Girl Friendzones Nice Guy and Regrets It Later

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girlfriend zone's the nice guy she lives to regret her decision can anyone relate huh do we have any nice guys in here that have been friend zoned that are now like the star quarterback on like michigan state or something like come on now that was that was literally a picture of the actor that's right next to her this that's that's literally this guy oh that is that has to be the roughest break i've seen in a long time she's swiping left on you in front of your face and insulting you you don't mind going home alone do you no no no do you need me to hold this dick for you just in case it gets like a little too heavy with its big weight don't do it say no i'm busy having a threesome with two supermodels oh hey man hey what's up bro hey hey you want some flowers i'll call you later i'm just gonna go uh you know throw myself down the staircase i'll leave these at the door though if you don't mind you want them maria's new boyfriend ends up leaving her for another girl why she's now left she finishes the primary realizes that maybe he was the right guy for her all along so she cut out her best friend because she had a boyfriend that's your fault maria oh hey like spider-man 3. tommy mcguire is looking good now you see you see i cared about you all these years yeah yeah you did you never seem to look my way but you'll always be my best friend though oh yeah but that's just a dumb decision right like you know maybe i missed it you see in a relationship why not just take the punani on the side then you know and just be like ah this is good this is an upgrade and then you can do other stuff you know what i mean like it's just he's not making any sense newlywed husband wants a divorce then learns an important truth not going to ask me how my day was yeah oh never mind all right middle school girl you're not going to ask me how my dream was not tonight he just goes for a cuddle on him now i mean she doesn't ask me how my day's been you just make my favorite meals god that that really is bothering me that practically ignores me in bed are you the same person you used to be oh god jesus i just wanted to drink some brewskis and watch some golf at the bar something i gotta do i i didn't need this i'm gonna go divorce her now but thank you for the advice hey dar man fam i hope you loved that video that was a really short one they did not feel like putting effort into that storyline everyone's worried about my yugioh addiction but i think my darman addiction is far more unhealthy spoiled teen hates her b day gift until she learns a shocking tr it's steve been watching no it's the secretary the babysitter that wanted to [ __ ] him and now it's her daughter his daughter oh my god dad is this what i think it is you wanted a car for your birthday yeah a nice car a car not a cheap honda pulling an ugly honda yeah no i agree return that [ __ ] get that out of there thanks for nothing take your shitty honda with you steve the shocking twist was the honda i actually had a ferrari inside of it not even a gold card i know i'm sorry can you believe that anna that was embarrassing to look at wasn't it you see that poor people stuff let's go to britney's now i'm [ __ ] tired of that another car you get her two cars in one day you could totally have afforded something better than a [ __ ] honda steve you see it's okay dad you see i don't need it damn it you see i just learned to be great god damn it dar man a curve ball on this one husband gets side chick pregnant what wife does will shock you does she leave him does she forgive him and raise the child man i it could be anything his car's out front how do you know what his car is kind of car he drives uh-oh she's my she's in my guild give me a few minutes go upstairs no brandon brandon what is she talking about nothing we play games together she's in my halo clan get upstairs i'm so happy that's great i don't know what to say high five i'm gonna be a dad he just immediately forgets his wife honey uh divorce if you don't mind of course naturally oh good you're way ahead of me that's good but all i ever wanted to be was a dad and a gamer what did you expect when you can't even give me that oh oh you see how could you forget why darmian your catchphrase oh there it is i was a little early pregnancy results will you [ __ ] my wife so i can have a son or daughter please i could reveal her his or her gender with a wildfire i knew it i guess i'm just not meant to be a mom that's probably what that means listen to me we can always adopt you know [ __ ] those kids right okay and you would never give up on our baby and instead you cheat on me and you get another woman pregnant i know right so it clearly wasn't me with the infertility issues eliza and our baby are my priorities turns out the baby's not his that's the big shocking darn man twist quickly forgets about jamie nurse gives brandon the paternity test only to reveal zero percent father it turns out liza had been seeing another man the doctor she was seeing the doctor but how i thought you couldn't hey honey where's your friend this is actually steve and ned flanders cosplay yeah i should just let you guys talk i will see you in a few months it starts tickling or being hey sorry yeah sorry brandon just something we like to do you [ __ ] [ __ ] turns out i wasn't the father it turns out it was steve and steve is cheating on jamie with liza and has been the whole time hey dar man fan god i love this lore the extended universe of dar man is so good [ __ ] i can't stop watching joey don't watch tv joey don't drink so much enough is enough joey stop playing with your toys it's not called naggy joey the square goes in the square hole in the toy section i'm gonna go play with some [ __ ] transformers at my new house all right you made him leave i mean it could have been you you know it's quick to point the finger stop making dumbass tick tocks and your father wouldn't be so embarrassed no i can't remember something to call you dinner's funny can i put in my ipad absolutely not the 5g will rot your brain don't study i wish i lived with that and he has so he has so many cool toys and stuff that's right baby i'm talking fortnite i'm talking yep that's about it we don't have electricity here but your new home do your best nice right dad why does it smell so bad in here i don't like flushing the toilet ice cream all day ice cream all day baby my stomach's kind of hurting hey you little [ __ ] i should have dinner first hey you want to see my white van out back it's really cool so i get to drive that wherever i want except within 100 yards of a school i'll say go for but i don't need to be there anyway kevin did you just go to school hey man you want a beer anyway who cares i didn't get good grades like how i turned up hey you want an ice cream i'm good my stomach's been hurting all day and it's not called nagging oh she just wanted to help you like i don't need it listen little buddy we don't use the c word in this house go right back to mom's i'm gonna get some ice cream and you calm down just this once we're gonna break the rules and i'm gonna let you have ice cream before seven ice what don't you ever say that again i'm kind of sick never never say that word nothing beats your home-cooked food thinking about going to disneyland disneyland do you want to go with us nope i'm not allowed actually by law can you go with us i've got ice cream to steal we're not married anymore why i don't want to spend mother's day with you we're not married anymore it's not about us excuse me you remember i [ __ ] left you right eddie james i'm making pasta and ice cream tonight you want some yeah oh baby how do you like that james no flowers for you huh not a big guy wow hey disneyland's not that great of course son i've got ice cream at my place bro [ __ ] disneyland your son what the [ __ ] is the sun i'm talking about my son growing up knowing how to treat women you see the reason i spend time with my ex-wife is and the reason i still do nice things he's reading a doorman book how to treat women the way i treat his mom a five-step guy and also [ __ ] i need to be the kind of person that i won't watch out man [ __ ] this eddie i'm gonna go to disneyland alone and i'm gonna have a great time and i'm gonna catch a basketball game on the way i guess i've never really looked at it i'm out of here now there's something i've got to do you see his ex-wife house is on fire in the next shot as he's just taking another lick of his ice cream cone no for all of us to wear at disneyland disney world you guys oh why we don't whoa i can see in your eyes you've never been on space mountain do you know how i know that james cause i've never been on space mountain that's my dar man's shocking twist i've never been on space mountain suck my [ __ ] dick about it huh how about that how's that for uh hey a divorced dad mistreats his ex-wife shocking truth huh
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,231,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wIDo5bE1C3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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