Making a Game in 4 DAYS!

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so last week was the community game jam a huge game dev competition hosted by us and a bunch of cool other guys the idea is simple you get one week to make a game from scratch and we got a staggering 1100 entries which is just absolutely insane of course also participated myself so here's how I made a game in one week but first this video is sponsored by eek read music when making a game mechanics and graphics are essential but just as important is audio yet music is an AI based music creation service that lets you tailor music for exactly the mood and style you're going for in a matter of seconds start with a scene mood and genre or a combination of these and with a symbol click on the create button the AI will put together a unique music track for you with a solid base already you now have the possibility to structure a track and even change out instruments which makes customization extremely easy with a simple license you can download unlimited Browdy free music that you make with the tool which means you are free to use and publish it in any game you might be working on so get started making customized music by simply clicking the link in the description and if you use the code practice you will receive your first month for free now the theme for the jam was the game is a liar which immediately reminded me of an old browser game called siphon action or a cat Mario it's known for its incredibly frustrating levels because it tricks the player by having seemingly harmless objects killed without warning this is always kind of intrigued me because there's something really fun in a game being so totally unpredictable so after some quick brainstorming I booted up unity and started by setting up some cymbal player movement and creating a level with two platforms where the first one is a normal platformer and the second one simply lets the player fall through now this was fun however I quickly realized that while the unknown is interesting it would probably be best to give the player some way of discovering some of these hidden traps without dying every single time so to achieve this I implemented lie detection classes that the player could control with his mouse and used to reveal the true nature of the game at the time I wasn't totally sure the best way to go about creating this mechanic I played around with the new lightweight custom render passes but after a while I ended up creating a custom shader which I was actually pretty pleased with of course I later found out that unity already has a built-in feature for this called sprite masks which I could have just used and saved ours but that doesn't really bother me it's all part of the learning process now with this mechanic in place it was time for some graphics I wanted to pay tribute to cat mario by keeping the graphics incredibly simple and of course mario like I used the tile map system for the environment and set up a quick example see also created the first draft of the main character who I decided to name detective truth now I really wanted the player to feel like he could see behind the scenes of the game so to really help sell the effect I made the lie detection glasses cut a hole in the background and placed a grid pattern similar to what you see in Photoshop when there's nothing on top this was a genius idea that I cannot take credit for it was a good friend of mine that came up with it and in fact I haven't mentioned this but we completely packed the office with friends during the jam who all wanted to participate two of whom made their first games I cannot recommend this enough not only is this great for bouncing ideas of each other and helping out with technical stuff it's also just a huge amount of fun to get together with other people who share a common interest so getting back to development i implemented collectable coins as was a panning camera that would kill the player when he couldn't keep up I feel this really added a sense of urgency to the game and forced the player to think on his feet and that was pretty much the end of day 1 for day 2 I started by creating a list of everything that would like to add to the game I then created a power bar that would limit the use of the lie detection classes if it got all the way to the bottom the glasses would overheat and you would have to wait for them to cool down I also edit a deathcounter and then it was time to do some level design luckily because I'd set everything up to use the Tom AB system this was a simple as drawing in the blocks that I'd like and choosing whether or not they should be real invisible or visible but not really they're also did a lot of work to make the shaders display which blocks did inside the editor so that I wouldn't end up confusing myself more than necessary I then added some deadly spikes and a blueprint effect that would appear when searching over objects that aren't really there I created fake coins that would reveal themselves to be spiky balls and spiky balls that were really coins that you could pick up I created fake platforms fake spikes and even fake ground that the player could fall through in fact at one point in the level the player had to walk through a bunch of fake ground in order to continue which was pretty confusing and then I had a fairly long level and wrapped up the day by creating a coin counter and with a bit of play testing the next day I jumped right into graphics and added a death animation as well as an in screen we thought it would be funny to have the player win if he cut to the bottom of the truth as in literally have an arrow point to the bottom of the truth yeah we were running on a questionable amount of sleep and then animated the player character and had the idea to have him turn into a skeleton when searched the effect ended up being pretty unnoticeable and probably not worth the time but I personally kind of liked it and by now it was time to add some audio this is something that I've skipped for some of my recent game jams because of time restrictions but this time I felt that I was pretty well on schedule so it jumped right into bus Casilla this program and drop a quick theme not the most advanced thing in the world but it would do I created a list of sounds and proceeded to run around the studio and search for things that I could smash together to create cool and interesting audio files you can really get a long way with household objects your voice pitch shift and a bit of EQ when of course it's a good idea to make sure no one is around since your sound really really stupid while doing it in fact we all scrambled to different parts of the studio to get a bit of privacy with the microphone finally I loaded all the sounds into unity and set up a quick audio manager to play them when triggered and I actually think they turned out all right now day four was submission day for me and when playing through the game I couldn't help but feel that it lacked something it was just a bit too static so to fix this I created cannons that would fire bullets that the player had to avoid a thing this definitely added a new dimension to the level which I'm really glad I got to include plus it led to my favorite moment in the game which is when the player has to figure out that one of the cannons shoots fake bullets that are in fact platforms the player must use to complete the final jump I love this because not only does it turn the normal idea of a bullet on its head it also forces the player to do a skill jump that I personally thought was pretty fun and with that it was time to submit the game I had some of the others do a quick playthrough to make sure everything was okay before exporting and finally hitting the publish button I think it's safe to say that I was pretty happy and all the others managed to complete their games in time as well I'll of course have a link to all of them in case you want to check them out and while you're at it make sure to check out and review all the other amazing entries we're planning to do a separate video on all the jam games so get ready to see some awesome games if you like this video make sure to subscribe and ring that notification bell so you don't miss the next one also don't forget to check out eeek read music to easily get started creating your own music simply click the link in the description and get one month free using the code brackets and that thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video thanks to all of the awesome patreon supporters who donated in August and especially thanks to infinity PPR Dennis Sullivan lost to violence locked forever Chris face Tamara Phi Luna said David Lipka Ronan Daniel to Sonic Jacob Sanford Noah Kubasaki cracker appears terasu Nika the mighty Zeus Alison the piers and Erasmus you guys Rock
Channel: Brackeys
Views: 720,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brackeys, unity, unity3d, material, materials, easy, tip, game, development, develop, games, programming, coding, basic, basics, C#, gamejam, jam, liar, community, devvlog, detective, truth, sprite, masks, itch, cgj, 2019, making of, making, bts, behind the scenes, shader, devlog, pixel art, cat mario, mario, 4 days, speed art
Id: Nra03de_rPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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