Chef Jeff's Tuba and MORE! | 2+ HOUR ABBY HATCHER COMPILATION | Cartoons for Kids

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Chef Jeff and curly hi Chef Jeff so sorry no time for hell I've got a dinner party to prepare I still have to mash the potatoes and frost the cake I'll never have enough time cly help curly M I can't be distracted by flying potatoes curly please go with Abby and Bosley curly go yeah it'll be fun come on curly okay [Music] Chef Jeffs can't resist cake mashed potatoes crudy [Music] help wait no don't make a mess Che Jeff are you okay no I didn't mash the potatoes and now curly squeezing my frosting bag so I can't Frost the tank R Curly's not squeezing a frosting curly help that's magnificent curly and you weren't squishing the potatoes either you were mashing them curly Mash you finish them up it'll be a huge help curly help curly SMH smash smash awesome it turns out Curly's a spacular kitchen helper thanks to you curly I think we can make this dinner party a super success y Chef Jeff night off we've got hungry guests curly did Chef Jeff leave any food food food no food but the guests are really hungry H I know we'll make dinner ourselves really us yeah how hard can it be the rice is steaming Curley's got the veggies let's tell everyone dinner's almost ready yay yay yay yay yay ladies and gentlemen dinner is the fuzzly spotter uh-oh Curly's in trouble in the kitchen the dinner too much face The Blob I'll turn off the right catching Pogo spring shoes [Music] activate pH you guys okay okay we want food we want food we're cooking as fast as we [Music] can instead of doing this ourselves we should get help from my mom thanks Mom there's no way we could have made dinner for everyone without your help that's okay I'll cut the veggies and you can make tofu designs with the cookie cutters split perfect now I heat up some oil in walk we put in the veggies and tofu [Music] veggies here's the tofu tofu and we stir fry it all up oh that was a long wait but it was worth it can I have more please Chef Jeff's special guest curle and I have planned the most perfect day for you perfect perfect perfect that's so beautiful can and the two of you entertain mother while curly and I finish the orves she really loves to dance perfect I'll bring out the peepers she'll be dancing in no time wonderful a to singot always entertain mother's going to love these ORS she's not dancing this is terrible if everything were perfect she'd dance curly help Chef best dance dance dance this is so much [Music] fun this is terrible come on [Music] onward coming to inside please Zoom riew specs activate she's headed for that PO in the street what do we do Abby time to go fuz we [Music] F I am the invol this is fun but I can't stop don't worry we're on it we need some kind of ramp okay W don't worry I'll save you cut thank [Music] you thank goodness you're safe Chef Jeff's [Music] tuba me sleep me sleep me sleep the fuzzly spotter spotted there's trouble in the lobby fuzzle trouble C delay to the rescue save the day me sleep me Chef Jeff I thought you were going to bed I was after just a little more practice I didn't think anyone else was here see princess flug Chef Jeff didn't mean to wake you it was an accident please unstick his HBA me sorry me thank [Music] you ah too loud Chef Jeff it's so late everyone needs to sleep and it's so noisy what do we do spr fart Chef j a bad note now I need to practice more I know you want to practice but what if you could do it without making any noise then I could practice all night my performance would be perfect but how Bosley what do you have that can muffle the tuba and make it quiet basketball spacular pass it here Bosley my left score try playing now Chef Jeff Perfection thank you Abby now I better get back to practicing now we can all go back to bed mo and B's road trip ooh what are you looking at Mom it's an exhibit a few Towns over a display of the world's largest tap shoes ooh world's largest tap shoes on display please let's go see them right away that's a spacular idea we'll take you there to dance in front of the world's largest tap shoes oo I'm happy to drive you but we better hurry today's the last day it's going to be there and it closes at [Music] Sunset we'll get to the world's largest tap shoes and plenty of time for you to dance in front of them right Dad uh-oh hold on everybody why did we stop construction hi how long do you think we'll be stopped it'll be a while I'm sorry Mo andb I don't think I can get you there in time I'll have to fly you there myself come on Mo [Music] andb this way woohoo Y super thigh Wings activate [Applause] wow we are off to the world's largest tap shoes [Applause] wo we made it just before sunet [Music] yay looking good moo hey I'm glad I didn't miss the show you made it tell you what how about you join Mo and Bo and I'll take the video SP Mo and B's new [Music] shoes what is happening attic upstairs Abby the attic I bet that means trouble with Mo and B we'll get to the bottom of it Mrs melin I promise thank you Abby just please hurry they're tap dancing let's hit it Bosley yay sh Wait we are making the whole room shake and that means everyone Stop Dancing thanks why not tapping tapping fun H maybe if we try dancing on the roof deck it won't bother anyone yeah to the roof [Music] deck Tey Terry we've got to save teeny Terry Bosley cing bomber blimp jacket gotcha thanks Abby roof deck bad for dancing now you still want to dance but how I'm not sure where we can dance without bothering anyone Abby judge Thorne is about to judge my hotel High te but where is the entertainment um we're the [Music] entertainment how we entertain when we're done start delightful the only thing that number needs is more me hit [Applause] [Music] it Mo and B enter an art show oh my hi judge Thorn Miss Hatcher assorted fuzzlies we think those boots are really neat we want to put them on our feet H those boots are the prize for my Art in the Park show we can do a painting too will we get the cowboy boots if we do if you win then yes hooray if we don't win those boots we'll cry Abby can you help us try better believe I will Ready Set paint I think you're swinging too fast if you're not careful you ah I'm coming Mo andb Roller Shoes activate go Grier gloves activate roller breakes activate cut you I may have saved the show but not Mo Bart it's too bad you really had a shot at winning those boots what now Abby I'm not sure [Music] rain I know how you can turn these ruined paintings into something spacular ruined artwork turned into something brand new Mo and B I declare you the winners and I'm making the prize two pairs of cowboy boots yeah yes woohoo anything you want day all done your shoes are super spacular shiny since they look so good and new we'd love the other shoes in our trunk shine too that's a big trunk of shoes but it's Mo B's anything you want day so we'll shine them all Abby Bosley I'm right here and as for Bosley noce where's Otis soundbound that way let's go in here we'll need some Super Cyclone action to get him free [Music] ready thanks Abby and B we have a new idea now let's go to the salon I'm so excited you came to the salon on anything you want e you have a silly bubble hat and Bosley have Bubble mustache I want to blow off bubbles too now I have a big bubble hat car it launcher BL activate woohoo go [Music] gotcha we heard a big fuss is everyone okay you blew me out of the salon and left Otis with big mess of shoes we're sorry how do we make it better spr we'll clean all the messes good as new yeah yeah Abby meets Mo and bow go Mo go cool let's see how fast we can fill up these boxes with stuff for our Fort ooh yeah okay cool a lampshade Bosley could always use a new hat huh I think the boxes are full Bosley up to the Fort more fort stuff let's go get the other boxes Bosley no no don't bounce on [Music] bow uh-oh time for B to go B where B go the fuzzly spotter there's trouble at our play Fort Hi friend I'm Abby want some fuzzly treats wow look at what you can do that's bacular help Mo find bow Mo find bow twin bow I don't get it you have a twin fuzzle and you want to find him Zoomer view specs activate fuzzle tracks They go right to the salon Mrs Melvin