Community Game Jam 2019 - BEST GAMES!

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a few weeks ago we held the first Community Game Jam a game development marathon where you get one week to make a game from scratch and we were so overwhelmed with how many people participated in the Jam 6,800 people joined and we got more than 1100 submissions which makes it the second biggest Jam every to be hosted on itch so before we start going through the amazing entries I just want to say a huge thanks to everyone who participated in the Jam and helped make it a success over the past few days we've been playing a bunch of submissions and picked out some that we would like to show in this video so without further ado let's have a look at some of my favorite games from the community game jam in no particular order but first this video is sponsored by ludecke ludecke are the credits of the well known visual scripting solution bolt and they've just launched a completely new Unity workflow tool called peak peak comes with a bunch of features like toolbars that will let you inspect game objects components and materials outside the inspector and a crater which quickly lets you create new game objects directly in your scene you piec makes especially level design a lot easier it speeds up your process and ensures a clean editor through a focused workflow overall it will make your game to have life a lot easier and it just feels like a natural part of unity so if you're interested in improving your unity workflow I definitely recommend you check it out to get started simply click the link in the description so the theme for the jam was the game is a liar and I think it's amazing how many different games you guys manage to come up with around this theme take for example the incredibly fun and equally frustrating game the tutorial in this game the player must complete a punch of tutorial levels without exactly being sure of which parts of the instructions to trust and which not to this leads to some really fun and surprising events and definitely forced me to overcome my desire to push large and shiny buttons at least on the second attempt it's also really hard which makes the lack of checkpoints pretty brutal [Music] this game definitely reminded me of my own entry detective truth in that it pretends to be a normal puzzle platformer but then surprises the player by having seemingly harmless gameplay elements killed without warning in fact I think this was a fairly common interpretation of the theme take for example games don't lie when the creator of this game tells you that this game doesn't lie that is definitely a lie in itself being probably one of the most frustrating games I've played for this gem I now understand why people in the comment section talked about rage craving it's definitely also a game that puts your memory to work as you have to remember the right path where there are spikes laid out what's really there and what isn't it's also a really well paced game because it adds slower storytelling parts in between every chapter since the story itself is fun this has sort of a calming effect that makes you cool down before inevitably getting very mad again and talking about story a game that I really like is a normal dungeon in this game you set out as a knight in shining armor to slay the horrible Beast that dwells within the deep dark dungeon on the way you meet an old man that tells you that many knights have attempted this before you and none have returned the graphics and level design both work really well however the best thing is definitely the ending see after having fought through this dungeon and of course died a bunch of times you come upon the beasts lair here corpses of Knights are strewn about and standing over them is dumb dumb dumb and not a knight so you condemned him as a monster and fight him however as soon as you managed to kill him another Knight comes along sees you standing on top of this pile of corpses condemns you as a monster and kills you great and effective writing and a nice way to wrap up the story and staying in the realm of dungeons dungeons and deception is a wonderfully different take on the theme it's a psychological card game where you use cards such as insult that damages the enemy or keep it inside that fortifies yourself in order to fight your way through a dungeon the cool thing is that you need to think about how you combine these cards with like hearts to make the most of them the only problem is that lies damage both you and the enemy so you have to be careful when to lie and when not to plus they're just a lot of cool cards that can be uncovered as you progress such as let it all out that damages enemies based on how much you've used keep it inside and spread that makes copies of a lie I personally really enjoyed this one and it had me go oh cool every time I discovered a new card now one of the most innovative games that I played was key defense this is a tower defense game but not in the usual way instead of placing towers the player has to create a path for the enemies to travel to make sure that the towers in that level can reach and kill them before they get to the end [Music] combine this with the genius idea of using a keyboard as the grid for the levels and you have a really unique experience plus I think it was surprisingly satisfying to sculpt paths by clicking the right sequence of buttons on the keyboard of course my keyboard