Man Attempts To Bring 18 Thousand Cigarettes Into The UK | UK Border Force | Real Responders

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every year over a hundred million people go through passport control to get into britain most of welcome and leave many not for the first time on television we go behind the scenes of the UK Border Agency the men and women on the front line immigration tonight lorries carrying more than framed all right guys 60 cracking down illegal workers in London arrested in refusing entry but Heathrow they really have to send you back on the first available flight they will keep killing me with the environment every kill both of us [Music] [Music] london's heathrow handles war International Arrivals and any other airport 50,000 passengers a day arrive at Terminal 3 next place how long will you be staying for most have a legitimate reason to enter Britain [Music] [Applause] many is simply coming along did you just lift your hair I know what but you look like I just wanted there you go fur it's the job of the officers on the past borders to spot those trying to get in illegal immigration officer Lisa lien has been checking passports at Heathrow for the past two years to develop the life of things which don't add up so when you came in January how long did you stay two weeks no you didn't you stayed longer than two weeks sir you were here two months how come you're spending so much time here you spent more time here than you do in Pakistan why all right so I need you to take this piece of paper please I need to make some inquiries okay we need to take a seat over there officer Lee suspects the passenger has been using visit visas to stay longer in Britain than he claims now she wants to dig the little deeper he says he's a business owner in Pakistan running a fruit and vegetable business export business I don't see how he can be doing that when he's spending most of the time in the UK so I'm just gonna work out how much time he's actually been spending here since he got his first visa Oh Oh six weeks he was home I conclude from my investigations that this gentleman's living here he's out 30 months you spent 26 and a half months here of course we don't know what he's actually doing while he's here which is what we're gonna attempt to find out okay sir you come with me please how many bags do you have with you just this one on one other immigration officers have the powers to search luggage for evidence you said you didn't have any documents what's this okay this is a notice from Companies House saying your accounts at you for your company you're supposed to be a visitor in the UK why are you running a company here why have you got this your company yeah is because it's registered here why would they have a detail of your company on the trolley please we're gonna go back upstairs upstairs is where the formal interview rooms are officer Li is now going on record and her visitor has asked for the help of an interpreter when you are here are you spending all your time marketing your business yes cuz I'm not satisfied that you're just visiting the UK UK you haven't given me sufficient information and I don't understand some of your answers I'll be sufficient information my donor is going with mini gage over just which was good well you're not giving me explanations as to why you need the basis of what he's saying is that he's been here pretty much solidly since October 2005 to market his fruit and veg business that he runs in Pakistan he's not had any orders from anyone in the UK for that whole time and yet when asked why he's sending money back to Pakistan he says it's for packaging and boxes even though he's not actually sold anything to package or box he must be doing something to earn money I'm not satisfied about what you've been doing for 26 months because you can't explain so how can I be satisfied of what you're going to do this time there's a high likelihood that he's been told to stick to a simple story we see it quite often it's a it's an unbelievable story and yet if you stick to it what can we do and it's very probable that he's heard through the grapevine don't tell him anything just keep quiet don't try and include too many people in it and if they can't prove anything then you might be alright officer Lee is heard and seen enough for the final decision she will consult her boss the chief immigration officer his sole purpose in coming to the UK is to be a market to market his business in the UK not as a visitor well if that's what he's actually doing if that's what he's doing but we come first we haven't got evidence otherwise we don't have any pay slips or anything like that or any on our numbers or anything like that to say he's working I think he can be posed to be refused I think we can't stand the base of it okay given the right to prepare before removal if he chooses to exercise it in that spot okay the passenger is being refused entry and he will go back to Pakistan the earliest flight is tomorrow morning so he's going to remain in our holding room overnight because unfortunately it's too late now to get him a bed for the night and get him back here in time for the flight which is at 5:00 to 8:00 in the morning okay so this is your the reason why you've been refused entry do you want me to read it to you or would you like it translated we had lots of evidence to work with and whilst we didn't get a confession as to exactly what he was doing we were able to establish that he's not just a visitor and so essentially he's using the UK as a base from whatever he's doing and there's enough reason there two counts on his visa because he stated when he applied for it he would come for a three week holiday and he's spent 26 out of the last 30 months here the passenger was detained overnight and placed on a flight back to Pakistan the following day coming up no hiding place for the clandestine to France we've got one here guys illegal butchers released