Making popcorn with George 🐡 Curious George 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies

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if you're an avid bird watcher it helps to be good at climbing trees and to have a friend who's good at getting Birds attention nice shot you're getting quite the collection of bird photos George [Music] different birds talk to each other by making different sounds easy for birds not so easy for us [Music] luckily there are bird calls that do the work for you see the pictures on the side tell you which bird you're calling try one [Music] photos of robins and warblers but he really wanted a picture of an osprey [Music] [Music] nice job only Ospreys are harder to find I've never seen one myself huh Ospreys usually live near the ocean or big lakes where they can find more fish to eat but if you're lucky someday you might see one popcorn fresh popcorn it's Mr Popper and his popcorn wagon [Music] George see any good birds today you'll have to show me your photos popcorn in the lemonade you betcha want to help me make a new patch [Music] George loved helping Mr Popper he leveled off one cup of popcorn poured it into the machine and then [Music] I know it started all by itself Mr Popper always served the popcorn the same way first he grabbed a cup in a bag second he pressed the button for the lemonade third he scooped in the popcorn and tapped the bag and he always served his customers with a smile I like to keep things tidy now let's see those photos my goodness did you see a yellow throated warbler today we sure did he flew off that way I wish I could have seen him [Music] you'd run my wagon for me sure George can run the wagon and I'll show you where we saw the warbler oh goody my nephew wears this when he helps me perfect fit you shouldn't have many customers it's a slow day [Music] and just like that a monkey was in charge of a popcorn wagon excuse me I'd like a popcorn and lemonade please it was his first customer make that customers George's slow day had suddenly gotten very busy he tried to remember all the steps [Music] but he got off to a rocky start [Music] but the order of the order was all wrong [Music] and Bill's decorations were already down [Music] not George's [Music] she's still got some Life in Her a sort of [Music] just forgot the Erector Set ah ready to tackle the 1889 Paris exhibition [Music] sounds like a big project what do you say we set it up in the attic where there's more room foreign hang in there George I'm just getting it started for you then she saw yours [Music] it had been too cold to climb with jumpy squirrel we'll run with Dottie dear or waddle with dumpling duck George missed his animal friends [Music] since it was too cold for George to play outside maybe his friends could come inside for a sleepover [Music] oh uh let's see here um are these sleeping bags okay so you want to have a sleepover with your friends sure why not [Applause] [Music] hey and Bill and whoever that other person is see if one of them is good with Erector Sets [Music] we're having a sleepover you'll need snacks snap fun party games [Music] and cozy sleeping bags foreign needed were guests jumpy didn't like being startled whatever the monkey wanted it had better be good [Music] who was jumpy to say no to free nuts Dottie wondered where jumpy had gone oh [Music] if it was good enough for the squirrel and the deer dumpling wanted in two [Music] maybe they'd like to play a game [Music] dumpling knew what to do with eggs fortunately George had extra game pieces jumpy thought they were nuts and Dottie thought the dice were sugar cubes laughs [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe they should just go to bed laughs [Music] huh was this their first sleepover which would have to show them how sleeping bags worked [Music] [Laughter] George and the Man with the Yellow Hat had been invited by Mr Quint to go ice fishing George thought he should practice the trouble was [Music] the ice weren't fighting hey George what happened to all our George you do realize that ice fishing doesn't mean fishing for ice Mr Quint will show you better go pack a coat hat and mittens it's going to be cold up north oh [Music] Mr Quinn we're here wow hello you two come on in thanks for the invitation I have always wanted to try ice fishing [Music] [Applause] George doesn't believe that fish can live in the ice see down there the fish are in the water under the eyes [Music] no charge it takes an expert fisherman like me to catch them they don't just jump up and say hello maybe they do jump up and say hello [Music] it was George's old friends professors Einstein and pizza [Music] oh my you look a lot like our pal George why it is George what brings you up here fellas we're here on an important Mission but we're having trouble with our sub someone spilled his juice box on the control panel someone drives like this at any rate it appears that we'll have to scrap the mission oh wait a minute Einstein George is here the mini sub George how would you like to do some whale counting for us um that sounds like yes to me the mission is [Music] okay George in you go foreign [Music] you remember how to use all the controls [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got one I I got a big one [Music] thanks Mr Quint George this time of year several species of whales are swimming to their winter homes we're trying to track them as they migrate your mission is to count the whales you see going by ah see the screen on your dashboard that shows the different kinds of whales you might encounter oh [Music] beluga whales are white bowhead whales are dark and narwhals have long tusks [Music] now George Wells aren't fish they come up to the surface of the water to breathe air some of them also swim really deep so you'll have to look up and down hey would you see one of these whales just touch the picture on the screen that matches it and the computer will count it okay George here we go ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was autumn in the country leaves were falling and so are acorns [Music] jumpy had stashed away plenty for winter but there was always room for more [Music] Jumpy's Acorn stash was gone he had just hidden those nuts whoever had taken them couldn't have gone far he just had to find someone eating [Music] the monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] George come back and finish lunch hey [Music] the monkey was eating jumpies nuts for lunch jumpy had to get his acorns back [Music] he would watch that monkey like a hawk and his friend got into the car and went home good night George [Music] huh oh no you can play with jumpy tomorrow [Music] what was jumpy so grumpy about he liked nuts maybe if George gave him a nut he'd feel better [Music] jump he couldn't believe it the monkey was stealing acorns right under his nose [Music] choppy had usually saved more nuts than that by fall someone might have taken them and jumpy seemed to think that someone was George [Music] someone had taken those nuts it was up to George to find out who oh could those be Jumpy's nuts foreign George want a piece of pie fresh out of the oven but how could Mrs rankins have gotten up Jumpy's tree huh [Music] that possible laughs there had been a storm last night maybe the wind blew so hard the nuts rolled out of the tree and Mrs rankins found them [Music] George had to tell jumpy he would see it was all a big mistake jump you could see there was a mistake all right his