StitchArtist Sessions - Digitizing With Embrilliance

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[Music] hi there i'm megan of your one-stop shop for all things embroidery thanks for joining our stitch artist sessions digitizing within brilliance virtual event we're so excited to be working within brilliance once again to check out their different levels of digitizing software stitch artist takes the difficulty out of using software and allows you to create machine embroidery designs from scratch whether you're a beginner or expert we have something for you in addition to a wonderful presentation we'll be offering exclusive promotions that are only available on our website until the end of the day monday with any purchase you'll receive 50 free embroidery designs from 10 free and brilliance fonts pre-recorded educational content as well as 10 off and brilliance products and that's any product that in brilliant sells not just the stitch artist products so to redeem your 10 off please use the code stitch 10 at checkout after you purchase your software it will take up to 24 hours for you to receive your goodies in case you missed anything during the presentation don't worry we'll have a replay available until monday night which is 11 59 pm central time if you have any questions during the event you can head over to our live chat which is just to the right of our screen and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have now i'm so excited to welcome debbie clique of inbrilliance who will be teaching us more about the stitch artist line of software hi hi we're so happy to have you here so we can learn a little bit more about stitch artists and i'm so happy to be here and i hope that everyone was able to take the in brilliance essentials and enthusiasts webinars or sessions and we'll see how easy it is for the stitch artist to integrate into the programs along with the essentials and enthusiasts i'm very excited to be here i've got a number of years in the embroidery um embroidery world so um hopefully i'll be able to share a little bit of my expertise with you along the way in this uh stitch artist session wonderful thank you so much and you'll be working through level one through three today right yes i will we're gonna start with level one move up to uh level two and then finish off with a quick little um demo of some fun tools in level three wonderful well i'll give it off to you and we're so excited to learn some new stuff today all righty let's get started welcome everybody to the stitch artists web session if you already have essentials or enthusiasts this is how your screen is going to look if you want to add stitch artist you're going to get this little create button up here at the top of your toolbar and that's how you move from essentials or enthusiasts to stitch artist so it all works seamlessly together so it's kind of it's very innovative the way that works i think so let's go on let's get started to stitch artist level one which is this toolbar right here and don't let the size um fool you there's a lot of power in this little toolbar here tool pane let's get started we'll talk about what each one of these little buttons do and do a little quick demo of them the first one is the image button that's the one that's used to bring in your images into your software for digitizing you can bring in a number of formats and they are bitmap jpeg tiff gif and png just to show you how easy that works i'll bring in just a quick little piece of artwork click on the artwork click on open and there i have a piece of artwork on my screen ready to digitize um this is not really a high-res enough so i probably wouldn't digitize this but just so you see how easy it is to get artwork into the program let's get rid of that so it doesn't distract us the next thing when you're working with fonts in stitch artist software you're going to use truetype fonts so let's click on the next button which is the true type font button and it's going to open up my truetype fonts all of the truetype fonts that you have installed on your computer will show up here i'm just going to select one type a name click ok and now very simply i will click on satin column and that is digitized so let's see if i can get this little dot here to there we go so that is how simple it is to digitize text to digitize fonts in stitch artists the next button will show is the uh show or hide background image so let's get a new page let's go back to image let's bring that image back in and this button here will show or hide that image so i've got the image there right now it's just being hidden so if i wanted to work with other things if i was bringing in more artwork or i'm working with some text and didn't want that distraction i can hide that let's go back to our previous page and let's delete this so we can use it this page a little bit later the next button here this one does the same thing but it shows or hides stitches so let's select this name and let's go to hide the stitches see it still gives me the outline but i don't see my stitches so that can be helpful when adding other um stitch elements with it i'm not distracted by the previous basic stitch elements maybe i wanted to add some zigzag or something to that or use something if i had level three maybe i wanted to use some of the level three tools on this you know who knows the possibilities with stitch artists truly are endless let's go to our next page and let's talk about the draw bar and while we're talking about the draw bar it's a good time to talk about how easy as you you'll see as we move through the levels of software how we have our image bar here that handles our artwork and things like that and then we have our draw bar and our stitch bar and that remains the same through all three levels of the software whether you're working with level one two or three so you don't have to re-learn a tool pane just because you've upgraded your software okay uh first tool we'll talk about is our draw with points that's how you're going to draw most of your um images in stitch artist level one and that works very simple i'll just click on it and if i don't hold down my control key it's going to draw a straight line for me right click at the end and i'm finished if i hold down my control key while using this it draws a curve actually it drew a closed shape this is my close shape tool so the same thing is true of