I Survived 100 Days as a WARDEN in Hardcore Minecraft... Minecraft Hardcore 100 Days

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in today's video i have to survive 100 days as the warden and also i have three objectives first build my very own underground base second get myself some pet axolotz and finally defeats the ender dragon can i survive 100 days as the warden in hardcore minecraft keep watching and find out so here we go our journey begins on day one and as you can see we're in these caves so i went around the caves finding myself some food i was a very hungry warden after a bit of exploring i found these berries so i collected those and i now had food anyways i continued to get myself some berries and then as i've collected myself some berries i could see off in the distance that was a mineshaft i'm super excited so i headed over there collecting myself some oak wood so i made sure to collect a bit of oak wood so i could make a crafting table and make a wooden pickaxe and then i went to get myself some stone i'll need this for some stone tools and wow just look at this place so i decided to go around exploring a little bit on to see if i could find anything and then there was some iron so i went around the cave collecting myself a few bits of iron hey and i also found some copper which was nice ah i think it's time we go and get some fresh air as i made our way up to the surface i could see it was night time and also stumbled across a village this was great but i could tell sewing was off i was right it was an abandoned village so i decided to go around the village and collect some food like some watermelons and also some wheats i'm sure the villagers won't mind how is it really there was nothing else so i went back to the caves and continue exploring and then i found myself my first diamond i was super excited so i quickly made myself an iron pickaxe and collected myself a diamond on day two as i was traveling through the caves i stumbled across this spot and i thought this looks like a perfect spot to build my base so i set up camp right here place it in my bed craft table and also my furnace and chests so i cleared out a bit of space placed in all my equipment and i also thought i'll go around doing a bit of decoration you know i wanted this place to look very nice so i placed in a few uh bushes a few moss blocks and also made a bit of a staircase and surprisingly after that i needed to go and collect some dirt so i headed out into the caves and found some dirt so i collected plenty of dirt and you might be asking why do i need dirt well i need to make my own food farm as you see as a warden you get hungry very quickly and i was running long food so i decided to make a very simple wheat farm and my inventory was also getting uh filled up pretty quick so i needed a storage room so i decided to make a very simple storage room and don't you guys think it's now time to go on a bit of a mining trip so i headed through the caves and i actually stumbled across a few diamonds which was quite nice so i happily collected those and i found this area which looks pretty nice i could see off in the distance there was some uh crystals i thought why not let's go and collect a few so i collected a few crystals because i would definitely need these for a spyglass and as i'll swim through the caves i could see there was axolotl i thought why not let's get one as a pair and as i was trying to catch his axe a lot all i ran out of breath so i had to uh find a bit of air pocket get my breath back and go for round two and finally after a bit of trying there it was we finally have a pet axolotl i was super excited so we get home placing my axolotl and i could see he was very happy and then straight after that i quickly crafted myself a spyglass finally we have one and i think it's now time we make a full set of fine armor and there it is we now have a full set of iron armor and tools i was a very happy warden day 11. i headed to the surface and i wanted to go exploring a little bit hey a village i found myself a village so i went around collecting some of the hay and i could use this for food and i noticed that all the villagers kept running away from me i suppose they really don't like me do they later on that night i stumbled across a second village i specifically wanted to find some potatoes but sadly this village did not have any potatoes oh no so that means i have to continue exploring to find some and then off in the distance i could see there was another village this was uh very nice so i made a boat and started to head over there so i finally got to land uh let's see if i can find any potatoes there's a farm hey a potato yes finally hey desert temple hey you know what i found some really nice stuff but that was it really so i decided to head back home and make a potato farm so i cleared out a bit of space flanned up all the ground and planted in some potatoes and i also bone milled them up and i kept doing that until i had a full set of potatoes all of that out of the way i think it's time we go and find some obsidian ah finally we found a new cave okay there's lava also there's a mine shaft okay great so i went around collecting loads of obsidian i would need this for a never portal so i arrived home policing in all the obsidian and there it is be never portal so i think it's time we head through and see what we can find okay a typical crimson forest nice so i went around the nether finding myself a crimson forest and also a never fortress hey i found the blazers so i took a few out collected myself plenty of blaze rods i'll need these sadly it was quite a short trip because i kind of ran out of food so i decided to head back to my never portal and go home as i got home i broke my never portal because i wanted to make some water elevators so i cleared out a bit of space and went to go and make myself some water elevators and i'll also need some kelp so i went back to the ocean collecting stacks and stacks of this stuff get home place in a bunch of kelp and all i have to do now is wait for it to grow as i wait for my kelp to grow up i decided to head out into the world and find some materials i found some dark oak wood so i collected some of that because i might use this for my builds [Applause] [Music] and then the next