nuts were acorns and those nuts were pecans huh jumpy was right Mrs Rankin's nuts were different [Music] loved visiting the Maldives mostly because of Uncle Hassan and now breathe calmly in and out whose morning ritual included yoga [Music] he made them traditional maldivian food not too spicy I hope [Music] just like your mom used to make just when George thought it couldn't get any better did snorkeling oh that's a great idea and of course you can use my boat you'll love it the coral reef is the home of so many different kinds of fish there are glass fish parrot fish butterfly fish and surgeon fish [Music] hmm oh George you ready to go snorkeling [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] take a trip she's somewhere new to [Music] use different words and different ways [Music] so head on out there's so much to see a million things [Music] [Music] about the wonders of the world [Music] so head on out there's so much to see a million things [Music] [Music] the world so the simplest route is to go around this bit of land George wanted to bring his ball but was there an extra seat yes George sure you can put the ball in there [Music] [Music] that seems easy enough ready to get going George all right off we go bye happy snorkeling see you later thank you huh that person must be expecting a big emergency [Music] here George I'll steer while you navigate we want to keep going east keep the E pointed toward the front of the boat and make sure the red arrow is pointed toward the end [Music] if the Red Arrow moves away from the end let me know [Music] there's nothing a little monkey likes better than playing in the sand at the beach for finding seashells looks like the ocean gave you a present George [Music] we better hurry our tour of the Marine rehab center starts in a few minutes [Music] George liked having his special shell but he didn't want it to break hello [Music] well hello well hello George didn't know he was going to see his friends professors Einstein and pizza thanks for inviting us to check out your Marine Lab our pleasure we love sharing our Underwater World with visitors and we're hoping you'll help us clean the fish tanks later huh [Music] a lot of fish tanks oh hey [Music] George had never seen an animal with eight arms before huh well that's Octavia the octopus and like all octopuses she's very smart ah huh George could do a lot with four hands but what could he do if he had eight [Music] George noticed one of octavia's arms was short oh she's fine before Octavia came to us she must have lost one of her arms luckily she's an octopus so it's growing back oh wait what that's right an octopus can regrow an arm not only that she can taste with her arms too here hold this out George foreign she's tasting it with her arms the way you taste with your tongue huh George wondered what it would be like to taste something with his arms [Music] look George huh seahorses the seahorses were beautiful their bright colors reminded George of his show George realized he'd put his seashell on the table earlier [Music] you're looking for your shell uh-huh well maybe you dropped it somewhere George hadn't dropped it he'd left it on the table he was sure of that it wouldn't be the first thing that's gone missing around here lately Oh no just yesterday I left my shoes in the lab and one of them disappeared too [Music] anyway don't worry George there are lots of shells around here we'll find you one that's just as nice but George wanted his shell the one the ocean had given him but where could it be [Music] [Applause] [Music] what was a snake doing in water [Music] maybe this snake took George's shell and then hid out in the fish tank [Music] oh he can't come out of the tank George that's a Neal um eels are a kind of fish a long skinny fish if the eel couldn't come out of the water it couldn't have taken George's shell or Professor Einstein's shoe so where was it wow gallops [Music] see those oh it was the perfect afternoon for a trip George and his friend were going someplace special [Music] Stars [Music] George knew the stars were really really far away he wanted to make sure he had everything he needed for the trip [Music] including trail mix if you're going into outer space it's a good idea to bring a snack hey George uh George it's not that far to Mr griggs's House ah you can take a toy and a snack but let's leave the rest here buddy okay [Music] [Applause] let's go see some Stars [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we are [Music] George wasn't sure how they were going to see stars in a house unless they were friends of Mr Griggs oh see George there it is [Music] it's something all right Mr Griggs built his own Observatory oh I'm so glad you're here and on the perfect night let's go on up George learned Mr Griggs was an astronomer studied the Moon and stars and all sorts of other things in space [Music] Oh that's a picture of a supernova an exploding star [Music] ah do you want to see how I got all these pictures I can't wait right this way welcome to my Observatory amazing and this is the telescope I use to see the stars wow you've come on the perfect night to see something astounding isn't it exciting oh allow me to introduce Fail-Safe this is the first time I've ever met a monkey hello and hello tall person wearing yellow uh hi failsafe helps me control the telescope he took all the pictures you just saw [Music] works like this say we want to look at the Crab Nebula we point the telescope toward one teeny tiny area of the sky you can't see it with your eyes but our powerful telescope can and I can snap a picture [Music] tonight we'll get a picture of a comet hitting the planet Mars what's a comet oh I'm glad you asked [Music] giant giant giant chunk of ice and dust that flies through space like a snowball as it nears the sun some of the ice starts to melt and trails off it looks like a big shiny tail wow wow wow indeed sometimes comets collide with other objects in space like the one that will hit mars tonight Little Monkeys love riding buses but a ride on the z bus was the best trip of all because it ended at welcome to zany Island say hello to our new friends Petey hello God how would you like your own pity wow nice George Barbie Adventure ahead and here's a map to keep you on course have fun George planned on having a great time and thanks to his map he wouldn't miss a thing [Music] Georgie's friend wrote fast rides slow rides scary rides wet rides and Scenic rides until one by one George Petey and the Man with the Yellow Hat had ridden them all foreign [Music] they don't come in yellow lucky you you got the last one in your size we're usually out of stock by this time of day [Music] that'd be your warning shot zany Island be cruising in 30 minutes I see one more ride [Music] so did you have a good time today George what was your favorite part yeah you sure had fun with Petey [Music] hey um where is Petey did we leave him behind [Music] well George hang on look I know you're worried about Petey but it's really late I promise we'll look for him first thing in the morning okay [Music] but George didn't want to wait until morning luckily you didn't have to the Sea bus ran all night [Music] he could rescue PD now [Music] senior Island was a big place good thing Georgia kept his map it showed everywhere he and Petey had been that day [Music] let the hunt for parrot PD begin but George wondered where to look first [Music] was the last day of the year which meant George was busy