have you seen a fuzzle that looks like her sorry Abby I haven't you're all done see you next time we'll find him oh quick the bike ma'am excuse me oh move move I got this Mo hgo spring shoes activate yooo CA B Hotel work for Mo and B woohoo last of our morning chores Bosley take our laundry to the basement yeah gotcha Miss [Music] W yeah that was fun and you saved all the laundry now we can finish our chores what's a chore tell us more chores are jobs around the hotel we need everyone's help to make the hotel nice Bosley and I make my bed and clean my room my dad and teeny Terry fix [Music] things C and Chef Jeff Cook and princess flug takes care of the garden with my [Music] mom we want jobs too we do we do let me help you with your luggage woohoo wow thanks Mo and B I can't believe you can carry all those bags H carry bags R Fork they'd be spacular Bell hops Bells that's H jingle jingle jingle jingle bell hops carry luggage to and from rooms that's the perfect job for Mo and bow we'll take your bags and a away there we go hello welcome to the Hatcher Palace Hotel don't worry about your bags our Bell hops will take them right up for you we'll take your bags up on our backs so you'll be free to just relax tap dancing buzzly Bell hops no wonder people love this hotel a snack machine aha [Music] no snack [Music] stuck uh-oh oh just stuck all cleaned up spotted Otis is in trouble in the lobby I'll get you out Otis H I got it if we had the key we could open the snack machine and get him out Dad we need some help if you've got some trouble I'm here on the double do you have the key to open the snack machine just got to figure out which one it is let's see I've got the key to the back door uh key to storage key to the freezer in the basement Abby it's taking too long don't worry Otis I have another plan in hi teeny Terry hi Abby we need your help if you've got a gy I'll make it scram thanks teeny Terry Bosley do you have your extendo hand oh aha extendo hand can you make this extendo hand come down from the top of the machine then we can use it to pull Otis free sure I'm ready to build watch this ta here you go Abby thanks teeny Terry almost almost almost got [Music] it done is free ding ding ding thank you thank you thank you Tey Terry helps Lex teeny Terry our official to-do list ready fix Miranda's watering can add stuffing and reatch the cushion on the lobby couch and last but not least paint aby's bedroom we have a long list of fixing to do you said it teeny Terry that's why I've got a surprise for you a new screwdriver for your fix it helmet teeny tastic cool thanks Lex let's put your newest tool to use on to-do list item number one the watering can Tool Time teeny Terry W all done here you go and now before we move on with the to-do list I've got to get a new roller brush to do aby's room but it's nothing a quick trip to the hardware store can't fix back in a jiffy teeny Terry see you hey want to check out these colors in my room I've got to get to work Rex gave me a gift now I want to give him one too there the stuffings all back in the cushion this will be so much quicker done teeny tastic I sure hope Lex likes what we did he'll love it okay Tey Terry I'm back surprise the cushion it's fixed there's more follow [Music] me incredible you finished the to-do list what an amazing surprise it was a gift and I never would have gotten it done without the help of all my friends fuzzle safety drill this is a safety emergency please get out of the hotel quickly and in orderly fashion there's rumbles looks like he's last thanks for a great safety drill everybody and have a good nap grumbles you kept everyone calm and got them safely out of the hotel you know what I'm going to go check the safety equipment got to make sure everything's ready just in case it's my duty to run a new drill to make sure everyone gets it right this is a safety emergency please get out of the hotel quickly and orderly FES l go still too slow everybody good thing this was just another drill another drill let's go back inside grumo glad no emergency grumbles need sleep everything's shaking it's a real emergency I have to let everyone know this is a safety emergency please get out of the hotel quickly what's happening it's an emergency but no one believes me I believe you everyone we have a real emergency W Abby can you make sure everyone gets out safely better believe I can thanks teeny Terry Coco spring shoes activate yeah thanks Bosley thanks Abby that noise sounds familiar of course when grumbles gets super tired he snores loud if we prop his head up with a pillow he'll stop snoring it's okay everybody all that shaking was serious you did the right thing it's safe to go back inside yeah the Hat Palace playground building a playground will be hard work but if we all work together I know we can do it me brought stuff to build a playground where everyone can make pretty things me really cuz I brought stuff to build a playground where everyone can run around and climb my idea better I think my idea is better Tada Sparkle Goose Splash Pool perfect place to make pretty things done this jungle gym is the perfect place to run around and climb I'm going to try it out awesome yeah careful Bosley we don't want Sparkle goo bubbles oops Abby help poo spring shoes [Music] activate huh Abby fosly are you okay we're okay the sparkle goo and jungle gym bars made a tower Fort w in here so shiny and sparkly it's your fault this you should have built what I wanted places to make pretty things why couldn't you build what I wanted places to run around and climb now Abby and Bosley are [Music] trapped not trapped anymore yay you have to come see this place it's fantastic come on yeah pretty so pretty and look at all the places to to climb [Music] [Applause] around we wanted that look so fun Tey Terry me new friends I can't wait to play with the Pelicans hi I mean is that your mom oh no she thinks I'm a baby pelican let's save teeny [Music] Terry it's us teeny [Music] Terry uhoh ow ouchie yeah it didn't work Abby what do we do now teeny Terry you need to inflate then you won't baby Pelican size and you can float back home that's a teeny tastic idea here we [Music] [Applause] go it worked Abby the babies want to stay with me but they haven't learned how to fly yet they're not safe up here then let's get them down poo spring shoes activate tickle tickle tickle that's the [Applause] [Music] SP theab we're on [Music] ITA yooo got you y help gotcha Tey Terry thanks grumbles now I can go back home superhero teeny Terry never fear teeny man is here teeny man not Mega strong Abby needs to help let's let him try first you were right BOS I've got to help pot rck stopper [Music] activate you saved me teeny man I did it great job teeny Terry that's because I'm teeny [Music] man you're sure we shouldn't tell him you saved Chef Jack with your watch but I thought I saved them I was right all along I'm not a hero teeny Terry I just wish we could do something to make teeny Terry feel like a hero rart we need to help him do something really superh heroic I have an idea follow me okay Bley loosen up the wings that'll make us wobble and timy Terry can save us with his tools go Lucy Lucy uh-oh to Lucy W oh no there's no time I have to save her all by myself Abby I don't know what to do I know you can do it I oh no what do I do what do I do I've got it Abby grab my tail yeah CAU it pickle tickle here's the spot you saved me Genie Terry a hero the fuzzle in the moon when the moon is super full and bright we'll see the fuzzle in the moon I want to see the fuzzle in the moon oh here he comes look yeah done I kind of see the fuzzle in the moon if you want to see him better you'll need this they're pretend telescopes but they help try it oh I do see them a little better but I don't want to just see him I want to fly up and meet him but what if my wings get tired and I can't make it all the way dup Towers that's it w I can make a giant Tower to the Moon then I can climb up and not worry about my wings getting tired climbing to the mo Thrills he'll keep climbing and soon he'll meet the in the one more to glude uh-oh huh oh no CER be go goo gripper gloves activate gotch you ouch it's okay teeny Terry I have