Making A Game Live - Episode Three (Replay)

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody welcome welcome welcome to episode number three in the series where we are making a hide and seek game welcome everybody so this is as I said the third episode in the previous episode we got the whole game loop running so we kind of have a working game now just gonna bring you some breaking news which has just come out within the last 10 minutes or so and that is that this year's our DC roblox Developers Conference has been cancelled and that is due to the sear owner virus I don't want to say it I want to get D monetized at the pandemic so that will be happening on line but yes we are going to carry on with the live stream so bit delayed and I have to say I am I had to I had to stop I had to stop my game I was playing a little bit of fee for a fee for 20 and I was winning so I had to stop but it's alright that's that's my fault book we're here now we're here so we're just gonna carry on now we did do a big test yesterday on the game and we couldn't really test out all the eventualities with the game sorry about that we couldn't test out all of the things that might have happened and it's like such as if the seeker finds everyone because there were too many players so what we'll do is we're going to do another test we're only gonna have ten players in the server and there also needs to be me in the game [Music] [Music] so how's everybody doing Kevin erection DK thank you for moderating welcome welcome welcome everybody else as well who is watching [Music] cookie face gaming this is not Harry welcome everyone so that's working I'm gonna publish the game and the way we're gonna do this is I'm only going to let the first 10 people who join get into the game now this is only for a test at the end of the stream we will be doing a 200 player server don't worry this is just actually test that the game works because we need to test something we need to test to see if it works so I'm going to we have got 17 people in the inner place so we're gonna have to shut down we will have to shut down the servers I'm gonna head in I'm not gonna share the link with you guys because we just want a few people in there I welcome its random and welcome to the Arvin blocks members Club thank you for joining membership really appreciate that my friend I've made a mistake here guys I'm afraid I have made a mistake I want everybody to stay here everybody come to me come to me in the game so please don't don't don't go just come over to me I want everybody to he'll come to me [Music] and last habanero says I gave some shaders for you to use I'll check that out soon so I want I want everybody to come over here this guy over here this guy who's going into the castle I will need to come out come out of there I need everybody to be where I am okay The Seeker is coming I need the seeker to come and get everyone what where has the seeker gone okay whatever what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna shut down the server again here's what we're gonna do bear with me a sec guys are with me [Music] [Music] okay and to put that in there right give me a second guys [Music] cool can members put links in super charts yes but I'm probably not going to go to them so okay right so this is a simple 10 player server so I want everybody to stay here I want everybody to stay here I want I want the seeker to catch everyone so there should be nine of us here one two three four five six seven eight so one person's gone missing one two three four five six seven eight someone has gone missing one two three four five six seven eight like I seek her has been released let the seeker catch you guys and if you see other seeker don't get me Follow Me Sika Sika Sika Sika come back I found the people I'm not really bothered about using shaders in this game I'm not too bothered about the artistic effect all right we need to find out who's left make the shop work yeah we'll do that in a future of it oh he got me okay that's interesting so we've got 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 ok I think I found out why I think the reason is it's counting the I think it's counting the seeker as being a contestant even though that shouldn't happen it's always kicked out the seeker if contestant equals played and table don't remove booted from the table I want to see if this prints what we'll do is we'll make all of the players when we teleport all the players will say how's it doing line of scripting welcome welcome he took the map from the tool box I did indeed because we're not making the map yet I just need a template what I'm also going to do because people keep jumping out of the map is just cover this up so no one rules out that shout out Jamie Wallace are BLX thanks for watching my friend will also add a wall here Luka gaming says you're having a good day I'm having a good day I hope everyone else's gaming with Izzy says please turn your joins on I will be turning that on later on because I'm restricting the server to ten players right now because I don't want too many people in the game Alvin please say my name Louie it would make my day I hope I pronounced that right row beets guy did I make the map it's a model yeah so we've covered that place up as well let's just see if there's any other escape points yep that's one okay I'll watch this for now yeah great stuff so you really appreciate everyone that's watching if you are enjoying the stream please do click the like button we I do want to try and push for 1,000 likes on a stream because that would be awesome if we could do that so 500 likes I don't know 1,000 likes would be would be fantastic so so we've got 309 people watching that's that's awesome we hope you're enjoying the content we'll turn this ambience a little bit more also unity is we're gonna make something that shows us where all of the seekers are this will just help us when we're testing the game [Music] so let's imagine that this is the the red block is gonna be the seeker and all the other blocks are going to be just normal people so let's insert a beam and the beam gonna be there's gonna be an attachment in this part there's gonna be an attachment in this part and then you can set the attachments for both parts and then you have a beam between your two parts Congress after zero let's change the width to 10 hmm shut out line of scripting who has just reached 1.5 million police visits that's really really cool well done so how many likes are currently out we're at 292 likes so let's get up to 300 guys I'm sure we can do that if everybody here watching click that like button underneath the stream I think that's a little bit too much we'll change it to just to reel the now we need to script that let's just put this in storage [Music] robux guy says you're my biggest inspiration ever you're the reason I started developing thank you so much no problem my friend thank you glad that you are inspired shoutout you and Lloyd I remember you from the last the last stream welcome back [Music] [Music] so what would build building here is a beam and that beam will connect every contestant to the seeker so we know where they are how long will the stream be it will be an hour so 40 minutes left [Music] doesn't this beam ruin the concept of hide-and-seek great question reason we're doing it is just for testing don't want to