Making a simple floor plan in AutoCAD: Part 1 of 3

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[Music] hello and welcome to source cad in this video I will tell you about making a floor plan from a completely blank drawing so right now we have this drawing we don't know the units or any other value which is set in this drawing and we'll start with units we'll set the proper units in this template then we'll add walls and then we'll add doors and windows so we'll use blocks for adding doors and windows and then we'll add other additional blocks in the drawing and then we learn about adding text and other annotations then we'll add the hatches and finally we'll add dimensions to our drawing so let's get started with this first part of this tutorial so here we have this completely blank template and we'll start with the units so to set the units simply type U n on the command line and press ENTER now here this drawing units window will pop up here we need to select the unit type and I'll select architectural in this case also the precision should be set to 1 is to 4 you can select any other precision if you want and in this insertion scale I'll select inches now with these changes click on OK now I'll start with the rectangle and I'll click anywhere in the drawing area to start the rectangle and we need to make a rectangle with a length of 50 feet and a height of 31 fit and for that I'll type at 50 fit comma 31 fit so you can clearly see that I'm adding this fit sign right after the number or right after the values so you should ensure that these signs are added now after adding these values simply press Enter there we have it the rectangle with length of 50 v and height of 30 one fit you will find this fit sign on your keyboard and here is the key which should be selected and for selecting the inches you need to select the same key by pressing and holding the shift key now let's go to the line tool and this time I'll start with this point but I'll not click on this point instead I'll simply track it in upward direction and when it drag it in upward direction you'll see this extension option on this tooltip and if you are not able to see this option go to the object snap click here and select this extension option now I'll click back here once again I'll go to this point and track it upwards and enter a distance of 15 feet and press Enter now move it in this direction enter a distance of 12 feet press Enter and move it downwards like this now press ENTER again to repeat the line tool click on this point and enter distance of 6 feet press Enter now move it in this direction enter a distance of 10 feet press Enter now join it with this point make sure that it is connecting this line at the intersection point and not this midpoint so here we need to ensure that it is connected at this intersection point like this alright so here we have it now go to the line tool again and go to this end point and join it with this one this intersection point press ENTER again select the next end point join it here now the boundaries of this flow plan is complete we need to add thickness to the wall for that I'll go to this offset tool and enter the offset distance of 10 inches and 4 inches you need to select this keyboard key and you need to select it by pressing and holding the shift key now press Enter and click on this rectangle and click outside now press ENTER again and press ENTER again to repeat the offset tool now this time I'll select an offset distance of 6 inches and press Enter now click on this line offset it in upward direction upward Direction upward direction and this one also here move it towards right and move it towards left move this line towards right all right now we need to add one more line over here and for that I'll once again select offset and add an offset distance of ten fit and press ENTER now click on this line this one which is on the bottom and click upwards and go to offset and select an offset distance of 6 inches press ENTER and move it upwards all right now we need to clean this geometry a little bit and for that I'll select trim tool so select it and press ENTER now carefully remove these parts of the drawing so this area should be cleaned and here also here also here also so wherever these lines are intersecting simply clean them alright the drawing is now complete now we'll start by adding two different blocks and we'll start with the door and window and before that we need to make the door and window so we'll make our own door and window here but before making those blocks I'll go to this layer properties now click on this layer properties and add some layers to the drawing so we need to add these layers because we will place different objects on different layer for easy classification and that's the general way of making these drawings and you should also try to put different kind of objects on different layers so I'll click on this new layer option and I'll add a new layer door click on this again and type window the same icon and type blocks hatches text dimensions and that's it for now so I'll add different colors also so I'll go to this door and I'll add in this magenta color to door I'll go to window let's add this blue color and let's go to blocks add this cyan for hatches as like green for text let's like yellow and 4 dimensions as like this pink color alright so we have added colors and these colors will be used to differentiate between different objects of the drawing so now we can start with the door block so go to this drop-down change it to door and now click on this rectangle tool click anywhere in the drawing area and type at and the length of this rectangle should be 3 inches and the height should be 3 fit and press ENTER so alright here we have it now make another rectangle a small one and this time I'll type at a length of 3 inches and a height of 6 inches and press Enter alright so here we have it now simply move it on this endpoint here just like this now I'll go to this arc tool and select this Center start end now click on this point that will be the center point the start point and the end point along this x-axis now make a copy of this small rectangle and simply move it on this endpoint like this so the door block is ready now we only need to make a variation of this door block and for that I'll make a copy of this so select copy tool and here we have it so that's the original one and I'll just make another copy here and for making the next copy I'll select this mirror tool select mirror select it all and press Enter now click on this point and click on this point and press Enter now we need to remove these two rectangles these rectangles are no longer needed and here we have it so we have these two variations of the door block now let's make Windows and for Windows I'll once again select rectangle and before doing that let's change the layer so I'll change the layer to window all right now click anywhere in the drawing area let's type at and the length is 5 fit comma the height is 6 inches and press Enter so as you can see that due to the dark color of this window we are not able to see it quite properly so I'll change the color of this window so I'll click on this box and change it to this orange color and click on OK close it so there we have it now it's quite clearly visible all right now let's explore this drawing and click on offset enter and of the distance of 1 inch offset it downwards offset it here now make a copy of this one and copy it to the midpoint alright let's go to the trim tool and trim it like this so here we have it one of the window is now prepared let's select this rectangle tool again and make another window for that I'll type at 6 feet comma 10 inches and press Enter I'll select this one type X and press ENTER so that will again explore this complete geometry select the offset tool type 2 inches has the offset distance offset this 1 to 2 inches here here also and make a copy of this line similar to the one we did in the previous case and here also I'll trim this portion all right so we have these two windows and these two doors now let's convert them into blocks and for that I'll go to this create block and let's name it as dole one select the pick point and click on this point here that's the big point now select objects and select all of these objects and press Enter and now click on ok so we have a door block now the second tool block so repeat the process name it as door to pick point and let's select this one as a pick point select objects select them all press ENTER and ok similarly repeat the process for window all right so now we have added doors and windows and you can see them in this list we have door one door two and window one window too now they're ready to be added in our drawing and we'll learn about adding these blocks and also other blocks in our drawing in the next video to watch the next part of this video click on this video link
Channel: SourceCAD
Views: 6,528,073
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Keywords: floor plan autocad, how to make floor plan, making floor plan in autocad
Id: hO865EIE0p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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