just the thing in my carease here all better thanks Abby a but now I'll never get to the fuzzly in the moon H Genie Terry we have something for you you do what is it tada it's a real telescope check it [Music] out it's the fuzzle in the moon I see him he's so close hi fley in the [Music] moon a hotel talent show was a great idea our next performer is teeny Terry think of talent think of talent think we Talent uh tiny Terry is everything okay I can't do [Applause] it I still have a talent for the show we're going to find you one all of us yeah you can try singing like princess flood O singing is not my talent that's okay maybe you can play the accordion like Otis help playing the accordion is not my talent [Music] either okay how about a juggling [Music] Act I can't do any of it oh no help teeny [Music] Terry woohoo yeah that was spacular uh what was teeny Terry gymnast but I didn't do anything I was just deflating and that's how I stop myself when no one catches me all those sumers Sals and jumps and slides that's gymnastics and you're really really good at it you mean it's my talent yes your talent the hotel talent show presents peny [Music] Parry yeah moving can Abby [Music] help thanks Abby I got stuck all I wanted was a cozy little snug of my own like princess flog and Otis a teeny Terry snug is a great idea but you should have it on the roof deck where you Bird Watch I'd love a snug on the roof deck operation build a snug is on to the roof deck teeny Terry welcome to your new snug oo wo use buttons for elevator oh an elevator kind of like your snug great H which button should I press [Music] huh me buil perfect snug me it is perfect perfect for princess flug step inside your dream snug what's wrong The Snug are what's wrong they're nothing like what I wanted you're right I'm so sorry tetiny Terry the snugs were all wrong maybe I don't need a snug after all yes you do just tell us exactly what you want okay well I want this and definitely this it's snug tacular let [Music] F what do you think tiny Terry is it you yes yes this smug is all me teeny Terry our official to-do list ready fix Miranda's watering can add stuffing and reatch the cushion on the lobby couch and last but not least paint aby's bedroom we have a long list of fixing to do you said it teeny Terry that's why I've got a surprise for you a new screwdriver for your fix it helmet teeny t cool thanks Lex let's put your newest tool to use on to-do list item number one the watering can Tool Time teeny Terry W all done here you go and now before we move on with the to-do list I've got to get a new roller brush to do aby's room but it's it's nothing a quick trip to the hardware store can't fix back in a jiffy teeny Terry see you hey want to check out these colors in my room I've got to get to work Alx gave me a gift now I want to give him one too there the stuffings all back in the cushion this will be so much quicker done teeny tasting I sure hope Lex likes what we did he'll love it okay te Terry I'm back surprise the cushion it's fixed there's more follow [Music] me incredible you finished the to-do list what an amazing surprise it was a gift and I never would have gotten it done without the help of all my friends Otis Elevator shake and buttons pop off Lex to the rescue I see the problem the little wheel's out of place and now the gears won't work you'd have to be really small to get into a place that tight then it's a good thing you have your super small sidekick teeny Terry me yes that's a great idea what if I mess up you can do this teeny Terry I know you can okay I'm going in I can do this I see it fantastic can you get it back in place I think [Music] so oh no I messed up again uhoh oh no Abby teeny Terry getting big he can't get big inside the elevator panel he'll break the whole thing he can't help it every time he tries to fix something he gets so frustrated H rain spk that's his problem he gets frustrated teeny Terry I know what you need just count to five nice and slow and Far Away Your Troubles will go ready I guess 1 1 2 3 four five it works and I'm going to f this [Music] elevator I did it save elevator for spacular I can't wait to play with the Pelican hi I mean is that your mom oh no she thinks I'm a baby pelican let's save teeny [Music] Terry it's us teeny [Music] Terry uhoh ow [Music] ouchie yeah it didn't work Abby what do we do now teeny Terry you need to inflate then you won't be baby pel size and you can float back home that's a tastic idea here we [Music] [Applause] go it worked Abby the babies want to stay with me but they haven't learned how to fly yet they're not safe up here then let's get them down poo spring shoes activate tickle tickle tickle that's the [Applause] [Music] why the bab we're on it [Music] gotcha yooo got you yay help gotcha teeny Terry a thanks grumbles now I can go back home when the moon is super full and bright we'll see the fuzzly in the moon I want to see the fuzzly in the moon oh here he comes look yeah done I kind of see the fuzzle in the moon if you want to see him better you'll need this they're pretend telescopes but they help try it oh I do see them a little better but I don't want to just see him I want to fly up and meet him but what if my wings get tired and I can't make it all the way look D Towers that's it wo I can make a giant Tower to the Moon then I can climb up and not worry about my wings getting TIY climb [Music] theb one more to glude uhoh huh oh no Custer beers go goo gripper gloves activate good job ouch it's okay teeny Terry I have just the thing in my carease here all better thanks Abby a but now I'll never get to the fuzzle in the moon H Genie Terry we have something for you you do what is it tada it's a real telescope check it [Music] out it's the fuzzle and the moon I see he's so close hi fuzzle in the [Music] moon huh what's happening what's going on ship [Music] marks [Music] W my snug I've got to get it out of here uh-oh [Music] help Abby Chipmunks took my snuck and now I'm stuck in here poo spring shoes activate tickle tickle that's the SP thanks for getting me out Abby but do you think you can get my snug out too of course czy presenting the crunchy the delicious the irresistible barley Acorn [Music] woohoo perfect just a little peanut butter for our chipmunk friends M Bley delicious great idea Abby go get him Bosley okay YooHoo Chipmunks nice juicy Acorn here nice smooth shell johy Acorn cap and inside up oh can't catch me AB now we can save your snug got it yeah done woohoo I'm so happy to have my snug back thanks Abby I'm glad you're happy Tey Terry superhero teeny Terry never fear teeny man is here tiny man not Mega strong Abby needs to help let's let him try [Music] first you were right Bosley I've got to help pot rck stopper activate you saved me teeny man I did it great job teeny Terry that's because I'm teeny man te you're sure we shouldn't tell him you saved Chef Jack with your watch but I thought I saved them I was right all along I'm not a hero teeny Terry I I just wish we could do something to make teeny Terry feel like a hero rart we need to help him do something really superh heroic I have an idea follow me okay Bosley loosen up the wings that'll make us wobble and Tey Terry can save us with the tool C your ears go Lucy Lucy uh-oh to Lucy wo oh no there's no time I have to save her all by myself ABY I don't know what to do I know you can do it I oh no what do I do what do I do I've got it Abby grab my tail yeah H it tickle tickle there's the spot you saved me Genie ter a hero a snack machine aha [Music] no snack [Music] stuck uh-oh o stuck all cleaned [Music] up spotted Otis is in trouble in the lobby I'll get you out Otis hm I got it if we had the key we could open the snack machine and get him out Dad we need some help if you've got some trouble I'm here on the double do you have the key to open the snack machine just got to figure out which one it is let's see I've got the key to the back door uh key to storage key to the freezer in the basement Abby it's taking too long don't worry Otis I have another plan hi teeny Terry hi Abby we need your help if you've got a gy I'll make it scram thanks teeny Terry Bosley do you have your extendo hand oh aha extendo hand can