeta absolutely floored this comment he went along to ask what was this King's name because although there was an entity that was a spitting image of Vegeta except only rather than being a prince he was actually a king and galactic ruler was ultimately destroyed by this god of destruction of the thirteenth universe but then Morel goes on - then tell Vegeta and why should I tell you it doesn't matter because he's dead and this is beginning to really bore me I didn't come here to tell you about my world I came here to see what you mortals have been doing and the depths of your power in training with gods and angels as Vegeta went along to say to himself this is all just the big joke Tim as myrna wastes little time he then opens up yet another portal and then having to ask Goku do you need more motivation Goku here let me remind you as he then goes on to once again pull pan from Earth back onto beerus is planted he then holds her in front of Goku as pin has tears in her eyes as he went along to tell Goku don't forget what you're fighting for and Goku in a state of shock and anger went along to scream at Myrna when telling him not again put her down leave my family out of this you heartless monster if you hurt her I will never forgive you and Goku wastes little time and charging indirectly to save his granddaughter but then Myrna does something very unexpected that really ends up shocking Goku because rather than engaging against him what he ends up doing he ended up tossing pan out to the side as he went along to tell Kokua don't drop the ball Goku and with God Goku quickly taking notice that his granddaughter is about to fall and hit the ground Goku went along to cry out pan know and the second we see God Goku - right towards pan and sticking his hand out to try and grab her merlin went along to tell Goku how much are you willing to risk to save the ones you love Saiyan are you willing to do anything which I love the overall sadistic nature that myrna has and trying to use Goku zone family against them specifically his youngest granddaughter who can't even formulate words and he's trying to is that just to get Goku in pushing himself in revealing his true power because at the end of the day according to Murr no that's the only thing that interests him which is why he is currently located within universe 7 and the minute we get to see Goku try to grab on to his granddaughter what Myrna ends up doing is slowly stick his hand out as he then went on to tell goku a-- because everyone has the breaking points you fell right into my trap and right before we get to actually see goku try and grab on to his granddaughter what ends up happening instead is Myrna creates this wormhole in between pan and Goku and what Goku ends up doing because he's dashing towards pan with such speed is he ends up completely going through the wormhole while pan on the other hand is still free falling from the sky basically trapping Goku in this unknown dimension in this unknown area whereas then Myrna went along to comment and just like that blind emotions can cloud your focus let's see if he has the will and the mind to survive the game so this was all a game to Murr no he really wanted to see where Goku focus was at where his mindset was that even if his youngest granddaughter's life was placed on the line he still wanted to see Goku's power while at the same time trying to pick Goku's brain and seeing on whether or not if Goku was solely focused on pan or focused on the fight and with pan showing falling into Vegeta's arms Vegeta then went along to come and dammit as Morel then goes on to tell Vegeta well it would appear that only one remains now your friend lacked a spine to do what was needed to win a battle his heart was too soft his anger wouldn't have driven him to get the job done I can see it in your eyes Vegeta don't worry he's still alive I sent him into a cold dark place an empty void where he will remain until he figures out what is needed to escape you on the other hand you and I share a trait as he only then continues your ruthless Am I you are cold as am i and you also possess the will to kill just as I Goku lacks the will to kill but rather spare his enemies and this is why you are the perfect rival to me we're alike you may not be as strong as Goku but your emotions are what make you strong your killer instinct to always survive you and I share a bond we were both very powerful ones only to have our titles taken by someone who is unjustly powerful you are the last one the god of destruction of the seventh is sleeping and we snows better than to stand in my way so tell me mortal will you show me the power that the seventh universe possesses if you refuse then you know what will happen not only to you but to everyone you know and love I hope you know what you're in for as a mur no of course is giving Vegeta the ultimatum and of course if he doesn't continue then everyone that Vegeta knows and holds dear to him will in fact pay the ultimate price but myrna also confirms that go who was just simply too soft to get the job done as of course he went along to search his feelings and understand that Goku never had that killer instinct mentality but more or less a selfless mentality in looking after others rather than kill them as only then out of nowhere a voice goes on to tell mer no and I hope you know what you're in for as mer know then quickly turns around startled he went along to comment that voice as only then the grand priest is shown having to finally arrive on beerus is planted as the grand priest went along to tell mer no it's been far too long as myrna replies great father I'm sure you must be very pleased to see that I have survived I am doing well no need to ask in case you were I still see that you are yourself basically being very condescending in the fact that he's also being extremely sarcastic as the grand priest went along to reply your existence is unacceptable you were thought to have been erased along with universe 13 after violating the code of the angels along with dealing with mortals as Myrtle replies what I choose to do it is not your problem just know that you left me for dead you sentenced me to death over a stupid code that limits us from using our true gifts and just so you know I don't care who you are I don't answer to anyone I am free to choose as I want you and the other gods and angels turned your backs on me when Zeno took everything from us yet you stood there and watched I will not let you get away so it would appear that myrna also has a very deep vendetta that goes against the Omni King that goes against his father that goes against the other gods of destruction and angels for not doing anything to interfere in Zeno having to erase the other six previously destroyed universes and mur no holds this grudge in the idea that the grand priest is also someone to hold responsible in the idea that mur no could have thought that maybe the grant priests were to have some leeway in further preventing Moreau and his universe from getting destroyed as Vegeta chimes in while holding pin he went along to tell mer no I'm not sure if you're absolutely crazy or incredibly stupid but either way what you were doing is not a good idea you're only going to get yourself killed if you continue down this path just stop now as Moreau replies you still haven't figured it out yet have you I don't care what any of you have to say as he then creates yet another wormhole behind him he went along to tell everyone this isn't over it was a nice reunion father and brother but it's best to resume the game at another time until then as only seconds later Moreau completely vanishes as weas approaches the grand priest he goes on to apologize by telling him Father I am so sorry that I did not do anything to stop him I did not want to break our code as the priest responds I understand unless I give the order you or your siblings will not use your full power I did not see this coming he had remained in hiding for generations fear not wheeze he will be found as Vegeta then went along to comment he said he came here only to find the strongest in this universe saying that it was all a part of his game to learn more Kakarot battled against him but he sent him into an unknown location where he said it's void of life cold and empty he's still alive as the grand priest responds of course it would be his plan indeed he is my son and an angel that should not be here he is a very smart and powerful warrior as for Goku I do believe I know where he may be as Vegeta went along to ask so then how do we stop him he was able to counter everything Kakarot was doing with ease he can read our minds and knows what to expect our powers are nowhere near an angel so then what would be the point if we are powerless to even touch him he seems to have a hidden plan that he wants to complete as the grand priest responds as powerful as he may be there is still away but you will need Goku in order to be able to stop him from further destroying your world as to where he may be I think I have an idea as to where he may be as later on Goku is shown inside of this void as he went along to comment whoa where am I the air here feels heavy and I can't feel anyone or anything around me this isn't over Murr no I will find you with Goku having to be left within avoid having to roam all by himself with Goku then having to comment I've never felt anything like this place before where did Murr know send me I can't feel or sense anything here it's cold and lifeless and with Goku having to look around he then continues I'll find you Murr no this is not the last time you've seen the last of me I swear on pan I won't let you get away with using my family as bait against me angel or not I will find the way as out of nowhere Goku then suddenly detects something within this voided area as Goku then went along to say to himself what was that just now I felt a strong presence coming from within but where is there someone here it's gone now but I know whatever it is is still here somewhere I just have to find out what it was maybe this will help me out I just need a lock on Twitter's go who tries to use Instant Transmission within this voided area it would appear that goat whose having such a hard time and locking on to this person as only then he's trying to use instant transmission but alas nothing is working as Goku went along to Comic darn I can't sense anything here as out of nowhere Goku then bumps into an individual that eerily enough seems to resemble and have the exact body shape of the Omni King as Goku then went along to comment hey wait who is that was that the energy that just appeared he looks very familiar for some odd reason as this mysterious individual then goes on to tell Goku a-- well now this is an unexpected surprise I haven't seen a mortal in billions of years as we go back to beerus is planning we then get to see how the jito is further discussing the matters of myrna with Wiese and the grand priest as vegeta went along to comment wait what with Vegeta then having to ask the angels you're telling me not to involve myself with myrrh no any further why surely you're not afraid that I will suffer the same Fatah's Kakarot has so why should I back down from his challenge because it would appear that the angels are trying to reassure and tell Vegeta to not engage himself against the MER no any further as the grand priest then tells Vegeta we angels will rectify this entire situation ourselves he wants to use you as a pawn to see where his power stands as a warm-up it is not your duty nor the duty of Goku to stop him as the grand priest continues and as such we do not need you or anyone else to be further involved in the matters against mur no he is as deceiving as he is powerful as we strives in he also goes on to tell Vegeta and please leave the situation with Goku son to us as well we will find and bring him back to this realm shortly if Myrna wanted Goku son dead he would have done so on the spot as we stand continues this is a very dangerous situation I will inform the other angels after I have returned to you and pan back to earth we will go and handle this and that's exactly what the Angels end up doing because back on earth we get to see how Gohan and Videl are desperately trying to find their daughter as Gohan went along to ask wait what do you mean she's gone you're saying a pan shun just vanished as Vidal tells him yes she was here for a second and the next she's just gone because both Gohan and Videl are completely uninformed as to what is going on within the universe right now especially with this rogue angel having to arrive and further use their own daughter as bait to trigger Goku and using more of his full power so the grand priests and we are further reassuring Vegeta that he must stay away from the situation involving myrrh no as much as he could because number one it's not his issue and number two Moreau supposedly will be dealt with by the angels as of course this is a matter pertaining them and not the mortals as only then we get to see how the cheetah finally comes knocking on Gohan's door as he went along to tell him open the door and with Gohan hearing this he went along to state wait a second that sounds like Vegeta and that other key that's with him but could that be and the second we see Gohan opened the door we see how lagina greets Gohan and Videl by telling them I believe this belongs to you and I'm not going to lie there's something about Vegeta cradling and a holding pan and giving her back to Gohan and Videl that really goes to show how far along his character has grown ever since the events of Dragon Ball Z when he first came with nappa destroying everything rampaging all throughout earth rampaging all throughout Planet Namek so to see this I think is a very cool thing because only then Gohan went along to come and pan thank goodness she's safe Thank You Vegeta but how did she end up with you as Gohan then continues she was playing with her toys in the next minute she was just gone so did you have anything to do with that it's not like her to just vanish like that out of nowhere so thank you but Vegeta's reaction is very silent there's no emotion there's no expression of gratitude nor concern Vegeta is just quiet as Gohan then went along to ask Vegeta dinnah what exactly happened as Vegeta then turns his back as if he were about to leave go hundun went along to tell him hey wait a second Vegeta what happened to my dad I don't sense his power anymore as Vegeta goes along to tell Gohan listen to me very carefully go on get ready to fight at any moment's notice do what you must but when we call for you then just to know that we need you get back into fighting shape as soon as possible I will explain the rest to you after and with Vegeta taking off Gohan went along to comment wait don't tell me it's in other tournaments because Gohan doesn't know he thinks that it's going to be another tournament of destroyers or perhaps maybe another tournament of power but it's not and as vegeta finally gets back home to capsule Corp bola then went along to greet Vegeta by telling him oh hey vegeta welcome back you have a guest waiting on you he says that he met you a few hours ago and is really excited to see you again he seems very nice and kind of looks like Lise and with Vegeta floored he went along to comment a few hours ago and looks like we swayed boma where did you see this person did he leave or is he here as out of the blue in Vegeta's backyard mur no is shown sitting there with a cup of tea so casually greeting Vegeta and telling him good afternoon Vegeta I'm actually right here surprised to see me and surprised Vegeta is because then we get to see how Bulma Vegeta and Myrna are having a conversation outside as Myrna went along to comments haha you have balls for a woman Bulma I have never met a mortal who slapped a god of destruction and lived to tell the tale how amazing as expected from the wife of the Saiyan Prince you are the only mortal who does not fear the powers of a destroyer how interesting of you beerus was always soft how ironic as Bona went along to tell him I wouldn't call him soft but he's grown a soft spot for us here on earth we help feed him food after all say you're very easy to talk to I'd say a lot easier to speak with in some of the other angels we've met Lisa's nice and all but he's just always busy you know you should come visit more often and find out how good our food is here it is some of the best in the entire universe so while Moreau is so casually creating conversation with Bulma and Bulma with Murr no Vegeta is sitting there insane to himself what is he up to as Myrtle then went along to tell them of course say Bulma could I have some of that amazing stuff you had mentioned before I want to try more sweets as Bona then went along to tell mer no all right just give me a minute and I'll have one prepared for you it'll only take a few so just feel free to enjoy yourself and Vegeta is the only one in this situation and that knows that myrrh no is just simply deceiving her as he then went along to tell myrrh and Omer know you lying bastard what are you doing here on earth I know you didn't come here for a cookout so spill it why are you here out of all places there's nothing here for you so don't try and hide the truth as mirto so casually sips his tea he then went along to tell Vegeta oh shut your face Vegeta it's not that serious I was curious about what kind of lifestyle you had here on earth I wanted to know where you and Goku come from and what you fight to protect I could see why now families food peace this place has it all you have a very lovely wife Simeon in fact it also reminds me of my wife back in universe 13 or what was of its shame isn't it now let's get back to business then shall we there is something I wanted to ask you Vegeta listen closely as back within this void go who is shown talking to this mysterious individual as Goku went along to tell him hey uh who the heck are you and what is this place it feels like the world a void that I was in during the tournament of power except only cold and dark I didn't think after coming here that there would be anyone else here but you showed up so who are you as this mysterious individual goes on to tell Goku F before asking another person for their name you should offer yours up for introduction first now let's start over as Goku then confusingly goes on to respond um hi I'm Goku and who are you sir this individual tells him and through a regular human to enter this place is not common mortals could not have the power to enter this realm on their own not even the gods of destruction nor the angels come here very often so why you I can sense a great power within you along with a great rage you have just gone through something that led you here didn't you that would explain it you didn't come here on your own you were sent here by someone haven't you Goku and with the conversation continuing this individual tells Goku so now I see the truth you're from another dimension this seventh dimension and it looks as if you also possess the powers of a god as well your mind is clouded with a lot of worry and fear not for yourself but for others Vegeta and pan is it's well fear not because they are not in harm's way they seem to be alive in your time Vegeta has safely returned pan to go Hunts place in case you're wondering he was brought back to earth by the grand priests following your encounter with the Fallen One mer know just like pan shun and Vegeta Moreau is also alive and remains in universe 7 and with Goku overhearing this human along to ask Vegeta did wait does that mean that he was also able to beat or no for him to just get Pam back or did something else happen while I've been gone what's happening as this person tells Goku it appears Vegeta did not fight the angel were no at least not yet even if he did he would have failed just as you have so it's not like that this is a part of murrow's game you and Vegeta could never win at least not like this you can't this game that myrna plays involves more than you understand this isn't going to be a walk in the park for a mortal like you however there is always a way relax yourself I can sense that you are very hungry so how about we relax while having a bite to eat there I will explain the situation that way you can better under stand why you stood no chance against the angel in your current form in the meantime it's been a very long time since I had guests what would you like to eat Goku as Goku's baffled he went along to tell the mysterious and with Goku baffled he went along to respond so we can't win like this well that sucks I didn't know he was going to be that hard I mean I knew but I just didn't know that much about it and wait eat but there's nothing around for us to snack on and eat I don't see any food as this mysterious individual then tells Goku haha you're still naive you can't only rely on what you see just because something isn't there and you can't see it does not mean it's not real this is your first mistake Kokua because there is nothing now does not mean nothing will be later anything is possible just