be spending ages of the stream just you know trying to find people when I'm trying to trying to test it [Music] hello Lord of gaming 9 I'm just kind of here in the background a twenty building a game sadly I don't know a thing about scripting but I've got your videos it's also and thank you for watching [Music] [Music] so for every contestant in the game putting a beam in the I really need to make one attachment and for the seeker [Music] [Music] one sec [Music] so we've put this attachment in attachments yeah that work that will work then we do Bheem dots what-is-it what-is-it on the beam beam dot o attachment 0 that's 1 0 equals attachment and then we do another attachment and this time we'll just call it attachment 2 this one is going into the contestant character [Music] [Music] hello Alvin are you able to see my comments says Draven Sangster yes I am frostbitten mage roblox and more I'm so glad I found your channel in just a couple of months I learned so much I learnt so much can't turn on you hit one point 6 K in your game awesome thank you [Music] shoutout to blas sins lien v Haugen sorry if I pronounced that incorrectly but I'll ask how you doing just a t just a random chihuahua parker 144 FPS awesome and yet life and a shout out to Michael flips and Rove and us and awesome cool so we've got the contestants character just saving the place Hilla gaming says how's your week right now mine is bad I have a cold both here that hope you get well soon my friend and go quite well and been getting quite a lot done such as playing Fifa [Music] sorry to hear that Lupe's hope you get well my friend what happened to words of encouragement it's still here don't worry I just have two panels you have NHL 20 and 50 20 but don't really play them I am you know I'm playing quite a lot of FIFA right now haven't really been playing it for a while bought it when it came out but just didn't play it but I'm doing career mode with Manchester United so I thought - Luciano Noddy and Elias war hero 0-6 welcome Bourbon says beans beans beans beans all right [Music] okay what do you think of Albert flamingo Albert stuff I think it's quite cool that's how it's a VAR suits hope you're doing hope you're getting better my friend okay let's carry on then thank for the super chat Tien likes car crushes to theirs thank you very much really do appreciate the super chats night clock hours I heard you have been working with neutral on a game have you seen the game he had worked on run-ins path no I haven't heard of that I think now drinking I do you have a very cool game and maybe maybe I am what FIFA FIFA 20 what do you have 160 cases but only 276 viewers great question and I think it's because this is a tutorial channel so when someone watches a video and they like it they will subscribe because they found it helpful and because they only come to this channel when they are in need of help then they're not gonna be on the channel all the time so that's probably why also because right now my biggest demographic is West Coast America and West Coast America aren't as active on YouTube until it gets late over there and when it's late for them it's early in the morning for me like 3 4 5 a.m. so the time zones but you know we have we have many 300 people watching which is which is good okay let's carry on right now it's a lot of thanks for the soup chat last habanero it's um it's a lot of roblox development at the minute in these in these times so yeah just staying in bang playing games playing but FIFA doing quite a lot of roblox roblox development yeah I don't really I don't really have a schedule so just wing it you know you have 30k pending sales awesome okay so should work for every contestant create a new beam at attachment zero ah we need to do attachments one I knew I was missing something cool that should work let's just make sure we got it working so we've got attachment attachment attachment boom and we need to call beam me up on the seeker [Music] okay time for another test then and I also want to know whether it boots out the contestant so we're saying hashtag contestants do you still say gooey I actually say GUI now I gave in everyone that we're saying you have to say gooey although it is actually gooey still so it's just that I've got used to it when are you going to make a game reviews livestream I'm not sure to be honest the game reviews they were starting to get a little bit annoying for me just keep on doing the same type of stream over and over again so that's why we're trying out some new things [Music] how do you super chat if you want the super chat and that will get your message on the screen and readout you also get your name in the top right corner there you can click the dollar symbol which is underneath whoa it's next to the emoji button by the chatbox and you can put a message and the amount as well it's kind of like a donation and it supports me as well you can also become a member by clicking the join button underneath the underneath the stream the blue join button where the subscribe button is look with the with you or your vids a via ass juice left habanero nowhere I'm not going to take submissions from chat for things like maps and search this is going to be completely created by by me but thank you for for offering do I play rocket League I don't know I have played it but I don't no worries Draven Sangster so I appreciate you watching oh this might be an old server it is an old server whoops so that we know it is a new server we're gonna get rid of already poor no sorry vert life it's only a super chat or membership okay awesome one more player is needed then good thing that I'm not the and guys please please don't spam the chat even if you think it's gonna make me see your message if I just see people spamming I'm not gonna read the message out I can see everyone's messages well so I can't answer them all but just spamming won't make the problem any so he gets kicked out which would make sense because there's nine players left so that would be one two three four five six seven eight this is the thing look how many contestants you have it one two three four five six seven eight yes as nine players left if he kills me there's maybe one player left but we booted him out of the contestant table so that's why I am a little bit confused we booted him out of the table remove from contestants I so what we'll do is we'll print what we will print all of the players that are left so we're just gonna to speed everything up and yes I am using a free model for this caused by no scripting you've got to go thank you very much for watching I appreciate it hopefully catch you next time what is your favorite color how we said at the same time um I'll be honest I don't really have one and that sounds really bad like it's a really bad answer because I'd that you don't have one because two changes all the time we're also gonna have a zone here so you can literally only just stay within this area bro animate says this is so active it's a good thing it's a good thing there are ten plays in my server and it's not starting that's because I need to be in the game to start it [Music] hey oven blocks I have watched your vids for two years now and I have finally managed to make my own minigame game and it's funny working thank you for your toriel's excellent glad to hear that okay seeker please do not get me until leave