MY FIANCÉ SLEPT WITH MY SISTER: Ashley Harris v Turlaine "Randle"

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[Music] sometimes the people you forgive are the ones who disappoint you the most on today's case Miss Harris says she's learned that the hard way because her relationship with Mr Randall has had more disappointments pain and embarrassment than anyone should deal with she says she is tired of the non-stop parade of baby mamas side chicks and off-brand babies that Mr Randall has brought into her life she's here in my courtroom to leave this toxic relationship let's hear their case court is now in session the honorable Judge star presiding your honor this is the case of Harris versus Randall wonderful Miss Harris Mr Randall Miss Harris you say the Betrayal you've experienced in your relationship has broken your heart you say you have had enough of the lies and the infidelities and you wish to end this relationship yes ma'am Mr Randall you say you are here to save your relationship you admit to some faults but you say you want to do whatever it takes to save your family yes sir okay so you all have been together quite some time Miss Harris and Mr Randall you've been together for 14 years you've been engaged for over a year and you do share two children although they're other children from previous relationships why are we in court today Miss Harris yes your honor I stand here before you today as a woman who I guess you could say is blinded by love and I only say this this uh like you said I've been with train for 14 years I'm still with this man who's done nothing but cheat and lie and I I just I can't I can't handle and I'm not talking just with random women I mean like people who are close to me neighbors and worse yet my sister oh good lord yes and I just I can't sweep it under the rug anymore I just want to be done I want to be done with the whole relationship you are ready to walk away I am U Mr Rand I know you said that you have some faults but what Miss Harris is saying it's not just faults it's character flaws what's going on well most that ain't true um okay like I said I did I do have my faults I have done some things in our relationship but um going behind her back with her sister or anything close to her I would never I would never disrespect her like that Miss Harris I'm going to ask you to take me back to a time that we did have Bunny's butterfly and flowers how how did you all meet and then what led to us getting to the point where you're in divorce court I met train through a close family friend um set us up on a blind date uh that's how it started did you all start uh dating and um sort of exclusively very early on no we were not exclusive okay it was kind of like a a slow motion kind of ordeal like traditional dating which is nice you go out and well you would think uh oh yeah you think uh as I started paying close attention terlain he wouldn't go out in public with me so what made you think that uh he was hiding you uh there was a red flag I received a picture from an unknown number um it was of a newborn baby and I didn't think anything of it I finally brought it to his attention you know asked like you know do you know anything about this he he told me that he had cheated on me and the product of that was a baby wow that's tough Mr Rand that's one of the things you said that yeah um has caused some pain yes sure I mened some some certain things um not perfect no that's that's far from worrying about not perfect yeah that's that's that's hard for a new relationship you have a woman who you are trying to establish a relationship with with and you commit an infidelity and the result of that is a child which now means the woman that you're establishing a relationship is forced to bring that child into her life and her relationship you know that yes yes um and whether or not she wants to sign on to that brings up a whole musuka of considerations yes and I do have another example too mhm uh what happened ter and I went to go get gas one day we were just out Teran went inside to pay for the gas and he left his phone in the car and even though I knew it was wrong I still picked his phone up and I went through it was there a reason for you to start suspecting had something happened or was it just this the whole history uh it was part of the history and also I had a GPS on his phone I had it connected to his phone so I could see everything that he did his location all of that and something stuck out to me he was talking to a female over social media and instantly I call the girl I don't even wait to question him I instantly call her so while he's in the gas station yes all this transpired yes Bo these people quick yes what happened so I call the female I plan asked her why are you calling my baby daddy why are you messaging him she says your baby daddy you mean our baby daddy oh Lord Jesus I'm having a baby with him too so like right now yes Mr Randall tag you're it how'd that happen What well I I personally like I said I did admit to her at first I didn't tell her about it because I wasn't for sure it was my my child but you were sure that it could have been I was sure that it could have been but you know at the time I was going to wait till I knew specifically that that was my child but I did admit to her you know my wrong part on that you don't have any choice when the woman just said um Miss thing it's not your baby daddy it's our baby daddy I mean you really have no choice yeah yeah cuz again the baby gonna be there yes yes so you now are dealing with two baby mamas in the middle of your new relationship yes the the second baby Mama's towards the end so we got forgive me for