like power one can always grow stronger despite doubting themselves and evolving further in becoming the best they could be as he then continues by sticking his hand out he went along two states I want you to remember something that your God failed to tell you before destruction comes creation as this individual just manages to pop out a bunch of food out of nowhere he then went along to ask Kokua still doubting me Goku now let's eat and with Goku absolutely shocked he went along to come in how did he just do that it was like magic what's going on as we go back to capsule court we get to see how Murr no is waiting for boneless food as he went along to comment your wife sure is slow Vegeta I can't wait any longer as out of nowhere Moreau creates another wormhole in sticking his hand through he went along to then tell Vegeta ah would you look at that just in time wouldn't you say it's almost like I knew as he then pulls this sweet delicious dish out of this portal he then went along to comment now this is what I'm talking about so Moreau simply having some fun while Vegeta is really trying to figure out what this dude is up to as Merlot is then shown snacking he then a little own to comment amazingly delicious the cold sweet textures I love it all I haven't had something this good since universe 13 this really hits the spot and there I say fills me with joy knowing how good it is with Vegeta than having to tell mer know when you're finished eating get lost and leave as mer no replies 30 minutes with Vegeta asking what's myrtle then continues I have about 30 minutes until we find out that I'm here and comes for me I thought it would take him that long but 30 minutes should be more than enough now since I didn't get to see it before show me your true power did you think I forgot let's test the prime height of your strength until my brother gets here are you ready with Vegeta having to get up and telling her no you bastard I'm not going to fight you here we would destroy the entire city if we do so forget it no as Myrtle then stands up he goes on to tell the jito have you noticed by now no South City it seems to be a fairly large metropolis on this planet wouldn't you say however with so many people living here don't you think it's suspicious that there isn't any surrounding noise coming from the people within this very large city for a city so big it appears to be a ghost town and with Vegeta having to take notice of this we get to see how South City is in fact very very quiet as Vegeta went along to comment impossible what happened to all of the people what did you do as Myrtle pops up behind Vegeta he then went along to tell him and boom do I have your attention now Vegeta now let's begin with mur know having sinister intentions in really wanting to push Vegeta and with one simple push we see how Myrna was able to send Vegeta flying through multiple buildings in the city itself as Moreau gets into fighting position he went along to ask do I have your attention now Vegeta now where did the people of this great city along with your lovely wife Bulma Chun vanished who you ask do you think they're still alive if they are do you think you can save them and with Vegeta shown standing through the rubble he went along to respond coming here was one thing but to snuff the lives of innocent people who did nothing to you along with my wife is something you will painfully regrets I don't think you know who you're talking to here angel but if it's the strongest warrior you're after then look no further and I love this idea that Moreau did something to Bulma he did something to trunks he did something to bull like he did something to the people of the city in reminding Vegeta hey if you want to fight this is the perfect place to do so because it would appear that nobody is going to be getting in our way because there's simply nobody in the city left so what happened to all the people as only then Vegeta continues even if you're stronger than me that doesn't change the fact that I will smash you into pieces I will show you the power you've long been searching for mur no and Vegeta wastes little time as he then transforms into Super Saiyan blue with Amer no then further having to acknowledge this by stating Super Saiyan blue right from the start this is a letdown but go ahead and try so mur no is not concerned with the powers of Super Saiyan blue if anything else he seems to be a lot more disappointed than excited but then he went along to tell Vegeta you won't win as he quickly removes his robe he then continues well since you're turning it up then I will too I hope you know that everything is riding on your strength to best meet in order to see your wife and kids again if you fail then you will be held responsible for their deaths so just like Moreau did with pan and further having to use pan as bait to get Goku to use his full power that's exactly what Myrna was doing now with Vegeta and further having to remind him hey if you fail it's on you if you fail then your family is going to be destroyed along with everyone else from the city despite where he may have taken them until then Vegeta charges right in as he went along to tell Moreno you leave my family out of this you bastard and the second we see Vegeta swinging Merle immediately steps out of the way and then having to tell Vegeta your egregiously slow Vegeta you can't hurt me if you can't hit me and that's exactly what Vegeta is trying to do it in further proceeding to throw kicks and punches but he seems to be missing every shot that he throws as Morel then continues if this is the best you can do then I am NOT impressed this is sad in further taunting Super Saiyan blue until then we then get to see Homer no steps aside and then telling Vegeta remember what's on the line Vegeta and further having to poke vegeta by reminding him that his family's life is on the line and with Vegeta again charging right back in he went along to tell mano I'm going to break your face mur no but then Morel uses one of his portals to elbow vegeta in the face as he's charging towards him in telling Vegeta how when you're not even paying attention mortal trash as he then continues to use these portals against Vegeta he goes on to remind him you're making this way too easy for me Vegeta you don't stand the chance of surviving like this shame which again is the exact same technique we saw Mirjam also use in the Dragon Ball super manga and what rememba did in the Dragon Ball Z movie in literally just standing there and throwing a few hits in knocking Vegeta around as Moreau then goes on to tell Vegeta I see that you're struggling that's not a surprise I can still sense more fight left within you so here let's see how you handle these on for size remember what's on the line mortal let's see how your body holds up to this as Mertle then creates more of these wormholes he then begins to throw shot after shot punch after punch as it not really manages to strike Vegeta from all sides and angles but only then Morel goes on to tell Vegeta fight back saying your family is counting on you hit me show me your raw untapped power show me and with Vegeta getting angry enough to the point where Moreau seems to be taking this as a joke while Vegeta is not Vegeta is fighting for something and mur no is not and this prompts Vegeta in getting really angry to the point where we get to see the Gina cock his fist back as he goes onto tumblr no I've had enough of your game I will spill your blood for harming my family take this and what Vegeta ends up doing it is further using myrn ozone portals against him by actually having to connect the punch through one of them as of course this ends up sending myrrh no flying out in the distance having to crash through a few buildings and with Vegeta visibly shown tired as he's trying to catch his breath he goes on to tell Moreno how I got you and with mer know on the ground visibly bloody from this one strike he not only smiles back at Vegeta but also goes on to tell him using my own portal against me impressive Vegeta which bear in mind Moreau is not even using a fraction of his power because technically he's not allowed to but as Morel gets up he then goes on to wipe the blood from his mouth in telling Vegeta this is what I wanted from you this is your strong point although I can feel you still holding back against me Vegeta release your full power I want to see more by using that logic as you just did if you can read your opponent's next move in battle then you can surpass them using your own style your movements are cold and brutal just what I wanted out of you unlike Goku you have the will to kill rather than spare there is still a little bit of time left before we sketch here so let's do our best shall we I want you to hit me with everything you have show me the powers of a Saiyan God I'm ready I always am this is your last chance Vegeta and with Vegeta then visibly angry he then goes on to raise his power even higher by then telling her no you want everything so be it angel if you want to feel the depths of my true power then stay right where you are I'm going to blow you to pieces and I love this overall moment here because you can immediately tell that this is bothering Vegeta a lot in the fact that even though he hit merna merna took that attack as if it was a mosquito bite right it really wasn't anything to Myrna and Myrna was the Gina look I respect you for being cold I respect you for being brutal but you're going to have to go all-out and according to Vegeta now that is exactly what he plans on doing because then as he's channeling all of this power in the form of one attack a very familiar attack Vegeta then proceeds in putting his hands together in charging up for the final flash as he goes on to tell Murr no don't move and with Murr know getting into fighting position he goes on to tell Vegeta oh I see now well well if it isn't the final flash how fun this should be really interesting and here I thought you were tired and further locking Vegeta but Vegeta then gets angry enough to the point where he goes on to say to himself he's going to take it head-on don't underestimate my power Murr know as seconds later finally only then in there Vegeta fires a massive final flash directly at Murr know which keep in mind if this is supposed to be following the events of the tournament of power then obviously Vegeta had gotten way more powerful enough to wear his final flash should be a lot more effective than how it was before and with the final flash heading right towards Murr no burn on went along two states this is too easy let me show you as Merle creates a massive portal to where there he goes on to tell Vegeta tah-dah as the final flash literally is shown going through the portal itself as a hacks to where it didn't hit Murr no but it's being sent out somewhere else as only then Vegeta is flabbergasted as he steps back in stating enough no way what did he just do impossible what what am I supposed to do now he disintegrated my final flash with ease and with mur knows so casually standing there he went along to then ask Vegeta that was good enough but do you see why now you are completely hopeless Vegeta this isn't over let's continue as only then we get to see how in fact trunks was not taken by Moreau but instead he seems to be charging into the city where his dad is along with Goten as Goten went alone to come and hey wait up trunks what happened what's the rush as both Goten and Trunks appear to be in Super Saiyan form trunks went along to Goten something very bad is happening in West City and I feel dad struggling with something out there it's like the entire city just vanished including mom hurry up and let's go go ten as the two boys are then shown dashing towards Vegeta's direction in finding out what's going on back with mur no he then went along to put his hands together in telling Vegeta since you're also curious allow me to show you something very interesting don't blink or you may miss it are you ready with mur no giving off such a condescending vibe in the idea that he's really toying with Vegeta because he wants to see what he could really do in battle he only then goes on to tell the jito I hope your body and mind are ready as Vegeta went along to comment damn you what are you planning on doing him you aren't even taking this fight serious what are you hiding mer know as Mertle then begins to open up multiple portals in telling Vegeta I just want to see your power now show it to me here we go remember what you're fighting for Vegeta as Vegeta looks around he then goes on to comment what is he doing wait a minute don't tell me he's oh no damn him as Mertle then ends up shooting blast that end up going right through his portals in been telling Vegeta now let's see how you react to this Vegeta show me as all of these blasts end up coming through the portals themselves Vegeta then went along to comment damn it's everywhere I have no choice and with Vegeta trying to deflect all of the blasts at once the majority of the blast actually end up connecting with Vegeta as Vegeta is then shown flying out of the rubble and then commenting damn him he nearly got Mia but right behind him Merle stands with a massive energy ball hovered up in the sky as he then went along to tell Vegeta you're very fast Vegeta just as I expected I knew you'd avoid my attack so here let's add this on for size don't drop the ball mortal now let's just see what you can do think fast now saying the heat will only begin to increase as a merman ends up launching this blast directly down on Vegeta rather than engage the blast rather than moving out of the way Vegeta is frozen as he went along to comment this power I I can't stop this what now cuz Vegeta literally didn't know what to do as this blast was coming down onto him and as we get to see this massive ball of energy hit the ground Goten and Trunks are staring out in the distance as Goten went along to comment wall trunks what's that as trunks went along to tell him it's huge it's probably something to do with dad hurry go ten we have to go check it out let's go and as they both try their very best to make it back onto the battlefield we get to see how Myrna is overseeing this massive crater as he went along to comment well that was boring and here I thought he had a trick or two up his sleeve as Moreau touches back down he is then met by Vegeta who is literally battered and destroyed in the crater as Murtagh goes on to tell him I'm baffled that you're still alive very good and with Vegeta shaking he then went along to tell Morel Hugh bastard I'm not dead yet fight me as Mertle tells him tough as I expected you to be I held back a lot of power just to see if you could survive and you did you are much tougher than your friend but you still lack something Vegeta a warrior such as yourself is missing a great master to help bring out your true powers for a mortal such as you you exceed my doubts very good for a mortal to endure and possess such power is unheard of unlike Goku it you have the will to kill at any cost this is what makes you great you have a very strong mind as well so here's something I will only offer you once now come polish your skills with me as my apprentice it doesn't matter as to why I choose you the question is do you accept and with Goten and Trunks just arriving in the nick of time trunks went along to cry out dad with mur no having to comment well well and with trunks getting there he went along to then shout what did you do to my dad you monster get up dad get up and Whismur acknowledging this he then went along to comment well would you look at that your child has come to save you from death how noble of him to risk his own life I hope you know that if he tries to engage against me then I will have no other choice than to erase the boy this is a matter between you and I not your son and his other little friend but that's only if he wishes to fight me surely he must just be as tough as his father writes since they look very friendly maybe I'll go and greet them myself just to see what they want and as Vegeta overhears this he goes on to tell mer no huh hold hold your horses angel stay away from them as Myrtle comments and now you're standing you surely are very tough you continue to amaze me Vegeta the fire continues to burn within your soul I didn't think you would be able to stand up oh it looks like it's time well Vegeta although your power is weakened and your body is nearly broken I must let you know you might want to brace yourself for the attack you've fired the final flash that is I never extinguished it I simply held on to it to give it back to you you might want to pay attention over there and as Vegeta goes on to ask what impossible Vegeta is then met by his own final flash as Mertle created a portal that allowed it to go right through and as the final flash hits Vegeta Bernal then went along to comment odda I believe this is yours Vegeta and as the boys oversee Vegeta zone final flash hit him trunks went along to come and dad no please don't die dad and with myrna then using his own portals and getting behind the boys he then went along to tell them well hello there young warriors I see that you've taken interest in our battle just now as trunks went along to tell him who the hell are you and what did you do to my mom and dad why are you doing this Oh even are you you look like that we sky but you're not him what do you want why are you here Myrtle goes on to tell trunks I sense great fear in your heart boy relax yourself young one I am beyond your simple understanding I am your father's acquaintance and now that you're here maybe we can finally get along there's so much I want to know trunks as we now find ourselves on commies look out with Vegeta now having to wake up after being knocked unconscious from his own final flash as he is then greeted by den they go ten trunks and piccolo with trunks having to cry out dad you're okay you're alive it's okay we're on the lookout piccolo is here too and with Vegeta then sitting up and further acknowledging the situation he went along to comment to trunks your life wait where is that bastard mur no where is he as trunks went along to tell him we don't know it the only thing we remember was him coming up to us and then we ended up here he just disappeared as piccolo then chimes in and telling Vegeta I saw the fight you had with this guy it's hard to believe how easily he was able to overpower you Vegeta and with Goku missing I don't need to explain to you of how bad of a situation this has become he knocked you out cold with your own attack but wanted to keep you alive as trunks then chimes in he went along to ask piccolo hey piccolo can't we just use the Earth's Dragon Balls to bring my mom and all of the people of West City back I don't think that guy knows about the Dragon Balls so can we so the situation here is the fact that mur no could have easily killed Vegeta but instead wanted him alive so rather than letting him die by his own attack all that simply happened it was mur no saved Vegeta from dying and simply having to knock him out by using his own move against him and with piccolo acknowledging the fact that without Goku the powers that Vegeta currently possesses are basically meaningless in comparison to what Moreau can truly do and especially given the fact that Moreau has not even remotely tried in using his full power yet piccolo only then continues the only problem is that the Dragon Balls are all at bomas house and after mur no and Vegeta's battle the entire he was destroyed so we don't know exactly where they are within the rubble as only then murder shows up on the lookout and telling everyone oh but I do know about the mortals there's no need to worry about that I'll take care of it as only then Myrna was shown with all seven dragonballs within his possession he only then continues I'll be taking these off your hands and take them for myself does anyone wish to object to that by all means try and stop me these are mine now as Vegeta then angrily goes on to comment damn humor no how did you find us as Myrtle then goes on to ask are you surprised with Vegeta then commenting and just what exactly do you plan on doing with those Dragon Balls I'm sure you don't have a use for them so what are you up to what are you hiding you've already gotten what you wanted out of me and Kakarot so what's your deal with the Dragon Balls now what's your next move as Vegeta is really trying to figure Morel out Myrna Levin went along to tell everyone I've actually been thinking about going and eliminating Zeno but I assume that this goes far beyond this dragons power to kill the gods Zeno is my prime target but since this cannot be done with these then I'll just wish for something within the realm of this dragons power so of course ever since the beginning we found out that myrna wants revenge on Zeno why because Zeno was the sole reason why universe 13 was destroyed and universe 13 was simply put the home of Myr know as Myrtle then goes on to tell em you wanna maybe I will use these Dragon Balls to spawned more of those delicious desserts that your wife made for me earlier