me to us [Music] so Alvin blocks is remaining contestants right get me [Music] Sika wins boom end-of-round the seeker has won excellent so this time okay box doesn't reset that's a bug we need to fix that I'm gonna check the YouTube stats whilst we wait so we got three hundred and two people watching and we have four hundred and eighteen light so if everybody goes and clicks the like button I'm gonna go and like it myself I'm gonna go on my onto the page so if I can do it so can you whilst we're not doing anything so we're gonna go and we're gonna click on the like button and we'll try and get it to 500 all right everybody click the like button in three two one oh I've just done it I've just done it let's put us onto four hundred and fifty three four five three now on four six six and out on four seven four all right let's watch see what happens because we've got three seconds left yeah look at that time is up all the contestants win so that's good that's telling us that the game logic works we also need to delete beams so that's another bug I'm gonna put on my sticking out did the same guy get chosen again would you I will do a random seed as well also need to do that we need to update the players left as well to put it in we need to format it correctly so it has the slash so every seven likes away nearly there so let's go fix those Sophie oh thank you very much for the super chat much much appreciated got that it helps there we go 500 likes thank you everybody really really appreciate that I'll my joins on as we get to the well I can I'll put them on soon I can't allow PayPal super chat because the payment and stuff is all handled by YouTube so I can't do that yeah really appreciate with the super chats and members as well guys all Chris Loki thank you very much for the $20 super chat really appreciate that and welcome and as well T and like Skaar crushes - I can't join because it is ten out of ten yeah because we're keeping it a small server for now yeah thank you very much Chris and welcome along my friend yeah 10 out of 10 because because of that oh and by the way I forgot to mention before you super chatters I really do appreciate it and what I put down on my sticky notes is that I will have a credits GUI in the game so if we do release this game and finish it and it does you know go somewhere there will be a credits GUI and just everyone has super chatted throughout the these streams will be put in that credits GUI so yeah so every every Super chatter will get a credit okay where were we so bugs bugs bugs first book that we need to fix is that the box will not reset so we need to delete that box from the player will members be in the credits no because because there's too many members for me to do them all and it would just be too much of a headache to add them or I'm happy to add all the super shutters what's your best tips on becoming a developer so keep on practicing if you're wanting to script of course keep on practicing don't give up and don't think that it will thank you very much Chris Loki for the $50 super shot my friend really really really appreciate that as well thank you and Elias war hero oh six thank you for the ten Swedish Krona and it's random and as well I think for the $2 you've shown my friends I will get you all down you'll be in the credits of the game so yes so the tips for new developers is if you're learning something don't expect to learn it overnight just accept it's gonna take you three months six months maybe even a year and just get to work and start now that's the best thing you can do start right now yeah shout out Christopher for those donations and and everyone else really appreciated my friends I'm really enjoying these live streams as well it's great to hang out with you guys doing some roblox development for a change and I hope you guys are enjoying as well especially during these times where you might be stuck at home not a lot to do I hope that it's helping helping you guys as well I fought under school 5 I'm not gonna do that right now because obviously I'm gonna keep changing the script as we go along with the series on thinking about open sourcing it I'm not sure though I'm still deliberating on it we will see Jayme Wallace underscore RB alex says I've been programming for two years and I was invited to RDC after the first year anything is possible yeah there you go so just look to the future and yeah speciality says me and my mama have bad ass asthma sorry and other things with us so we are sticking out stuck in our house for three months or so as here that's but hope that I'm helping you get through it it's obviously the safest thing to do so better to be safe than sorry of course can you make an AI tutorial I haven't thought of doing it but maybe maybe in the future wait roblox is here really I think so anyway guys where is everybody watching from I really want to know what country you're watching in really really interested to see where we are broadcasting to around the world do you know any other coding languages beside roblox Lua hey I'll answer that soon but we've got a load of spam questions coming in we've got everybody's location so we've got we've got a lot of people in the US if you are in the u.s. tell me where about so are you west coast east coast or your state we've got quite a lot of us we've got Germany Japan Norway Denmark Sweden Britain Turkey Cyprus Canada South Paolo we got some more Norwegians so Macau flips from Norway Astra Falls from France gavel gavel is in Tampa Florida another Florida for a night clock hours I guess place in California Nicholas is in Canada donuts rule zero 6 is in Australia Wow awesome what time is it over in Australia must be quite early in the morning vqx is in Michigan school closure from England Longo is in Poland we got Renard oh my sing in Norway Rho beats guy in Denmark and Wyoming Cameco and Nuri Kim is in Virginia with online classes for the rest of the year Venus is in Sweden Daris is in Sweden it's got quite a lot of Scandinavians in the chat I think that's the the most the the biggest country or countries apart from US and UK Chris Loki in Iraq gaming with Izzie's in the UK Chile cost is in Saudi or to Saudi Arabia SM bo6 in Raleigh North Carolina elite these in Bulgaria Sparky's in Lithuania they're all coming in now Serbia advantage space aid agency you and Lloyd UK Quinton Quinton al fuses in Netherland so I think that's the first one in the Netherlands that we've had a tubular nine is in Scotland and with Bulgaria awesome we have a lot of people watching all over the world so that that's awesome that we have everyone all over the world watching and life ticket is in New Zealand just subscribe please no reasons in Iran dragon game a roblox from Qatar Jamaica vertical lollipop Belgium for super Mauro Saudi Arabia vert life Brazil ear for crew tal awesome awesome awesome it's 7:52 a.m. in Australia wow so good morning good morning Kalyan Bob's from Hawaii but listen the UK awesome cool so thanks for watching everyone gonna carry on your average myth says your basements Oh to bring you a drink in about 10 minutes yeah ok we need to carry on right we need to carry on we're getting too distracted so the box will not reset ok so we need to have a function called a remove hitbox if player-character then if Blair dog character find first child what do we call it what do you call the