Wintergatan's Marble Elevator

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Love TOT, this video also has so many in jokes about online machinist community, If you've not familiar with him, and understand how to make things, give this guy a good chance,

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/memoriesofgreen 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Totally fantastic crossover.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/redheronDE 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

"In fact he is not paying me at al..." — god what a brilliant sense of humor! Love it

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/gambala_pro 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great and entertaining video. Loved the ending!!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CipherKey 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Wow two of my favorite YouTube together! Incredibly awesome

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/msx 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

If a newton is about a quarter pounder, why don't they just call it a "royale with cheese" like everybody else?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/eggplantkaritkake 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2018 🗫︎ replies


Now, if we get some videos of Martin building that elevator it'll be even better.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mikethor007 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] today I've got a smaller project nothing too fancy but it's got a lot of heart this project it's going places like literally once finished if all goes well this will be just a tiny piece and a big machine that will tour the world a world I tell you thought I'd share I'm sure we all know winter gotten musician extraordinaire engineer and creator of the marble machine and now unfortunately he isn't in this box though he is here with us say hi Martin hi Martin if you haven't been following along Martin is working on the next generation marble machine the MMX he's been doing some brilliant work you should certainly head over to his channel and check it out at the rate he's going the MMX will be finished like tomorrow [Music] at Everett not all to long ago we got to talking and he asked if I'd be willing to make a few parts for the MMX I said the mmm what I jumped cut at the chance to contribute to what is sure to become a piece of history I can already see the original marble machine behind some glass wax statue of Wintergarden about the pull lever you know in a museum somewhere probably on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls we talked a bit more and after weaseling out of as much actual work as I possibly could Martin sent me this drumroll please we're going to try to make this for him or parts of it anyway right now live pre-recorded for YouTube I took the liberty of turning his cat into a first year drafting assignment not totally necessary but makes using the micrometer is a little easier I'd like to stress that this is all his work this is his design I'm just turning the knobs and making the chips I'm not a hundred percent sure what this does but he calls it a marble elevator I think so I can only assume it elevates marbles maybe a marble conveyor between me and you I'm getting a very Manhattan Project kind of a vibe a few people scattered all over the globe not talking to each other working on small parts of a bigger machine no one fully understands except Martin himself I assume when it's done in the hands of Martin it should make beautiful music and or control the weather not totally sure which in any case he's not paying me to ask questions in fact he's not paying me let's look at the drawing there is frankly not much here mechanically though that is one of the hallmarks of good mechanical design nonetheless I'll do my best to make a mountain out of a molehill there are two identical shafts each built up with two keyed clutch bearings and two key chain sprockets the clutch bearings and the sprockets are off-the-shelf parts the sprockets just need to be sized board and keyed along with this there's a custom countersink washer and m6 screws that keeps the whole thing together this is two identical assemblies let's take this a piece at a time and we can talk about what it does once it's all well halfway put together now this is a metric project it calls for 18 millimeter shafting which I don't have unfortunately but I have something close just enough to get both Shaz out of if I don't screw anything up hopefully both of the washers - although the washers will be a tad under sized hope you don't mind Martin if you own more than one Chuck for your leave the wrong one is always mounted this is my 3 jaw and let's talk about why there may be better options I'll be turning down to a shoulder on each end of both chef's that means once I cut one side I need to flip them to cut the other I can't do it all in one operation I mean you could do this between centers and I suppose do it in one operation but a normal person would do it in two operations every time you take work out of the lathe out of your chuck and put it back in whether you're flipping it or not you'll have concentricity to worry about like when you clamp this down and cut one end that end will be concentric to the axis of the leaf and depending on the quality of your chalk or if you dialed it in that may or may not be concentric to the body of the part when you flip it and take the other cut you potentially yet have another axis that that feature is cut around in this case this is a sprocket shaft for a chain drive we'll get to that later my three jaw Chuck would probably be fine the two ends might be out by I don't know five thousand centrifuges I can hear after all the last thing I want is for my parts to bust Martin's balls you could solve the problem with a four jaw Chuck died all the work in with an indicator every time every time you flip the part or change the part or move the part in any way dial it back in with the four jaw but come on I mean who's got time for that don't even get me started on loosening your Chuck backplate and knocking around your three jaw since I had one I'm