you make this extendo hand come down from the top of the machine then we can use it to pull Otis free sure I'm ready to build watch this ta here you go Abby thanks teeny Terry almost almost got [Music] it done is free ding ding ding thank you thank you thank you teeny T Tey [Music] sport this is really it I'm going to pitch a softball like a real pitcher here it [Music] comes my [Music] car a little closer there BL purle shoes [Music] activate this is terrible I can't do any sports at all I'm going back to my snug but teeny Terry he's sad we haven't found the right sport for him h r sport teeny Terry's teeny he doesn't just need a small ball he needs a sport with a teeny ball Tada pingpong ball that's bacular let's get to the roof deck and cheer teeny Terry come on teeny Terry leave me alone please I think we have the perfect sport for you please come out and take a look I'm too small and every bow I tried is way too big but I really hope you'll come play with [Music] us ready to play pingpong [Laughter] Ready that sounds like a lot of fun I made a teeny paddle just for you a small paddle a teeny ball I think I can do this W you're really good thanks this is the best for ever thanks for helping me find it Abby you're welcome check your local TV listings for full episodes two fix it fuzzlies wow Rambo's just like teeny Terry now screw an umbrella did it feels pretty sturdy but maybe I should tighten the screws a little more now's my chance I'll tighten them oh no grandle is H I think teeny Terry's feeling really left out now all we have to do is hang the tire and we're done I'll hang the tire Lex easy ass who got to see him B come on I need a long feather tickle tickle tickle this oneor SE activate gotcha I'm so glad you're okay if anything happened to my little buddy I don't know what I'd do you still want me to help you let's see fix the hotel golf cart but these are all big jobs I don't think I want to fix things right now I'm going up to my snug grumbles and I could use your help can't stop Abby rumbles and I are stuck in the golf cart we need help on it Dad needs someone little to reach the off switch te Terry little perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] done yay thanks teeny Terry I don't know what I'd do without my little buddy thanks you're my best pal too new elevator operator here you go H is sad want to play with pillbug sure her tentacles mean Otis can't do anything what if Otis uses your extendo hand to grab the pill buug yeah extendo hand o it works doesn't hurt now just get cuddle pillbug aha the elevator's free here you help me with these princess blug I need a big favor can you run the elevator for a while it's easy just make sure you're the only one who touches the buttons happy to help Abby thanks so much welcome to elevator oh buttons stop Abby said only me press buttons [Music] me uh-oh [Music] help I'm so glad you're having fun with the extendo hand the puzzly spatter me need help me princess flug's got elevator trouble oh this come too what about your boo boos o just have extendo hands what do we do Abby I just know what to do P show red buttons at same time we can do this let's go Bosley [Music] one Buton left I'll just press smash but with Theo head W elevator fixed now ding ding ding ABY best beach [Music] dayion passion come away that's a lot of water wings and floaties you look fastic let's [Music] swim how come you're not in the water Otis it's the best part of fuzzly beach day yeah uh well Abby look let's jump off Abby and fuzzies jump off dock I noce judge another fantastic idea Otis come on everybody jumping contest off the dock y all right the water's great let's do it everybody woohoo this is so fun fantastic rles do big [Applause] jumps AB Otis are are you okay jump off and swim back no I just stay on wraft why won't he just swim back to us we have to save him he's too far away I know what to do huh Super Splash SK activate yeah coming OD hurry odies reach out and grab my hands T [Music] youy we got this wooo this is [Music] fun ocean was fun fuzzle safety drill this is a safety emergency please get out of the hotel quickly and in orderly fashion here's rumbl looks like he's last thanks for a great safety drill everybody and have a good nap grumbles you kept everyone calm and got them safely out of the hotel you know what I'm going to go check this safety equipment got to make sure everything's ready just in case it's my duty to run a new drill to make sure everyone gets it right this is a safety emergency please get out of the hotel quickly and orderly fash let's go still too slow every everybody good thing this was just another drill drill let's go back inside Grumble glad no emergency grumbles need sleep everything's shaking it's a real emergency I have to let everyone know this is a safety emergency please get out of the hotel quickly what's happening it's an emergency but No One Believes Me I believe you everyone we have a real emergency W Abby can you make sure everyone gets out safely better believe I can thanks teeny Terry poo spring shoes activate yeah thanks Bosley thanks Abby that noise sounds familiar of course when grumbles get super super tired he snores loud if we prop his head up with a pillow he'll stop snoring it's okay everybody all that shaking was serious you did the right thing it's safe to go back inside terries run away snug I new snug is so cool I know I should wait for Abby before I try it out but I'm too excited so many controls I know that's the ejector don't want to touch that oh I think this opens the sunroof rocket boosters activate that wasn't the sunroof at all it's too how do I make it start wo Abby look chy carry out of control Super Sky bike activate yay wo teeny Terry we're trying to catch you but you need to slow down maybe this one robot Fixit arm activate B robot arm sorry about that the robot arm will help lasso it Bosley [Music] lasso uh-oh oh no now Bosley's in trouble what do I do I'm not sure we put so many cool things on your snug we can't tell what does what you're right we added all this extra stuff and it's causing trouble bra spark the only way to save Bosley is to give up all my cool stuff hang on Bosley I'll cut you [Music] loose oh no you blew a big and now we're floating thanks great save teeny Terry got it grab on Bosley ready now let's get you both home Mo and B's road trip ooh what are you looking at Mom it's an exhibit a few Towns over a display of the world's largest tap shoes ooh world's largest tap shoes on display please let's go see them right away that's a spacular idea we'll take you there to dance in front of the world's largest tap shoes woo I'm happy to drive you but we better hurry today's the last day it's going to be there and it closes at [Music] Sunset we get the world's largest tap shoes in plenty of time for you to dance in front of them right Dad uh-oh hold on everybody why did we stop construction hi how long do you think we'll be stopped it'll be a while I'm sorry Mo andb I don't think I can get you there in time I'll have to fly you there myself come on Mo [Music] andb this way woohoo Y super thy Wings activate [Applause] wow we are off to the world's largest tap shoes [Applause] wo we made it just before Sunset [Music] yay looking good Mo andb hey I'm glad I didn't miss the show you made it tell you what how about you join Mo and B and I'll take the video SP Mo and B's new [Music] shoes what is happening attic upstairs Abby the attic I bet that means trouble with Mo and Bo we'll get to the bottom of it Mrs melin I promise thank you Abby just please hurry they're tap dancing let's hit it fley yay sh Wait we are making the whole room shake and that means everyone Stop Dancing thanks why no tapping tapping fun H maybe if we try Dan dancing on the roof deck it won't bother anyone yeah to the roof [Music] deck Terry we've got to save teeny Terry Bosley cing bomber blimp jacket CA thanks Abby roof deck bad for dancing now you still want to Dan but how I'm not sure where we can dance without bothering anyone Abby judge Thorne is about to judge my hotel High te but where is the entertainment um we're the [Music] entertainment how we entertain when we're delightful the only thing that number needs