London and the present moment I'm I'm arresting you on suspicion of overstay okay I'm the man who exceeded his tobacco allowance 200 cigarettes equal eighteen thousand I apologize that yeah [Music] more than five million passengers a year into the UK through the port of Calais for those trying to cross the channel illegally they have almost 5000 trucks a day to choose from the British immigration officers have been based here since 2004 on duty tonight officer Bridget McCarthy Road theme it's their job to check lorries for clandestine as they call okay we carry Freight Lane it's now just gonna help us 4:00 in the morning got tema four of us in the lanes one of the officers is doing the board making down the registration of the vehicle [Applause] and you got tumors doing co2 pros let's put them up inside the soft sided vehicles and seeing if we've got anyone breathing in it if we do get a high reading then we'll be going in on the vehicle what's happening is we both got a high reading on this particular one the driver slept in Kelly's just stated he's got a sealed cord but it's not secured to the seal or padlock but he has got a padlock so we're going to get her go in and just hopefully there's no one here three quarters of all the trucks that come through this Porter stopped and searched in 2007 the border fall stopped nearly 12,000 and s tires no one knows how many get through undetected around this error of France they get different pockets of different nationalities up on the Belgium borders and further into Belgium there's a lot of Indian clandestine hanging around around this area coming into the port and an emotional ways in France and a lot of Afghans and Iran to RP and the illegal entrance claiming to be eretrians the team can check and clear a lorry every two minutes if their co2 probe to pick up someone's of life the search may take a little longer claire had a high reading at the front so that's the reason we're going to be going in now we can need to have the side care enough place the team know from experience that if clandestines have picked up a truck to hide in their route as deep in the side as they can we've got one here guys wanna let the chief know please this door was slightly open but not it wasn't closed properly and we pulled it and inside we've got a young male Eritrean that's in here he's fine it's a bit distressed at the moment and upset I think he's only upset because we found him love him that's all but we're going to get him out now haven't talked to him technology tortured by more guys there's more than one guys going so many people speak English please two boys at least boy said a shower for at least four inside machinery we all we can see at the moment I think one of our people here might be a female guys where did you get in anybody gonna speak to me this morning no not been in there myself at the moment I went for the officers to keep searching it but it looks like it's some sort of cognitive generator gonna start getting them out oh boy be careful sweetheart be careful breach clandestine the truck driver and freight company and be given a fine to the sales of pounds you speak English now English okay no problem all right sweetheart looks like we have got a theme out here oh and she's a baby as well she's a young young one it is a difficult I mean my priority is a chief information officers to make sure that these illegals party number one they've been inside a sealed container there for some time like they they look healthy up to know just having it there whether my poster see I personally don't have a personal opinion one I'm at work as to their reasons for coming you know we've got a job to do and we do the job to the best of our ability and they're not supposed to be traveling this way undocumented to the UK and we have to do our job to stop them we don't take any pleasure in it it's just a job we do we get on and do it that's it talking tonight all got different reasons why I want to come to the UK some of them claiming it's because in their own country they're being danger either mortal danger or going to prison something like that so they don't want to send their own country so then runs the impression that would be a much better life if they make it into the UK there's much more opportunities for them to have a family to find work except for an education sometimes so they've all got individual reasons we've got to do this job here not just to stop them getting to the UK but we have to do it for their safety as well I mean this could have been a refrigerated vehicle that they've got into unknown the driver could have put the fridge on lay a date and you know could have been fatal please the for eretrians are not carrying any identification if they were the French authorities could remove them from French soil all they can do in this case is remove them from the port almost every minute from 5:00 in the morning to midnight a plane load of passengers arrived at Heathrow offices in customs have stopped a couple have come into the country their bags to the difference too it is three years as an immigration watch Tim whether never seen a hole like [Applause] they've had three suitcases which are down there and the entire contents is all this as you can see we've got 18,000 cigarettes here and then the rest here 27.6 kilos of rolling tobacco which is what customs have now seized which is why it's all bagged up apparently the sort of duty value on that is just over 10,000 pounds which is what they've obviously avoided by paying and worth trying to make their profits by selling on when they got into the UK and that's all they've had in their bags so some it's a fairly substantial amount you know there's there's no argument that this was for personal consumption obviously this much is obviously they're coming here to sell it officer whether we lead the investigation and the motive a visit Hayley's boss Sarah Dyson the chief immigration officer who decide