Man Claims Mother Is A Compulsive Liar (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of <i> Matherson v. Robinson.</i> JUDGE LAKE: Thank you, Ron. Good day, everyone. ALL: Good day. Mr. Matherson, you and your mother have demanded that the defendant, Ms. Robinson, appear in court today because you claim you are not the father for her three-year-old son Jah'den. And say she's been ducking a paternity test for years. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Robinson, you and your mother say Mr. Matherson has known this is his child from day one, and he needs to grow up and stop running from his responsibilities. Is that correct? BOTH: Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Matherson, why wait three years to come to this court? Uh, Your Honor, I didn't wait three years. I waited... Well, I tried last year to contact this same court, and, uh, she refused. She was ducking and dodging. JUDGE LAKE: I do see in the court records original contact date is <i> June of 2015.</i> <i> So, that was more than a year ago.</i> You say Ms. Robinson has been ducking and dodging. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Robinson, have you been ducking this case? No, Your Honor. I haven't been contacted by anyone. I have no reason to duck and dodge. Because, are you certain? Um, 100%. Jah'den is three years old. I've seen him maybe five or six times <i> during the three years.</i> Alexus is always keeping Jah'den away from us. There is nothing... We are not accomplishing anything. So, today is the day to find out if Jah'den is my grandson. So, Ms. Robinson, are you keeping Jah'den away from Ms. Brooks and Mr. Matherson? Right now, Your Honor, I am. JUDGE LAKE: Why? Because, um, Tyjuan is not responsible. I also sensed the threat that my son, when he got my son, he was gonna take him back to Ohio. So, yes, Your Honor, I did not. Yes, I was gonna take him to Ohio to see my family, if he was mine. Without my permission. Without your permission. ALETHA: The thing is, Alexus... From the beginning when we found out Alexus was pregnant with Jah'den, it was told to me, it was told to me to get a paternity test when we found out she was pregnant, by close friends. So someone told you to get a paternity test? ALETHA: Yes. Correct. Because she's very promiscuous. And there she is, following in her mother's footsteps. This didn't start, for the paternity test, until me and his mom got into it last year. And she started speaking about a paternity test. And I guess this... No, no, that's not true. That's not true. There were things that started going on. It was a fight trying to get to see Jah'den is when I started saying, "We need to get a paternity test," because no real mother is going to keep her child from her father. I don't care... TYISHA: Just as well as no real mother is gonna let their child just go when he or she is getting threats of what this man is going to do to her. (OVERLAPPING CHATTER) Let's get some order. Let's get some order. I want to understand. Mr. Matherson, what are you saying? TYJUAN: I wanted my son to be a junior. My name is no part of his name. Period. That's for one. Oh, so do you feel because they never considered giving Jah'den your name that that was somehow an indication that he may not be yours? She's a compulsive liar. Your Honor, I didn't feel like I should have to give him his last name because, at the same time, we was not married. Um, I believe my son should have my last name because Tyjuan... At the beginning... Jah'den, I'm sorry. Tyjuan was not showing me any responsibility that he would be able to take care of my child. Because y'all wanted him to give y'all his money to put in a bank every week for y'all to spend, for your enjoyment. TYISHA: We're talking about a new-born child so I was taking full responsibility of taking care of their child. But if I'm going to him and I'm saying, "Give me $20 a week for your child," that's $100 of money. That's not no money for no charity. There should be no pressure on it. What does this money got to do with you? But at the... So, hold on. Before we get there. I wanna go back because I want to understand this relationship. You two are very young. Correct. JUDGE LAKE: Well, were you high school sweethearts? TYJUAN: <i> At one point</i>■<i> in high school, yes.</i> Did you use protection? TYJUAN: No. ALETHA: Obviously not. Were you all in a committed relationship? Yeah, well, from what I know, yes. I mean, she's a compulsive liar. She does what she wants. ALETHA: Very vindictive. At the end of the day, we are here because, like you said, Alexus is very promiscuous. There were times when you couldn't find Alexus, and you found her with a lot of guys. That was never the case. My mama was very strict. Even if that was the case, what does have to do with the paternity of the child? Well, it does have something to do with the paternity if she was sleeping with any of these guys. I was not. That's just what she's saying. I was not! One at a time. You're saying that's not true, Ms. Robinson? ALEXUS: Correct. I was either... My mama was very strict at the time. (SCOFFS) I was either at school or around Tyjuan. TYJUAN: Around me, huh? What about when I went to work and you was with a boy and supposedly, all y'all did was kiss? What guy is that, Mr. Matherson? TYJUAN: A guy named... A couple of days later she told me because someone told her if she didn't tell me, they were going to tell me. Um, I did because my mama didn't even allow me to have a cell phone at the time. Let it go. So, all this is a lie, Ms. Robinson? Correct. Basically, this is the first time we ever heard of it. Ever. JUDGE LAKE: So you're saying, Ms. Robison, that you never even heard about this questioning of the paternity? Until last year. Only when she and me got into it, and she tested. But I've never heard anything from Tyjuan until now. Now. The thing