Woman Says She Likes Her Men With A "Dash" of Ugly (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. -Hello, Your Honor. -Hello. This is the case of<i> Valentin v. Jordan.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. [audience] Good day. Ms. Valentin, you are here to prove your three-and-a-half-month-old son, Michael Jordan, is the defendant's biological child. You claim Mr. Jordan did not deny your son until you moved on and began dating other men. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Jordan, you claim you have always known you are not Michael's biological father after discovering a text message Ms. Valentin sent to another man. -Is that correct? -Yes, ma'am. So, Ms. Valentin, tell the court. why did you open today's case? Um, because I know I'm 100% sure that Michael is the father of my baby Michael. So, Mr. Jordan, you don't believe you are little Michael's biological father? No, not at all. That is not my kid. [Valentin] That is a lie because this whole pregnancy and after birth, you begged me to name him after you. <i> And you've been there through my pregnancy,</i> <i> and you've been there after he was born.</i> <i> I mean, you cut his cord.</i> <i> So, if you want to keep lying in front of this judge,</i> it's gonna cause problems for you outside this courtroom. -So, I suggest that you tell the truth. -Yes. -I'd suggest that you tell the truth. -Yes, I was there. I was there during the pregnancy. I was there during the pregnancy, but that was because if it was my kid and I wasn't there, then I would feel bad. But if it is my kid, I would rather be there throughout everything. But I wanted the paternity test from the beginning. And I begged you several times to get it. Right when I had him, "Swab his mouth, send it off." -You didn't do it. -You moved to Chicago. -You didn't! No, that's a lie. -[Judge Lake] Okay, wait, wait. How did you all even meet? How did you get together? Okay. So, I went on a dating app, okay? I did. I went on a dating app 'cause I was looking for a one-night stand, 'cause that's all it was supposed to be. So, you know, I was on the dating app, and I saw Michael. And I swiped right on him, and apparently he had swiped right on me as well. So, you know, I like my men... I like 'em with a dash of ugly and stuff, and it's like he fit the description 'cause he had a beautiful... He had a beautiful smile, -but he had a little dash of ugly that I liked. -Wait, wait, wait. I think that's a first. I've never heard that. You say you like your men with a dash of ugly? -Yes. -[audience laughing] -Ugly, right. -[Valentin] It's only a dash. He's still a very handsome man. He has a very beautiful smile, -but he still has a dash of ugly. -[Judge Lake] "Dash." [Valentin] Just a dash. He's not ugly. He has a dash of ugly. -Okay. -He's very handsome, but, you know... -You know how men are. -Is the ugly outside -or inside? -[Valentin] Little bit of both. A little bit of both. -[Judge Lake] Ah. -You got it all around, though. In my day, we used to say, "We don't like 'em too pretty." -[Valentin] Exactly. -You alls, it's "a dash of ugly" now. -[Valentin] Right. Exactly. -Yeah. Yeah, I get it. I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it. So, how soon after you swiped did you meet him? [Valentin] The... The next... -The same night. It was the same night. -No, same night. -Yeah. -It was the same night. -[Jordan] We did what we did that night. -I paid for his cab. I sure did. I paid for his cab -to come over my house. -Yeah, that you did. Because it was gonna go on my terms. Like, I paid for it so he can come. And it was the very same night. Like I said, it was only supposed to be a one-night stand. -If she gonna do it for me-- -[Judge Lake] But, wait. Now, Ms. Valentin, you weren't paying for no taxi for no man you saw on a dating website to come to your house? But we had protected sex, Your Honor. -[Judge Lake] You had protected sex? -We had protected sex. No, I'm talking more about you didn't know who he was coming to your new house. But I had just wanted a one-night stand. -I wasn't really thinking about all of that. -Her kids were asleep. -All right, so, wait, let me understand. -Don't bring them up in this -'cause that ain't got nothing to do with this. -Listen. Hold on, hold on. When he gets there, you say that night you have the one-night stand, -but you used protection. -We did use protection, Your Honor. -We did. -Then what happened? Um, we had sex a lot more. We started hanging out some. He came over one night and he was eating my... Then we did have