hitbox call the hitbox then player thoughts character dot hitbox : destroy will destroy that hitbox how's it going spike is back welcome welcome is Kevin still here Kevin's in Denmark so that's another person in Denmark what if you denmark and danish people in the stream as well so nice we've deleted that we now need to remove hmm it's gonna be an issue removing one of those themes or their to be honest we don't really need them anymore so I might just delete that function called beam at me up what type of P D you have you mean PC happy hens Oh has been watching you for a while and I do confusing that College and made a simple game individual basic but for some reason I can't wrap my head around roblox of the Lua well just keep trying here if you can't like remember how it all works just keep trying it just take a while maybe look into Python as well because I think they use that in a lot of colleges and schools it's already been one hour yeah we have been talking for a while so we will extend the stream for a bit Chris Loki says are you making some hide-and-seek game yes we are making a hide and seek game so this game it's going to we're on a third episode obviously completely from scratch so on episode one we started with a base plate and we're making the game we're gonna try app and I'm thinking of extending this series right and we try and actually launch it as a roblox game and try and get it on the front page which would be pretty wild but yeah everybody just super chat as I've said will get put into a little of credit GUI in the game so if it does go huge and it gets famous then your name will be in history on it and we written in the history books if this is the first game to actually get popular I don't know if it will but here we go I want to come up with a game idea it's not really great question for me to answer but I would just say make something that you want to make but also other people like for example if you want to make like a farming game but no one else likes farming games don't make it alright but if you don't like football but you make a football game because everybody likes football don't make that yes Chris larkey everybody that has super chatted will get in the in the in the credits GUI so thank you very much so the beams we got rid of the beam so that's good so we have we fixed that bug Lenape thanks for the super chat my friend delete the beams we've done that so that's two bugs gone math dot random seed okay we're gonna do math at random seed so math dot random seed means that you know like when you in Minecraft and you put a new seed and when you have a different seed it randomizes everything when you do random seed it just randomizes a bit so you're not gonna have the same person picked every time and we put tick in as their argument and I'll just make it extra random are you doing its Abdul here the music's gone for some reason where's my music on what what the vid in fact no I'm not gonna play the music cuz last episode they got me a coffee I strike so I need to I need to sort that one out before the next stream anyway guys we've got 313 people watching would really appreciate it if you could click the like button please click like so that it tells the YouTube algorithm that you're liking thank you Chris for the super chat I'll get that very very soon so if you do when you click the like button it tells the YouTube algorithm that you're liking this content and then YouTube will promote it to more people which helps the channel and then you also let me know that you want to see more so I looked last night at the likes on episode 2 and there was a lot of likes on there so that's what made me start another stream today so I was I was thinking this morning should I should I listen to them I'm not really feeling it today so I went and checked the likes and sure enough there were quite a lot of likes on there about 800 likes so when you like the video you're telling me personally that you want to see more of these so if you if you want to see more like the vid because I only keep doing what you guys want to see and also it helps helps me as well so please do click the like button guys let me know when you've liked and I'll try do some do some shout outs so thanks for the super chats as well tn likes and and Chris don't worry you'll be in in the UI what did you eat for breakfast I had toast yeah it's pretty good your average miss I'm sorry for the delay my friend but exceptional circumstances you know okay so we've done the master random seed that's awesome now we just need to do the players left so we're gonna head back into the client and that's gonna become out of game dot players come on get players I assume that you can do this on my client how many years have you been programming good question so properly I'd say from 2030 mmm yeah 2013 so early 2013 before that it was just messing around in a script or editing some tycoon kit that someone made without actually knowing what happens it's scripting your favorite thing to do well it varies in it when you've got a bug or something and you just absolutely hate scripting you don't wanna do it again no but yeah it's quiescent it's nice to do it's scripting your favorite things always answer that shoutout to Austria in Austria Hungary [Music] what are your suggestions to motivate yourself to finish a game watch the replays of our DC 2019 and that will motivate you there on roblox this channel I think ok um so will change will change this to the will change to twenty seconds because I also think we're a little bit harsh making the walk speed [Music] have you been to Munich out No okay we should be good to do a 10 player test and then we will do a a proper 200 player tester for that because I think we've ironed out all of the bugs what is your view point on RDC being hosted digitally this year and greetings from Sweden from Daris peace your content is amazing thank you so yeah if you didn't know our DC this evening got cancelled so now IDC this year it's going to be online so you'd have to watch on YouTube or something given the circumstances I can see why it's happened is a shame of course but you've got to do what you've got to do I knew I probably wasn't going anyway so it doesn't matter to me but if you've already booked to go that's a shame but you should be still getting the same content so hope let's hope they pull it out the bag and next year just out to Goku last King I think at the end of the day had they've even done it a lot of people wouldn't have wanted to go given the current climate of things that happening so can you say I am down a bit what is this music it is called beach by M BB and it's not that type no don't worry I'm not down okay I said I was down a bit but that was because somebody said it in a different language and I went on Google Translate to see what it said so I'm fine right I'm fine it's just that somebody said I am down a bit in a different language so I was like what does that mean so I went to translate it and just said out loud what the translation was okay Gigi okay yeah yeah but thank you for the super chapter is he gaming does this guy he said say I don't want to say in case it's like I see you're playing Fifa 20 in your tabs yeah that's right so I was playing Fifa all right and then I had to go and I came back and just as I came back I realized I have to start the stream and I was