Making Hide and Seek On Roblox - Episode Five

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody how's it going welcome back episode number 5 then here we are the fifth episode in the hide-and-seek game series how's it going everybody welcome we're just heading into a quick test session of the game the link to the game is in the description you can check that out you can join us it's a 200 player server first things first I just like to ask if everybody could like the livestream the more likes that we get then the more people we can get in the stream and that would be excellent how's it going Chris Loki welcome back to another livestream great to see you my friend and everyone else who's watching I have a way to long name that guy welcome everybody so this is the game so far so we finished off the last episode we were working on the we were working on the spectate system weren't we and this spectate system I only currently works when you are dead so I'm going to I can't reset but I will use the console actually I won't I will just wait until the seeker gets me we wait until we get to court by the seeker I have got a few things planned coming up for today's stream we have added a soft shutdown script so that's when we update the game everybody who is currently in the current server will get transferred to the new one that's excellent here we go here's the seeker there's now a three minute timer on each round by the way also need to work on a power system and Chris Loki thanks for the $10 donation my friend really appreciate it there we go and also the powers so when you press a certain key you will get like walk speed for 10 seconds or something let's have a look at the chat then Lars Kinnison the alien so if I pronounced that wrong how are you doing my friend sorry that you got timed out there I'm not sure why SS Soviet says credit merely actually it's by the Nexus Avenger I don't forget I will be adding people who have super trusted to this list so if you are still wondering why your name isn't on here do not worry just let me know and I will make sure you added okey doke so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna leave this server open and if you want to come play you can do so that's fine I no longer have to be in the server for it to work so we're just gonna close that down I'm gonna stay in the game though but you can you can come along if you want everyone has been caught but there's no one left good point okay there's one person left and it's hmm the seeker can't find them okay that's that's it that's an interesting bug okay we will look into that I'll write it down so when you catch a bug I always just write them down especially if they're important so oh it might be that someone left the game that might be why that's probably why what we will do for that awesome so 111 likes but we've got 220 people watching the stream so if everybody could click the like let's see if we can get up to 200 likes I think that's nothing that's a fair goal what do you guys think what do you guys think 200 likes show your support for the channel huh okay so let's just get straight in both leagues need to do some quality of life improvements and by that I mean blis be thank you so much for the $5 super charity appreciate that love your channel my dude really really do thank you thank you so yeah the the quality of life improvement that I'm going to put on here is that when we currently we can open the spectate GUI even if we are playing the game so we don't want that to happen so I'm gonna say third dot spectators in this event firstly we want to put this this line is gonna go it's gonna go here on there thanks for the $1 donation really appreciate that my friend thank you for the contribution going up these guys just as we speak awesome cheese guys [Music] all right how we doing hello from Bulgaria the elite D awesome you should make it so that the seeker can't zoom out that is a great point we'll do that right now so camera max zoom distance will limit up to 20 studs got all players let's try that out I missed your other streams well if you did miss the other streams then don't worry you can watch this one but afterwards they're all saved on the channel let's be yeah so if you super trap you your name gets added to this GUI in the game so there's your name right there so anyone who do super chat will get their name in here and then if the game when we release the game then your name will be up there hello from Serbia Zox awesome so this seems to be working now let's add the playing value in here just a check what a super chat means super chat is a donation so if you click the dollar sign if you see it underneath the chat bar by the dollar sign you're able to send in a super chat awesome so it works but that's the first thing [Music] for those asking whether I'm going to open source the game I'm not sure yet [Music] okay we need this thing where the player will leave the game if they when they leave the game they get removed [Music] so let's just create an event that will do that for us so a game to play as a player at removing : connect function player if contestants if is contestant so we made that function earlier then yeah it's going to return true okay then we need to remove them from the table so we can just to kick out contestant on them actually this could be a problem because no that will work that will work awesome Durov gandhi the great says hi I'm from India how's it going grant Petri with the $5 super chat says been watching for about two years or so good stuff awesome thank you really appreciates that you enjoy the content so thank you very much grant hello from London blueberry North