putting up decorations [Music] oh streamers get away from you again George after decorating there was baking and preparing for guests looks like we're all set for New Year's [Music] you're right George tomorrow starts the brand new year which means we'll need a new calendar [Music] we'll tear off the last number at midnight and you know what happens then [Music] Happy New Year [Music] hey you think you can really stay up till midnight this year George well if you want to be awake at midnight it might help to take a nap [Music] okay your choice but you might fall asleep and miss the party like last year [Music] [Music] George didn't want to miss the party [Music] so he decided to give the nap a try [Music] but it was too bright to sleep hmm [Music] hmm [Music] finally George was ready to fall asleep [Music] George what are you [Music] trouble sleeping huh you know what my grandmother used to tell me if you can't sleep count sheep give it a try [Music] you'll be asleep in no time one [Music] George needed to count more than one sheep to get sleepy luckily he knew just where to find some [Music] [Applause] [Music] one two three [Music] four five six seven [Music] the Sheep kept moving George couldn't tell which ones he'd counted [Music] if George wanted to know how many sheep there were he could only count each sheep once [Music] so he asked the Sheep to line up [Music] getting sheep to follow directions was harder than George expected if only sheep came with numbers [Music] [Applause] [Music] George I thought you were taking a nap [Music] okay have fun with our calendar now George could number the Sheep as he counted them [Music] sheep number one was very friendly it was a perfect day in the country for a hike [Music] foreign some places in the country were hard to reach [Music] but they were worth it [Music] pretty good hiking for a city kid George [Music] we're almost there the super great hit and nobody but us knows about if you hey I'm getting hungry sandwich break oh [Music] [Music] I'm all right I'm all right I'm ow I guess I'm not all right I don't think I can walk on my leg George oh maybe if I go slow ouch that's not going to work George knew he needed to go for [Music] gopher laughs [Music] hey thanks for the lift guys you did a great job getting help for your friend George I'm Bill she's going to meet you at the hospital [Music] looking forward to going there you are yeah they have the best fruit cup I've ever tasted it almost makes all this worth it [Music] hey George would you like to ride in the ambulance with us sure why not [Music] it's the paramedics job to give people first aid and bring them to the hospital George [Music] right and the ambulance has all the equipment we need it's almost like a rolling Hospital [Music] hey Danny haters Paula how's it going Barry hi Trish wow you seem to know a lot of people here yeah I've been in the hospital before yeah they aren't playing chess met everybody well hello Bill what happened hurt my leg what was it this time checkers turkey sandwich it's a wristband for the doctors and nurses to keep track of all of us patients [Music] well Bill it looks like your leg is broken in three places really [Music] Bill's leg looked like it was all in one piece you can't see the break on the outside that's why we Radiologists use an x-ray machine it takes pictures of how you look on the inside hmm George had seen an x-ray before [Music] Ah that's right there are fractures here here and here what happened slipped on a turkey sandwich of course I should have guessed George thought he'd like to have an x-ray machine of his own [Music] looks like Bill's gonna need a cast so his leg can heal and Bill's decorations were already down [Music] George's [Music] she's still got some life in her a sort of [Music] oh hey I almost forgot the erector set ready to tackle the 1889 Paris exhibition [Music] sounds like a big project what do you say we set it up in the attic where there's more room hang in there George I'm just getting it started for you then she's all yours [Music] it had been too cold to climb with jumpy squirrel or run with Dotty deer or waddle with dumpling duck George missed his animal friends [Music] since it was too cold for George to play outside maybe his friends could come inside for a sleepover [Music] oh ah let's see here um are these sleeping bags okay so you want to have a sleepover with your friends sure why not oh and when you talk to Ali and Bill and whoever that other person is see if one of them is good with Erector Sets if you're having a sleepover you'll need snacks fun party games [Music] and cozy sleeping bags now all George needed were guests laughs didn't like being startled whatever the monkey wanted it'd better be good [Music] who was jumpy to say no to free nuts Dottie wondered where jumpy had gone [Music] if it was good enough for the squirrel and the deer dumpling wanted in two haha huh [Music] maybe they'd like to play a game [Music] dumpling knew what to do with eggs fortunately George had extra game pieces jumpy thought they were nuts and Dottie thought the dice were sugar cubes oh hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] maybe they should just go to bed [Music] huh was this their first sleepover George would have to show them how sleeping bags worked [Music] [Laughter] George and the Man with the Yellow Hat had been invited by Mr Quint to go ice fishing George thought he should practice the trouble was [Music] the ice weren't biting hey George what happened to all our George you do realize that ice fishing doesn't mean fishing for ice hello Mr Quint will show you better go pack a coat hat and mittens it's going to be cold up north [Music] Mr Quinn we're here wow hello you two come on in thanks for the invitation I have always wanted to try ice fishing well to get where the fish are you have to drill a hole George oh [Applause] George doesn't believe that fish can live in the ice see down there [Music] no charge it takes an expert fisherman like me to catch them they don't just jump up and say hello maybe they do jump up and say hello [Music] it was George's old friends professors Einstein and pizza [Music] oh my you look a lot like our pal George why it is George what brings you up here fellas we're here on an important Mission but we're having trouble with our sub someone spilled his juice box on the control panel someone drives like this at any rate it appears that we'll have to scrap the mission wait a minute Einstein George is here the mini sub George how would you like to do some whale counting for us wow um that sounds like yes to me the mission is saved [Music] okay George in you go [Music] you remember how to use all the controls [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got one I got a big one [Music] thanks Mr Quint George this time of year several species of whales are swimming to their winter homes we're trying to track them as they migrate your mission is to count the whales you see going by ah now see the screen on your dashboard that shows the different kinds of whales you might encounter oh [Music] beluga whales are white bowhead whales are dark and narwhals have long tusks [Music] now George Wells aren't fish they come up to the surface of the water to breathe air some of them also swim really deep so you'll have to look up and down would you see one of these whales just touch the picture on the screen that matches it and the computer will count it okay George here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was