really really sad because I was wooden heel up Manchester derby worn in look and I'm Man United one-nil against Man City Premier League I need to win this game so I must win because I'm challenging for Champions League places I've had to pause it at 15 minutes so yeah I didn't want to forfeit the game so as soon as I finish this I'm hopping right on there and finishing it i DISA plays welcome welcome welcome how's it going you're not gonna nobody's gonna live that up now Ashton Ashton I've said that mm-hmm note to self never say anything in from someone in a different language before you you've translated it um okay so where were we completely forgotten now I forgot what we were doing last habaneros got to go thank you for thank you for dropping in and what you've been here for for them for the whole time really so thanks for dropping stopping by him what is football well I assume it's soccer in America and Australia it's we call it football so it's not the football that you do that soccer okay let's test the game there so we're gonna do a ten player test and then when we're done with that we're gonna do a I'm gonna do a 200 player test so stay tuned and then we will do the credit GUI so everyone that super chatted will get in that GUI so if you do want to get in that credit GUI then you're gonna want to super chat just as a thank you for everyone not supported [Music] no worries just random chihuahua I appreciate you watching I appreciate everybody that's watched so far and if you are new around here please do click that like button underneath the stream thank you I have a way to long name tech guy for that super chat and please do click the like button were at 619 likes I really want to push on for a thousand so please do click the like button everybody KBS comedy says hi Alvin thank you very much for the contribution appreciate that what is the super chat to chat is the dollar sign underneath the chat box by the emojis and it's a highlighted message as you can see with these colorful messages from people that gets you a shout out on stream oh here we are we're in game so there's seven players left out of turn oh it should be out of that that's that's wrong that is wrong it should be seven out of nine because hold on hold hold on a second hold on a second I can't believe this I can't believe this I cannot believe this I cannot believe this I cannot believe it's an old server it is an old server it's an old server right pronoun though I'm not saying that because I know exactly what that means that means I know what that means okay don't even have to translate that I actually know I know some William Jackson says great job on the video thanks very much my friend appreciate it smooth I do know him actually yeah Joe mama that's correct Bernardo I was gonna say well yeah I know I I like you yeah you get there that's what you say well that's what Google Translate told me to say what's up you helped me quit back in 2070 now I'm here to say thank you for my 500k visits that's awesome that you got 500k visits z gaming you can't you can't you can't get me with those I'm too much of a stripper of a seasoned streamer to know not to say those names yeah so I'm not sure why it still did that now obviously this is gonna be a minus one because if there's ten players it's gonna be nine because one of them is gonna be one's gonna be the clip the seeker look your vids I hope you continue going on subs you saved my day when I made my first game thank you mouth for Alice so that Supercuts come in but I can't see it on my chat yet ah there we go your average myth thank you very much for the $2 super chat so you will get in the credits GUI as well been watching your vids since 2016 Nick plays 33 thank you I'm sorry if I miss your messages by the way the the chats keeps keeps on going can you say yeah I Lika meet Cala there you go I like McCann how was that was that good what gave me you making hide-and-seek well platinum membership is only one video per purchase it is one video per month now I'll just say there is a bit of a queue this month because we've had quite a few sign ups on platinum so it will there will be a couple of one to two weeks they Lent but that's fine because you're gonna be a member for a month anyway so okay let's continue so I am getting a little bit the song is called cool by tobu yo Alvin how do you super chat you've been helping me with scripting throughout the years you have taught me how to script I want to say thank you a lot of people have been asking this question so I will show you simply because I think some people might not have it so let's head into the live to mute the site so if you go in the live chat and you see here this dollar sign and you click it now you can click on super chat you can put your message in select your amount and then click buy and then you will be sent to the purchase screen and then it will appear on screen with your message so just where the chat box is underneath it by the emoji box it has a dollar sign click that you can super chat and if you want to join you can click the join button right here pretty pretty awesome huh okie doke Galla you get you have to try harder you have to try harder mr. vibing as well you're gonna have to try harder see I'm a I'm a I'm a pro I'm a pro [Music] alright someone just get me I will give them a shout-out because it is there Adam you you've got to try harder than that my friend ROH beats guy says thank you for a nice experience I've got to go now goodbye well thank you very much for watching I do appreciate it Roy beats guy and hopefully catch you on the next stream doughnuts well don't don't worry about it my friend Emily right a little bit concerned here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we need one more person to join the game I'm gonna put the link in chat to to start it oh is it fun what one two three four five six seven eight nine why is this not working not enough players in game what there's nine players in my server someone please join me roblox is being bad ok we need to shut down then oh you re blocks is having a nightmare today Oh Mike word roblox is genuinely having a nightmare no it's not because of that it's just because roblox is being a little bit weird oh oh I am The Seeker I'm coming to get you all so this is gonna be a clean sweet GG well played too easy but what oh wow I'm so I'm so so so so so so so so forgetful because I forgot to call the function we did all that coding called remove hitbox and we never ever destroyed it how silly how silly right why struts it then before we do the next updates we will do the credits GUI are you still a kid it seems you added filters and changes to your microphone you're not wrong I got a new mic a shure sm7b and it has a pretty pretty good sounding quality but you need to realize that those videos that I have been doing this for quite a few years now so you can tell can you buy the how I sound you've got to go I thank you very much for watching Matthew Alexander Kelly I really appreciate that my friend really really do maybe make the seeker hitbox a bore perhaps perhaps I'm not leaving yet guys I'm not leaving yet don't worry we're doing the GUI for the super chatters so if you want your name in here just send in a super shot this is just a way of recognizing everyone that has contributed to appreciate the support mr. khureshi says I have