Throwdown with Andouille #OutHere

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nananana nananana nanana gonna take my time nananana nananana mom and I gonna take my time I was going to shows food shows where people come from all over the country advertising or do it because it's the big thing now all over the world so everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon and they're putting some really bad product on there to get the good product you have to come along the German coast this is where it was invented this is where I don't do it started it started along the German coast if you want good on to it come to the German coats and there's a lot of good on do it here we we actually have probably like a German sausage that is um with a French name because and the reason that is is because everyone did business in French here and once at one time actually probably three generations ago everybody did business in French so you had to call whatever you were selling a French name but this area was settled by Germans I'm set about Creoles and then it was settled by Germans so we have a lot of a German influence on our food in our culture the Germans were the sausage makers they're the ones that came over and knew how they make the sausage there was a good expert sausage makers and what they would do is that whenever we get and do a Boucherie which was the killing of the hog they would take the lead the the pieces of pork and they would chop it they would cut it with a knife into little pieces and stuff it into the Hulk cases and they were stuffing by hand and then it would use a barrel take a barrel and put it on the ground and dig a tunnel and put a piper in that tunnel so they would have some smoke they made a fire in the other end the smoke would pass through the tunnel the Python and we smoked inside that barrel they would give their own do it every heavy smoke so that it can be preserved and after they smoked don't do it they were actually hanging on their porch it and it didn't matter if you had flies on it mildew on anything because it was preserved when they did it a piece on doing it would actually just go cut it off the porch scrape the stuff off and then use it to cook and now it's become a specialty meat because as time went on the ordering process has always been amazing to everybody because it is a different process it's not just make it sausage but sausage is brown fine and andouille is ground and chunks and it's in a big occasion thought they didn't as Pollock a thing and it's Brown gets brown fine and basically if I mean over here it they make fresh sausage with beef and pork some of the place that make sausage with this pork butt over here beef and pork now with their fresh sausage and then Mostafa they use the good for I would say that it's a little leaner but it's also more coarse ground so you'll get kind of chunks and it's not as homogenized as regular sausage so you'll still have some of that when you cook it but you'll also have chunks of meat that's gonna have more after you smoke it and if you grill it they have more bacon taste to it and when you put it in stews when you put it into a gumbo it just gives this unique flavor you know we started with with grinding it we have to let it hang for so many hours to let some of the moisture evaporate our drift out because if it's too wet then it makes it harder for the smoke to absorb so we let it dry some and then we smoke it you know and that's almost that's about another day and you know and then we let it cool and it's ready to sell so it does take a few days what's different than anything you're gonna buy on the market we're not trying to put fillers to stretch I won't do it we're not trying to make it fancy we're not trying to put all these artificial flavors that make it tastes better or make it taste whatever artificial flavors do it's all natural we want you to taste the meat we want you to taste that smoke we want you to just smell that don't do it smell pure fresh natural smelling natural tasting [Music] use on Jillian gum or use it and I use it in spaghetti I use it I cook it the would call roasted either put it in the oven covered with aluminum foil and cook it for a while or we cook it on top of the stove put it on top of this end of cooking you put it on top of the stove a very little oil and some water and just boil it down for a while till we get it will make it look a little gravy you know and eat that on the science that as a piece of sausage with rice either piece of undo it with rice or something like that we call it rolls on do it you know but it's basically just open it like that jump here I'll use it in jambalaya you know they use it in cream sauces with forget EO of powder again you find anything you want to use it and you know we're gonna make a gumbo we're gonna make a jambalaya we're gonna use I won't do it we're gonna use our sausage we're gonna be creative everybody cooks a jambalaya and everybody cooks it different and of course we all have the best but at the end of the day we're going to eat that we're gonna have fun we're gonna drink a few beers we're gonna have fun with our friends we're gonna do what we call children we're gonna have we're gonna throw down we're gonna have a party everything revolves around food in Cajun well I'm an old and small these days I'm gonna take my time [Music]
Channel: Louisiana's River Parishes
Views: 5,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z4qMV67Ceb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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