The Perfect Smash Burger | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends my version of a Smash Burger oh stay tuned I'm gonna show you how to do it remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell stay tuned friends we're doing it right now together Smash Burger [Applause] okay friends first thing we're gonna do we're gonna make the sauce not gonna reinvent anything and that's the way I love it it's really simple little mayonnaise in there you can make your own you got a recipe we made on the channel a little bit of ketchup that's the whole idea hey you know we're not measuring anything here friends you know hot sauce right there I'm gonna put a bit of chop back City and I'm gonna put a little bit a little bit I mean very very little garlic I don't need a lot just a little bit of garlic put as much as you want and you know what I love to do friends I love to put a little bit of the juice thing come with a with a pickle just a little bit like oh that's it just a little bit of the juice comes with a pickle and then oh we can put a little more ketchup in here I need a little more color in there a little more flavor ketchup remember that's something you do you test my friends here you see if you like it what do you think a little more this is delicious even put some chopped shallots in there too if you got them there's nothing wrong with that very very finely chopped and you know what I like to do don't tell anybody okay and you certainly don't need to do especially for those that don't drink a little bit of cognac like I'm in there like a look look oh that's it a few drop of cognac trust me friends it brings it to a whole different dimension all right so now we got our sauce we are done we don't need to worry about it we'll get to it later now first thing I'm gonna do is I'm certainly going into get out of the norm for you know I don't like to do standard stuff I like to kind of make it my own so for those of you that make it the same way for the long time you're not going to think it's the right way to do it it's my way of doing it and I love it that way so I hope you try it because every time I seen or I've had a a Smash Burger he's nice no question about it it's delicious but I found it then we lost a lot of the juice of the meats of course you lost a loser you take the meat the magic and you squeeze it to that imagine if you did this to a stick you take a steak and you squeeze it to death and you're cutting board you lose all that precious juices you want to do it that way you go ahead and do it that way I don't like it that way I actually like it smashed before and then I get my caramelization and if you don't think you can get canonization stick around friends first thing we're going to do is we're going to do a little bit of caramelized onion for this I'm gonna use my regular butter and uh I got the onion cut very very thin you see very very thin and you probably have seen the video now how to chop the vegetables this is what it is very thin based and if you haven't seen the video friends then no one will release you gotta check it out all right so we're gonna do that we're gonna put the onion on in the fry pan and this is where I am going to have a revolution on my hand I'm going to do a Smash Burger in a fry pan you don't want to do it in fry pan don't do it on fire pen do it in a griddle not everybody got one of those but if you want to do it in there I'm going to show you a different way of doing it okay so let's put the onion in there let's make sure the butter is hot yes let's put the onion slice very thin we're gonna let them give some color a little caramelization in the Arabic weight let me get to the meat friends what I like to do for a meat I'll do ground ground chuck um chuck roast that I grind and I also like to add beautiful short ribs beautiful short ribs what I do it's very simple I got the grinder [Music] and and here we have it now if I leave the meat for a while it oxidizes changes color a little bit but it's okay this is beautiful and fresh and what I like to do is I like to make a a boat I don't want to manipulate it too much I don't like to manipulator too much um if you have a scale you should do them about three three ounces if you don't have a scale get yourself an ice cream scoop otherwise put it on the scale you got three ounces really simple you get yourself a bowl you take a piece of parchment paper you put another one on top friends and let me wash my hands real quick and then you smash it and you're gonna say really yes trust me my friends you want to do it nice and even do it with something really nicely flat like this and you want to put an even pressure even pressure friends so then you have it evenly smashed so now when we put it in a pan my friends we're not going to lose any juices that's the whole idea of doing it this way that's why I'm doing it this way because I don't want to lose any juices think about it right you don't want to and oh oh and you know what I like to do I like to keep them cold after I make the balls like this I keep them cold and then and don't press it too much you don't need to I got those nice ready to go you see on a piece of paper as soon as my grill is hot I am going to put let me get myself a thong so I don't burn my hands as soon as my griddle is hot we're gonna put the um check it out it's not quite hot enough but we're going to do it you got the butter in there we can just go put them in there we'll just keep an eye on them okay we'll just keep an eye on it in the meantime we're gonna take our Burger then I already smashed you're gonna see you try try my way one time friends you may never again smash your burger on the pan unless you like to squeeze the juice out of it then you do it every however you want to do it with this this is what it's all about I'm gonna put salt and pepper I like a little crush black pepper we're gonna put a little salt and then we're gonna put them in a pan and we're gonna get that beautiful caramelization the Maya reaction let me put this oh no I gotta keep this so I don't forget to put