Can I paint a 300 page sketchbook in 12 days?

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martina here and i have a confession to make in my 26 years of existence i've always loved to draw and paint and ever since i could pick up a pencil i've dragged a sketchbook around like no matter where i'd go to the beach on a plane in the forest didn't matter the sketchbook came with me but the one thing i have never like in my entire life been able to do is to fill an entire sketchbook and to me that is something i've always wanted to do but combined with my uncontrollable obsession with sketchbooks i've just never been able to i would buy a new book thinking this is the one and then fill out the first 10 15 20 pages and then on page 20 i would paint some painting i wasn't happy with and never finished and then it would just start to collect dust and i would buy a new and shiny book and then the process starts again and that's where i'm at with a pile of unfinished sketchbooks many more at home and this burning desire to finally fill an entire sketchbook once and for all so for the past couple of months we've been working on creating the sketchbook of my dreams it's got 300 pages and i'm planning to fill this in only 12 days and that means if i'm painting for 10 hours every single day i only have 25 minutes per page [Music] [Applause] i'm just going to begin with sketching the rough composition and then we can paint finally [Music] look first two pages down and i spent 53 minutes on this i have to time it because we don't have much time now i only have 23 more pages to go today [Music] well it's the end of day one and i only only managed to fill six double pages which in itself is pretty good like it's more than what i've ever painted in a day i think but it's half of what i should have done if i want to reach my 12 day goal so i think i have to get up much earlier tomorrow morning so i can really get some paintings done fast because this is this is not the tempo to do this in 12 days and i really want like i really want to be able to reach that but now i'm super hungry so i'm gonna go home and i'll see you tomorrow psych it's day three now because i figured yesterday in order to get as much work done as possible i would just stay home not get dressed and not film anything so i got up really early painted all day until i went to bed and i actually managed to fill 14 double pages and now we're at day 3. [Music] [Music] good morning everyone it's now day six and i'm super happy about the progress i've been able to do so far like just look at this book i filled like more than a third almost half of it and that's like more than i've ever filled any single sketchbook ever and also i'm getting so much practice in things i don't usually set aside time for like drawing hands and drawing feet which is something i usually avoid but not this time so far i've mainly done tutorials some figure studies and also painting from reference photos i had originally planned to make some like original illustrations in between all these things like i had collected this huge bank of inspiration from other illustrators on instagram or whatnot the thing is and this very often happens to me like i sit down planning to do this illustration and i look through my inspiration folder like oh yeah this this is gonna be great but then i'm like yeah i don't want to paint this or this and certainly not this and just nothing appeals to me what i usually do then is just shut the sketchbook put it away and go play some video games instead the thing i kind of realized with this challenge is i had to think of painting as an exercise at the point on a to-do list forcing myself to pick up the pencil and draw something anything it has made me want to draw more like it's it's pulling me forward even if i was a bit reluctant to sit down and do anything just putting something down on the paper helped me go forward anyway today's topic is gonna be something i never draw which is animals the only animal i draw occasionally are for dragons do they even count well i want to be able to draw anything so today we're practicing animals i'm going to begin with drawing one of my favorite animals which is an owl so let's pour the coffee and get started [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] why why why did i do this again it's day 10 and i i just have so many pages left of the sketchbook to fill i wouldn't recommend anyone doing this there's no reason really to fill it in 12 days but like i know with myself if i don't put pressure on myself i'm not getting anything done there's only three days left so we really just have to power through and get this done let's paint [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i did it 26 26 years it's taken me to finish a sketchbook and now i'm one of those people who have completed this sketchbook my pulse is high right now like i've been waiting for this moment for such a long time like every time i've tried starting a new sketchbook i've always had these compulsions to start new ones but this is complete oh my god i can't believe i'm about to do my first clip through i'm just so happy it's been 12 incredibly intense days before this feeling alone it's it's been worth it oh my god 300 pages this sketchbook has been incredible to use and work with and it's everything i wanted it to be from the get-go like when we started thinking about making this we wanted to create something different something with a lot of pages as well as a beautiful cover design and thick paper so you can use it for absolutely anything from sketching and painting to writing role playing or project planning i think we succeeded on that and it's now finally available for pre-order at 32.99 which is a great price for what you get as well as this self-healing cutting mat it literally means it heals itself when you're cutting it it's purple on one side with these beautiful gold borders and black on the other so you can kind of switch it up and if you want to get this as a christmas gift for someone you can actually download this gift card that you can print out and give to the person you got it for if you want to check out either of these products i'll leave a link to our store on the screen and down in the description before we flip through the whole thing i just want to thank you so much for joining me on this journey and it feels so good to finally have been able to fill an entire sketchbook something i've been wanting to do for so many years i also want to give a huge thanks to our patrons for continuing to support us you guys are just incredible but now it's time let's have a look at the final results [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Nerdforge
Views: 1,914,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ql28puPeyF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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