about it is, it boils down to just, like, "They are money hungry." And just like Ty said at the beginning, she wanted $25 a week from Tyjuan for the baby. Y'all put your side up. What we do on our side, we got this. Your Honor, there weren't... Y'all... If Jah'den is living in my home... Under my roof. So whatever you're doing for Jah'den, we're never seeing, how is that helping this child? (OVERLAPPING CHATTER) Okay, one at a time. Let's get some order. ALETHA: She fast. Watch her, she fast. And that very first time when I told somebody that she was pregnant, the first thing out of their mouth, "Get a paternity test." And that's why I'm here. If you felt like... Sorry, this is not the first time we're hearing this. TYISHA: Why was you showing up at the house, Le? ALETHA: To see if I could see any features of him. I don't see any features of Tyjuan! TYISHA: But, Le... Not even features of me. TYISHA: Just last week, you stood before him saying, "This is your grandma." "He looks just like me." Today is the day. Regardless of whatever relations I had going with Tyjuan, your son needs to grow up and be a man and take care of his kid. And she needs to grow up and be a mother. And she needs to grow up and be a mother. (OVERLAPPING CHATTER) All right, one at a time. Listen. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I don't understand what any of y'all is saying, and I really don't want to have to dismiss your case. I want to understand this, Ms. Robinson. Yes. You have not allowed Mr. Matherson to take Jah'den. He was just getting Jah'den around Jah'den's birthday. JUDGE LAKE: So, you did see Jah'den around his birthday, Mr. Matherson? Correct. But that was the first time in a long time. JUDGE LAKE: And even though you go and pick him up, you still have a doubt when you look at the baby? TYJUAN: Yes. I mean, he's three now, he's not even a baby, he's a little boy. You have doubt? And there's a lot of different reasons why I have doubts. JUDGE LAKE: Tell me. Let him speak. The first reason is, I didn't get a chance to sign the birth certificate. I kept calling. I kept calling. "Oh, yeah, we're gonna do it, we're gonna do it, we're gonna do it," never got to do it. Next thing you know, she's disappeared after Christmas. You know, I've got evidence. JUDGE LAKE: What evidence is that? The birth certificate that I didn't get to sign. Let me see that. Ron, will you hand that to me, please? Here you go, Your Honor. Thank you. You submitted the birth certificate to court, and it does not have your name. TYJUAN: Right. You're saying that you were asking to sign this? When are we gonna execute it? And they kept telling you, "We're gonna do it. We're gonna do it," but then, it never got done. Right. JUDGE LAKE:<i> And to this date, three years later,</i> <i> you still aren't listed on the birth certificate.</i> TYJUAN: <i> Correct.</i> And you feel like that's them giving you the run around because they know you're not the biological father? TYJUAN: Right. What was the second point you were about to make? I wanna understand it. The second point is just like, even when we were together, she's been with different people. There was this guy who has ended up being her boyfriend now. For example... Why would he call another man, dad? For example, you know... Why would she allow him to do that? JUDGE LAKE: Does Jah'den call another man Dad, Ms. Robinson? No, Your Honor. TYISHA: You can ask him. No, Your Honor. TYISHA: He does not. He calls him Greg. And as far as the birth certificate goes, she had never obtained his birth certificate, so they were supposed to go together for him to sign it and buy it. Tyjuan was supposed to pay for the birth certificate. That's something he chose never to do. So nobody pressured the issue, as far you can understand. Ain't nobody gonna pay no money for you to put your name on something if you're not there to support your child. So that's what it was. It wasn't like we had a problem with it. You wasn't there. It's always about money. Since the day Jah'den has been born, my mom has been helping me take care of this child. At that time, I did not have a job. I'm only 19. I graduated and got a job so I can take care of my responsibilities. At the end of the day, I have not seen any progress from Mr. Matherson. (OVERLAPPING CHATTER) Let's get some order. Because it's becoming obvious... TYJUAN: Crazy. JUDGE LAKE: Listen. You sure aren't interested in who's supposed to be his father. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Matherson, it's becoming a power struggle. And the paternity issue is still on the table. I'm trying to move this forward and understand where you all are. Now, Mr. Matherson has stated he believes there is another gentleman that could be Jah'den's father. I want to hear from him. Ron, can you please escort him into the courtroom? RON: The seat next to the judge. Hello, sir. How are you doing? Have a seat. State your name for the record. Gregory Collins. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins, Mr. Matherson has indicated that he believes that you are Jah'den's biological father. Do you believe you are? I'm 100% sure I'm not his father because I wasn't even talking to Alexus on that level at that time. Are y'all in a relationship or are you friends? We've been friends for five years. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Since they've been on each other... JUDGE LAKE: So, you've been friends for five years. Correct. Okay. So, now. We're in a relationship right now. JUDGE LAKE: Now, you're in a relationship. How long have you all been in this relationship? About three months. Three months. Okay, so 90 days. And the child's three years old. You mean to tell me you take three months to raise a child? Three years... You've been in her life for how long? ain't did nothing. How would you know? I know. I can... You're going for what she told you, right? Yeah. You say you are sure you are not Jah'den's biological father. Yeah. And yet you've been a father figure to him? GREGORY: Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: <i> Have you</i>■<i> witnessed Mr. Matherson</i> <i> try to step up to the plate and see Jah'den?