How to embroider using the Brother SE600

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what's up everybody she boy aid up back again with another video this time I'm going to give you some priceless knowledge well I'm always being priceless knowledge to help make you guys extra money but right now I've been making a lot of H TV videos and I still have a lot of H TV videos coming up that I haven't put out that I've made that I plan on making I have a whole lineup but for now everybody seems to be doing H TV and right now it's time for us to switch it up and step into the world of embroidery just step up step up our production game just a little bit and do something different from everybody else and keep your customers satisfied and stay up to date with the latest greatest types of shirts that you can make that you can make a lot of money with you can make patches with this thing and if it's done the right way which I know how to do it the right way every single time you stitch it's going to come up wonderfully and perfect guys you hear I'm saying I'm guaranteeing you that if you follow these instructions every single time you stitch something out it's going to come out perfect I've spent a lot of time with this machine I've messed a lot of stuff up I've made a lot of mistakes and I'm here to tell you once again I'll repeat myself if you follow my instructions you will know how to use this machine and every time you stitch it will come out perfectly now guys follow my lead here man I'm not trying to sell you guys a machine but if you are going to buy this machine please do me a favor and use my product link down in description below use my product link because I'm about to give you some serious gems here and show you how to get this thing fully functional and working as soon as you get it out of box guys once again if you're gonna buy this machine use my link down in the description below this video because I'm about to show you some ish right here alright so the first step when you get this thing ready to embroider right and I'm gonna tell you what my settings are right here I got this right here on four this will right here I got on four don't worry about it just do it now right here it shows you how to insert the bobbin but I'm going to show you how to insert for bobbin because I know people like demonstrations and a lot of people face it you don't read these instructions on these and on these things out here so you're gonna once again I push this thing right here and it made that plastic thing pop up and you take it off right you take your bobbin and I got the thread I got the thread right here take your bobbin and you put it in let me roll it up you take your bobbin and you drop it in the machine this way you take it and you pull this thread right here behind this little hook pull it behind the little tab right here alright I'm holding it and you come around come around come around come all the way around get some slack if you need it and boom [Music] and boom it cuts off and now the bobbin is loud alright I don't have that much white thread on this bobbin but you want to make sure you have a lot of thread on your bobbin alright but I don't have a lot of thread on mine but don't worry about that right now all right this right here is the presser foot when you are threading your machine you have to you have to have your presser foot up reason being there are wheels inside of this machine that have tension on them if you have it down there's tension added on the thread if you have it up there's no tension on the thread so you want to have your machine and your uh your presser foot lever up when your ye when your arm actually threading the machine okay so now I'll put the pressure presser foot up let's thread the machine this stuff is so easy guys we're at the top of the Machine and everything is laid out for you how you need to throw it in everything you grab your embroidery thread and you put it inside of here now a lot of people will put the top part on I don't even use the top part alright so you grab their thread and you just put it through this little silver part right here push it in there clicks in pull the thread around the back and we come straight down straight down just like just like illustrated on this illustration come straight down now after you come straight down on the machine you want to go around and bring it back up just like illustrator go down and bring it back up just like illustrate it now you stay on the right side with thread come around there's a little hook inside of here you want it to throw it to go around and inside the hook the hook catches it let me show you the hook just caught it I went around let me demonstrate again well I can't because it's around already but I went around from this side to that side and it grabbed the hook so now I'm coming down all the way down right all right now this is where it gets a little interesting all right I'm gonna zoom in a little bit so you guys can see me focus all right now this part you grab the thread I grabbed it throw that both hands and I put the thread inside of this little part right here there's a little part right here where you want the thread to go inside of all right I'm gonna try to UM get a good video of this for you okay I'm getting the thread right in here I got my thread and I'm getting the thread right in behind here all right it's in here now I'm coming up and around now this