Autocad 3D practice drawing : SourceCAD

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in this video I will create a 3d practice drawing of a mechanical component in AutoCAD so let's start with 3d modeling workspace and make sure you're in 3d modeling workspace right now you can see that I am in 3d modeling if you are not then click on this drop down and change it to 3d modeling you can also switch this to 3d modeling workspace from this gear icon so click on this gear and change it to 3d modeling if you are not in 3d modeling workspace once you reach this workspace start your drawing by creating a circle so let's go to this draw panel and click on circle click at any point in your drawing area and create a circle within diameter equal to 36 units so press B for diameter and 36 and enter so here we have this circle so depending upon the scale of your drawing you may find that this circle appear very large or very small so we'll just make some adjustments so double-click your scroll button or the middle mouse button and your drawing would fit into screen now zoom out and if you are not able to zoom out further then type r-e a on command line which which stands for regenerate all and press Enter so now you will be able to freely zoom in and zoom out so now we have done this let's make another circles go to circle again and make a circle with diameter of 70 units so type D enter and 70 so here we have another circle with diameter of 70 units now go to circle again and this time I will create a circle with radius 45 unit so click at the same Center and enter 45 as the radius so here we have this a third circle as well now go to line command click at the center of this line and track it upwards you will see that a green tracking vector appear if you track it upwards that if this tracking vector is a not visible then click on this object snap tracking and turn it on once you have turned it on you will see that this drag green tracking vector will appear now type 65 on command line and press Enter so this will create a reference line of length 65 units now we'll create some circles on this endpoint as well so go to circle again click at this endpoint and now make a circle with diameter 18 units or radius 9 units so I'll type 9 and press ENTER again go to circle command so for that I just need to press Enter it will repeat the last command so make another circle with radius of 24 units so here we have another circle with radius 24 unit and we also need to make one more circle with diameter that is excluded or radius 18 units so go to circle with the same center make a circle with radius 18 unit and press Enter so here we have these three circles now we need to make some adjustments to this drawing but before we make adjustments we need to make one more reference line for making one more reference line select this line command click at this point and now drag your cursor towards left you again you'll again observe this green tracking vector now enter a length of 72 units so 72 and press Enter so here we have another reference line now go to line command again click at this endpoint now track it upwards and enter a length of 37 point 5 units so 37 point 5 and press ENTER again go to line command click at this point and now we need to touch this line exactly at the tangent point of this circle which is completely outside for that press and hold Shift key and then right click you'll see that this contextual menu will appear from this menu select tangent and now move your cursor to this circle you see that it will snap exactly at the tangent point now so click here and press ENTER to exit this command again press ENTER to start line command and now go to the center but don't click and now track it towards right side you'll see intersection point at the intersection of this circle and this tracking vector click at this point on the outermost circle and now drag it downwards so that it directly intersects the another circle as well so here we have this next point if you're not able to see that intersection point then make sure that you have turned on oh snap and in oh snap intersection is turned on now let's trim some of these lines but before trimming I'll create one more reference line that starts from this point and extends beyond the last circle select trim command now and press Enter now carefully remove the lines arcs and circle which I am removing so click at this one this one and this one so these are the lines which we don't want and also we don't want any geometry which is under this line now press ENTER to exit this command and erase these two arcs as well so here we have a completely clean geometry now we have made this geometry all we need to do is remove these helping lines which we no longer need so let's let this helping line and this also remove it we also don't need this line remove it now we'll make a mirror image of this drawing for that select mirror command from modify panel so expand it select mirror and now select complete geometry and press ENTER now click at this first point and then this end point and press Enter so here we have a mirror image now we need to join it because it is behaving as if these are two different kind of objects for joining them select all these geometries type J on command line which is for join and press Enter now you'll observe that this is a completely single unit and all these objects are now joined with each other okay so now let's convert this geometry into 3d for converting you need to move two workspace and in 3d view as well so click on this home icon this will take you to the 3d view of this geometry which includes z-axis as well which was not initially visible now select presspull command from modeling panel and now bring your cursor inside this area so click inside this area not on the outline of any geometry and enter a height of 14 units so type 14 and press Enter so here we have it now carefully click at this area this concentric sir these concentric circle click inside these