I Made a FROZEN Resin River Viking Diorama!

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this video contains an ad for loot studios it's me martina from nerdforge and today we're going to do something really awesome we're currently in the midst of winter here in norway and everything is just dark and cold and everything's covered in ice and snow and so i wanted to use that as inspiration for this project i want to create a cold frosty viking inspired diorama because this is a theme we haven't really explored much before so since it's so freaking cold on the outside why not make something equally cold on the inside you know fight ice with ice i just think a viking theme is going to be the perfect theme to capture that winter mood the first thing we have to make is the base i'm gonna use this three millimeter plywood sheet because it's really lightweight and sturdy and this isn't really going to be a very heavy diorama the next step is to take this giant chunk of xps foam and make it more landscape-b can i can i say that landscape-y okay um yeah i guess we'll just put on some disproportionately epic music and get started [Music] [Music] it's looking really good so far and just to go quickly through what i've already done i used this plywood that i cut out as the base then attached some xps foam on top that i kind of carved into the basic landscape i wanted and then i created some rock surfaces and it's actually really simple to do because you just take some aluminum foil fold it in half crinkle it into a little bowl and then fold it out again create a little bowl that you can pour some plaster into and then you have these rock surfaces that you can just kind of smash with a hammer and use as little lego pieces to create these rock surfaces and now it looks like this i'm gonna add some smaller rocks on top here just to make it a little more realistic so this is called foam coat it's like a gritty type of plaster thing and i'm just gonna mix it with a little bit of water and i'm adding a little at a time because again getting very runny very fast we got it mixed up so now let's apply it to mainly the flat surfaces and especially where we want those extra rocks something like that and now i'm going to begin with the larger size rocks just grab a little handful sprinkle it like where it seems natural that they have kind of fallen down roll down the hill here a little bit up here and then the medium-sized rocks [Music] we got all the rocks on but if i try to move this around now everything's just gonna roll off the whole thing so i'm gonna have to seal this and i'm just gonna use some mod podge mix it with some water to make it really runny and then kind of just drip it all over so it soaks into all that gravel hoping that it will just like run naturally down the landscape where water would go and bring the gravel with it just adding to the realistic effect i've covered everything in the glue so now he just has to rest for a little bit and dry up and we can revisit it in a couple of days hey guys it's me hansi and while martina has been working on some stuff that is now curing i am gonna 3d print something on this marvelous resin 3d printer first of all i'm gonna have to wear my leather apron because i always mess up my clothes when i'm working with this sticky resin stuff it's not my favorite part of the day because it gets everywhere and you have to like wear vinyl gloves and it smells bad but it is the best method of producing miniatures that we at least know of because the other 3d printing method that layers the plastic on top of each other it's not super great for the details whereas the resin printer is very good for the details i have loaded up the models on this usb stick and we're just gonna watch the magic happens hopefully because this fails two out of three times so let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] most of these prints actually succeeded there was one fail but i'm gonna have to print some more later anyway so i can just add that so that's not gonna be a problem now what you saw me do was to clean it in some alcohol and that's just to remove some of the residue resin that is in the nooks and crannies here and then i cured it in the uv chamber which will just make sure that all the rest in is hard and ready to go but now that this is done we can prime them and then they are ready to be painted [Applause] hello as you might be able to tell from my faded hair color it's been a while we started working on this like before christmas and it's now january and you know been holidays but i am super ready to get back into this and start working on this again because i want to make it look good because right now it's like a blob of yellow rocks but this should at least be completely cured now that has been so long so i guess now we can finally start making this look good because we're gonna start painting it and make this all look like rock so let me just find my paint and we can get started painting rock isn't exactly the easiest thing because you know rocks aren't just gray they are yellow and brown and green and all kinds of different colors at the same time while they still look gray so you know thanks rox but we gotta start somewhere so we're gonna start with covering this whole thing in like a medium kind of gray and then we're gonna use some different browns and yellows and stuff to create some color variation in the rock so without further ado let's get painting [Music] so [Music] it's looking kind of nasty with all these colors is like a weird polka dot pattern but we're gonna bring it all together now by applying some black wash it's just black paint and water spray it on the whole thing and it's gonna make it look like a one piece again [Music] i might have gone a little too dark here but you know i can always add the color back in later but now we're gonna start dry brushing this using some different grays and some white [Music] the paint job is finished and i'm super super happy with how it turned out like i think it looks pretty realistic it might look a little dark now but i think once we put the snow on top here it's just going to create a really nice contrast but before we get to the snow i want to make this look as nice and as realistic as i can and then kind of just dab the snow on top as you would in real life so i'm gonna use some grass flocks some grass tufts and uh some of these clump foliage things to create some grass here some bushes and then we're gonna apply the snow on top of that later so let me find my glue and we can put some polyage on this thing [Music] we got the foliage on and at this point i was originally planning to start putting on the snow effects but i realized that i'm gonna have to paint some of the miniatures now because we have to blend them in with the landscape especially this shipwreck that is going down here and this like power crystal up here because i'm gonna make like an epoxy river down here so these have to be cast in the epoxy and i have to do that before i do the snow effects the order of operations is a little a little difficult to plan beforehand so we're gonna paint the miniatures we need to blend in now and then try to blend it in as best we can with what we have i'm gonna find my miniature paint and we can do