Making a Whimsical LANTERN (with Realistic Fire Effect)!

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this video was sponsored by Squarespace hey everyone welcome to the basement show okay so Hansie I have an idea for a project what a project I know nothing about I thought that we could make some lanterns so cool like fantasy Lantern what if instead of having normal light bulbs inside we had some fire except the fires would be LED lights hmm fire with the fire be like fire color or like more colors whatever you want martina but i think you'll have to take care of the design and stuff and i can take care of the leds and the coding stuff when I finished my thing I'll come to you with my thing and I can put it in that's the oh I guess we should begin with making some besides and I think I'll be starting with doing some testing with different materials and light diffusion and stuff wait all right so before we get into the working we have to make a couple of different designs and the keywords I'm kind of working from is whimsical fantasy medieval maybe even some fairy let's start drawing [Music] I'm a pear I've got to figure out the LED stuff the lining stuff the flame effect that we are going for I'm going to use LED strips and I'm gonna use in our duty notes you control them we can make all the colors that we want that was particularly what Martina wished for this project so that's why I'm going for the LED strip I'll catch up with you after I have soldered all the LED strips to this little PVC pipes cylinder see you then we finish up the sketches and I've been studying them a bit in the end I drop these too I think this just looks a little demonic somehow I don't know why my favorite is definitely this one so I think this is the one we're gonna build because I think that could look really cool and really whimsical I want that worried whimsical it sounds just like what it means I think it's a good idea to just like make a paper template of the whole thing first so we get the proportions right and then we can just take that template apart and transfer it to our actual material I'm so excited okay let's make a paper template and we're gonna hang it from the ceiling to really gets the feeling right okay then let's move [Music] we got paper templates which was the only thing we managed to do yesterday because it's so much longer than I expected and that seems to be a trend around here that I'm really bad at estimating time so now that I spent an entire day making this paper template let's take it all down okay but before we take this apart let's have a look at our mystery material that we're actually going to build this thing of and I'm really excited about this material hold on open yourself release yourself I love that wobble sound yeah boy it's warm baby yeah so for those of you who haven't seen this material before it's cold worbla and it's a type of thermoplastic that when you heat it up you can shape it to whatever shape you want but yeah so my idea is really to make this entire thing out or or blah I never made anything with warm one before and I'm really excited because I've seen all these cosplayers make these cool things and I want to make cool things too sorry I have to it doesn't have the same kind of wobble as the brass plates okay focus Martina we got the material got the templates so now we just have to pull this little baby apart just don't destroy it [Music] [Music] so I think the first thing we should try to make is this little roof just going to get to know the materials see how it acts how sturdy it is and then we can move on from there let's make tiny room [Music] [Music] okay so I've been cutting this worbla stuff for quite some time now and I found that cutting these simple shapes is super easy because you can just use a scissor but these ones that are a bit more intricate I have to cut with a box knife and that is just it's a little more tricky but you know so far so good I'm really liking this material this roof thing that I made it turned out a little bit wonky but you know I'm gonna cover it up with some wood shingles so I don't really think it matters that it's a bit wonky and also it's kind of charming I really just have two of these left and then I'm done with all the worbla cutting and we can start assembling [Music] I thought I had some individually addressable LED lights turns out I don't have that this is an LED strip that is individual addressable but only per three LEDs so the segments are a bit bigger and that made me have to think of it so I'm gonna show you what I got there is still some work left to be done here's the spaceship or whatever you think this looks like and when you see it like this it doesn't really look like much but once you add a bit of diffusion around it then suddenly it looks a lot better it kind of looks like a torch now it's not perfect we could probably do this even better if I spend another day working on it but I think I'm just gonna call this good enough for now but we need a way to interact with the colors I'm gonna add a button every time you press the button the colors will change that's what I'll begin doing now and I'll catch up with you once that's done and we can go down and see where Martina is at okay so we took another day just to cut out all the worbla pieces I was planning to use the acrylic as the back side of these so that is going to kind of give these pieces its structure because right now they're very flimsy flopping all over the place but the look I want to go for it's kind of like all the worn I'm thinking we have to add some kind of sit suit suit suit I wanted to add that on the inside of the acrylic glass but I don't really know how to make that effect just yet so I've cut out these acrylic pieces so I thought if we could do some experience can I figure out what is the best way to get the right effect let's do some experiment shall we well would you look at that we're outside BAM Butterbean butterball grass gang so the birds are really chattering right now she's time pop the wit and stronger at the top yeah that's enough so they're drawing outside in the meantime we can start working on these two and here I have some wood glue some frost spray paint and some sandpaper so I guess you can almost not see the clear glass but here's the the sanded one interesting yeah so when I was outside to get this will glue I just quickly checked in on these painted once and they seemed dry so I thought let's just do all of it to really get it realistic I would have to add some yellow into the paint's but the thing is that we're going to use colored lights so if the glass panes are yellow and you choose some random color that will tint that color so