Making Smoky Andouille Sausage for a Crawfish Boil in New Orleans — Prime Time

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I watched part of it before work and I like what I saw. Not the most authentic andouille but I’ve made pure pork meat without ponce in it at one of my other jobs so I suppose it’s a thing but I’d like for some die hard sausage lovers to experience the real deal.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/marsatomic 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
Louisiana is the home of andouille we got jambalaya crawfish boils gumbo you can use it in virtually anything so we're gonna head up to Wayne Jacob smokehouse and Laplace Louisiana then we're gonna head back to New Orleans to hang out Mason and Turkey in the wolf throw up in crawfish boil and maybe we'll have another beer or two we're here between Jacob smokehouse we are gonna learn from Jared the owner and Brian the butcher how to make traditional and Dewey on Dewey andouille on Dewey Dewey I'm doing I've been pronouncing it wrong for years what makes Laplace the andouille capital of the world at one time I think they're probably like 10 or 15 or maybe more places that were selling it really yeah it's down to about three or four now it has been made in this area for over 200 years it was brought with the French in the 1700s but probably in this area it's been since you know the early 1800s so this is something that we make in the shop andouille is something that's so specific to your cuisine and like I've never truly had the authentic thing before so and even regionally here it varies from from here to you know an hour from here in Lafayette so what makes andouille Unduli what's special about it as far as always a concern it's a it's a leaner still got to be pork we use it in a beef intestine or beef casing which is gonna give a unique flavor as compared to a whole casing for you know regular sausage it's a heavy smoke you know I'm smoking minimum 12 14 hours 12 or 14 hours and it's a more coarse grind than a regular sausage you know you'll see fat you'll see me that's something we're definitely doing wrong because we we kind of grind it like a wave all the time what's a coarse grind and I'm doing for the sauce I just it's just a different texture you know that can render without being mixed in you know it can render on its own when you're cooking and it absorbs the smoke differently as well then something that is so tight that you know it has no room for smoke there's already several different ways that I think we could improve our own recipe at the shop so I'm excited to learn how you guys do it so generally what I'm gonna do is when I start off with Boston butts is I'm gonna have to trim the back fat off otherwise it would be far too much of a fat content what amount of fat content are you guys looking for I usually try to shoot as far as leading the fat ratio anywhere from 80 to 90 percent lean to 20 to 10 percent we served the on duty we will fry it like cut it thin in fried chips and you'll start you know we'll serve it with real mustard in the restaurant but generally you're not gonna buy andouille just to eat a stick of undoing right at home you know okay yeah yeah I know I don't do that definitely don't do that anyone that wants to buy it for that reason please please do but but generally you're gonna use it to flavor a large pot of something that's one hell of a shoulder blade man thank you I try to get as much as much as I can yeah yeah you do it um do a great job you're not uh moving to New York anytime soon so I'm taking this fat cap off first yes do you mind if I use your name go right ahead why Boston but that's just that's just a signature cut that's when drinks is always used it's a heavily used muscle and for my experience I would choose a chuck steak over a tenderloin any day because it's you might have to do a little bit of more work to it to get it to be tender but as far as flavor the flavor profile yummy you can't can't beat it can't beat it I know I'm kind of different from you Brian I mean there's room for improvement but I'm still impressed it's better than mine I thought I was building rapport with you this entire time and you're still gonna you're still gonna give me that okay I'm trying to be able to stop being so honest Brian now that we have it all butchered now's the time to season it and our seasoning mix is very simple it's just salt black pepper cayenne pepper and garlic keep it simple so the smoked flavor and the pork is what you get you know we need to maybe trim ours back Moo we wrote a thousand-page book when we only needed to write a 250 page book we have like fresh onion we have mustard paprika sometimes less is more how much are we making here what size batch we got this is 150 Pyro's 150 pounds 150 pounds it's packed in there how long is 150 pounds gonna last you so in a slow season 150 pounds or 200 pounds we will last us a week and our slow season will do 400 pounds a week 4th of July we'll do a thousand pounds a week this is just undoing we have smoked sausage plus we have toss so plus we have smoked turkey necks plus we haven't cracked and jerky all that kind of stuff I want one of these this looks really cool Brent Brent literally couldn't get out of bed this morning his back hurts so bad and you guys got this thing you know some of us how all of us still got backs up definitely yeah yeah okay so in your busy season how many people do you guys have working here I mean Brian does all the butchering all the few it's it's a team effort New York is not that bad