We the People with Judge Lauren Lake - Soldier to Cry On

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good day everyone I was born and raised in Detroit growing up there I saw people like me running things this is a courtroom not a circus so we going to calm down I'm sorry what I found there was a passion that I didn't know existed this is the bottom line I'm excited to freef fall into the Limitless possibilities with we the people so many are fearful of the law they think it's something that works against them I think you need to begin to accept responsibility for your mistakes we are the people Tanner Yardley claims he sent money to his pregnant fiance for their wedding then found out she slept with his army buddy all right Alexandra teller says the plaintiff is the baby's father and she still wants to marry him court is now in session the honorable Judge Lauren Lake presiding you may be seated hello your honor hello good day everyone good day this is the case of Yardley versus teller Mr Yardley you are suing Miss teller for $639 A3 you say your ex fiance owes you the cost of a cancelled wedding is that correct yes your honor and the defendant you say uh The Big Wedding was his idea all right so you all were engaged and canceled the wedding yes you what happened your honor I you I'm an active duty soldier in the US Army and you know I got cheated on by my ex fiance you know I chose to marry her because uh when she was pregnant okay Miss teller how long were you together uh we were together about 7 months before so seven months you were together how did you all meet um we met at a bar a friend of mine knew a friend of his and introduced us okay and so you met you guys got along and it didn't take long you all side to get married well what happened was is basically you know uh couple months in we be came exclusive um he did end up cheating on me um did you cheat on her Mr Yardley yes your honor okay but but y your honor I didn't come to lie I know that's right we're supposed to tell the truth in court so you did cheat honor yes your honor all right I but I I cheated when I cheated I told her about it and she forgave me give Mr yardly a gold star you cheated and you told yes I I did tell her okay so you told her when he told you what was your reaction Miss teller well he told me after I found her underwear at his place oh okay so you didn't tell you admitted after you were caught yes your honor Sean take his gold star back didn't earn it all right so he she called you you said oh I did do it then what happened well after you know after all this we got stronger after I admitted that I cheated so we had a stronger relationship and so after falling in love with her I was deployed uh I was going to be deployed I told her about how I sad to leave her and you know how this could always happen and I also made sure Jordan who's a friend of mine from the Army to make sure to check up on her to make sure she's okay while I was gone because I was going to be gone for a few months and it was going to be the first time I was without her and so one month in I got a message from Alex my former fiance that she was pregnant okay so you were deployed yes your honor when you left she wasn't pregnant yes your honor and then a few months after you were doing your duty you find out she is pregnant yes yor when did you find out you were pregnant Miss teller uh it was probably about a month after he left oh all right and then you told him immediately yeah all right so what does that have to do with why we're here well I'm here because you I why' the wedding get cancelled the wedding was canceled because after my deployment I came back and I came back to see her to surpris her because you know I got a ring for her and you I was we were you you were coming home with the ring yeah and she did not know that I was coming home to your pregnant girlfriend yes ready to get married yes you ask her yes your honor she says yes yes your honor you plan a wedding yes your honor where were yall going to have the wedding uh we were going to have a wedding in a venue and do you have receipts from what you paid yes I do you was having the wedding at a venue yes yes your honor they say God takes care of babies and fools I hope we don't have both today so you pay for the wedding yes your honor got your DJ yes your honor you was going to have big billy Texas barbecue some ribs some brisket cornbread macaroni and cheese Texas link pulled pork baked beans potato salad yes some mac and cheese does sound good right now coming up I still do believe that this is his baby and I still want to marry him and don't think that he should do you still want to marry Miss teller I do not your honor if you'll be in the Los Angeles area and want to bring your case to court call 18885 5 26878 you're watching we the people with judge Lauren Lake we're back with the case of Tanner Yardley who brought his cheating ex fiance Alexandra teller to court over a canceled wedding what's the problem why' the wedding get cancelled what went wrong here your honor so when I came back with that ring her door door was open so you know I let myself in to our house and you know I walked into the living room and I saw she was sitting on the couch with Jordan who is my Army friend that was checking up on her so okay they were sitting together but they were sitting a little too close and it was really awkward when I walked in so now Mr Teller I see you have a witness listed here as Jordan faul is this the Jordan he's talking about that's correct your honor so while you were at home waiting for Mr Yardley Jordan was over at your house yes taking care of you in what way uh you know bringing making sure I'm eating bring me food um just kind of checking in so you say it was completely platonic for the most part that's not true girl girl I don't have time for this you done wrote this man while he's off the lyd talking about you pregnant and he comes back to surprise you and next thing you know Jordan is in the house and you talking about for the most part what does that mean in in my defense um once I found out I was pregnant with Tanner's baby like every all the everything stopped and um everything became completely platonic there was no question is this his baby or not I believe in my heart you're admitting that you had sex with Jordan right Jordan you might as well stand up too hi your honor uh my name is Jordan Faulk we know I'm uh I'm also an active member of the uh US military you are an you're active we think yes active so you had sex with Mr yardley's girlfriend fiance while he was away yes or no yes you're hon it thank you cuzz we don't have a lot of time to waste you're hon it so no I don't have time luckily I have done this a time or two or a thousand who is the father of your child Miss teller do you know I believe in my heart that it is his okay believe want desire bet your bottom dollar none of that matters when it comes to DNA were you having unprotected sex with Mr faul Jordan during the window of conception as well as Mr Yardley your fiance that is correct your honor okay so you were so the truth is you standing here and you don't know who the father of your child is I believe that I know in my heart did you hear what I just said yes your honor how did you find this out Mr Yardley you walk in