is more or me hit [Applause] it Mo and B enter an art show oh my hi judge Thorne Miss Hatcher assorted fuzes we think those boots are really neat we want to put them on our feet uh those boots are the prize for my art in the part show we can do a painting too will we get the cowboy boots if we do if you win then yes hooray if we don't win those boots we'll cry Abby can you help us try better believe I will Ready Set paint I think you're swinging too fast if you're not careful you I'm coming Mo andb Roller Shoes activate goer gloves activate roller break activate C you I may have saved the show but not Mo Bozart it's too bad you really had a shot at winning those boots what now Abby I'm not sure [Music] rain I know how you can turn these ruined paintings into something spacular ruined artwork turned into something brand new Mo and B I declare you the winners and I'm making the prize two pairs of of cowboy boots yeah yes woohoo anything you want day all done your shoes are super spacular shiny since they look so good and new we'd love the other shoes in our trunk shine too that's a big trunk of shoes but it's Mo B's anything you want day so we'll shine them all Abby Bosley I'm right here and as for Bosley noce where's Otis soundbound that way let's go in here we'll need some Super Cyclone action to get him free [Music] ready thanks Abby and B we have a new idea now let's go to the salon I'm so excited you came to the salon on anything you want e you have a silly bubble hat and Bosley have Bubble mustache I want to blow off bubbles too now I have a big bubble hat car it launer B activate wooo go [Music] gotcha we heard a big fuss is everyone okay you blew me out of the salon I left Otis with big mess of shoes we're sorry how do we make it better we'll clean all the messes good as news yeah Abby meets Mo and B go Mo go cool let's see how fast we can fill up these boxes with stuff for our Fort ooh yeah okay cool a lampshade Bosley could always use a new hat huh I think the boxes are full Bosley to the fort More Fort stuff let's go get the other boxes Bosley no no don't bounce on [Music] bow uh-oh time for B to go B where B go the fuzzly spotter there's trouble at our play Fort Hi friend I'm Abby want some fuzzly treats wow look at what you can do that's bacular help Mo find bow Mo find bow twin bow I don't get it you have a twin fuzzle and you want to find him Zoomer view specs activate fuzzle tracks They go right to the salon Mrs Melvin have you seen a fuzzly that looks like her sorry Abby I haven't you're all done see you next time we'll find him B quick the bike ma'am excuse me oh move move I got this Mo move poo spring shoes activate Yoo CA B Hotel work for Mo and B woohoo last of our morning chores Bosley take our laundry to the basement yeah gotcha miss me wo W yeah that was fun and you saved all the laundry now we can finish our chores what's a chore tell us more chores are jobs around the hotel we need everyone's helped to make the hotel nice Bosley and I make my bed and clean my room my dad and teeny Terry fix [Music] things C Chef Jeff Cook and princess flug takes care of the garden with my [Music] mom we want jobs too we do we do let me help you with your luggage [Music] woohoo wow thanks Mo and B I can't believe you can carry all those bags H carry bags RK they'd be spacular Bell hops Bells B jingle jingle jingle jingle bell hops carry luggage to and from rooms that's the perfect job for Mo and B we take your back and away we go hello welcome to the Hatcher Palace Hotel don't worry about your bags our Bell hops will take them right up for you we'll take your bags up on our backs so you'll be free to just relax tap dancing buzzly Bell hops no wonder people love this hotel stop copying me follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow we're playing Follow the Leader so stretch up tall like me we'll do the same as you do easy as 1 2 three we can't stretch like you and mo so we'll walk on our tippy toes princess plug come play Follow the Leader with us can't HBY me planting pretty flowers me now make a circle go really fasty do it with roller skates woo now bosle big circle like Mo and B wo Abby help me don't want to stop planting but me left water and Canon basement me to the basement woohoo roller skating that looks fun no b no Follow the Leader that's the one but I don't want to play that now I want to roll skate but following B is really great stop Mo I'm not playing B just wants to get away mom could play like this all day let's see you want to do different things but you still want to play together R you need to compromise that means you find something that's a little bit of what you both want so a little bit of skating for me and for me some Follow the Leader I see H what if we play Follow the Leader on roller skates let's do it let's play I love it too let's start right away Y game sounds fun we should play too I bet I'll follow them faster than you Mo and B and the video game oh yeah go Lex Woo you're perfect is that some kind of a video game oh this yeah it's a snakes and ladders game you want to play we can't all use tablet so what we play now Abby let's play dress up in my room no dress up for us we'd rather stay are you sure you don't want to come and play with us no [Applause] turn [Music] Abby I'll get you the ladder ladder broken Abby fuzz black how can Dad get down until we win we won't stop take the ladder to the top can I look please that's it Mo and B can be the ladder and dad can climb down ladder just like in the game you can do it now dad come on [Music] down falling down the ladder is not how you play if you want to win try the other way I don't know what to do Bley seems like nothing will get them to put that game down they put it down to be the ladder for Dad lad Mo and Bo put down the tablet when the game happened for Real come on bosle I have the most spacular idea ever real life snakes and ladders game woohoo yay most favorite game come on yeah real life play is way more fun and we can do with everyone the Lost button Trail if we keep going this way we'll get to the big hill y Wood's very big how do we not get lost got the fuzzly craft case uhuh [Music] Tada we'll just use sewing buttons we can use them to make a trail in the snow see if we keep dropping buttons we can follow the trail back home y Mossy Hill let's run ahead can't wait to ride our sled [Music] W Mo and B are [Music] sping uh-oh B look out for that pile of [Music] snow Abby with this button Trail we'll definitely find our way back home Abby it's snowing snow split acular let's catch it on our [Music] tongues the fuzzly spotter spotted Mo and B are in trouble on the hill we're both stuck here way up high get us down please or we'll cry on it bomber blimp jacket activate stop your ears go wo yay p b [Music] SLE wo got you yay wooho thanks Abby you're welcome the snow monster Mo and B love the snow play some more go go go go get a coat and hat and we'll finish building the Snowman we'll do that one hat one coat for mowing and bow share them both and play in snow room for me come in and see Bo can't see where Abby go Mo can't see her either Bo look Mo snowman in the snow let's go go go wo easy Mo wo W hi it's a snow monster a snow monster spacular where is it and it ran that way we have to help it come on [Applause] a no way that's not a snow monster that's Mo and Bone we need to get down and stop them right him curly curly bounce hurry Bosley we need a net yes spr out everybody Str the net Mo and B are you okay Mo okay B okay play in snow for rest of day roll of skating mo andb mo mo watch [Music] out we'll help you Mo andb blimp jacket super [Music] activate mo mo I'll catch Mo and you catch b c your ears go onward you got to find R W wi wo gotcha move [Music] Mo oh no look go Bo on the count of three one 2 3 Move [Music] Bo I can't believe we lost them spr bar we catch them by be them yeah wait how can we be mo and bow With a Little Help from the fuzzly craft case yay B is that you b b here I am b w bye enjoy your purchase [Music] wo wow springy and comfortable that was close M Miss boso B Miss moo too thanks Abby missing Mo B yay How does it go M's ride push the button on the side yeah awesome faster horsey let's