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meatballs and chocolate hey guys I hope you can see me loud and clear let me start off by saying this video took me way too long to set up I'm not salty or anything okay maybe just a little some youtubers have an actual set with literally 30 people working on stuff in their videos but y'all don't see any of that they all got assistants they got a whole camera crew editing crew make sure you look pretty crew not like I need that I'm just kidding I guess I do so today we're doing another food challenge video if we can hit 50,000 likes on this video YouTube will provide me more funding for a real sound effects alright so I really enjoyed doing this weird food challenge video where it's basically weird food combinations that sound disgusting but are actually good and in my last video if you haven't watched that I'll leave a link in the description watching next cuz it was pretty nasty but it's actually good a little more open-minded we're gonna be trying some more of these to see if they're still good I haven't got a little cup I have all the nasty food combinations in here we're gonna pick one and eat it ketchup and chocolate fine yeah I read this and I was like there is no way no way in the heck that this could possibly taste good I don't believe it ketchup see okay y'all probably thinking why is there ketchup green I found this at Walmart it's ketchup but it's green see 100% legit ketchup made with great value real ketchup but it just looks like slime so I bought like five of them and I am going to be eating green ketchup from now on I don't know how it's green maybe they make it look like green tomatoes you don't know this let me try it first cuz it looks like flying it's not like a chop tastes exactly like ketchup it is ketchup trust me Oh someone's I got you you actually trust them shall we prepare a napkin okay I got my good ol Hershey's bar over here special dark my favorite Oh chocolate I'm gonna break off a piece take my good old handy-dandy ketchup please that free come out okay there we go let me get a good oh god that's a lot that's real pretty pledge it looks like frosting it smells awful though there is no way this is good y'all trolling me with this this cannot be good okay whoever said that was good as a liar you can't trust them that was a flop disgusting I hate it I don't know maybe if you really loved ketchup to catch up kind of like overpowers the chocolate like a lot sorry I'm trying to make as less mess as possible I like my house clean thank you but that was gross disgusting I did not enjoy it I like ketchup with meat with chicken nugget with Burgers and Fries heck I love ketchup but with chocolate no it's a note for me are you having it I ain't bout that life okay shall we move on to the next one bread sugar and butter okay let's be real I already know this is gonna be good it's bread sugar and it's butter there's absolutely no way this can be bad well as bad for you as in instant diabeetus and that runs in my family so yeah I've got to be careful of my sugar talking my butter we got some good all here we go right here I've already prepared my toast toasted it to my specifications gonna slather that butter on it doesn't take a genius maybe does takes at least the college education to do this okay I need help all right so over here is already looking delicious I haven't even put on the sugar guess I'm good over here a cane organic sugar over here I'm gonna take some and salt Bay this all over mm-hmm look at that look at that beautiful maybe even heat it up put it in the microwave for 12 seconds and you got a full course snack over here mmm sauce temple strong delicious I need more sure you know what this is for the sake of a YouTube video let's splurge a little mmm I'm actually delicious why would this sound disgusting you know one of my favorite things is bread with butter and honey which is very similar to this and I think it needs a little more sugar Oh when God made me okay now we talking now we talking mm-hmm is it bad if I just sit here and finish this this is a lot of calories that I can't afford but it's so good I don't think I've ever had anything so good in a video this is such a good idea if you don't have anything like for dessert but you have bread and you have butter and you have sugar but y'all have to make a cake you don't have to bake anything this is so simple and like this would be such a bomb-ass dessert like culinary school who stopped look that was so good but now I got a bellyache yeah let me tell you after I did the first video I felt so sick the rest of the day like eating all of this junk at once like it made me feel so gross also I feel like I should be doing these videos with somebody else so if you guys want me to do these with my sister my friends also comment below leave a like if I should do it with somebody else I need somebody to enjoy my culinary genius alright the next one what will it be what will it be Chelsey's popcorn and ketchup ah back to this ketchup I love popcorn I love putting all those like seasonings on popcorn I like kettle popcorn but I have never tried ketchup and popcorn we still aim for the popcorn ever seen a half see-through bag of popcorn before what's her eyelid job what what man come on bro this is more disappointing all that chaos I love the soft white I don't see how this is gonna be good honestly like I just don't like catch up with things that are not me for Mazzarella or cheese anything not vegan I think I'm very picky with my ketchup thing all right so I'm gonna get my slime oh that looks good I'm gonna make it real pretty that's a thumbnail ladies and gentlemen that's the thumbnail I just watched my hair spring engine and I got ketchup in it no way absolutely no way Wow okay all right all right ketchup I see you redeeming yourself see the ones with a lot is