Making Three Kinds of Bacon with The Meat Hook Butchers — Prime Time

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Brent then do you know what my favorite thing to eat is for breakfast Lucky Charms do you know my second favorite thing to eat for breakfast is bacon it is bacon god you are good Wow prime time we're going to go over three types of bacon everybody's familiar with the traditional belly bacon it's amazing so the question is what else can we do we're gonna make a jowl bacon from the head and we're also going to make a Canadian bacon because we don't know what's happening in Canadia this is from one animal you can get numerous kinds of bacon these are the three we want to do cuz right now we do the belly bacon and we sell it like it's going out of style we don't always have Canadian bacon or gel bacon but we want to make them more regular part of the shop and what we sell so we're gonna mess with those and see if we can make them really tasty for ya bacon time we have the whole pork loin here this rib section is what we're gonna cut into chops I'm just gonna take the loin end off right here then do you know why it's called Canadian bacon as far as my research has told me it's only called Canadian bacon in the US where we identify it as being from kin so it must be right yes it's just commonly known as either just bacon or back bacon this is the same bacon that you would get if you had Irish Breakfast in English breakfast there's a lot more protein to it and less fat it's kind of almost the inverted belly here we go boom next we have a belly may I do the belly oh please she's gonna cut a nice piece here we got that off you don't need to do anything else secure this that's it we just need to get the the skin off every other bit of this is gonna be delicious so don't trim it don't touch it leave it as is I mean you can also see already cool that looks like bacon the gel you might have heard as child that is cured pork jowl which is often used in pastas so this will be like kind of our loaf I American way of doing the guanciale a lot of the fat and the richness from the fat is still gonna shine through it'll still be great for pasta I think what we're peeling back right here is the actual cheek this is where you almost want to hear like a chorus of angels that's how good the fat is when it's even slightly cured pork jowl is the whole cheek muscle this lean section is the actual we have our jowls belly loin trimmed ready to go I got a big bucket of salt and brown sugar downstairs I just like to have one around getting into the curing process yes then get to it this is a dry cure all we're doing is applying salt brown sugar and pink salt salt enters the cell walls to actually stabilize the meat what that is doing is killing microbes so eating raw bacon totally fine no microbes no death because cell walls are breaking down and we're replacing protein which is mostly water with salt it's going to leach out some water and/or blood salt is performing all of these essential functions Ben why do we get that sugar in there a little bit of sweetness a little bit of saltiness a little bit of smokiness and a little bit of fat I mean these are the basic principles of making something taste good any bacon that you're buying commercially from a grocery store is done either through a tumble or through a brine it happens a lot faster but that's a lot of water content that you get into your bacon whenever you fry it up and it's a big slice that ends up being a little tiny slice that's because it's all water content that you're being sold that's water content that you're losing whenever you're cooking it and you end up with mediocre bacon we're gonna seal this up and we're gonna let it hang out for seven days [Music] today is it it's been seven days men it's time to smoke the bacon okay great job our three Bacon's we got our line got our belly got our jowls a little bit of cure on the fat which isn't uncommon that doesn't take cure as well as protein does this is the water that the bacon has purged get rid of it it's gross yeah but just want to show you that it is going to purge some liquid that is the curing process um I got the smoker ready to go load it up yeah let's go smoke it the art of smoking oh it's an art oh yes exactly in smoking you want to get your smoker to a temperature 160 180 where the wood is actually going to create smoke you don't want to get it so hot so that it's actually just roasting it like an oven so we want to create the smoke but we want to be cooking at a really low level so that we don't actually just cook the outside and leave the inside to like a medium-rare all right let's do this thing [Music] and that is what that is supposed to look like as gorgeous absolutely perfect yeah they could not look more beautiful [Music] this is fantastic it's cooked all the way through cured all the way through when you wanted some bacon yeah I was hoping to eat a giant bacon steak today you look thin yeah thanks let's go so let's do the belly bacon in the oven I think it does really well in there and it stays flat it doesn't curl up on us it's a real nice even cook I've never grilled Canadian or back bacon before so what the heck let's give it a shot I think that job bacon does really really good in a pan we can control the heat a little bit more evenly so we don't may we make sure all the all the fat is kept intact I've never grilled bacon at all let alone grill back bacon so I think it's gonna be great but I also think it's it was already the mildest so maybe start there pure the smoke all the flavor points still hit the same we want to move on to some belly bacon sure I like doing these in the oven so that's the way we did it that's that's also why it's so flat it's such an even heat gives it an even cook doesn't curl up on you too much or anything like that please enjoy more bacon more bacon that's still fantastic tomato good pork dry cure nice long smoke hits all of the points I wouldn't want to change a thing for recipe development cooking it any of it I never get sick of this baby it's never it never goes bad the fat and the sugars are caramelizing and there's just like the sweet hop from it it's that's so good we cooked these ones in the pan and you'll see like I didn't put too much heat on them I wanted like the fat here is the thing that's so good about the jowl right we kept a lot of that fat going so it's more fatty than maybe you were even anticipating fantastic thank you I mean it's an explosion of flavor yeah where this is like I'd say 60% lean to 40% fat this is like 80% fat to 20 percent lean that is so freakin good but that also that one bite was just about enough I think I think we should have this all the time I think we have to sell it differently though than the regular belly bacon like this is not to be used with your breakfast with your eggs this is not a BLT bacon this is take something that's already good like your Brussels sprouts and just add something else to them exactly and it's gonna make a world of difference three incredibly different textures like this is lean pork chop the belly is exactly what you think a little bit of meat a little bit of fat this is a load of fat all of them aim to do different things how are you gonna use it how are you gonna cook it what are you gonna what are you gonna eat it with the Odyssey continues
Channel: Eater
Views: 841,902
Rating: 4.8784971 out of 5
Keywords: bacon, how to make bacon, making bacon, smoking bacon, butchering, butcher, butchers, butchering bacon, pork, jowl bacon, guanciale, pork belly bacon, belly bacon, Canadian bacon, pork jowl, pork jowl bacon, making bacon from scratch, butchering pork, pig butcher breakdown, butchering pig, prime time, the meat hook, bacon explainer, bacon 101, ben turley, brent young, ben turley and brent young, eater,, food, restaurant, dining, dish, foodie, chef, foodshow
Id: hIpI9xGh2hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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