STOCK BOX Doll Customizing: Guinevere the Rainbow Unicorn

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[Music] welcome to delightful unicorn won the vote for our next stock box doll and i'm so excited about that it's really unbelievable that we've made it this far into the channel's life without making a unicorn doll discounting the unicornos i guess so because this is the channel's first unicorn i want to lean into the cliches i'm thinking white horse long flowy mane sparkly accents and of course rainbows everywhere let's get into it the stockbox series dolls are pulled right out of the box and thrown onto the work table it's a creative exercise of sorts to see if we can make a good looking character without planning ahead first what do you say we use this monster high frankie stein doll she's one of the cheaper versions with less articulation unfortunately but the way i see it if i don't force myself to use these cheaper dolls now they'll continue to sit in the box forever let's see what we can do about this limb situation into the dust box she goes yeah long time viewers of the channel know where this is going first i pop off her head by soaking it in hot water then it's time for some plastic surgery [Music] the legs are sawed off mid shin drilled through the center and i use the dremel tool to carve out recesses leading from the holes to the edges the arms could only rotate up and down before so let's transform them into more flexible shoulder joints this is the same method i used with my sakura doll drill a hole front and center then create a slit down the inner side of the ball it should look like this and i apologize for the poor lighting it's hard to film things inside a plexiglas box i cut the arms at the elbow too making this puzzle-like shape round the sharp corners of the square shape so that the elbow can bend i then prepare six popsicle sticks by drilling holes through the end and sawing them down to size i drill smaller holes into each one of these pieces too okay those are all the pieces we need let's head to the work table because it gets really toasty in that box believe it or not if this is your first time watching delightful fear not i promise all this doll body trauma is for a good reason let's put her back together for the best accuracy use a handheld drill to create a tunnel across the interlocking elbow pieces use a drill bit as close to the same size as the wire you intend on using if you have to choose make the hole smaller a tight fit means the arm will hold a pose better cut the wire down to size and insert the peg tada doll elbow next make an s-shaped hook out of a sturdy wire i'm using a paper clip actually slip the s-hook into the shoulder crevice and feed another peg through the hole at the same time seal the peg with some glue repeat this for the other arm of course taking a small rubber band or hair elastic catch the hook at the shoulder you may have to loop the band around twice or even three times to get the right amount of tension inside the body make a temporary paper clip tool like this go through the shoulders catch the rubber band and pull it across the opposite shoulder feed the other s-hook through the rubber band it helps to have a friend for this part and release and there you go we've turned stiff doll arms into multi-articulated ones hmm this is where i stopped on sakura but how about we add one more point of articulation i ended up sawing the upper arm off drilling and inserting a wire bone the fit is pretty tight so it stays together and now the arm is capable of rotating side to side like this for the legs i'm going to use the wooden tongue depressors to create a hinge joint so i fit two pieces on the bottom side and one centered piece on the top side i feed a wire through all those holes we drilled and mash the wire down into the indentions we carved out this hides it away nicely and preserves the original legs silhouette i do add a little glue for stability but my motto is the sturdier a structure is without glue the longer lasting it will be so use glue as a safety net not as the main structural component if you can help it screw the legs together at your newly made hinge joint using a bolt and nut have the bolt head face the medial side and the nut face the lateral side time for sculpting i'm using a two-part epoxy medium which requires you to mix a and b in equal parts before it starts to cure and harden if you've never worked with it before it sort of feels like trying to sculpt with a viscous silly putty the reason why so many doll artists love it is because it hardens via chemical reaction and is great at sticking to plastic and wood so you don't have to worry about baking it in an oven like clay because you know a plastic doll in the oven might not fare so well after building up her legs and little pointy unicorn hooves i turned to the body and bulked up the legs and torso a horse has powerful haunches right i think a bigger booty just looks better with the animal legs i don't know what it is looks more balanced i guess all right with the body mods done i turn to the head i already cleaned it up i hope that's cool chop off her ears she won't be needing those and i go ahead and drill some holes into the head in preparation for the armature wire two per ear and one front and center for the unicorn horn of course stick all the wires into the holes and get sculpting i think your big old horsey ears turned out really cute to smooth the surface dip a finger in water and run it along the sculpture i also build up the doll's nose arch frankie's got a little button nose but i thought a horse based character should have a strong and prominent schnoz a couple hours later when the epoxy is fully cured you can sand it down and buff out imperfections i made sure that unicorn horn is