two circles not on any of these geometries and now enter a height of 119 units 1 1 9 and press Enter so here we have it now again zoom this area and click inside these two concentric circles and now you need to enter a height of 19 units so type 19 press ENTER repeat it for this concentric circle as well so move here click here and now enter a height of 19 units and press ENTER press ENTER again to exit this command so now we have made many geometries and we have converted the initial geometry of the base geometry into 3d but it's not properly visible to make it properly visible click on this visual style control and change it to shaded view so once you do this you'll see that your visual style is now clearly visible let's turn this grid off also and now let's orbit it let's see what we have made ok so we have made this much of our drawing now let's make another part of this drawing for that first we need to move our cursor so click on this origin on coordinates panel and now move your cursor to this point carefully move it to this point and now click on this front hotspot of view cube so that this front portion is visible to you now you can see that Z X call plane is visible parallel to your eyes we need to change that we need to change it to XY view so for that click on this drop-down menu for view and change it to view now you will see that XY is now visible and we can make our own geometry now let's start with rectangle command and click at this endpoint so now here starts our rectangle now we need to make a rectangle so that its length is 56 units and height is 36 unit so for that I will enter at minus 56 because we want to make our rectangle towards left of this origin or this coordinate comma height 36 because we want to make it upwards and press Enter so here we have this rectangle with length 56 and height 36 now we need to make some other geometries for that select circle click at this midpoint and click at this endpoint go to circle again click at this center point and now make a circle with radius 14 units here 14 and press Enter now go to trim command press Enter and trim these lines okay so we are not able to trim these lines as you can directly see so we have another solution for this as well we can break it if we are not able to trim it for that let's expand this modify panel and go to break now select the circle and select the first point but before that click on first point on command line make sure that you click on this first point now here is our first point and now drag it in anti-clockwise direction and click on the second point now go to break them on again select break and now again select this rectangle and select this first point click at this first point and then this second point and here we have it now our complete geometry is ready all we need to do is join these two paths so select these two geometries type man line and press enter and here we have a completely single segment now click on this home icon again and if you see that the background has changed then right-click on this view cube and change it to parallel so that way you'll be able to see a parallel view of your drawing now we need to again make some changes to this for that go to press pull and click inside this geometry as you have done previously and now we need to drag it in this direction up to 75 units so type minus 75 because z axis is pointing positive Z is pointing in opposite direction so for that you need to enter minus 75 and press Enter so here we have it now we need to add more details to this drawing so let's orbit this drawing and move our origin so click on this origin and move it to this center point so keep holding shift then right click Center will appear now move your cursor and click when this center mark is visible so you can zoom in also if the center mark is not properly visible so now I can see this Center so click here and now this will be placed exactly at the center so now once it is placed on the center click on this hotspot which is front and now you'll see that currently we have Z X plane as the parallel plane which we don't want so again we need to change the plane so click at this drop down and change to view here we have it so now the current plane is XY plane okay now let's make some changes again so go to this origin and again we need to move this origin this time downwards take it all the way down up to this point and enter a depth or value of 30 units or 30 and press Enter now here we have it at exactly the point where we want it now click Add this hotspot and on back now we need to move it outwards as well so for moving it out again we need to select this origin and now you can see that it's only moving in these two direction but we actually need to move it in z direction for that click on this home and now you'll be able to move it in z direction as well but make sure that Z direction is visible for you so here we have it now this green tracking vector is visible now enter a distance of 65 units so 65 and press enter so this part is very important you need to move your UCS exactly with the position where it should be once you have moved it to the exactly proper location then go to this top hotspot and rotate your UCS if required rotate your view and change it to parallel by right-clicking on it so here we have our UCS as XY coordinate plane now go to circle and enter 0 comma 0 on command line and press Enter so this will make a circle exactly at the center of our new coordinate and enter a circle with radius 12 point 5 units press ENTER again to repeat circle command and enter 0 comma 0 as origin and this time enter a circle with radius of 24 units so here we have both these circles now what is this home icon and you observed that these are the circles which we have made which was not visible initially but now you can clearly see these two circles now we need to make a geometry from these circles right click click on parallel go to press pull click inside this concentric circle but make sure that it