it's not that bad man so that's pretty cool you'd have no place to park that truck in New York so don't even worry I'll get you a parking spot it only cost like 250 bucks a month to rent a parking spot it's fine okay next up Brent's gonna mix it up you're gonna have a margarita man you deserve it look at those biceps go Wow look at those shoulders Fran are you getting this look at this shoulder he's so strong you know we're gonna stuff into the beef faces there's a nice lovely temperature you keep your deer casings out I appreciate that I don't want cold hands no and uh no offense but I wasn't doing it keeping you in mind but it does help it to make it more a little bit looser yes definitely it's a very long case or can't fit it all dota don't hesitate to cut off the excess I'll fit it Brian don't worry about it Brian don't worry about it I'm definitely impressed skit doesn't go easy Anna needs their andouille right there that's fun oh that's the spot I didn't know that so we got our next round we got a long boy out here yeah that's fun some people have a big appetite whoo all in a day's work everybody everybody take a break we're here at the smokehouse we are beautiful smoke houses yeah they've been here a while you can see the heavy use of them just from around another natural would call that yeah all that lacquer is natural so I'm gonna go ahead and see how they're lookin [Music] so they're not getting any any kind of direct heat you're just like letting it be ambient heat and the smoke I just kind of hanging basically the point that the heats gonna rise and then hit the top and then spread out through the rest of it so how long have these in Dewey's been going now these been going I guess the Bob eight ten hours it has to in order to get the full smoke penetration and give it its unique flavor I'll come out check the tip you don't want it to be too hot or too low because to hunt it has a tendency of melting and it'll render the fat out to you quick it's a real testament low and slow you know I mean it sounds simple and overdone but it's it's true just by the feel I can tell if it's too hot to the touch then it's it's way too hot even if I don't even have a thermometer but they feel you know fairly long I'm gonna say at least another two three hours they will start to wrinkle up a little bit and uh you know they got good color yeah beautiful color we're taking a bunch of this we're gonna buy a bunch of it hope that's cool to go to a crawfish boil and I can smell the smoke I can smell the meat and it just makes total sense to me why it would go into a crawfish boil but why is it that on doing ended up being this integral part of a crawfish boil it complements all the things that are in a crawfish boil we cooked with andouille and potatoes all the time we cook with on doing corn all the time all the things that are in the crawfish boil we already cook with on doing like the web of life just full circle I'm gonna call you every time you I have like an emotional breakdown from now on it yeah it's like circle I've been [Laughter] [Music] Wow hey welcome home boys welcome what'd you bring Oh per your recommendation we want Swain Jacobs good amazing I got two questions what's it like back there picture in your mind like a gentle wind passing through a field of wheat that's Brian who works on the back and he is a joy to behold so a lots happening back there he's a perfect soul is your andouille like stand up to what it's like to make andouille at Wayne Jacobs like the spot to make south wheat with south Louisiana smoked sausage really felt like some New York out probably get that a lot we make andouille we don't know anything about and do it the way they do it and even from the grind how they're smoking it is different we're used to doing it fine like a regular sausage and they don't do that at all yeah you can like when you cut it you can like see there's like chunks I love it well we're gonna put it in the crawfish boil and that's gonna be awesome got a lot of stuff out here that I haven't seen in a boil before so we're gonna boil crawfish and a lot of people have a lot of specific ways that they like to do what we are going to attempt and I like to think succeed at doing depending on your school of thought we're gonna make some people happy and we're gonna piss some people off I'll preface it by saying I'm from Virginia so don't worry about it it's not like I would know better either way but what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the method where we put a [ __ ] ton of spices in the water and then that will ideally in turn get the juice in the head and the tail flavored with a lot of awesome spices we got a bunch of put on the table it's all gonna go in the pot with the crawfish why don't we stop wasting time and start cutting stuff in half [Music] there we go authentic right authentic yeah we should probably go ahead and just say it like there's no rulebook we're following the idea is to make it really spicy really salty and delicious in some way some of the stuff we just found in the fridge this stuff I thought I was gonna use Anna sauce but we didn't so that's gonna go in the boil to make it spicy it's got a little sugar in it I like fish sauce in there not to make it Asian but just because fish sauce rules it makes sense yeah it's like salty fishy stuff going in a boil with crawfish I just bought this thing and I am very excited so we're gonna put that entire bottle in there and probably about half of this bottle so I want it to be like a little bit spicier but we used all the stuff so