putting it like this we got random baby pick and we got gas station baby yes can I share another example with you there's more yes oh my goodness yes my sister terlain and I we shared a home together early on there was a rumor going around that my sister was sleeping with terlain what I had went away for about a 10mon period okay terain allegedly went back to his ex which is his baby mama uh that he shares two children with I'm going to ask you Mr Randall did you return to your ex no I didn't I did not return to the trees I didn't [Music] [Music] I found this out from one of tain's close family members she was having a sexual relationship with one of the family members and this family member had a girlfriend and I don't know if she just was mad or out of oh yeah they mad everybody mad now cuz yeah she had y'all just sleeping with L and everybody All in the Family like you the Hatfields and the McCoy and you from West Virginia or something this make sense and she called me and just to let you know Ashley terin's sleeping with your sister oh good lord how you get involved in all this mess n i don't cuz you don't know how to keep it in your pants cuz you would not be put in this trick bag if you didn't have the reputation of being somebody that sleep all around one of my jurors is like thank you judge she just couldn't contain her I saw you up there yeah I mean you I I can't lie I've done a lot I've done more than enough to um to kind of hurt this that's not even all your honor that's not all I want to hear from Mr Rand Mr Rand so so like you know I have done a lot and I've tried to get better with time how you trying to get better when this just happened this last baby 20 minutes ago for all practical purposes yeah but I mean all I'm saying is this like I I'm working towards trying to fix my family that's that's no but working towards fixing your family is coming after working towards fixing yourself cuz this Behavior shows a lack of character Mr Randall seriously do you have sons yeah I got I got three three sons how old is the oldest uh 16 16 yeah he's a young man yeah he sees your behavior you're 16- year- old we have a son how old is your son my son is 10 he sees your behavior more importantly he sees your Behavior Mrs Harris your 10-year-old son he thinks this is the way this is normal a woman should be treated cuz that's what he sees and it's irresponsible Mr Randall I'm not sure that people fully appreciate that I feel it's my obligation to at least make you look at a mirror so that you can make good judgment knowing full well that these are the consequences of those actions you see what I'm saying yes ma'am yes ma'am I also have more to share well um I had went away for about a 10-month period okay and I thought train could be faithful to me stay loyal even while I was gone train allegedly went back to his ex which is his baby mama uh that he shares two children with and I have reliable source which at the time had no reason not to believe this and she told me not only is train always over there but he's spending the night okay I'm going ask you Mr Randall did you return to your ex no I didn't I did not return to Latrice I didn't I want to know if train is sleeping with Latrice even to this day I have no idea but I would like answers you know what I'm gonna find out how about that Miss Harrison are you available to talk with the court [Music] hi if you'd like your case to be heard on Divorce Court call us toll-free at 1877 31122 22 or log on to our website at Mr Show Watch full episodes on our streaming platforms and follow us on social media for exclusive [Music] content I just want answers I I I want to know if train is sleeping with Latrice even to this day I I I have no idea but I would like answers you know what I'm going to find out how about that okay um because you say no right Mr Randall I am not and we've asked um Miss Harriston to join us today and I think that um she I know she was not able to join us in person but she was going to be able to join me virtually on phone if I'm not mistaken um Miss Harrison are you available to talk with the court hi can you tell me what is the relationship with both Li litigant with Miss Harrison Mr Randall um train is the father of my 14 and 15 year old daughters okay so these are the teenagers that um are in his life um and do you know Miss Miss Harris yes me and Ashley are good friends now okay and and how did you actually meet the plaintiff how did you meet Miss Harris um cuz I was going through chain phone one day cuz her phone kept ringing this is an end Rel train relationship and that's what finalized it and he told me the truth you know he didn't lie to me he told me he you know he kept it 100 and I just made up that day that I had to leave this man alone and he's he didn't expect the reaction I gave him because I left him alone so wait how did you actually find out I uh I heard there was a phone call yeah I went through his phone and um she called and hung up but I think it kind of startled her because or upset her that a female was even actually answering his phone and I took a picture of me and him together he was actually at my house that day and I sent it to her and I said this the reason why he's not answering the phone she's a really sweetheart and I feel sorry for her because I language long sabotage this girl one one thing I have to say to you though Miss Harrison that was a straight gangster move when you sent that picture though I'mma tell you that that's going to go that's going to go down in the um uh baby mama uh drama not having it book cuz I just I knew he was G to lie well I tell you what a photo will give you the proof and Miss