is where it gets interesting now that the threat machine is pretty much threaded I lower my presser foot to add the tension back right lower my presser foot add attention back now there's a lever on the side of the machine with my other hand I'm going to grab that lever and I'm just gonna push down and let go to throw at the same time and then let go and the machine is threaded right so now that the machine threaded I go ahead and grab some scissors or something like that and I put my scissors through that little loop and I pull if I can get it I pull the rest of the thread through I'm gonna get it from the other side I just pull the rest of the thread through there you go drag it around and folks I am ready to Reuter I'm gonna take this don't ever cut this too short I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna cut it about right here all right cut it the length that I have it guys all right now we have tension on there and everything is fine and we are ready to our machine is ready to embroider now we're going to embroider something that's fairly complicated I'm going to show you how perfect it comes out and now that I've threaded a machine the right way now in order to put your hoop slide your hoop underneath you want to bring this presser foot back up alright bring it back up but don't mess with anything because we got to thread it perfectly okay okay guys let me go over top of this who professed so I give you a nice shot of this thing I'm giving you guys a nice wide shot so you can't mess this up this is your hoop right here right your hoop is loose screw right here makes your hoop loose now you're loose just go in nice and good right so I take this off I'm using just some tearaway stabilizer I got two pieces of tearaway stabilizer I'm gonna lay it on my hoop I kind of I got them perfectly together and I kind of put my tearaway stabilizer over here so that it covers the entire hoop and this part is facing me right I'm gonna get my the top part of the hoop and I got the arrow the arrows post go up I put it on top of the hoop and I kind of like press down and make sure that it goes inside I tug a little bit not not too much pressure I want to get all of the tension I'm going to get a fair amount of tension inside of the hoop and get all the wrinkles out so that this tearaway stabilizer is nice and tight and then I bring it to the edge of my desk which you can't see right now bring it to the edge of my desk so that I can tighten this up all right make sure you guys what I'm doing I'm tightening it up all right I'm tightening it up tighten up the hoop now the tension that was once on the hoop is gone I'm going to loosen it back up a little bit and get rid of some of these little lines are here won't matter too much but I like to get as much attention as I can with as little lines that can now I don't tighten this up nice and tight guys you can see it's not super super tight because I still have some play in there but guys it doesn't matter now let's go ahead and put this hoop inside of our on our machine just go ahead all right guys now as I've said before you want to make sure our presser foot is up now that's gonna enable us to lay this feet flat on the machine and slide it right under yeah easy that slid right under right all right now we're gonna put connect our hoop to the arm to connect the hoop to the arm you just attach these two pieces right here this piece is gonna push on this piece so that it comes back and enables these two pieces to click in watch as I do it push I just pull right here and push down and it clicks it into place all right and to release it you do the opposite you pull and pull this up all right let's do it one more time I just sit it on there watch this I just sit it on there I grab my bow fingers pull and sit it on there and it's ready to start embroidering guys all right so now let's get our design into our machine the first step is to put our memory card that the design is on into the slot and the side here make sure it's turn the proper way of course and just insert it into the machine now come around to the front screen right here the touchscreen press it once you're gonna get this message you just press okay all right okay to recall and resume previous memory you gonna press cancel for that and then you're gonna press the little USB icon press that icon and navigates to you our USB all right now in my USB you see I have a YouTube play button as well as this design right here I'm going to select this design right here this is an intricate design that we are going to stitch out all right we could press set and it puts the design in our hoop right so we can go ahead and we can do various things we're not going to go through all that right now we're just going to go end edit end and now with this we can go ahead and see all the areas that on this design is going to cover we can you can go ahead and move to this side and what this is doing is it's actually moving with the machine so it can see so we can see all the areas this design is gonna take up all right that's what that's doing back to Center press okay all I did was hit this button right here once again and it navigates everywhere the design is gonna be stitched on to our hoop so that you can see and make sure and see the area the landscape that is covering okay press okay bring my thread back around here and now we are ready to embroider guys now we're kind of ready to embroider