their fate they had three bags with them all of which just complained contain nothing but cigarettes and tobacco so they have no plays nothing like that five days they've got return tickets of Ryan's doing this well she's about sub revenue passport for her she's not travelled before he came here in March and he also came in 2006 where he had to sort of quite post trips to each other taking through his travel history since 2000 to get a picture of how often he travels and where he travels because traveling is why stupid it was but it's still not sure and I'd be interested how he funds these many and varied trips across the world yeah if not through cigarette smoke the man comes from Mumbai India why are you coming over to the UK today today I came because of my eye I want to tool for my wife for five days the flag icon I bought your wife for tour for five days yes why than in your luggage did you have so many cigarettes with you is my big mistake sir because of mine I've come from India then a lot take me money that's why I bring some of my friend told me that you will take a tour signal I think there is 200 Cardone singers alone know if you're allowed 200 cigarettes you bought 18,000 there's quite a difference there between 280,000 isn't there if I tell you that the total amount of tax that you would have to pay on all those cigarettes I don't that tobacco is just over ten thousand pounds you understand that yeah so what you attempted to do today was to defraud the British government out of ten thousand pounds you understand how serious that is I'm apologizing and really apologize and I'm sorry for the whole country that I'm really apologize why should I bring my wife and blue light it's such a bad thing because she has a suitcase as well you can fit more in well so she can bring suitcases as well and you can fit more in what because if you bring your wife actually then has a suitcase as well so you can carry more you go he was annoying and also if you bring your wife you may think that you would be less suspicious to customs wrestlers to be stopped they're not fair anything I watch whatever being said to get away with it and sell and you make money no matter would make money sir that I only want not only that was the main reason you bought them was to get money may I want to ask for the money I'm going up my new zone so do you honestly expect me to believe you when you tell me that you brought cigarettes into this country for currency exchange yeah officer weather rule now has all the evidence to put before the chief immigration officer either they already have a buyer lined up there and I'm just gonna drop this whole load off with the buyer and take away what I think will be a substantial profit yeah they won't be doing it otherwise it's got to be for profit yeah if I didn't have the cigarettes with them on in no doubt they wouldn't be stood here today that you know that is the main reason they're coming here for we can't do change of purpose okay and I think we need to try and find a flight tonight for them but they're India once officer wetherall's found flights to India for the couple it will inform them they're being sent back hyung preventing those who try to get into britain illegally is one thing tracking down arresting and deporting those who've managed to slip through the net is quite another that's where the enforcement team comes in today they're targeting butchers in East London an operation led by immigration officer Vicki Lacy intelligence suggests that in my own policy had our meat has a history of employing illegal workers we've previously been to this address it was in September last year where we arrested four subjects there were ten people encountered so it's quite a busy butchers okay let's go it's predominantly Asian population Pakistani Indian Bangladeshis it's a very tight community it's a very busy shopping street we're going to we were just generate a lot of interest from being there we've had feedback from people that we previously arrested say oh we knew you were coming because you know pick the phone start going the vans are on the roads is it going to be us next so it should be interesting if an employer has not made that required check his workers he can be fine ten thousand pounds for its illegal worker found on these premises morning gentlemen for the Immigration Service okay just serving somebody so make your way towards the rusty or colleagues first please I'm the officer in charge today obviously we visit children mrs. last year my surname with you we've speaking to the staff yeah we actually know from before we've been here before at Pearson managers got all these records into order everyone's been cleared to left to finish immigration officer Jimmy our maid has doubts about one worker the man claims he doesn't need a work permit because it's being adopted by a British citizen okay adopting you what's their name your adoption your uncle okay hold on me and what's his name I used you sir what use of mr. used full name would you miss VCU's mr. Yusuf there needs to be obviously he's got more than just mr. Yusuf what's his full name it is at the moment we can't find you on our system Germain and we can't find him so if you have anything that could speed up the process any documentation that he's given to you either passport or less from the Home Office that'd be brilliant but your adoption application was it refused so what was it because there's no way that your application is still running from 1996 that's impossible okay all right just so at the moment you don't have any right to be in the UK okay are you aware of that fact I work with me you came here in 95 it made an application in 96 for adoption yeah that was refused okay then you applied again and that was refused as well yes at the moment you don't have any state so at the present moment I'm I'm arresting you on suspicion of overstaying okay enforcement officers have the power of arrest and this