we're just gonna go like crystal hot sauce do you want a spicier okay yeah because like the only time that you're coming in contact with the liquid and like consuming it is in the head of the crawfish and there's also all the brains and stuff that'll kind of like tamper down the flavor and it takes a lot of seasoning to get into the tail of the crawfish so this will go for like 10 minutes cuz it just potatoes take a little bit and then we'll throw in a bunch of vegetables I don't think people really do these in boils but I really love jalapenos and I want to eat him so we're gonna alright taste this andouille the bet but it mixes so well with everything else we've already put in agreed that's so good the chunks of fat are like creamy awesome the only flavor we don't have in there is smoke this is gonna bring super hard man it's so balanced like you think it's gonna be like brute smoke when you look at it you smell it it's so smoky when you eat it it's like smooth I think some pork fat some smoke we're doing good so I have no idea if it changes anything to squeeze the lemons first but I like always do oh yeah I don't know why I mix I don't know it like makes your hands smell nice and you also you feel like you're working yeah it seems like productive where are these from these are from my friend Michelle she's got a company called seafood international that's where we got oliver crawfish every year she gets them from bro bridge which the city outside of Lafayette Lafayette has all the best crawfish and usually they keep all the best crawfish but Michelle sneaks is some good ones this is super early in the year and they look pretty phenomenal for this time of year yeah there's still damn good size yeah they're pretty big bigger than I expected for sure I've never used this thing before but like those Jets are pretty fast it should come up to a boil immediately and then you want to cut it the Cobbers are gonna spend a lot more time in the water with the heat off than they are like coming up to a boil so they're hardly cooked right now and we don't want them to overcook that's how we cut them off before they like God all the way up to a boil yeah they were we wanted to sit in here and sort of saturate with all that seasoned liquid water that's in there a good sort of like rule is when some of them start to sink that means they've soaked in a ton of stuff so it takes about 30 minutes for that dab you wanted to cool down as fast as possible I've seen people hose down the outside I've seen people like even put a whole pot and do a bucket of ice the quickest way we're gonna do it is we're gonna throw some frozen corn in there it's not gonna have a ton but I'll have a little it'll pull it down a little faster should we try one just see where they're at yeah for sure oh wait I need to see your technique all right so obviously you pull the tail off yeah it's gonna be pretty hot and you Oh I normally do that don't do that no that's that as a shrimp move this is a crawfish I did it I did I redid it again I did it again same one but as you pull the head off and then you're gonna suck the head and eat the tail earlier in the season the shells are softer so when you suck the head you can crunch it so I'll do it like a while popping it down and then you can get all the juice there's like a lot of like awesome flavor in the head but also a lot of the liquid and then some people will go straight to the tail what I do is I kind of break off the top layer and peel it off so that you're left with like sort of like a half little happy and then if you like kind of put your thumb at the bottom and pinch it you can kind of suck and use your teeth to get all out you don't have to show off oh is it done I mean that's it but you got to get all of it out you know you don't want anything left my gun buddy boy [Music] all right so we got a lot of crawfish but I want to try to sausage yeah yeah let's try the sausage we're good good tiny bit less but it's awesome Joe holds up and in fact I think only got better it did get better and I mean absorb a lot of the spice there's no more spicy it's more salty you get to eat it against like ten other things you got like corn to eat it with and potatoes you make a little sandwich chunk of garlic on there it's like a pork chop now yeah they're big big chunks yeah it's a chunky boy it doesn't read as much as like straight sausage like an Italian sausage totally different if we had ground it like the way we normally grind andouille it would have just disintegrated and Vince and E and been disgusting this actually works for what it's what it's being used for I mean I think Indu is the only choice for this I don't know any other sausage that will stack up and hotdogs I'm just kidding yeah you're right Indu he's the one thank you so much this has been amazing yeah I'm so stay yeah oh you dumped okay okay party starts now you can eat all the garbage [Music]
Channel: Eater
Views: 873,282
Rating: 4.8438902 out of 5
Keywords: andouille sausage, making andouille sausage, making andouille sausage recipes, butcher, making sausage, how to make sausage, crawfish boil, crawfish boil sausage, New Orleans, Wayne Jacob's Smokehouse, Turkey and the Wolf, Mason Hereford, southern food, southern recipes, Prime Time, ben turley and brent young, the meat hook, eater,, food, restaurant, dining, dish, foodie, chef, foodshow, how to make andouille sausage, sausage, louisiana crawfish boil, crawfish boil recipe
Id: XPvvYhuaXbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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