but we want this to change color we want to put our presser foot down put our presser foot down now you see these change colors and we are ready to embroider once you press this button the machine will start embroidering guys now you ready let's push the button and see what happens [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] when the bobbin stops it tells you what to do next and if you look at the screen the screen says that it's time for our black color so what that means is we go ahead and take out our black I mean our white spool and we put in our black spool all right now let me just lighten this up a bit like I had it sorry guys now I'm gonna show you how to do this because this is important that you do this correctly too because you have to once again thread the Machine properly all right so we let up our presser foot to loosen the thread alright the machine already cut the threads so we take something and we just remove let me show you we just removed that little piece of thread right here and we focus on it so I'm gonna take my little scissor and I'm just gonna run it underneath here and it removed that thread from the myth from the design all right so now that this is loose what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come to the top of the machine top of the machine right here you bring this up a little bit so you guys to see what I'm doing stop the machine right here and I'm going to go ahead and cut this thread right here oh my cut it and I'm gonna go back to the bottom of the machine and I'm gonna grab the piece of thread here grab this thread and I was gonna pull it out all right and I'm just gonna pull it out of the machine all right and I'm going to load up the black and you guys saw how I loaded it up in the beginning so I'm gonna just do the same thing I'm gonna repeat it but I'm gonna do it this way so you guys can see but I'm not gonna slow down or anything boom in here in here in real time so you guys can see how fast I do this around the bottom up top around when you guys get this down pack you'll be doing it this fast to do that little loop right there we're on the side little the presser foot push the lever nuts through pull the rest of the thread through and cut the thread and we are ready to embroider again now just start embroidery again I just hit the button alright and just like that I'm bordering again [Laughter] [Laughter] okay guys now you see what happened I'm gonna show you what happened this happened because I'm using tear away stabilizer alright because I'm using tearaway stabilizer the tearaway stabilizer material could not take the design so this is something that you have to kind of be mindful of I'm gonna put this back down but because my tearaway stabilizer ripped so that's not anything the machined uh did but this design part right here is a fail so I'm gonna put in some other material in here I'm gonna put some other material in here good for you guys to see something like this that happened but if you guys look what we had going on right here if the tearaway stabilizer wasn't so weak this would have been a great design at the back of it nice and clean nice and clean embroidery but once again because it's tearaway stabilizer it was weak and it tore away this is what thermally stabilized this is supposed to do because I used tearaway stabilizer it compromised the design so we're gonna have to start all over again and do this over again this is another lesson guys if you use to tear away stabilizer this could potentially happen here design is too intricate but you can see the quality of this embroidery right here even though it's a fit but let's do it over and let's do it on some material this time all right I'm gonna put it on some woven I'll show you guys we're gonna put it on this stuff right here this time on this stuff right here at this time so it's gonna come out and it's not gonna rip all right so let me load this up all right guys I found something better this is a white linen and because it's white linen it won't compromise our design the integrity of our design like when the color as far as the color comes to so I'm just gonna go ahead and cut this like right here and right here stop with my finger right here let me see I'm just gonna measure with my eyes I can go ahead and come up and cut this right here I love this little cutting oil thing right here it's the greatest thing you could ever have when you're doing this type of stuff cut it cuts nice and easy again product link and the description of the video boom and I got my piece right here put the rest of the side and go ahead and lay this down I'm gonna lay this down with some stabilizer on top of it with 1/2 a stabilizer actually I'm gonna put the stabilizer underneath it and this again is once again tearaway stabilizer but it's not gonna mess up this time because I'm gonna put this material on top of it and this is so that the arm this is so that the vine I mean this um wool doesn't go sliding around inside of the hoop guys so boom line us up like that the same thing we did before put it on sorry for the fill guys sorry for the film it happens in real life and it's important that you guys see something like this alright because you gotta know that this isn't perfect all the time all right never doesn't come out perfect and a lot of people's videos they'll play like it's pert it came out perfect and meanwhile they did it like 20 times all