Macedonia arrow are you from England yes awesome you're always entertaining with this virus going around with the lockdown just to say thanks man no worries I'm glad you're enjoying them I'm certainly enjoying them hello from Greece you are the best ro ug oh thank you so much thank you so much parfaits awesome and how's it going iMix it's I'm doing very well today thank you did you add me to the credits from part three I'm pretty sure I did yeah let's have a look yeah I did there you are Gareth Roberts 5.5 pounds of super chap thank you very much Gareth whilst we're here I might as well add your name why come along Gareth great to have you here make something that says how many people are left we've already done that we've already done that and that's what we've we've just fixed actually we fixed that burg well we think we fixed it where where if you leave for game it still counts you as being still in the game okay so next thing well why don't we do a vote actually no we're not gonna do a vote because we I'm gonna choose what we're gonna do I think we should do the power system I think we should you the power system so the way this is gonna work is if you press a certain key then you're going to get walk speed for five seconds and then it's going to go away are you related to face to the max no no relation just friends but we don't even live in the same country can't close the spectator GUI okay that's a good that's a good bug that is actually if state equals false I gotta think about book we'll keep it noted we will keep it noted Gareth says one year two months and eight days of being a member that is awesome dedication thank you Gareth and also blueberry thank you for the Canadian dollar much appreciate it yeah maybe you can buy powers from the shop that's what I'm thinking I'm thinking of doing something like that hmm JJ look Brittany's about to hit here as well that's awesome if you do want to become a member and you get a nice yet green text you can see some people with green text by their names and the members badge you can become a member by clicking the join button by the subscribe button and you can choose lots of different perks perk levels so you can choose your membership type also you can send in a super Tran you send in this super chat then your message will be highlighted and the higher your donation then the longer it will be highlighted at the top of the stream chat that cool guy with money says my birthday is April the 4th awesome well happy birthday for April the 4th have a good one ok right we need to actually start working now I just want to know when let's let spectate them here also wash we just think about it let's change the spectate convert them both to text buttons and then we'll do that and forward will get a forward our mr. shadow it's your birthday on the 25th of April awesome [Music] poor screwed Alvin says Sunderer holic how you doing welcome along [Music] how am I gonna make this look a little bit better [Music] that's better [Music] [Music] [Music] okay all do is [Music] so I want to I want to test this out again because I think we need a better map to be honest I think we do need a better map [Music] [Music] [Music] and many hiding spots in here this is a decent map I'm gonna take this this is um this is this is a lot of risk map I remember this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] James Ellis thank you for the 10 Swedish Krona really appreciate that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay give me a second I've just had an idea I like how you changed the map awesome thank you tan yeah I've changed it quite a few times I'm like if the [Music] I'm gonna try that so everyone if you're watching I'd really appreciate it if you could like the video they see if we can get up to 250 likes I'd be awesome if we could do that so I've just created a quick little system that will check to see if you are acting and it should kick you you are let's imagine that we are drawn up speed hack [Music] [Music] [Music] I was going Kevin welcome welcome shelter Kevin for keeping everything all good in the in the chat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] let's try this once more then so imagine that you are trying to hack the game and you're trying to fly out the map [Music] you also need to make sure they don't destroy it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's YouTube music download the app today and get a trial of music premium on us restrictions apply [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the play gets flung oh they can't get flung because there's an T collisions right that's what I'm gonna do anyway [Music] I'm also gonna do is reduce the size of the hitbox [Music] [Music] [Music] and with bats turn it down 120 seconds [Music] will turn down the time to hide as well to the 35 and whilst we're at it we might as well do seeker seeker thought leader stats [Music] or given 30 cash but if now would you for [Music] [Music] what's the song called the song is called smile by vechs ento does he ever reach up yeah [Music] [Music] oh thank you for that Pro roblox and more for tell me about that [Music] [Music] I'm shutting down the servers [Music] [Music] [Music] excellent how did you make it so the games getting updated soft shutdown scripts are now just realize you can't get up ladders to do to to big make more scripting series I am I am after wha he got us he goes [Music] but I do like the spectate it's starting to get get good now partly there's only three people left so one two three yeah Oh exciting [Music] have you wanna block see I did last year not this year though unfortunately two people left so we got Noah over here seeker