Man Loves Balloons a Little too Much...

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hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel or welcome to my youtube channel i'm call me chris and you can call me chris and it's late it's i don't know why i'm making a video right now as it's late at night and i can't sleep because i'm an insomniac with depression and anxiety triple threat i'm dropping my album now right now go to spotify i'm just kidding it's not happening anyway pete and i decided to match her outfits just kind of awkward i think i'm wearing it best no me you okay he's wearing it sorry anyway we're watching so sidetracked adhd too triple threat anyway we're watching a man who loves balloons and as you know from my last video if you watched if you haven't watched it what are you doing go watch it we figured out that i am terrified of balloons i've known this for my entire life i really don't like them mostly don't like when they pop i hate it i don't even like touching balloons the fact that there's air pressure in there and they could just at any time i hate it so i thought this might be a good video to watch so let's just get into it my name is julius i'm 62 years old and i'm addicted to balloons julius nice to meet you we wouldn't get along sir we wouldn't have to get along they're beautiful oh it's so big that's what she said oh i just had an anxiety attack smooth delicate i have a connection with intellectually i know that balloons are not alive but sometimes i want to julius do you know that if it's my love for them that brings them to life it's my love for them that brings them to life it's kind of poetic i kind of love that can you just do that with any inadequate object i love you i love you i love cup i love cup i love lamb i love this cup now so uh let's continue my first reaction was wow blooms that's kind of strange that guy's so nice all right can you say so julius call 911 addicted to balloons for over five decades it's addicted to boys as an innocent attraction to the shapes and colors shapes and colors now julius has filled his home with over 50 thousand and can't sleep unless he's surrounded by them julius listen if you ever invite me to a dinner party i'm busy i can't come i love all balloons but i do have my favorites i like the crystal clear the transparent it's like a soap bubble you know you can see through it oh julius you would love me then look at me i'm a ghost you can see right through me what's behind me a chair how'd you know cause i'm see-through the round ones but my favorite is the spherical ones oh why i don't know i guess it's i could understand that it's like all symmetrical and i get it julius i get it prefers blondes or brunettes you know no not the same he even has an entire room dedicated to balloons if you were to ask me hey chris if you could draw us a picture of what anxiety is what would that be and i would say a room filled with balloons this room is anxiety i would rather have homicidal clowns staring at me in bed then be in this room i try to alternate it to keep all the colors you know uh of the rainbow in there i like julius julius is inclusive with his balloons i don't know one of my favorite balloons is the weather balloon it's very oh that's the big one probably one of the softest balloons i've got does julius you know like is he ever it's a soft balloon is there any hard balloons i'm sorry i'll go to my room sorry this guy i sleep in my balloon room every night [Music] what oh my god it's a room of nightmares this man has no fear i respect that when i wake up in the morning it's like wouldn't you just like wake up and your hair would just be like oh my god i had the best sleep last night get zapped this guy is corporate in this room too this guy's just this guy's has a death wish my love for balloons it's also a sexual love there it is oh look at that image that's that's a that's a shot right there i can imagine the camera guy's just like can you just like hold the balloon yeah just like caress it but like a little lower and just like yeah perfect i'll take a 12 inch and i'll inflate it to 11 inch that way you can take a lot of it oh am i on the right am i on youtube right now is this youtube he takes a 12 inch balloon and only pumps it up to 11 so it can take room for abuse oh my god it's like 50 shades of balloons that could be a book i'm gonna write that book i'm holding one you know hugging it i'll kiss it and it's like being in heaven i mean don't you like to hug and kiss the woman that you love yeah julius same thing lunar is a nickname for people with a sesh ha ha hash for balloons lunar i'm not that i know one thing i can tick off my list finally that's a problem that i don't have lots of people out there feel the same way oh my god oh my god two i don't like feet and i don't like balloons that was a lot but there's two groups of the lunar group you got the poppers don't do that again i don't even like hearing it apparently somebody wrote in my comments and if i find the comment i'm gonna put it right here somebody put that that's an actual thing i do read my comments by the way i'm always reading but she said i don't know it'll be here i'll find it i'm now i'm determined i'm gonna find that comment but it's like a thing where you're scared of loud noises like abrupt loud noises and i have that so like i gotta take lunar off the list but now i'm another thing so just adding to my list aroused by popping bloon and you got your non-poppers stop caressing the nepal of the balloon please julius's addiction to balloons started when he was hospitalized at just four years old oh my mother come to visit one time and she gave me a a real nice blue balloon okay well now i feel bad i'm sorry after she left he just cried myself to sleep he heard the balloon pop and then he cried himself to sleep because he doesn't like when balloons pop okay maybe me and julius can get along there's hope for us yeah julius out of a balloon popping devastates julius and he even rescues balloons he believes to be in danger i got a little fire but i i appreciate that he doesn't like the popping i could buy but julius i'll go to car dealerships and do what i call a balloon rescue when they send them out early in the morning they're really beautiful and as the sun uh bakes on them they get really dull misshapen i feel you know like i give them a second chance why am i feeling bad for balloons now i don't think i'll ever be able to look at balloons the same you know i'll like look at it and it's if it starts deflating i'm like i'm gonna say i'll take it home i'ma feed it air i need a few balloons air yeah sure carbon dioxide i don't know but julius doesn't share his extreme love for balloons with many people probably best noah is my family my wife thinks it's strange wait wait hold the brakes press pause he has a hua but he sleeps in his balloon