</i> GREGORY: <i> No.</i> Because he ain't been around that long, that's why. I've seen him trying to... Sexual comments. You, over here trying to text her sexual comments. And that's not cool. Could you prove that? No, you couldn't. GREGORY: Yeah. He was sending comments, talking about what she used to do to him is she doing it to me and stuff like that. Oh, goodness gracious! <i> It's sad because this child is three.</i> <i> You just talk at one another.</i> You don't have a conversation. None of you. Just constant accusation. And the worst part of it is, you're arguing that they haven't done anything and they're arguing that you don't let them do anything. From a person in my position, this is just so ridiculous on so many levels. ALEXUS: Your Honor... It's ridic... No! You're not gonna out-talk me or over-talk me. I'm talking now. 'Cause this is some nonsense for this child. The point is, how you all can be on two opposite sides of the same page. Because it sounds like, to me, they are saying they want to see this child, even until they know whether or not it's his biological child. And you're saying, "He's not stepping up to the plate." Everybody is so offended. I'm offended for Jah'den. I really am. You're too comfortable in just the argument, but no one's coming up with solutions. They only way we're gonna figure out how to move forward, I should say, is to get the results. Can I have... Ron, I'm ready for the envelope. Yes, ma'am. (APPLAUSE) The results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Matherson v. Robinson,</i> when it comes to three-year-old Jah'den Robinson, it has been determined by this court... Mr. Collins, you... Are not the father. (YAWNS) I'm sleepy. I'm sorry. Well, you should wake up. Don't play in this courtroom. No. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. What you're not going to do in this very serious moment, while I'm getting the answers for this child. Now, you don't come in here like you're the Surrogate Father of the Year, and now, when I turn my head you gonna clown? That's what we're not gonna do! That's what we're not gonna do! He don't know... JUDGE LAKE: No, I don't want to hear it. I'm done with testimony. Well, sit around here and clown at this turning point in this child's life. In the case of<i> Matherson v. Robinson,</i> when it comes to three-year-old Jah'den Robinson, it has been determined by this court... JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Matherson v. Robinson,</i> when it comes to three-year-old Jah'den Robinson, Mr. Matherson, you... Are the father. That's your little boy. Now, can we see him? Your Honor... ALETHA: Now, can we see him? ALEXUS: May I have that paper, please? May I have partial custody? This was about to happen. May I have custody, part or full? JUDGE LAKE: Hold on. Hold on. None of you let anyone finish a sentence. You're so quick with a comeback, you keep going back. Backwards. 'Cause you don't listen! Now, you all can bring this child up in this nonsense if you want. And when his life is in turmoil, when his spirit is half-full, when he's questioning who he is, why he is, and where he belongs then, y'all are gonna have to take the blame for that. Because when you bring a child up in a toxic environment, that's what happens. Now, the first thing you need to work on, Mr. Matherson, you're not on his birth certificate. So you're gonna have to take these results back to your home state and you're gonna have to petition the court, because you need to get your name on his birth certificate. But you have to take the initiative. It's hard to get them to do that, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Listen. Let's not talk in the negative because it only manifests more negativity. Now, you're his daddy. People look to their father to protect them, to provide for them. TYJUAN: Which I will do. JUDGE LAKE: Part of that protection is protecting not only him physically, but mentally and emotionally. And you, too, Ms. Robinson. Because at the end of the day, you two are the parents. You all have to create a safe space for this child. Y'all have gotten on my last nerve in 30 minutes, I can only imagine what you're gonna do to him in 30 seconds. If you can't figure it out for yourselves, the court will figure it out for you. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And there will be visitation... ALETHA: Right. Parameters on record, and you can abide by them or, you can be held in contempt. <i> You don't even know how blessed he is that he got the answer today.</i> You all were blessed with resolution today, and there's absolutely no gratitude for it. You're just still angry. I'm not angry, I just wanna see him. TYISHA: We knew the results before we came. I'm not angry at all. JUDGE LAKE: I'm not talking about that. I want you all to take advantage of the counseling we have for you. I do. Because this is important for this child. I honestly am sitting in this seat right now, my stomach is nervous for this child. 'Cause there's too much anger. There's just too much negativity. And I need you all to figure out how to work through this. How to at least meet each other halfway. Or, you can pass him off and let him enjoy the other side so he can have the fullness of his life and be able to enjoy the blessings of both sides of his family. I wish you all the very best of luck. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 2,006,235
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: sZO90FnSq7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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