Blender 2.8 & Unity | An express Guide for making Game Assets

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blender 2.8 Peter came out and I will show you how you can model wake animate and import your character in unity and let's just start with the UI is a UI it looks some kind of familiar but there are some slight differences for example the views can't be split any more so easily so you have to go to the corner here to split the views or you can use a white mouse button and say split or join area and then you can split your joints of views so that's the first difference so the second one is panel on the white here the properties panel they are now on the left side instead of sort of top one but the buttons are basically the same if you want to switch the mode you can do it here it's object mode edit mode and so on if you want to change how its rendered so for example this is a wire renderers this is yeah solid renderer here it's textured also materials applied and here it's I guess it's some kind of render it exactly and so renderer changed now we have the Eevee renderer the workbench and the cycles render so cycles is for non real-time rendering for if you want to have a good picture a good movie the workbench renderer is I think for sculpting or something like that so you can't really apply textures and other things so you can model but you can't really use materials here and the Eevee renderer is a new real-time render one so you are missing the blender render up because it's gone now and you can't use it anymore for me as a unity developer that makes it a little bit more complex because I have to spend a little bit more time creating my material because I have to use this nodes but I can't export them and use it in unity so materials are not that important I get a preview but I have to rebuild them and unity anyway so we will use the Eevee renderer real-time because we are making games and therefore the real-time renderer is the right choice for us so you will notice if you press n the panel will pop up here and it's yeah not so big anymore so what will we will really miss is a background you can still set the cache location a location rotation and scale but the background isn't there anymore so how do we start if we can't use the background and we have a reference image very easy you go to add image and there you go background or a reference image if you want to okay I use a doc here it is okay I don't want like that I go press a1 you see the buttons are we always there at image reference doc there we go this is a talk and that's how we can use it if I press f12 to render it you will notice the reference image won't be render it so we have a lot of collections here with our one collection and we can create new collections and for example we can create a background collection and drag and drop the empty here it's pretty cool because then I can just disable it and I can have use or use it for multiple game objects ok a short introduction you will switch between two modes in general its object mode and edit mode the other ones are more advanced so as a beginner you always use those two in the object mode you choose the object you want to change for example the cube so there are three buttons you can G grab it are rotate it or as scale it in the new UI you can find it also on this left side so here you have the transform and you can move it rotate it and scale it so it's a little bit easier for beginners because you have all those buttons here and I will try to use the menus as often as I can because the shortcuts can be quite confusing in the beginning okay we start with a cube if you want to rotate the rotates of you just clicks a middle mouse button and rotate it if you do not have the cubes then go to add mesh cube and then you have it I'm will switch into edit mode you can also switch with the tab and select those three just hold shift down select all those four vertices and press delete and say delete vertices so we basically have plane and this is what I wanted so I can press a to select all my vertices or double a and then I have selected these vertices press one so I go to auto graphic view it's also possible up here so this is to switch between those parallel and autographic views and you can click on the axis you want to use you can also use a numpad 1 2 3 4 and so on you switch the fuse was 5 you switch between parallel and Auto graphic view and was 1 3 and 7 you go to every axis I just grabbed all the vertices and I can use scale as already mentioned grab and rotate to position my plane as I wish so for example here I think this is a good one and then I can select some of the vertices for example these two with shift and the next most important button after what eight scale and grep is an ex toot you can find it on mesh extrude for example exude edges and vertices but you have to remember the shortcut also it's e and you will use it very often so now we have rotate grab scale and extrude and this is all we need to just model the stock and you just click two vertices say X 2 and then you go for it just Gail rotate grab one a little bit more like this grab a few extrude scale and just follow the shape of the talk sometimes you have situations like this you have vertice here here here and here and you just mark over 4 and press f to make a face you can also use this menu vertex and new face these are other vertex operations very interesting as much vertice for example if i have 2 vertices like these 2 I can press M or alt em and say okay merge at center and then these two are merged and I can always go back another tool you could use as a knife you press K and then you can add new lines to your talk for example this one press ENTER to apply it and I will just use these lines because I think this will help me later on so now select all the vertices here all the vertices on the border and make sure that you do not select faces for example here I have some faces and in case of face I just add a cut for example this one and I deselect these vertices so now it looks better I go to the other view here's a side view and just press E and just move it to the middle so now we have a half talk we go back to the object mode and select a modifiers modifier we're adding is just a mirror modifier use the axis so that it looks like one talk for example this looks pretty okay now the talk is a little bit big I'll just select all these vertices and move