autumn in the country leaves were falling and so are acorns [Music] jumpy had stashed away plenty for winter but there was always room for more [Music] Jumpy's Acorn stash was gone he had just hidden those nuts whoever had taken them couldn't have gone far he just had to find someone eating [Music] the monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] George come back and finish lunch [Music] the monkey was eating jumpies nuts for lunch jumpy had to get his acorns back [Music] he would watch that monkey like a hawk jump stop and his friend got into the car and went home good night George [Music] oh no you can play with jumpy tomorrow okay what was jumpy so grumpy about he liked nuts maybe if George gave him a nut he'd feel better [Music] jump he couldn't believe it the monkey was stealing acorns right under his nose [Music] foreign [Music] had usually saved more nuts than that by fall someone might have taken them and jumpy seemed to think that someone was George laughs [Music] if someone had taken those nuts it was up to George to find out who could those be jumpies nuts [Music] a shot of the oven [Music] but how could Mrs rankins have gotten up Jumpy's tree hmm [Music] foreign that possible there had been a storm last night maybe the wind blew so hard the nuts rolled out of the tree and Mrs rankins found them [Music] George had to tell jumpy he would see it was all a big mistake jump you could see there was a mistake all right his nuts were acorns and those nuts were pecans [Music] jumpy was right Mrs Rankin's nuts were different [Music] George loved visiting the Maldives mostly because of Uncle Hassan and now breathe calmly in and out foreign ritual included yoga [Music] he made them traditional maldivian food not too spicy I hope [Music] like your mom used to make and just when George thought it couldn't get any better did snorkeling oh that's a great idea and of course you can use my boat huh you'll love it the coral reef is the home of so many different kinds of fish there are glass fish parrot fish butterfly fish and surgeon fish [Music] hmm oh George you ready to go snorkeling laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] take a trip see somewhere new learn about what that feels like to do okay there's different words and different ways [Music] so head on out there's so much to see a million things [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you so head on out there's so much [Music] [Music] oh so the simplest route is to go around this bit of land George wanted to bring his ball but was there an extra seat yes George sure you can put the ball in there laughs [Music] [Music] that seems easy enough ready to get going George all right off we go bye happy snorkeling see you later huh that person must be expecting a big emergency [Music] here George I'll steer while you navigate we want to keep going east keep the E pointed toward the front of the boat and make sure the red arrow is pointed toward the end [Music] if the Red Arrow moves away from the end let me know [Music] there's nothing a little monkey likes better than playing in the sand at the beach except for finding seashells looks like the ocean gave you a present George wow oh George we better hurry our tour of the Marine rehab center starts in a few minutes [Music] George liked having his special shell but he didn't want it to break [Music] hello [Music] well hello well hello George didn't know he was going to see his friends professors Einstein and pizza thanks for inviting us to check out your Marine Lab our pleasure we love sharing our Underwater World with visitors and we're hoping you'll help us clean the fish tanks later wow those are a lot of fish tanks [Music] oh George had never seen an animal with eight arms before huh why that's Octavia the octopus and like all octopuses she's very smart ah George could do a lot with four hands but what could he do if he had eight [Music] George noticed one of octavia's arms was short oh she's fine before Octavia came to us she must have lost one of her arms luckily she's an octopus so it's growing back oh wait what that's right an octopus can regrow an arm not only that she can taste with her arms too here hold this out George [Music] she's tasting it with her arms the way you taste with your tongue [Music] George wondered what it would be like to taste something with his arms [Music] oh yeah [Music] look George huh seahorses the seahorses were beautiful their bright colors reminded George of his shell George realized he'd put his seashell on the table earlier [Music] you're looking for your shell uh-huh well maybe you dropped it somewhere George hadn't dropped it he'd left it on the table he was sure of that it wouldn't be the first thing that's gone missing around here lately Oh no just yesterday I left my shoes in the lab and one of them disappeared too [Music] anyway don't worry George there are lots of shells around here we'll find you one that's just as nice but George wanted his shell the one the ocean had given him but where could it be [Music] [Applause] [Music] what was a snake doing in water [Music] maybe this snake took George's shell and then hid out in the fish tank [Music] oh he can't come out of the tank George that's an eel eels are a kind of fish a long skinny fish if the eel couldn't come out of the water it couldn't have taken George's shell or Professor Einstein's shoe so where was it wow gallops [Music] see those uh-huh oh and he was even more excited when that friend was one of his favorite people in the whole world whoa uh let me guess great Aunt Sylvia's here [Music] oh my favorite nephews so uh how have you been Aunt Sylvia oh fine I just got back from the Galapagos Islands now you know how those Dolphins love to race was it fun no you bet I won oh and I have presents for both of you now I know how you love your mystery novels oh thanks and for George [Music] well now go ahead and open it [Music] it's a front loader I drove the real thing when I worked in construction and this one's the perfect size for a monkey what do you say George George could just imagine all the things he could do with his new front loader it would be great for making mud pies [Music] was it in winter and summer [Music] this was one of the best toys George had ever seen [Music] now he just needed something to pick up foreign [Music] George's new front loader wasn't doing a very good job of front loading well it's not you George it's the toy something's wrong with it we well it's just one problem that's easy to solve we'll just trade it in for another one [Music] excuse me there seems to be a problem with this toy and we'd like to exchange it for a new one oh I am so sorry folks but everybody's bringing this one back it looks like this toy is just defective [Music] looks like we'll just have to go to the source of the problem hmm let's see here made by din Woody Delights oh that's just across the city well then let's just pay them a visit maybe they can fix the problem I have some fossils to sort think you two can handle it of course you run along George and I will take care of this right George [Music] Douglas dinwoody welcome to my factory we've never had a monkey visit us before now what can I do for you well you see we have a problem with one of your toys problem what do you mean it's it's not the bubble blower that blows backward bubbles is it [Music] or the remote control car that only goes in a circle [Music] oh dizzy because those were