unprotected sex that same night. You don't-- All right, she lying. She is lying for a fact. That is not true, Your Honor. -You really gonna lie like that? -You want to say I'm lying? -You want to say I'm lying? -Never has that ever happened. -That has never, ever happened in your life. -It did happen. -You wish it did. -It happened on several occasions. -You wish it happened. -It happened on several occasions. No, it never happened. Never happened. -Oh, my Lord! -[Jordan] Never in my life. -[Valentin] It happened on several occasions. -Order in the court. Let's get some order in the court. -It still happens. -[Judge Lake] Okay. So... [Valentin] Just admit it. Just admit it. I appreciate you being detail-oriented, Ms. Valentin. So, we know you were having sexual relationship. At what point did this turn into a sexual relationship which was unprotected? Because... -The beginning of March. -A few weeks later. All right. And then, Mr. Jordan, how did you find out Ms. Valentin was pregnant? I came home one night, and she had somebody living with her. -I had never met the man one day in my life. -Oh, you're lying! -No, you're lying. -[Judge Lake] Wait, you said you came home. -Because you never lived with me. -I came home one night. -She didn't know I was coming. -You're a liar. 'Cause every time you came over, you called my phone. -Hey. -No. Let me talk. I let you talk, let me talk. -Okay, so you came to her house... -[Jordan] Yes, ma'am. -...one day unannounced. -[Jordan] Yes, Your Honor. And what happened? Well, I'm knocking on the door, nobody's coming. The light's off upstairs. Now, I see a light come on. So, I'm like, "Who's this?" Somebody with hair like mine, he came downstairs, and she followed behind with a broom. I'm like, "Okay. I see what's been going on." He opened the door. The first thing I asked, "Who is he?" She's like, "No, he's here for the kids. He's babysitting the kids. He was cleaning up my house." This and that. So, I'm like, "All right." I didn't think too much of it. I started walking upstairs. Tell me why ESPN was playing in her room with messed up sheets? Your Honor... She don't know. She don't watch basketball. She never watched basketball. Can you even name an NBA player? Besides LeBron James. -What about Michael Jordan? -Michael Jordan. -[laughter] -Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan. -Yeah. -Yeah, she can. -[Valentin] Okay. -Well, anyway, after that happened, we had unprotected sex that same night, and I did not talk to her no more for two weeks because of that. [Judge Lake] Wait, wait, wait. You got into the sheets you thought another man had just got out of? -It was on the counter, Your Honor. -Why did I ask? -It was on the counter. -Why did I ask? [Valentin] It was. It was on the counter. After that, I would not talk to her. Then she came to me with a paper and she said, "Come here. I gotta show you something." She showed me her pregnancy test. She showed me a couple of them. How long after the unprotected sex night did she give you the paper? I wouldn't talk to her because I saw -a man over at her house. -That's a lie. And she kicked the man out just to get me to come back. -That's a lie. -'Cause she knew I had a job, she knew I'd keep money around. Michael, you... [stammering] -You have no income! You have no income! -What money do you have? -I make money off features, you have no income whatsoever. -What money do you have? -What money do you have? -What money do you have? I pay her bills, electric bill, -gas bill, water bill. -'Cause you borrowed money from me. -I pay it all. -Okay. All right. -I bought her kids food. -[Judge Lake] Okay. You ain't ever bought my kids a damn thing. Oh, so all the restaurants we went to? -I took her and her kids out. -But anyway, that's the way he was thinking. [Judge Lake] Okay, one at a time. I'm gonna give Ms. Valentin a chance to respond to your testimony, -Mr. Jordan. -[Valentin] Back to what he was saying. -Okay. -So, while I was living back in Chicago, yes, I had somebody that I was involved with previously. We were no longer involved for months at a time. Months. So, yes, he came down because that's the only other man besides my kids' father who has ever been around my kids. No other man. He is the third man who has only ever been around my kids. So, yes, he came to my house, and he... My friend was there. I had a three-bedroom town house at the time, so I had only one TV. So, if him and my son wanted to watch TV, they were gonna have to watch my TV 'cause there was no other one. -My witness told me he's seen