be bow bow will win no hor is slow M look weing fley Sophie be careful they're falling awfully fast no more and Bo where' they go I'm not sure my fuzzly alarm is quiet so they're not in trouble we should probably get you back to your friend Abby this way no more B know where they go Zoomer view specs activate spotted I see they're fur so they were definitely here balloons I could play with balloons all day oh no mo we're floating away oh no I'll save you hold on Mo and B are in trouble again yeah right there quick to the bike they're floating away not for long Super Sky Wings [Music] activate I'll get Mo boat you can help the girl Bosley flyer activate woohoo jump little girl I'll catch you yay Abby floaty di Floy oh catch the floaty Hang On We're Going Down Yay Bosley loses pillbug enjoying the ride pillbug I sure am Bosley what a great morning race you home dad first to the Courtyard wins you're on Wooh [Music] someone's stuffy fell in the mud all washed up and ready for lunch Tada I'll get ready too time for lunch pill buug pill bugs see Bosley tea party fun fun fun I really miss pill bug you can hold sprinkles me heard crying me Bosley sad about lost pill book when me said me cuddle special polka dot blanket you want to try you blanket is cozy thank you we can't replace pillbug but if he's really gone we can at least give Bosley something special to cuddle taada I know it's not the same as P bug but maybe it'll help let's get it to him fly [Music] fast wait a minute I bet Bosley's pillbug flew off the bike just like this one but if it's not here now someone else must have taken it and the new stuffy we made him is all muddy and yucky did you find pillbug we tried but I think he's gone we made you this to help you feel better I'm so sorry Bosley Abby Mo and Bo made this for Bosley everyone works so hard to make Bosley happy Bosley have best friends friend in the world thank you hugs a rosley and Melvin you just sit right here now let's see owie aha an owie leg I have just the thing a little Snap-on cast there the fuzzly spotter SP Ed there's trouble in the salon with Harriet fuzzly trouble can't delay to the rescue save the death owie you should stay off your leg if you're hurt but Abby needs sidekick to help Abby needs a sidekick to help you need to stay off that leg Abby did I hear you need a sidekick wow I can barely tell you to apart wow it's like looking in the mirror why Melvin dress like Bosley so I could be Abby sidekick you do need one today right actually since Bosley's hurt I do need a sidekick yeah woohoo come on Melvin wo wo wo har bomber blimp jacket activate I knew you would come I just have to get you over to Melvin's cushion perfect Melvin right there ready Harriet [Music] uhhuh I did it I did it great job Melvin Abby and the missing Binky Abby Bosley are you here I'm Kitty sitting Elvin and I wanted to something we can play with huh they're not here oh here's something we can play with I'll bring it right back when I'm done Kitty sitting [Music] Elvin thany thany what happen peepers where's her baby heat vision specs activate Footprints a feather and teeny Footprints it has to be teeny Terry to the roof check PA please you like the pill bug huh pill bug favorite not for Kitty Binky gone keep Vision specs activate rubber baby Binky bouncing the binky went over the roof the bounce Mark bad in here Chef Jeff have you seen little do Binky no but it looks like she found it oh no that's a mushroom I made the same mistake this mushroom does look like little Do's Binky I bet the binky bounced onto one of the pizzas let's find it excuse me nope pardon me excuse me there must be something I missed Zoomer view glasses [Music] activate Boss Lee did you put that pizza in your pouch yep mushroom Bosley's favorite the only slices of pizza we didn't check are in your pouch taada the pinky we did it spacular Abby meets her first fuzzle welcome to the Hatcher Palace Hotel Abby Tada we know you'll love living here I hope so hey remember this my old blankie soft and snuggly like a fuzzly do you think there are any fuzzlies here huh your dad and I need to get the hotel ready for guests why don't you explore maybe you'll find a fuzzly friend friend this is my room cool fuzzly cookies you're the best mom I heard that there is a fuzzle here you like cookies [Music] hi hey wait are you fuzzle maybe would you like another cookie my name is Abby Hatcher do you have a name me Bosley nice to meet you Bosley can I tell you a secret I've wanted a fuzzly best friend my whole life but I've never actually talked to one before I'm kind of nervous me nervous too you know what always makes me feel better when I'm a afraid of something new it's my blanket I've had it since I was a baby would you like to have it cut you cut me will you be my friend best friend Abby and Bosley babysit Lara peekaboo she really does love you I don't suppose Hotel greeters babysit do they we could unpack a lot faster if Lara was with you and Abby Lara with bzy Abby and Bosley can babysit a happy guest that's what's best that's our motto you two are the best hotel greeters ever come on I'll take you to your room are you sure you want a baby wao a Happy guest that's what's best Laura happy with us Laura happy PA the ears not happy what now you need to keep her busy with a game but what just finished the last check-in of the day how are you two doing with little Lara actually we have a problem we know a happy guest that's what's best Laura keeps playing with Bosley's ears and he doesn't like it I'm so sorry I did say a happy guest is best but that doesn't mean you have to let them do something you don't like Bosley really absolutely if you don't like what someone is doing say please stop if don't stop ask a grown-up like me for help now that we know we can speak up maybe we can play with Lura in a better way yeah Bosley want to try bosy no ears Lara okay Bosley doesn't like it you can't touch anyone unless you ask first and they say it's okay okay hug bosy yes Bosley loves hugs love you a love you too play now sure balloon toss now that's a great way to play well done for two more all right Abby madebe s mumbles a baby mum's tired from bouncing gumble's tired too baby's sitting hard buzle I can watch mumbles for you really sure I know all the rules for babysitting baby fuzzlies fuzzly one never get a tired baby fuzzly over excited two never feed a baby fuzzle after dark three never wake a sleeping baby fley happy does no rules crambles nap now bye what do you think mumbles is it your nap time too Mumble sounds tired he sure doesn't look tired we need to wear him out H baby seems really TI tired and excited we started with one mumbles and now there's two what's this would you like some milk and cookies wait no it's dark outside and Rule Number Two says never feed baby buzzes after dark after those babies Bosley sorry I see you baby mumbles Pogo spring shoes activate we need to get those other babies got a toy Bosley toy YooHoo [Applause] babies a so sweet no no Jewel on pill buug please looks like these babies are ready for bed let's get them [Applause] upstairs stop copying me follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow we're playing Follow the Leader so stretch up tall like me we'll do the same as you do easy as 1 2 3 we can't stretch like you and mo so we'll walk on our tippy toes princess flug come play fall the leader with us can't HBY me planting pretty flowers me now make a circle go really fast Bosley can do it with roller skate woo now Bosley big circle like Mo and B wo Abby help me don't want to stop planting but me left water and Cannon basement me to the basement woohoo roller skating that looks fun no b no Follow the Leader that's the one but I don't want to play that now I want a roller skate but following bow is really great stop Mo I'm not playing Bo just wants to get away moom could play like this all day let's see you want to do different things but you still want to play together R you need to compromise that means you find something that's a little bit of what you both want so a little bit of skating for me and for me some Follow the Leader I see H what if we play Follow the Leader on roller skates let's do it let's play I love it