Vegeta maybe I'll wish for hundreds more while I waits this was a very interesting learning experience mortals my offer to you however Vegeta still stands do as you may but my time here with you all is over now I have other matters to attend to as only then mur no singles out den day and telling him and asked for you don't try and get any ideas to make a new set of Dragon Balls either that would be pointless if I find them which I will if you decide to create new sets of Dragon Balls then I will find you and the orbs and take them from you myself oh and don't think about using your namekian Dragon Balls either I know all about those as well if you try and do that then I will also take those away from you as well lastly in case you try to get any other bright ideas going and trying to collect the super Dragon Balls will also be outside of your reach to do so I am very much aware of these wish-granting orbs and am very well prepared for the outcome of using their powers as denday is left floored he went along to ask how with Myrtle then telling everyone oh and one more thing in case you were wondering what happened to the people of West City along with your wife Bulma they are all still alive and well so there is no cause for concern just like I did with your final flash they were transported and moved to another location as I take my leave just know that I am not finished I will see you all again soon very soon and what's Murr know stepping through the portal he then goes on to tell everyone this was very fun I think I'd like to have even more fun next time we meet perhaps maybe next time it would be me versus the entire earth that would be fun until next time mortals and I love the level of condescending deceitfulness coming from Murr no because not only did he chew out denday and letting him know listen if you make a new set of Dragon Balls I will find you and I will find them and take them from you if you go to Namak I will find those Dragon Balls and also take those from you and don't even think about trying to collect the super Dragon Balls because I'm going to be there to stop you as well so our heroes then are left with no other options as piccolo goes on to cry out damn him what a wicked monster this is all clearly just a big game for him he's absolutely pure evil as dende then goes on to tell piccolo hey piccolo I think you might be wrong on him about that might be weird for me to say but I really don't sense any evil coming from his soul it's strange but if he was pure evil we all would have felt it there's something different about him it's hard to say as Vegeta chimes in he goes on to agree with denday and telling him I hate to admit it but I agree if he wanted me and Kakarot dead he would have killed us by now as Vegeta then goes on to clench his fists in which his entire arm is literally shaking out of anger he then continues curse him were all just tiny pieces to his game he's using us for something he wants revenge on Zeno but didn't go as far as to kill anyone yet in doing it he's toying with us all we need a new plan to stop him before it's too late so Dendi and Vegeta seem to agree that myrna doesn't come off as a purely evil person and Vegeta even admits that if myrna really wanted to he could have killed Goku and Vegeta within a heartbeat but chose not to it and the question to that is why as only then we go back to Goku who seems to be still trapped within this void eating a ton of food was Goku laying on the floor assumingly what is a floor he went on to comment oh wow I didn't know that you could eat a whole lot of everything when everything is nothing there was so much food here I don't think I've ever seen that much in my entire life before but it was worth the wait to be honest I don't think I've eaten that much before I'm actually really full and that's so rare I can't believe how good it all was - that was the best I've ever had it was beyond incredible as the little mysterious person then goes on to tell Goku and I've never seen a mortal eat so much so quickly before I'm glad you liked it just so you know I can create more food whenever you want me to as Goku then goes on to reply I really wanted to thank you for that it was really well needed but I think it's time I head out of here and get back to my world now as the mysterious stranger then goes on to tell Goku oh I'm afraid you can't leave this place escaping this realm cannot be done not even by teleporting yourself by using your Instant Transmission once you enter this place you cannot escape so try as you would like but you will only find that I am telling you the truth you are stuck here go kueh you can't leave as panic then begins to set in Goku goes on to ask wait are you serious okay this is not good because this mysterious individual clearly knows this place a lot better than Goku and knows that simply by using instant transmission it isn't really going to get Goku anywhere as he only then goes on to tell Goku ah I am indeed very serious Goku it in fact if you truly wish to leave this place then there is only one way that can be done it's not by forcing your way out but by having Moreau teleport you back to where you came from but I will say this much I don't think that mur no intended to send you to this realm there must be more to it than this but I am very sure of it and because of this I think it was your god ki that messed with mur knows portal that caused you to arrive here instead and with Goku absolutely confused he then went along to ask wait so what should I do as the mysterious individual then goes on to point out in Telugu qu l go ask mur know yourself Goku with mer know shown inside of the same realm as Goku and this mysterious person that myrna then greets Goku by then telling him well well Goku I'm surprised you were able to make it here it's so good to see you again let's catch up with all of the Z fighters on commies look out having to be floored by the thought of Myr know having to wage war against the earth and with everyone left wondering what to do piccolo went along to comment versus the earth has myrna lost his mind with Vegeta having to comment I'm afraid he's dead serious about fighting the entire earth by this he's probably going to do what he did to the people of West City and transport them all somewhere else if he found great entertainment in myself in Kakarot then surely he will stop at nothing to get his fun out of anyone and everyone he could before going after Zeno and the other angels and with Goten and Trunks quickly chiming in trunks went along to tell his dad hey Dad I know this guy is strong in all but mean Goten have been training on and off and we want to help out since we aren't strong enough like this maybe we'll use fusion with Goten then chiming in and commenting yeah and then we'll show that guy not to mess with us so the boys have absolutely no idea exactly who Moreau is or what he's capable of but even then after knowing the fact that he was still able to defeat Vegeta they're still not backing down in suggesting fusion as vid you know went along to commenter as bad of an idea this is I'm afraid at this point we have no other choice than to use everything we have as a measure to stop him for this to work we just may need every single fighter we can get to defeat him this won't be easy damn humor no where are you Kakarot which to be quite honest just off of this page alone I am getting serious Dragon Ball Z majin buu ark vibes in the fact that we have Vegeta piccolo Goten trunks everyone's trying to figure out what to do and even with Super Saiyan blue at grants head even if the jutsu were to push himself into using Super Saiyan blue evolution it's arguably still not going to be enough to battle against such a being like mur no considering the fact that myrna was supposed to be one of the strongest angels as Vegeta even recognizes the threat at hand and acknowledging the fact that it's not only going to be him and Kakarot they need but literally everyone else especially if Myrna was looking to battle against the entire earth as only back with Goku and the mysterious individual within the void we then observe how Myrna appears to be within the void with ko who and this other mysterious person as Myrna went along to tell Goku and here I assumed you were somewhere else mortal as Goku went along to comment am I seeing things or is that really him he just popped out of nowhere what's he up to him what is he talking about az Marana sticks his hand out he goes on to greet goku by telling him it it's so nice to see you again son Goku and with Goku then quickly getting into fighting position he then went along to tell Murr no I know exactly why you're here mur no if you want to finish this then let's do this I'm ready as the mysterious person cuts in he then goes on to tell Kokua I wouldn't be so quick to attack now Kakarot remember what it was told you before one must first understand before they take action this is not the real Moreau this Moreau is a creation of my own in order for one to rid themselves of fear and anger they must first confront the darkness this Moreau here is like a doll created by me in order for you to gain a better understanding of this place I am more than you see or no Kakarot so in case you guys are wondering the MER know that's inside of this place with Goku and this other person is in fact a clone just like all of the food that this person had made in the previous manga chapter out of literally nothing he did the exact same thing here by essentially creating another mer know just for Goku to confronts as Goku went along to comment hey wait a minute I thought you can only create endless amounts of food how could you possibly create a living being out of nothing like that so are you like his dad this is so weird he looks and even feels like mur no that energy I felt on beerus this planet is the same as it is here with this clone this is unbelievable why did you do it as the mysterious person tells goku anything is possible in this realm Saiyan in fact this clone has the exact battle power of Myr know as well there is nothing I cannot create or do this goes for gods and angels as well miRNA is a feared powerful angel stronger than most of his brothers and sisters he will be the perfect sparring partner for you here Kakarot he won't hold back as the clone went along to tell goku ax I hope you're ready as the mysterious person that continues there are rules that all things must go by in the 12 universes this includes gods and angels in this realm however the only rule is me you will find this place much different than any other this myrna will be used as a tool for you to test your powers against I want to see the extent of your powers against this clone if you fail I will heal you so you may try again against him more and with gohu absolutely taken back and confused he went along to comments this is all too much to take in at once it kind of feels like a dream but I'm awake say uh who are you exactly you seem to know more than you let off you are able to do many things here that I must know who you really are and as this mysterious individual slowly lifts the hood off of his head he went along to tell Goku who I am is not important right now I am simply a retired old man nothing more nothing less and neat I chime men in the fact that this obviously looks like the Omni King even though right now we don't know who this is if in fact this is the father of the Omni King if in fact this is an alternative version to the Omni King a much older omni-king this gives me the original Dragonball vibes if you guys remember when Jackie Chun first fought against kid Goku in the original series with Master Roshi having to simply disguise himself that's the kind of vibe that I'm getting here is the classic Goku and Jackie Chun situation to where obviously this looks like Z no he has the same silhouette and build a Z no but the reason why he's hiding himself is quite unknown as meanwhile back on beerus his plan and we get to see how we stand begins to talk to vegeta as he went along to comment so my suspicions of him being on earth was correct after all and this is why you've all gathered to come to beerus as planets morel threatens to wage war against the entire earth it's a good thing you've come as only then we get to see Vegeta Gohan Crillon Master Roshi Tian Yamcha piccolo Android 17 Android 18 go ten trunks and majin buu the entire squad - Goku is there with piccolo having to comment this is a very serious matter wheeze with Buu having to also comment they all told boo to fight so Buu he'll bring everyone here to fight scary angel guy they don't want boo to sleep so boo wake up and help everyone and I absolutely love the level of tension here in the fact that not only Vegeta understands that he needs everyone on his side to win this battle but he also goes on to comment this is no longer a problem between the angels Wiese miRNA wants to fight all of us we are no longer going to stand by and watch as creatures like mer No destroy everything we've built so these guys all tagged along because they all want to undergo training as well by you all of us we don't have time to waste so I absolutely love the idea of people other than just Goku and Vegeta receiving training from the gods in the fact that Gohan wants to be trained by Wiese Android 17 wants to be trained by Wiese piccolo wants to be trained by we scrilla wants to be trained by Wiese because everyone has this mentality that enough is enough we can't stand idly by in the fact that what if Goku and Vegeta can't get the job done what if they simply come across someone and they need help they can't do nothing because they're weak so now they've all come here to get stronger and I absolutely love this fan manga for that as out of nowhere only then the grand priest pops in as he then goes on to responsive Vegeta well then since this is no longer an issue involving the Angels then we will help you during this time as weas goes on to cry out father with the grand priests responding I sense a great battle looming Vegeta son I choose you you will now face me one-on-one to better prepare you I will train you myself you have great potential now come as Vegeta smirks he went along to tell the grand priest to fight the strongest of the angel race second-in-command sounds perfect to me now let's just see what you can do priest as only then we get to see how the grand priest and Elise are talking to everyone up above them we eerily enough get to see how Moreau is secretly spying on them by poking his head out of the portal he had created as he went along to say to himself this is going to be so much fun it's just as I thought it would be you will all soon be dealt with the game is only beginning first it will be you then my father and lastly you Zeno sama it's almost time with mer no having to be shown seemingly meditating somewhere out there in space and with mer no understanding that the gramm freeze dish training Vegeta Myrna then came to the idea as he went along to say to himself hey wait a minute Vegeta refused to let me train him but he agrees for my cursed father to teach him to train vegeta to be at his best is my job I wanted to see the mortals potential come to life not my father Vegeta took me for a fool to see him grow has been in our plan as Morel then stands up very angrily mind you he then continues curse those weak mortals seeing Vegeta's growth has been in our plans since we encountered him that pathetic father of mine is taking everything in for himself why does he care about seeing the mortals grow now my plan was to kill them perhaps I have been too lenient with these creatures I should have erased them all when I had the chance no matter however they will all be soon dealt with once I have my fill of the strongest in the universe I will end everything including Zeno as myrna then goes to power up he then went along to cry out damn you all I feel as if I am at my limit I cannot allow my father or my brother ruin my plans I will break all of them you've abandoned me and turned your backs to me when I needed you the most Zeno ruined everything and yet you stand with him I will crush all of you beginning with every mortal in the seventh universe then those foolish gods then my siblings and then you father and once I'm done I will rip Zeno into pieces so Murnau seems to be very upset at the idea that vegeta agreed to train with the grand priests and not him for whatever reason Myrna wanted to train Vegeta for he wanted to see Vegeta's true potential because he actually wanted to see for himself what Vegeta immortal would be fully capable of once he did receive that training as only then we go back to beerus this planet with Wiis having to talk to Gohan and telling him you've come up with an amazing strategy Gohan if this works then you will have a great chance at survival with Gohan having to reply somehow I think it would be best if we have no other choice as we supplies perhaps not Syst Vegeta in case he runs into trouble with Murr no although it is a very tricky plan if done right with your combined power it would surely be enough to throw Murr no off his game your support is needed Gohan as out of nowhere there is a massive explosion seen in the background with everyone then looking on we spun along to continue oh my it would appear that my father and Vegeta are still battling I am shocked he's still alive as Gohan then went along to comment Vegeta needs all the training he could get in order to even stand the chance against this Murr no guy your dad is incredible Wiese I've never seen Vegeta this intense and as we go back to Vegeta he's literally on the ground with the grand priest having to stand in front of him as Vegeta is trying to catch his breath he went along to comment don't stop keep pushing me damn you fight me I won't quit because Vegeta knows that he needs this although he is very strong in his own right one of the absolute strongest in the 7th universe he pales in comparison to the angels and being the fact that he's being trained right now by one of the absolute strongest he still doesn't have a chance but refuses to give up as we then go back to Vegeta shown on the floor huffing and puffing he went along to comment you're so strong with the grand priest having to then tell Vegeta for a mortal being able to produce this much power within a short time is very impressive Vegeta I am NOT fighting to kill you cuz that would have already happened but you are actually making me break a sweat I am shocked I wonder how far you're willing to go as Vegeta went along to respond to them even though your power is far beyond mine everything starts here I will show you how strong I really am in time all this is doing is making me stronger you're easily the most powerful opponent I've ever faced before but you still don't scare me I will find a way to break Murr No now let's get and then out of nowhere we get to observe how the grand priest suddenly goes missing with Vegeta having to comment what grand priests where did he go he was standing right in front of me it's like he just vanished without a trace but how I was just looking at him what happened as immediately the landscape is shifted as Vegeta finds himself back in a very familiar place with Moreau having to be shown hovering over him he then went along to tell Vegeta did I just interrupt something Vegeta it was almost as if you were planning on finishing something well the finisher is me mortal welcome as Vegeta comments mono but how what did you just do where are we how did you find us as Merlot replies it looks like your progress with my father has paid off a bit hasn't it it's funny how you refuse to accept my offer but agree in allowing my father to give you pointers in battle you're a coward but it doesn't matter now Vegeta from now on I am going to be your opponent now that you've grown stronger I want to see the full extent of what you can do now let's continue Vegeta let's continue from where we left off in the same crater I left you before you were saved in West City this time I don't plan to save you I hope you know what's on the line mortal if you fail all will be erased oh and don't worry I brought all of your friends here too to watch you die here as well and if they wish to oppose me then I welcome fighting all of you at once since you are so desperate for my brother to train you allow me to test you as all of the Z fighters are shown in the same crater that Vegeta was initially left and before miRNA had reversed his final flash onto him as only then mer no continues I've kicked wheeze and the grand priest away from here and used a powerful spell to blur reality for them they are powerful so I'm sure they will break it in moments however if they were to want and try to come here to stop me they'd need around one hour to get here to do so which by then I would have long killed all of you by the time they arrived the game continues Vegeta just as I had said before now enough talk let's get started then shall we who's first as Crillon then chimed in and telling Myrna what wait do you intend to fight here on earth the people of this planet had done nothing