AutoCAD 2D Basics - Tutorial to draw a simple floor plan (Fast and efective!) PART 1

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hi guys in this tutorial I will explain you some techniques that I use to draw the simple floorplan in a reasonable time in this first part of the tutorial I'm going to prepare first my workspace for drawing with efficiency and precision but have in mind that this is just my way to organize the things for example some people don't use the grid and the snap mode those are just optional tools after I will draw my exterior wall and then my interior walls the first thing I will do is to make sure I use the correct units I can type units with my keyboard to open the drawing units panel here were sized lengths I have to choose the type of measurements that I need and the precision that I want in my case I will use decimal and precision 0 for the units I will use millimeters now I click OK so the next thing is to set up my layers if you pay attention to the drawing you will notice that I have different colors here and that's because I separate in layers the doors the windows and walls to create a new layer I can type layer with my keyboard or clicking this button here this is the layer properties manager to add a new layer just click somewhere in this box with the right button and now I will click on new layer so for my first layer I will name it as walls and I will do the same for all the other layers the second one I will name it as doors this one windows and the last one will be the dimensions for the dimension lines now I will change the colors for all my layers have in mind that we can change these colors any time that we want I also like to use light colors because they are easier to see now in the bar at the bottom there are a few things to set up before start drawing the second button here will switch on/off switch off the snap mode if I have does not mode deactivated we will not have any precision when drawing lines as you can see here on the other hand if I switch it on you will notice that I can only move my mouse in some points in this case in a distance of 5 millimeters to set up this I can click here with my right button and then on settings in this box I can change my snap spacing as I told you before I have it as 5 millimeters now if I am using the grid I can also change the spacing here if you look in this diagram on the right you will see that I have in my grid a major line in every 5 secondary lines you can change that in this box here another thing if we want to switch ON or switch off the grid just clicking this button one last thing that we should activate before start drawing is the object snap this is very important to draw with precision so I will type a snap as you can see here these arcs like a magnet and after you will understand why now here in this panel I can choose the points I want to use the magnet in this case we select only the endpoint midpoint and extension finally I click OK now I will show you how it works I'm going to draw a line now I click ask and I click enter to start again the same comment so here you can see that the endpoint appears on my screen if I click there the first point of my new line we start precisely from my endpoint but I will not click and I'm going more or less to the middle and you can see where the middle point is so if I click when the triangle is on the screen my next line will start exactly from the middle point now I am ready to start my drawing so the first thing I'm going to draw is the first line of the exterior wall I will use the command polyline this is very simple I just have to insert the length of my lines till all my wonder is completed also be sure that the polar mode is turned on we need it to draw precise horizontal and vertical lines so once it's finished I will draw the second internal line of my wall using offset so I will type offset or simply oh now it says to specify offset distance I will type 300 because it's the thickness of my wall now I have to select my object and that will click on the middle and as you see my exterior wall is finished my next step is to draw the interior walls there are several ways to do it but I think a very fast way is to draw a room-by-room I'm going to draw the first room using line now I put my mouse pointer over the corner without clicking I start moving down slowly and I enter the distance from the green cross that I want to start drawing my line to do this I need to activate the extension on the object snap and I also need the nearest deactivated so now I will enter the length of my room and now I draw vertically till the exterior wall so the first room is done now I have to do the same to all the others for example here from the end point I moved to the right I type the distance and click enter so for the last room I am going to use the grid to help me I know that those who are thicknesses are 15 centimeters and that corresponds of three squares with this zone for cases like this I find the grid very useful because I use it as my reference now I have finished all my walls so this is all for the first part of this tutorial in the part two I will show you how to draw an insert windows and doors without spending too much time so thank you very much for watching and see you soon
Channel: CAD in black
Views: 2,783,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autocad basics, floor plan, autocad tutorials, snap mode, grid, osnap, layer, draw a house plan, fast plan, autocad training, floor plan technics, drawing, make a house plan easy, desenhar planta baixa, planta de casa, desenho civil, desenho arquitectura, planta baixa simples, rĂ¡pida, eficaz, como desenhar em autocad, basic drawing, tutorial with description
Id: yOGzf_Myxmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2015
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