nice and smooth as well as her hooves eventually i get this next i mark around the exterior of each ear and remove the parts a smart technique i picked up from doll motion this way we won't have to work around clunky ears while we re-root but we know exactly where not to plug the hair speaking of which let's talk hair seeing as i've been at this a while and it's my job i have an embarrassing amount of hair colors to choose from just look at all this any combination of these nylon fibers would make a perfect rainbow unicorn hairdo so naturally i chose yarn for this reroute don't be mad i thought that somewhat coarse wavy hair feels more horse-like and i must admit that i just love long wavy hair this was the point where i had to commit to a color scheme i think mostly white with a rainbow streak looks pretty cool should we try that i cut a whole bunch of yarn strips doubled in length then tease and twist the strands apart this results in a single wavy strand of yarn with the help of my trusty cat assistance i prepared a full head's worth of hair for the re-root itself i'm using the dull planet's set of tools and a number one size needle one at a time i take a strand fold it in half and slip it onto the needle head plunge that into the doll and remove the needle now do this about 100 more times i will point out with a yarn reroute you do not need to fill every hole the fiber is much larger and poofier than nylon doll hair so go every other hole or even every other three holes oops her nose fell off uh we'll reattach that later with the white hair all in place let's plug in the rainbow accent along her part there we go the hair is poofy enough that it doesn't need glue to stay in place pop the nose back on like nothing ever happened and we're ready for the next step is it just me or have the head and body colors drifted apart since i started they aren't the same mint green anymore well not that it matters because it's time to coat the body in white gesso i kept going back and forth on what her skin color should be rainbow really works with anything she could have been pink purple blue but i guess i took the safe option with a pure white after about four coats of gesso the base is opaque and we can start painting on the fun stuff my favorite pair of shoes are a pair of rainbow platform sneakers so this inspired me to give her similar rainbow stripe hooves i extended this design to the inside of her ears too and for the horn how about sparkly gold those are looking great coat all the limbs and body with a protective layer of varnish this will keep the paint from chipping off down the line once that's dry i am finally going to put her head back on you are probably wondering why i hadn't painted it yet i didn't want to smoosh and crack the paint when cramming her head back on like this but now that it's safely reattached i tie back the hair and gesso the face as well i was just painting carefully around the hairline but i probably should have masked it off that was a bit haphazard on my part four coats later and the face gets the same varnish treatment she's looking so good it's always exciting to see the parts come together using a scrap piece of vinyl from the recycle bin i mask off the hair in preparation for sealant i'll be using mr super clear uv flat to coat the body in a matte texture and prepare the face for the face up i didn't have a plan but i was sure about one thing going into this ginormous sparkly rainbow eyes how about we give her a curious and friendly expression i start off with a light blue pencil then lay down the first past layers of rainbow colors in the eyes the face is taking the pencil remarkably well usually you have to be careful drawing on top of painted heads because you don't want to scratch off the paint of course but it feels like drawing on paper this time i guess the sealant really did its job you never know when mr super clear is going to behave or not i tried using sparkly powder on the lips at first but that looked kind of tacky so i wiped them clean and just went with pastel instead i blushed the nose and cheeks with a light pink to bring some life into the face if you overdo it with the pastel just take a kneaded eraser and fine-tune the shape i often do this around the nostrils and to carve out the cupid's bow of the lips next up is eyelashes i really went wild with them this time super voluminous and purple i can never get my lines as fine or fluffy looking as i've seen other artists do like jackie oh for example talk about beautiful lashes so my dolls always look like they've used a cheap mascara that clumps their lashes together or something after a fresh layer of sealant i continued to build up color and saturation on all parts of the face i'm pleased with how clear and vibrant the rainbow eyes look i'm sure starting on a white base helped the colors show up well there's a barely visible seam line on her forehead resulting from the epoxy nose job we gave her so i get out my golden acrylic paints and add a decorative dot to disguise the area if you fix your mistakes with enough confidence people will think you did it intentionally come to think of it didn't i do this exact same thing on meeks i've learned nothing i also dab on cute little dots along the bottom row of eyelashes give the face one final layer of protective sealant and we're done we can unwrap her and reattach the ears and horns now it's as simple as dabbing on a spot of glue and reinserting the wires into the holes oh no that horn it's not centered oh how did this happen can i nudge it over somehow gosh i don't know guys i don't want to wreck the face up i think i'm gonna have to leave it hope it doesn't bother you too much attach the ears the same way and now we can work on the hair there sure is a lot of it firstly the parts around the