this shape here if i want to close the shape of that there we go it'll close and open and close my shape the next tool i want to talk about and and before we talk about the next tool let's talk about the number of nodes in this uh image here in this artwork that i've just drawn on the design page it's got very few nodes on the design on the design if you notice and the fewer the nodes the better the end result of the digitizing so in saying that let's use the uh draw freehand tool and i'm just going to mimic what i've already drawn and look at the number of nodes in that it's not going to digitize nearly as well but there are some times when using that freehand draw tool is necessary so it is a necessary tool but not always the most optimum to use okay the next let me get a new page to show you the next tool because i think this next tool is a lot of fun it is the draw three point arc or circular arc in the software and to do that i just make two clicks and then i could draw an arc right let's delete this two points there we go there's my arc so with using true type fonts you don't have the same tools you have with lettering in essentials and enthusiasts so you have to manually place your letter so this gives you a handy arc for manually placing letters on an arc what i like to do with this tool however is carry it on and see how quick and easy it is to do a little fun stippling or just some fun designs and of course right click when you're done okay we will get another new page yes i'd like to get new i don't like to work in a cluttered design page especially when i'm trying to show you the best of the features in the software so let's get another new design page and let's talk about this guy here this is the magic wand for shapes so i am going to go to image i'm going to bring in this little image right here i'm going to make sure that i'm showing my image let's zoom in on that click on my magic wand for shapes and click in and see that'll give me a shape automatically with just a single click using my magic wand okay it's a pretty handy tool in the right situation let's get another new page and let's talk about editing your line as a spline or as a bezier i'm going to draw with points using holding down my control key and let's close my shape this river this is my open and close shape tool so let's close my shape and now let's use our edit our line as a spline or as bezier handles now if i click on these guys right now they're edited as a spline or not a bezier handle bezier handles if i click on this to activate it you see now i have these little handles those allow me to adjust my curve by using the bezier handle and i can also use the node as well see how that works the bessie handles can be kind of confusing and a little bit tricky but i would highly recommend you mastering this tool because it can greatly greatly greatly make a difference in your final digitizing results editing designs without the bezier handles means to adjust my curve i have to add additional points and what did we say earlier about adding additional points the more points in your artwork the more stitches you have to have in your outline because everywhere there's a node the needle has to physically drop where there's a node so that can also do do some things with your stitch consistency as well okay so another new page and we will talk about adding a hole to a design how many times have you done something where you've made a tire or a wheel or maybe a square with something inside of it well i'm going to come up here to my add designs and get a circle and then i am going to add a hole to that circle and i'm just going to put a square and i'm going to keep it simple right click when i'm done now let's fill that let's make sure we're showing our stitches and there we go so just that easy you can add a hole to the center of a closed embroidery so if you're making a wheel or a donut a face and wanted to have some holes for the eyes there's a number of enough a number of reasons you might want to use this tool okay next thing i want to talk about is this quick little draw shapes tool this has a square circle a polygon a spiral and a star all there so you can quickly draw quickly draw a shape each one of these shapes has its own controls if you look at this guy here click on my shape tab i've got a six sided shape and there we go just that quickly and easily i've drawn a six sided shape now if i want to increase the number of those now it's an eight-sided shape if i keep it up i'll have a circle okay each one of these shapes the star i can add additional size to that star let's change that color okay so there we go there's our star and if i go to my shape tab i can also adjust the interior i can make it larger or i can make it smaller maybe i'm doing a star of bethlehem are the great north star okay so that's it for the draw bar now let's move on to the stitches and let's talk about one of the one of the really cool things with improv within brilliant stitch artists that a lot of other softwares don't do is it allows you to draw magically with stitches so if i draw with this tool right click when i'm done i've got stitches right away there's no generation where i have to wait for my stitches to generate i get stitches instantaneously that makes digitizing a lot quicker and it makes it a lot more fun and a lot easier to be able to see where your stitches are going to be at the time as opposed to having to wait for stitches to generate so this right here actually is the single run stitch in your run stitches which is the first tool here that we're going to talk about i have a double run a bean stitch the bean stitch has a three five seven and nine pass the chain stitch which is kind of fun the back stitch stem stitch and the faux sashiko stitch so all of these have their own controls based on the stitch you have either a length or a width or some kind of control like with the sashko all you have is the length of the sashico because there really is no width but depending on the stitch you're going to have the appropriate controls to be able to make that stitch your own okay next tool we're going to talk about is the satin border and there we have it just that quick and easy let's let's come back up here let's draw a circle and there we have the satin border on that circle i want to change that circle to an applique click done look at my color options here's my applique