is based on the Danish alphabet so there was a bit of guesswork involved to figure out which Keys map to what in the game of course I later figured out that you could just use the mouse [Music] oh well also the best pan award for the first Community Game Jam goes to liar because never trust a small harp they often turn out to be liars gets me every time in fact I think something a lot of the games did really well was the use of humor most of the time it was the incredibly cheeky and frustrating type of humor such as when I sat down to play a track of Lies I was really getting ready to race and I even picked out a car just to find out that it was all made up and it was another platformer game and yes yet another frustrating one another game that had me laughing was fun fair unfair fun fun fair unforce it was a must play as puns are pretty popular here amongst the brackish team in this management game you have to build fair stands that you can choose to rig in order to scam your park visitors for more money this however makes the customers mad and you have to constantly get rid of complaining customers by either using the baseball bat or by hiring a bouncer the best part of this game is definitely the wonderful ways that you can rig your games by for example replacing the tip of the arrows at the balloon stand with suction cups and as you can see I ended up spending probably a bit too much time on this one next up we have round o Emporium a game where you play is a new store owner that has to deliver the right products to customers but you're deceitful robot pal Roboto keeps giving you wrong instructions see Roberto believes machines should run the shovel own and so he's constantly trying to sabotage you this makes for a really fun game where you always have to fetch a product that has none of the characteristics described by Roberto its symbol stressful and the graphics are really cute of all it's just a game that doesn't try to do too much and because of that it excels at being what it is now one game that I just can't wait to talk about is click head this game completely blew me away at first you're presented with a menu as you try clicking the buttons however they break and a text box appears at this point you realize that the menu has totally different plans with you it starts talking about how you were probably expecting a game here but there is none and for a moment you think well I guess this is it however the menu gets bored and decides to spawn in a player and this is when things start to take off because the menu finds out that the game is parked the player can move outside the menu screen and what follows is an amazingly original and well thought-out platformer that takes place inside a virus infested menu the player must use the different menu buttons to complete puzzles and also has to use the mouse as part of the platforming in fact you come upon buttons that are so bucked out that the mouse cannot travel through them which makes for some really interesting gameplay all in all I cannot say enough good things about click head including the wonderful ending and talking about crazy menus another game that embraces the totally chaotic is all his cares in love and war [Music] this game is complete madness from the very beginning having the very menu itself be a challenge to get through after getting into the game you are then presented with four different fast choices none of which are what they seem the game also has a shop where you can purchase items of course you can trust anything from price to stat bonuses so you have to play several times to figure out what works and what doesn't of all a really fun experience and last but certainly not least I have to mention wreck YZ it's not only a weird experience to play as a cyborg version of yourself it's also an incredibly fun fast-paced shooter and also do I look like a super villain to you guys cuz I'm kind of noticing a trend is it a vibe that I'm giving off more weird and that's pretty much all the games we have time to cover in this video of course there's so many amazing games that we haven't talked about so I definitely encourage you to go play them yourself this of course I think to all of them in the description finally I would just like to thank aqua XV black dawn prot coat mist Dani Jibril's job site COO Gillian and the Dutch magic card for organizing this amazing event and thanks to all the participants for making it awesome also don't forget to check out peek and make your game dev life a lot easier and more fun simply click the link in description to get started on that thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video thanks to all of the awesome patreon supporters who donated in August and especial thanks to infinity PPR Dennis Sullivan lost to violence love forever Chris face Samara Phi Luna set David Lipka Ronan Daniel - Sonic Jacob Sanford Noah Kubasaki Coco appears terasu Nika the mighty Zeus Alison the fields and Erasmus you guys Rock
Channel: Brackeys
Views: 562,670
Rating: 4.9570026 out of 5
Keywords: brackeys, unity, unity3d, learn, game, development, develop, games, programming, coding, C#, jam, community, liar, lies, lyre, favorite, best, top, featured, cgj, 2019, clickhead, wreckeys, last code, all is chaos, shadows inside, gamejam, gameplay, the game is a liar
Id: 4ca3V_OEO80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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