Man Says Guys Slid Into Woman's Social Media DM's (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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This is the case of <i> Vaught v. Lindsey.</i> Thank you, Ron. Good day everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Vaught you say your ex-boyfriend Mr. Lindsey abruptly ended your relationship due to paternity doubts. But today you want to prove he is your daughter Shelby's dad. VAUGHT: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Lindsey, you say the plaintiff, Ms. Vaught, has committed paternity fraud. You claim she deceived you into believing that you fathered her daughter but today, plan to prove you are not her father. Yes, Your Honor. Additionally, you are counter suing for a lie detector test to determine the extent of Ms. Vaught's infidelities. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So, Ms. Vaught, well, the stakes are pretty high today. VAUGHT: Yes, they are, Your Honor. Explain. I wouldn't place a baby on someone that I didn't know. Like, didn't believe was her father. You get what I'm saying? I have two previous kids before him and my children both have the same father. And if I felt in my heart that he wasn't the father or if I was to second guess of him being the father I would have told him from the door. What was the nature of your relationship? We were good. Like, he was my best friend at the beginning. Our relationship started going south because he felt like she wasn't his due to something... Hearsay. JUDGE LAKE: What happened Mr. Lindsey? She says you all were good, good friends. <i> Were you in a relationship?</i> <i> Were you just dating or were you committed?</i> No, we was good friends. We was in a relationship. Everything was going good. Today, I feel like she got... She too friendly. She too friendly to me, man. Too friendly. Too friendly? VAUGHT: Too friendly? Everybody, her cousins her brothers... Your Honor, he has the nerve. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, too friendly with different guys. Exactly, Your Honor. Okay. How long were you all seeing each other? About two and a half years. Two and a half years! Sleeping together without protection? Yes, we were. JUDGE LAKE: For two and a half years? All the time. All the time. We was on and off for two and a half years? She's not telling the truth. We was on and off... No, he went away for six months of the two and a half years. And we still was on and off. Your Honor, when we first met everything was going good. We was going good. Then, little stuff started popping up with her. JUDGE LAKE: What popped-up? Her talking to peoples, some stuff popped-up... She can't have a conversation Mr. Lindsey? She can have a conversation... Your Honor... But how many conversations with males? JUDGE LAKE: So, I want to know specifically what was it about these conversations that troubled you. All right, we going to start off with this one. Somebody was in her, I don't know what they call it, her little Instagram. I guess they were supposed to be knocking on her windows. How somebody knocking on your windows when you're supposed to be talking to me? So, wait a minute now, you said somebody that was on her Instagram was knocking on her window? LINDSEY: That's what the message says. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, what did it say? It said, "I'm going to be at... "Knock on the right window." She was telling the person to knock on the right window. This was the address to her house. Oh, so she was giving somebody her address and telling them to knock on the window. And you saw this? LINDSEY: Basically, it was a booty call to me. That right there, that has nothing, honestly, to do with it, because it was... We weren't even really talking in that nature at that time. So for him to throw that up... Because we really began being serious in about March of 2014. So, he's talking about something when he was away in New Haven. That's what he's talking about, Your Honor. So, Mr. Lindsey, besides her on Instagram and you see her telling somebody to knock on the window, what else? She told me the baby wasn't mine. What was I supposed to do? VAUGHT: Your Honor, I said that out of anger because for him to say... 'Cause he was saying to me, Your Honor, "Oh, I don't feel that's my baby. I don't feel that's my baby." Why would you say that when I'm loyal to you? And I have been 110% with you. I don't lie to this man about nothing. And if I felt Shelby was not his, I would have told him. And, Ms. Vaught, I have to tell you like I tell every other young woman in this courtroom, once you ring the bell you can't un-ring it. And I understand... Once you say that, it's a statement that even if you take back they can't forget it. It automatically creates doubt. Okay, Your Honor, so, if he says that's not his daughter for me to kick him out... I don't feel like it is my daughter. ...of my house. Is that an issue? I don't feel like it is my daughter. Because I'm not going to have you still around here... The dates don't add up. How is it my daughter? The dates add up. I know the day I got pregnant 'cause it was New Year's... Mr. Lindsey... What are you saying, the dates don't add up? Explain. The dates don't add up. If the baby was conceived in September, that would mean December, February, we would have had to be together. We wasn't together on them days. What is that Mr. Lindsey? This is a calendar right here. JUDGE LAKE: Ron, will you hand that to me, please. It will show you that the dates don't add up. It don't make sense to me. VAUGHT: Your Honor, please... You have a calendar here, sir? Yes, ma'am. He went over and above. JUDGE LAKE: Show me what it is (CHUCKLES) I never seen him play with a tablet for the sake of my life. But now he got a tablet all of a sudden. You see where it say December and January? I was away. I wasn't even... We live in different towns. I wasn't even in the same town. You were away when? I came back, February