some painting [Music] i just finished painting these miniatures and these are really just ones we need before we're gonna make the river here there are gonna be more miniatures later but for now these are just the ones we're gonna use i'm gonna have to attach these to the landscape and then use some foam coat to try to blend it in with the rest and yes obviously this would have been a lot easier to do if i had done it from the start but it's hard to plan everything so i'm just gonna show you how i solve my mistakes i'm just gonna glue these in place where i want them apply some foam coat and then try to paint over it and blend it in with what we already have [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go that was actually a really quick fix and now they actually look like they belong in the landscape that means we can start working on the water i want this to have like a cracked frozen lake look like this shipwreck right here just came crashing through the waves and just broke into a million pieces and then sunk from the damage i'm gonna try some techniques i haven't actually used before and i found these methods through geekgamingscenics here on youtube he makes some really amazing stuff so i really recommend checking out his channel now first of all we're gonna have to make some cracked ice flakes that we can put around the ship and around the shore we're gonna make that by using some epoxy resin and casting it in a thin sheet that we're gonna tint white then we can take that sheet crack it into smaller pieces and then kind of use those as pestle pieces to place around the shape around the shore make that look like cracked ice let's just mix up a little bit of resin and we can do the casting [Music] and now i'm gonna add a little bit of white just a drop or two so now we pour [Music] and now we wait but now before we move on it's time for an ad for loot studios which is a great service that we've been using for well a bit more than a year now loot studios is a monthly subscription service that delivers high quality super realistic and detailed fantasy models so every month subscribers get a bundle of 3d printing files with different themes every time like for example the oasis towel collectors or the valhalla packs that we've been using in this project this month's theme is called cult of hunger which contains some amazing heroes frightening enemies like gnolls and cultists environment objects character busts and the most amazing thing a whole cathedral i mean just look at this thing it looks incredible and it's huge and as a bonus all the models come pre-supported and unsupported in 32 and 75 millimeter scales also as a subscriber you get access to an exclusive painting tutorial every month as well as access to their facebook and discord communities so if you think this sounds interesting new members get access to the bundle of the month in this case called hunger plus a tavern themed welcome pack so make sure to check out the link down below and back to the project the eyes is looking so promising i really like how translucent it is and the color and the kind of glitter effect it has but we have to contain our excitement and wait to see what that will look like because the epoxy has to cure for like a day or something more to get properly cured so in the meantime i'm gonna work on the remaining 3d models we're gonna have in here and our rain character is going to be this guy who's fighting through the snow he's climbing up the hill here towards the power crystal together with his wolf friend who's there to protect him just to add a little environment detail we're gonna have this fireplace somewhere around here and maybe we'll put some lights under it who knows i mean it's us of course we're gonna put lights in it all of these have to be painted so i'm going to find my paint and we'll get back into the painting [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just finished painting the miniatures and i think they turn out decent it's not an amazing paint job but i think once we put everything together in the landscape everything is just going gonna complement each other and together it's gonna look good if that makes sense so i'm gonna put this to the side because now the ice it's cured and it's completely hard now and i think that's important to be able to break this properly so i think we can now take this off and try to break it into pieces so we can use those and try to make this a river [Music] i mixed up some resin here and i just used some clear packaging tape around the edges here so now it hopefully won't leak and we got our ice shards down here so i'm just going to pour the rest in and then wait until it's like a jelly consistency before i start applying the ice shards and that is just to make sure that the ice kind of lays on top of the surface instead of sinking to the bottom so let's do the pour [Music] the water is almost finished i think the ice flakes turned out really good and the mod podge works pretty well as water effects the one thing that's remaining here is to add some snow at the edge here to kind of blend that into the ice but before we do the snow effects we're gonna add the little fireplace up here and to make that i'm gonna use some candle light leds these very small cute ones together with a simple battery pack and a switch just to make sure that i can actually you know turn it off and on and once that's in place we can use some hot glue to create some fire and then finally we can add the trees and the snow it's time to finish this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i did one final thing after i applied the snowflock before i added all the miniatures and that was i sprayed everything with some matte acrylic varnish and i really had to keep a distance like because it just made the snow fly all over the place but that was to make sure everything stayed in place without clumping it with mod podge or something like that so now there's just a super thin coating over everything that keeps the snow in place but yeah it's finally finished before we have a look at the final result i just have a couple of thoughts about the project low-key i kind of liked it better before i added the snow not gonna lie but at the same time i don't regret adding the snow because you know i tried something new i had a lot of fun trying to figure out how to do all the ice effects and the snow effects for my first snow diorama i don't think i did too bad and i also think this is one of the most challenging dioramas i've ever done oh and i just wanted to remind you that we have these two awesome products in our web store and the cutting mats have just started shipping out and it's just it's so much fun seeing you guys receiving them on instagram so don't hesitate to tag us in a picture once you get it and finally thank you so much to our patrons for sticking with us here in january even though it's been a long time since the previous upload but more is coming don't worry and now it's time let's have a look at the final result [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Nerdforge
Views: 574,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JXbeJ96ciPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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