to you they would all be in harm's way if we all end up fighting here what exactly is your problem as Myrtle goes on to reply oh shut your face mortal you don't have to worry about the people of this world there won't be anyone or anything to stand in between you and our battle here which means you don't have to worry about what ends up getting destroyed the people of Earth no longer exists here anymore this includes your daughter Marin all of your children and family are gone it's just us here which means there is nothing to stand in our way I made sure to get rid of all of the annoying Earthlings of this planet before we battled because I know how much you care about them and with 18 overhearing this she went along to comment what what did you just say you did something to my little Marin how how dare you how dare you with gohan also commenting pan and Videl mother everyone what exactly did you do with everyone where are they if everyone is gone then where do they all go I can't feel anyone's life force what did you do with everyone as Myrtle looks down and condescendingly telling Gohan if you really want to know what I did with everyone including your mother wife and child then why don't you try and make me tell you then since you're so very eager to know go on and I love the absolute level of tension and deceitfulness coming from Myrna land the fact that he knows what he did but he's choosing not to say anything about it as go on quickly charges in he went alone to cry out you horrible monster I'll kill you and right before he does so piccolo grabs on to go on and telling him go on no wait do not engage him you will only get yourself killed listens me calm down if Goku and Vegeta couldn't even scratch him then you'll only be going into this fight to die this is not the way from what we know he most likely didn't harm anyone which also includes chichi Vidal and pan you can't just blindly go into this fight after knowing that he could do he's an angel Gohan we need to plan ahead he isn't interested in talking or being reasoned with he wants to see your power knowing very well you aren't strong enough to fight him it's a trap don't battle him yet we still need you in this fight Gohan stand down and with Mertle disappointed he went along to reply how pathetic of you so you won't take any action in my provocation knowing that I will destroy everything if you don't you are all cowards as expected from a former god of earth piccolo to think that you once a former Demon Lord reduced to a powerless worm it doesn't matter though it's all a part of the plan you all seem so eager to fight me but refuse to do anything to stop me I don't have all day if you won't come to me then I will easily come to you break your bodies and erase your souls followed by destroying all you've ever known and loved so what's it going to be mortals times ticking and with Yamcha out of all people stepping forward he went alone to comment I say we stop the chitchat and teach this monster a lesson that we won't go down without a fight angel or not we've been through so much together what do you say everyone and with Goten and Trunks fusing and to go tanks go tanks also chimed in and commenting I'm all ready for some action as Roshi also steps forward he went along to comment it's time let's do what we originally plan on beerus as planets as he then turns to majin buu Roshi then goes on to comment this is it boo we're all counting on you it's time to do the thing we told you about everything is in your hands now as Buu smiles he went along to comments ah yes Buu remember old man's super secret plan okay okay boo do boo going to make sure he take care of all of you hope you're already as bhoot grabs on to his own stomach in yanking some booboo out of him he went along to then also say to himself boo hopes this works angel man is very strong here goes nothing take this everyone now you join boo and with Majin boo then ripping pieces of himself in throwing it at literally everybody it would seem that majin buu is doing the exact same thing he had done in Dragon Ball Z only this time rather than just absorbing goats and trunks and piccolo what majin buu ends up doing is literally absorbing everyone majin buu absorbs tian yong ha piccolo Android 17 Android 18 Gohan everybody majin buu literally absorbs everyone because it would appear that this was all a part of the plan as 18 also comments this better work and with majin buu than having to chime in and commenting we all become one now we create Ultimate Warrior now come to me we finally get to see how everyone comes to Buu as they merge together into one creating in what seemingly is about to be an absolutely powerful warrior without doubt because then as Buu is transforming we get to hear how he comments big power and mind you this is everyone after the events of the tournament of powers so this is going on post EOP Android 17 post Co P piccolo post EOP so everyone has gotten so powerful and to have everyone merge into one we finally get to see how we have the rebirth of Super Buu seemingly ultimate go on absorb now known as ultimate boo finally we have a new Super Buu emerge as myrna looks down he went alone to comment so that was your plan you sure do know how to make it fun but I'm not impressed I've seen him before his power is great now that everyone is inside of him but it doesn't make a difference and with Vegeta smiling he went along to comment now there's a face that I can remember not really the best impression but it will do his power is insanely incredible welcome back Super Buu and with myrna looking down at both Vegeta and Boo he along to them comment how stupid well then let's get started then shall we I hope you could entertain me with this new power viewers both you Vegeta and Buu it's like I said before don't forget what's on the line and with ultimate Buu and Vegeta in fighting position Vegeta went along to comment I'll die before letting you get away with what you've done I won't let it go your way again now the real fight begins let's go mur no and with our heroes not wasting any time the first person that ends up charging in is Super Buu as he went along to cry out now you're mine and as Super Buu goes on the offensive it looks like he really can't do anything to strike and actually hit mur No as murder went along to comment well well as Buu continues Mertle then goes on to tell him you're quite the fighter I see if I wasn't superior to you you just might be able to destroy me as he quickly backs away he then continues but you're still worthless trash to me however I will admit you are a lot better than I expected you to be your battle power is interesting however no matter what you do you can't beat me ever as only then Super Buu goes on to create an attack by telomer no I'm only getting started allow me to show you what I can really do don't move and I promise you will love what I have to offer you myrrh Noah let's see you handle this one as only then Super Buu ends up creating miniature ghosts just as the super goes kamikaze as he went along to tell them go go go go go and as the super ghosts are then formed he then goes on to shouts blow him to pieces super ghosts kamikaze attack and as the ghosts come hurtling towards bernal's direction miRNA then goes on to comment a ghost show won't do anything to increase your chances of beating me these childish attacks won't affect me in the least let me show you as he then goes on to create portals and which sucks in all of the ghosts he then goes on to comment on ah behold mortal I believe this is yours as he quickly then opens up the portals as the super ghost come charging in to boost rection what they end up doing is going right through super boo with Merle having to be taken back he only then comments he vanished wait a minute that's the afterimage technique those worms and ask super boo gets behind Murr no he only then goes on to shout I am more than you think I am we are one you should pay close attention the next time you decide to run your mouth during a fight solar flare and with super boo then blinding merna merna then stumbles back and commenting ah what just happened what did you just do you blinded me I can't see anything my eyes my eyes you dirty pathetic mortal you tricked me curse you and as Super Buu then takes the opportunity in using his horn he then turns brno in saqqaq Li by telling him you should have finished me when you had the chance now turn into chocolate so Super Buu wasted no time in being able to catch Murr no when he at least expected it and turning him into candy and with Vegeta baffled he only then went along to comment this is incredible no no way is that it did he really just defeat Murr no that easily either booze powers beyond ours or Murr no is up to something which one and as Super Buu then consumes Murr no he then went alone to comment this battle is over you won't harm anyone anymore but I will say he went down a lot easier than I thought he would until then out of nowhere miRNA ends up creating another portal right next to Buu as another Murr no steps out and telling him well that was certainly surprising I wasn't expecting for you to be quite the trickster I'm very shocked I truly don't understand what you guys were thinking do you truly believe that allowing yourselves to be absorbed and fused into one would be enough to stop me you Warriors certainly are impressive with your tricks but your power and strength is laughable use your head do you truly believe that you a mortal have what it takes to destroy an angel I come from a time and era far beyond you're under standing you would need more than what you are capable of now to even make me sweat let alone destroy me I am beyond your existence as boo goes on to comets sombitch what are you can you even be killed how did you escape my attack I watched you be eaten it so how are you standing in front of me when you're supposed to be in my stomach as Vegeta comments Todd this is insane if we don't figure out his abilities and tricks soon and we won't stand a chance of beating him he hasn't even thrown a single punch yet and somehow he's still in control of the situation how as mer know then continues but let me also be the first to tell you warrior to be eaten after being turned into chocolate certainly boils my blood to think that you would eat me at in order to beat man and now I'm mad as he only steps through the portal and grabbing boo by the horns he then goes on to tell him surprise I think it's time we end this little game of ours boo you're not the only one who has a bag full of tricks the only difference is however are that mine only need to be used once in order to get my point across let's end this as he then creates an energy blast in front of MU he then goes on to tell him I would have killed you sooner or later anyway such impudence cannot be forgiven until then we observe how golden Frieza ends up shooting a blast in between Buu and mer know as Frieza went along to comment so this is where you've been hiding that's my line you're stealing you know I've been searching for you as I thought you'd be here I don't assume that you thought I'd be dead now didn't you luckily I was able to survive even if it was barely so I figured I'd come here first I wanted to thank you for our encounter last time you opened my eyes about a lot of things I'm just here to return the favor only this time you won't be the one who dies and I will be the one who lives I see you've met with those idiots from Earth it doesn't matter nonetheless they will all be soon dealt with however you are my primary focus allow me to further remind you on just who the hell I am and why I am the most feared being in the higher universe it's time for you to get what's coming to you an eye for an eye angel are you ready and with the Vegeta shocked he went along to comment what Frieza how are you still alive and how did you even find us here crap what's his motive is he working with mer no.2 as mer no then begins to break a sweat he then goes on to comment ah it's you again I see that you were able to somehow survive that's indeed definitely bad no matter if death is what you're after then I'll give it to you as we go back inside of this mysterious void that goku is in along with a clone mur no goku then went along to tell the clone i need you to show me that move we just talked about i want to see you use it with force and with myrna taken back he went along to ask you what do you seriously intend for me to use that skill against you what would you have to gain from seeing me be used against you surely you aren't planning on using it yourself you wish for me to use it now as goku went along two states I'm dead serious about it if we don't do that then I won't be prepared for when the real mano uses it against me I need to memorize it and prepare for it better than before plus I want to beat the wheel you so in order for me to do that I need you to come at me with everything you have especially with that move of yours it's the only way to win and with mer no grinning at Goku he then went along to tell him you intend to try and reverse my own move against me do you Goku well if that's the case then you will regret that statement however I will give you what you asked for then I just hope that you know that this time around I'm going to put a little bit more effort in beating you around this place come as we then go back to earth with golden Frieza having to return we then get to see how golden Frieza ultimate Buu am Vegeta look on as they are baffled at Murr no in fact has another copy of himself on the battlefield itself as Vegeta went along to comment I can't believe this how could there possibly be more than one is this an illusion or something they are exactly same what's going on as Myrtle then condescendingly goes on to tell Vegeta what's the matter are you surprised mortals was it something I said because let's face facts Morel knows exactly what he's doing as only then with Vegeta having to join everyone in the sky he then went along to tell mer no so this is what you've been hiding you finally show your true colors this was very unexpected so then one of your powers is to create clones am I wrong I sensed the same energy coming from both of you and it doesn't appear to be an entirely new angel so the truth is out isn't it Moreau as Mertle then went along to tell Vegeta well well as expected from you Vegeta it took you long enough but I had a feeling that you realize this since we first met haven't you of course I knew that you were aware of it as Vegeta goes on to respond I had a feeling that you were up to something like this but I didn't know if I was right about it or not you mask your power very well but I knew something was off about you it's an incredible power nonetheless but now that we know this isn't good for you as Morel goes on to reply it doesn't matter either way mortal this is very different from what you think you know my power is rare and it goes far beyond anything you think however since you really want to know then allow me to teach you what my true power is all abouts there are things that you mortals have yet to see or learn about allow me to show you then this ability allows me to duplicate myself as many times as I want to I could create endless amounts of separate entities who all wield equal powers and skills as the original without strain along with sharing the exact same memory which is all shared and with super-boo absolutely shocked he went along to comment so even if one is fully destroyed he already made enough copies of himself which means it's an endless battle as myrn old then only acknowledges Super Buu he goes on to tell him and this surprises you Majin this ability is very similar to yours along with tiens multiform technique only mine can remain permanent if I so choose along with each having the ability of interdimensional travel and multiversal power you're not fighting a copy you're simply fighting me each with a heartbeat each with the same mind and power also if I really wanted to I could launch an army of myself on the multiverse and there's not a single thing anyone can do to stop me I am far beyond your understanding you mortals have mimicked the abilities of the gods but I've never perfected them because you can't it's beyond your power to do so I gave you all hope from the very beginning and not one of you were wise enough to resist the bait I knew you'd bite just as expected of you were you successful in eating me no I was able to escape without you even knowing and it was quite simple it was as I had said you may have a bag of tricks up your sleeve but so do I if it were anyone else you would have claimed their life by now and carried on with yourself but I am NOT just any one creature allow me to enlighten you as Myrtle then goes on to show off his hand he only then continues do you see the symbol on my hand this is my crest you may not have noticed that this symbol previously had only four markings but now it has five now why is this so important you may ask it's because the marking proves that this entire time you were dealing with a different man as he only then continues LS even though you defeated me earlier you did not kill me so the crest of the MER no you fought has been transferred on to the rest of us you see the symbol and its true power behind it is not yet complete but that will all change you see the more complete the crest becomes the stronger I become this is also a part of the plan so it doesn't matter what you do once the crest is hold and there is nothing any bee living or dead that can stop me of course the goal is NO but you will be a good enough punching bag until I get to him and with Vegeta visibly getting angry he then went along to komiteh so you aren't even at full power until the crest is complete how long as Myrtle responds even so I am more than capable of destroying all of you at once so don't get any ideas the game is only getting more intense for you as we continue however in case you're wondering there are 13 pieces needed in order for the symbol to be complete once that happens and I am met with Zeno the game is over as to how this will happen you'll have to wait and see up until now I have eight pieces and my counterparts have four the goal is very close to being completed so yes I have been fighting all of you very differently since the very first time I saw you and yet you were still blinded by your arrogance to see the truth basically confirming that Vegeta boo Frieza Goku everyone had ended up fighting a different version of Myr no and not the original as he only then continues I saw something within you Vegeta something raw and untapped you would have been the perfect destroyer if you ever wanted to be but instead you allowed your pride to blind you from the gift I would have given you you refused my offer only to train with my father and where exactly did that get you you turned your back on me Vegeta even knowing that I allowed you to live following our duel you still refused no matter there is nothing that the three of you or anyone else can do to stop me my brothers and sisters aren't stronger than me so we couldn't be able to destroy what I have become nor could the others who have grown lazy with the Destroyers that they are attending pathetic but Vegeta ends up smiling in the face of Myr no as he then went along to comment so then if you're so sure of this plan then why are you even bothering to tell us then if you are this cocky even if we know it still won't be enough so what's the point then why show us all of your cards when the bat is only beginning to get good going forward surely you're not scared as Morel goes on to comment there is nothing to be afraid of especially with the three of you although I hate to admit it the only person who could really stand up to me at this point would be my father the grand priest but he hasn't battled a serious battle for billions of years so outside of him you the gods and my siblings are nothing that I cannot handle actually come to think of it if you are actually able to somehow do so I wouldn't mind dying by your hands Vegeta it would only help me but only if you can of course it wouldn't be easy certainly for a mortal like you but I'd accept it if somehow you were able to what do you say and with Vegeta getting into fighting position he then went along to smile and tell mer no to be the first to kill an angel by the hands of a Saiyan Prince I'd be more than happy to accept your request more know you won't complete your crest so as long as I'm here to fight you so let's do this with Ultima Buu Vegeta and golden Frieza standing together they are ready they're all ready to engage mur no because they know they have no other choice with Super Buu glancing on he then went along to say to himself he's up to something he's getting ready and that's exactly what Moreau ends up doing because one of the MER no clones actually removes their cape and then having to tell majin buu well then Majin we have some unfinished business to attend to let's continue so while one of the MER nose goes on to further challenge Super Buu Super Buu then gets