Making an Arcade Cabinet for Mortal Kombat 11 | I Like To Make Stuff

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hey I'm Bob and I like to make stuff today we're gonna make a new arcade cabinet for Mortal Kombat 11 this video is sponsored by WB games today we're gonna start working on a brand new arcade cabinet now if you've been around this channel for a while you've probably seen the cabinet that I made about three years ago it was made to play retro games only it was really cool though cuz it had pictures of my family superheroes on the side it was mostly empty on the inside so it had lots and lots of storage but this new cabinet is gonna be entirely different this one is going to be made for mortal kombat xi now since this is a modern game we're gonna have to use entirely different technology it's going to be running on a ps4 and the cabinet's gonna be different as well since this video is sponsored by Mortal Kombat we're also going to have access to the actual graphics from the game to put on the sides as artwork the cabinet itself is going to be made in a few different pieces so you can easily take it apart to move it which was one of the big downfalls of my old cabinet alright let's go check out what's gonna be on the inside I made the old cabinet just to play retro games so the entire thing could run on a Raspberry Pi and in those videos I showed you how to wire up the buttons and the joysticks and get it all plugged into that little tiny pie it's not powerful enough to run Mortal Kombat 11 so we're gonna upgrade everything we're gonna have a 4k monitor here all the audio is gonna go through this sound bar and it's all going to be generated by a ps4 pro I've only got a ps4 so I'm going to test it on that but they're gonna swap it out for a pro when we send the cabinet to them but even though that's all modern we still need to have an old-school joystick and buttons to make that happen we're gonna use this card this emulates a PlayStation 4 controller unless you plug in whatever you want to it now you can plug right into these terminals or you can use this we're gonna put a wiring harness on this connector and make it even easier to plug up all these controls all the buttons in the joysticks get connected to this wiring harness just by sliding on these terminals and then the whole harness gets plugged in right here to the board and once you've got all the controls hooked up you connect this board to the ps4 with the USB cable so the technology here is really simple to put together but the hard part is gonna be building the cabinet let's go do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've got all the big rectangular panels cut out and now we're going to move on to some of the small stuff to cut these out a friend it out some full-size templates of the shapes and then we attach these with some spray adhesive now we can cut these out with the jigsaw [Music] [Applause] I use the jigsaw to cut out a few of these pieces and then switched over to the bandsaw because you can get cleaner cuts with the bandsaw and a thick blade the plans we have for this cabinet are gonna have full-size templates for all of these oddly shaped pieces including the big side panels so you can print those out at home or at a local office Center to make all the pieces with whatever tool you have on hand luckily we have a CNC so we're going to use that to save some time [Music] we've got all those pieces cut so now it's time to start putting the whole thing together now this one's going to be assembled very differently than the last cabinet that I did this one is going to be made in three separate sections so that you can take it apart in case you need to move it the bottom section is going to hold the ps4 and the subwoofer and there's also a room for an extra controller and any other electronics that we need to stick in there the middle section is going to be where all the controls are and they will be routed down into where the ps4 is then the top section is going to hold the monitor the sound bar and the light above it once we get all three of those pieces together we can stack them on top of each other attach them to each other and then put on the side panels let's do it to get started we're going to work on the control section first the actual controls are going to be up here and all this back section will be what supports all the monitor and everything above it so I've got these pieces in place they're gonna be pocket hold down into this bottom surface but to make it easier and to make sure that these stay parallel I've made some spacers so I can drop these spacers in place push all these pieces together and that makes sure that these two pieces are parallel then we'll put another spacer here to make sure that's parallel and this one will go on the front face [Music] I've got those three sections on now the front panel needs to go on but it actually overhangs just a little bit so we're gonna add a spacer underneath this board so that they can hang down a quarter inch below this surface [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've got all the pieces put together for the center section now the control board is actually gonna be a separate piece that will drop right down into this tree we're gonna work on that later on so next let's move on to the section that's below this that this will sit on top of the middle of the bottom section is gonna have a coin slot in it just like an old arcade would although it's not going to be functional we bought one that has all the guts in it we're gonna take this out and save it for a future project possibly we're going to go ahead and lay this piece in place trace the place to cut out so that it will fit in and this will act as our access panel for the ps4 on the inside [Music] [Music] before we get too far in assembling this bottom section I want to go ahead and drill some holes in the bottom panel and make sure to lift it up a little bit off the ground and that's because we're gonna put some leveling feet underneath it kind of hidden behind this front face so the front will be really close to the ground but behind that we'll be able to screw these in and out to level the cabinet depending on where it's sitting [Music] it's probably a better way to do this but I need to flip this the whole thing over to put it on top of that so I can screw it on the same way I put on the bottom so you see if it works [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we got the bottom two sections of this