illegal worker now faces deportation and the team is satisfied the employer has done all can't check the lien status workers from being here before we didn't have any records been arrested for his staff he's now in compliance with the new legislation the whole point of what we do isn't really to go work is to find offenders but also to make sure that people are in compact with the new illegal working legislation so yeah he's doing well coming up surprising consignment in Calais using employers who believe workers things not looking good for you at the moment I'm gonna serve you a fine okay of fifty thousand pounds and the tobacco smuggler gets desperate analyze the country if you like I keep myself [Music] and he throws Terminal three the couple carrying 18,000 cigarettes and 27 kilos of tobacco are waiting to hear their faint officer whether or must tell them that we'll be put on a plane back to India tonight I'm not expecting him to take you particularly to be honesty I'll turn out that he's upset but at the same time you can't really argue with you know the facts they've tried to evade over 10,000 pounds worth of duty in the UK he didn't give them a visa to come here with sell cigarettes and that's what they're coming here to do obviously you were issued with visitors visas to come here on holiday the fact that you have all those cigarettes and tobacco with you and you've stated or intended to sell that on that basis we've been refused to leave to enter the UK today we're not going to allow you to come into the country legally we have to send you back on the first available flight and that's what we're gonna do today there's a funny funny if we fight would they be kidding me with the Indian government they kill both of us there will be a me behind the bar it is too much tension in India if you to feel not entry for 200 theaters you and you will train me I don't know what my Achilles I explain to you when I was interviewing me that you need to be fully forthcoming and honest with me they need to tell me the truth you haven't mentioned anything about that I put like this me they will kill me but they were no Indian government's case of a cigarette too much harassment in India I said please don't believe me okay you made that decision to bring those cigarettes into into the this country yeah but right now you made that decision and that was your decision okay and as such you have been refused leave to enter this country and are being returned to India there is nothing that we've done those are the rules if you like do did I try to keep myself here sir why don't I go there too is too much trouble over yes right here come back and speak to you later okay when I was talking to he said shall I just kill myself now then and I'm not sure how flippant the remark was I'm not sure how serious he was but obviously if if you know if someone in immigration detention is making threats like that we can't just ignore it obviously Sarah is just going to go and have a chat with the passenger now sort of explain things to him to see whether all that comes and down listen okay as far as the law is concerned there is no flexibility okay your visas are cancelled and you have to go back to India if they are still saying that they feel under threat from the Indian authorities then they need to explain that to us in a bit more detail new hospital visits officer I will kill myself saying okay ci modal first a minute Lennon I'm coming from 80s to a steam country I hear you listen before my 80s record I didn't do anything wrong it in the end but it's my so okay you're getting so upset that I'm stinking that you are much more worried about going back to India because you believe something will happen to you the man's claims take the investigation to a new level chief immigration officer Dyson on officer Wetherill must make sure the couple understand their options the claims that you've made of severe serious I need a decision these are the options that you have if you think in your heart of hearts that you will be killed when you return to India then you have no choice but to claim asylum in the UK if you are not genuinely in fear of your life you need to you need to return home to India and that is you know that it is a decision that you have to make okay are we in agreement that you are actually asking for asylum here is that what you're asking for sir say yes or no there's no problem yes so you want political correct you mean passport I will go and go on counter and I will add in my birthday for ticket and then I will take my passport and I will go the man's changing demand suggest to the officers that his fear of returning to India is not genuine I've given your options we've discussed things at great length make your decision and we will process that decision make your decision now okay booth first option is you go back to India tonight and I get the officer to speak to the airline and ask them ask them that's the captain if you will give you your passports back okay so that you can quietly present them yourself the next option is you tell me that you're in fear of your life and you want to sign them we will listen to your claim for asylum it will be processed properly and heard fairly but you'll be detained until the outcome third option is you tell me that you don't want to sign them okay but you won't go tonight quietly then I'll have no option okay to it arranged escorts for you two people who will go with both of them maybe even four people will go with both of you and you'll be in handcuffs and you will go back tomorrow they want to go the passengers have said that they will go on the fly as long as they can be reunited with their passports to go home I was just checking that there the airline are ok to give them their passports so they can arrive in India as normal arriving passengers but been refused entry because their visas are not valid for the purpose for which entry was sought i coming to sell goods