day as i was up in the mountains i found some spruce wood and i'll definitely need this i was looking for this stuff i think it's time to do a bit of building so i started off making a few walls also some new paths i used some of the spruce wood that i collected and i have to say spruce wood is probably becoming one of my favorite new blocks in uh minecraft it looks awesome anyways after that i did a lot more decorating i wanted this place to look more like a cave you know a few bits of stone here also here yeah i think that looks good also added a few bits of uh dark oak wood around and the next day i decided to make it enchantment room so i decided to use a few bricks which i rarely use i don't really use bricks that much in minecraft and also i had a bunch of decoration around hey a bat hello there mr bat and yeah what do you guys think of this place i think it looks awesome we have our axolotls over here and also all this decoration which definitely looks very nice and over here this is where our enchantment table area go talking of the enchantment table i think it's time we go and get some obsidian so i headed out back to the uh mine shaft collecting myself a few bits of obsidian and also decided to go and get a few bits of chain as well i might use this you have to say there's actually loads of chain here next day i finally arrive home and make the enchantment table so i go back to the enchantment room place in the enchantment table and we're missing something we're missing bookshelves and i would need these for better in chance so my next mission is to head to the never and collect some end up hulls and so luckily i was able to actually find a few endermen so i took them out collecting myself a few ender pearls and then as i was just uh chilling around i noticed there was a bastion and i thought why not once we're in the nether we might as well go and have a look hey two chests very nice okay some nice loot uh big step yes i found big step now that's a lot of gold so i made sure to collect all the gold and i went home why not i got home and decided to uh make an item frame and then place in pig step so i made a few ice vendor and then i went to go and find the stronghold [Music] the next day i broke these blocks right here falling down taking a bit of damage but that was okay um we'll talk about that and then i could see there was actually a uh library so i headed over there and collected some books so i decided to go around the stronghold to see what i could find and i surprisingly found a second library which was insane anyways i headed back home and made a bunch of bookshelves so i placed in all the bookshelves and there it is our enchantment area is now complete so with all that out the way i wanted to see what enchants i can get on my pickaxe and i could see there was actually still touch i was thinking i wanted this but before i got that i just noticed all my armor was very bad just look at it no good i think it's time we go for an upgrade so i headed back to the caves finding myself loads more diamonds you know i would need loads of these if i was going to make myself a full set of diamond armor and tools yeah i'll need loads so i went around the entire caves finding myself loads of diamonds okay that should do it i should be plenty of diamonds it's time to head home ah it's finally nice to be home so i didn't hesitate and i made a full set of diamond armor and also some tools i was a very happy warden and then i went to the enchantment room getting myself a silt touch pickaxe which was her very nice and don't you guys think it's now time we go on a bit of an adventure i think it is so i headed out and found a few flowers so i decided to take a few of these you never know i might need these after that i stumbled across a spruce bomb so i decided to go around collecting plenty of spruce wood hey look a village there wasn't really anything interesting honestly just this floating house and hey look at this never portal there's also a chest one what's in here okay not bad hey i found the second village look at this place there's two castles so i decided to loot up the castles and collect some brewing stands i'll need these to make potions you know and i'm sure the villagers won't mind and then as i was traveling through the lands i looked behind me i couldn't believe my very own eyes there was a woodland mansion okay so i thought why not let's go and make our way into the woodland mansion and take out a few of the evokers i kind of say how fast these guys run as i took out these uh evoker right here i was instantly getting attacked by some of the illegals uh this was not good oh no so i rushed out the mansion and continue exploring and well that was pretty close [Music] anyways the next day i stumbled across a um jungle which was very nice i was looking for one of these so i went over to the jungle collecting some jungle wood you know i would need plenty of this i was not coming back here for a very long time i also found some bamboo just cool and then there was a jungle temple so i entered the jungle temple and to my surprise i didn't find anything good oh no not very good at all so i said my final goodbyes to the jungle and i headed back home on my way home i found all these iron golems which was loads here anyways we finally arrived home and what i decided to do was to go around and plant in a bunch of bamboo i have to say adam bamboo around was a a good decision you know made my place look very nice and as i was adding a few new paths around i noticed that uh this area here looks like a perfect spot for a potion area so i cleared out a massive space moving all the blocks now to say without a doubt these moss blocks look uh very nice and they're probably one of my favorite blocks as well as spruce wood i don't know what it is but i think it looks uh really nice with our spruce wood all i have to do now is make a few potions but i can't make potions if i don't have blaze powder so i went back to the never taking out a few blaze rods you know also decided to uh go around the uh fortress a bit to see if i could find anything else and surprisingly i actually found um some netherwart was quite nice so i made sure to collect plenty of this stuff and also plenty of sauce sand hey look a chest okay not bad so i left the