multiple men-- -And this particular... -This multiple-- -Coming out of her house. -Hold on. -This select witness that he bring with him today, I didn't meet till I was already pregnant. [Judge Lake] You brought this witness, and I want to hear from him. Please stand, sir. State your name for the court. Step over to the podium. -Elijah Kreps. -[Judge Lake] Okay, Mr. Kreps, what do you know about this situation? Well, I actually got an exhibit I'd like to show you. -Oh, you brought an exhibit? -[Kreps] Yes, ma'am. Yes, please step over to your exhibit. Let's see this exhibit. So, let me see what Mr. Kreps has to offer -on this exhibit. -[Kreps] I'd go to my friend's house. He lived in the same apartment complex she did. He lived right over here. She lived right over here. And in order for me to get to and from his house, I'd have to go this way to go to the bus stop. And when you would walk past, what is your testimony? I'd see men coming in and out of her house. -[audience] Whoa... -Your Honor. [Kreps] On multiple occasions, Your Honor. Did you, during that time, -have different men coming in and out? -No. -[Jordan] Who is Pizza King? -[Kreps] Exactly. -[Jordan] The pizza place texted you. -[Valentin] I didn't talk to him except for the beginning before I met you. -Before we even started really talking like that. -No, I knew him. -I checked messages. -And why are you bringing his social media up? 'Cause that's his social media. -You don't even know his name. -That is not his social media. That's the name you gave him. [Valentin] What do you mean, that was not social media? -That wasn't even text messages. -No, no, that was not. -That was not, at all. -That wasn't even text messages. [Judge Lake] Okay, I have a question. I didn't even have his number. -Hold on. -You had his number and his messages! -No, it was his number. -[Judge Lake] Hold on. -Who is Pizza King? -[Jordan] I don't know. -I never found out who Pizza King was. -No, I never met him. She's like, "It's the restaurant texting me." -I never met him in person. -I've seen the messages. No... They ain't texting you. -No restaurant texts. -Talking about to not come over tonight. You're talking about a restaurant. You're talking about his social media. I never had his number. But who is Pizza King? Some boy I ignore 'cause he blows my phone up. [Jordan] She try to cover up, absolutely, Your Honor. What did you see her texting to Pizza King? They was talking about linking up, meeting up, at the house, that she supposedly don't bring men over. -So, what did you read? -[Valentin] I think you were the only man -that was there. -What did you read? It was like, "Baby." Like, just emojis and stuff like that. -Like, "Not come over." -Oh, you're such a liar. -Why would I lie about this? -You are such a liar. You've been lying this whole time we've been here, -so why not keep lying? -The baby is probably Pizza King's. -Why not keep lying? -It's definitely not mine. [Valentin] You've been lying-- Every word that has came out of your mouth has been a lie since we've been here. -And you're gonna keep lying! -[Jordan] No, that was you. You have to remember this is gonna really affect your real life. It's gonna affect you. People are gonna know what type of person you are. -[Judge Lake] Okay, hold on now. -The same day I met you, I slide in? -[Judge Lake] Listen, listen. -[Jordan] Is that how it work now? -[Judge Lake] Hey, hey. -Yeah, that's how it works. [Jordan] You have multiple men over there. -Let's get some order. -[Jordan] I'm sorry, Your Honor. First I'd like to say, this is real life. 'Cause y'all are really getting on my nerves in real life. Y'all are wearing me out. I want to understand, but that screaming and hollering at the top of your lungs, y'all could have done that before you came. You got a little baby here named Michael Jordan, named after you, and you're sitting up, acting this way, saying now it's Pizza King's baby. And all of this, this is a living, breathing person. This is real life right here. <i> A beautiful little boy,</i> <i> and you're saying you're not his father,</i> and yet, he has your name, you were at the hospital, you said he cut the umbilical cord. [Valentin crying]<i> He signed the birth certificate.</i> [Judge Lake]<i> What are you feeling, Ms. Valentin?</i> Because he's lying, and he's doing this to hurt me. He's doing this to hurt me. He's been in love with my son since he was born. And he has pictures of him everywhere, all over his social media, <i> and he asks me for pictures of him all the time.</i> [Judge Lake]<i> So, why do you think he's denying him?