I'm going to tell you that one of them is behind the snack shack and the green snack shack the other one is behind a counter in a building I'm not sure what building they're in but they're in a building they're opposite the ash tree that yeah they're behind the snack shack the green snack shack so you've got 45 seconds to get them okay [Music] and then in the dodgy dinner diner he's behind a tree oh oh he's missed him he's missed him 20 seconds left do you think they're gonna do it you can dig my serve I've got a clout boy be watching from New Zealand white server max 15 because if there was too many people it would take ages to finish the round well they never found them contestants win and look at that Noah and Tien both got 5 cash oh it's starting to get interesting now you know go hide we're gonna go and hide then I think we should hide I I think it's only fair that I turn off my screen whilst I go and hide don't you think [Music] [Music] if you're in the same room as me please don't don't stay where I am go somewhere else okay I'm in position okay 12 people left so don't forget everybody that this has been a five-part livestream series all right on the channel and if you've been watching from the start you've probably learned quite a lot about how to make your own roblox games you haven't already subscribed then be sure to do so but on my right hand corner of the screen I'm trying to get two hundred and seventy thousand subscribers I'll tell you how many we're on currently in a minute but I don't think the seeker is going to get every one you're probably gonna get me he's gonna pass on it I'm gonna oh no no no no no no and he's gonna get me he's gonna get me he's gonna get me oh I got me all right we'll spectate moves back today I quite like this map no 170,000 sorry sorry 170 thousand subscribers let's have a look and see how many we are currently on we're on [Music] one hundred and sixty nine thousand eight hundred and seventy seven so were 133 away so if everyone make sure that you are subscribed then go ahead and do that and you are subscribed and you have done that then make sure that you click the like button and we'll see if we can get to three hundred likes because we've got two hundred and ninety two people watching which is brilliant but also 289 likes so if everybody could like that'd be so awesome why is the it guy here already whoops uh-oh accidentally kicked myself uh-oh we got altar in the game how's it going altar are you watching he's also watching stream come say hello altar I remember you either either either Dutch jailbreak streamer [Music] how's it going altar welcome my friend long time no see he still do roblox videos okay then alright so I'm thinking I'm thinking we begin the we begin the powers system what do you think also going to include I want to include the seeker so when we do add hitbox we'll just say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's a bull value is a true or false value but it really didn't matter what type of object I inserted there just did it as like a tag so as long as there's an object called seeker in there no problem wooden axe hope I'm glad that was actually a useful one what do you guys think I should do I should talk about next in like the next and like podcast the episode let me know [Music] [Music] I genuinely think that this could this game could actually be released so we're gonna kick things off and just make it Connor generic thumbnail here [Music] whoa I'm gonna load up the game again I'm gonna hide my screens I don't want you knowing what server I go into and then we will attach the thumb it's gonna hide the screen again to upload the thumb now [Music] [Music] okay just added the thumbnail [Music] the games for don't worry because you can still watch funny you can watch and watch just make it were only testing out the minute yeah so I'm thinking I'm thinking a little he got me I'm thinking a look at if you press a button then you'll get five seconds of speed and then it will wear off after five seconds but if you just want to quickly get away and you can use it once from the round how's it going you a nerd welcome welcome to the stream how you doing in fact okay you know do another message unit and hopefully the seeker yeah the Seekers not included [Music] the song is called cool by Toby yeah because clearly the seeker has a speed boost so [Music] obviously it's a little bit unbalanced so I'm just trying to plan out how this features gonna work I'm gonna get the notepad out I want to make sure I do this right so [Music] so if you want to join the game at the end we will do a 200 player server don't worry I'm just trying to plan out how this is going to work [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know anything about electronic programming Arduino etcetera not really how what I'll know Elstree pie every now and again a lot okay spectate doesn't work when you're in the round a ladder needs fixing no one can get up to it okay all right not down [Music] so yeah I'm trying I'm trying to think about this so you can have a power and when you press that button then the power will happen and you can only use it once in around got me again or a HD how's it going I'm going quite well thank you really the secret can spectate if they're on the round okay actually I don't think we are going to do that power system today I just want to literally knock out all of these bugs [Music] another book is that the players left GUI interferes with the leaderboard I [Music] need to check with this guy here okay wait what whoa so plant killer why is he being teleported and why he C why is he being released before everyone else that's a book we