they sitting a little close you know something's up it doesn't doesn't look right do you confront them and they say yes we've been sleeping together I do not confront them right away I do I so later on the day I do see a crib at her house and you know I ask Alex what this is and she says it's from Jordan for the baby okay so you know what I just brush it off but my final straw brush it off had you told Jordan to go buy a crib for the baby you thought was yours no I did not so why did you brush that off I was just collecting I wanted to collect more evidence of like you were filing it away yeah okay so get come on now get it straight you didn't brush that off okay so you just filed that away but you were like I don't like the way they were sitting he done bought a crib now what happened so my final straw came in when she was showing me a uh a picture of the baby and she was you know there's a message a picture of the baby is this the baby it was in it like it was a an ultrasound ultrasound okay it was the ultrasound of the baby on her phone all right and then I saw Jordan texting Alex saying hey how's my baby doing oh well that'll do it yeah honey case was closed then no need to file not another piece of information the question of paternity had reared its head so did you ask her is this my baby or not yes and then what happened so I confronted her and she did confess to saying that she did sleep with Jordan but she only did it for a one time one time thing and it was that's all it takes it only takes once well now I believe so and your honor she said it was just a she was like it was just a one time thing and she was never going to do it again and it was just a slip up and so all this time when did you paid all this for this wedding I paid for all this wedding when I was while I was when you were away yeah you were sending her the money to pay for all of these things to get the wedding together yes only to come back and she was potentially pregnant by somebody else H which she admitted to you and in open court yes your honor what's your defense Miss teller I mean it sounds like before people spending all this money that you should be clear who's the child's father unless you just you still wanted to marry Mr Yardley I did but she was sleeping with his friend no so once I found out I was pregnant that completely stopped and like in my defense I never asked him to marry me he was the one who um said that he wanted to marry me and then asked me and I still do believe that this is his baby and I still want to marry him and don't think that he should do you still want to marry Miss teller I do not your honor coming up lucky for us this court had you both all of y'all submit to DNA testing cuz at the end of the day this case hinges on the results your honor it's it's not mine I know that you're watching we the people with judge Lauren Lake we're back with the case of Tanner Yardley who brought his cheating ex fiance Alexandra teller to court over a canceled wedding you're suing here for the $639 and3 are are you saying that she negligently or purposely misrepresented to you that the baby was yours you believe she was negligent or you believe it was a purposeful thing I your honor I believe it was a purpose purposeful thing because she she knew that she couldn't get a selfless man to ever want to marry her so she made this stunt TR try to get to lie to me and try to lock the truth your owner oh you're saying she lied to lock you down because you were a good guy yes your honor but wasn't Mr faul Jordan a good guy because you left him in charge of your girlfriend and he took charge I did in the wrong way your honor I did think he was a good guy but now he's not now I know that but okay you want your money back yes you're right you believe she purposefully deceived you about this and even if it wasn't purposeful it was negligent because the truth is should she or should she not have reason to know who her child's father is and if that's the case did did she misrepresent it to you did she owe you a legal duty of care did she breach that yes your honor I do believe so well lucky for us this court had you both all of y'all submit to DNA testing cuz at the end of the day this case hinges on the results your honor it's it's not mine I know that I'm trying so hard with you Mr Yardley coming up in my defense I told him I would do a paternity test before he canceled the wedding but he just went and canceled everything no before he paid for the wedding you're watching we the people with judge Lauren Lake we're back with the case of Tanner Yardley who brought his cheating ex fiance Alexandra teller to court over a canceled wedding do you want to know the results I would just like my money that I'm ow we're going to need to get the results then we'll deal with your money thank you your honor in the case of Tanner Yardley Alexander teller and the unborn child that Miss teller is carrying it has been determined by this court Mr Yardley you are the father you are the father I want another test your honor well you going to have to pay for that on your own this court has determined you are the child's father the interesting thing is is despite the fact that you are the child's father the court has to determine whether or not this question of paternity that Miss teller was fully aware of right fully aware of did you breach a duty of care to him by allowing him to spend a significant amount of money on the wedding knowing that he would know the full truth that there really was a question of paternity well I in my defense I told him I would do a paternity test before he canceled the wedding but he just went and canceled everything no before he paid for the wedding judge lakes's verdict When We the People returns you're watching we the people with judge Lauren Lake you had a duty of care to to make him understand you're not marrying a woman who is sure that the baby that she's carrying is yours you're marrying a woman whose baby may be yours or your friends I believe a reasonable person under that circumstance Miss teller does owe the plaintiff a duty of care to say before you go spend all this money on a wedding there's a question of paternity and I think we need to resolve it it is this Court's opinion Miss teller you owe him that $ 6,398 and3 because you should have given him the opportunity to decide whether he wanted to marry you or not under truthful circumstances for that reason judgment for the plain for $639 A3 now before you go off and start spending this money understand now that you know that you are this child's father you going to have to take care of this child yes your honor judgment for the planer for 6,3 $398 and3 C court is adjourn all right judge lake has ruled in favor of the plaintiff the defendant owes $639 3 sets I got Justice I'm sorry I never meant this to happen but I don't know that I want this baby to be in your life for you to be in ours I don't want to see you again and I don't want to see you again either [Music] this has been a production of Allan Media Group hope
Channel: Justice Central
Views: 82,767
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Id: qMX3IBdgBAk
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Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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