too let's start right away yipp game sounds fun we should play too I bet I'll follow them faster than you Mo and B in the video game oh yeah golex woo you're perfect is that some kind of video game oh this yeah it's a snakes and ladders game you want to play we can't all use tablet so what we play now Abby let's play dress up in my room no dress up for us we'd rather stay are you sure you don't want to come and play with us no [Applause] [Music] turn Abby I'll get you the ladder ladder broken Abby fuzz black how can Dad get down until we win we won't stop take the ladder to the top can I look please that's it Mo and B can be the ladder and dad can climb down ladder just like in the game you can do it now dad come on [Music] down falling down the ladder is not how you play if you want to win try the other way I don't know what to you ble seems like nothing will get them to put that game down they put it down to be the ladder for Dad ladder Mo and Bo put down the tablet when the game happened for Real come on Bosley I have the most spacular idea ever real life snakes and laders game woo yay most favorite game come on yeah real life play is way more but and we can do with everyone the Lost button Trail if we keep going this way we'll get to the big hill y Wood's very big how do we not get lost got the fuzzly craft case uhhuh [Music] T we'll just use sewing buttons we can use them to make a trail in the snow see if we keep dropping buttons can follow the trail back home yay mosy Hill let's run ahead can't wait to ride our sled w What mo and B are [Music] sping uh-oh B look go for that pile of [Music] snow AB with this button Trail we'll definitely find our way back home Abby it's snowing snow spacular let's catch it on our [Music] tongues the fuzzly spotter spoted Mo and B are in trouble on on the hill we're both stuck here way up high get us down please or we'll cry on it bomber blimp jacket activate S your ears [Music] go yay P [Music] bossle w got you yay wooho thanks Abby you're welcome this snow monster Mo and B love the snow play some more go go go go get a coat and hat and we'll finish building the Snowman we'll do that one hat one coat for mowing bow share them both and play in snow room for me come in and see Bo can't see where Abby go Mo can't see her either Bo look Mo snowman in the snow let's go go go wo easy Mo [Music] [Applause] wo it's a snow monster a snow monster spacular where is it and it ran that way we have to help it come [Music] [Applause] on no way that's not a snow monster that's Mowing and Bone you need to get down and stop them r from curly curly bounce hurry Bosley we need a net yes spr out everybody Str theet Mo and B are you okay Mo okay B okay play in snow for rest of day roll of skating MO andb Mo and mo watch [Music] out we'll help you MBO bomber blimp jacket super [Music] [Applause] activate I'll catch Mo and you catch B cut their ears go onward you got to find R wa up Mo W gotcha [Music] move Mo oh no look go B on the count of three 1 2 3 Move Bo I can't believe we lost them bre barart we catch them by be them yeah wait how can we be mo and bow With a Little Help From The fuzzly Craft case yay is that you B no here I am B fck yeah wo bye enjoy your purchase wo [Music] wo wow springy and comfortable that was close Mo Miss B B Miss moo too thanks Abby missing Mo and B yay How does it go Mo tried push the button on the side yeah awesome faster horsey let's be bow bow will win most horses slow mom look two foring fley soy careful they're falling awfully fast no mo and B where' they go I'm not sure my fuzzly alarm is quiet so they're not in trouble H we should probably get you back to your friend Abby this way no more bow now where they go Zoomer view specs activate spotted I see their fur so they were definitely here balloons I could play with balloons all day H oh no mo we're floating away oh no I'll save you hold on Mo and B are in trouble again yeah right there quick to the bike they're floating away not for long Super Sky Wings [Music] activate I'll get my in boat you can help the girl Bosley flyer activate woohoo jump little girl I'll catch you yay Abby floaty dip Floyd B catch the floaty Hang On We're Going Down Yay the squeaky peepers yay chef chef [Music] H my tuba sounds plugged I'll fix [Music] [Applause] that yay one more time Big D to little [Music] do H where's little do she's gone I'll get little do [Music] Dismount Melvin we tracked a peeper to your room have you seen her no but come and see my new pink hamster huh pink hamster she's not a hamster Melvin she's little do let's get you back to the others don't worry Bosley rescue yay way to go Bosley grab the Peeper and I'll catch you on the bike wo excuse me yeah boom go catching Little D in five 4 3 two no bomber blimp jacket activate woo hi gotcha now let's get you [Music] home don't break me down break me down Abby helps [Applause] [Music] ois good to stay and play justu what just going [Music] up come [Music] come hi are you out here bird watching too we're here for a picnic huh picnic tree fort picnic up here tree picnic too high I think a balloon ride with teeny Terry will make you feel a zillion times better about going up high hi [Music] by my tickle spot oh no teeny Terry's tickle spot makes him def [Music] flate I've got you Odin gotcha I'm stuck Bosley save teeny [Music] Terry teeny Terry tight Bosley can't save teeny Terry on his own what do we do friend help to the [Music] rescue y tickle tickle tickle ding ding ding safe and sound thanks sis got [Music] you is not scared anymore squeaky peer missing snug ready to get out of your peer bed and practice to impress judge Thorne me [Music] we love singing We love to play hi Chef Jeff no time for chitchat judge Thorn is coming and I simply must get cooking Thor here's verse two our hot [Music] [Applause] [Music] is oh no there we'll help you with that back in a sec [Music] peepers our is gone and we can't sleep andad we want to the buly spatter the [Music] kitchen hooray hooray hooray rain SP the egg curtain looks like their peeper bed it must have gotten mixed up with the groceries when they [Music] spilled we're so happy our Co you promised me a happy song Hit [Music] iters the fuzzle trick or treat you all look so cute now get together and say Trick or Treat trickortreat woof woof I see you take your costume very seriously let's go trick- or treating have fun and stay [Music] together we'll be home by dark and we'll all stick together now let me show you how to trick or treat come on is everyone ready for the next house yes Otis didn't wolf Otis where but he has to be here I know I'll check the fuzzly spotter fuz black he's too far away Otis no Otis he is not there Otis Otis and it's just about time to go back in look it's almost dark it is almost dark H maybe Otis could see us with a signal rain spk that's how we'll get Otis back we'll make sure he sees us in the dark bubbles princess plug bomber blimp jacket activate lift that basket curly me bubbles me flashlight activate the perfect [Music] signal happy and fuzzy sting ding wff Abby ding Abby wff Otis a I missed you Otis you're so Happy Abby andley babysit us more till no more singing it's time for [Music] bed that's it a game it's the perfect way to get you peepers tired we'll play High hide and seek no more singing okay you hide Bosley and I'll count okay okay okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here we come found you aha huh great hiding peepers now come out come out wherever you are where papers Abby I'm not sure I'll track them with my watch Hello spotted they're in the fuzzly passageways we've got to get them before they mess up Mom and Dad's party come on we're not sleepy days are keep games for every are and there they go arm workor [Music] [Applause] lost them found [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] them gotcha singing time's over peepers it's bedtime peer's fast asleep sweet dreams [Music] Abby the secret passageway peers never find Altis here where is alst alst lost the peepers will never find us here the fuzzly spotter help spotted it's Otis he's in the buzzly passageways Zoom R viiew specs activate I see his tentacle Prints but they end right here [Music] strange