to go but before I do can you make a series where you make games with fans using team create ok this isn't on my agenda I said I guess I'm not planning on doing this currently but maybe in the future I would change my mind but there's your answer Christopher Rowland thank you so much for the $1 super chat really appreciate that and Nick plays 33 with the $2 fever chat says you've been a great inspiration to me since 2016 brilliant thank you so much I appreciate them Nick thank you very much I kidding my homework but could you make game modes perhaps in the future as I've said we're just gonna do the main hide-and-seek game mode for now we didn't get the core stuff done then we will see what else we can do so what's everybody doing then what's they've been doing today what everyone wouldn't been watching what what what what what stuff are you watching on TV at the minute right now what I see not right now but you know in these times what are you watching if you are watching anything you might just be roblox developing all day or what are you working on as well you just got Disney Plus you also have Netflix reverse says don't have to go actually I can do homework later you're watching Dragon Ball super you do nuts is working on the game roadtrip Alice it's all our micros watching Hollyoaks Hollyoaks these are the lot of the slime says your amazing content okay let's get these super chatters recognized we need a scrolling frame and even if you're not super shutter this is gonna teach you something I am a young starting dev what games should I make says Ian Johnston I would say make something really small and just small projects it's up to you but do you have any other games that you're working on yes and I can't say anything right now but soon guys Hayden Ruiz watching the lemons arrival and Adam dev zero is a man city phone well have a look at this my friend I am Manchester United and currently winning on FIFA one nil with a great goal in here from it was it Bruno Fernandez top pins Elias Wall Harris says Alvin do you remember my screech Swedish Cronus yeah I have a list of everyone who has super chatted you can't see it I can but yeah everyone that has saved chatted will get in here on this on this thing anyway I'm gonna show you how you can make a list so imagine you have lots of text labels boom you've got a list how awesome is that now I want to know if it will stack right so okay I don't think it will let's try grid I think a grid it's what we need a perfect he gave me I'm only a man says he thanks I play for their club I was interesting oculus thank you for the 20 Danish kroner I like your stuff vids and all that stuff awesome thank you very much I appreciate that my friend and also to Snipes X Z who says I love your scripting videos thank you for this super chats everyone really appreciate the support how did you get so good at understanding Lua just practice my on does the super chats count in previous vids yes so they will stack over don't worry they will stack so you can see UI grid layout means you can have all these different text labels and you can have people's names now I am lazy okay we're all lazy I'm not gonna make loads of text labels I'm not going to do that with lazy or lazy we're not gonna put every text label in here so I'm gonna make a script will do it for me I just joined are you gonna make this public okay so I'm still working on that I don't know if I'm gonna do it or not wolf we'll see it depends how I feel when this is all finished correcto with the 17 Danish kroner says I love your vids thank you very much much appreciated my friend much appreciated that corrector and for everyone wondering I am working on a game currently I can't share it yet but I will share it with you guys next month or so okay LSC please tell me how to super chat so I've shown this before but if you want to super chat you can go on to the okay you're obviously watching so you on the channel page next to you where you put a message in in live chat just underneath there there is a little button a dollar sign and that dollar sign you click it show your support for having blocks you can send a super chat put your message the more you spend the longer it stays in the chat at the top and it will appear on-screen you said your game would come out last month I know I know I said that okay trust me we'll get in there we're getting there and the reason I have delayed it is because end of the day I'm not gonna raise a buggy game you know I'm not I'm not having that so there we go perfect I think that's good didn't that's good for the super showers so now we need your script I'm very sorry guys about the about the double the double voice on those alerts I have no clue why but the tricky ish thank you very much for the $5 super chat old guy here new to all of this initial learning about almost exclusively from your videos made my first game now on a second thanks for the education thank you very much really appreciate that and all the best with your games and scripting so yeah we're just working on the super chat list here you as I as II says you're amazing dude thank you so much Alvin never read my super chat I did Nick yeah I read I read it out I'll remember back I'll check again Oh my YouTube studio has crashed so I will reload it but yeah why are you putting semicolons shouldn't they be commas great question they can be semicolons or commas there you go you've learned something new there yeah no clue what's going on here but my youtube studio has just it's as if it just said just when you're gonna use me I'm not going to work although there has been some problems with YouTube going down today and my life Chatsworth has crashed it's unbelievable you wouldn't believe this you would not believe it that the YouTube studio has gone the live chat is gone I'm gonna get it on my phone I'm gonna get out my phone I'm gonna get your messages on my phone yeah it's totally gone it's totally gone I've missed so much chat but spike is back says now is a good time to drop a like indeed so please do like the vid I'm going to close down my chats it just seems that YouTube has just gone you see it so if I have missed any super chats my apologies because my my YouTube chat stopped so I spike can you let me know if I missed any yeah really sorry about that guys but there are some things that are just completely out of your control anyway text label dot parents equals script got parent text label okay you've read that all of the current super chats Braille text label dot name equals v1 if v2 is not equal to nil then text label dot color equals dot background color 3 equals v2 else text label dots background color 3 equals color 3 from RGB math.random one two by five do that three times under perfecto now hopefully hopefully all of these super chairs will appear and the first one should be red and the second one should be yellow hmm oh I know why it's invisible uh-huh so text label dot visible equals true I'll get to your comments in a minute guys but as I've said the live chat and YouTube studio is completely gone down by Bing badda boom it's worked but it hasn't updated the text oh that's because I didn't even set the text property you can tell I'm getting tired you can tell I'm getting tired there we go look at that's brilliant so now what I'll do is I'll put in all the super chatters that have sent in a super charts