right so here we go and you got your fast-forward this video for the like because you guys saw all this part but again like I said I'm just whooping this and I'm gonna pick up from where we left off one the next part [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now our design is complete the embroidery machine says embroidery finish so hit okay come back to our design over here we go ahead and pick up the presser foot release the thread cut the string get the excess out get this out pull up underneath and look at what we have here folks ladies and gentlemen look how clean this is look at the back look at the quality of this look at the quality really look at the quality there's next or quality and let me clean it up I'm gonna take my scissors and I'm gonna trim this up a bit just to clean it up trim off all the excess threading all the jump stitches and such get this nice and clean all right the front in the back and then I'll be right back with you guys give me a second all right now seriously I want you guys said take a moment and look at the quality of the stitch look at the quality this dish the camera is doing it no justice by the way look at the quality and I'd like you guys to justify buying a embroidery machine that cost more than this after seeing the quality of the stitches all they were to get out of this 300 plus machine all right this machine cost me a little over three hundred dollars brother SB 604 my instructions were embroidery will come out just as good as mine so product link for this employer machine will be in the description below you can see how better it came out using the wool versus the other material you know what I'm gonna do to get this out you use this stuff called fray check I'll put the link in description for you and you just put the fray check around the edges fray check kind of acts like glue put the fray check around the edges let it dry and you cut really really close to the edge and it'll make a really really really defined line and I'm gonna do that just one moment for you guys I'll show you guys all right now I've went ahead and I applied this free check around the edges I forgot to hit record on a camera but I basically took this off and I went around the edges right around the perimeter of the square play check kind of acts like glue it on once it dries and you cut it holds the material together so that it doesn't frame so the thread doesn't split so I'm just gonna go ahead and let this dry and then I'm going to cut it out and that will be it for this specific design another video I'm going to show you how to apply the backing embroidery all right another video guys pretty much now just cut really really close to the design with my shears alright so get really close and just keep on cutting and guys I'll be right back alright we have our black bear all cut out guys this is our patch looks good good enough to sell gonna have to sew on anything this is quality stuff guys this is quality stuff that you could sell now out of everything that I make my HTV shirts are great but this right here we just love it up baby so guys you see Boyd Allen Wade don't forget to visit the merch store Allen a wacom I'm gonna be putting up some black bear tanks for the summertime so stay tuned for that and make sure you're constantly checking a website those new products that are gonna go on their embroidery stuff slightly more expensive but still affordable I don't think I'm gonna have anything over 50 bucks on there some items for 30 some items 20 some items for 10 some items for 5 so stay tuned and keep on checking Allen a wacom for quality products that you can purchase one-of-a-kind that nobody's gonna have on because I was still not that popular yet but tell me how you like this black bear logo that you guys saw me make was it enjoyable to watch was a video too long what do you think leave a comment in the comment section down below tell me if you want to see more videos like this guys and I'm gonna be out man next video I'm going to show you how to make this into an iron-on embroidery so um so you can just put the backing on here and you can iron it onto your garment because you not only can you you can you can also sew it on but iron-on would make it easier to sell to people like yourself I'm not gonna sell this though black bear is not gonna be for sale because black bear is exclusively for black bear merchandise and our friend black bear our new addition to the a dub Productions family so on like this video give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to the channel I appreciate all you guys for bearing with me wiping this long long video is she boilerman a dove stay tuned for next one I'm out peace turn up that while I listen to the rest miracle in the best [Music]
Channel: A-Dubb Productions Allan Wade
Views: 312,420
Rating: 4.9094372 out of 5
Keywords: A-Dubb Productions, Video tutorials, brother se600, How to embroider using the Brother SE600, allan wade, how to, blog, blogger, tech, tech news, technology, brother sewing machine, brother se625, machine embroidery, embroidery machine, custom patch, brother embroidery, brother pe 770, brother sewing, sewing machine, cut away, brother pe800, set up, brother sewing machine se600 computerized, brother embroidery machine, how to make a patch, embroidery patch, brother se1900
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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