like too much but it's like when it's a tiny tiny tiny bear it ain't the worst thing in the world y'all missed that but that ketchup what everywhere and I mean everywhere I have to sanitize the table before we start again next up we got pizza and chocolate this allows actually excited to try in this household we don't have pizza so we're gonna have to deal with some tortilla and cheese we're gonna take this here chocolate put it in the microwave all right your turn don't fail me like the popcorn did yes yes oh here we got my bootleg pizza which has been sitting out for like half an hour now I couldn't find a gluten free pizza crust in Walmart to make a pizza so we gonna have to deal with this totally a pizza got a melted chocolate which is barely even melted anymore we're gonna do a nice drizzle my dizzle oh look at that drizzle it's actually beautiful I'm a culinary genius look at that this is something that they would give you at a restaurant five-star treat this is really good chocolate and cheese is so good together who knew mmm if I take more than one bite y'all know it's for real I love it I know blow pieces as a snack delicious now I need to try on like a real pizza though but it's basically the same thing mm-hmm seriously turn out of bomb a I really hope there's nothing more with ketchup cuz the ketchup what is this I did not enjoy at all next this Oreo and pickle my stomach hurts just thinking about that let's do it I have Oreos for the aesthetic but I'm allergic to Oreos so we're gonna be using the gluten-free alternatives for video be ena for recreation or whatever Mount Olive dude yo you got some pickle slices the best kind I like these I don't have one a lot of pickles pickles are delicious they have delicious they will be on top of an Oreo and these days just like Oreo got the same thing chocolate with cream why do I just take a bite bone apple teeth I guess mmm I think I'm gonna add another pickle cuz I really like the amount of saltiness and sweetness in this guy this is wild like imagine eating pickles and Oreos like together it's wild that this tastes good I feel disappointed in myself that I am enjoying this so much like I am actually disappointed in myself maybe I'm a monster maybe something's wrong with me like I like this stuff and then some normal person cuz just try all of these and be like what is she on I don't go back to this dog low-key delicious chocolate all over my wenis I look at the perfect opportunity to lick your meanness doesn't reach how big guys like chocolate-covered Mina's that's what we got on the menu today I probably shouldn't do that I used fuller cleaner on the table and then lick the chocolate off your girl's gonna end up in the hospital okay okay okay next one Loen popcorn all right back at it with a popcorn we've got a fresh bag of popcorn yeah it looks weirder than my face roast some marshmallows there we go oh it's all moist in this bag I hate it I'm just gonna put a marshmallow with a popcorn oh I like this I like just a lot they complement each other very nicely maybe if you had straight out of the microwave popcorn and then put marshmallows in it so they like melt a little it's just like kettle corn it would be so good I'm digging this all those popcorn is good but all popcorn is good and I love popcorn shop meatball and chocolate really didn't wanna do this one chocolate is good with a lot of things and ketchup is good with a lot of things but when you put chocolate and me why am I even explaining myself I am just going to suffer through this right now here we got a good ol chicken meatball from Costco shout-out to Costco not sponsored we still have my big thing in melted chocolate oh I almost threw up just thinking about this this is chicken you don't have a chicken and chocolate guys moan appletinis this ain't it it's not you know what the taste isn't the most horrible thing in the world it's not as bad as the ketchup but just the fact knowing that I am eating poultry with chocolate just makes me feel very uneasy I don't like the idea that I'm eating meatballs with chocolate uh that did not go down right feels longer let's washes down to the last one which is Oreo and orange juice good ol Tropicana manna 100% juice I've seen this all over the Internet critics say it's delicious but what do I think people have tried orange juices cereal instead of milk I say those people should be in prison for committing such an atrocity all right I'm gonna let it marinate in the orange juice or a little longer I'm sure I get the full experience all right it's like why would you do this again it's not the most horrible thing in the world but why milk tastes so much better it's like milk belongs with cookies look at the damn package a y'all see a jumpin in orange juice you see it jumping in milk because it's milk and cookies you don't leave Santa orange juice and cookies okay so like why all those on juice tastes like room temperature no sorry okay I think this video is over I hope you guys enjoyed my pain and suffering and I hope you learned many many culinary experiences that you can share with your whole family your friends people you don't like I think I'm gonna throw up okay I'm good you guys enjoyed this video and want more make sure you hit that like button the eggs and comment below some other weird food combinations that I should try in the future once I recover from all of this and make sure you subscribe to the Wolfpac I love you guys so much things are watching bye guys [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,891,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, weird, food, weird food combinations, taste test, weird food, gross, diy, reacting, reaction, funny, funky food, diy food, kid friendly, family friendly
Id: GrugXBoI9Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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