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yeah this is not my best idea for a YouTube video three-two-one you smell that it's coke in minato season boys I am in a parking lot and we have the most amount of coke and mentos I have ever bought in my life come here [Music] 18 gallons of coca-cola right here we're taking it to the next level you guys loved the last coke and mentos video but we're gonna be launching coke and mentos rockets out of 5-gallon jugs this could either go really bad really wrong or fail I've actually never seen anyone on YouTube try this not really sure why I'm the only one to think of this but five gallons coke and mentos boom hopefully it will be ten times better there's just one of these small ones dude look I'm so excited first things first we got to make sure that the coke and mentos is you know functioning property and it's okay oh god I messed up I messed up really bad I screwed on the cap sideways I still get it on though oh my gosh oh we're off to an interesting start okay this is my penny board here cats you already know this is what I call something really stupid I'm terrible at writing these things oh it didn't work that's okay let's step it up a notch five gallons let's do it so the last bottle of coke of all you guys wanna see the really cool watch this wait give it some time give it some time get feel like investing come on you're a lame although other Coca Cola bottles were like foaming up and fizzing when we would put him down like this and there wasn't any air to escape they would shoot up a little bit but this one doesn't want to do it so whatever over here we got the duct tape and we're working on the coke Cola Mentos now I want to do four strips of these so probably a total of five entire rolls of mentos which is almost an entire pack in one bottle we're gonna put the duct tape over the Mentos just so they don't accidentally fall just like so then we're gonna put this strip inside I'm gonna drop this in it looks like it might touch the water or the coca-cola what am I saying we do have a couple Mintos touching the water right now but that's okay they're not reacting to too much there we go we got that in there all right now we're gonna try to do that a couple more times this is a little mentos contraption I decided to just throw a whole roll in here because we didn't have really enough room for the duct tape so we almost got an entire six pack of mentos in here with all the duct tape and everything so we're gonna screw this on there we go make sure it's really tight now all we got to do roll it over and honestly just let the Mentos react let it do its thing we're gonna shake it up quite a bit and then drop it off the ladder look this whole entire bottom is bulging out look at this I mean it's it's rock-solid per day oh this is extremely dangerous it's really slippery cuz the bottles still super wet it's also extremely windy outside so that doesn't help yeah this is not my best idea for a YouTube video there we go we got the bottle up top this is gonna be crazy and also really scary I don't know what's gonna happen I don't know if it's going to explode I don't know if it's actually gonna turn into a rocket ready yeah over there here we go three two one oh okay that was a complete fail you guys so I mean it did explode I want to consider it a fail I think the problem is is this too heavy there's too much coca-cola so what if we did maybe half the amount cuz don't get me wrong guys I want to do a five gallon I want to do a full five count but I think it's too heavy there's not enough power from the Mentos cause look I just ripped open right from the side there I don't think there's enough power from the Mentos are you good yeah just a little wet the only thing we're worried about is will it have too much air in it I don't know we're gonna do half the amount of coke so it's gonna be two and half gallons but we're gonna do double the amount of mentos that's not gonna fit no before fit oh my gosh four won't fit three won't even fit what I can't do two last one we did four okay we're gonna need duct tape we have to think of another plan oh we got all our Mentos in there none of them have touched any of the coca-cola yet we're gonna go ahead and get this bad boy on there we go have fun buddy enjoy your life last all right I'm not ready for this I really hope this works if this doesn't work I mean this is our last bottle so gonna be kind of sad lighter I will say that okay you ready yeah I'm not all right here we go in three two one oh I mean it went up like a half a foot you know I'm sad to say not sad to say I'm proud to say and actually no I'm sad to say sad to say that I'm probably the only youtubers that has tried this probably because other youtubers have tried and failed that's probably why no it's done it all them we got more experiments we still got all of this coca-cola you really think we're just gonna let this go to waste no we're gonna drink all of it how do you drink this our cat little penny board here it's about to go flying we got a coca-cola bottle gonna strap it to it just like so beautiful what we're gonna do here is uh it's about to rain that's we're about to just about to rain coca-cola we're gonna poke a little hole in this I'm gonna drop them into us and close the cap set it down and hopefully it will just wow that's the idea got our little contraption here if we got a go prod here we got the Mentos right there we got a hole in the cap that's where we're hoping it will explode and push all the pressure out and then of course we got the penny board whenever I lay this thing on its side hoping it's going to explode here we go three two one oh come on that's it that's it that's all you got there's a complete fail everything we've done in this video do something more I'm gonna think of something else I got a solution to our problem and it's the fact that I just need a lot of coke and mentos that's what I need that's why hey that's all I need let's do this let's just have a little fun we haven't had very much fun this video then let's do two of these oh jeez oh jeez oh gee not really what I was planning to do that was just that was just a 1min toast that was one Mentos let's throw in a whole one another