finish that roughed in and setting together and you start to see this thing taking shape now the next step is building the top section here that's going to hold the monitor in the sound bar and the marquee and all that we cut some of those pieces on the CNC so they're pretty much ready to assemble but one of the things about cutting on a CNC is that the bit is round so any inside corners you have are not going to be perfectly squared off like they would be with a saw so for some of these inside corners we're going to have to go back with a handsaw and just trim them up [Music] I've got these pieces pretty much ready to put together but I got to make sure to do them in the right order if I do the wrong pieces first then I don't have access to put in the other pieces plus before we put this whole thing together we got to make some holes for the sound to come through I'm gonna go get the sound bar and the light to make sure we've got them in the right place at this point I'm just trying to figure out where to put the speaker great so the sound from the sound bar can actually come through and on this sound bar I can feel that the speakers for it are actually on the two ends they're pretty far out I wish they were a little bit closer to the middle but it's what we got so I'm gonna mount this pretty much in the center and then make a mark here then I'll measure how far that is from the outside edge and make a 3-inch circle that I can cut out and then put on the speaker grades [Music] since I'm going to be changing directions on this cut with the jigsaw a lot it's going to destroy the top layer of the plywood so I'm going to go ahead and kind of score it with my knife just to kind of help that this outer edge will be covered up with the speaker bezel so you probably won't see it [Music] [Applause] [Music] just about ready to start putting the tea molding slot in all of the panels that are gonna get tea molding and tea molding is a little plastic piece that goes on the outer edge of the plywood to protect it mainly from just being bumped but it also kind of dresses it up a little bit now to make this slot you use a slot cutting bit and you have to make sure that you cut that slot right in the middle of the piece because on the tea molding there's a barb that fits right down into that piece so make sure you do a test cut to get your bit right in the middle of that 3/4 inch width [Music] I took the guts off the back of the coin door and we don't need all these pieces we need something that just returns the coin if somebody puts it in right back down to the little slot on the bottom so I went into fusion and I modelled up some brackets and this piece it printed in three parts and they snap together just like so so when someone puts a coin in it will automatically return it straight at the bottom before we move ahead with making the bezel we're going to go ahead and do some other finish work to get this whole thing into a single unit I want to go ahead and screw all three of these pieces together so that they are locked in place want to add some edge banding here and get the marquee put on and then go over the whole thing with a sanding block and some wood filler to start to clean it up [Music] [Music] [Music] I've got a lot of the holes filled on the surfaces that are going to be painted a lot of the edges are sanded down now we're going to work on the control board this thing is going to be able to drop right down into this big pocket and it needs to fit right here the side panels are going to interact kind of in this corner so we need to notch out this corner I'm going to do that with a flush cut saw and make sure I clamp this thing down first the reason I'm cutting this in place is because this cut actually needs to be at an angle it needs to be parallel to this face right here but this board is sitting at a nine and a half degree angle so by cutting it flush to this face we should get the right angle on the cut [Music] now that all three of these pieces are locked together we can drill some holes because we're gonna have to feed the wires from the back of the TV from the controls from the light all that down into where the ps4 is going to be below and since these pieces are locked together we can drill through both of these sections at the same time to make those holes we're going to use a big Forstner bit so that we can put the end of big power cords or HDMI or whatever we need to the hole will definitely be big enough so I drilled through both of these pieces of plywood and then it just kind of kept going and it turns out I was drilling right down into the top of the center support so if you make one of these and you drill that hole don't do it right in the middle of that panel [Music] I've got a couple of pieces of wood here to wedge the soundbar in place in between these two walls I'm also going to add some stuff on the front and the back and then something to hold it down because we have to ship this whole cabinet all the way across the country [Music] [Music] [Music] so we started making this bezel and I was gonna make it out of a 2x4 and it turned out that the way we had a design was actually a lot more complicated than it needed to be so we're changing the plan just a little bit and instead I'm gonna make it out of a 1 by 4 cut down some of the thickness and so because of that I'm adding a spacer to push the whole thing out the plans we have for this thing will be updated and simplified [Music] [Music] now we're going to put a bevel on these inside edges just to give it a little detail and do that on the table saw [Music] all the vinyl came in for the graphics for this thing and it looks fantastic we're gonna work on putting this small little wing piece on to show you the process but basically the entire process is just scaled up to do the side art and I'm actually not going to cover it fully in depth because I already covered this whole thing in the original arcade cabinet so if you want to see very specific instructions go check that video out we'll link it down below after a couple of cuts of paint I went and lightly sanded this surface so it's nice and smooth and now I'm going to take off any surface dust with a tack cloth now we take some lightly soapy water just a couple of drops of dish soap and we wet this down and the water and the soap helps suspend the adhesive on the back of the vinyl just a little bit and it gives you time to put it on and slide it around and get a place correctly before the adhesive really grabs [Music] so