into fighting position eerily enough the exact same fighting position that Yamcha gets into because he only then goes on to tell Murr no I'll have you know that I'm only getting started so don't get a big head I beat one of you and I'll do it again only this time let's see if you're ready for my neo wolf Fang fist and the second we get to see superboost step right in Moreau sticks his hand out as he goes on to tell boo this should be fun name sounds awesome come and that's exactly what boo ends up doing is unleashing the Neo wolf Fang fist as he goes toe-to-toe against Murr no however in the background we get to see how golden Frieza is overseeing this fight as he goes on to comment they've only just begun and I'm already sick of them this game is over for all of you he instead ends up pointing his finger in the air and creating a massive supernova like attack in the sky and with Frieza holding this death ball supernova up above him he then went along to comment angel or Majin I don't care who it is I've grown very impatient of being mocked so now you will all die I hope you're ready for this and with the fight ceasing Myrtle then goes on to tell Super Buu uh you might want to look behind you Majin your friend over there looks very angry it would seem as if I am NOT your only target and with Super Buu turning around absolutely floored he went along to comment Frieza what are you doing have you lost your mind completely don't launch that attack but Frieza being Frieza ends up launching the attack anyway and with this massive attack having to come down onto Super Buu Super Buu braces himself as he goes on to comment you idiot Frieza you're only going to get us all killed damn you what follows is a massive explosion that occurs that literally disintegrates Super Buu into pieces and as Super Buu tries to pull himself back together he ultimately does as he goes on to cry out Frieza and with Frieza just standing there and pretending as if nothing ever happened to begin with super goo only then goes on to tell him you bastard have you lost your mind why are you trying to attack your only Ally on this battlefield you idiots he's the enemy not us are you just stupid or do you have a death wish the point is to defeat him as Frieza then so condescendingly goes on to tell Super Buu oops my hand must have slipped I know who my enemy is so there's no need to remind me I know why I came here but I mean you were only in my way so I guess you were simply collateral damage try not to get in my way next time or you might not survive and besides you can regenerate yourself right now I don't see what the problem is if you're still standing right in front of me and arguing with me won't do anything to kill him it's a waste so being the fact that he's here he then leaped on in as he then went along to tell super-boo a plus I don't recall us being friends so I don't care what happens to you if you are just going to become a burden for me then you better get lost and stay out of my way I'm not going to repeat myself again and with golden Frieza taking initiative in charging directly at Murr no Super Buu is infuriated as he goes onto comma dammit this fool is going to ruin everything and get us all killed and with golden Frieza attacking merna merna was defending himself so casually as he goes on to tell Frieza this is becoming very repetitive to me wouldn't it be better if you guys all just help each other out and fight me together as if like you did in the tournament of power and with Frieza hearing what Murr no just said he goes on to reply I'd rather die I alone and more than enough to bring you down the others won't be needed you are not even trying and I've yet to even harm you I am very impressed as Murtagh further insinuates that majin buu Frieza Vegeta they should all come together and fight Murano collectively just as they did during the tournament of power but only then as Frieza looks up he notices that Super Buu is actually charging up for a massive attack and with Frieza seeing this he went along to comment hey wait what are you doing momentarily pausing his battle because he knows that Super Buu is actually condensing all of his energy in the form of an attack and as we go back to boo he then went along to comment let's see you try and survive this one here goes neo try meme actually borrowing from Tien being the fact that Tien is also a part of majin buu now with Super Buu only then ironically firing down this attack only on Freeza Freeza than to come and what are you doing you idiot that attack is headed for me how dare you your target is him not Mia damn you Majin you will pay for this as he is consumed by this massive neo try beam attack with mur no just standing there he went along to come and oh my and with bruge is continuously shooting this thing down he only then went along to come and whoops my hands must have slipped Frieza you were simply standing in my way so I absolutely love how originally freezes started all of this it was because of freezes death beam slash supernova attack that caused majin buu to retaliate by firing his neo try being now on Frieza with mer no just being absolutely confused on what the hell is going on after the neo tri beam initially hits Freeza Freeza then emerges from the crater badly wounded as he went along to tell Super Buu you who curse you what are you doing you completely missed your target how dare you mock me look at me look at what you've done to me I should erase you in this entire planet right now for your deceit foolish creature I will not take pity on you for doing this and with Super Buu then approaching him by sticking his hand out he then went along to tell him you should be careful with what you do Frieza it's like I said you were simply in my way don't move this should do it I'll heal you right away but if you try one of your stunts on me again then mirnas going to have to wait before I crush you first and with Buu healing Freeza Freeza then went along to comment my body my powers been fully restored cursed them and with Buu than taking initiative and charging back at Murr No he then told Frieza as he took off like I said make sure not to get caught in any of my attacks again I'm not going to tell you twice in the meantime I've got business to attend to so either assist me or stay out of my way Frieza and Frieza is very very angry as he went along to comment is he serious I am NOT a child I forgive you you lowlife creature curse you I'll have my chance and when I do you will not be talking to me ever again I promise as only then we go back to the other myrna with Vegeta he also goes on to remove his cape in telling Vegeta now then and I've waited long enough it's time to jitta I expect your best because I will no longer be holding back let's begin with mur no now having to finally challenge Vegeta in a one-on-one battle miRNA Levin went along to tell Vegeta I'll admit Vegeta I am looking forward to seeing the fruits of your training with the old man for a mortal such as yourself to have gained his respect is very rare but even then I want to see the full extent of your powers don't hold back as Vegeta went along to reply old man huh you know what I find interesting is that an angel who sits at the highest of their positions would have such a rebellious nature for a being that was supposed to be neutral you sure proved otherwise as myrna responds how naive of you typical of you mortals let me remind you that it doesn't matter who or what you are all beings are rebellious they all feel wronged at some point and are thus changed by these actions let it be known that your daughter will also do the same one day which reminds me Saiyan tell me have you ever respected your father the King before I take it you didn't eyes why would you it's fascinating that he died in this universe by someone else's hand because in my universe universe 13 it was you that killed your parents for your own personal gain you murdered them to prove your superiority to your people I take it you would have done the same here too as he continues this is what makes you different Vegeta this is what I like about you you will do just about anything to get even stronger it is a quality that I admire most about you it was as I said book or you are the perfect warrior but your judgment on reality is flawed not many are willing to throw everything away to get ahead but in this case you have no chance against Mia which is why you should remember the risk as he only then goes on to continue aah and speaking of which there is more I need to inform you of before we begin I'm sure it was something that's been on your mind since our first encounter but here it is as Myrtle then creates a little tiny portal in his hand he goes on to tell Vegeta do you see this my ability to create portals is just a normal portal but they don't simply transfer matter from point A to point B for example I could easily teleport you to another planet or anywhere I choose and the multiverse but that wouldn't be any fun the portals can also transfer pure energy and particles if I also wanted to I could bring heat to a cold planet or create life just as I desire I could manipulate this power into anything I want it to become and use that to create or to destroy anything I so desire it's both a gateway and a weapon of war such a power is not so easily taught nor could anybody simply learn this skill without the proper mind and body concentration you've been wondering how I was able to do everything that I was with this and now that you know its power can destroy you Vegeta do you remember what I did with your final flash I lowered its effect which was why you were able to survive because I wanted you to otherwise you would have been long dead by your own attack so just remember that this isn't just something to overlook remember what's on the line saying as Vegeta goes on to reply to her so what's the point of telling me all of this then what's your plan as myrna responds the point is for you to know but to put it to you bluntly the most powerful usage of these is the ability and the absolute freedom to transfer energy from one being into another no matter the person even if they are total strangers one could allow the other person to become strong or come week the strong can remain strong while the weak could either die as worms or grow stronger by the host it's as I said these portals are a gift Vegeta and so far I have done this with 13 universes in total 12 being the ones that are currently here and mine which was destroyed by Zeno which explains why the other clones are just as powerful and wise now do you see why you don't stand the chance Prince however as he only then goes on to continue why don't you allow me to take you under my wing Vegeta and grant you limitless power I know how much you crave to be the best just as I did with my counterparts I could allow you to become more powerful than you could ever imagine a power that cannot possibly be reached on your own this strength would be unmatched by mortals or gods as Vegeta so bluntly went along to tell mer no oh please spare me I refuse as Mertle then in disappointment went along to reply as expected I knew you let me down again it's a shame this is why your counterpart from universe 13 was much smarter in making the best choices you could have became the mightiest in the cosmos how disappointing as Vegeta responds I don't care you could never know the feeling of being beaten especially for a Saiyan it eats away at your soul I'd rather die trying than commit to something that's against my honor being overpowered in battle and not being able to do anything about it is the absolute worst feeling for ass and so the answer is no angel I will just beat you with my own hands without your lies I've shattered my limits before on my own and I will do it again with you make no mistake about it you're great but I'm better as Mertle then went along to respond how naive of you why choose to train with the grand priest over and over again when you can gain such power tenfold instantly without having to put yourself through so much pain a power that no other God mortal or even angel can achieve yet you choose to want to put yourself through so much pain for a chance to become stronger how pathetic of you as Vegeta responds you say it's pathetic of me to want to push myself the natural way but you'll soon find out exactly what I mean when I show you my powers mer know as only then Vegeta wastes little time in literally transforming and raising his battle power up so much so that Vegeta went along to comment I'll show you the full extent of my true powers beyond the gods and with Vegeta having to transform in such a way that literally is causing Moreau to kind of stagger back a bit he then went along to comment Wow very impressive Vegeta such raw power and as Vegeta continues to push himself he went along to cry out I am the strongest Saiyan to ever live as only then there is a blinding white light that engulfs everyone around the landscape with all of the training that Vegeta had done not only with the Grand Minister but with Goku and beerus this planet and all the other times that Vegeta had pushed himself to his very limit his true power has now finally been unlocked as Vegeta stands before myrrh no wielding assumingly what is supposed to be the highest level of super saiyan blue which assumingly is right now super saiyan blue evolution and with myrna looking on he then went along to comment what power amazing how incredible Vegeta this new power of yours is beyond what it was before so with Vegeta having to stand there we get to see how there is a single drop of sweat coming down mur no space because although he is an angel no matter the power difference he still seems to be a tad bit concerned as only then deep within the regions of space we get to see how the grand priest is traveling with Wiese in trying to get to earth as quickly as possible with the grand priests having to tell Wiese i sense a great disturbance on earth i can also feel Vegeta's power rising how long until we get there we least went along to reply I feel it as well grand priest it should only take us about ten more minutes until we arrive on earth with Vegeta having to unleash such power it should hold off Myrna long enough before we arrive as only then we get to see how both Wiese and the grand priest are absolutely baffled because then the grand priest went along to comment Vegeta's power has risen to an incredible level I didn't think this was possible as least went along to reply we must hurry I can sense Myrna will also be using his full power as well as we only then go back to earth with Vegeta's power having to flare before myrrh no he then went along to tell mer no welcome to the end of your life and with mer no standing there in absolute awe he then went along to tell Vegeta spectacular Vegeta I was right about you now you can show me what the strongest mortal of the seventh can do and with Vegeta really not taking any shit from ER no he then went along to reply to him I'm sick to my stomach of hearing you talk if you're so confident that I can't beat you then come prove it so unlike how we've seen Vegeta originally fight Moreau in the beginning of this entire arc how Vegeta was very timid and Vegeta didn't really know what to do considering mer knows power now it's the total opposite he's confident he's actually taunting and further telling Myrna to come engage against him and as he does Myrna then creates a portal and having to punch right through it and telling Vegeta if you insist mortal little by little I will reveal to you the true power that lies within Mia now let's just see what you can do and the second we get to see how mer knows punch is just about to make contact out of nowhere Vegeta ends up grabbing on tumor nose punch in stopping it followed by then having to deliver a punch of his own by having to go through Merlot's own portal in decking Moreau directly in the face as Bernal then staggers back he only then leans back up with blood running down his nose as he then goes on to tell Vegeta blood yes very good this is what I want from you so this is arguably the first time that myrna had ever received a bloody nose during the course of battle against Goku or Vegeta but Myrna doesn't stop there because he quickly rushes on in and then having to tell the jito but don't get ahead of yourself saying I'm only warming up against you and with Myrna being unsuccessful in fully connecting his hit with Vegeta he ends up creating multiple portals in having to punch directly through them but as Vegeta is simply just standing there not moving at all what Vegeta ends up doing is deflecting all of Myr nose punches that are coming from each of the portals he's creating and then following up by once again punching her nose so casually in the face again that causes Moreau to stumble on back once more as his body is rattled in telling Vegeta this is so much fun this was what I was looking for and with Supergirl looking on he then went along to acknowledge Vegeta's power in commenting Vegeta's evolution is beyond anything I could have possibly thought it would become he's making it look easy as golden Frieza chimes in he also went along to comment you disgust me you dirty monkey you're still a pile of saying trash and typically just being Frieza write Frieza bean freezes nothing new and with Vegeta standing there with this beautiful aura around him he went along to then ask her know what happened to destroying me mur no are you finished already what a shame if you don't mind I'd like for us to begin now with Vegeta having to be at his absolute strongest in charging directly at mer no the first thing that Vegeta goes on to tell mer know is you will get exactly what's coming to you right before proceeding to kick mer know directly in the face he follows up by telling him for everything you've said and done I will give you my all because this is what Myrtle has been asking for in Vegeta for such a long time as only then Morel goes on to say to himself she's much better now than how he was before this is great as Vegeta continues to literally eviscerate mur know all throughout the landscape keep in mind there is nobody on planet earth right Myrtle had grabbed everyone on earth and teleported them elsewhere so the only living things on the planet right now are Vegeta Super Buu golden Frieza and myrrh no and being the fact that Vegeta is in pursuit of him er no he then went alone to tell him fight back clown as he then proceeds to go on ahead in knocking Myrtle back down onto the ground right as he does so she went along to ask looking for someone mano heads up right before delivering a bone rattling shot that sends the angel down onto the ground I know what you might be thinking where in the world is Vegeta getting this power to compete with a former angel of a destroyed universe but the thing is Vegeta was momentarily training with the grand priest so depending on the length itself Vegeta had gotten considerably stronger so I want to get your thoughts in the comments section below if you guys think that this is logical for Vegeta to receive a small amount of training with the grand priest that now had led him to compete against myrrh no and with myrrh no literally being knocked into a giant crater when Vegeta ends up doing is going back down inside of the crater that he knocked mur no in and as mer know is just laying there badly wounded he then went along to come at my am i but the jina literally grabs him by the face and telling him enough talking you said enough to me as it is angel right before forcing him right through the dirt itself as Vegeta literally drags mer no the angel right through the planet and back into it so Vegeta is such a beast that he is dragging this angel by the face into the ground through the planet and back into it over and over and over and over again Vegeta isn't playing any games the angel won in war and now he's getting exactly that so I love the level of brutality and the fact that Vegeta knows that nobody's on the planet so he's taking this opportunity to thrash the angel all around the earth as only then once they come back onto the surface Super Buu goes on to come at Vegeta is going too far just because there is nobody left on the planet doesn't give him the right to go and destroy the entire planet to prove a point and with Frieza standing there in silence Super Bowl continues he's pushing it although he's beating murrow's ass still putting the entire earth at risk of it being fully destroyed and with Vegeta so casually throwing myrtles carcass into a hole as Myrna was falling he then went along to comment you amaze me Vegeta this is the true gift of the gods but Vegeta doesn't care because the first thing Vegeta does is raise his energy up even more in condensing all of this power into one singular attack with Vegeta then unrelentingly with Vegeta then unmercifully just firing shots from the sky as it hits Moreau down below the other comer know is watching from a distance as he went along to comment that's right Vegeta kill the other mur no for me as on the Angels hand we get to see how now