position here's my top stitch now if i go to my applique tab i can also do material which will give me a three-step applique i can use an e-stitch a blanket stitch a satin stitch or a zigzag stitch the zigzag stitch is just as it says it's a zigzag it's not the side-by-side stitch of a satin stitch it's a little bit more of a zigzag so it gives you more space it works good for things like um jersey letters on the back of jersey numbers on the back of sports jerseys or mom support sport jerseys that was hard to say mom support sport jerseys okay so um that's that stitch or you could i decide to have none and just have it no top stitch and do a rag edge applique all right the next one is the motif run let's click on my circle let's go to motif run let's make my circle quite a bit bigger because i wanted to be able to see the coolness of this if i click on the plus sign i can select a stitch to apply around that circle if i click on my plus sign again i can go to my category i can go to decorative i can click on that and yes i can apply another one let's zoom in on this if i click on my plus sign again go to satin-ish i can apply a third one i can apply as many as i want and the real beauty of this i can select any of these stitches and size them and rotate them independently let's rotate this one there we go kind of looks like something celestial to me i don't know about you but to me i get a celestial feel okay that is our motif stitches the next thing is the cross stitch area now the really cool thing about cross stitch let's select this circle let's put a cross stitch fill in it i can do um all the way down to six stitches per minute per inch up to or down to 20 stitches per inch which makes it a lot closer together let's go down to six stitches print so i can see those x's and then come over here to my draw with points i'm going to hold down my control so i can draw a circle or draw a curve let's close my shape and i'm going to apply across stitch to that i'm going to make it a different color and we're going to zoom in on that just so you can see how these x's all fit together it's like it's all worked on a single grid or a single piece of ada cloth okay so let's get another new page let's bring in a new shape let's bring in a polygon go to my shape let's go down to six sides let's go to our fill stitch and go to our fill tab now in our field tab there's a number of things going on i can decide i can uh decide or select what kind of undersewing i want for that i can select my ties i can apply a quick style to that and all these things once you get the software and start reading the manual they'll make a little more sense to you i'm just kind of giving you a brief overlay so just you know this isn't exactly a lesson maybe we'll do that sometime in the future we'll have to check into that so let's go back to our fill tab and see what else is there there are also a number of different types of fill bricks snake waves scales diamond wicker zigzag let's zoom in on this so we can see that so that would be the zigzag fill that's the diamond fill one of my personal favorites the brick or the wicker i like the wicker a lot too [Music] okay let's delete this sorry if you can hear my dog in the background the next thing is the satin column so i'm going to draw a an area let's close my shape and let's change the color so you can see how it's contoured around that area see how it's contoured that satin fill to contour around that area so that is the satin column you also have a number of options with the satin column i can feather that edge if i so desire that's kind of fun there we go that is this comes in handy when doing outlines for teddy bears puppy dog tails um a number of things this is you know really comes in handy for and can really be a fun fun handy tool to have in your toolbox let's get a new page because the next thing you talk about is stippling so i'm going to come back over here and get another shape let's just grab a square and let's fill that square that's let's give it just a minute here i'm going to close it we can pick up at this part okay the next thing we're going to talk about is stippling i'm going to select my stipple tool and i'm going to come over here and select the square and i'm just going to draw a square onto my design page oh a square better than that one come on deb you can do better than that i want a nice big square so you can see that stippling there we go and there are of course always varieties there's a curvy there's a drunkard there's leafy and there's my personal fave geometric i like this one it kind of makes me think of wrenches working together i just really like the geometric stippling option but that is stippling the next option we need to talk about is the motif fill that works the same yes it does work the same as the motif outline i come over here select the plus sign select a motif oh that looks cute but wait there's more let's add another one let's come up here and go to let's do the larger let's select this one and let's make it a bit larger and let's rotate it and let's zoom in so we can see how that looks and remember you can add as many motifs as you like to fill that area so whether you want to do 1 2 6 8 however many motifs you want to add to your fill you can okay the last thing we need to talk about in level one let's zoom back out is freestanding lace yes you can make freestanding lace with level one let's go to our freestanding lace fill there we go here we have it let's go to our lace tab over here i can do freestanding which is double i can also do single which could be used for a in the hoop kind of a quilting motif if you will you adjust your st you control your stitch length and you also control whether you wanted squares or diamonds let's take this density back down to make some freestanding lace and then i could put my swirls or whatever i want to put on top of that alrighty so that's it for stitch artist level one i told you it didn't have a whole lot of tools on the toolbar but it has a lot of power in those tools a lot of stitch options um a really good starting place for beginning digitizer now let's see how level two builds on level one i'm going to click on my create button here because i have a special version which allows me to move through the version seamlessly and i'm going to close some of these pages okay let's get a new page and let's begin talking about level two