fortress and found some glowstone you know i would definitely need this if i was going to be making potions anyways we arrived home once again and i decided to make a never walk farm you know and then finally i make some potions like some health 2 potions and also some strength potions as well you know i would definitely need these and then the next day i noticed that my pet axolotl was quite sad he needed friends so my goal was to head out and find my pet axe lotto some new friends like some of the brown ones this bluey white color one and some of the pink ones as well [Music] okay i think that do it that should be plenty of axolotls i finally make it back on day 50 and i place in all the axolotls and yeah i could tell my pet acts little was very happy [Music] hey and almost forgot about the water elevators let's see how they're going um okay not very good looks like i'm gonna have to do this manually so i have to go back to the ocean and collect stacks and stacks of kelp [Music] but before i go and placing all the kelp i want to do a bit of fishing i specifically wanted a puffer fish and wouldn't you know it there it was a puffer fish so i made some water breathing potions and i placed in all the kale which actually took a couple days then finally there is all the kelp has been placed in so i broke the kelp and i had to replace it with uh some salt sand so i placed any soil sand one by one and it's time to test this thing out and yep it works and yeah this definitely makes it a lot more easier to get to the surface and also back to my base very quickly this is amazing i wanted to spend the next couple of days collecting myself loads and loads of levels i needed to enchant all my armor and tolls also went looking for a bit of ancient debris but i sadly didn't find any but that was okay so i collected about 50 levels and yeah that should be uh plenty of levels but before i went home i wanted to go and find a few bastions as well i wanted to go around and collect all the gold that i had uh i just like collecting all this gold for some reason so i went around the bastions collecting loads of gold also found a second bastion as well hey but i also found this chest so i opened up and found diamond sword with smite five which was insane finally we get home and trying all our tools get myself some very good stuff all my armor had protection free which was amazing and charted my diamond sword and also got a few more levels and enchanted my crossbow and also my diamond axe which was very nice [Music] as you can see we have a wheat farm and also a potato farm but we do not have a carrot or beetroot farm i think it's time we make those so i cleared out a massive space get rid of all the blocks placing in a bunch of dirt flatten up all the ground and plant in some potatoes and also some beetroot seeds i'm not sure what you can really use beetroot for but it's cool i guess and i also decided to add these item frames in you know they make it look a little nicer and i think it makes a huge difference okay then um yeah this area here is not looking no good oh no i think it's time we actually upgrade this place and make it look like an actual base and then i actually noticed that there was a wandering trader so i went to go and say hi see what he traded and uh yeah like usual nothing good anyways i think it's now time we go back to building [Music] that's the building done and i also decided to add a outdoor wheat farm as well you know i wanted this place to look very nice and there it is that's the base done and i have to say i'm very happy with this build i think it looks awesome what do you guys think okay then we're getting close to the end of our journey so i went back to the never collected myself loads of vendor pals from the warped forest uh taking out all the endermen give myself loads and loads of ender pearls i also wanted to go back to the fortress because i needed to get myself uh loads of uh blaze powder because i kind of ran out you know and then finally after a bit of travelling i made it back to the portal it is now time it is now time it is now time to go and defeat the ender dragon so i gathered all the stuff i needed from my chest all my armor potion tools and equipment all the stuff i would need for this fight and then i went to go and say goodbye to all my pear axe lottos and there it is the end also so i approached the end portal placed in on my isa vendor [Music] so i didn't hesitate and i jumped through as i got through to the other side there she was the end the dragon [Music] but i knew what i had to do i had to go around and destroy every single n crystal so that's what i did and surprisingly all my shots were on point which was great so [Applause] so [Music] it's now time it's now time to finish this and take down the indie dragon once and for all and there it is the ender dragon has been defeated wow we did it wow that's a lot of xp so i went around collecting all the xp and i have to say i got myself so many levels and then finally i couldn't leave it behind i had to make sure to collect the dragon egg and there it is we did it wow and all we have to do now is go back home so we finally get home and what i decided to do was to make a bit of an area for my uh dragonic to go you know so i started by placing in a bit of obsidian also some quartz blocks and some quartz stairs and then finally all we have to do now is place in the end egg and there it is wow we did it guys [Music] there it is guys we did it we finally survived 100 days as a warden in hardcore minecraft anyways guys this is where our journey ends thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys all next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gameplay Captures
Views: 900,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, minecraft 100 days, 100 days hardcore, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, 100 days hardcore minecraft, luke thenotable 100 days, i survived 100 days minecraft, minecraft i survived 100 days, minecraft piglin, surviving 100 days minecraft, minecraft hardcore 100 days, minecraft 100 days challenge, hardcore minecraft 100 days, minecraft warden, warden, minecraft caves and cliffs
Id: duyHxXbsa2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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