and i just satisfy myself they'll be treated ok when they get to India it's been eight hours since the tobacco smokers were caught by customs their deal with immigration means the only thing the Indian authorities will know is that they will refused entry to Britain because they changed the purpose of their visit [Music] in Calais the search team is coming to the end of their nightshift rush hour restarting truck drivers had morning fairies after a few hours rest it sounds like our colleagues have got some mats another never find of people in the shed next door so hard sided vehicle as well hello guys it's a huge fool and the clandestine I haven't even bothered to try and conceal themselves basically you can't see the back of the lorry because it's just so many them in there just sat on top of her load of yogurts right guys can we have a Mac one at a time come on gentlemen the team regularly stops Afghan is from entering Britain legally of all the clandestine is called at carlow more from Afghanistan than any other country very pleasant guys they don't seem an deterred by you know I think they'll be glad that they're being found yeah everything's fine you know again the main concern is with the people you find in the back of these units what's happening as the guys are going in to make sure that it is all clear before they declare the vehicle clear we've got a load of of chilled goods for supermarkets that have obviously been damaged a little but not not major yeah it's just chocolate desserts two episodes Panna cottas profit or roles as you know this is a refrigerated vehicle it's running it plus to overlay between class 2 and class 5 it is cold there well wrapped up and I've just put my hands in there so it is pretty cold evidence said they've been in there a little while it's and not not very hygienic obviously but they've been quite careful in filling a bottle like that all control keeps a record of every clandestine found each with photographed and fingerprinted before being handed over to the French authorities just got nowhere else to portland i was just such a big number where we need to process them now now we've entered said that server core with the sixteen clandestine saul of Afghani origin all-male in fairly big drum cement mixers this is a big fight we've handed them over now to ACS you're our export team they're going to take them into the detention room one at a time g4s will search them put me in detention that's going to be a long process as we know these 16 we took the tape maybe denim all 16 Afghanistan of them carrying ID are escorted out of the port free to join the clandestine community in Calais [Music] and free to try another day across the channel illegally in East London the enforcement team is gearing up for another surprise visit once again thereafter butchers and illegal word showing method arrests to go back to the rear and if you can do your rear cover again any questions let's rock and roll we've not is it this place before it's quite a big butchers like the last one it'd be the same method as before round up the staff have a chat see if the management have got their records in order let's go everyone then you come sweep from the holeshot turns up 10 butchers for the team to check out sir can you stand over here for me right we're talking everyone I suspect this Imagi he doesn't have a name prospective doctor at the time of his papers only pays you earn which is no good to us so we'll get after to the whole shebang your visa was it for when did you get the visa five years five years ago so you've overstayed four and a half years yeah my mind all right did you get the visa yourself again you come by an agent he's admitted enter in the UK five years ago using somebody else's passport with his photograph on it in it he's since not approached a home office to sort he stay out so I'm gonna now interview but this is my colleague who speaks our language and we'll take from there I don't believe what you told me okay the home office checks have come back and there's no trace of you've been issued a visa okay do you understand that you went to the UK illegally [Music] and two deities currently live in unity what you've told me from this side into it okay I'm gonna have to arrest you right when they UK illegally arrested overstaying their visas they will come in holiday visas nine times I have to tell may turn up with you no more they say they're here for holiday they produce a return ticket I get a job when they don't go home that's why they've been arrested today phase of them have passports we will aim to put them into a detention center and understand now the team's attention times they manager have you made any application on his behalf to stay in the UK when you told him you would do that's why he's overstating you said you're going to help him [Music] this gentleman I was giving you you said you'd make an application just told us the process of the shop I told him not to go back to you back to that Gustavo he's gonna sort his work out well we just spoke it to the boss he said he's got his passport he hasn't done anything about it as the poor guy here has been given the wrong advice and that's why I've asked mr. Emmett can you please terminate that cool place right okay I need the documents for the people that you're the documents of the people downstairs yeah things aren't looking good for you at the moment okay I'm gonna serve you a fine okay of 50,000 pounds now if you have that kind of money to throw away then you know you've got basic you're gonna have to prove that you've done all the relevant immigration checks to employ these people legally and from what I've seen at the moment you don't have that hmm all right so you're gonna have to contact your solicitor with the arrest of a sixth illegal worker the manager could have another ten thousand pounds added to his fine coming up the man who claimed he's got a personal message for the Queen and the enforcement