at long last the crest that myrna had wanted to be completed for quite some time now has come full circle it's now complete and with the crest now complete miRNA went along two states at last the crest is whole my full power has been restored I didn't think he'd be able to kill the other me so this was murrow's plan the entire time keep in mind as he stated in the previous manga chapters mur no outed himself a long time ago mur no told boomer no told Frieza mur no told Vegeta hey listen it doesn't matter if you kill me it's only going to fulfill the crest that I need to be completed that way I can have my full power restored and thus go after Zeno as meanwhile somewhere in space we get to see how another mur no is standing on top of a planet as he goes on to comment my plan is going exactly as I expected it to be ax with the crest completes and my power restored I will soon go into the second phase of my plan Vegeta has improved a lot in such a short time but it doesn't matter he will soon understand where he stands in this game and I love the condescending nature behind mur no because this is all a game this has been a game ever since the beginning so to have this angle hold such a grudge against Xena for wiping out universe 13 that he's willing to do anything even manipulate mortals into thinking they're winning just to have his crest complete to kill the Omni King really goes as far as to show the discipline nature of this character Merle then goes on to tell Vegeta you surely do know how to leave a lasting impression Vegeta you did exactly what I wanted you to do you've proven to me the growth of your power I was wrong about my old man referencing of course to the grand priest it turns out that he can actually get something right from time to time you did what I wanted as he steps through one of the portals he only then continues remember when I told you that I was only warming up I was and now that my full power has been restored I'll show you but not here I actually have a much better place in mind for us to continue this battle of ours now that my crest is whole you will begin to understand why I waited for this moment while fighting you mortal I don't want you to miss out on what I've been telling you this entire time so allow me to bring us to a better place it should be very entertaining I hope all of you are ready for what's about to happen I told you from the very beginning that you never really had a chance against me and I'm about to prove it to you as only then mono creates a portal above Vegeta and what he ends up doing is taking Vegeta he takes golden Frieza he takes Super Buu and he ends up bringing them somewhere out in deep space because that's where he wants to settle this he wants to bring them out there because once again he has a point to prove and he's willing to prove it here as only then Murtagh goes on to tell everyone this is more like kids here is where I spawned most of my clones the silence of this place adds a very touching tone to this battle of ours wouldn't you say this is where we will continue and ultimately end our battle a place far beyond life do you feel it's the emptiness of space echoing throughout your bodies this should be great although as he then gazes out into the Stars I will admit I enjoy losing myself here among the stars it's something I find very settling it's quiet it's empty it gives me a chance to think the perfect place to look back and reflect on what a beauty it is as superglue goes on to comment you seem like such a happy person aren't you well this won't bring you any happiness fighting us to be on one won't be easy even for you and you know it so Boo is insinuating now right now they're all about to gang up on them and although he isn't angel even he's going to have a difficult time fighting them on knowing the fact that they could kill him it just won't be easy as only then Myrna is reminded in having to come and I see the error of my ways I brought the other two along with you Vegeta no matter I will correct this mistake then as he then extends his hand towards the others he then goes on to comment now you two hold still this will only take a second I attend to do this alone as he then levitates Frieza and Buu above Vegeta and himself he then goes on to comment now don't get in my way you two will stay up there you're annoying me so you can watch as a battle and kill Vegeta as Buu gets agitated he goes on to reply not if I have anything to say about that we're done playing your stupid games this is the end of humor no and the second Super Buu tries to swoop on in in attacking Murr no he is then halted as he ends up getting slapped back as he's trying to figure out what the heck is going on as only then Buu is putting his face and arms against something as he only then comments what what the hell is this supposed to be a shield but I can't see it but it's there he's keeping us out on purpose I can't do anything as Frieza comments you've got to be joking right so Murr know created this wall or this barrier to purposely keep out Buu and Frieza while he wages war against Vegeta and with Boone Frieza really trying to figure out what to do a Frieza then immediately steps in as he goes on to tell Buu of course you lack the power to break through stand the side margin let me show you how it's done as Frieza unleashes a massive ki blast at the barrier all of a sudden with Frieza and boosts standing there they realize that they can't destroy Murr no shield and with boo and Frieza having to approach it majin buu then went along to comment there's no way is this thing indestructible we barely even scratched it there's gotta be a way inside of it as Murtagh goes on to comment you idiots can't do anything to destroy it so don't even bother trying I made sure for this shield to hold itself off against you especially the pink one your dirty tricks won't work this time so try as you like you'll only tire yourselves out before you can even put a dent in it it's like I said you stay right there while I finish what I started with Vegeta so this shield seemingly enough cannot be broken by neither Frieza or Super Buu as only then Murr no goes back to Vegeta he goes on to tell him now Vegeta there is nobody to disturb us or get in our way I've longed for this you truly are impressive but your time is over now mortal I'll admit you've become so powerful since our means so strong in fact that I know you aren't like those idiots watching so I know you won't use any dirty tricks to win just raw power and ambition you are one of a kind warrior I'll give you that much you fought me with your own power and not with the power of others I always found that to be very annoying about those who use dirty tricks to win but you are very different so because of this I have a request that I would like to ask of you going forward from here on in I would like for you to only use your fists to fight me we will have a more aggressive and close up kind of battle as Myrtle then gets into fighting position he tells Vegeta so what do you say let's finish what we started with Vegeta having to agree to Myrtle's offer in only having to use their fists to fight as Vegeta then goes on ahead to raise his battle power up even more he then went along - Tomer no a death battle using our limbs sounds like you want to be grinded into the dirt I accept now let's begin so with Myrna originally asking vegeta if they wanted to battle by simply having to use their hands and legs and not use any key blasts with Vegeta now agreeing this is only going to be an inclusive battle to where it's only going to be involving them having to physically hit each other as over out in the unknown dimension we only then observe how the mysterious omni-king individual is overseeing Goku's training with clone mer know as the clone Myrna went along to come and I've got to hand it to you goku a-- you're tougher than you look but this battle is over as the mysterious omni-king individual only then went along to comment Kakarot has come a very long way since wanting to fight against this clone of Myr no but his body is now breaking as myrna only then continues now far be it for me to tell you this mortal but his body is now breaking as Mertle then goes on to continue now far be it for me to tell you this mortal but I don't want to kill you but if you let this continue then you'll die regardless of the outcome you want to achieve so what will it be as Goku is seen on the ground Goku looks in very bad shape he's bloody he can't seem to stand up he seems to be very exhausted with Myr no continuing if I were you I'd throw in the towel and give up you can't win as Goku then I went along to laugh and replying I'm not just finished yet even if I can barely stand up I will find another way to overcome you let's continue so we really haven't gotten the chance to see what go who had gone through in this dimension while Vegeta and Super Buu and golden Frieza were out fighting mur No on earth so one can only assume that in this dimension though who was getting absolutely eviscerated by this clone mer No and the fact that this omni-king individual seems to be in the background just watching in one in Kakarot to grow stronger this comber know keeps insisting and telling Kokua this is meaningless every single time we engage in battle you seem to be falling apart so either give up or you'll die and go who refuses to give up so he would rather die than simply now as we only then go back to super boo and golden Frieza in space who are desperately trying to shatter Murr no shield super boo then goes on to fire a massive kamehameha and further telling Frieza to stand back even with super boost tremendous power by absorbing everyone this attack of his literally did nothing as Super Buu then went along to comment dammit there's no point in trying this thing isn't even breaking there's got to be a way inside of this thing our attacks aren't doing anything to put a dent into this thing as golden Frieza only then goes on to comment you're only making a fool of yourself if our attacks won't cut it then what makes you think anything else will work then you idiots as only then we get to see how a piece of the shield ends up breaking off with Frieza having to look on booth and went along to comment a crack but how could this have been from our attacks from before or is this something different we didn't even do anything this time yet the shield just cracked on its own I doubt it's one of Myr nose tricks again but that's gotta be it the results from our attacks from before must have caused this thing to finally give in on itself it's the only way to explain it as Frieza goes on to reply no you idiots that couldn't have been from your attack because you've fired your attack from a completely different location and City waiting the fact that the shield didn't crack under the pressure of their attacks for more or less by something else and which mind you I love the overall interaction between Frieza and Super Buu because although both of them are incredibly powerful each of them have their own bone to pick with Murnau and seeing as to how they're having a difficult time in getting along I absolutely love their overall dynamic with each other as golden Frieza went along to comment wait a minutes it wasn't our attacks that resulted in this wall breaking it's what we say a Super Bowl went along to respond we don't have much time miRNA and vegeta haven't started their battle yet so whatever it was we did we need to do it again in order to get this thing to finally break and with Frieza getting up close he only then went along to shout ah break damn you and as the stand in front of this shield with an awkward silence nothing as Frieza quickly then turns around he went along to tell boo well don't just stand there like an idiot help me out over here you worthless Majin quit making us look dumb as only then they noticed that the shield once again is beginning to crack with Frieza responding what it cracked again but how as Super Buu comments that's exactly what it is now I know why it's breaking insults are its weakness our attacks did nothing until insults were made if our attacks can't get it to break then our insults will hurry Frieza we have to start right now now let us send you stupid shield you're worthless and this is a huge call back to the original Dragon Ball Z fusion reborn movie when we got to see PyCon basically insult this barrier in trying to get to King Emma's palace so this is such a pretty cool throwback and having Buu and Frieza have the same thing happened here by using insults to crack the barrier as Buu then turns around he only then went along to tell Frieza I knew this thing had some kind of a weakness and here we are adding fuel to the fire now come help me out over here so we can get tumour know as Frieza then so nonchalantly falls back he goes on to tell Buu oh no that's ok with me Majin I insist you should continue doing what you've been doing it as Buu responds it won't be enough unless you help me break this thing down so how about you do something useful and help me out over here as Frieza responds I'd rather not seeing as to how much progress you're making you're strong enough to do this task on your own I refuse to be a part of this ridiculous call to action of yours you can do this by yourself as Buu gets angry he then went along to ask you can't be serious Frieza you useless little bald space idiots and this really causes a huge chunk of the shield to break apart as only then Super Buu goes on to comment ah yes that one took a big chunk out of it now let's just see what else I can say and this infuriates Frieza as he gets closer and commenting how dare you insult me and use me as some kind of a punching back for your stupid game do you know who I am you have some nerve as super-boo goes on to respond you should really relax Frieza I wasn't directing my insults towards you I was directing my insult at this wall here so what are you talking about in basically trying to play Frieza as Frasor goes along to respond you take me for a fool I'll show you who's in charge here you oversized pink bubblegum pile of trash you ridiculous arrogant gummy worm weakling as only then they begin to throw insults at each other indirectly at the shield as they both go on to cry out you washed up pink freak you ridiculous looking pink coward you golden disgrace you idiotic bottom-feeding space loser so they're trying to do everything in their ability to break this shield down by having to insult each other in such a weird way in a very childish way which I find to be very entertaining but what isn't entertaining as we go back to this unknown dimension as mono goes on to common once again you've lost Goku this is pointless you could never destroy what I am so I encourage you to give up and let what already is beer if you continue to push yourself like this you will be killed you're missing something and with Goku struggling to stand up he then went along to respond then I'd rather die I'll do whatever it takes to improve to beat you my body may be broken but my will could never be destroyed I won't quit not now and with Moreau taking interest even went along to respond I see then I have just the right thing you see this whole time I lived by my own order and not the order of someone else I carry out the will of my actions how I choose but such an action cannot be given to just anyone if you truly would like to obtain this power then why don't you simply use the Dragon Balls to have it such a useful tool could help you achieve a limitless potential by using the Dragon Balls to assist you in getting a new power one far greater than anything you can simply achieve by yourself would be the best option that you could make as of course any other mortal in your shoes wouldn't bat an eye to do such a thing it would be a great help saying as of course insinuating - Goku and Goku simply won't reach the peak that he wishes to be and unless of course he wants to use the dragon balls which Murr know is telling Kokua if you want to achieve limitless power then you should go on to use the Dragon Balls to your benefit in doing so as Goku then went along to respond as great as that may sound it's only taking the easy way out and that's not what strength or power is defined as I've pushed myself beyond my limits and it's only made me stronger as time went on so I refused gifted power isn't handed over with a simple wish it's earned through pushing yourself beyond anything you can possibly imagine to get better and that's not the man that I am I'd rather break my body then take the easy way out for something that I can earn by myself more Noah with Myrtle then crossing his arms in responding to go Quinn telling him - what a shame however I am very fascinated by the limit of your willingness to improve Goku you limit yourself as he only then gets an idea he goes on to tell Goku ah maybe this will wake you up and get your attention I want you to pay very close attention to what I'm about to do don't forget what you're fighting for mortal so allow me to set the example for you then as Goku has been completely taken by surprise miRNA ends up creating two portals in each end he has both pan and chichi held above him he only then continues the lives of the ones you love more than anything else in one portal your wife chichi in the other your granddaughter pan now how far are you willing to go and this has to be one of the most condescending deceitful things anyone could ever do to a man is forcing them to choose between families so this is really going to come down to a test of the mind because with Goku having to see this he only then went along to shout leave them out of this Murr know just what are you planning to do don't touch them as Myrtle goes on to reply oh shut your mouth saying it's only a simple game a game that you have much influence in you see you have the option to save one or both of them but only if you can answer a few questions of mine first I told you from the beginning that you'd need more than what you are now to even stand a chance against me and although you seem to be growing you are still very much limited to many things however listen to my words if you refuse to answer my questions then either one of them or even both will be destroyed any waste from existence the choice is ultimately yours Kokua this game of ours has no limits and even if you fail and both are destroyed then I will just pull two more in their place until you start getting things right and progressing through our little game and this will continue until there is nobody left for you to save so here is your test to see how much you're willing to endure and until you win then we will continue to play until you win but that's only if you win now then go kueh let the game begin as go who gets really really infuriated there's not much that he can do other than curse mono when telling him curse you Murr No you're a heartless coward as Myrtle then went along to respond angry are you well let me remind you of something Goku since your anger has blinded you from the truth need I remind you who's really pulling the strings here Goku ah don't let your anger get in the way of what's on the line for you so don't get ahead of yourself I'm the one in control here but I'm not the one pulling the strings I'm only pulling yours get it as Myrtle then only goes on to point towards the mysterious individual he then comments and if you're going to show anger towards someone then show your anger to him then Goku it was his idea but either way should we begin I could simply kill you right now but that really wouldn't be any fun I'd like for you to struggle for something since you like earning things and now here is your first question let's start right now so Myrna is insinuating to goku that he's really not pulling the strings here as of course this mysterious omni-king individual was technically responsible in bringing this clone Murnau into this dimension and with goku having to absolutely lose his mind at the thought of losing his loved ones he then went alone to cry out mur no no leave my family out of your games I've had enough stop this right now and I don't know if you guys can notice something here but it was at this very moment in time that Goku's entire demeanor his appearance everything changed because it was at this moment that goku transformed into ultra instinct mastered ultra instinct mind you given the fact that his hair is white his pupils resemble that of ultra instinct so it was at this moment that myrna threatened his granddaughter his wife his friends everyone that goku basically held near and dear to him that caused him in transforming subconsciously into this power as meanwhile back with mur no and Vegeta we get to see how Morel finally attacks Vegeta as he then went along to tell him what's the matter where did all of your prideful confidence go was i lying when I said you're finished and with Vegeta trying to do everything he could in defending himself he only then went along to comment how could this be happening it where did all of this power come from and with Myrna being the aggressor in closing