Making FOOD out of SLIME! Learn to make DIY Slime vs Real Food CHALLENGE

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I'm super-excited because it has to do with slime I've seen a lot of slime videos I've played with a lot of slime but I've never made my own slime so today we have a ton of food over here you guys can't see it because it's on the side of my screen that we are going to be making a slime version of over here we got our baby what is this no no it's not milk it's glue imagine if you made slime from Bleach all right we're gonna be making hello swine today all right now this has been sitting in my fridge why is nothing coming out hmm it was like frozen I got a clump of ice actually wanted the pink strawberry frappe but they don't make it anymore they only make the seriously strawberry where has strawberries like blended in with the vanilla but we're gonna slime a five it breaks you're gonna need a big ol container and some milk all right I think that's enough for the first batch we're gonna make several batches of different colors and a little bit of baking soda contact lens solution and if you want it fluffy some shaving cream everybody watching this probably already knows how to make slime if you like it's not gonna work for me it works for everybody except me does this slime yet it's still glue hmm the slime is not slamming getting more like slime but not quite we have here struggling oh it's starting to be slime it is starting to be sly okay I think it was the contact solution we needed a lot of that okay it is slime now huh I've never seen so much it was supposed to like stick to my hands okay here we go we got all this alright we made our slime I've gotta make a lot more only the first of the slime gonna stay all right we're gonna make this red we're gonna take food coloring a lot of food coloring do what it says okay and okay I'm using way too much what does it say it says subscribe and like it all right now to ruin the message y'all better have listened to the secret message for our ruin it with the spawn tackle end solution alright so we're just gonna sit here for like five minutes squirting out this bottle because we can't get the cap off for some reason no the cap is just not meant to be and this is what makes slime not slimy and the good ol shaving cream oh that's a lot okay now we mix around mix them up real good oh we actually might need more red it smells really good if the shaving cream mmm please be slime this time alright we got a beautiful pink color over here as you can see it's gorgeous hmm what we burn went up today I like this now I understand why people like slime so much this ain't doing it for me I had to rip in a new one I will rip you a new hole now please complete my slime move hard to mix okay okay it's coming along now come along and killed majin buu okay you can get off my hand now oh haha it's taken my spatula now I need that excuse me excuse me slime and I need that horse call this video making slime and failing okay okay okay it's coming off so it's coming off it's becoming non sticky slime okay you got you cannot have to give me that please than yours BAM we got some good all homemade slime the way you're gonna need is a Starbucks cup they had a little self-serve water station and I'm not this didn't even pour water in it we're gonna take I mmm so good I lovely pink slime you know should be a little more red so I'm gonna some more red food coloring actual strawberries in it oh this is perfect why does this look like a tongue haha it's not on my face it's probably on my face it probably saved my face okay so it's got a little bit of strawberries like at the bottom of it so we're just gonna put this on the bottom and we're going to take our white and just plop this right in that was with me x-square sorry guys I have Taco Bell before so we got some strawberries blended in kind of like layered in so we're gonna do a little of this on the side and of course the best part the whipped cream so I'm gonna make a long thing stretchy slime so stop breaking just make it as stretchy as you can make it but not too skinny and then we're just gonna lay that on top oh it looks so good oh my god what I love this so much this looks better than the real one all we need is a straw no it makes it go down I want a fluffy come on man I still need you we haven't even taken a thumbnail pic yeah this is so beautiful like I can't with ventually it looks so good sad boring real edible Starbucks Starbucks it looked so much better I got sixes whipped cream I'm gonna put in the straw first and then do the whipped cream around this slime experts are shaking my straw is not working yeah I got some baking soda in there remember kids not edible yeah big Oh juicy watermelon right here first you gonna want to cut this in half nothing I love more than water melone so you can either cut or scoop out the insides we're gonna be here all day several days later that's my later snack now we gotta meet my now snack I gotta make this bad boy red we're literally gonna need this whole thing food coloring oh this doesn't look right it's gonna stain my hand no piece of meat Kylie Jenner who I don't even look like I said I look like a damn one slap that bad boy okay I'm having too much fun we got to get back to work oh no my napkin holder for the sake of this video I really like to we got this big old juicy slime it's gonna go in this watermelon you're gonna go in you're gonna be mine now snack we've got too much lime not enough watermelon oh it's making it so smooth that don't feel like we got too much it's making the whole watermelon pink guys see that it smell so good it smells like fruit and like shaving cream and the watermelon okay this isn't really the best idea it does feel great though okay this one doesn't fail but all pancakes mmm y'all see that Sarah before we can eat this we need to make a slime version oh my god but it looks so good be gone come my blue but not as much contact lens solution a delicacy where I'm from and pure baking soda so we're gonna make a brown not to brown a little bit you know what I have a white Wayne white food coloring oh it's literally white I think to make it lighter and then mixer up please become the color I need let's look at a little pink I don't put some black in it and hope it doesn't mess it up oh no that's too much now it's looking blue I wanted brown this is a disaster I don't like this color okay we're gonna put more Brown and hope it works maybe a smidgen of Yeller okay okay we get in that batter mix