your name will be going in this GUI and you'll get your name in the game for everyone that's super traffic so I really appreciate the support guys and if you weren't able to super chat that is completely fine all I ask from everyone that's watching is that they drop a like on the video good news everyone YouTube studio is back so I will head in here we've got 707 likes now I really really want to push this to 1000 likes would be awesome 300 concurrent viewers now I'm gonna bet that half of you guys haven't kept that like button you probably watching the stream thinking are too lazy I don't wanna click the like button but I'd really appreciate it if you could so please please do that okie-doke chat is on the way here it is we're back we are back so yeah so if I missed your questions we're back so I'm gonna do I'm gonna put in all of today's super shutters and then after the stream I'll do yesterday's and the day before just put you guys in here here we go so yeah you can separate table indexes when you've got tables multiple tables by by having a semicolon instead of a comma so just add all these people in this shouldn't take too long when they there everybody that's sent in a super chalice day much appreciated and everyone else that's watched I really appreciate you guys for for watching because it's great to hang out with you guys great to do some roblox in roblox development [Music] nearly that now [Music] awesome so if we run the game goodbye I've got to go thank you very much water night for watching there we go we've got all of our super chatters from today in the credits GUI so I really appreciate everyone that has super chatted do appreciate the support guys we have reached 100 minutes into the stream so yep I've been doing this quite a while your online homework is broken so now I can watch more Alvin blocks as doughnuts ruled zero six that's awesome but obviously not awesome because you should be doing it but yeah you know you know do you know anything about egg hunts honestly I'll put my hands up I don't know anything about the air con this year yeah I know when it's gonna happen because they said in the block to you wars we're not gonna happen so um let's check the likes mister likes all of their lines Kanye West so we've got 750 likes so I think we've got 288 people I think we could get to a thousand likes forget to if we get to a thousand likes guys a thousand likes and we will do a two hundred player server test alright 1000 likes and I'll let all of you guys play with me so if you click the like button I'll open up a server to everyone that's not so fair that's a fair it's a fair offer take it or leave it like it or leave it so let's create a button which will trigger our credits so we're gonna take another one of these we ain't getting that I think we could you know I think we could I think we could cuz we're what 100 236 away so we could do that so if everyone likes like the video then 1k likes how do you make those super cool images on your buttons so I actually got these images from a website called icon finder I'm gonna get the free ones so at 775 likes so keep liking guys okay we'll go with this one we're gonna roll with it you gotta roll with it hmm I've got to hide the screen it's like I can't leak anything from my game I can in my ear I've got to hide my dank immune connection collection from you can't be showing you the dank memes that they're too spicy right dollar sign [Music] I will probably still do a I server at the end don't worry guys don't worry I think this is the most likes we have ever had on a live stream so that's awesome hmm not a fan of that my fan of that I'm not a fan of that okay what we'll do is we'll do all do instead of not point eight or do one that'll be welcome to the members club selfie oh really appreciate that if you want to join the members club you click the join button underneath the stream 787 likes 787 like the Dreamliner um yeah welcome welcome welcome Nova says you are my day saver what switches is your key would have it has razor green so the ones on the BlackWidow chroma the green ones your name is really small in the credits GUI will make them bigger don't worry we'll make them bigger we're still testing it's just a test let's see no worries I'll catch you in the next live streaming thank you for watching we really appreciate it my friend so at seven eight nine likes if everyone likes the video right now so I'm sure there's some new people here that haven't liked the video if we can get up to eight hundred that'd be awesome show your appreciation for the vids don't worry guys if we do get to 800 I will I will I will do a we will still do a 200 player server so we have got there now which is brilliant solo we have a we have we have this awesome credits GUI for all my super chatter so if you want to get on here all you have to do is just send in a super chat and you are now in the game how did you become the person you are now and what do you mean like script or as a big youtuber or well I'm not that big but you know I mean not trying to be at all you know big and look at me type you know super super chat stop visible of course because visible isn't a property don't worry guys I know I know we hit 800 that's great perfect look at that perfect so now everyone that has sent in a super chat will all get in this GUI so I really appreciate everyone that has supported the videos through a super chat or membership you should change the box size property to make them shorter and longer let's have a look dude did it the wrong way in fact we can we can see the changes see no changes to do that's just the way it is yes wrong axis my bad getting better will reduce the padding here that looks good doesn't it sure thing Christopher Roland I'll get that sort [Music] okay perfect so we should be good good to go now we are going to change things gonna get rid of this so that's a one change the can collide we've ditched the beam so that's fine afraid for life thank you so much for super chat $5.00 thus we're very much appreciated there you go I've just added you to the super chatters list so really appreciate that my friend [Music] so I am about to publish the game before we do our 200 player test so if you do want to get on the credit GUI now is your time to super chat this is the last time for this stream I would update the super chart list so if you want to then just get those super chats in all right now [Music] Oh No okay cool what's a super chair is this something someone's put lisp okay right I don't know they don't know don't know if I'm being raided I don't I don't I don't think we are we'll check flack why she's live what I think say um okay okay so not Phillip thank you for the stupid chat I'll add you um how do you learn Lua okay so firstly I started out watching peace pods videos which are great they inspired me to make my own it was awesome include the roblox wiki I used that but then they got rid of that which is a shame although they have got some of the content left but problem that just making small projects looking at free models I think has a really good way of learning ginger juice thanks for the $2 super chat my friend really really do appreciate that well done man you're a great youtuber thank you Bill Bill Clinton appreciate that my friend shoutout to Lola goat do your best American accent please I can't do that I can't do