I Built The MOST POWERFUL Weapon Ever in Forts

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to farts we're gonna have a good day today a really exciting day i've got more mods this one adds a railgun to the game extremely precise kinetic weapon requires kinetic energy facility and a sniper i believe it's an upgrade to the sniper oh balls i forgot they're actually working they're actually doing something i'm just talking about what i'm wanting to do in the future can you just build over hey game fine do i have to do this manually i don't like doing things manually it's hard work i'm going to build up just slightly i do want to like reinforce that and there is nowhere else i can really use the ground so that's cool good job game thanks for being you now you go over and now you build up it'll be perfect i promise i also want to build over a little bit so i can put in this upgrade center somewhere in here just like such as we got it we got to give these enemies over here just a little bit like hey you know what i'm here don't worry just just a little bit to scare them but not to actually do any damage just kind of annoy them you know yeah that worked yeah see how'd you like that they're probably just gonna shoot me with a gigantic laser cannon now oh yeah there it comes i figured they're gonna do the same to me but i'm gonna build up one of these just really quick so i can make all sorts of fun stuff also i'm not gonna lie i get really concerned about playing the ai they're like hey i just really want to blow up your wind turbines every single day of the week so oh that's only 20 efficient compared to 67 ah poop nuggets i guess we build up there 57 efficiency good enough for girls i go out with we got this maybe i should build a third one no we're building tower taller taller i said build tower taller i can't words upgrade center is complete so is that it is tied my dudes to building the century mortars we're gonna have some fun lighting them on fire can i build more martyrs i want more mighty boys quick upgrade yourself look how cute it is it's all made out of fireball stuff flammable that's the right word flammable i can burn it watch my great precise skill a little bit over i wasn't great or precise but it was skill just bad skill so my friends fire lower oh oh oh yes flames i like flames you're now control group one you're gonna make lots of flames happen i promise see see how nice it's gonna be you're just gonna burn it all up yeah you put that fire out but i lit it back on fire now how's that feel but it feels like burning there's a kinetic energy facility requires the upgrade center and locks the rail gun i'm also surprised that they're not firing down these things for shooting them down that's the right words it's just really satisfying launching missiles at them i really like these things in the game they're really strong early game what i should do is shoot it a little bit farther so it hits a different area and lights more of it on fire just like that just kidding what i meant is just like that get wrecked and then i'll do it down here and there'll be lots of fire everywhere yes oh did i mention that i want to build one of these except i can't i've got to be so annoying to them oh that's a sniper he just he just shot my my mortar boy whoops would you not be on fire now i just annoy them stupid snipers maybe i'll burn burn their sniper to pieces i know you're hiding in there yeah i hear that maybe it'll blow up it'll be exciting if it does it blew up i got him wrecked hey stop sniping those that's what i told you i remember that one time i said i need to build a kinetic energy facility i'm doing it i'm also going to start building this up a little bit i know it's going to cut off a lot of things i'm also going to delete that i just really want a nice safe place here no no no no no so i can do things without being interrupted what's so nice of them i need flat cannons and of course i can't buy the flat cannons yet because i didn't get this thing or this thing which one is it this one now this railgun is stupid expensive so we need to upgrade our energy storage area and probably a little bit of storage for this too for science purposes blow it up blow it up blow it up yes i have zero defense this is a bad plan i have no idea idea how big that rail gun even is but i really want to use it ow bro oh no no no lucky strike can i upgrade you to minigun it's not offensive anymore though maybe i'll put you in here and maybe another one right here that'll work better they're gonna get sniped i promise you know what's better than sniping blasting with incendiary mortars oh a little bit overshot you just blew up my guy my guy here eat some of these in your face how does that feel wow somehow it worked i don't know why that worked but it did oh oh oh come on no no no no okay that's good fires the missiles land the missiles make burning happen they don't have enough money to repair it which makes it even more exciting fire again i will burn it all up oh see what i mean oh they got a flat cannon stuck inside the building all sorts of dumb happening over here i mean i could just defeat the entire thing with my flat cannons [Laughter] but it makes more fun to build a gigantic rail gun right behind here so they don't even know it's being constructed oh it's a shame that your fire went out i should add more fire let's give it a little bit higher so it'll land on the top and burn down everything that's up here that's what i like to see there's a sniper hiding in there isn't there all right a little bit more upgrades here oh they put out all the fire again it'd be a shame if somebody would have started everything on fire again and nailed it wait that really didn't put it out very fast uh oh i kind of think i need another rail gun whoa oh blow it up blow it up blow half oh that was so close okay one more of these and then i'm gonna sell all you guys so i can build another rail gun because it'll be funny i promise they're just blowing up and burning over here oh yes the sniper's gun okay railgun i like real guns we'll put you right here real gun boy no no no no no bad time for okay good time for a real gun and then i'll do this and then we'll do this and then i'll put the door on the front and then i'll you know throw a little stuff on the top for science purposes you know what let's just make it armored just kidding i didn't want to do that anyway why it's a bad suggestion feeling like it might be a good idea to stick a third rail gun in somewhere oh