supposed to be taken off the shelves months ago [Music] no actually I bought this for George but it won't pick anything up oh I see well if it's a defective toy we'll have to issue a recall come with me it was time for the town of Lake wanasink to have its 100 year anniversary party its new 100 was a lot because he once ordered 100 boxes of donuts accidentally The Man with the Yellow Hat asked George to give invitations to all their friends gotta get things moving cause the day is almost here this kind of thing just doesn't happen every year time to get the word out and you know that you can count on me I'm gonna travel through the town from and to end telling all the strangers and I'm telling all my friends I'll make sure everyone I need a shot will attend yes indeed it'll be bigger than your birthday [Music] so won't you celebrate it's time to celebrate so won't you celebrate with me everyone plan to attend except those who already had plans to be on an iceberg [Music] couldn't wait for the party George we have to stop at Mr Quince and get the anniversary jubilaria [Music] it's as old as the town 100 years oh we bring it out once a year at the town's anniversary party one star has been added to it every year since the town was founded now that's one we just added number 100. were there really a hundred Stars George decided to count them one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten Stars [Music] oh [Music] but he had one problem remember how to count to 100 well you just counted to ten so if you count to ten ten times that's 100. [Music] so how many stripes are there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten rows each row has 10 Stars that's 100. [Music] all the stars were in nice rows [Music] George could fix that that's when George learned how windy it is in a moving car can you imagine it took the town a hundred years to complete that [Music] oh [Music] folks will go absolutely wild when they see all hundred stars on the anniversary Jubal area would they go when they saw no stars George had just the guy we need can you come help with the costumes sure George do you mind staying here and helping with the anniversary Jubal area thanks wow George would need to fix the anniversary jubilaria himself before anyone was disappointed a good place to start was where the stripes flew out of the car and it was yeah [Music] he quickly found two [Music] and there was a fourth huh [Music] good old jumpy it was a special day in the country because tonight everyone was coming to the rankins barn for a Hoedown [Music] George George wasn't sure what a hoedown was but getting ready for one sure was fun foreign square dancing oh and best of all there'll be real live bluegrass music what's bluegrass oh Lightning Fast foot stopping music that'll make you wanna jig oh it's a hoot huh George do you hear that [Music] say hello to the Uptown bluegrass band everyone this is George and Ally I can howdy look at all those fun bluegrass instruments George like the banjo [Music] the stand up baits okay and the mandolin [Music] and don't forget old Bowl best guitar in the world of all the instruments the guitar was George's favorite it looked like the most fun to play [Music] oh I can't thank you enough for coming to play at our hoedown well couldn't let my old friend down thanks [Music] well thanks I made it myself that's a talent it was easy anyone can make a guitar all you need are the right parts speaking of guitars are you gonna play with us tonight sure I I'd love to ah well didn't you know your friend plays a meme bluegrass guitar oh yep here take a straw man old bull oh boy I I can't and besides there's still so much to be done and you know my guitar is back home and your guitar great hold Down's at five o'clock sharp oh two hours from now say maybe you can help me think Up lyrics for that song we were just playing oh okay [Music] you got it oh Mr yellow pants his guitar isn't all shiny like the pretty blue grass one Ali was right the guitar didn't glimmer or shine in fact it was Dusty [Music] oh I know let's give it a bath grandma says there's nothing like a bath to make you bright and shiny [Music] George couldn't wait to see the man's guitar All Bright and shiny instead the bath made it lumpy and peely oh George needed another guitar for the man to play at the hoedown and fast and then he remembered anyone can make a guitar you just need the right parts George would make a new one great idea George we'll make a new and improved guitar first they needed some kind of box with a hole in it [Music] they found lots of boxes [Music] but some of them were flimsy of them had holes when you live in a city there's always excitement in the air monkeys love flying things so when George heard Professor Wiseman had a plane that looked like a bird to follow other birds he wanted to be sure to have a front row seat for the big launch laughs [Music] after all some of George's best friends were Birds you guys realize the launch isn't until later right yes well what are you gonna do for the next hour oh I can keep them busy how'd you like to help me with birds final trial flight [Music] okay have fun I'll see you in an hour okay [Music] airplane called bird it's an acronym it stands for bird investigation and Recovery device why see up there birds migrate North to nest and suffer but along the way many birds get lost and we don't know why [Music] bird will track the migration and help us locate lost birds that is so cool we'll reunite them with their flock and try to fix whatever made them get lost in the first place Bird's first mission follow a flock of Rusty blackbirds passing over this afternoon oh but first you're going to help me with the last test flight now here's how the remote control works to launch bird first push the green button to start the engine push the joystick up to make bird go up move the joystick left to make bird go left then push the yellow switch up to activate the automatic pilot so that our computer can talk to bird and bird can talk back to our computer then our computer can fly the plane [Music] gentlemen prepare for takeoff [Music] to push the green button to turn bird on [Music] oh dear I must be doing something wrong hello Einstein this is Wiseman Bert isn't initiating properly did you hit the on button well of course I'm a scientist I do what the directions say maybe some of the wires came loose during the transport Roger stand by for inspection how odd hold this for me William Marco and George can you take the remote yeah yeah oh sounds like all systems are gold [Music] it shouldn't be able to do that scrub Mission scrub Mission how'd you start the engine [Music] George didn't know normally if you hit off things didn't turn on George push the joystick up and fly bird over the banner but instead of going up bird went down that's an even better idea push the joystick down and bring bird in for a landing [Music] instead of going down bird went up not up George down down down he is pushing down down down it's going to crash into the tree that was a close one to a curious monkey like George each morning meant a new surprise the moment he stepped outside [Music] some mornings he didn't even get that far oh hey guys meet Goliath he just moved into the building his owner has a guest who's allergic to dogs so Goliath is helping Hundley and me in the lobby today if you called blocking the elevator help him [Music] [Music] oh a delivery wow look at all the packages it's new lights for the