I Painted a 30 POUND Underwater Resin Diorama!

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martina here and today we're gonna make a 3d epoxy painting combined with a diorama and i got this idea from this previous epoxy painting i did but i feel like we haven't really unlocked its full potential i want to try to combine painting with diorama supplies and miniature making and try to make this epic underwater lost city and i can't wait to get started on this but there are just there's so many things to consider here so before we get into that i'm gonna draw up the actual design in photoshop let's do this first of all i'm trying to lay out my composition with some rough line art and then i try to figure out which elements in the foreground i want to turn into real 3d miniatures by marking the outlines in red i then fixed the perspective a bit to make it a little more interesting and finally i started to paint my way from the background layer towards the front this way i can figure out what to paint on each layer now at the end here you can see me turning on and off these blue low opacity layers and i'm trying to simulate the epoxy resin with blue pigment in it so i know approximately how much pigment to put in later on and now that all the plans for the different layers are done we can move on to making a box that we can paint in [Music] so here we have the mold and i've covered the whole inside with some mold release that is now dry so next i'm gonna mix together some clear epoxy resin and this is just going to be like my base layer that i can start painting on tomorrow let's mix this up [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the epoxy is now cured so it's time for painting day one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's already very very heavy and this is just like half the weight it's gonna be the easy part is over now i've painted all my layers and i think the 3d effect is already looking better than on the last one and at the end you also saw me add some like miniature vines that kind of looks a little bit like seaweed but now begins the really interesting parts making actual 3d objects that we can put in here so looking at the sketch we're gonna need a bridge a shark some fish some more seaweed and not least the mermaid i'm most insecure about how i'm gonna make the mermaid so i think i'm gonna have to think about that a bit and in the meantime i'm going to start working on the bridge and those fish using some xps foam and some polymer clay you got to do something clever with that mermaid like it the mermaid gotta be you gotta be good go big let me find my foam and my polymer clay and we can get started sculpting [Music] let's talk a little bit about this mermaid situation at first i thought about making it out of clay right because that would be an easy option but i don't think i'll be able to make the proportions right i mean like with the fish and the shark and the bridge i can get away with some quirks but not on a humanoid creature i don't think and so i thought okay maybe i can buy a miniature then on like etsy or something but shipping things to norway quickly is uh not ideal and so i thought okay i'll 3d print one myself and then i remembered that our resin printer is currently in a temporary coma of sorts the poor thing is having some issues we're going to fix them but it's not an option right now so really my only option left is fdm printing or filament printing so i had some help from hansi to print this and it turned out really really nice and it's basically the perfect mermaid for this diorama but as you can see it's not ideal because the layers are fairly visible we have used some primer on this and i'm gonna sand it a bit also to try to make it a bit smoother but i think once we get the paint on here and we encase it in resin it's not gonna be that visible and also have a look at her have you ever seen this thick mermaid it's basically like the kardashians of mermaids anyway let's go sand this and try to paint it [Music] feels kind of weird to be sending a boob there's a sentence i never thought i'd say i think that's good now which colors should we go for it has to fit in with the rest here so i'm thinking like in the blue green purple realms let me see what i have over here my paint tower these are kind of interesting it's like a pink and a green metallic paint if we do metallics it would kind of look shiny put some silver in there maybe some like gold accents oh this pink is so pretty like a diffused purple maybe for the tail this purple we're going purple actually i changed my mind i want to go see green instead with some gold accents [Music] oh my god i just had the possibly best idea ever what if i take one of my wigs and i chop off a little bit of hair and i glue it to her head so that she gets actual hair this might be great or this might be really bad but i'm hoping for the first stacy your hair's gotta go it's finally starting to look like something i think i've been doing this for two almost three hours just gluing hair to her head i'm gonna put this to the side to dry because we have a couple more things we have to finish painting this bridge and the fish let's get back to painting [Music] i'm finally finished painting all the 3d pieces so now we can put them in the diorama but a little thing i cut out these tiny acrylic squares on our laser cutter and i'm going to use those to make like a little spacer between the fish and the diorama so we get the fish in a little bit of a different levels i'm going to mix up a little bit of epoxy glue so we can get all of these pieces in place and then we can pour the epoxy [Music] so [Music] okay guys this is the most important pour like this is where all the detail is i'm just hoping things won't move around and there will be no bubbles resin gods please [Music] okay it seems to have worked and the fish look amazing but i'm not at all feeling fully secure yet we have to wait for about 48 hours before this is cured and then i can feel calm again and then we have one more layer before this is finished by the way i'll see you once this is cured why epoxy gods weren't you with me when i needed you okay so here's the deal before we went to bed last night we did the epoxy pour we made sure everything looked good popped all the bubbles all that stuff but when we woke up this morning and removed this it was just bubble hell there were so many bubbles around the bridge and this long strip of bubbles around the mermaid's hand for some very weird reason and all the edges have kind of crawled in on itself the epoxy was still a little biscuit so we tried to cut away most of the worst bubbles around the bridge and stuff and we managed to do that we couldn't do anything about the bubbles around her hands but we poured one more layer on top which filled in most of the worst bubbles as well as those weird edges so luckily that kind of fixed the worst of it there are still a lot of bubbles around the bridge but it doesn't look that bad like it would make sense that they were there and i guess like the bubbles around the mermaid's hand at least they were around her hand right now she can kind of be this water bender mermaid witch you can kind of make up a story around it if there were a strip just in the middle of the whole thing that would be way worse so not ideal and i'm a little salty about it but it could have gone a lot worse so it still looks great so i'm not too mad about it we still have one more layer left to do because we're gonna do a little more in the foreground time for the final layer let's do this oh my god what a journey this has been and now it's finally finished and you know making projects like this take a lot of time so we really rely on you guys to support to continue to make this kind of projects and these kind of videos there's no sponsors on this video so i really just wanted to extend a huge huge thanks to our patrons for continuing to support us it's just extremely humbling to see how many of you support us over at patreon out of everyone you can choose to support you choose to support our work and allow us to continue making these projects and these videos so thank you so much for that and also we make a behind-the-scenes video on all the projects we do where our patrons can ask questions about them and we'll address them in that video so remember to post those questions over at patreon but now let's try to pick this monster of an epoxy blocky part and see what this looks like now i'm really hoping that the mold release works but i'm going to begin with removing all this glue on the sides and then we'll try to pry it open okay oh my god are you kidding me yes geez we had to weigh this thing and this is a 15 kilo blob of resin and i also have some help from hansi to sand down the edges here and he went through all the grits from like 300 to 4000 and then did a polish on top of that so now it's just so smooth so pretty i'm so happy with like the 3d elements mixed with those resin layers just created a super super cool 3d effect it adds so much depth to add those 3d elements in there and i think this is just a huge step up from the previous epoxy painting with it it looks like an aquarium without walls which is really weird and also super cool but anyway thank you so much for watching and thank you so much to our patrons and youtube members for supporting our channel and now let's have a look at the final result [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh
Channel: Nerdforge
Views: 1,987,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diorama, painting, epoxy resin, 3d painting, 3d epoxy painting, 3d resin painting, resin painting, epoxy painting, resin art, underwater city, atlantis, underwater diorama, sea diorama, ruins diorama, atlantis diorama, lost city, lost city diorama, mermaid, mermaid diorama, mermaid sculpture, water diorama, sea monster
Id: tWZVmnbZ4kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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