in at Vegeta he went along to them tell him do you feel that Vegeta stings doesn't it as miRNA ends up clocking vegeta in the face he only then follows up by asking isn't this fun Saiyan heads up and the pun here is that once Myrna ends up kicking Vegeta literally in the head Vegeta is then only trying to do everything in his own ability to hold his ground and with Myrna being on the offensive Vegeta went along to comment mmm because it's Vegeta now that's being pushed back by Myrna land as Myrtle continues this unrelenting assault Vegeta went along to say to himself I can't believe this his power is incredible there's no way to predict his movements anymore his entire style has changed even if I were to try and find an opening I can't he's too relentless now he's toying around with me I can feel it he's slowly picking the pace up on top of being able to read my thoughts he's too much to endure like this damn he's polished his skills his fighting style doesn't even have any openings for me to exploit and he's smiling at me the whole time he's taking me like a joke I need to still try I can't lose because Vegeta admits that not only has Munoz fighting style changed but his overall defenses now are incredibly sharpened because Vegeta is having a difficult time in trying to find an opening to exploit as only in space we get to see how we stand the grand priests are desperately trying to make it onto the battlefield in time as the grand priest grows nervous he then went along to comment I sense a great disturbance with mur no Wiese how much longer I fear that myrna has reached and is about to use his full power I can also sense Vegeta's energy fading rapidly if this goes on then he won't make it much longer Munoz got him cornered I'm afraid but he's doing the best he can with what he has you must hurry wheeze as Wiest went along to respond there was a sudden change in locations Bernal must have moved Vegeta to another planet far from Earth's it shouldn't be long now and if I'm right then we should be there in just about 1 minutes I can feel mer knows power growing we go back to Super Buu and golden Frieza who are still yelling at the barrier as they both go on to cry a useless golden broomstick dumb pile of space trash you ugly overlord of garbage you disrespectful pink bottom-feeder stupid bubblegum pile of rotten flesh and they're really trying to go out of their way to indirectly insult each other while still trying to shadow barrier in front of them and it's working but not at the pace in which they wanted to be as only then Bernal ends up showing up right in between the barrier and our heroes as Super Buu goes on to cry out Frieza brace yourself he's coming right for us as Frieza responds how is he moving so fast like that curse him he's going to break the barrier but right before myrrh no actually ends up making physical contact against them what he ends up doing is bouncing right off of the barrier back onto Vegeta as they both go on to ask what with mer no telling them don't you worry I'll deal with the two of you in just a minute so Moreau isn't really concerned about boo he isn't really concerned about Frieza because his primary focus and target is Vegeta so with Murdo having to just bounce off the shield so quickly it really goes as far as to show that Buu and Frieza really need to do more work if they ever plan on helping Vegeta to begin with as only then with mer know having to further attack Vegeta he went along to then ask him I thought you were in control Vegeta and the second Vegeta gets hit he went along to say to himself he's increased in power yet again because Moreau keeps growing him strength as of course he ends up uppercutting Vegeta in the sky when Marinol ends up telling Vegeta then is let me show you even more power as he begins to channel his energy together Vegeta is really in a situation to where he has no backup his power is fading but then Myrna ends up completely lying to Vegeta as we've seen on the previous manga chapter video when Morel originally asked Vegeta if he was willing to agree in simply having to use their fists to fight what Myrna ends up doing then is unleashing a massive energy blast up in the sky directed towards Vegeta as he went along to then tell him welcome to the end of your life was it well then welcome to the end of yours and as this blast begins to eerily enough creep towards Vegeta because ultimately he knows that this is it as of course the blast ends up connecting finally we stand priest arrived as the grand priest went along to comment this is it Wiese mer knows battle with Vegeta has begun they are both located within this barrier likely created by Moreau for protection as weas went along to common indeed grant elder should we shatter this wall and then make our way onto the battlefield as only then we subservience Rize are there as he went along to ask what are they doing as they both went along to cry out you waste of space golden punching bag you bring this pile of bubblegum trash and with Wiese intervening he went along to comment so I've seen you all have winter with your plans to fuse impressive are you trying to break this wall as Buu replies wheeze yeah we've been at it for a while but it's barely breaking I even had freezes help and yet nothing seems to be working Vegeta had already started his battle with mer no and by the looks of things he also seems to have his full power restored to him which makes it harder for us to do anything to get inside we're left with no other choice since our attacks aren't working as we just went along to comment my shouting insults will only prolong the shield from being destroyed if you don't give it everything you have into meaning what you say it's not easy as Buu replies but we've tried putting in as much as we could into what we say to break it so what are we doing wrong time's running out for Vegeta and Goku is nowhere to be seen as weas takes a deep breath he then goes on to comment it's been a while but here goes you are the absolute worst you suck mur no as back within the dimension that Goku is in Bernal then goes on to tell Goku well well mortal you did it and here I thought you were doomed to lose everything and now look at you you've completed it I am amazed Goku as only then we get to see how ultra instant Goku is holding on to pan and chichi and saving them from irnos wrath as mirto continued you've summoned the strength to save your family you continue to amaze me warrior without even knowing you've tapped back into an even mastered ultra instinct it's rare for a mortal to obtain a power that not even the gods can achieve now I see who the strongest of the seventh is and I know of it too as Goku went along to ask I've retained all trick instinct again how did this even happen my power is incredible but when did this happen as the Omni King individual goes on to tell Goku ah when you were left with no other choice Kakarot your mind and body merged as one when you knew that your physical abilities weren't enough you reacted without thinking It was as I told you before there is much to learn unlike before you can now remain in this form a lot longer but such a power is still not permanent at least for you that is you have grown much stronger than when you first came here and now it's time saying while here you were able to learn of Myr knows portals and it was what you used to save your family on top of ultra instincts with the ability to create such things you can leave now however though the real Moreau is still a very difficult opponent and cannot be beaten so easily with the powers of ultra instinct and the skill to create these portals you will be fine this may be the last time I ever see you again but just remember what I have told you and what you have learned in this place and you will be fine if you begin to doubt yourself in this battle and you've already lost mortal as Goku went along to comment I won't I really learned a lot here as the Omni King individual then replies oh and I believe it's time for a new set of fresh clothes too here we are now and as he gives Goku a new fresh set of gear Goku goes on to comment oh wow this feels great as the individual replies I wish you well Kappa rocks if somehow you figure it out come back any time don't waste time out there either as Goku ends up creating a portal he then goes on to respond I promise to do my very best thank you for helping me and now it's time to settle the score mur no with mu I Goku having to further talk to the individual within the void and then having to ask him hey wait how will I know where I'm going with this as the mysterious individual goes on to respond it shouldn't be hard use your senses feel mer knows power and once you've found it use these portals to guide you there as Goku went along to respond so it's like using instant transmissions with portals right before I go what do you think I should do if I start to lose as the Omni King individual goes on to respond remember what you're fighting for and what Myrna will do if you lose the most important lesson is to take every situation as serious as possible concentrate on merging your mind and your body into one which also reminds me Kakarot morena isn't going to be easily defeated which means you will have to do more than what you can give in order to make sure he's defeated for good so this individual further went along to tell Goku the same thing we've been telling him for years and that's to take every situation he comes across as serious as he could before the situation itself ends up getting the best of him as over back with Morel and Vegeta we get to observe how the jina is literally on his back on the ground defeated back down to his base form literally with his body having to shake as Vegeta went along to comments dammit he's stronger than he let off I can't move so Vegeta can't move he's been eviscerated to the point where his body just cannot respond anymore and that comes directly as a response from Moreau having to beat him down as Merlin went along to ask was that seriously all you had what happened to all of that confidence you had and here I thought my father had actually done something useful I told you from the beginning Vegeta you have no chance here I wanted to help you I saw great potential within you and wanted you to become the greatest warrior along with my greatest rival you would have made for the perfect god of destruction but instead you took me for a fool you were blinded by your own ego and overlooked what was right in front of you this entire time you ultimately played yourself as he then continues and now look at you lying in the dirt barely able to move your body this wouldn't have been the case if you had taken my offer mortal and this is the grave you've dug for yourself how pathetic you have nothing left saying and so the time has come for us to put an end to this little game of ours I told you this wasn't going to be easy yet you kept insist as he only then creates a portal right next to him Myrtle then continues you won't be alone however but instead one of your loved ones will be joining you for jitta so who's it going to be then bra boma trunks let's find out what face I end up pulling from this portal then this was your only shot and you fell right into my trap to restore my power now and as Myrtle is trying to dig in to find which person he's gonna pull out first with Vegeta sitting up he went along to commit not like this don't do it mur no and as mer know is digging through the portal all of a sudden we then see how ultra instinct goku manages to actually pull mer knows arm right through the portal as Myrna Levin looks up he is then met with mastered ultra instinct Goku and with Goku literally standing right in front of him he went along to ask looking for someone Myrna why the long face wasn't expecting to see me again now were you up you won't be hurting anyone's family anymore now that I'm around and I absolutely love how Goku intervened in preventing Myrtle from further harming Vegeta's family as Myrna Levin went along to cry out it's you how are you here how did you escape and how did you find me here with Vegeta sitting up he then went along to comment Kakarot how did you find us all the way out here wait a second that forum this power as he really mastered ultra instinct his energy is different than it was before as Myrtle then further went along to ask how did you escape and this forum you've tapped into ultra instinct again haven't you you couldn't have done this alone and Goku completely ignores him because as Goku then proceeds to walk towards Vegeta's direction he then went along to tell him wow you've gotten so powerful since the last time we sparred her embarrasses planet and with Vegeta then sitting up he only then went along to reply to Goku and telling him Terra you're one to talk I can sense a great change within you just kind of training have you been doing this entire time and more importantly with who is this form permit at this time or is it not as Myrna Levin went along to comment now I see what he's been doing he's been training likely with another me if he's able to find me this way now it all makes sense as he only then tells Goku how dare you interrupt our battle mortal so I see you having learned your lesson from before then no matter you will also be dealt with as well ultra instinct or not training with the grand priest or not it's all meaningless to me with my full power restored the two of you are child's play to what I can do now face it you cannot win my power is far beyond ultra instinct so don't try and get any ideas Goku ax Vegeta can barely stand up so you're both hopeless in this battle so prepare let this be our final battle I have other matters to attend to after I'm done here so let's get this over with so which one of you wants to be the first to die should I finish you Vegeta or should I start with you Goku and with Vegeta struggling to stand back up he only then went along to come and I don't care if you have ultra instinct or not I will not let you overshadow me again I've done too much to let you pass me by now I'm going to finish him with Goku then replying but Vegeta you're hurt your power has dropped off so much just take a minute to rest while I take him on we can't let this pass us by we only have one chance and with Vegeta then erupting in pure rage and anger due to goku just suddenly popping up out of nowhere with this huge power increase he only then went along to scream at goku by telling him don't you dare patronize me ax you wanted to see my power well here it is mur no is mine to kill he's taken everything from me he's mocked my pride and used my family against me he will die by my hands and with Goku then baffled he went along to then tell the jito whoa what power Vegeta where did you get this from just easy he's done the same thing to me as well he's trapped me in this weird void where I couldn't escape so with Goku further remaining vegeta that this isn't only his fight that myrna had also robbed him Vegeta then went along to further scream at Goku by telling him it doesn't matter mur no is mine to finish I owe it to myself for everything he's done I will be the one to spill his blood Kakarot there is nothing left to say at this point he will be destroyed right here right now stand aside and do not come in between our battle and with Moreau smirking he then went along to tell them both my Maia you seemed very bothered Vegeta so much that it caused your power to resurface how wonderful but fighting you alone wouldn't be any fun either so I welcome to both of you to fight me together at the same time that way I could kill you both at the same time it would be very fun to see what the both of you can do so by all means try and with Goku and Vegeta responding they went along to comment you want us both at the same time sounds like you have a death wish mur No so then what do you save Vegeta as Vegeta responds as long as you stay out of my way I don't care what you do he's going to die by my hands and with myrna overhearing this he then went along to respond there goes that foolish arrogance of yours again Vegeta you still haven't figured it out yet oh well shall we as he then further gets into fighting position he goes on to tell both Goku and Vegeta then it now show me what you both can do I'm already and with Goku and Vegeta both getting into fighting position did you don't went along to tell him we're going to crush you mur no and I love this idea that we're going to be getting mastered ultra instant Goku and a full powered Super Saiyan blue evolution Vegeta combating mur no because even though were no acknowledges the fact that he can stand up to Ultra instincts and he's decimated Vegeta before what I really find interesting is the fact that Goku and Vegeta know what's on the line and they can't afford to break away their concentration a special now which is why Goku is the first person to fire a kamehameha directly at Murr no as he then went along to tell him here goes Vegeta you're up take this Murr no and with Goku firing this kamehameha directly at Murr know when Murr no ends up doing is smirking he's laughing in front of Goku and opens up a portal in front of him and then telling him how boring and you go in swallowing the Kamehameha hole as only then Murr know very similarly to how he did with Vegeta's final flash goes on to tell Kokua you should really pay better attention Goku heads up as he only then opens up a portal behind Goku in relaunching his own mastered ultra instinct kamehameha directly at him what Goku ended up doing as a means of a counter is opening up his own portal and allowing that kamehameha to go right through as Goku then went along to tell him not this time you won't take it and with Goku then having to further mimic mono style in using his own portals against him miRNA then went along to shout he's using my portals but how did he do it as Goku then relaunches his Kamehameha through his own portal in barely missing merna merna then went along to cry out curse you mortal because this is what Goku learned inside of the unknown dimension that myrna had originally placed them in in the idea that Goku had been training with the clone were know enough to now finally learn this and use this to his advantage and with mirna looking up in the sky he only then went along to comment that was close how did he learn how to create my portals like that curse those rats as out of nowhere Vegeta went along to cry out I'm not finished with you mur No and with Vegeta moving right in he goes on to unleash a fury of attack Satmar no and with miRNA having to avoid all of them he goes on to further be so condescending towards Vegeta and telling him you're too slow but right before he finishes he ends up getting clocked right in the face by Goku who ended up using another one of his portals to backfist Moreau directly in the face and with Mertle then having to stagger back in feeling the agony of this strike goku went alone to comment i got you good with that one looks like it hurt and with mer no absolutely infuriated let alone two shouts you blindsided me you pathetic saying that one actually hurts keep thinking this is a game I'll show you pain I'll show you who's in control now perish as he then went along to fire a massive blast through his own portal with Goku acknowledging this he went along to comment Oh No because Murr no is now shooting multiple blasts through multiple different portals that are aimed directly at the sands as he went along - shouts you are finished in continuously just firing blast after blast after blast with Goku having to create portals of his own just to simply redirect the blast with Murr no having to create his own portals in attacking Vegeta the landscape on the planet itself is literally chaos there's blast having to be met left and right there are attacks having to be thrown from every direction and with everyone looking on Superboy went along to comment what an absolute mess I can't even follow their movements they're going to destroy everything as only then we skits an idea as he went along to comment wait a minute this is new because something dawned upon him that he had not seen before and with mu I Goku and evolution blew Vegeta literally having to go to four nail against merna merna is shown hovering in using these portals against them as he went along to tell them now this is what I've been searching for you two are very deadly together in having to show signs of pure entertainment as weas went along to comment throughout all of my years of knowing mur no I've never seen him have this much fun with anyone before it's alarming something's off and with the battle now having to momentarily see Smyrna went alone to comment tired already what a letdown as Goku and Vegeta went along to comment is it me or is he getting stronger as we fight as Vegeta replies dammit I feel it too how is he winning with Moreau having to set himself up he then went along to tell them both so what's it going to be Saiyans don't tell me this is the best you've got you both seem to be having a tough time keeping up with me so is this it are you done as both