hallways let's store them in the basement until the electrician comes [Music] oh Hundley could you get that [Music] that was not a chew toy well thanks Goliath hello oh Goliath could reach really tall places hungry wondered if the doorman's job would be easier with someone like Goliath [Music] he could put mail in the high mailboxes and take it back out again he could call elevators he could probably even put the star on top of the Christmas tree problem bye [Music] bye thanks Goliath [Music] [Music] that Goliath sure is a big help isn't he he sure is [Music] doorman did taller door dog George wondered what would cheer up Hundley maybe he'd be happier if he were tall like Goliath oh hey I know how we can make honey taller [Music] melts I had a pair when I was little they're fun [Music] come on [Music] here hungry you try [Music] then George realized dachshunds couldn't use stilts they didn't have hands to hold on to them ah only they made stilts you didn't have to hang on to [Music] what do you know [Music] did all George needed were dog shoes with platform Souls [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] oh [Music] making Hundley taller is harder than I thought Marco was right maybe they could find another way to make him taller to cheer him up [Music] it was a special day in the country because tonight everyone was coming to the rankins barn for a Hoedown [Music] George wasn't sure what a hoedown was but getting ready for one sure was fun [Music] there we go I tell you what you kids don't know what you're in for they'll be he ride square dancing oh and best of all there'll be real live bluegrass music what's Bluegrass oh Lightning Fast foot stopping music that'll make you wanna jig oh it's a hoot huh George do you hear that oh yeah [Music] say hello to the Uptown bluegrass band everyone this is George and Ally hey there kids howdy look at all those fun bluegrass instruments George like the banjo the fiddle the stand up baits and the mandolin [Music] and don't forget old Bowl best guitar in the world of all the instruments the guitar was George's favorite it looked like the most fun to play [Music] oh yeah all right now I can't thank you enough for coming to play at our hoedown well couldn't let my old friend down thanks oh you like a bow well thanks I made it myself that's a talent it was easy anyone can make a guitar all you need are the right parts speaking of guitars are you gonna play with us tonight oh sure I I'd love to well didn't you know your friend plays a meme bluegrass guitar oh [Music] yep here take strong on old old ball I I can't and besides there's still so much to be done and you know my guitar is back home and yeah we'll get your guitar great hold Down's at five o'clock sharp oh two hours from now say maybe you can help me think of lyrics for that song we were just playing oh okay ah you got it oh Mr yellow pants his guitar isn't all shiny like the pretty blue grass one Ali was right the guitar didn't glimmer or shine in fact it was Dusty [Music] oh I know let's give it a bath grandma says there's nothing like a bath to make you bright and shiny [Music] George couldn't wait to see the man's guitar All Bright and shiny instead the bath made it lumpy and peely George needed another guitar for the man to play at the hoedown and fast and then he remembered anyone can make a guitar you just need the right parts George would make a new one great idea George we'll make a new and improved guitar first they needed some kind of box with a hole in it [Music] they found lots of boxes [Music] but some of them were flimsy of them had holes it was time for the town of Lake wanasink to have its 100 year anniversary party George knew 100 was a lot because he once ordered 100 boxes of donuts accidentally The Man with the Yellow Hat asked George to give invitations to all their friends gotta get things moving cause the day is almost here kind of thing just doesn't happen every year time to get the word out and you know that you can count on me I'm gonna travel through the town from end to end telling all the strangers and I'm telling all my friends it'll be like New Year's Eve just celebrate so won't you celebrate with me I plan to attend except those who already had plans to be on an iceberg George couldn't wait for the party George we have to stop at Mr Quince and get the anniversary jubilaria this is the anniversary jubilaria it's as old as the town 100 years we bring it out once a year at the town's anniversary party one star has been added to it every year since the town was founded yeah that's one we just added number 100 were there really a hundred Stars George decided to count them one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten Stars [Music] but he had one problem remember how to count to 100. well you just counted to 10 so if you count to 10 10 times that's 100. [Music] so how many stripes are there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten rows each row has 10 Stars that's 100. [Music] all the stars were in nice rows [Music] one George could fix that that's when George learned how windy it is in a moving can you imagine it took the town a hundred years to complete that [Music] oh [Music] folks will go absolutely wild when they see all hundred stars on the anniversary Jubal area how Wild would they go when they saw no stars [Music] George had to tell the man about what happened just the guy we need can you come help with the costumes sure George do you mind staying here and helping with the anniversary Jubal area ah thanks wow George would need to fix the anniversary jubilaria himself before anyone was disappointed a good place to start was where the stripes flew out of the car and it was [Music] he quickly found two [Music] and there was a fourth [Music] good old jumpy when you live in a city there's always excitement in the air monkeys love flying things so when George heard Professor Wiseman had a plane that looked like a bird to follow other birds he wanted to be sure to have a front row seat for the big launch hahaha [Music] after all some of George's best friends were Birds you guys realize the launch isn't until later right yes well what are you gonna do for the next hour oh I can keep them busy how'd you like to help me with birds final trial flight [Music] okay have fun see you in an hour okay why is your plane called bird it's an acronym it stands for bird investigation and Recovery device why see up there birds migrate North to nest and suffer but along the way many birds get lost and we don't know why [Music] bird will track the migration and help us locate lost birds that is so cool we'll reunite them with their flock and try to fix whatever made them get lost in the first place Bird's first mission follow a flock of Rusty blackbirds passing over this afternoon oh but first you're going to help me with the last test flight now here's how the remote control works to launch bird first push the green button to start the engine push the joystick up to make bird go up move the joystick left to make bird go left then push the yellow switch up to activate the automatic pilot so that our computer can talk to bird and bird can talk back to our computer then our computer can fly the plane [Music] gentlemen prepare for takeoff [Music] I'm going to push the grid on [Music] oh dear I must be doing something wrong hello Einstein this is Wiseman bird isn't initiating properly did you hit the on button well of course I'm a scientist I do what the directions