ears letting it fall straight down leaves gaps what you want to do here is weave the hair crisscross the fibers back and forth working from the base of the ear to the part that way it looks much fuller without actually rooting in more hair as for the hairstyle well i think i actually rooted too much hair it's practically swallowing up her face and ears lucky for me i didn't use glue so i'm simply going to pluck out strands until i've thinned it out that looks better and it's a lot more manageable look how much i took out i really overestimated how much hair i'd need back to styling in an attempt to make her wavy hair look more realistic i thin out the ends with a razor this is a tip i picked up from watching etelyn's video real hair gets weathered and damaged as it grows out of course so the thinning of the ends can make doll hair look more real let's try out a cute little braid yeah it diminishes towards the end that looks pretty cool the effect works better on straightened yarn hair i think oh well worth a shot the golden bands keeping her hair in place are nothing more than simple twist ties but don't they look perfect i spruce up and add sparkle to the rest of her hair by slipping on golden beads i'm loving the doll so far but what on earth is she gonna wear i can envision this character going in several directions i think she'd look good in a drapey goddess gown or maybe a more contemporary look would suit her i dug out all of my most colorful fabrics and hoped one of them would speak to me and it did i just had to do something with that fluffy pink faux fur using a cropped and modified version of my hoodie pattern i cut out the pieces zipped it together then flipped it fluffy side out oh heck yeah i would wear that thanks to the jacket the rest of the outfit fell in place pretty easily big jackets look great paired with a sassy bustier and high-rise shorts for the bustier i sewed two tiny doll size bra cups and sewed the bottoms to a length of ribbon hand stitch some straps into place after fitting it on the doll of course and it's done layering is another great way to bring more detail to an outfit so i think she's going to borrow this transparent number from a rainbow high doll these shorts would have looked great with her outfit too they're also from rainbow high but alas they aren't the right size they sure are cute though aren't they i was hoping i'd already made some clothes that would finish the look but meh she looks good in everything to be honest well the jeans look a little funny with the horse legs you know what i think the shorts are the way to go let's sew up a new pair just for her because i modified her thighs none of my patterns fit quite right that's the downside to dolls with different body proportions i guess so i had to modify and create an altered high-waisted version of my shorts pattern basically i added a waistband and belt loops and really took my time adding details like the seams and inner pockets i felt inspired by the quality of those rainbow high doll shorts to try my best well i have belt loops and no belt right i took a strip of white ribbon and painted it rainbow well i would have gone with the whole rainbow but it's really small so i settled for three colors heat seal the ends and form a teeny little belt loop out of gold wire sew the ribbon to the innermost bar and voila doll belt it adds a nice splash of color around her waist there's one more accessory i simply must give her a hip pair of sunglasses using gold wire i twist and fold it into the shape of the rims using a cap to help get that perfect hemisphere shape dab hot glue on the ends to keep the wires from snagging her hair and try them on that looks pretty convincing you don't even really need a lens your mind sort of fills that part in doesn't it but these aren't glasses they're shades so i went through some packaging and decided this pink vinyl would do the trick it's not as transparent as i'd like but it's the best i've got to work with i cut out two circles and with a delicate application of glue place them on the inside of the rims oh they're really charming let's see what they look like on the doll oh yeah it really gives her a different vibe it is a shame they're not more translucent though lastly she needs her ponytail using the hair i removed from her head i tuck it under the metal loop in her lower back and twist tie it together our unicorn stock box doll is now finished [Music] say hello to gwynevere [Music] special thanks to cafe leo for letting me photograph her in their shop they had the cutest backdrops that were perfect for the dolls oh [Music] oh i haven't talked about rainbow high on the channel before but i totally love this line of dolls i've collected four of my favorites already and was surely influenced by them while making this unicorn doll so my head cannon is that guinevere attends rainbow high as a transfer student since she's clearly a monster high doll thank you so much for joining me for another stock box episode it's time to vote on the next project you too can have your say by voting on which doll you'd like me to transform next just click the link in the description box below this video yeah you used to be able to do polls directly on youtube videos but it seems they removed that feature so i'll have to send you elsewhere to vote sorry about that anyway thank you so much for watching i'll see you in the next video stay artsy wow
Channel: Dollightful
Views: 943,137
Rating: 4.976191 out of 5
Keywords: stock box, doll, unicorn, art, custom, customizing, OOAK, face up, body mods, body modification, frankie stein, monster high, articulation, joints, bjd, rainbow, apoxie sculpt, dollightful
Id: C9vtYq2Msc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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