Can we make a Cottage Diorama of 100% CHOCOLATE ?

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this video contains an ad for kiwiko more about them later martina and how's he here that's right and we are back with another project yes i have some stuff i don't actually know what we're doing okay i have this and you know how we usually like we work with foam and we work with like wood and acrylic sometimes and leather so i thought maybe we could try something a bit different this time it's christmas season you know it's the season for you know doing relaxing stuff i have this is 16 pounds of chocolate why don't we try to build like a traditional you know christmas gingerbread style house but more like fantasy inspired and out of chocolate oh my god i've never seen this much chocolate outside a store in my whole life i mean on the plus side is that you know maybe we can eat a little bit while we build oh no maybe something just fell off we don't have like a whole kitchen here yeah so i thought we could like work on this acrylic plate that i bought and i also have some like basic utensils i i've never worked with chocolate ever before i barely even made the gingerbread house and i'm kind of imagining like chocolate is gonna be a lot harder to do something with than gingerbread oh my god there's so much where do we begin well i guess we should start with making like a design a plan or we could just start just gluing how hard can it be like okay oh let's be honest here if we take the chocolate yeah we get a square yeah and you know what a square is if you stack a square on top of each other it's a house whoa so we just have to keep stacking it and then you know we get a house but i i kind of want to do something more interesting than you know just a skyscraper are you mocking my design [Laughter] this brilliance okay yeah sure i guess i can i can draw something up okay and try to make something that looks more like a fantasy cabin or something okay that sounds like a better idea okay let's do that i mean we could do the square but no let's do your thing i spent some time trying out some different designs and here's what i have this is the house it's pretty basic but i thought we could try to combine some milk chocolate with white chocolate and dark just to get that color variation but still keeping the chocolate feeling and we're gonna add some more detail later but this is the general idea we have a design we have the sign so we're ready to work great job yes thank you so time to start chocolating things yes so i'm thinking like you made a design i think maybe first we should make like a chocolate base so before we started the camera we boiled some water so we're gonna make a water bath some boiling water in there and then we can start opening chocolate do you want to have the take the first one this is the best chocolate in the universe smells so good put it in into the water bath the whole thing maybe the whole thing yeah okay so we're just gonna wait for that to melt to melt yep meanwhile we can start like laying out the ground we should put it upside down so we get the flat nice layer texture the question is like how big do we go i think we we just have to like to let the chocolate determine the scale okay so i think we just have to work in like chocolate square units we don't know how good this melted chocolate is for glue so this is gonna be the base but it's also be gonna be like a great baseline for us to see like how well does it hold up how stiff does it get kind of let's start fusing yes smash them together that looks great actually okay so we have to fuse all of them yes so maybe just time lapse yes fast forward [Music] got the base down so i think we now start putting up the walls scoop things this is so satisfying oh yeah like smearing melted chocolate the chocolate will take quite a bit of time to like dry yeah are we gonna just stand there do we have a plan for that i don't have a plan for that oh it looks extra delicious when it's melted building this like base structure should be fairly basic should be the easy part but it's going to take a while so i'm just wondering if we should just roll another time lapse time lapse time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this actually looks amazing i know i love it like it looks like brick i think the whimsical look is really cool yeah i mean it it ended up being like that because it's impossible to cut actual square bricks when it's chocolate we have the first floor we have the first floor uh and i think like a main thing we need on the first floor is a door but i don't want to just take like a plate of chocolate and put it on and call it a door i want to like really make a door what i thought i could do was make a door in foam use that as a blank and then make a silicone mold of the door and then cast it in chocolate i think that could be amazing actually sounds like a plan let's do it [Music] [Music] next we're gonna start working on the second floor and we're gonna use the milk chocolate again as the base but we're gonna try to melt some white chocolate add that on top to get that color variation [Music] [Music] so [Music] so the chocolate house is really happening and we're currently working on the walls which means we have to think about the roof and originally we thought okay let's just use chocolate bars and like make that the roof but i already spent so much time making this roof on the computer why don't we just cheat a bit and we take some of this silicone putty we could just smear it on to the roof and wait for it to cure and we'll just have a mold for like chocolate roof shingles without hardly any work so hopefully nothing will get destroyed here and i'll just start pushing this putty and make a mold okay i think it has worked we now just have to wait for the silicone putty to cure and we can take it off and see what happens okay so it has been a little bit and now let's try to take it off and hopefully it will just work i think it has worked it's not perfect but i think it's gonna look great in chocolate so we have to build up a little bit with silicone around it to contain the chocolate and then we can start and try our first pour we have a silicone roof mold it looks so good and i can't believe it just peeled off like without ruining the roof amazing now let's pour in the molten chocolate and hopefully we'll have a good looking chocolate roof oh and we'll have to do this a lot of times if we're going to cover the entire house yeah it's a large roof it's so satisfying now let's wait for this to cool and we'll look back at it later but until then let's focus on the the rest of the house the rest of the house yes back to the house [Music] [Music] now before we move on here's an ad for kiwico here we go makes these crates that contains hands-on projects designed to expose kids to steam aka science technology engineering art and math in a fun and entertaining way and it's just a great resource for learning at home what i really love about these crates is that they contain a complete project with all the supplies you need as well as clear instructions catering to the relevant age group and an educational magazine that tells you more about the topic of the crate kiwiko is a great gift option for anyone in your life who wants to learn to create something or as a fun activity with the family you know especially now for the holidays because it's not just a thing it's a whole experience that teaches someone to build something they have eight different subscription lines catering to different age groups and different topics but they also have awesome holiday projects available for one time purchase so if you think this sounds interesting then make sure to check out the link below so you can get 50 of your first month thanks here we go and back to the project the progress is going amazing yes so this is the first chocolate silicone mold shingles the shingles and we have to make a lot of these and hopefully they look good and they just like pop right out of the mold without problems okay let's turn it okay that actually looks that looks ridiculous what the that looks pretty dope actually well it looks it looks like the pc it's like the crafty world's copy paste what so i guess i just have to pour a lot more of these now yeah i'm gonna just like continue putting on all these beams and then once you complete the shingles add the shingles and also the chimney yeah so let's build yes [Music] cool [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so now i'm gonna try to make some icicles like hanging down from the roof so i've melted some white chocolate but i waited for it to settle a little bit so it's a bit colder so it won't just run all over the place so let's just see if we can make something that looks like ice so now before this sets i'm just gonna grab some shredded coconut and like toss it on there and hopefully it will kind of look like snow [Music] [Applause] it's finished it's finally finished what an incredible amount of work that final step was yeah i didn't expect it to be this much work but it looks amazing i know and i really think we should just go through a bit of what we did on the last steps there yeah because there was actually some cool things going on yeah that's true so let's talk about the windows first yeah so we used uh gelatin like sheets they have this cool pattern on them so they really look like windows but i i don't think you should eat those don't eat them no next up the roof shingles they turn out awesome yes such a good way to do it and the chimney looks awesome i think there's nothing more left to say than thank you guys so much for being with us this entire year it has been amazing yeah it's been i think it's been an awesome year on youtube and we've been able to make so many cool projects all thanks to you guys for watching our content and supporting us and i really hope you will be with us in 2022 because we have some amazing things planned oh yeah so thank you so much for watching and for the final results this time i think we should do a montage of all the final results we have had in 2021 oh yeah and we can end up with this one that's a great idea there's nothing else to say then let's have a look at the final final result [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Nerdforge
Views: 520,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gcd_ZdpaZhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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