will need to look into this [Music] rocks colleague how'd you make it tutorial how to make psych you know I mean a more complex one than just stepping on the buttons on door thank you for the super chat first off and I like you to the GUI it's not currently on my list of things to do although I've considered doing it I am working on a new series and that's it's gonna be not a tycoon but it's gonna be a pretty good game but it's not something I'd rule out doing in the future [Music] I'm tea and thank you for the soup [Music] [Music] there's descripting sauce playlist show how to do a couple of things yeah I think when you have watched them you will understand a lot more how things work so for example you know the the little circles that you step on to make something appear to buy something that you need some like touched events you know what all the services do etc or you can put all your stuff so yeah definitely oh that way you can cook of everything of course but you'll come out with a lot more the ladder is broken in a sewer that's a really good book yeah when a pair is found it doesn't seem like the status updates at the top it does update it's just that it's really really quick so we'll say a better better kill status update [Music] Bobby has is going welcome and after all when you have any good session I wouldn't start switching a murderer game [Music] well I guess it's a little bit like this to be honest think about it hide-and-seek the seeking part is like killing someone you know power kappa the chat just goes so fast and I can't read all the comments I'm afraid [Music] don't forget to like the live stream if you're enjoying it guys really do appreciate the the support so we've got quite a lot of bugs here to fix so let's go in and fix some of them right now so first thing I'm going to fix is the thing where you can get kicked by going underneath the map so we'll just set fallen parts destroy Heights to negative 50 that should fix it will this game be released after the book slash errors are patched out yes so I plan to try and release it as a proper roblox game okay I'm not fixed let's see how high up the lobby is okay that'll be whiter so we set that to 250 I should be good to go [Music] it's awesome so that's the problem with the lobby fixed but we'll also add borders just as an extra bit of protection okay so Kevin I'm gonna answer your question live on stream I got your father to to type in a minute so what I meant was you insert a value in the player when they join and the values like something called own house and when they first buy a house sat not valued to be true when they tried to buy a house again check to see if that value is already true and if it is really true we know that they've already got a house but if it's not true let them buy the house but then immediately afterwards make it true because they now own a house but just always check to see if they have that value when you're buying a house and I should stop them from having more than one [Music] their bull value Kevin true or false okay so that is the lobby kicked thing fixed the next thing is going to be the players left [Music] frame and that should just be a simple little fix [Music] [Music] perfect that's that one fixed next thing that we need to fix is the ladder [Music] that's all right now we'll just do that [Music] this is the thing where you when you make a map bigger everything else that you don't want to be made bigger gets bigger Conover look at that [Music] how many monitors do you have I have three so two are landscape and then one is upright so port drain and the port rate one I split into two so I have discord at the top and discord on the bottom and chat on the top and then on my main monitor which is where robotics to do is right in front of me that's landscape and then the one to the left of that landscape as well and that's got OBS on one side and YouTube studio anyone don't forget to fix the sewer by sewer you mean the the the ladder right because I've just fixed that for we need to test it out [Music] do you like pasta I do actually but it's one of those things where if you have too much then it gets boring Oh of course [Music] [Music] what PC do you have oh my gosh what's that doing yeah whoops okay now that'll work that'll work it because it's because we haven't got the playing value so it thinks that were an exploiter all time working on the game right now a big game and I'll be honest I haven't been working late to the past week or so because I've been going all out on the videos but you guys because I know you guys are off I know you guys are you know finding it hard to stay busy so I thought I'll do as many videos as I can right now and also do as many videos as I can I can put in the in the bank so that when I I'm working on my game I can power a video at the same time so it's just been for focus this week on the YouTube channel right ladder has been completed what Smiley's named Alvin and school blocks how do you make it to UI draggable the GUI has a property called so they should have a property called draggable whoop can't find it here oh I think they deprecated it okay what I would do then is I would there's a module script I think it's not their forum or it's a model that it can put it's basically a module that makes it draggable yeah it's defecated I thought I thought so I remember reading about that [Music] okay right next book apparently the seeker comes back set can somebody confirm this for me so if you are the seeker are you able to spectate players when the match is going on this song is called simmers tides bios over oh Sh OVA and so yeah AMD 3900 X processor 12 core 24 threads 32 gigabytes of