wooho yeah nice catch yay wo how do we get out easy same way we came in bomber blimp jacket [Music] activate how get out Abby there has to be a way H maybe that is the only way out it open to let Otis in and to let us in Rain spark the hide and seek game the peepers are still seeking you have to make lots of noises as loud as you [Music] can now hogo spring shoes activate it's hard to hold [Music] Bosley time to go Otis O's out of control uh-oh the on and off button is sticking I oh is com for right it's too dangerous until I fix that onof button but don't worry I have just the right Tools in my snug I just want to go zoom zoom and you will right after teeny Terry fixes the engine button hey Bosley let's bedazzle the bike moreo be right back Otis oo [Music] buttons look out come on Bosley follow that Otis hi Mom have you seen Otis BBY look out [Music] rain spk we'll use the net [Music] no uhoh no hgo spring shoes activate gotcha bye cabby it's ruined oh so sorry Abby now bike broken it was an accident and I love you a lot more than I love that bike we know you made a mistake with the bike but you said you were sorry so Tada scooter Otis ride scooter just go shy grumbles good morning morning oh morning great day for a checker game new [Music] person Abby rumble's flying away we've got to save him don't worry Grumble we're on our way we have to hurry grumbles is almost to the par can't stop AB don't worry grumbles I'll catch you Pogo spring shoes activate here go and gotcha [Music] wo oh no got you thank you Abby and Bosley that was scary too shy don't be sad grumbles it's okay to be shy you need help to Bea shy and I know the perfect thing we're going to walk home but Bley and I won't leave your side yeah and when you feel shy I'll squeeze your hands so you'll know I'm right here and you're safe okay okay hi everyone great to see you again hi I'm grumbles that's right I remember I hope to see you again soon bye he hopes to see me again soon of course he's friendly like you like me hi I'm grumbles grumbles eh oh well hello let me ask you something do you like Checkers love Checkers well then let's all go in for a game huh what do you say mhm grumbles just shy and Grumble so happy a yay grumbles the peer deliveries and done these tubes go to every place in the hotel now we can deliver anything anywhere and we've got all kinds of stuff to deliver woohoo we've got customers for the bigger and better peeper transport system come on [Music] peepers help is on the way we deliver sa day now we're moving super fast how we we're stuck where are all the peepers we're stuck oh no the squeaky peepers are in trouble come on [Music] Bosley zomer view x-ray specs activate teeny Terry can help us rescue the peepers teeny Terry we need your help for the ultimate peeper rescue plan yeah first step of plan teeny Terry unscrew to on [Music] it done step two of the plan qule free the peepers C ears go H St three of the plan Abby calms the peepers so they can rest this looks like a for the peer pacifying pitch pipeing good day now and rest and are best that was a great plan thanks bath time for grumbles your turn grumbles no bath for me grumbles will go down the drain you won't go down the drain see the drain's too small plus I'll put in a plug watch I didn't go down the drain Wiley didn't go down the drain if you say so Abby under all your brumbles Buzz you're as thin as a noodle feet uh-oh oh no he did go down the drain the fuzzly spotter help he's heading to the salon that's our chance to catch him hi is everything okay rumbles went down the drain and he's heading this way oh no here I come grumbles I'll get you gotcha Harry it throw your ponytail all the way out to me then we can use it to pull you out that's a great idea hair [Music] flare you did it ready let's pull hurry very fun but a little spooky too too grumbles knew he'd go down the drain I know you did and I'm so sorry I didn't listen from now on I promise I'll always believe you no matter what yeah what she said thanks Abby and Bosley aw grumbles dancing boots ear ear spring spring Polish Polish tada what do they do glad you asked grumbles these boots will hear the music and automatically dance to Harriet's song spacular let's see how they work music Bosley [Music] music you're really good [Music] grumbles W you out of control ABY oh no grumbles danced away come on Bosley we got to help him nothing like some Sweet Tunes while I make my deliveries wo [Music] oh no shoes follow new music W wo wo easy maybe if we play our music louder than the delivery gu music we can get grumbles to turn around super speakers activate wo wo [Music] wo wo you've got him keep him close with the music and I'll help grumbles Pogo spring shoes activate there woohoo grumbles joins the squeaky peepers open wide aha now I see what it is I'm afraid you've got fuzzing itis it's okay he's just lost his voice and has to take a break from singing I'm just not sure he'll be better in time for judge Thorn's show but without big do the peepers can't do the show yeah he couldn't sing doop do doy do up that sounds spacular H bra SP grumbles you're a great singer and you know big Do's part you could fill in gambles be big do well I'm here where are the sneaky creepers um actually they're called The Squeaky peepers with special guest peeper rumbles hello oopsie we can fix this get ready grumbles when grumbles gets wet grumbles gets awesome let's play grumbles out of here wo wo wo I see him wo you did it it grumbles is out now he can sing with the peepers for judge Thorne Bosley and I will help we'll do it with you hit it [Music] peepers St h do do [Music] doel Le fun fair this is it the big date is finally here the fun fair is on let's go ride the Ferris wheels the ferris wheel sounds really great but we want candy apples we can't wait let's split up and meet again later we'll just stay with our group so we don't get lost sounds good to us have lots of fun we'll see you when your ride is [Music] done peer like [Music] Meer woohoo we've got a winner pick a prize any prize I'll take take the little one please I love it I've never won anything before we're going to check out the whole Fair together I'll put you in my backpack to keep you safe Abby help me he's got to be around here somewhere uhoh Abby look little boy already on Ferris wheel it stopped Pogo spring shoes activate hello great view from here don't mind us just passing through hi sorry to drop in on your ride but we have a fuzzly emergency one of our monster buddies is stuck in your backpack my backpack wa I'm so glad we found you just don't wander away again okay we were worried [Music] w w woohoo Abby you did it you found little dough a surprise for grumbles When Auntie tumbles and the cousins come we'll send them down too then bring grumbles for a big surprise to the basement Otis ding ding ding ding Abby it's tumbles into the elevator everyone 1 2 3 mumbles run off don't worry we'll find him right away and bring him down to you keep vision glasses activate spotted I see his tracks mumbles bounced out to the Courtyard come on Abby I'm so glad you're here I'm trying to make sure grumbles doesn't see but look super Sky bike activate woohoo we've got to get the birds like gold mumbles time for tickle power Bosley tickle power tickle tickle tickle got you now let's get you back to your family so we can give grumbles his big surprise gano's sleepy now time for a nap gr's nap right here [Music] here if Grumble is here won't see a surprise kids kids come back mumbles sumbles fumbles humbles and anti- tumbles hurry back to basement everybody quick granny grumbles hooray happy family visit grumbles thank you Abby big granny hugs for [Music] everyone yeah
Channel: Spin Kids - Cartoons & Original Shows for Kids
Views: 71,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paw patrol, paw patrol cartoons, cartoons for kids, mighty express, mighty express cartoons, chase paw patrol, rubble paw patrol, zuma paw patrol, for kids, bakugan cartoons, mermaid high cartoons, hatchimals cartoons
Id: T4xWc1uaXRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 49sec (8149 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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