team hunting for a passport by more than they bargain God [Music] in her three years at Terminal three immigration officer payloads believes he's seen every trick in the book but now his face with the visitor from Turkey who says he's got an official but personal message for the Queen this gentleman's turned up from Istanbul he claims that he's coming to visit the royal family to deliver an invitation to the opening of a yacht club we don't have a problem with that as such so long as one who's expected and two that it's obviously a genuine occasion I wouldn't expect to be invited to something with a letter like this its language is colorful it's some uneven square on the paper and given the nature what he says he's coming to do contact remember the royal family there are obviously security issues and safety issues so we do have to go into this a little more carefully the person you need to talk to is this the Christopher son of us because he's the only contact that I have selected for the Queen that's the letter that's the official coffee no no it's sealed this is why we're hand delivering it because it was hand sealed with our wax thing that's why we're delivering because it just wouldn't go in the mail seems really genuine doesn't he I think I'm a bit more convinced now that when I saw that one it was just on the back of that paper I thought even I liked to her majesty and I'll say that a third letter I think I don't think she's going to go to that opening live I told you she'll be the big tube you think so only next month never phone booking in Palace before I've got a valid reason to call the royal household hello sir I'm calling from immigration at Heathrow Terminal 3 hi sir and are you expecting anyone today to be coming to the palace you know he really is doing that he really is doing that ya know while we were just a bit shocked because um when the gentleman came to the desk and said that he was coming to deliver something to the Queen and obviously we have had some cases in the past where that's not been the case and so we just wanted to make sure that that was true all right thank you very much sir thanks bye we know perhaps of a guy that has a problem with the royal family but nor do we have anybody who's really expected yet other than to deliver something to the side door yeah so is this kind of the stock answer they give if you want to deliver something this is how you would deliver it to the side door from that then it's all down to what we think of him and how he comes across and you say comes across as very plausible and genuine yeah I would like to speak to you but I think we do need to speak to him [Applause] the enforcement team has raided two butchers and made seven arrests but five of the detainees don't have passports which the team needs to remove them from the country they have no choice but to grant them temporary release no more working all right I like to work we got detention space at all which is a normal case so the decision was made to release him to sign on at our office on a weekly basis until these applications decided arrested today five have been given temporary release to Beckett house which is an equivalent of kind of like a police bail another two are being detained to be removed back to Pakistan and we're going on to do a house search for one of them now this worker has told the officers he does have a passport and anyone in just want yours yeah that's what's in there he hasn't told us hunger is cruel you know the roaches God is guy that was arrested and he's holiday my visit visa which expired one eighth of February 2007 it's time for him to go home the two detained illegal workers a later contemporary release until their removal from Britain can be confirmed four of the five released on the street not complied with reporting conditions they've been circulated absconded on the police nasty computer the owner of the butcher's was fined twenty five thousand pounds [Music] even though Buckingham Palace has confirmed they're expecting a visitor from Turkey to deliver a letter for the Queen Officer Lomas must make sure he is genuine so why have you decided to come over to bring the letter rather than just post it because it will make better impression you know it makes a better impression if someone gets on an airplane flies for hours brings an envelope that's been sealed with wax which is an ancient kind of tradition that even if the Queen says you know I can't make it you know she might send somebody else she might say you know that's you know pretty interesting that someone who didn't know just to make an impression can I just borrow this document yeah for eternity shortly I'm doing this to make things a bit quicker I'm happy that he's coming to do what he says he's coming to do the people he's coming to see are happy for him to come and do it he's likely to return when he says he's going to return and as an as a shield immigration officer that's all I'm interested in he's happy he understands why we stopped him there we go sir look with your left half thank you very much okay bye sir okay they're protecting your Majesty's borders the one who's going to get close to the royal family and they that makes sense too but I wish you took the shorter time [Music]
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 580,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police, uk police, uk border force, 999, imigration, british, uk border force season 1, airport, Heathrow Airport, uk border force Heathrow Airport, nothing to declare, border, patrol, security, trafficking, documentary, smuggler, caught, locked up, arrested, international, caught smuggling, border patrol, airport patrol, border arrest, drug smugglers caught, caught at border, border security, front line, customs border, locked up abroad, border agency, united kingdom
Id: Z2k-pq2t4DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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