course redditor I think it's called no corsair ram the RGB stuff GT x 1080 gigabytes overclocks and the Xth 700 case ASUS ROG ROG x5 70 something like there is a board full specs on my website [Music] yeah AMD is back on top going down unless they get their back together and get those nanometers down [Music] are there cutscenes no so did anyone confirm that that was a true book that if you were the seeker then you would be able to spectate I know I mean in the book I believe the spectating does not work for people playing in the match but you kick the seeker out from the playing table meaning so the seeker comes back said I don't know let's find out we're going to be a little bit cheeky and we're gonna make Alvin box at the seeker every single time so you won't believe it Alvin box is gonna be chosen as the seeker every single time - and game dot players find first child up in blocks I don't think I've been the seeker yet today when you find everyone in the game you get kicked for long oh no yeah because the seeker they're gonna get kicked out as well to be an exploiter if knots or knots did you build the PC yourself yes last summer oh that's a good that's a good book as well Faby Thanks so if the seeker leaves the game what do you do that's a very good point that's very good point [Music] [Music] what are those red blocks floating over the map they came with the free model I'm gonna get rid of them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a new music streaming app made by YouTube it has a powerful search engine that finds songs with just a few lyrics yep even that song download the YouTube Music app today and gets all right let's have a look at how we are doing on the likes front play what I hate these adverts these adverts keep coming up and they're so annoying okay 376 likes I'm gonna like it let's see if we can get up to 300 and 400 likes even yeah let's see if we can do that and don't forget if you've missed the videos previous ones you can check them out episodes 1 all the way to 5 checking out on the channel and as well we've got the don't give up podcast episode 34 minutes and we get to see some of my old games and old projects as well so make sure you check it out after the stream all right get a free ad blocker well you know what I do I have quite a few ad blockers and they don't work and that's just annoying but where were we so if the seeker leaves then the outcome is seeker left or you break and all the contestants get money so that should be good to go so that's another one doing read CCTV cameras we've got to delete them [Music] seeker released with everyone else this is one that is confusing me a bit this this book so the seeker is being released for some reason is it because oh it might be because it could be because it could be because we don't delete the seeker [Music] don't know why [Music] the matter [Music] you're learning code with code prime eights book it's a good book go check it out so and around the remove remove hitbox ok remove hitbox if player find first child seeker then destroy so thought the secret to be getting teleported they must have a playing tag surely we let's let's find out [Music] place to start 10 so that's a 3 this is going to be an interesting test [Music] if this life it's 500 likes I will use discord like theme and studio light theme for a week so spike is back well you know I use it quite a lot I would use it for a week yeah all right three players needed to start and Albert of course I've lost in the game Z no no no I haven't put it in replay a test mode [Music] trickier oh we're probably gonna do a three-player toy not a three-player a global leader board vid okay we broke the game [Music] Oh [Music] then again I've done it again I need to make the seeker and the choose see [Music] oh I've done it again I've done it again I've opened it up and play solo I'm having a nightmare [Music] ouch lot we've gotta go thank you very much for coming on watching much appreciated and we've got 318 people so it's definitely got some new people in the stream if you are new here if he even haven't liked the video yet please do click the like button if you are enjoying it so far I am enjoying it so I have liked the vid so so should you what will we what what will be testing [Music] oh okay seeker playing here so player 2 has had their playing value removed I've got on my second monitor so so the seeker wins and player 1 ah right this is it this is interesting this because what's happened is from my testing is that the seeker somehow gets a playing value and the seeker value now I don't know whether it's the seeker value that gets destroyed or the playing value that was there in the first place where it shouldn't have been there so we're gonna try this again and the trials again and I think once we finish this book we're going to sign off for today but it's been a good stream very good stream I've enjoyed this one it's been a good one we are on let's have a look at the subscriber numbers we were on one six nine eight seven seven we are now on one six nine eight nine one so there we go we will be testing with 200 players yeah I just need to get this bug checks out [Music] so this is gonna be an interesting experiment because I want to know what happens there okay so here's what we're looking at so player one is the seeker and player one also has a playing value so they're given this playing value they should not have the polettis playing value okay they should not have that so what happens is when the seeker kills somebody okay player three over here on the server this playing value gets removed and it should get removed so that's good okay and same thing happens when