them for example to here now I can also select all this vertices on the side and move them outside just a little bit so now it looks more like dock more or less maybe just just some vertices that have to move to the white position the next modifier we will use is a subdivision surface and as you can see your model is a little bit bigger and it's not so wound and if you use the subdivision surface modifier your complete model will look a little bit more smooth and this is what we can use right now we just have to divide this feets I guess so let's continue here we select the feed move it outside and there we go the dock has two feets now we can close up all the faces by selecting for 24 vertices and pressing F and then we're slowly making faces so so this is my dog right now and it has a quite high poly count you can see it down here vertices 917 we can add to decimate modifier to bring it down to just a few polygons for example like this and you actually have to do it if you gain one slow and you want a mobile device you have to really go low if you have a high-end PC or making high-end games you can leave it as is you want so I will go for maybe 320 police or 500 faces that's still quite a lot but then we can easily see what's going on so let's texture our model I will add a new view it's the UV editor and open up a texture so this is a texture I created from a photo it's not ideal but I will just show you a technique so we go to edit mode and the first thing that we have to do is mark all press you and say I'm Rev and here you can see it looks a little bit like our talk we can also try smart UV project and then vendor is trying to cut our UV so that we have the tights here but you noticed the doc is white so this is you and blender 2.8 we don't have the workbench renderer anymore so what we have to do is we first be go to the render mode fast now thanks to the renderer but unfortunately we have to create a complete material with graph and so on so we have our material here and we have to edit this by the shader editor don't be afraid it's not that complex we just get rid of the principal psdf and add diffuse psdf you can also find it here add shader and diffuse and we will add texture just image image texture put it here we select our talk and then we just connect the color here and the psdf to the surface and there we go we can see our model is now rendered correctly so if I scale it down you can really see the parts okay I give you the moment to really deep dive into it because you have to do it a lot so this PNG is not transparent if you want to do it with transparent PNG s your workflow will look like this you still have the image you will have the diffuse psdf but then it goes into a mix chatter and then into the material output and you have to add a transparent psdf and those two shaders go into the material output and the factor is the Alpha of the image so if you have drawn the line wrong like this one you can't delete it so or market you just have to draw a new line or just grab the line here and put it somewhere else there's no connector so if you have problems reaching this rendered button here you can just hover the menu bar and scroll and say go now I want to mark some seams these are the cutting edges of the UV for example I would like to have one so one went ahead one here at the front and one on the tail i press e sorry just do this ctrl e and say mark seemed like everything say on the web and there we go just whack it somewhere whereas only fir and now I want to do something different with ahead and just select all the vertices of the head and I switch from perspective to autographic and just look in the same angle as a duck is doing here in the picture into my editor camera and what I then do is I press you and not unwrap I choose project from view and then it has exactly the same view as humans editor and then it's easier for me to just place it on the white angle here so there we go and you can see it's actually easier for me to just put it white so I think this looks ok there we go this is my dog and now we have to week the dogs therefore we add amateur when with the thing about make sure it's in the right collection and there we have it just make sure the location is zero zero zero and then we can go into the edit mode and I like to lay this bone down here here you can see it this is a bone I call it's a wood bone and there we go and now we can add some bones to it for example with shift d we can duplicate the bone and one thing you should make is it's an x-ray setting and it's down here this is an amateur setting and a display you can't find x-ray anymore because it's now in front and it's a better name I guess so yeah is they call that x-ray in the past and now it's in the front so we select our bone this is our backbone maybe we call this backbone or back and we should parent this to the wood bone so we select this bone the other one press ctrl P and say make parent keep offset and then we see is a back bone is under the wolf bone and then we can no sorry just create some more bones maybe one bone for the head and one bone for each ear let's create tail so I'm always using a 2x2 so instead of extruding it really creates a new bone just press a numpad so that you can always see where the bones are going for example here this is 2 and these 2 for the legs we just have to bring them down here yeah down to the knees for the shoulder it's a little bit different if you grab the bone here and move it they are connected you can parent them with control piece so you can unparent them with alt P and say clear parent be selective complete bone P clear parent there we go and the other one clear parent and now we should able to yes move them individually there we go you see them as a hierarchy here now we can bring them back to this parent by ctrl P and keep offset and then the offset stays the same we should do this for these two as well P keep offset so you can see this connected lines and the only line that should point to the root node is a line father's back and now we can continue by creating these last two bones for the white and the left hand here we can also improve the bone structure so this is a very basic bone structure maybe I will add one here the next thing is just me name them sar for example this is a leg on the white side or the upper leg and so on the lower leg and just continue there we go now we have an amateur and we