Harris is sitting here crying in the courtroom because she's remembering how that made her feel I'm sure but I'm I'm pretty sure it did I knew it hurt her feelings and that's why I didn't want to argue with her because at the same time I was damag myself because of what I allowed toan to put me through and you know I had to C accountability of that like he's who he is and it's up to me to allow that and that broke me when I realized that I had to open up and accept that you know be accountable for my own actions and let that man go so I kind of that's what that was the empathy that I had with Ashley because I knew he was going to I knew he was going to Destro this girl and it's almost like she walked the path I could have lived and by the grace of God you know I woke up and got away from it Miss Harrison I have to tell you your Insight is absolutely imperative in this situation because um what you say is basically um as Miss Ashley Harris is walking in the footsteps that you walked but you were smart enough to get off that path am I correct yes and I had to be accountable for my actions and stop putting all the blame on him because he's going to be who he is and I have to accept that and my way of accepting that was to leave that man Al I'm going to ask you uh a serious question because Miss Harris wants to know have you and Mr Randall been involved in an intimate relationship um um in the past few years no no no uhuh I had to learn how to accept terain as the man he are so that my children can love their daddy without my interference because at the end of the day that's their father and they're going to have their own assumption and thoughts of their father and I had to get out my feelings over 13 years ago so my babies can grow up with the with the some kind of healthy mindset on who the daddy was because I never had a dad so I wasn't going to strip them from having this piece of daddy that they do have whether he you know was the way he was or not I think Miss Harriston you have just summed it up I appreciate your Insight and I appreciate you clearing up things for Miss Harris and for Mr Randall so that everybody know where everybody stand thank you ma'am I appreciate you yes you have a Wonder [Music] today Miss Harris are you satisfied with Miss Harrison's answers I am I'm now now it's time for Mr Randall to talk to you and tell you what he says he wants to do to save this relationship because this is gonna be up to you at this point Mr Randall well you know um I've done a lot I'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart um we have been working and we came a long way and I'm continue trying to do whatever it takes to make you happy uh you know I've I've became a stay-at-home type of person just for you because I know what I put you through and I promise you you'll never have to go through that again just just let's stick this out let's keep it going because it's something special so I'm sorry for everything I done to you hopefully you forgive me and Miss Harris I don't know whether or not that comes into your heart or not I don't because you might be 100% honest and sincere right what you said um I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt but sometimes when people say I'm sorry it's a little too little too late y because the hurt is too much for them to get over when you hear s you have to be prepared for what that means yeah when you hear I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry the words have no meaning whatsoever like you're too late it's too late there's too much damage done I can't even look myself in the mirror here and like who I see because you broke me down you've broke me down to my knees I fought for this relationship for over a decade there's nothing left there's nothing I have nothing else to give you I have nothing else to give you Miss Harris this is on you but I have to tell you you have to get up off the floor otherwise you're a doormat you have to get up off the floor you cannot allow people to walk over you to stand on top of you to make you feel less than you are there's no reason for you to be so broken that you are so hurt that you don't recognize yourself anymore there's no reason that you have every right to say I deserve more you deserve the flowers and the butterflies and the bunnies and all of that you do every person deserves that in their life and if this man is not the man who can give it to you then take it for yourself and find the person that can that is what you deserve and you have to stand on your own two feet are you ready to claim your life again I am I know it's going to be hard but I have to do it for my kids I have two girls who look up to me I cannot let them grow up and think this is okay to be treated this way from a man that you you love I can't I I can't allow it I can't allow it and you shouldn't you deserve more and those girls deserve more Mr Randall you blew it you lost the best thing that you could have ever had sometimes it's a little too late over a decade of pain I wouldn't want my daughter or family or friend to endure that I can't even imagine how that young lady must be feeling accept a bit of relief cuz it's time to go let's do it to the [Music] left made in Georgia for
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 73,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, court, court drama, star jones, court show, judge star, court tv, relationships, couples, divorce court reality tv, divorce court full epiosdes, funny divorce, divorce court judge lynn toler, judge lynn toler
Id: wFaek5gMd1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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