they get the next guy and the next guy is going to be player two so if you look at player two's value on the far right in the middle and no it isn't hard OG Oscar use need to learn the basics right cool but look player one keeps that playing value okay they keep the playing value so now they have to and the problem arises when the it when the it next spawns what I think will happen is they will get killed but only one of these two plane values gets removed so the game still thinks that they're still playing even though they've been caught so what happens is the game will it will only end when the timer runs out and that seems to be causing our problem which we are now going to test the theory so player 3 nothing should happen with player 3 what should happen is that when I kill player 1 the playing value doesn't get well only one of them get destroyed so this is this is an interesting book yes as I thought so they've still got a playing value so so the playing value so the book is that the playing value so write this down the playing value of the seeker is not removed even though they shouldn't have it in the first place because they shouldn't be in that table of contestants so that's an interesting I'm going to screenshot like that's interesting will be useful so we'll just do a clean up here teh mean should go keep another content you know and it's not about subscribers it's about enjoying what you're doing so seeker gets chosen yeah and we call kick-out contestant on them now I think what's happening is when you go to kick out contestant it's alright I'm not sure what what's up here so it's booted contestant from the table [Music] [Music] I just realized we never made a kick out seeker function [Music] No if it is the seeker then we do that enough time so what we're doing is we're just debugging where the player even though the seeker doesn't for some reason they still gets given a playing value and they shouldn't be given that [Music] so I'm a little bit confused here I'm just doing a bit of debugging I want to know why [Music] The Seeker is being given a value here when they shouldn't be getting it it's YouTube music download in fact what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave it here because I've actually got to go at half past so we will pick this up next time in the next episode of making a hide and seek game live it's been a great one so thanks for coming along everyone I'm just going to add in the super chatters that I haven't added in yet to the Super chats GUI in the game so if you do want your name in this GUI then now's your chance because I'm gonna add everybody in right now so that's what I'm gonna do but we're gonna leave this book for now no doubt we will fix it so yeah 200 play game quickly yeah okay why not so guys I'm gonna put the link in the description of the stream is a link to the game so if you all want to go to that game you can join me it's a 200 player server you'll be able to get a screenshot with me or something whatever so I'm gonna just shut down all the servers there there we go and join it so whilst I just add everyone you can head in get a get a screenshot with me but make sure you've liked the stream the more streams we get the more sorry the more likes we get the more love that YouTube gives the the channel and gets more people in there in the stream but ya need to add these people to be super shatters list the app today and get a trial of music premium on us restrictions apply which is for the super chat you nerd much appreciated there you go okay that's everyone I don't think you also would have been added in time because the servers have just started up but we are breakout just for some reason I think it's because they're not loaded yet but either way yeah we will I'm gonna end the stream here if you do want to join summer long links in the stream scription I'll be in the game still after the stream 50 dev thank you for the super chat my friends it's gonna add you in here you have a place on the wall of super chatters all right thanks for the offer MSM RK biƱan but I'm all good thank you so thanks for coming along everyone oh dear the scripts broken okay so we're ending this stream with quite a lot of errors and I think there's also some roblox problems here but we allow ya will will will pick this up in the next episode and we'll see you next time so cheers for watching this album blocks signing off have a good night everybody and I'll see you in the next dream I'm not sure when the next dream will be it might not be tomorrow but it will certainly be they'll definitely be another one before the end of March I assume actually the end of March is tomorrow so hmm no I don't know sorry but see you next time make sure you follow my Twitter at Alvin blocks and you're subscribed and you're checking the community tab of the channel because that's where I post when a stream it's gonna happen so I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: AlvinBlox
Views: 17,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a roblox game, how to make a roblox game on laptop, how to make a game on roblox, how to make a game on roblox and get robux, how to make a game with roblox studio, roblox how to make a game, how to make an obby on roblox, how to make your first roblox game, how to script on roblox, how to use roblox studio, roblox coding tutorial, roblox lua, roblox obby tutorial, roblox scripting basics, roblox scripting tutorial, roblox studio, hide n seek, hide and seek, roblox
Id: 86W02lGQRP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 7sec (5167 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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