going to go with the collet Chuck that after all is the advantage of a collet Chuck if you do a lot of work with bar stock they're indispensable and this one should get me well within a thousandth of an inch across both ends now no matter how many times I take this part out or flip it around this Chuck can maintain a much higher concentration than the three jaw Chuck I only need to turn about an inch on each end for this size work the live Center isn't strictly necessary in fact it might even make things worse but for filming purposes I like to have the stock further away from my Chuck gives me a couple other options with the camera with this much stick out I most certainly need that end support if you weren't here I would have choked up a lot more on this stock and not use the live Center I can't even see that mark both ends are done the overall length is correct the shoulder length is right there drilled countersunk and tapped last thing I need to do on the lathe is take down the body size I've switched to a different insert with a larger nose radius fingers crossed I get a nice finish at a reasonable feed rate okay I think this is it one down one more to go I'm just kidding I already set the lathe to two next up are the key seats and we'll do that on the mill first thing I need to do before I can cut the slot for the key is find the centerline of the shaft it's in the vise the vise is squared in the Machine put in just some aluminum shims keep from marring the shaft and I've got my edge finder in there lately I've taken to using the Dro s 1/2 function to find the center of parts I used to not bother go to have an edge finder in there touch off on the side of the work move over half the diameter of the edge finder and then half the diameter of the work and although that's worked great I mean still works great you do have to be a little bit careful with your dimensions and your edge finding technique with the 1/2 function on the Dro instead I don't need to worry about taking an accurate measurement of the part and as long as my edge finding technique is consistent the diameter of the edge finder doesn't matter either may be old news but let me walk you through it I'm going to touch off on one side first and zero the DRO I'm going to touch off on the opposite side the same exact way that'll result in some dimension and when I hit the half button I should get the centerline now if I move the machine to zero that should be the centerline of my part it's a relative move as long as you're consistent with reading your edge finder you do the same on both sides half that distance that you move will be the centerline of the part yeah I know maybe it's twelve one and six dozen of another but this way I don't have to worry about an exceedingly accurate measurement on the part or know exactly when my edge finder is edge finding so the shafts are done teed threaded countersunk all that stuff bearings fit nice I've also made up the little end washers nothing too fancy here just thick countersunk washers next I'd like to move on to these sprockets I've actually already drilled and board them to size and I had to clean off about five or six now off the face to get them to match Martin's drawings I don't think you're supposed to do that you know modify the width but again it's a chain drive and I got the impression from Martin's CAD that the overall width and position of the components is probably more important these need to be slotted for a key for the matching key that locks it to the shaft and the back requires some work there's a step and an overall dimension I need to work too I was actually looking forward to cutting that in the filing machine it's small it's four millimeters but I could plunge mill most of it and then clean it up on the filing machine as I was looking for a file to fit these dimensions it dawned on me that I had a four millimeter broach I've actually never used this before it's still in its original plastic and sharp as a whip apparently it came with a shim to what I don't have are the bushings for this so this is pushed through the sprocket in the press cutting the slot for the key but I need a bushing to keep it in place I'm gonna make that bushing before I do that I'm gonna take the sprocket to final depth I guess thickness just so I'm minimizing the amount of broaching this little thing needs to do you see the setup here the sprocket and the four jaw with the indicator being used to dial the part in this right here is what's called poetic justice haha I had no other way to hold the sprocket to modify the hoe maybe I could have used the shaft that this goes on to with the washer and the locking screw but I've got a good bit of material to remove off that hub and this will let me take heavier cuts [Applause] despite the egg on my face the sprockets are all too print not clean but they're do print they have an overall hub link critical to the shaft stack up and there's a reduced section that ensures it only makes contact with the center race on the bearings you probably can't see that but it keeps it from potentially touching the shield I also made the broach bushing nothing too exciting here it's got a primary diameter that fits inside of the sprockets rather a 12 millimeter bore i'll stamped it on here somewhere and keep this of course there's a shoulder at the top sort of a head to keep it from going through and there's a slot milled through it that fits the broach I've sized the depth of the slot so that pushing the broach through without any shim results in a half millimeter 20,000 these of course cut in multiple passes after each pass you'd introduce a shim in the back that pushes the broach forward increasing the depth of cut by whatever the shim thickness is by the way if there is anyone out there that's wondering what Authority or business I have talking about these things I just like to bring to your attention that the sweater I'm wearing has elbow patches I'm pretty sure those speak for themselves let's head over to the press and push this broach through this would be a much better job for Ann Arbor press like a small little manual Arbor press I don't own an arbor press this is also the smallest broach I've ever pushed in this hydraulic press and