you'll see right away there's a new vector button yes you can open vector images in level two those vector images include svg fcm studio studio 3 s cut 4 those are all your cut file formats so you can bring those in and digitize them you can also bring in emf wmf and ai files okay so those are level two formats you can bring in you still have the ability to use true type fonts you still have the ability to turn on and off your background and your stitches you have this new tool here that lets you select objects one at a time to adjust your sewing order on the screen without having to come over here in your object tree and change your colors there so let's put some objects on the design page i'll just put a square on there let's get a circle and let's get a star okay let's fill each one of these up with a different color and i'm just using a regular fill all right let's make this one green there we go so see we have green yellow brown and red is our order our stitching order now if i want to change the colors over here i'd have to right click move earlier move later move first move last so if i wanted to move it up above the yellow i have to move earlier move earlier but if i use this tool over here to change my sewing order remember it's green red yellow brown so what if i want to make it brown red yellow green see how much easier that is that is the sequence objects by selecting them one at a time from the design page okay let's get rid of some of these two these uh designs and let's look at this little guy right here and talk about this next tool which is a continuous view mode maybe you want to uh take something and use more than one on a design page but you're not sure how it will look how it will look this allows you to get a continuous view i can show it vertical i can add some space between them i can also show it horizontal and add space there as well remember this is just because just kind of a preview it doesn't actually copy and paste the items there it's just a preview i can decide to show or to don't show okay so let's see we talked about the draw with points we talked about the draw freehand but there's a new one here in the middle draw with bezier remember i told you how wonderful those bezier handles were to adjust your design well now you can draw with bezier so i can click and drag my curve let's close my shape let's change my color actually i'm going to change to a different thread brand i'm going to go to robust anton rayon pick this light bluish green color here so that is drawing with bezier if you notice i clicked and dragged when i was drawing that click and drag your handles out and then you can still adjust them you still have the ability to adjust them as you do in level one now in level two whoops in level two you also have the ability to add inclinations so there i just added or changed my inclination to change the direction of my stitching i can also then just move this this really comes in handy when you're using the satin column stitches to be able to move and add additional inclinations in those stitches which yes they have been added in stitch artist level two you can draw a column with the left and right alternating input okay and all of these inclination lines can be dragged off of the design and then i come here and select add inclinations and add new ones okey dokey next thing i want to show you is the um the ability to draw a column by making two completely different shaped sides so let's select that tool let's select the draw with points tool and i am going to make a little happy face here but then down the bottom right click when i'm done and now down the bottom i'm going to make a little right click now you notice my cursor changed to the inclination cursor now i'll make my inclination lines so it will contour around my shape right click and there we go okay so moving on to i think that covers everything in the draw bar that's been added in level two let's move on to the stitch bar there are two fun tools added to the stitch bar of level two they are being able to draw or use the french knots and candle wick so let's come over here and select the draw with points select the french knots i prefer the candle wicks that's just my personal preference so that's what i'm going to show first and i'm just going to make a straight line i can draw anything i want but if i wanted to make some fun christmas ornaments i can make my beginning size much larger and i can make my ending size much smaller i can also make these much closer together so if i want to make some icicles and some metallic thread i could certainly do that if i wanted to make them french knots i can do that as well let's make these larger let's make them the same size all the way down and there are the french knots so that is added in level two okay the next thing added is your contour fill and i love contour fill let's come over here and get a built-in shape let's get the star let's get the contour fill let's go to contour let's not skip our shape let's do our shape we can echo our outline inward we can do interior clipped and we can echo our outline outward so this is kind of fun if you want to do some echo quilting and i can also do as many rows well not as many as i would like but i can do up to 20 rows i can adjust my offset on the inside and i can also make this gradient there we go that is it for level two now let's see how level three builds on level two let's close a couple of these design pages let's get a clean page let's click on my create button there we go now we're at level three and you see there's all kinds of good stuff going on vector images are the same svg fcm studio studio 3 s cut 4 emf wmf and ai so i can bring in the same file formats i can work with true type fonts the same as before okay i can show and hide my images i can sequence my objects by clicking on the design page i can use my continuous view ah this one is new this change my default draw with point to a line or when i click on it now it'll change it to a curve and i'm not holding down my control key this time this allows to auto scroll what that means is when i am drawing and i get close to the edge it will auto scroll to move for me see how that works okay that is auto scroll this allows you to delay your stitch generation if you're in there working and you you know you're you're i've got a lot going on and you don't want to take the time maybe you've