Making 200 Earths Orbit the Sun Destroyed Gravity - Universe Sandbox 2

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alright so we're checking out the only game where you can have head-on collisions with galaxies it's universe sandbox - I don't even know why I'm hanging around with Venus no one really likes Venus and they're not the star of the show today today we're actually going to be using Venus's more attractive and college-educated brother the earth universe sandbox 2 is one of those games where either the game will eventually break or gravity will break if you do enough of something and so today I want to see how many earths the Sun can possibly support until either the game is completely unplayable or the gravity of all the Earth's ends up screwing with each other and then the entire galaxy probably ends up dying all right so here's earth home a Florida man and a bunch of other people that aren't in the news as much now in the beginning I think I'm gonna go ahead and put these Earth's far enough apart so that you know they're not immediately destroying one another because I'm hoping for at least 100 Earth's oh this is awesome it's like a conveyor belt of earths this is very easy to do okay so so far we have 50 Earth's and you know what everything still works I don't think anyone's killed each other yet we even have a little bit of orbit left to use I don't actually know how these two earths got in line with one another I feel like because you know whatever I have like a little bit of a twitch or something like that if I click that a bunch of the earths are completely off aligned with one another so it's it's almost like the NASCAR of the solar system and the inside lane the DuPont Earth takes the lead all of the Earth's are pretty much ok though you've got like 16 degrees Celsius like a 15 degrees Celsius over here so they're all basically the same temperature everyone's still alive and Florida man can continue to kill his imaginary friend and then turn himself in to the police alright since we have such a good margin of error right now we can go ahead and go with 100 Earth's now things are getting a little bit closer oh crap okay so we have some problems right at about 66 Earth's we've already had our first to smash into one another but you know gravity is a good thing so maybe they'll be alright come on Earth's you can save yourself alright you're probably beyond saving but maybe the second one will be alright Hey look reintegrating back with society incredible ok we're at 100 Earth's right now now a few of the Earth's have kind of you know gone off and done their own thing at this point but the rest of them are moving mostly in harmony man a little distance will really screw you up it is fifty six point nine degrees Celsius on this earth and right over here it's sixteen point two whereas over here at 70.3 I feel like oh because its orbit passes by the Sun so close it retains all of its he hey how you guys feeling on the 70 degrees Celsius earth we're just doing some mud and gray fantastic on a sad note the polar ice caps have indeed finally melted whereas on this earth the polar ice caps are starting to engulf most of North America Canada is just one complete ice chunk right now I know someone the comments section is gonna be like that's how Canada really looks I think the UK and Germany and stuff is also accepting a lot of snow and ice right now this is actually one of our coldest Earth's over here it's only two degrees Celsius I like how on this earth it is all snow all the time except for Australia so now I'm gonna see if I can squeeze a hundred and fifty Earth's in here okay we've got a hundred and fifty Earth's now a few of them have decided to take a hike the rest of them know we're doing okay if you go into the chart mode it'll show you everything that's in the solar system [Laughter] on the plus side it's kind of cool to see how different earths are iced over in different places and how some of them are totally okay negative two degrees Celsius Earth's so that's the Russian earth 15 16 16 27 that kind of blows 57 negative 3 5 7 and right next to that Venus which no one still no one loves you I'm actually letting time go here for a little bit just to see if the Earth's all behaved okay I'm really surprised fps is trash but for the most part all of the Earth's are still in line with one another clearly this means there isn't enough Earth's 200 Earth's and the solar system is still mostly working the only issue is if I put any more Earth's in the game becomes completely unplayable so here's what we're gonna do I'm going to put a small black hole kind of on the outskirts of all of the orbits here just to see if any earths can survive the passer-by black hole okay the black hole is really pissing the orbit off oh that's amazing hold on there is just a ton of Earth's ricocheting off the black hole I've made it so what the black hole does it move so it's just like a it's the police officer of the galaxy essentially it's telling all of the Earth's to make a u-turn I'd like to see though if anyone can get past this or if the black hole is going to become the new orbital position for the galaxy a lot of Earth's are kind of just getting slingshot it away go ahead and speed up time a little bit here some of the Earth's are kind of looking like they may end up flying into the Sun [Laughter] [Music] there's so many trails but when you turn the trails off it just looks like a bunch of bees angrily flying around the high okay the black hole did its thing I'm gonna get rid of it and see if any of the Earth's can stabilize and remain inside of the habitable zone the year is 2032 after the culling a huge amount of Earth's just went off into space so these ones are all completely gone uh but we do have multiples that are still within the solar system 113 degrees Celsius it's a little hot even if you're from Florida negative 43 that's probably a little cold even if you're in Canada this is interesting this earth ended up getting its orbit reversed so it orbits this way around the Sun now this is interesting we've got a couple of Earth's that are coming in from outside of the the solar system now trying to rejoin yeah see the screw you earth is nice half of the time and then as it gets to this point of the orbit it goes up to 54 degrees Celsius and then as it goes out of the orbit it goes down to about 35 degrees Celsius okay I've got another idea of something I want to do here and it should work a lot better than like slowing everything down to fps I'm gonna put a ton of Earth's in the sun's orbit again but I'm