Making Our Dream MEDIEVAL FANTASY Workshop!

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welcome to our new studio thing it's awesome and empty and very empty it's all white it doesn't really feel like us no do we look plain no so what we're gonna do we're gonna make a medieval or something how to make this look epic yes somehow so we have some plans someone's coming to put a floor here somebody else does the floor we can focus on like the interior stuff so today we're turning our studio into like a medieval studio setup let's go so in the background of our new backdrop we want to have like a lot of detailing so we're gonna go to a couple of second-hand stores and see if we can find some kind of cool old looking items maybe some small furniture or something hopefully we find some some treasures so let's go we went to a couple of different stores and this one in particular had so many cool things to look at like we spent quite some time there and in the end we ended up picking out a couple of different items got some stuff we got these really pretty decoration items this carved box these candle holders and this beautiful glass jar but most importantly we got these shelves now this is just the wood look we want but this is a little too colorful for what we want so we're gonna fix that [Music] this is not an antique by the way it's a modern remake so don't worry [Applause] [Music] the lacquer is now dry and i think it looks really cool like this fits more the aesthetic we're going for with that natural wood feel i think it's going to blend in nicely i don't know if i feel like it has a new kind of story now like the paint was just flaking off and someone kind of picked it up and tried giving it some new life so it could be used again and i like that we're going to be on the lookout for more things like this online but in the meantime i have so many things i want to make for this background and some of them are super easy to do anyone can do them but i really think it's going to make a huge difference for the studio and just make it feel magical first off i want to make some potions like a bunch of old and worn magical looking potions and there's actually a super simple way you can turn one of these clean and new flasks into something like this here's how first just grab some sort of pva glue and a sponge and then we can just dab all of this onto the surface and this will help give the flask some texture as well as make it easier to apply some paint later so i'm just gonna cover the whole thing and then let it dry and now we have this nice and kind of cloudy surface that we can apply some paint to i'm gonna make two washes which is basically just a little bit of paint with a lot of water the first one is gonna be in a yellow ochre color and the second one in like a burnt sienna type brown i'm first gonna apply the yellow and then let that dry and if it's a little too much paint you can just dab it off with some paper and once that's dry we can apply the brown wash the more paint you put on it the older and more worn and dirty it's gonna look so just adjust it to the look you want i mean you could also just leave it right after applying the glue so you just get that old glass look it all depends on what you want but now that the painting is done the real fun begins because now we can really start customizing these things like we can use all kinds of different ribbons or cords like jute cord leather cord fancy ribbons and we can mix them together with things like fake plants or flowers or metal ornaments or feathers or jewels i don't know and you can make labels like these or you can print out some labels and attach them to the bottles and not just the exterior but like what you put in them count as well you can put herbs or glitter gemstones rocks or just food colored water like there are so many possibilities of how you can customize these and make them your own and that's the fun part and it's so easy like so quick so simple and so cool look how pretty and the amount of variation with just the things i had in the house like just some spices some herbs some food coloring and boom and it looks so nice when they're put together like this and i kind of like the mixture between the really old looking ones and the new ones because it kind of looks like a collection that has just been growing over the years and oh my god these are gonna look so good on the shelves we got if you want to make some labels for potions like this it's actually super simple and you can use the same technique as we're gonna do next because we're making some scrolls yes i have some stuff let out here first of all i've made some printouts of these cool herb illustrations and of course some of my favorite fantasy series maps i'm gonna decorate it a bit as well so i have some wax a wax seal some cool pretty ribbons some jute cord leather cord also these knobs they've been in the drawer upstairs for years no one's used them so i thought i could take them put it on either end of a stick and then i have like a scroll stick base and then i can like wrap things around it and it looks like a cool scroll but before we get to the decorating stage we have to stain the paper so i have made some coffee got a d-pan lots of coffee pour it in the pan and why did now i should have had something to pick it up with ow um okay and you can of course just let it air dry but i'm very impatient so i'm just gonna put these in the oven at about 140 degrees celsius for a couple of minutes so i'll be right back with a bunch of these dried [Music] [Music] the scrolls are finished i made a couple of different ones some with beautiful ribbons with metal ornaments and some more rough ones that has like hemp cord or jute cord on them and of course i made this super fancy one with just some knobs a roll of paper in the middle and some ribbon and it looks super official but i really think we're starting to get a lot of cool items we can decorate with we're of course gonna include some of our previous projects in there and while i've been working on this a carpenter has actually been at our studio laying in a new floor in that area where we're gonna do the filming and i know hansi just went over there because he's gonna start working on the walls around that area but i have some more things i want to work on while they're doing the hard work i'm doing the chill work over to you hansi okay so i'm here alone and the carpenter just finished with the flooring and it looks amazing just look at this it looks so good and also we have this this is like a smart like it's called smart paneling is like a tape on wood paddle thing that we just taped onto the wall which is perfect for us because we don't want this to be permanent well we got the flooring it's kind of permanent but it could be always taken out anyway i'm super excited about this i'm gonna start putting the wood paneling up on the wall right now so yeah let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so the floor is finished painted and i also finished the walls and everything is shaping up it's coming together and i think it looks really damn cool and now i'm just like wondering what martina is cooking up because we have to fill this whole space with some interior this is probably one of the things i've been looking most forward to in this whole ordeal and that is making some banners because oh my god just imagine how cool it's gonna be with our new logo in gold on this beautiful purple background and there's just banners behind me when i work it's going to be awesome i'm usually a little bit like when it comes to sewing but i think this is going to be very easy and very fun so let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] dude look at the banners they're so pretty i love these colors i mean the purple gold combo oh boy and also the new logo looks so good on the battery they were so easy to make i kind of want to make like 10 more and just hang them all over my house i don't know man it's just something about banners i love them and now i really want to see what this is going to look like in the studio let's go to the studio you know what time it is it's time for an ad for curiosity stream curiosity stream is a subscription streaming service that offers thousands of different documentaries and non-fiction titles from some of the world's best filmmakers including exclusive originals they've got great documentaries on topics such as history science technology nature society and lifestyle so it's great for anyone who wants to learn more and explore these topics some of my favorites recently has been the enchanted forest and deep ocean the last one because david attenborough is narrating you know and i mean i love a good nature documentary and i've also enjoyed a lot of interesting history documentaries as well curiosity stream adds new shows every week so that's pretty cool and it's available on so many different platforms so if you think this sounds interesting it's actually pretty affordable like if you use our code 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out so good they fit in so well here oh my god just a combination of all the things the wooden medieval aesthetic is just yeah i feel like it's so cozy it's very cozy and it's not so like it's a bit dark and coaster still but it's not so cram no it's open like i can't touch the ceiling anymore what i just want to thank our patrons and youtube members for supporting us because you guys are one of the reasons why we couldn't even move in here i'm gonna enjoy this new space yeah i'm looking forward to start making the next project here you better get used to it because this is the new space but as always you're gonna get to look at the final result yes so what do we say let's have a look at the final result yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Nerdforge
Views: 845,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uPp93OxQhK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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