Goku the Jiva end up looking towards one another what they end up doing is dashing right towards Murr nose direction and as they do miRNA went along to comment you two are quite annoying but very fun it's interesting to see how you both can work very well together but even then it's still nothing but then he notices how Goku and Vegeta end up creating a situation that really catches Morel off-guard because then as Goku and Vegeta directly dash towards Murr no there is a portal created in between the two by Goku as they only both end the vanishing right in front of Murr know as normal went alone to comment how do they just do that because with both of them gone he really doesn't know what to expect and being the fact that both Goku and Vegeta have increased in powers so much they're able to now fully stand up and even rival Murr no in power but even together they have to execute the job and finish him quick enough before Murr no gets the upper hand as out of the blue Vegeta ends up emerging through one of the portals in hitting Murr no down below and telling him you shouldn't have placed yourself in this situation and as Goku ended up doing the exact same thing in stepping out of one of his portals to kick Murr no he only then continued because now you're going to pay the ultimate price as Goku ends up knocking Merle back far enough miRNA was shown then stumbling on his feet but he also seems to be very entertained because then he went along to tell them yes that's the way how amazing because Murr knows not concerned if anything he's having a great time in fighting these two and normally somebody else would really be placed in a situation to where they have to go all in to put these two down but Murr no here is doing quite the opposite and having a very fun time in fighting them but even then Vegeta takes initiative in charging directly at Morel by shouting at him and telling him I am going to make you eat every word you've spoken to me about I don't care if you're an angel or not and Murr no acknowledges this by laughing and telling him then why don't you try and make me then as they both end up hitting each other with such force that it causes both Morel and Vegeta to go flying backwards what I really enjoy about this is the fact that Vegeta is not giving up he's not being written into where he spot or he's inferior tomber know even though mer know theoretically is superior to both Goku and Vegeta Vegeta is written in such a way that even with such a significant disadvantage he's still holding his own and with Mertle then standing up he then went along to tell Vegeta such anger Vegeta do you feel at ease he's bloody he's hurt but Murnau seems to be more entertained than anything else as Vegeta also then begins to stand up mur no then continues that last punch felt very weak you could never beat me with that kind of power if you stop short like that you have no chance of winning come now dear Prince hit me hit me right here with all your might and power I'll stand still for you so with mer no kind of pointing at his face and telling Vegeta come at me with everything you have Vegeta gets very annoyed because he goes on to comments how dare you as he then charges in he then continues I am going to grind your bones into the ground how dare you make a fool of the strongest Saiyan to ever live didn't you say you were going to kill me what happened not winning as easily as you thought go ahead and stand right there let's see you bounce back from this attack take this and with Vegeta clocking Moreau with literally everything he has he did do some type of damage to where he caused Morel to get bruised up but asthma no stand there he then goes on to further smile at Vegeta and tell him not bad prince not bad now it's my turn so this ultimately ends up being a back and forth kind of contest because then Moreau ends up clocking Vegeta with a devastating right punch that causes Vegeta to flap in the air and as Vegeta is there he goes on to comment how is he still able to continue after all of this and with Myrna overhearing this he replies because I'm better than you Theodore but I'd love to see more go ahead it's your turn now and with Vegeta than getting very annoyed he charges back down and telling him I hate you you'll break sooner or later and when you do I am going to crush you I'm only getting started take this mur no as he then ends up once again clocking Myrtle in the face what Myrna ends up doing is responding by then having to punch vegeta so this ends up being kind of like a back and forth kind of battle to where Vegeta hits Myrna Myrna hits Vegeta and it ends up kind of being like a stalemate as the two go head-to-head and as they continue to fight the two of them begin to exchange words as Myrtle goes on to tell Vegeta this rage of yours is the fuel to your power I admire it Vegeta use it use the source of your true power Saiyan don't forget what's on the line here either warrior keep fighting as did you don't went along to reply I don't care what you think you can't destroy what I am now I won't stop until you die before my eyes you're going to pay Murr know as Myrtle then ends up smiling in Vegeta's face again he then went along to tell him haha sure we will Vegeta and this momentarily causes Vegeta to pause as he then goes on to crack a smile himself in telling her no you ready for the pain because Vegeta is not finished and as ultra instant Goku looks down he went along to say to himself whoa what an incredible battle Vegeta is better than he ever was before but so is Murr know how wild as Murr know and Vegeta end up backing up Murr no only then went along to tell Vegeta I want you to hit me with everything you've got Vegeta come on and with Vegeta getting into fighting position he only then went along to tell him I got you right where I want you Murr no and with both Myrna and Vegeta having to go toe-to-toe against each other Myrna went along to tell Vegeta that's right Vegeta fight me with all of your might that's the way and as they both end up knocking each other back with Myrna having to be shown hitting the ground pretty hard Morel then went along to comment how incredible I would have never have expected for this to be the outcome and he's smiling while he's laying down as he only then continues I can't recall the last time I had this much fun in a fight before warriors of the 7th what fascinating creatures they are their ambition and overall determination is most admirable they possess unbelievable power and great potential I love it this is the greatest entertainment I've ever witnessed yet it also allows me to gauge their full power as well so Myrna just looks like he's having a great time he doesn't seem to be rattled he doesn't seem to be bothered but he more or less seems to be surprised at the idea that these two mortals Goku and Vegeta could hang on and do so much as so as to compete against him as he only then continues if we could only do this forever what a shame they have to die otherwise I'd fight them until the end of time itself and with the grand priest we Super Buu and Frieza having to look on above him Myrna then continues but I guess this is the end isn't that right father and with the grand priest looking down very menacingly mind you he then went along to tell Murr no it's over mur no you've failed it's time you pay for your actions and as all four of them touched down with the grand priests having to stand directly in front of Murr no he went along to tell him you are without victory and as Moreau tries to sit back up he went along to tell his father of course you would I must admit I wasn't expecting for you to shatter my barrier so easily grand priest nor was I expecting you to arrive here so quickly with my brother and with both Goku and Vegeta shown powering back down to base warm the grand priest only then continues to tell Moreno you have thrown everything off balance since your arrival here your actions cannot be overlooked or forgiven for violating the rules placed on you your actions have caused so much chaos in the seventh and thus cannot be accepted mur no it's time so the grey priest acknowledges these rules and the fact that mur no came here when he wasn't supposed to and he violated almost every single rule that warranted for this response as the Grand Prix's then continues if however you are able to show your remorse for the things you have done then there will be leniency that will be extended onto you mur No and with murder sitting up even more he then went along to tell the priest you want me to feel ashamed for doing what I thought was the right thing to do is this the Almighty grand priest talking to me or is this a joke you've never shown leniency yeah especially to me when I needed it the most from you so why now you want me to bow to your will and feel regret for what you and the Omni King have done to me don't make me laugh because the grand priest is telling me no listen if you can somehow Express empathy and show remorse for what you have done there could be leniency placed on you but Morel doesn't seem to be buying it as the Grand Prix's theme continues I will not judge you right from wrong good or evil for what you've done the ultimate call is not left up to me but up to the Omni King I will forgive you for your mistakes if you are first willing to accept them and accept your fate such a thing is all in the Omni Kings hands to decide but you can change that and with Myrtle then slowly beginning to get on his knees he then went along to continue of course he would how typical taking orders from a childlike creature what a shame it is I will never understand why we are bound to such things you will choose to forgive me but leave it up to the Omni King to decide my fate I'd rather not what a complete joke say tell me wheeze do you care about Vegeta and the others I assume you do based on your action so tell me this how would you react if the grand priests were to be destroyed by his own son and your own brother would you care would it matter more than the lives of the others surely you'd feel bad wouldn't you would it bother you if that happened how about if both he and the rest were to be destroyed been similar to King Vegeta's actions from my former universe as we spent along to ask and why do you want to know and basically foreshadowing the original concept of what myrrh no had told Vegeta from the beginning in the idea that in his universe back when universe 13 was around his version of Vegeta ended up murdering his parents just to further establish dominance and for him to do that mur know is basically telling Lise hey how would you feel if I destroyed our father right here right now basically taking the mantle and solidifying himself as being the source of authority but Lisa's not biting the bait because he's asking why do you want to know as weas then responds it doesn't matter what is done everything is done by the will of the Omni king no matter what the situation or cause is your fate will be up to him to decide brother and with Vegeta standing back he then went along to comment something's wrong here as myrna then follows up by telling Wiese you're such an adult Wiese always being good but you've always been annoying to deal with it's a shame that it has to come down to this as the grand priest once again chimes in and telling her no for everything you have done you will pay for your crimes you aren't even supposed to exist this will be dealt with and now you left us with no other option you can't fight us all either so it's pointless to even try this is where your journey comes to an end as only then myrna begins to glow in a very eerily kind of way as he went along to then tell everyone but who said I was finished as tempting as all of this was I have other plans to attend to can you feel it I can tell you this much if you were to go before that little brat Zeno and then I don't like your odds very much did you really think this was over as fun as this was I have things that I must finish first so this game of ours isn't quite over yet as he only then begins to glow even more Wiest then picks up on exactly what Myrna was about to do as he went along to comment No everyone quickly surround me at once we only have seconds to spare get behind me immediately mur no is going to self-destruct in literally not taking any chances because if Myrna was going to go down is going to go down on his terms the way he wanted to be done as only then with everyone having to get behind lease we observe how Murr no ends up blowing himself up and in a very poetic kind of way as we get to see this blast just consume literally the entire galaxy Myrna went along to comment at last we will not go quietly into the night as we then witness a massive explosion take place within the universe itself luckily for Vegeta Gohan Frieza boo and even the grand priest everyone quickly got behind wheeze as wheeze created a barrier to shield himself from the actual explosion and as we get to see dust and space debris and all kinds of things in the background lease went along to comment how could he he chose to take his own life rather than face being erased by Zeno so this was Manos ultimate sacrifice Myrna would rather take his own life that have anything to do with dealing with Zeno because with Myrna having two eerily enough put out this message and telling everyone look this game of ours isn't quite over but in terms of what's going on right here right now I'd much rather die on my own terms than have you take me back to that little brat so as we go back to Super Buu Vegeta freeze of the grand priest and Wiese as Super Bowl went along to respond he was a formidable opponent to us and all but I can't shake this feeling about him was Myrna really bad something felt different it's as denday had pointed out when Morel came to the lookout none of us were able to pick up on anything wicked or evil about him which is why this is very weird to me to our knowledge he didn't really kill anyone but easily could have so why hesitate if he knew he could win his spirit didn't give off any signs of sinister intents which is very unsettling to me as Frieza who's listening in the background went along to make a scene rocky remarked and commenting tare foolish naive pests as the grand priest responds I wasn't able to read his emotions either which is why this was alarming all angels must always remain neutral no matter what the situation be unless it's ordered by Lord Zeno I don't sense his life force at all but it was the path he chose it was his choice to make the ultimate sacrifice in the end his actions went about leading him to death he wanted something he could never have his lust for vengeance blinded him with Goku also chiming in and commenting it's still strange though I remember how his clone mentioned something about freedom but I wasn't able to ever read him completely he always had some weird message buying what he tried to say what does that even mean to have freedom strange as Vegeta looks up he then went along to comment it almost kind of makes you wonder about what his real goal and true motive really was it's a very unsettling feeling to know that he was hiding more than he let on about but what was it as everyone is trying to really figure out the meaning behind Murnau's message in the fact that they knew that he wasn't evil but there was something very off about him as only then to everyone's surprise we observe how on murrow's hand there is yet another completed crest that immediately ends up showing up as he went along to comment knock-knock I guess I'm up next everything went exactly as I had planned it to be I don't want to keep doing this forever and relying on my reserves so let's just do this now then it's been a while as Myrtle stares directly into both of the Omni Kings within his palace he then went along to comment those bodyguards look a bit too comfortable watching over you I guess I'll start with them first did you miss me because I've missed you now then great Omni Kings let's have some fun together as the story then of be on Dragon Ball super Kai universe 13 then comes to a close now here's my personal take on the dragon ball super Kai universe 13 manga and that's I absolutely enjoy the concept of having some sort of an angelic enemy we be someone to oppose Goku and Vegeta there were several things about this fan manga that I was really nitpicking and some of which involved at the grand priest some of which involved wheeze in the fact that if we actually takes time to travel throughout space and we've seen this before within Dragon Ball super then how come the grand priest we've also seen in Dragon Ball super moved through space-time itself easily took such a long time in getting from point A to point B that was something that I think really bothered me but I also really enjoyed the concept of seeing everybody fused together and then seeing how Frieza was forced to work together with ultimate Buu Vegeta being forced to work together with Goku Goku training off with a clone mer no Vegeta training with the grand priest so this manga is incomplete as of this recording because the creator behind this fan manga special is currently working on more and I cannot wait to see what exactly is going to come of this especially now with seeing that Moreau somehow had ended up within the omni king's palace and by approaching the guards and approaching the Omni King I really cannot wait to see the overall dynamic of what's about to go down involving Moreau and the Omni King but in the end I want to get your thoughts on the entirety of this fan manga did you guys enjoy this fan manga did you guys dislike this fan manga for whatever reason and whatever it was that you guys found interesting about this I want to get your thoughts in the comment section below as there are going to be spin-offs involving the Marino character as of course you guys can see on screen we are currently developing a side story involving Broly versus mer know which will be available on the channel as well as many other spin-offs involving the character so I hope you guys take the time to check that out again thank you all so much for your time if of course you guys are new to this channel and be sure it's going ahead and smash that subscribe button as well as turning on all notifications to never miss a single upload on this channel and if you guys enjoyed and cannot wait to see more of universe 13 from Dragon Ball super Kai then be sure to give this video a big thumbs up by slapping that like button down below we are going to have a massive like go for this video if we can break beyond ten thousand likes on this video then we are going to be producing and making more content involving the Morel character in the foreseeable future so again thank you all so much for your time I hope you guys enjoyed tune back in for more and I'll be seeing you all down the comments section below take it easy guys peace and the quick little reminder before you guys go if you guys are unaware I do have a second gaming channel located down in the description box below so be sure to head on over to unreal row yell and hit that subscribe button along with turning on all notifications as to there you guys will find all different kinds of gaming content that you will not get to find on on growing gaming titles and video games such as grand theft auto Call of Duty Gears of War dragon ball z dokkan battle dragon ball z legends dragon ball z budokai Tenkaichi 3 minecraft blair witch and many other retro games on that channel so if you guys are into gaming then make sure you guys subscribe over on unreal royale i want to thank you all so much for your time and i'll catch you all in the next one this is the Galactic Emperor of the universe and of course I'm here to tell you to subscribe to unrelenting also follow on run and gaming on these social media platforms to stay connected at all times and if you don't then very soon you will all be dead oh did someone say Underland gaming oh my god fuck someone put on some clothes well why don't you put on any clothes what I don't need clothes Jesus Christ huge what Broly Frieza to die tell these mortals that I am the biggest unrelenting fan this is my moment I'm a part of his notification squad universe Anna can have all the fun I just want that food and don't forget to leave a comment on this video show some love for the best community on YouTube Carter
Channel: UnrealEntGaming
Views: 3,080,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Entire Universe 13 Arc, Merno Arc, Merno Complete Story, Universe 13 Full Story, Merno Full Story, Dragon Ball Super Kai, Dragon Ball Super Kai Complete Story, Beyond Dragon Ball Super, UnrealEntGaming, Dragon Ball Z Fan Manga, Dragon Ball Fan Manga, Dragon Ball Manga, Fan Manga, Anime, Manga, Dragon Ball Z, DBS, Dragon Ball Super, DragonBall Super, Dragon Ball Super Manga, Universe 13, Universe 13 Angel, Universe 19, Merno, Merno Vs Goku, Merno Vs Vegeta, Merno Vs Frieza
Id: BDtJv-iO_IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 47sec (12287 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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