have a cube I causes cube to dock mesh they are not connected right now so when you select amateur you notice this in new mode it's object mode it just can move everything or the edit mode you just move one bone and the post mode where you some kind of move the bone but it's a little bit different you can't really rotate you can grab it yes and you can scale it yes but the rotation is very weird it seems that like they are connected yes and this is what it should be just with that Sam I reset them you can also rotate everything then select everything press alt G and alt are to reset everything so because the edit mode is a default pose some kind of a tee pose and in the post mode you can have every post and you can reset it this is for the animation so now we have to connect our top mesh and amatuer therefore we have to just take our top mesh and pop it into the amateur by parenting it and we do it the same way as we also so parent our points we just select talk first and then we select the amateur make sure you're an object mode otherwise it won't work ctrl P and then you can parent this um now we you have to choose so I would recommend you to just create with empty groups always automatic weights so I will use automatic weights and then blender also calculates everything we need for the weights of the bones Owen this is pretty new normally your doc should be under the amateur now there's only a connection I guess with a modifier yes so we just have a modifier here and I have to select the doc in the object mode object mode dark modifier there we go we have a mature modifier and this is our amateur the doc doesn't have to be the parent or the amateur doesn't have to be the parent of the talk anymore now in the post mode of cemetery we can move the bones you will notice that it's somehow strange if I move one leg for example and this is because we didn't apply one of our modifiers so it's just mirrored as before so we select the doc and apply our mobile modifier here the minimal modifier disappears and if we you know go to the edit mode we see we can edit both sides separately so this one is applied and I just repeat its a parenting off the dog and now I can go to the post mode and move the feeds individually okay now we go ahead and add some inverse kinematics so we maybe copy the wood bone rotate them here and these are some parts we will come to that a little bit later just makes these bones here duplicate them here so that they point to the knee make sure the knees are bent this way and that they all are under the wood bone and I named them knee want left next up in the edit mode select all the feets say alt p and clear the parent now they are not in the hierarchy anymore and we will we add them by selecting the wood bone and say control P keep offset so now every pound that is relevant for the inverse kinematics is now connected here and we can go to the post mode and add some constraints so I select this one and say add bone constraint inverse kinematic the target is amateur and the hand white sauce this bone here is a target and the pole is the knee the font white it looks weird now but we have to increase the chain length to 2 and now it looks better I can select this bone and move it and everything moves accordingly so if it still looks off you have to adjust the pole angle for me in this case 180 is the white pole looks great let's repeat it at bone constraint inverse kinematics as a target I choose amateur poor target as well now we have the left hand so I say hand left and need wand left situations - oh sorry the chain links - - and I'll check it it looks quite nice so with an e we can set where are the knees and - is that everything and pulse mode alt G out are and everything is okay so let's do it with the last two and then we are done waiting ok now we want to animate our talk for create a new view and we select top sheet and in the dope sheet we go to the action editor create a new action causes action rest now we have to choose every bone that we want to animate I choose all we have to choose our key chain and this is here keys key set as location and rotation we want to record rotation application make sure to have a time line here Chris is key and then you go with the mouse in your scene here press I and then you have everything in it is rest mode so with the right mouse button you can select for example skip to 3:20 press I and then you have your animation white the only thing that you should set is end and this 220 and there we go this is our rest animation let's do a more advanced one where we create a new one by pressing this button we call this walk we just delete the keyframes here and then we create our walk animation it should be fifty frames long and this is our first frame we just say okay this is our first frame here I'll make sure that everything looks right now if you want to automatically record your changes press this button here and then you can start editing without having any problems so that's it for the animation it doesn't look quite right but it's just for the sake of showing you how to do it the last thing is export just go to file export FBX make sure that you select the dock and the amateur and then just make sure to have the mesh and the amateur selected here and then you can export it as an FBX file in you need self recreate the texture and the material third set so the material gets albedo and we import this walk and West animation make sure to have such an airy quick do not import the materials I would recommend you to recreate them and if the settings sar you can't drag and drops the dock into your scene just apply the material and there you go you have a bunch of talks from blender 2.8 to unity so if you want to see more please leave a like and subscribe see you next time
Channel: DitzelGames
Views: 114,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.8 unity 2018.3, blender 2.8 unity, blender to unity, blender model in unity, blender animation in unity, blender eevee unity, blender eevee texturing, blender eevee tutorial, blender unity guide, blender unity tutorial, blender 2.8 unity 2019.1 tutorial, how to model in blender, game object blender unity, unity 2018.3 prefab, blender fbx unity, blender texture unity, blender modelling unity, blender unity materials, animal rigging blender
Id: era0ZjWVIxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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