that it'd be too bad Lu not philic love you can you add love you and can you add me on roblox I can't add I can't add I'm afraid because of the limit but thank you very much for the soup now what you will get is you'll get a credit you'll get a credit in in in in the game have you ever played roblox no I haven't what's what's roblox hi Evan thanks your awesome videos helps me a lot do your best Scottish accent says alpha blade zero one do you want roblox for the Nintendo switch I don't have a switch but it would be nice if they did maybe I know that the new Animal Crossing came out it looks a pretty good game on on the switch sir okay let's do the 200 players test then okeydoke can you still follow people ah it's a perk of gold membership I think so if you if you join gold membership then you'll get a follow from me tonight two o'clock hours if you don't add me to super touch you I don't worry I will go I will go through the super chats at the end and check them out anyway let's play the game it's the moment we've all been waiting for we've been going for two hours I've extended the stream for you was only gonna do one hour stream but look what you guys made me do and that's not a Taylor Swift song that is I'm sorry guys by the way I'm gonna have to shut down the year service need to change the sort of account as well I almost went into the game there do you like David bouzouki yeah he's a great guy obviously he made roblox there why wouldn't you like him it wasn't for David bouzouki and Eric castle none of us would be here today on this livestream and he's really down to earth as well so I used your stock ID when I bought Premium awesome all right let's go Duke bruh brand says I have a lot of editing to do by the way I'm recording well hello Duke and hello to everyone watching Duke's video the supporters jury isn't GUI isn't working Oh we'll get that fixed don't what we'll get we'll get that fixed yeah we'll fix that oh I made a little typo sorry because I made a typo in the script so is fixed now it's fixed okay amazingly he ran at a time there so let's just watch the seeker get everybody I think an idea for the future would be just auto kill like don't make their bodies fall apart just literally remove them as soon as they've been touched Aussie accent please I read that I have to do and honestly I wouldn't I couldn't be happy with it you you love your fans cause I hear about ninety nine players yeah this is a little unfair you know I think we should I think we should give everybody some speed will set their speed to 35 and we'll give the seeker more time I'll give you will give him 75 seconds yeah that'll do okie-doke will shut down the server and will try again we'll have a proper game of right have a hide-and-seek right putting the link in the description sorry in the live chat and then I've got to go and finish this FIFA game I hope this seeker doesn't get me don't you dare get me come on seeker whoa oh I got me oh well she got me what would you do if roblox was never created and I probably still be on bin weevils does that even still around in Johnson is making the minigames right now not Philip is duplicated in the superjet all right we're all sort that but there we go we've got our super chat supporters in here so thanks everyone that has super chat super chatted much much appreciate the the support on the channel so the seeker is gonna have a huge job on their hands because there's 148 people with account look at everyone just going in the water over here it is incredible isn't incredible how in four hours we've created this game from scratch completely from scratch and how we've got hundreds of players in here playing along with us hundreds watching us you know it just shows you what you can do when you put your mind to something and you believe that you can do something I think he's given up you know 121 players left oh he got me gee gee I wonder how many people will have now in here but rvx says you're amazing sadly I could not make something like this well Bart honestly how many years ago I would have looked at this and thought the same but really with a little bit of practice you know with experience you are able to build your skills up and you're able to do things like this so 161 people to catch in one minute 10 seconds GG I'm making a game like camping I'm gonna invite to having build I'm quite busy I can't do any help with with with work but I hope you find I find the right person for the job for my friend lale goats that's bad but yeah I think we will end this dream there it's been a good stream we've got a record number of likes 822 likes which is awesome so if you are new here and you haven't clicked that like button please do so really would appreciate the support add I'm 8 Oh nuts without the Hawaii when will you be any more game reviews I said earlier I'm not planning on doing any more for a while because I wanted to do doing it I just did it I wanted to do something different so there you go so there you go anyway that's the end of episode number three catch me in episode four it might be tomorrow at the same time so check my channel community page check my Twitter now in blocks if you don't see anything on there but I will be live at the same time probably tomorrow although check my my community post my channel community posts I should have the live stream upon the channel a few hours before if it is gonna be on that day so it might be tomorrow it might not be just check the channel set your reminders and I'll catch you on the next one but we've made good progress today and I'm really looking forward to the next one here we've basically got our game finished so we can focus on some better stuff like rewarding the seeker all the players if they win and then getting getting started on some cooler features anyway thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it please check out the other video on the channel which was about was the video today today's video was about local variables 23 22 episode 22 or 23 in the business series check out how it went live couple hours ago on the channel really really good video if you want to know what the local means in scripts all this good stuff here local seeker what's all that about so check that out on the channel and see you in the next one make sure you like the livestream make sure you share it with your friends let's hopefully try and get thousand likes on the next stream I've seen the next one stay safe and wash those hands people special shout out to everyone is helping in the fight against co-owner really do appreciate you guys so kids for watching and I'll see you then Cheers bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: AlvinBlox
Views: 38,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a roblox game, how to make a roblox game on laptop, how to make a game on roblox, how to make a game on roblox and get robux, how to make a game with roblox studio, roblox how to make a game, how to make an obby on roblox, how to make your first roblox game, how to script on roblox, how to use roblox studio, roblox coding tutorial, roblox lua, roblox obby tutorial, roblox scripting basics, roblox scripting tutorial, roblox studio
Id: NbphnUITwVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 7sec (7807 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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