them in so we're going to get that beautiful Maya reaction caramelization of protein then creates all of that Forever Friends very important and we had when we put it in we are hot we go in put it in don't touch it oh I didn't tell you friends I put clarified butter in there if you have it in the pan if you don't have to clarify butter use a good cooking Oiler don't use regular butter because they'll burn for sure your butter is going to burn for sure my friends all right so how we doing with this it's not there yet you know let me turn the heat on the grill a little bit more and uh hopefully by the time I'm done we'll have a nice Toasted Bun and I got also my cheese done I gotta get and I gotta get also my lettuce and my tomatoes see I got all my Mison Plus ready to go here and now let's see how we're doing here I got myself a nice spatula how we doing here this thing is uh it's not really cooking or hot is it get going would you please get with the program so we continue sauteing the onion I really are not going to do much with the onion Prince we're just gonna sit there we're not making a caramelodonia but you know we made a video on Carmelo if you have a time one time you want to try to make them it's an amazing video right over there you gotta try friends oh you know let me not forget to put a quick little salt and pepper on that side as well do we sold them pepper here's my salt voila and it's looking good let's see what do we got here we haven't lost any juices and it's cooking cooking in clarified butter look at this see that's the way I like it and also another thing points I don't like a cremator Now American cheese cheddar cheese and Monterey Jack mixed together with an emulsifier it's cheese who knows for us all this time I used to tell people that's not cheese you guys are not eating cheese it is cheese yeah it's really interesting my fact there's some video online guys and a scientists uh cheese makers they've studied it carefully I watched a couple of them and you know I put a link in it for you guys to watch it how they make American cheese fascinating it really is so now look guys we're going to take it right there you want to take this guy we're gonna put it on top yeah we got a burger coming friends as soon as I bread besides to toast correctly you can also that's it I'm done I don't want overcook it you do it however you wanted my friends I do not want to overcook it that's really a matter of opinion at this point all right no wrong some people like it well done oh the bread is finally waking up Friends The Griddle is finally waking up we're not exactly the perfect but we're doing okay here let's take the burgers out of there friends I don't want to cook it any more than I have to I'm gonna hold it right here all right so now foreign level all right now look guys I got my burger I got my hair I got my lettuce leaf and you know what I do is I take a cookie cutter and I cut them the leaves so this one is a little too big hey you come back over here I guess they unfolded that's what happened so then my uh my lettuce leaf is not too bad oh you know what I did I forgot my sauce I make a sauce and I forget it Mama Mia one day I don't want to I don't know what I'm gonna forget okay I don't wanna have to worry about the onion we're gonna leave him here we're gonna put a little bit of the sauce friends and we don't want to put too much it's really up to you how much you put in right and I want to make it nice it doesn't have to be sloppy you know I see some burgers you know what so I don't forget I'm gonna put it on the other side too it doesn't have to be sloppy you know you see so many people they make it into sloppy looking I don't like it sloppy not because it's a smashed burger and it's got to be sloppy looking right so we're gonna put the um the lettuce here we got beautiful tomatoes beautiful is a it's kind of an overstatement for the Tomato we got in Florida and then we're gonna put a burger right here friends yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what I like to do I like to put a little more of the black pepper and I'm going to put my caramelized onion right there friends right there put as much or as little as you want no no we're talking now we're talking my friends now we're talking you see yeah no burn no actually burn onion tastes good right and then you can put a pickle if you want I don't like pickles people are gonna go well you don't like bigger I don't really like them you can put like the juice in the sauce but I don't really care for the pickle and voila my friends this is my Smash Burger and I promise you we didn't lose one ounce of the of the juice of the meat so now I'm gonna take a piece of it but I'm not going to be a slob I want to cut a piece of it so we can smash it of course it's going to be nice look at this these are gorgeous of course it's going to be nice but I'm gonna be nice about it come on cutting off everybody got you don't cut it enough you're supposed to buy it on it I know look at this okay you like French look at this look at this is that gorgeous hope you can see it beautiful this is going to be delicious [Laughter] I hope you make it um thanks for watching Remember thumbs up if you liked the video subscribe to the channel we'll see you in the next couple of days on a fantastic video I had a great time I hope you did it too and make sure you make it foreign [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 606,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash burger, smash burger recipe, smashburger, how to make a smash burger, how to make a smashburger, smashburger recipe, smash burgers, smashburgers, how to make smashburgers, smashburger at home, perfect smashburger, smash burger at home, classic smash burger recipe, easy smash burger, easy smashburger, smash burgers at home, perfect smash burger, how to make smash burgers, smashed burger, smash burger how to make, burger recipe, smash burger and cheese, easy smash burgers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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