she talk about how she's pregnant. How does that add up? He was away... JUDGE LAKE: So, you're saying I'm not... if you count back nine months your contention is that she conceived somewhere in the December-ish area. VAUGHT: New Year's Eve... And you were away with your family, out of town for two months. Exactly, ma'am. And you didn't get back to town and you all didn't get together till February? So, you feel like the conception doesn't add up. LINDSEY: It doesn't add up. VAUGHT: I know my body. I know when I was pregnant. I'm not gonna lie to this man. At the end of the day, we were together New Year's Eve of 2014 bringing it in. I just got out of work, bought some alcohol and we went. I came home and we had passionate love-making. With who? So, I don't see how... What do you mean, "With who?" You say, you assert that you all were together New Year's Eve. VAUGHT: Yes, ma'am. Yes, Your Honor. And so, that would have been December 31st <i> that would have been within the window of time.</i> VAUGHT: <i> Exactly.</i> And so Mr. Lindsey, you're saying that's incorrect. That you were not with her? I was not there. I don't know who she got me confused with somebody. VAUGHT: Do you see, that's disrespectful, right there. Because if we were together two and a half years how could you open your mouth and say something like that. JUDGE LAKE: And that hurts your feelings. It does, because I love this man. He know I love him. So, for him to act like that to me right now... If you felt like that you could have walked and did your business. You not chained to be with me. <i> So, my thing is, if you felt like that</i> you should have let that be expressed don't sit around wasting my time, wasting my love and energy on you. I'm a daddy's girl, at heart, so, why would I want my daughter not to know her father? And my thing is, I'm going to be a woman about it. If I was cheating on you and I thought she wasn't your baby... Listen, Mr. Lindsey, Mr. Lindsey. But you told me you cheated on me. You told me, I don't know... No, I said... Girls go through hormones and stuff when they're pregnant. Pregnancy. Pregnancy. I don't know if she'd just be saying it just to be saying it. And I said I cheated on you? And when I was pregnant? You said, "Oh, I'm going to cheat on you." Oh, because he cheats on me, Your Honor. Let's be real. When you go tit-for-tat... VAUGHT: He goes worse. end up in a situation where you don't trust one another. So, all of this mistrust it just fuels the doubt. It does. It's just growing and growing. 'Cause he's sitting there, he's dead serious he's just like, "I don't know if this is my child." And if he doesn't know, Your Honor, my thing is, why you stay around for so long? Like, why build a relationship with me, making it seem like, oh, we're just going to be this happy family, like I have... I never agreed to that. You never agreed, I get so crazy, Your Honor, that Mr. Lindsey here now he never agreed... So I'm standing here lying... Your Honor... front of you just to make myself look good. Well, let's talk about the lying. Let's talk about the lying. Because Mr. Lindsey requested in his counter suit a lie detector test. Because he's convinced that you are lying about other infidelities. And, Your Honor, he's doing that from hearsay. JUDGE LAKE: <i> We have administered that test and I have the results.</i> <i> Ron, may I have the envelope?</i> Thank you. Ms. Vaught, you met with a licensed polygraph examiner. Yes. Before I read these lie detector results what do you believe we will find out. The truth. That's all it is. That's what the point of the test was for. To tell the truth. Ms. Vaught, you were asked "Did you have "sexual contact with the man who sent you "an Instagram message about which window to knock on?" You said "no". The lie detector determined you were being deceptive. What does that mean? (EXCLAIMS) That I was lying? That means you was lying? JUDGE LAKE: Not telling the truth. I was lying? That's what that means. Accept it. You was lying. Okay, Your Honor. Ms. Vaught, you were asked "Did you have sexual contact with the man "who sent you messages calling you 'sexy' and 'boo'?" You said "no". The lie detector determined you were being deceptive. (EXCLAIMS) So, you failed both questions of the lie detector test. That's a lie, Your Honor. I know I didn't cheat on this man, 'cause I feel like this, Your Honor, I give Shelby nothing but respect and everything, in every way. <i> I don't treat this man no type of way.</i> He feels like that because of something somebody say. LINDSEY: I got the results, I got no more to say. You got the results? The results speak for itself. Unless you argue with the lie detector, man. I feel like you're doing this because you wanted to make it seem like I'm this bad person to you. You make it seem like that. I didn't take the lie detector test and fail. Mr. Lindsey... But he won't submit to one. Why won't he submit to one? I'm not certain that Mr. Lindsey would pass a lie detector test either, Ms. Vaught. VAUGHT: Thank you, Your Honor. Thank you, Your Honor. Your Honor, how can you do that? Uh, excuse me... VAUGHT: Thank you, Your Honor. I have my own opinion. VAUGHT: Thank you, Your Honor. And I believe that. I am not certain you would pass a lie detector test. VAUGHT: He wouldn't. What I am certain of is his infidelities unfortunately have no bearing on the paternity as it relates to Shelby. VAUGHT: You're right. You're right. That's why we keep focusing and that's why he asked those questions because he wanted to see were you involved with or sleeping with anyone else during that time. VAUGHT: I never slept with anyone. And he knows that. I told him... How do I know that? The lie detector says something different. I told him, I told him... Okay, we were... Now I really got to know the time. I don't know, I really don't know what's going on now. Did you have sexual contact with either one of these gentlemen? You failed both, you failed both