I Tested VIRAL TikTok Life Hacks to see if they work 2

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just rubbed that real good and then make a wish I'm deleting my channel as this works oh no baby what we're going to pee-pee honey - hello friends it's me today we're gonna be trying out some more tick tock hacks to see if they actually work here's a way to get into your house if you accidentally lock yourself out so all you need is a card and a pair of scissors I'm gonna stop you right there because I used to do this all the time my brother is my sister when they used to sit in that room unlock their door and I wanted to come in and play I would take my mom's Costco card shimmy it through the door wham bam unlock door ma'am just like the All Access Card key but he's taking it to the next level this is the advanced way to do it so you don't take the scissors and cut the card like this Oh interesting do you see I struggled this seems much more efficient remember I want to unlock your door with a card that's to do that's my brothers - all right so we cut it into the shape and we're gonna try to unlock your door in my house because these are some big sturdy doors and they're thicker and bigger than the regular doors this ain't happenin skirt part is maybe on your doors not on my door that I didn't before and it used to work but these are like industrial doors you know I'm gonna try this this way the longer way clicking the lock is longer on this Oh I'll turn on the bottle flip every single time bill your bottle with water add some salt and Yolanda every time what this doesn't work I'm gonna be looking like the whole circus mom anticipated hack of 2020 this doesn't work I want to let you know that I will feel very betrayed you would have made a fool out of me well that's a lot of salt delicious hope it's enough oh that's my second try bro this works and I'm freaking out alright this is life hacks for real did the salt wear off not optimal bottle flipping okay now my thing is dented so it's to make another bottle how much you wanna bet I can slug this ball on my first try you can't in pretty unlikely huh salt how to make a DIY backlight I remember this video we came to the conclusion that it was fate gas station nobody's bathroom is this filthy if you can afford an iPhone you can afford some bleach we're gonna pop the phone case for this one like this video if I should upgrade my phone literally can't be bothered so we're just gonna put it over the flash backlight is indeed black and we just color the flash now we go peepee hunting do you know where we're going no come on I'm scared no don't go in one room it's dark in there no baby we're going honey no pee pee there's no pee pee where is it there's not doesn't work I'm a clean boy baby gonna change man I want a refund this black site don't work like this is a fake black light I'm telling you hmm I can't believe I'm actually gonna try this I've seen so many thumbnails that like toothpaste on a crackphone screen equals fixed phone screen because toothpaste not only does it brush your teeth cure acne make your hair grow and overall improve your life like why go to the store get over a hundred dollars to fix the screen of your phone well you could just slap some 99-cent toothpaste on that bad boy what does it do as you can see Evans phone is very very broken he just shattered it we haven't upgraded our phones yet but let me take some toothpicks can you try it out a little part first see if it works see this is done all the time on five minute crafts you just rub that real good and then make a wish you got a wish for it fix itself now we wait a few moments later okay see if it's actually work oh wait it's gone no way no button y'all saw the cracks over there right okay they're still there it builds a little bit but it's not gonna work at least your phone smells good now minty fresh okay this was actually illegal all right with this how to unlock any car disclaimer lock your keys in the car even though it's not actually your car and all you need is a tennis ball so put a hole in the tennis ball in it president against the law commotion a little moss to begin with what are you talking about I am falling for this one no these hacks are fake until proven to work all right so you got into the car or not let's just assume you did how do you turn it on lucky for you I got another hack for that so you're supposed to press the hazard light push the radio button twice the two window buttons hold them up for three seconds and it's supposed to magically turn the car on you know cuz every car manufacturer got together at the roundtable they were like you know what let's come up with a super special secret hack that's definitely not for robbing people but if you forgot your keys lost them or whatever nonsense you know if we lived in an honest world this might work it just turned on done gt8 ourself a brand-new g-wagen oh this is not too all right but can you actually turn it on do you know why because I have the key my neighbor's car no this is supposed to be how to get free gas from the gas station all you do is press zero eight zero eight seven seven nine and then enter I told you look at that I told you guys always works a try it I'm deleting my channel if this works all right we've got to get some free gas so we just put the number in and it supposed to give me free gas yeah I can't believe I'm touching this one two two four seven okay okay wait I dunno students on the hack preset amount okay fifty dollars let me get that supreme oh my god wait wait wait no way no is actually working come on man this is on tick-tock you really didn't give me free guys well vision said one moment it's a scam you have to insert your card it's only gonna take $50 or if they gasp Wow biggest scam you actually have to insert your card that's how I get you dad really just got up like Ashley just sip your cook from the bigmack carton that's legal delicious finally some good mcboc285 behold we're gonna open one side make sure they're not upside-down because I've done this we have a chance to redeem ourselves alright that works mmm welcome to the sparkling water show this one is an Alexa hat very easy unless you don't have an Alexa Alexa up down up down left right left right a B go super Alexa mode activated super Alexa mode but doesn't work on Siri though up up down down left right left right B a start I'm getting dizzy all right so we got all her pixels in a bunch up up down down left right left right B a start did a dang a pre-wired Apple program call me a nerd why don't I have a super Siri mode and if you had a super cereal would be super serious and that's illegal but anyways that's all for today hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below would you try any of these and if you guys enjoyed and want a part three make sure you hit that like button in the end make sure you turns out notifications today click and subscribe to on the wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 18,090,309
Rating: 4.8975134 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, life hacks, tiktok hacks, tiktok, tik tok, diy, do it yourself, to, see, if, they, work, tiktok life hacks, life hack
Id: kavAz6QvMQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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