New Orleans-Style Backyard Duck Roast with Chef Isaac Toups — Prime Time

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today on prime-time we're gonna explore how the farm-raised animals you might be accustomed to eating don't taste the same as a wild animal so we've come down to Louisiana to Isaac toups backyard to learn a thing or two about wild duck or something like that this is the legend Isaac toups I and that's Brandt thank you so much for inviting us to your home welcome to New Orleans guys I appreciate it III have Birds moonshine beer and a hot pot of wax and an overwhelming sense of hospitality I can't turn off and we are gonna learn about wild duck today I've never had it I've never had it I've got it so female Malak we're gonna do the the lost wax process so instead of dipping this in hot water and manually peeling the feathers off which would be a pain in the neck we're going to dip them in hot water dip it in wax and then an ice bath and then hopefully luckily all the feathers come off pretty much all at once it's really cool really cool effect let's push it ease up a little bit at first everybody gets their own I'll do the first one so we're gonna dealing our duck seems like you've done this before couple times cut the legs off at the joint leave their head on for dipping this is the best part your hat put this in the back Oh now that should lucky feather why should put it right here and you'll look like a real Cajun look ma Cajun bad Cajun bin has anything been done to this duck yet it's been shot okay nothing else I haven't given it a bath I haven't given it a kiss okay but we are ready to go now you guys got some a blue-winged teal here we go you want to take it off as close to the breast you can get give it a good whack and they gonna take the legs off at that first joint leave the head on here's to uh doing things for the first time watch your fingers we can cauterize a wound but you won't like it I believe in you Brent alright let's dip our ducks so excited to see this process I've never heard of this will you hand me some ice and a water near the water yeah ah water salute gentleman I don't I don't kill ducks I get out without a beer I don't think it is water all right we got it we got our hot water give your duck a dip just about 30 seconds each let her dream wax weight to the air bubbles calm down moving into that wax to seep in I do not understand the science of this I'll show you position we're encasing it in hot wax it'll look real obvious real quick all right dip your duck give it a tug it's gonna leave it in here let it rest let the air bubbles recede mm-hmm okay yo man you can it gets gets hard really quick all right Brent you're up dog feel it it's pretty cool oh my god it's insane all right it feels cool now we're gonna do some stuff right here but leave it it's now in case and then we're gonna score it you cut right through the feathers try not to cut into the breast but I realize this is everybody's first attempt at this oh my yeah right all the feathers come off holy cow kind of one maneuver what easiest way to clean a duck ever now normally this it takes you what 1/2 hour per duck and we just trimmed it down to a couple of minutes after this I'm going to just de Bresse these things I'll clean it up later Amanda pop a joint off right there they're our first breasts a little bitty breast that people were just looking mean that is a beautiful color this is wild meat a little tiny but they're ok with the lack in size they make up in spades in flavor then with the gut it and if you've never done this this is always fun just get in there and get in there and reach for the guts alright Lisa we have the heart right here so tasty if you are those beautiful beautiful beautiful and tasty very underrated now we have our gizzard over here my gizzard gets thrown away a lot now the gives you do you have to clean so the gizzard I've never done this they eat the grain whole they don't have teeth it's a lot of the grain and small rocks and what you'll find is but inside the gizzard bunch of rocks seal this sand yeah but this is like one of the hardest-working muscles in the dug who's up next give it a good score want to go light yeah I'm already in the breast it's okay it's okay just get in there let's get down to business these Ducks are like half the size of the mouth right what's the difference so these are bluing teal they're just smaller in size will there be a difference in taste or is it more a difference in taste wild versus farm there will be a lot more difference between wild and farm than wild a while especially these Ducks were killed in the same area so these Ducks are eating pretty much the same thing okay in which were you gonna get me on the the wine term would be terroir whatever they're eating around is gonna reflect in the flavor of their meat I have deep feathered chickens and turkeys I've never done a duck they are notoriously not you to do you're doing great I'll tell you one thing I'm just having a blast it's having a good time we have already poured you a beer at the a.m. I would give myself a c-minus so far I think you're doing just fine I think a man would be more realistic with me okay thank you all right the better you clean your own duck the better you eat it I'm meeting my new yours that's that's the you just decided that rule because you just saw mine just now yeah and then just get in here with a hand get in there over the hand you can make an incision with the knife if you want to yeah yeah yeah no one realizes like how gutty it's been a while yeah it's been a while got my gizzard that one's coming off nice and good we're pulling these things apart and like the color here is just insane right for you you're not gonna match that on anything farm-raised for everybody that doesn't know this is the color your meat should be not your white chicken breast which I don't eat now or don't sell it my restaurant because