Making Fermented Pork Roll With Brad Leone — Prime Time

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Yes! Prime Time and Bon Appetit! My two favorites!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Semper-Fido 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

So mama if you please, pass me the pork roll, egg, and cheese...

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/dead_hell 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Gourmet Makes Taylor Ham.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/adriana-g 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can’t wait to watch this! I haven’t been able to find pork roll here in WA, so I ordered 8 boxes online, lol.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/WATOCATOWA 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Taylor ham's fermented? Never even realized. I guess that makes sense though, it does have a tang to it

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/scrubasorous 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wow, that's... Amazing. Isn't Eater a separate brand from BA / Conde Nast?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

He is just so damn likeable.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/healthyexploration 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
we're here in Brooklyn to talk about Jersey pork roll so we imported jersey's finest Bradley own Brad's got a show called it's alive talking about fermented things turns out this meat is also fermented and is also from Jersey so that makes you the master of Taylor ham and I grew up on it so I mean it it means a lot to me let's get into figuring out what the heck goes into Taylor ham yeah let's make it just why does some people call it Taylor ham some people call it pork roll from what I've observed it's just a matter of how far north in the state you go I grew up in and pretty much the northernmost part of New Jersey and I swear no one I had no one would say call us that's Taylor ham country it's Taylor ham country big time my first job was at a deli in New Jersey and one of the jobs was slicing Taylor ham every day what's really specific about Taylor ham is that it is it has a tankiness thing yeah and like give it it has to it has to be there I think there's an underrated meat product delicious normally underrated because you don't have enough like breakfast meat items better fermenting I don't really care about it at all have you've had it I've had it I've had it I'm just trying to blow up our comment section I think it's good but I feel like it's a nostalgic thing kind of resent you shouldn't care about it that much and if you didn't grow up with it I don't know why anyone would care about it you can't go slicing this like mortadella when it's done nice it's kind of special no I feel like I look like a goddamn kid cut it it's very important I've got to cut the slits in it or four slits the booze so it doesn't so don't cup on you thank if you or I am frying baloney all right boom just oh that's it if it don't look like that someone duck yeah see that that's good nice what you want to get it all in there right yeah there you go there you go little nibbles I'm excited I'm starting to get my mouth a little tingly already anticipating the tang it knows what's coming oh my god so good so salty oh it's horrible for you that's why you needed a little dinner otherwise it's like huh I'm gonna die but in the moment oh I don't think there's much fight going on there's tang and salt Emma's wish it was a little less salt a little intense it's a little much let's make it a little less salty we got to figure out this recipe go to the drawing board we're shooting in the dark here good alright you're writing I'm ready I think number one pork yeah salt safe bet oh yeah really number one and a half is salt and tang so it's pork salt Tang Tang not the powdered drink mix pepper what kind of pepper we want white and black and a little flick a tie and we thought I think we can do a flick equal sugar equally we need sugar our culture is gonna we have a fast-acting one a fast fermentation one which i think is probably what they use for sure now as far as pork what kind of pork you thinking cut wise we got to do shoulder right shoulder but we're gonna go 60/40 right anything else I think a little bit of miso would be good I think a little bit just like a hint just a whisper Oh garlic oh yeah we're in New Jersey let's do fresh garlic fresh garlic onion powder I think we got everything we need we want to make it a little better in a way right but kind of awesome like not too much right like because then we're going away from Venice on Taylor ham from what it is yeah so you guys want to start cutting some meat yeah it's right into the pork we're going to debone a pork shoulder I didn't come to work today to work so you're gonna do it right down in here exactly take the skin off keep as much fat on there as possible easier to take the skin off while the bones are still on you get a little bit more structure the shoulder is the ideal cut just because well for several reasons you can see the amount of fat that was it's a really really nice backup normally that's 30% fat 70% lean for what we're doing we're gonna need a little bit of extra fat in this cut you have a lot of muscles that are starting from the neck which is this end and as they move the way down they're all connected by these thin layers in ribbons of fat which gives it a really really great texture as well this looks great not that great no you're doing a great job but this is a tough one taking out the shoulder blade it's a it's a tough cookie to crack oh it's right there oh that's all good right whoa yeah next up we're gonna need to grind this so would you cut any pieces cut into pieces we're really just not working today so we'll take a look at this I ate up see your fat contents oh nice Cowboys we got 12 pounds we're gonna go total total of 24 pounds correct total 24 pounds we're fattener up here shouldn't be a problem with me goddamn guys we like right on the money here there's no mistake I said what's next boys we just grinding this up to get that particle definition we were seeing in that pork roll I think we should throw it in a we have a blast chiller just so when it goes through the grinder it doesn't kind of uh doesn't get like kind of mushy grinds nicer yeah that would be the way to say all right flash chill - so we have our spice list we're gonna do the tinted cure which is gonna keep it that a nice pink that we like it's in taylor-ann yeah it's on the ingredient list what's not but we're gonna add it the hell is that that is a super binder no flavor has no effect whatsoever other than just binding so since we're gonna have that 40 percent fat I kind of just want a little security little security blanket I'm into that we have a little black peppercorn my pepper we got some white pepper we got some onion powder we got cayenne good spotting seemed a little old ray limits mace that we're just gonna whisper we got our fresh garlic so there's a bunch