look now this could work could and should work but will it we don't know yet okay it's becoming slime definitely easier to make slime in smaller batches and like a huge thing of slime because you just need way too much contact on solution it's just really hard to squeeze out and it's still Vicki equate do yo thing is that I crazy how the stuff that you clean your contact lenses with make slime not sticky that's crazy okay we got our pancakes right here bone apples teeth we're gonna take some of this white just a little bit we just need a smidgen of yellow so I'm just gonna take a little bit of yellow food coloring but in that bag boy and mix it up please turn yellow look so yellow guys I've never seen something so beautiful like a dandelion on a spring day so for the syrup we're gonna take a clear glue that wasn't me excuse you sorry guys got no manners we're gonna put a little bit of orange and a little bit of brown and a lot more of this oh look at the colors so pretty and mixer up so pretty until it spills all over you it looks like maple syrup now like legit it's just cool this is my baby and I love them we're gonna take our lovely brown slime roll it up then make one pancake our toupees I think we'll make one big pancake I want to get a perfect circle I'm gonna keep this here you know for like reference this is an art form it's all in the motion of a hand it's so beautiful next we're gonna take our little butter it smells so good and we're gonna cut it into a little square come on nice cut he's shy he's never cut slime before I like that little crunch I'm gonna shape it out a little bit I'm gonna shape it into a square oh my god that is the cutest square butter I've ever seen come on we haven't got all day pinky ain't gonna pancake itself okay then the perfect little piece of butter so my dog looks so proud of it and then our syrup how are you gonna do this I'm gonna put it around like the edges of the plate like it's already been on it or do I have to do like long drizzles just look like bacon stretch it out as much as we can without breaking it to make a very long rope it's the working for doing it oh I heard something all right so here we go real versus slime which one would you prefer is this even a question bone Apple teeth mmm darkness so balm this is what a pancake looks like stretched out oh that's so pretty I like the sound but the low key looks like it would taste really good next up we're gonna try to make cheesecake we got a delicious strawberry cheesecake over here that's delicious but we can only eat slimy taking my brown slime again we're just gonna stretch it out make a little triangle for the Cheesecake bottom I mean you could cut this but I'm just gonna shape it out as a triangle I'm going to take some white and yellow slime mix them up that cheesy look and mold it I'm gonna leave some space for the crust to go up so I'm gonna cut some of this no please the form now becoming one with a crust should get into somewhere look at like a slice of pie y'all might think I'm being mean but you gotta give it a little smack sometime give me that triangle now the icing on the top is just a strawberry swirl so we're gonna do the same thing that we did with the pancake syrup and just roll out the longest piece there's not I'm not as stretchy as the other one we're gonna do a good old strawberry drizzle all right it doesn't look like the cheese cake that I have now I think it looks pretty okay what it looks like online whistles when it arrives such a sad pizza pie now it's a long piece of pie now it's a next tight it looks like toothpaste oh my god or bacon it look like bacon tooth pay Prada Fall collection everybody's cookies right all I can do is smell because they're not gluten free maybe I could take a little bit of icing but we are going to be making one of these oh my god that tape is not ass today oh we're gonna need I don't know if I should mix a little bit of the yellowish with it or the white if we're just gonna do white it's just easier make a nice little ball this shouldn't be too hard I think I got this whoa guys my drink melted right because one plate not really but flatten yourself please a lot of things we made today I've been pink never have slime in my hair I'm so just gonna roll this up make sure it's a nice perfect circle we should add a little bit then put it on top these have sprinkles on them so I am going to take sprinkles and cheat a little it's perfect ten out of ten I was like this looking better than the actual one I think I did a pretty good job I mean mine is much bigger bigger is always better so what do y'all think what do you rate mine look at that ten out of ten would eat Oh actually I didn't know any better I gotta do the fingerprints how I pulled something in my finger doing that I choked on my spit we all here struggling let me get a refill on the whipped cream you know what you could do with all that extra pink slime we gonna make a fake yogurt so I cleaned out a yogurt thing just take some pink slime shove it into your mom's favorite job berries banana flavored yogurt make sure you don't take the cap box all the way cuz then you can just reseal it BAM there you go you got a perfectly good thing of strawberry banana yogurt when you open it it looks good you want to dye it the perfect thing surprised that I wasn't like on my strange addiction anything I ate ten gallons of slime every day make sure you don't get your fingers in it literally just as I say that my finger just slides right in ow that hurt the slime is serious business anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which do you think I did the best Wi-Fi completely failed at all that can also go ahead and let me know won't hurt my feelings but it might hurt the slimes very sensitive you see Blaine has feelings too if you guys enjoy comment below what other slime videos you want to see me do about like making this and I like splatting it and make sure you hit that like button in the let's see if we get 10,000 likes on this video and make sure you subscribe to my channel I love you guys so much thanks for watching bigger [Music]
Channel: Little Lia
Views: 8,344,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: little lia, sssniperwolf, slime, slime challenge, making food out of slime, slime food, challenge, making food, real food, diy slime, diy, easy, kids, kid friendly, starbucks, cook, lia, sniper wolf, viral slime
Id: 3-A3QOP-mk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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