you can bet I'm wearing every pair of safety glasses I own one thing I've never liked about this thing is how it moves in sort of fits and starts I mean it works great for constant load stuff like pressing parts bending etc but it's too heavy-handed for delicate stuff like this I might rebuild this press sooner than later anyway yes you're looking at two sprockets though it's only cutting one of the two specifically I'm actually already on my third and it's cutting the third one now I realized almost too late that the sprockets need to be times to each other in sets of two so the keys need to be in the same location between two sprockets on the same shaft I used an already keyed sprocket to align the whole setup before I get these mixed up I think I'll label the pairs again two of each of these fit on a shaft followed by a bearing though these are actually clutches or one-way bearings Spragg clutches they look a lot like bearings but they only spin in one direction this type of bearing or clutch is used to transmit torque in one direction only not the other in this case specifically they're used to hold a load from moving backwards think of them sort of like the ratchet in the head of this wrench easy to push the handle one way but if I let go the handle doesn't fall back down I can only apply torque in one direction not the other here they're being used to hold marbles brockett's will have a chain connecting them will be some sort of marble carrier a link to that chain as it turns it can lift marbles when the motive for stops the marbles can't back drive they can't roll backwards the other way they can raise but they can't lower now a very quick search on my phone shows that these bearings are these Spragg clutches are good to about 7.5 Newton meters that number doesn't mean too much to me but a Newton is about a quarter pound think of a Newton as the quarter pounder of the metric world so that would be 7 and a half let's round it to eight eight quarter pounders a quarter pounder is is 2 pounds starting to get somewhere now we need to deal with the meters a meter is about three feet depending on whose foot you're talking about so two pounds times three feet that's almost 6 foot-pounds of torque taking into account my Wild West math somewhere between five and six foot pounds which consequently is about 60 to 70 inch pounds looking at the shaft at the sprocket if we imagine we have a chain hanging say an inch away from that center line that's almost 70 pounds one of these can hold and since there are two this shaft is holding somewhere in the neighborhood of 140 pounds for a marble conveyor that's quite ball get out of here you shut the front door my apologies what I meant to say is with this sub-assembly Martin will be able to keep a lot of balls in the air a lot of balls you could argue since there's two shafts and four Spragg clutches it's actually twice that load reading maybe well let's not get lost in semantics for these things to hold anything at all a sprocket and the bearing need to be key to that shaft there's a key cut into all the parts the clutches have a key on the inner race and that's what work on next speaking of quick phone glances want to see what happens when you order the parts on the phone at highway speeds don't text and drive my friends these are four millimeter square keys and you might be thinking to yourself those look a little short and you'd be right so I'm going to use two per side essentially one per component sprocket clutch sprocket clutch etc I figure this way I give Martin some more stuff to drop the drawing calls for four millimeter rectangular keys not square keys so after mill one dimension down I have to make these four by three instead of the four by four they currently are I'm going to try to do two of these at a time one pass taking off four teeth out basically right to size place your bets what are the odds one of those two goes flying out of the Vice didn't go flying so technically you lost take two [Applause] you [Applause] [Applause] machining multiples like you just saw me doing the mill is always a bit of a gamble so be careful however not only did I not lose any of the pieces they all came out to size you think they just hand out YouTube channels to anybody that asked normally I wouldn't dare to do such a thing pound my name on other people's parts like this however and first the way this is assembled these parts are completely hidden no one will ever see the text it's just between me you and Martin until 4072 that is a thousand years from now the MMX will be discovered frozen at the bottom of a liquid methane sea on Titan a thousand years after that an ingenious craftsman from the new Australia colony will reverse-engineer it using only a handful of scans from a pocket-sized table EMRI my name will be the only text that survives cementing me forever in history as the creator of the MMX well that's just great I'm sure to screw I've got an idea [Music] hmm be grateful you're not smelling what I'm smelling so I think that's it pretty straightforward huh but you know I'm glad I could be of some help wait a minute we should probably try this thing out [Music] at this point you'd likely assume that I must now somehow get these parts to Martin but if I got my timing right and everything went according to plan Martin should already have these parts you see I realized this might be hard to follow I apologize but this video that you're watching right now already happened it happened in the past Marton if you ever get out of here I need you to do me a favor up north there's this big olive grove on a big slope with a breathtaking view of mountains in the distance in that grove in the shade of an old olive tree you'll find a big red arrow that has no earthly business being there there's something buried there I want you to have [Music] say what the nickel [Music] [Music] you [Music] you you
Channel: This Old Tony
Views: 1,339,299
Rating: 4.9482861 out of 5
Keywords: mmx, marble machine, wintergatan, turning, milling, broach, broaching, sprag clutch, clutch bearing, marbles, abom79, adam booth, stefan gotteswinter
Id: G5t-ghuLZWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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