going to have all the Earth's also within each other's orbit if that's me if that makes a sense I'll show you all right so we got the Sun habitable zone at our first Earth okay now that the first Earth is within the orbit we're gonna go down here and we're gonna add Earth's to the orbit of this earth it's gonna be wild because all the gravity is going to be pulling on each other look how close they are to each others actually you know what we can do further than this we can have Earth's orbiting the earth that are orbiting the Earth oh yeah I want to get at least a hundred of these we've got 100 Earth it's just earth ception over and over and over again okay I'm gonna follow the middle earth like the token earth just the earth that happens to be in the middle they're all on the same plane too which is awesome okay here we go now they're all within the orbit of the Sun which should cause some horrible things to happen now this is some freeway stuff right over here we already have our first hit one of the Earth's has already collided into another earth almost immediately that actually happen a lot faster than I thought it would we're moving at only hours a second right now so the speed at which they are colliding I think we're about to have another collision right here yep oh Jesus there's so many earth you know like when you're broken down on the highway and all the traffic is coming towards you imagine if all the traffic was frigging planets half of them are molten and on fire 600 degrees Celsius all the Earth's in the back of the pack are doing okay it was the ones that are closest to the middle that got screwed up really bad and then once they start to get fairly close to one another just a distance from one another caused them to heat up there's so many that are just spraying it's like little road flares they lets everyone know to go around the accident earth number one looking to pass earth number two on the outside and it gets PI this earth over here is also spraying its dust all over these other two Earth's this earth all we here at the front should do okay for a while there's still just a ton of fire and fragmentation going on over here and now I'm kind of curious which earth will survive this one got hit like twice or three times oh never mind I thought that earth was going to do a lot better but now it's absorbing all these different particles go ahead and speed things up here a little bit just to see what happens it looks like we have an earth going the opposite direction I I don't know where it did a u-turn oh yeah starting them all from the same orbit was much better it keeps all the Earth's much much closer I'm curious if most of them are done crashing or if we're gonna have more that will you know spontaneously explode as they come within a few feet of one another so this is kind of interesting the I don't know if it's maybe like the weight or the gravity of all of the Earth's but they're pulling the Sun yeah after a few crashes all these Earth's are totally living in harmony right now okay I'm I'm mostly just curious if I'd like maybe get a second Sun I don't think I don't think they're gonna orbit one another I have a feeling we're just gonna crash into one another but hey I mean you never know this could work out okay a lot of the Earth's are being shot out from the Suns it's not good it's not good it's a lot of people dying right now well I probably all died from the winter the negative 79 degrees or negative 79 degrees Celsius winter that they constantly had all right the two suns are doing okay I think that they have found a type of homeostasis which is good now the Earth's should eventually kind of settle into an orbit here all right went ahead and uh that a couple of years go by just to see if anyone's left alive the answer is not really life sucks a lot it's negative 116 degrees Celsius is the closest Earth this is all right maybe I can maybe I can we can get some Earth's to live here hold on should be fine but a few over here you over here actually let's just put a crap-ton of them down all right can I get one survivor out of all this the answer is no there's still some Earth's that are kind of lingering around but it's so cold that it'll turn your balls to Icicle it's all right let me see who can survive the figure eight solar system we've got a really good-looking earth over here it kind of passes never mind that was my that was my go to earth and then it got slingshotted out of the solar system all right this earth is my new best earth I think this one's gonna make it look it's doing it okay right now there is only one earth left it's this one and I don't know if it's gonna be able to survive this cuz it is nope right into the Sun why are the chosen one I had to take the trash out of the solar system there I'm hoping I can get a couple of earths that can do full figure Eight's and survive how about you your might how you doing okay not not too bad problem is the big rain starts to get a little wide and when it starts getting wide like that it starts getting closer and closer to the Sun yep that'll get you killed all right let's start farther away like this about like right in the middle and a little bit further than the minute okay one of the Earth's just at the Sun and broke into a billion pieces right on the edge like this this was lasted for 67 years no it's getting closer and closer to the Sun come on you can do it more Earth more one of these has to work I'm just gonna try all the areas I can it worked I got two Earth's that are doing figure eights perfectly it's been going on for 300 years and they're still alive this earth is 12 degrees Celsius this one's negative 36 well the question was how many earths can the solar system support in universe sandbox to about 200 cuz after that point you can't even play the game anymore and hey we even got some figure eight earth and they're doing pretty good hey folks looking to us absolute universe sandbox to Florida man thank you - until the next time stay foxy too much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,569,677
Rating: 4.9077511 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, best vr games, gray still plays, graystillplays vr, gaming, video game, video games, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 workshop, universe sandbox 2 update, causing the apocalypse, ways the world could end, greystillplays, supernova, universe sandbox 2, and this happened, increase gravity, 200 earths, multiple earths
Id: YuwT126X7MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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