room alone he's having an affair with balloons oh my god the scandal can you believe this can you balloon this that doesn't work shielace's wife refused to participate in filming shocking the fact that he feels like he has to keep it a secret uh definitely points that there is a a a problem yeah yeah i don't know if you're psychologist psychiatrists i can't speak english i think you're right i see nothing wrong with loving balloons it's not hurting anybody it's true it's not dangerous i don't know about that julius but okay look at that shot god the photographer in this you just having a field day with julius and julius was there for it julius was like is this good how about this puts the balloon up to his face looks to the room i'm just kidding i'm sorry today his nephew who's also an addiction counselor wants to confront the issue how convenient is that he's an addiction counselor does he have a number because i and convinced julius to see a therapist good so i've heard through the family a little talk about your balloons not your balloon room so what kind of questions you have what do you get out of your balloons emotionally when i inflate them it seems like they come to life for me really yeah at least he's being like really nice about it and that's good i'm sure it's a thing there's probably another name for it where people like are in love with inanimate objects and stuff and i feel like that comes from childhood trauma which clearly happened for him at four years old wow no judgment cool attachment to these balloons maybe sexually there's sexual overtones to it overtones under over is overtones a word undertones overtones oh i'm learning new things from julius who would have thought what is it that gives you that sense is it a smell or if it's all of it it's all of it it's a feel the smell you know what i kind of get that sometimes i walk into like canadian tire or like a like a a store with tires and like brand new tires and i just like walk in oh yeah rubber i get it i mean not to that extent i i let i leave i don't even buy anything i just walk into those stores and i need counseling you ever think that maybe there's something wrong nope anyone ever my family asked me so like you think like maybe you should start seeing a therapist again nope i'm fine i'm dropping my new album insomniac anxiety depression go check it out you know that's nothing if you feel like it you have to keep things hidden especially something like this there's obviously a problem yeah do you think you'll ever give it up nope nope next uh hell i've been doing it too long wow so how long have you been doing how many years all together do you have collected these balloons oh collecting them i started when i was about eight okay all right so you're 62 now so that's what 40. wait i want to do the math 62 8 8 to to sixty-two eight negative three i don't know there's a reason i'm a youtuber god damn it i don't know math 40 years 40. wait what 40 plus 80 48 but he was eight years old oh my god god it's like one of those math questions that you have 52 watermelons when you go to the store and a burglar comes in and takes 85 of them how many crumpets are on the shelf i don't know it's quite a bit of energy time and energy do you spend a lot of time and energy during the day with them yeah just sometimes come up go up and well sometimes i'll rescue them like at a you know car dealership oh wow he's like coming out with his full story here i kind of left i kind of like this guy though that's talking about he's handling it very well i love that if they're still floating i'll let them float until they fall if they're already you know fallen then i'll untie them and powder and put them in a bag i don't know why but i'm picturing this as like a murderer situation it's just like if they're still alive i won't uh i won't touch them but once they're dead that's when i'm coming in i watch too much dateline when you when you say powder falcon powder talcum from sticking together okay all right balloon science bill nye the science guy did they ever go bad or anything oh yeah if i don't take care of them so when you take care of them it's involving talcum powder and desiccant in a ceiling meal bag y'all i'll be showing you okay could you like re-pump up a balloon you know what i mean could you breathe stop doing that hand motion could you you can't like open it back i'm gonna stop talking never mind and i've got something that's over 40 years old really yeah wow is it does it cost a lot of money doing this no balloons dude i just bought balloons from the dollar store guess how much they were guess guess a dollar people that spend more money uh buying guns why is that the analogy guns balloons or guns there's no in between talking to somebody about i don't have a problem right so why be concerned everybody's trying to make me think like i got a problem i don't yeah you know what i think me and julius get along really well i don't have a problem leave me alone i've only slept two hours in three days i can't i'm fine these questions that i ask they're just strictly out of love and concern and i don't want you to think that there's anything else in that would you be willing to go and and talk to somebody yeah [Music] is he gonna say yes is he gonna say no let's find out okay i've seen it at psychology he said neither he said okay and i think that was the end of discussions before and about the only thing he said to me is well you're not hurting anybody so why worry about it i see nothing wrong with loving balloons and i'm going to continue to love balloons because that's what makes me happy julius i'm happy for you he's not hurting anybody technically no yeah he's not hurting anybody technically so i get that it's okay still don't like it though still don't like balloons this video did not help with that at all especially that pop that was uncalled for anyway i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you guys like videos like this if you like this video at all if you like me you know like the video that'd be really cool and subscribe if you haven't already subscribed and hit that little notification bell so you know when my next video is out but yeah if you guys like these tlc reaction videos or any other reaction videos or any videos in general i do read the comments and i love hearing your guys's suggestions so put them in the comments below and i will read them other than that i hope you have a fantastic day and i forgot to say you're looking good you're looking good you've been going to the gym no you still look good that's fine all right i hope you have a great day stay beautiful bye [Music] you
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 2,368,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I0icklkWObg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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