</i> [Valentin]<i> Because of his friends!</i> -Because of his friends. -That have nothing to do with... Oh, you think people are getting in his ear and giving him reason to doubt the baby. You feel like if it was just him having to make his own decision-- [Valentin] He has reasonable doubt. -He does. -We talked about it. -Okay. -He does have reasonable doubt. Because my friend was over there. He was. And if I'm gonna admit to it, why am I gonna lie about something else? I've been honest with everything I've said. He was there, and he did live with me. So, is this is a friend you've been intimate with at some point? A long time ago, yes. And I admitted to that. We did have a sexual relationship months, months before. -Months before he came down. -She never told me that, Your Honor. -Yes, I did! -She never told me. She denied it. She said he's just a babysitter. She used him, she finessed him to clean up the house, and he cooked for her. Because that's all he used to do. He used to cook for my kids and he used to clean my house. You said yourself, he does have a reason to doubt, but you're saying that that is not what you were doing. -This is not what I was doing. -Now... Okay, I get it. Mr. Jordan, your doubt is fueled by that occurrence you witnessed. -Yes. -And also, by your friends saying men are coming in and out, -and also the text messages you got with Pizza King. -[Valentin] What text messages? -He says he saw the text-- -You don't have text messages. You should have screenshotted it and sent it to your phone, like you did everything else. I keep everything-- -She told another man that she was pregnant. -If there's text messages... -If there's text messages of where-- -This is before I even knew that she was pregnant. She told another man that she was pregnant after he took her key and went back to Chicago with the key. First of all, that didn't even happen -when I met you. -That did happen. You know it happened. That happened in December when he bring-- -[Valentin] You're lying. -Mr. Jordan, Ms. Valentin, stop. You all are proving why I always say that sex is not an after-school activity. It's not an extracurricular activity. It's not soccer, it's not baseball, it's not bowling. It's serious. You don't just get on the computer and decide, "Oh, I'm gonna have sex today," because it turns into this. And now, we've got a little person. Look at this beautiful baby. I don't want him to grow up in this level of negativity and drama. Mr. Jordan, what are your intentions? If this baby is yours, do you plan to be a dad or do you plan to just do this? Yes, I will be there. And she knows that for a fact 'cause I've been there through every single doctor's appointment. -I've been there at the pregnancy. -Okay, lie again, 'cause you weren't there for all my doctor's appointments. Jerome, let's get the results. Here you go. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Valentin v. Jordan...</i> When it comes to three-month-old Michael Jordan... it has been determined by this court, Mr. Jordan, you... are the father. That's your beautiful little boy. -He's just precious. -Yes, he is. -And he doesn't deserve this. -[Valentin sniffles] Y'all got to get this together. -This is messy. -I'm sorry. This is... You know what? I'm taking it all the way to ignorant. This is ignorant. 'Cause y'all now just yelling to hear yourselves talk. And this little beaut... Look at this beautiful baby. And that's one thing you need to understand. Whatever you do to each other, you do to him. Once you bring life into this world... Y'all swiping right, swiping right, now, you got to live right. Now you gotta parent right. He's here now. And I'm looking at his little face. Look at that joy. Y'all are gonna yell and scream the joy out of the child. 'Cause you sure enough did it to me today. So, we gonna stop. Go talk to Dr. Jeff. Figure out what's what. You're not gonna solve everything that happened in the past. You don't have to be together. Just because you share a child doesn't mean you have to share a bed. That is not what we have to do. But we do have to learn to communicate. We have to learn how to cooperate. And we have to get clarity about how we move forward in the best interest of this child. Are we clear? [both] Yes, Your Honor. Thank you. I wish you all the very best. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 2,243,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: Rqyi7dNjsyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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