got your stitches not being shown and you don't want to delay you don't want to generate them just now because you're working on something very detailed and intense then you can delay your stitch generation and then this button here allows you to generate now so that gives you even more control over how you create your design by selecting generate later and then being able to tell to generate now when you want it to generate okay the next tool let's see what's new in oh my goodness there's two new tools in the draw bar the first one being the magic wand for outlines if you have a good solid outline design that's got high resolution you can create artwork from that piece of from that image using your line magic wand works the same as your shape magic wand only it works on outlines where the shape we clicked in the middle and then it worked looked its way out and gave me an outline of that shape well the magic the line magic wand works the same way you click on the line and it gives you an outline based on that outline of the design the next one is being able to add um what's the word i'm looking for um detail cut lines to your design sort of well let me just show you let's get a new design page let's bring a shape into the mix let's bring the polygon let's give it some fill and now let's come over here and add a carving line to a satin or fill so i can come over here and i'm going to use i'm going to use a curve and i'm just clicking so i want to make sure that you guys can see the carving line so i'm just clicking making some lines i'll see how that works so it's when you want to add some detail and texture to your design maybe you're doing the front facade of a house and you want it to look like bricks well rather than make each individual brick take your area make it a solid fill and then add the carving lines to add your brick separation okay so that's just one use of that tool now let's look at what's been added in the stitches oh the edge stitch those of you that have heard about marilee patches well that same edge stitch is added in level three of the software stitch artist level three so let's get a new page i'm going to go to my truetype fonts i'm going to scroll down to my webdings and wingdings going to go to this one my lower case d actually gives me this really fabulous shield which is perfect for showing the edge stitch let's change the color on this there we go that is our uh patch edge stitch it gives you a nice roll over um satin that rolls over your edge makes it excuse me makes it easy to cut it gives a beautiful look to the edge of a patch just like it was done on a mirroring machine only was done on your home embroidery machine now with this there are some controls you can make it applique you can give it a position and then do a top stitch you can decide when you want to cut it using a pre-cut cutting in the hoop you can create using a fill you can add a light fill or you can add a light fill advance which gives you a few more controls on the angle and things of that fill okay so that is the they call it depending on who's doing the presentation depends on what it's called it's either called the patch overlock or narrowing stitch okay now let's get a new page and let's talk about the pathing tools that's these guys right here and i'd like to talk about those i'm just going to show you a few of them because i'm going to do a fun little exercise with you so when you get this stitch artist level 3 you'll be able to duplicate this at home and it's kind of fun i'm going to come here to my text button i'm going to bring in a font that i have because i have essentials and enthusiasts old english i'm going to make it a little bit larger okay i'm going to come over here and i'm going to create an outline from my stitches on my design page there's my outline okay now i'm going to right click copy and right click paste that out that outline because i want two of them but i'm going to select the first outline i'm going to change the color of that and i'm going to apply a stitch to it i'm going to take my second outline select those three pieces and i'm going to use the inflate objects tool i'm going to remove my holes i'm going to inflate my outline and click ok now i'm going to come over here to my union and see now i have a union of all those i'm going to delete these take my union turn it into an applique let's select it turn it into an applique give it a zigzag stitch and now i have an applique patch so i can put on a wallet a purse a jacket anything okay well thank you for your time and joining me in this stitch artist one two and three session i hope that you found something interesting i hope you learned something i hope you found something that you enjoyed great debbie thank you so much really appreciate that um i know what i'm doing this week and diving into some stitch artists um and also here's a question for you if you already have stitch artist one um do i need to buy stitch artist two or is there an option to upgrade oh good good good question and i wish i had to remember to touch on that in the presentation you can buy either level one two or three and then if you start at level one you can upgrade to level two or even upgrade all the way to level three if that's what you'd like to do wonderful that's that's great to know also on we offer a demo version if you guys want to kind of pop in the software before you purchase and check out uh kind of some of the things debbie was going through that's an option as well and just to remind you of our promotion that we have going on right now we are giving you 50 free embroidery designs from with the purchase of any product from inbrilliance also 10 free and brilliant fonts pre-recorded educational content as well as 10 off any of the products just make sure you use the code um stitch 10 at checkout awesome yeah definitely we don't do it too often so definitely take advantage of that before monday night um you know if you want to hop in the demo but just make sure you purchase before monday to get that 10 off awesome well thank you so much for everything debbie really appreciate it thanks everybody i enjoyed it i hope you enjoyed it as well all right have a great one bye bye
Channel: EmbroideryDesigns
Views: 1,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gssPxY_J-9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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