that's annoying it doesn't fit i mean i could right oh that doesn't even work oh shoots okay i don't like this anymore i'm a little bit scared smoke bomb i can build a flat gun on top no i can't i can't build anything cool i can't even build that um swarm is i can build the rockets give me rockets i can't build the rockets they're too big now i'm giving them plenty of time to build up things that's okay i now have this oh that was exciting here would you like this in your face okay railgun time you have the sniper up here oh man it's charging up whoa oh it snapped off the whole top it snapped up the whole top i'm gonna systematically disable their entire base one little piece at a time oh it's already ready again no it's not it's charging okay give me more flamey boys why can't i that's so dumb my poor wind turbines are like guys please i really just wanna power and then everything's buckling under its own weight time to reinforce everything.com these railguns take a long time to recharge but when they do oh is it fun get ready it's going straight across oh that did the trick [Laughter] yes that's fun i need to build another one at that time like i said i was gonna build more of them yeah that time's gonna be right now because there's something satisfying about using railguns oh speaking of which i can start unlocking them there is something just really satisfying oh rocket about blowing him up i shot the rocket okay i'm a little bit scared i've just been raining down incendiary mortars and it's been burning everything and it's so satisfying just watch here they come i totally missed that in the recording because i hit this button and i went back to the normal pace i didn't want that to happen i wanted this to happen where it fires and then it lands the incendiary mortars over here they land and everything burns it's great it's so satisfying you know what else is satisfying building two rail guns i'll be honest too i really don't like that they keep putting a sniper there because they keep trying to shoot the sniper oh it's gonna hit nope never mind i got a case of the dumbs probably be a beneficial idea if i did build some defense here but i mean i've got three railguns and the best defense is a good offense right or you know we just got completely land blasted by a emp missile and it turned off half of my base nothing a little fire won't solve though oh hello sniper nice of you to show up unannounced it'd be a shame if some giant incendiary mortars landed on top of your head oh no we shot everything down and blew up their sniper what's ever gonna happen to us i kind of also want to paint the front of their base with mortars too just to light it on fire i was a little bit of a miss a little disappointed in that one did you guys not learn last time like for real everything's just burning smells like outside right now because the canadian forest fire is choking me out alright on second thought all their weapons are gone except for this rocket which we shouldn't have any problem with anymore yeah because it just goes over here and my army of machine guns take care of it but i've got two of my these things ready i kind of want to fire them at the same time can i do that is that legal wow don't do that that's not legal okay can i select oh you can only select one at a time okay well let's fire these again just for fun just to remind them that we're here yeah that's cool and then we're gonna take out up here i'm just gonna like remove their wind turbines because that sounds fun railguns okay and then you you're gonna take out that next level here because i don't know why and then when we're doing that we're gonna drop in some incendiary mortars right on top of their life yeah that's good and i'm just gonna systematically work my way down to remove everything like a proper surgeon would uh-huh and then this level goodbye and shebango come on yes that's so satisfying okay now build it again it'll be funny or you know just burn that's also funny i wonder if there's any other oh a tier three mortar oh dang i didn't know we could get tier three mortars um that's for another video so i really just want to take these guys out with one quick fulfill swoop oh my word oh that rail gun so powerful oh that's so much fun now burn it burn it down good job little mortars little teeny cute little mortar boys i kind of feel bad right now who knew that three little mortars could do a lot of damage and then one of these i kind of should we take them out like i kind of want to but i kind of also just want to annoy them really badly and bingo sorry about that i didn't know you were building there oh i'm out of energy are you for real this time i kind of gave him a little bit of time to gear up again that might have been a bad plan but don't worry they're on fire still and i kind of just want to remove their top side again because that was funny i promise it'll be funny do it [Laughter] so much for building that here have some incendiary mortars on top of your life all right not gonna lie i'm feeling a little bit sad for them right now so i'm just gonna take out their bottom and then maybe it'll just blow up the whole base there won't be anything left in them it survived how did that survive oh that's awesome i get to shoot him again right about there yes do it do it do it do it oh it's so close to blowing up a worthy opponent just kidding they're not worthy all right this will do it oh that was good this will take him out right here right here i promise this will do it yes yes oh it's so close oh it might make it oh it's not though oh wow i know if i hit it higher it'll take it all out but i don't know i just really like blowing it up oh there it goes [Laughter] yay that was fun i like mods in this game thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time bye and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and route and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 333,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, biltz, forts, forts gameplay, rts games, building games, building games pc, forts blitz, forts gameplay blitz, blitz forts, blitz plays forts, forts download, forts part 1, forts campaign, forts missile rush, forts campaign blitz, forts campaign gameplay, forts cannon, nuke, forts nuke, forts nukes, forts missiles, forts modded, forts mods, forts cluster nuke, forts ships, forts modded gameplay, forts railgun
Id: NNbmIqM5fRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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