of different kind of starter cultures we could use us boys we got places to be yeah things to do so we're gonna use the fast fermenting style only 42 grams is all you need for too 25 kilos so we little dab'll do ya yeah so we're gonna do like one gram oh that's a that's a crab you think that's a gonna do like a little bit one Hey it's gotta be tiny anyway get that distilled water oh why distilled water bud because tap water normally has chlorine in it so it's supposed to to kill bacteria right we don't want to kill this bacteria so we use distilled water so it'll just kind of like wake it up and then we're just gonna let that hang out for like ten or fifteen minutes ready to grind all right grind it grind it again same die what kind of die weight seemed though we got a fine die Oh baby Oh baby all right you catch yeah there you go there you go yeah this thing's no joke huh beautiful just like mr. Taylor used to do front yep just like our mixer of the fat and the meat all mixed up nice grind it almost looks like pork oh I'm not even kidding like that we're almost there we're almost there smells good smells my pork he's gonna load this puppy up let me bring the spice kit let's do it go ahead and throw this yeah just dump it just get it in there sprinkle yeah like liberally yeah I think we're good it looks great oh yeah baby looks Taylor hammy yeah what's next we just gotta you gotta put it in the case yeah we just got to put it in a casing and they take a few days off problem brain you look like you have muscles do you want to grab that uh really heavy thing over there yeah a big big big bowl of meat back down good to go yes all right you want to be on the you want to be on the the pumping into this or the receiving end of it a pump but all right whatever first of all I don't know what this seaweed looking casing is you got but you say no ham bad ain't no this ain't no Taylor ham back they used the cloth one I'm assuming it was a difficult thing to have to find we were not able to put Europe plus we also already had these guys these are a big like Bologna mortadella ones all right it's gonna work just fine you're doing this thing so first thing you're gonna do oh it's knee activated knee activated put your hands straight out you want to feel the air coming out until you don't feel it here got it got it just pull that baby all the way on all the way on all the way on like scrunch it get your sausage casing yeah get it in there okay I'll hold I wanna make all the stuff look at that look at that I take back all the bad I said about the casing it'll work just fine this is legit Asst boys is it gonna shrink a bit now no it's actually gonna expand as it ferments yes this is like fairly tight it'll be like yeah let's do a couple more okay so boys we got we got these these babies here we got two big boys and little Pudge yeah so Pudge I think three days is probably what we're gonna need guys what a whirlwind three days we've had yeah we've learned we've loved together lo-lo's I didn't run or any low do you remember any was a couple lows blacked out there for a while okay apparently that's on me yeah let's get this guy going oh that is very nice I'm jealous of you corporal beautiful at 160 to get it to like 148 which is where we want to be probably like five hours cool excited try this alright that's like three day three days right there do you want to do the honors I know you should okay you should oh oh oh you're gonna cut right in the middle I mean I was thinking about it yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean we're gonna eat this whole thing yeah where we cut it nice slice with confidence Dan Taylor ham bud yeah oh yeah let me smell that looks great yeah nice buying good shots throw that on the deli slicer could tell you that is a very good deli slicer sound that's he I think yeah this is nailed even though it almost looks identical a little speckle the little subtle Cayenne or whatever it is speckle pretty good yeah I feel like we did the Lord's work here today yes you're right this is fantastic it does look a little bit more it looks more like Genoa yeah I think you're right there's a little bit more air and probably from the fermentation the one the one we made there's a little bit more air in it well the casing peels off real nice look at that fun huh we're gonna see how he's gonna need to crisp up I don't think that'll be a problem yeah but let's see if we achieve proper tankage no I'm slicing like hell this is critical this looks great guys I'm proud of us that this is not an easy task either recreate something that's almost impossible oh yeah is it oh it's their voice it smells just like Taylor ham really yeah you're not just blowing right up feels right looks right Wow Cheers thing let's hope we got that tang I think the flavor is real nice and you kind of it's not like super overpowering by any means everything is subtle and balanced and but afterwards it lingers and you do get the tang is there I would go another day for day maybe five what do you think New Jersey would think about this to hell with them I think we'd get a lot of criticism but you know but that's New Jersey in a nutshell I guess right you know like a real proud people if it had more of a multiplied texture homerun boys a finer grind I don't think we need to change the flavor yeah my scene is fantastic the salt levels perfect yeah we can't let you leave without actually making the real deal sandwich so the real deal or my preferred your preferred if I'm going to Leone and son sandwich shop this is on the menu this is the one yeah done let's do it yeah yeah all right you guys are in for a real freakin treat I'll tell you what's your sandwich what you moved Taylor ham mustard toasted everything bagel I oh man your wife oh it's good and that's how you stack them that's how it goes nothing else no yeah cut it up yeah that's it let's eat it you're right another great ham sandwich yeah if this were not presented it's something that came from a fancy butcher I sat down and there this came wrapped in tinfoil in the bag already so we're going fishing right Brad the other sandwich and I beg oh oh dude you got me Taylor ham and mustard on an everything bagel what if would it pass visually I would say yes all right boom it's definitely counter ham I would bite it and say what brand is this so we made pork roll not Taylor ham no no no no that's not the point we're perfect guys [Laughter]
Channel: Eater
Views: 922,946
Rating: 4.916091 out of 5
Keywords: Taylor ham, pork roll, new jersey pork roll, new jersey taylor ham, nj pork roll, bon appetit, brad leone, fermented meat, it’s alive, prime time, the meat hook, brent young, ben turley, butchering meat, ham, eater,, food, dining, dish, foodie, chef, food show, fermented pork roll, ferment, fermented foods, fermentation, brad bon appetit, new jersey, regional cuisines, pork roll egg and cheese, taylor pork roll, pork roll sandwich, taylor ham egg and cheese sandwich
Id: vDkB1SkPsC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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