answers. I never had no type of sexual contact that's what I'm saying. Look at my beautiful baby. How could he sit here and deny her. She's everything of him from the head to the nose. All she has of me is my cheeks. A family member said just the other day "Oh, she has a gap like somebody in the family." If he felt, Your Honor, that Shelby wasn't his, why would you give her your name? Why would you sign the birth certificate? Your Honor, when I was in labor, he was at work. Okay? He ran 10 blocks up the street, made sure he stopped at the gift store to get me a balloon, teddy bear and a flower. That's just being a good guy, though. Okay, being a good guy. That's being a good guy. That's being a good guy? JUDGE LAKE: Wait a minute... Mr. Lindsey, no, no, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I still bring her something to eat. That don't mean nothing. No, no, no, but I'm going to have to agree with Ms. Vaught I mean, if you have a child and you don't know the child's yours, you don't stop by for the teddy bear, the balloons and flowers. I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to lie. If you felt like she wasn't your baby... She persuaded me into thinking that the baby was mine. Matter of fact, she persuaded me... Okay, one at a time. She persuaded me into giving the baby my name. VAUGHT: I persuaded him? I got a petition to change the name if that's not my child. JUDGE LAKE: Let me see that, Ron. You are just so articulate now. He is just so into everything. Your Honor, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: He's bringing out all the stops in court today. When the results come out that he's her father I would love for him to keep this up so we could build and get better, because I love him. (LAUGHING) 'Cause I love him. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) VAUGHT: No doubt in my mind, I want to be with him. Keep this up, this is professional. I want... And you know what I mean, because... JUDGE LAKE: I do. From where we're from, being in that area people mistake you as a criminal, a hoodlum. And he's not that. I know the potential. 'Cause I love this man. I still want to be with him. I hope this will make him realize I'm always going to be here and I love you and when it comes out that she's his daughter we can work it out, because there's no reason I don't want to be with him. So, this petition he presented is basically a request to change Shelby's name, if in fact, she is not his biological child. He wants his name, Lindsey, <i> off the birth certificate.</i> LINDSEY: <i> Shelby too.</i> <i> Don't forget Shelby.</i> VAUGHT: <i> Okay, excuse m</i>■<i> Your Honor,</i> her middle name is Renee, right? Your Honor, every female in his family has Renee as their middle names. So, if you really felt like it wasn't your daughter why would you give her that? No matter what, if it ain't mine, I want... I don't want her with my name. I'm 110%. What the issue is... Hold on. (BOTH SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) Hold on. Hold on. The issue is this... The issue is there's absolutely no trust. Oh, from... You don't believe anything he's saying I don't. He don't believe anything you're saying. And the truth is, I want to know where do you stand? She says she loves you. How do you feel Mr. Lindsey? Are you willing to work on the relationship if in fact Shelby is your biological daughter? Or are you ready to walk away if she is not? I want to raise my daughter with her mother. At the end of the day. So, if Shelby is my daughter we could attempt. But, you know, got to gain a little trust, this time, <i> because right now it ain't working.</i> And if she's not your biological daughter, then what? (LINDSEY SCOFFS) We're going to have to go our ways and get out of each other's life. If she's not my daughter, why would I stay? All right, then that means the stakes are higher than ever. VAUGHT: I respect that. I'm ready for the results. VAUGHT: Let's go. Thank you. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Vaught v. Lindsey</i> when it comes to 9-month-old, Shelby Lindsey, it has been determined by this court Mr. Lindsey, you... Are the father. (APPLAUDING) VAUGHT: Thank you, Your Honor. I'm so happy. Can I have that, please? Can I have that? Oh, you want to put this up in the house? Yeah. I sure am. You're going to put this on the refrigerator. If it helps him remember. I can only imagine what it feels like for nine months you have a beautiful baby It hurts. and people are questioning you, It hurts. questioning the baby. The father won't be fully attached. Constant arguments. It is stressful enough having a new baby, but having a new baby with the stress of everyone doubting you and the father of the child denying that the child is his, that's a lot. You two obviously love one another but you don't trust one another. Now, if you want to climb up out of that you gotta do the work. And that's getting back to the basics. The basics in relationship, communication, trust, respect, commitment. Now, we have counseling and resources for you all and I want you to take advantage of it. And figure out how you're going to work this out. No, you don't have to be together. But I think both of you really want to try. But you gotta get those chips off your shoulders. And you've got to be willing to be vulnerable and you've got to be willing to start over. Are you willing to start over? Yes. Are you willing to start over? I'm willing to try. JUDGE LAKE: That's all we need. That's a beginning. The fact that you know for certain you have this beautiful little girl. She loves you both. And she's counting on you both. Start there. And there's no limit to where you can go. All right, I wish you the very best of luck. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,653,991
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: SfosN7sHRUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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