say maybe some of the wires came loose during the transport Roger stand by for inspection how odd oh this for me William Marco and George can you take the remote yeah thank you oh sounds like all systems are gold [Music] it shouldn't be able to do that scrub Mission scrub Mission how do you start the engine ah George didn't know normally if you hit off things didn't turn on George push the joystick up and fly bird over the banner but instead of going up bird went down that's an even better idea push the joystick down and bring bird in for a landing but instead of going down bird went up not up George down down down he is pushing down down down it's going to crash into the tree that was a close one there was trouble at professors Al Einstein and Tony pizza's Space Center and they hoped they could help the space rover needs to roam Mars taking pictures and Gathering Rock samples see there but the control will stick [Music] it works at first but we have trouble whenever it reaches the sleeping monkey how I didn't notice him go how can we communicate with him there's only one way and it's through that door George [Music] the Mars yard is supposed to be exactly like Mars there are no monkeys sleeping on Mars George knew the man was right because he'd been learning all about Mars he'd learned things like Mars is called the red planet [Music] oil contains red iron foreign George was so excited about seeing the Mars rover launch he couldn't sleep at all last night I'm afraid there's not going to be a launch if we don't solve this problem it stuck again well but why are you chewing gum oh how impolite of me anybody want some spinach and broccoli flavor oh yum [Music] now you know there's no gum chewing and Mission Control Einstein sorry Pizza [Music] let me go through this every day since he discovered that new flavor comes allowed in here we must figure out what is causing the Rovers controls to stick or cancel the launch well since Mars is very different than Earth is it possible the controls wouldn't stick there [Music] you're wondering about Martian gravity Mars has lower gravity than earth does you'd be three times stronger there oh ah [Music] if the pull of Earth's gravity is causing the sticking it might not stick in Mars low gravity that's true but what if it does still stick George wanted to help but he was tired when the Rover Stakes we can get it going again by giving it a good push if only we could send someone to Mars to push it nothing puts a monkey to sleep like a lot of grown-ups talking wake up George it's time to go [Music] George had slept through his whole visit you don't want to go if he doesn't want to go to Mars we can't make him [Music] it's time to go to Mars but if you don't want to go [Music] ready to be the first monkey on Mars it's an important Mission George if the Rover sticks your job is to give it a good push [Music] yep we're going to Mars together [Music] three two one liftoff we're going to Mars oh [Music] to a curious monkey like George each morning meant a new surprise the moment he stepped outside [Music] some mornings he didn't even get that far [Music] oh hey guys meet Goliath he just moved into the building his owner has a guest who's allergic to dogs so Goliath is helping Hundley and me in the lobby today if you called blocking the elevator helping [Music] [Music] oh a delivery wow look at all the packages it's new lights for the hallways let's store them in the basement until the electrician comes [Music] oh Hundley could you get that [Music] that was not a chew toy thanks Goliath hello oh Goliath could reach really tall places hungry wondered if the doorman's job would be easier with someone like Goliath [Music] he could put mail in the high mailboxes and take it back out again he could call elevators he could probably even put the star on top of the Christmas tree bye Goliath [Music] that Goliath sure is a big help isn't he he sure is [Music] it was true the doorman did want a taller door dog oh George wondered what would cheer up hunly [Music] oh hey I know how we can make honey taller [Music] builts I had a pair when I was little they're fun [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] here hungry you try [Music] then George realized dachshunds couldn't use stilts they didn't have hands to hold on to them ah if only they made stilts you didn't have to hang on to [Music] hmm what do you know they did all George needed were dog shoes with platform soles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] making Hundley taller is harder than I thought [Music] Marco was right maybe they could find another way to make him taller to cheer him up [Music] hungry monkey never refuses an invitation to eat tacos and burritos even if he didn't know what they are the tacos have meat [Music] the burritos are vegetable and cheese wrapped in a tortilla muen provecho [Music] that's my mom Maritza and you know my dad Luis and my uncle Felix and my sister Cecilia Marco tells me you're feeling sad about the Bandstand George we are sad too yeah we tried playing in the street this morning but it was too noisy it's worse than the subway it was nice to have a place where people could actually hear her music eating great food talking about music it reminded George of the last time he'd been at pisketti's [Applause] [Music] do you have a place in mind George where people can hear us [Music] excuse me coming through excuse me isn't it great everyone has come to help the man piscetti's might be fine for a man with a violin who could go up to each table to be heard but it wasn't working for a whole entire band George and Marco decided to find a place that wasn't crowded or noisy you live here [Music] George really hoped the lobby would work that way he 'd abandoned all the time so you think if we sound good in here then the whole band will sound good [Music] to George's surprise they didn't sound good they sounded sort of muffled except to Hundley [Music] George thought they'd sound less muffled at the zoo there weren't any curtains or carpets hmm but the lions were a little loud there were no lions or carpets at the railway station and the room was big enough for a band [Music] the high ceiling made it difficult to hear the music the bridge reminded George of the Bandstand it was a little too echoey okay so we need a room big enough for the band but not too big a high ceiling but not too high and no lions or carpets or Waiters [Music] hi George and hello friend of Georges hola are you coming to the opening tonight marvels of the Maya it's our biggest archaeological exhibit ever there'll be food and lots of people bring your friends lots of people was Marco thinking what George was thinking my family has a band music oh fantastic idea seven o'clock see you then [Music] it's just a little rain I'll get you an umbrella [Music] I know let's check the Attic [Applause] [Music] I knew I had an umbrella [Music] George thought that cart was wonderful it would be perfect for carrying stuff huh I really should get rid of some of this [Music] you want that oh sure [Music] my first yellow hat now that's a keeper [Music] George loved his new cart now all he needed was something to put in it it was too small for a cow [Music] could hold a ton of coconuts but there were no coconut trees around that's what George could put in it interesting sticks [Music] by the time George got out of the woods he had quite a collection [Music] thank you [Music] I'm gonna try some delicious made out of apples that