I can do that these Ducks were working yeah they were using their muscles this is where the flavor comes from dark meat rules I mean this is a lot darker than you're gonna see in anything raised on farms as well anything raised in the farm these they're eating what's out there and mother nature I know they're gonna be it's gonna have a wonderful strong when I say gamey I mean in a positive way it's gonna taste like these earth that's why I'm almost hesitant to say it because you sitting here gaming on will go oh that's bad and I think and I think no more like mother nature farm-raised those Ducks don't really work very hard and most of most most of them have their feathers cut they're not flapping their wings so that that that's almost when considered white meat is why chicken that's white meat you never seen a chicken fly they don't use their wings there we go there we go heartily the last thing you could feel it yeah if you had one you could feel it [Music] you first we're gonna have a snack hold take take top off we have little spice plants so we have some whole black peppercorns cumin and mustard seed this is my game spice whose is this one my heart that's my Google Brent smallest in darkest screw him up skewer him up so we got some gizzard you guys a little gizzard skewer duck hearts and duck duck gizzards this is what you eat while everything else is cooking normally these you can cook well well done the legs and everything else reeling to be stood down whoever sang in the restaurant that's local as possible and this is about as local as it gets these ducks came from the Greater New Orleans area I think that's what's so cool about everything in New Orleans that we've seen thus far is that like you can try to recreate this stuff in other places but it's not really work out that well no like you have such local ingredients and you use every bit of everything that like it really builds the dish you know from from the bottom up and you can't you can't find that any other place all right Cheers mmm that's sticky tastes like duck or war terroir it's got the flavors like that taste like came out of the sky delicious delicious gizzard this is gonna have a little bit of chew on it but that's okay go ahead and that's gonna have a different flavor whoa I'm way into that right that muscle was working hard that muscle is actually you know taking small rocks and sand and grinding up those grains for that duck we eat so much grass-fed grass-finished beef and we can taste like the grass than the minerality but I've never tasted a duck so clearly like oh this doesn't taste exactly like a duck I'm used to this farm this thing's been eating seafood its entire life let's compose a professional dish now this is a variation of a dish that I did on a popular TV show and rhymes with Bop Beth NCIS New Orleans right there's traditionally with venison but it works equally as well with wild duck I'm gonna serve them about the same temperature about mid-rare yeah you don't wanna overcook your venison and we're gonna base with brown butter because again good venison or a good game you're not gonna have a lot of fat so while we're cooking on this what the hell we cooking on this is uh very much quality Cajun engineering right here I have a thousand-dollar smoker and I have convection ovens and we could sue B we're cooking over fire is very important lesson this is the hardest way to cook trying to manage the fire how hot your grill is you really have to know what you're doing you're giving yourself a great education you can cook over open fire congratulations you can probably cook anywhere else [Music] these rest little brown butter just about medium mid rarely to medium and they are very fancy plate up here little horseradish creme fraiche caramelized onion gratin and if everybody knows me I'm the worst player in my entire restaurant group of course you've got to finish the top and this is essential this is gonna melt them a start a little bit and add even more fat to the contest there you have it gentlemen I gotta say for something that we were ripping out its guts about 30 minutes ago this is a beautiful-looking dish cheers bells roof doesn't taste like duck I've had before we're not hiding the ingredients the duck still comes out the sweetness helps out the brown butter adds that I'm glad that's all there but it doesn't need it on its own it eats like steak you're not gonna find this in a farm race this is not a chicken breast this is not a duck breast this is a stick like duck steak duck stick this is the same look when we when we had the hearts you taste the terroir in there like I don't I hate to use that word again but like no you what we were calling gay meanness earlier like there's no other way to describe it other than like the earthiness there's like a completely different flavor profile than what you normally get in duck which now I'm realizing like I'm an idiot every dog I've had is like pretty bland and I've been enjoying it for the fat right because I never taste something they don't taste like this and right what I'm doing is unfortunate guys I'm spoiling you because now when you I don't think it gets more Louisiana than this Isaac this is phenomenal thank you for giving us experience we've never had before thank you so much
Channel: Eater
Views: 747,233
Rating: 4.8696599 out of 5
Keywords: Roast duck, isaac toups, new orleans, new orleans food, cooking duck, duck dishes, roasting duck, roasting duck outside, open fire cooking, open fire duck roast, roasting a duck over a fire, defeathering duck, best way to defeather a duck, butcher, butchering, butchering a duck, toups meatery, prime time, ben turley, brent young, duck heart, cooking duck hearts, offal, eater,, food, restaurant, dining, dish, foodie, chef, how to roast duck, roast duck recipe, roast duck
Id: 5pHDGDnQyO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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