whole one that's it wait farther than the penny board all right we got another bottle of cooking mint stuff ready big boy why can't we get it wrong actually we're gonna need a rocket got this all right so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put this on here this is a really dumb idea but it's my best idea yet we're gonna drop an entire thing of mentos in here change the plans it's gonna be pretty cool ready that was extremely lame all right well anyways we're gonna screw this thing on shake it up a little bit old whoa oh so it's still got power to it okay while this thinks thoughts power I'm gonna pop it on to this I'm gonna turn it up sit oh I can feel it getting okay okay okay hold on hold on we are going to put this thing on tight not on there there we go oh my gosh I can't even pump it up I can barely pump it up there's already so oh my gosh this thing's Roxxon okay right here we go three two what really this is all I get just about home you know I actually thought that would work really really well all right you know what real men don't use ladders what are you serious all right never mind real men use letters all right you know what I'm just gonna drop it well it's better than the rest of them I'm just completely failing at everything that's going on I asked if you wanted me to do the makeup oh my gosh also it looks like there's about to be a hurricane over here I think it's about to rain yeah all over me hurricane that already rained coca-cola many many times all right it's your best shot I'm not ready giving you a chance yeah start up besides again not your bad let's do it again you got this no pressure no pressure the only pressure should be the Mentos and the coke exploding so that's some pressure throw this thing as high as you can Oh Oh are you kidding me we're just not having our day today with this video take two all right look at that - this thing is so beat up oh my gosh I think we bought the wrong coca-cola we do not buy the wrong coca-cola we bought Diet Coke that's what you're supposed to use ready take - oh not that not bad that's pretty cool it's like expanding in my mouth - there's no mental thing mm-hmm nice old backwash nice it worked I have we got another Cola rocket right there this rocket is just going to be air and coke no Mentos we're gonna try it without Mentos see how it works he's struggling they're like I can do instant [Music] okay oh my gosh it's full of smoke smoke that's crazy I gotta try one of these yeah you know we just used coke and air no Mentos no nothing just the coke in the air yeah you can see it bubbling the bottles going to expand a little bit as well but it is extremely hard to fill it up I'm literally using all of my weight all right I think that's good I can't see the bottom from the top of this bottle expanding here we go ready three oh my gosh he's so sick why do we do this in the beginning of the life all right so the rocket has actually broken this is the cap that holds it onto here now when we put it on to here it leaks out the side because it has a crack in it so that is a fun fun fun hold on let's try to fill it up real quick come on we got this we gotta fill it up are you ready oh did you just run out coke he ran out I ran out of coke okay well let's just try just air maybe it'll do something cool or it will just leak out the side since the rock is broken we have this bottle and two more bottles of coke and we are out then we have gone through 18 gallons of Coca Cola in this video so for the last three bottles we're gonna have some fun really the only thing we can do is just throw them so here we go how's Lane I won't wanted to go for almost every bottle of mentos we've been doing except for the ones on the rocket I've been doing an entire container I open the bottom of it I put it in and I shake it up and all the Mentos kind of come out I think that's just about the best way to do it when it doesn't explode like that there we go rock solid I think I'm just gonna throw this one right on the cap instead of you know playing Russian roulette with the the ground three two one Oh what we got some moving targets now the targets got some cars over there all right here we go and take it to what is this bottle indestructible wait there's actually a little hole on the side it's a leak and look at it and it's brain in it YUM are you kidding me just throw it up throw it up see if it does oh my gosh this thing is like concrete this thing has to be in a stroke we still got the side they're leaking you can see it kind of spraying coke on my hand oh my gosh dude you know I'm just not having it today you can see the Mentos wrapper right there it's completely empty and flat I hit it right on the cap you gotta be kidding me we're gonna get this thing airborne Oh covered in coke bad news it's gonna rain here in about like 5-10 minutes and this is our last bottle of coca-cola we have gone through 18 gallons of coca-cola in this video and looks like James is gonna be the one to throw the last bottle so in total we had I think it's 70 or 72 bottles of Diet Coke when we started this video and now we are left with one this one better be good wishes I'd throw upward I think you should hit it right on the cap not bad you know I'm cleaning not bad okay well guys the people's gonna wrap it up for this video we've still got the giant five-gallon jug right here and I am really sad that this did not work if you guys have any ideas of how to make a five gallon coca-cola rocket actually work and fly hundreds and hundreds of feet let me know down the comments section below I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions I'm sorry we had so many fails in this video I expected obviously everything to work but you know sometimes thanks go wrong and look at the cap on that bad boy well guys thank you so much for watching this was a ton of fun let me know in the comment section below what video you want to see next to my channel I'll see you guys soon in a brand new block [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 4,835,540
Rating: 4.8539133 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: ykeMn9wUDd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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