I don't think that will look very nice I've got our sponges I think I'm gonna add one layer of glue first and then start adding the paint in with it afterwards I really loving this texture already I mean just look at that texture that is really cool yeah it's really goopy [Music] so we got tiny little light with a flickering fire effect so I thought we could test out what these will look like okay so let's begin with this one this has the black spray paint and a little bit of paint on the backside not working and I can see now that the stippling effect is not looking great so that bodes badly for the next ones that does not look well either so this one is sanded down with stippled paint and wood glue this one was completely clear the only thing that has been added is paint and wood glue I really like the texture that the wood glue gives because it gives the look of like an even very old made glass but I hate this stippling effect yeah first round not great wood glue very nice and also the spray paint itself before I added the other paint looked hmm oh so good I'm gonna make a couple of new ones [Music] test around you so this is our first contestant this one I used a candle to create the soot around the edges the main thing I don't like about this one is that you can see the Rings from the candle flame on it then we have this one and now we're really getting somewhere so this one I used the black spray paint at the top and one layer of wood glue on the back it's still too glossy on the front to look old and worn like it looks brand new on the outside but not on the inside and then there's this last piece it's basically the same as the previous one the only difference being I applied two layers of wood glue on the back and I think you can really just start to see the texture now with one layer on the front side as well with wood glue this is the method this is what we're going for and there we go one layer of black spray paint 2 layers of wood glue one layer of wood glue on the front and boom we got some old looking glass [Music] okay so I am basically done with this fire effect thing I'm just gonna show you since I added a button we have some updated colors so we got a wide variety of colors here we can choose from I think I added something like seven or eight colors so that's pretty cool all that remains now is to go down to Martina and try to integrate this into her build by the way if you're interested in seeing the code for this I will leave a link to the github where I have uploaded the code so that's there for you let's go down hey Martina here's my thing alright so this thing is basically done and excited this is a fire effect and you can press the button evil demonic red oh please like fairy coloured I just finished please windowpane things so we can try to see how well the diffusion works so you can very clearly see the LEDs yeah the single LEDs you know that old IKEA laundry bag oh yeah I could use that yeah that one yeah so it's like it's kind of see-through oh yeah yeah that looks great what does that look like that looks amazing yeah yeah okay so what if we just cut out a couple of squares of this thing and glue it just along the edges of this oh I think it's gonna be great let's start the assembling and painting [Music] [Music] while Martina has been working in a basement on the lantern I went and got this really nice piece of all I put a coat of epoxy resin on top just to seal off the edges so the bark doesn't come off in preparation for the lantern I need to make a hole through the entire thing and route the channel for the cable on the back side here I'm also going to sand it a bit and once that's done it's ready for the lantern so yeah let's go and do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now a quick ad for Squarespace platform 8 to help you with anything from creating online stores and website to marketing tools and analytics they will help you create a beautiful online presence and also run your business so recently I've been thinking about making an online portfolio for my artwork Christmas has a lot of great templates for this I mean just look at these boys one thing I really like about Squarespace is that any template you choose will look good on your phone as well no hassle nothing and you don't even need the domain because you can just buy it there if you buy a domain you get free who is privacy who is privacy I don't know I never met him I'm sorry you don't even need to be a computer was to set up a website because it's super easy so go to for a free trial and when you're ready to launch make sure to go to slash nerd forge to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain thank you for listening now best projects so now we're gonna begin painting over our black base and to do that we're gonna use three techniques which is washing dry brushing and stippling and to explain very short washing is just mixing in a lot of water and letting it run down your model stippling is using something rough to just dab on the paint and dry brushing is using almost no paint to lightly just build up color so now let's get painting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay so I think we are basically almost finished with this one almost we just have to hang it on a wall and have a look at the lights the last thing we did there was we just use some epoxy glue to bind all the worbla together I also use some hot glue too because it seems to work pretty well because the hot glue melted the worbla so it kind of bonded to that very nice very nice and we're also out of this shelf bracket fancy bracket oh I'm so excited to see this on the wall because it looks so good already let's go hang it on the wall yes oh and by the way we recently had our first member and patron only live stream and I just had a blast hanging out with you guys and haunted it as well and I just can't wait to do it again it was so much fun you guys said the best now I hope you enjoyed watching this project into all the new folks remember to click that sub button so that you can see what we make next and also check us out on Instagram were imposed a lot of content in between the videos if you miss us because we miss you anyway let's have a look at the final result [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nerdforge
Views: 720,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whimsical, fairy lantern, diy lantern, how to make a lantern, worbla diy, whimsical lantern, lantern project, led fire, led fire effect, led realistic fire, fantasy lamp, how to make a lamp, fairy lamp, fairy diy, fantasy diy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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