is selected so go to these two circles and then click inside so now I can select it so go to this top view and in this way you'll be able to see where this is going so all you need to ensure that this is get inside the spot that it should not come out from this so let's click add somewhere here so here we have it so this is more or less like approximation for this part so now we have made this a geometry as well so what we need to do is make a union because this adds as if these two are different objects so now we need to combine these two object for that go to Union select this and then select this geometry and press Enter now this will act as a single object now in case you want to intersect this area from this completed drawing that also you can do so for that go to extrude and click on the circle the circle which is inside but before doing that makes your selection cycling is turned on you can turn on selection cycling if it is not visible from this menu and here we have selection cycling so make it visible and then click it to turn it on now click at this point you'll see that this menu will appear when selection cycling is turned on select circle and now press Enter so a circle will be made all you need to do is get inside this and make sure that this circle touches this center point now we need to subtract this circle from the complete geometry so select subtract select this outside geometry press enter and then select the circle which we are made and press ENTER again and you'll notice that it's now intersected from the geometry okay so we have done this now one final detail that we need to add in this geometry is a wedge shape over here so for creating that wedge shape we need to again move or UCS for that click on this origin again and this time move again your cursor to this center point and click on this left you can rotate this view if you want and again click on this view and change to view so here we have this XY make all make sure that you always make a drawing in XY plane because a joint cannot be make made in any other plane in AutoCAD so now we have reached this XY plane let's start making our geometry so I'll start with a line command and select this center point now make a line so drag your cursor towards this left side of your geometry and enter a length of 35 units 35 and press Enter so we have made our line now press Enter orbit this drawing you'll see that a line has been made now we need to move this already made a geometry so we have made this geometry or this polyline so select this polyline and now we need to move it so here we have it when you select this polyline you see that this gizmo will appear now click on this green gizmo if you are not able to see this gizmo then go to this move gizmo and select move gizmo before selecting the object and you'll be able to observe this this gizmo now once this gizmo is selected drag it towards this side and enter a length of 37 point 5 units so here we have it 37 point 5 and press enter now this will move it exactly to the center of this geometry which we have made now go to top view rotate it towards 90 degrees select this line command again click on this end point and we need to make a line which is tangent to that geometry so again press shift and hold it then right-click select tangent and move to this and here we have a tangent geometry now now we need to make remaining geometries for that again I'll select line command go to this point and now drag it downwards and enter a length of 1 0 5 units and now drag it towards left and enter a length of 37 units and press enter so here we have it which is exactly at the point which we want and now press Enter the results may not be visible to you right now but we need to make we need to orbit this geometry and now we need to hide some parts of this geometry in order to see the result which we have created so select this geometry this geometry and this in geometry now right-click select isolate and select hide objects now all these objects are now hidden from our view and now you can see all the 2d geometries which we have created if you want you can hide these two geometries as well select these two geometries now isolate and hide objects so all the geometries are now hidden you can directly remove these geometries we don't need them anymore and you can remove this internal circle as well and this is the geometry which we want to take care of so here we don't want this line so remove it now go to break and select this object select first point and select this as the first point which is the intersection of this line and this segment and now as second point select this point so here we have our geometry which we need so again select all this geometry and click on join or you can directly type J on command line and then join this so here we have this as a single polyline now click on this icon of an isolate objects and click on end object isolation so this would bring all the objects in Clearview so here we have this geometry all we need to do is add a final detail for that select extrude select this line press enter and enter a thickness of minus 6 unit because positive Z is pointing towards you and we want to make it in the negative sides so press ENTER now go to press pull select this face and enter a length of 6 units press Enter so now we have made geometry with a thickness of 12 units so here we have a final geometry of 3d mechanical component which we want to make I hope this video was useful to you if you have questions if you're not able to understand certain part of this drawing then please let me know in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible and do like comment share and subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: SourceCAD
Views: 1,417,019
Rating: 4.8347702 out of 5
Keywords: autocad practice drawing 3d, autocad 3d, how to make 3d component in autocad
Id: XSRn0maJRfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2015
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