now that it's on there we just take a squeegee and start at the center and push towards the outside edge and that moves all of the air bubbles and that excess water and soap out to the edge and pushes them off now that I've got all of the air bubbles out I've got to fold the excess vinyl around the corners which is pretty easy except for on these rounded corners here we're gonna have to kind of make some cuts up to the corner so that the pieces will fold over a little bit easier and not overlap too much [Music] now I've got both of these wings done the process is pretty simple it just takes some time and some patience but now it's time to move on to the big side [Music] [Music] [Applause] I've got the vinyl on the sides they're all good to go so the next step is putting down this polycarbonate on the control surface it's a little bit thicker more durable than the vinyl and the only difference between this and the control surface that I did in my old arcade is that this has really precise locations for the buttons and for the joysticks so we're gonna do it a little bit differently first I've got to get this piece centered vertically and horizontally on the wood then I'll tape it down so it's locked in place I'm going to mark the center of each one of these crosses so I know where to drill the hole in the wood then I'll go back and apply this vinyl and cut out that section so that the buttons and the joysticks can drop right in now I've got all these marks where I need to drill the holes but there's actually two different sized holes so I'm using a silver sharpie just to mark where the small holes are going to be so I drill the right size [Music] [Music] I've got all the holes drilled on the control board and they work fine for these larger buttons they pass through just fine but the smaller ones are actually a little short so they won't go through this three-quarter inch material so on the smaller buttons on the backside we're going to drill in some larger holes so there's enough room to get the retaining nut on the back of them now that I've got the polycarbonate down I can go back and cut out all of these circles and to do that I'm going to use an exacto knife so I can get a really fine cut right up to the outside of the hole in the wood [Music] I've got the buttons in and now I'm gonna move on to the joysticks now the problem here is getting the center of the joystick centered within the hole that I already drilled if you flip it over you can't see where this outline is if you do it from the back you can't see the hole that you're trying to Center it on so what I've done is measured the width and the length of this entire thing measured the hole that it's going to cover and then subtracted those things and then made some marks on the outside so I can line up those marks and theoretically the center of this should be the center of the hole [Music] now we've got all the joysticks and the buttons installed ready to go so we're gonna hook it up to the wiring harness like I showed you at the beginning of the video the controller works we've got it all tested now we need to make a way to keep it in place so we've cut down these pieces and added some pocket holes we can set them in place add some glue to the top of them and then put the control board on top the glue will hold all these pieces together and we can lift it all out as one piece and driving the screws [Music] that goes in there drops in place now it can't slide off [Music] we're getting pretty close to the end here it's time to put on the side panels and then these little wing pieces to put on the side panel we put some pocket holes here here and here so that we can put the side panel on drive in the screws from the backside to draw it into the body and then up here on this solid section we're gonna drive some screws from the inside into the side panel to hold it up there as well when I was putting the tea molding on this side I didn't put any in this little section and that's because it fits right underneath here this whole corner down here is going to get covered up with another wing piece [Music] I did some testing and figured out that because the soundbar doesn't have HDMI it doesn't get turned on when the ps4 gets turned on so rather than having to deal with turning it on separately we just swapped it out with some inexpensive computer speakers with a subwoofer and so they are always good to go when the ps4 turns on the last thing you put in here is the marquee we've got those graphics printed on a piece of lexan and then on the back of them is a solid white sheet to help diffuse the light evenly we've just got to peel off this front and see what it looks like [Music] now I'm gonna hold this in place so it doesn't fall backwards and Josh is gonna use a point driver to drive in some points to hold this within the frame this is the same tool that you would use to hold a picture in a picture frame [Music] now that we've got the marquee in place this whole cabinet is done [Music] I'm extremely happy with how this machine came out and I really hope the team at Mortal Kombat enjoys it if you want to make one of these for yourself we're gonna have some plans available and they are gonna have templates so you can add your own custom artwork I'm not going to show you in a gameplay because there's a lot of kids watching and it's definitely for mature audiences but if you want to find out more about Mortal Kombat 11 we'll have a link down below we've got tons of other types of project videos that you may be interested in check some of those out and if you're not subscribed do that as well that's it for this one thanks for watching see you next time this video is sponsored by WB games on the old arcade machine I rent and the only difference between what doodlee doodlee the old arcade cabinet with camp cabinet let's do it
Channel: I Like To Make Stuff
Views: 1,264,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mortal kombat, mortal kombat 11, arcade, arcade cabinet, mame cabinet, retro arcade, make your own, mortal kombat 11 arcade, full size arcade, mortal kombat arcade, mortal combat, arcade cabinet plans, digital plans, build your own, build an arcade cabinet, arcade machine, machine, retro pie, ps4, playstation 4, playstation 4 pro, playstation arcade, fight stick, arcade buttons, arcade button layout, video games, retro games, sega, diy, el, i like to make stuff, 3D printing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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