I picked myself apple cider [Music] do you want a whole bottle [Music] that'll be 350 please why don't you and Ali make a trade that's what we used to do when we were kids [Music] get butt I don't want to trade for a stick oh I like the cards though George wasn't sure he wanted to give up his new cart but then again that cider was delicious [Music] now just remember kids once you make a trade it's for Keeps we know yay and it squeaks too here you go George by the next morning George had finished all the cider and was missing his cart there were so many fun things he could be doing no like playing hide and seek or carrying a pet fish around but the cart was gone unless he could trade it back for something Ally would like George was trying his best not to wake up the Man with the Yellow Hat but today was Saturday and the man was taking George to the zoo to see a dragon okay they weren't really going to see a fire-breathing dragon they were going to see a Komodo dragon which is more like a giant lizard [Music] morning George excited about seeing a dragon so a Subway is a huge network of trains that runs under the ground yeah there's a Subway right below our feet it takes thousands of people and the occasional monkey to places all around the city like the zoo and the entrance is right down those stairs hey wait up no George stop well we have to pay sorry about that officer it's his first time on the subway oh not to worry on my watch monkeys ride free oh thanks George was confused where were the trains [Music] don't worry George the train should be here any minute would you like to look at the map we're here at endless Park station and we're going to take the subway all the way to the zoo along the way we'll pass the Puerto Del Sol station that's the neighborhood where Marco lives and Chinatown where we go for Chinese food original B Farnsworth the Third professional clown At Your Service [Music] oh what are you let's head we're going to the zoo to see a Komodo dragon no need to travel that far my good man when you can see a Komodo dragon right yeah yes I know it's a giraffe it's the only animal I know how to make [Music] okay then hey George would you like a subway map as a souvenir of your first ride okay wait here I'll be right back [Music] George couldn't wait to get on the train so he didn't oh good the Train's here now where's George George [Music] here you go George [Applause] [Music] wait my monkey's on the train George get off at the next station and wait for me there [Music] oh boy careful another giraffe [Music] oh hey there I've never had a monkey on my train before would you like to see how I drive this thing [Music] oh maybe you'd even like to help [Music] ah from here I control the Train's speed brakes and doors okay the workers are done and the lights green so it's time to get moving so let's blow the horn [Music] now move the lever forward easy and get this trainer rolling [Music] and here we are at our next stop Puerto Del Sol great job you can drive my train anytime bye now [Music] few things captured the attention of a curious little monkey I wonder what this could be okay oh it's from my mother happy birthday love Mom oh that's so sweet is today your birthday it is and George and I are going to celebrate huh I'm late for my appointment hold on to this for me will you George and then we'll celebrate bye George if it was my birthday I'd have a party you want to have a party [Music] surprise party even better you know how I throw a party it's as easy as a b c d all you need is a an apartment B your buddies c a cake and D decorations [Music] a b c d that didn't sound hard at all [Music] The Man with the Yellow Hat would be back at seven George had only four hours to get the party ready he already had an apartment [Music] and the man's buddies were listed in this book so that took care of a and b but George still needed c and d a cake and decorations you want me to invite the people in his address book all of them okay seven Oh you mean seven o'clock got it foreign [Music] I'm gonna give you my special all fruit Frozen cake on the house just pick a size Giorgio a big party needed a big cake the big one surprise [Music] looks like quite a celebration is it a birthday yeah say I could blow that up for you it'd make a great decoration just pick a size normal huge or jumbo Madness [Music] jumbo Madness it is oh [Music] [Music] oh hi George everyone's coming I just had to say yellow hat and they all said yes [Music] oh I'll take that stuff upstairs maybe you want to get a stepladder to hang the star [Music] s George thought the small ladder looked about right laughs five o'clock oh I gotta get back to work Hundley can stay though see you at the party [Music] George had picked too wide of a cake it wouldn't fit in the freezer luckily it was cold out on the balcony I took care of C cake now for D decorations [Music] George had also picked too big of a poster and a too small ladder the secret that monkeys like cars all kinds of cars [Music] thank you ready get set and oh [Music] whoops [Music] nice wipe out that reminds me you should have seen me almost wipe out at the Derby I was coming down the hill accelerating into maximum gravitational pull and then I lost a wheel huh I think Bill is talking about a Soapbox Derby George it's where kids build and race their own cars and there's a Derby today on boysenberry Hill oh check it out [Music] bill that is one nice looking vehicle did you build it yourself sure did it's got rear wheel steering caliper brakes and a parachute you have a parachute in there it pays to be prepared me too I want to build a car like that and almost wipe out on a hill you kids want to enter the Soapbox Derby [Music] yes you're serious then you'll need the rule book it pretty much tells you everything you need and how to put it together hey you want some help I was a pretty mean Derby racer in my day sorry but that's against the rules contestants have to build their own cars oh yeah yeah okay well you're welcome to borrow anything you see around the house [Music] 2 p.m sharp see you there foreign bill was right the book could tell them everything If Only They knew how to read the car and something cars something car this book needs more pictures haha [Music] this looked like something they'd need the part to sit in yeah they also needed that a steering wheel just like on the man's car and wheels for the car to sit on [Music] hey George you see how that thingy there is stopping the wheel I bet that's a break ah a break maybe this book could show them how to build a car two three and four let's go look in our barn grandpa has all kinds of stuff in there oh hey oh yeah good idea let's take the wagon maybe we'll find car stuff on the way oops [Music] wasn't the wagon right here yeah these flowers look beautiful in that old kayak hi I'm guess what George me we're building a car so we can race in a race all we need are car parts well if you see any car parts lying around just help yourself [Music] must have left my gloves inside [Music] the broken boat and the car body looked a lot alike almost totally exactly the same and and and and look it it already has two seats one for you and one for me [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,182,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: hMq9xul7fsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 58sec (8698 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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