Makeover with Juno Birch

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The reveal that Jennifer Coolidge was just... in the room... in Trixie's condo dfkjdfhkjdf

👍︎︎ 177 👤︎︎ u/anadayviez 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love that Jennifer Coolidge is off-camera chilling out as this is happening

👍︎︎ 119 👤︎︎ u/SueMeMother 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I just love Drag.

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/ooten19 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is great! Love their energy together.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/fabulousfantabulist 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I need to see Trixie get made over in a different look more often!

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/catnipandhoney 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

this is a Juno Birch stan account now

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/Smitsha516 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

James St. James is quaking.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/NoaBunny 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

If the Cartoon Network series Doug had dragqueens, they would look like this.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/frukthjalte 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
I have never worn a last this small in my  life hi I'm Trixie Mattel and today I'm here   with this sensation Juno Birch hello and I'm  very honored because Juno is gonna be putting   makeup on me today mm-hmm youre gonna look like  a lobster darling I hope so lets slap this on I   can't believe you this with gloves on Jasmine  Masters wears surgical gloves because of um   like germophobia oh yeah have you had any work  done no you should i hate you I got one of those   ridiculous vampire facials what's a vampire facial  [ ] they numb face and they stab you with needles   all over your face thousands of times and then  they take your blood spin it remove the plasma   and they give you a vision you can own plasma  because it helps your skin by over my eyes for   like a week and a half you have like no pores and  just like a glove it's wild but it's painful to   Recovery's three days oh my god yeah have you  had anything done no you're lying no it looks   like somebody just took pepto-bismol oh babe ha ha  why don't you figure out this makeup mmm I used to   use grease paint but it wouldn't stay on really  well so then I started using them Krylon mixed   with a revolutionary pigment pots yeah it's like  never felt like eyeliner or something and it ship   a little pea-sized yeah and then and it's just  coming back up Serena's listening was oh hey let   me get in there only this put me right off isn't  it yeah you need to like track it drag yes just   everybody at home note that I'm doing all the work  and that she did nothing and I'm just relaxing how   love you please to get ready if I take my time I  couldn't be like two hours but like I can do in 45   minutes you're like still look really stunning  we are very beautiful lot of driving yeah so   do you need cream like highlighting or anything I  put a little bit of white underneath the eyes and   then you hit em yeah hmm is this TV white or is  this like real light TV white TV whites live yeah   I used to do makeup at a Mac home and people is  amazeballs leave your makeup thing this one lady   she had her breasts out feeding her travel at the  mall and she fell asleep welding her makeup in LA   just in like mimicking people's voices we are  pretty good at our expense your internet famous   for doing Jennifer yeah hi everyone Jennifer  Coolidge this because my idols like stop right   here watching yeah they haven't mentioned it but  Jennifer Coolidge's he really living today how did   you prepare about her doing your voice I felt  like a million times she standing outside your   house doing your voice but it was like I was doing  like a lip-sync I did like a performance that your   voice from Best in Show it does it really went  to see hear your own voice in like somebody well   thing I like so much is that you're it's so weird  like there's just not one pause breath making   this out I mean it's just so up done so great  thank you I'm so honored that you're doing this   I thought I thought you know because my boyfriend  is I guess the world's premier collector of your   sculpture yeah we were going to Manchester and  he was like this sculpture that I love she's a   drink when you gotta find her founder I would  buy makeup products from you I have this like   vision of you being like this I would see you  as like an Avon lady that comes to the door and   then like huh at first you seem normal and then  it's like something's not right here I don't   like a big suitcase of it like my said machine  good yeah brainwashing me consult leave already   I'm just so used to doing the Trixie thing you  have been doing the same things like probably   10 years now I mean different incarnations of  it but yeah it took me so long to get like good   at that you make up just like slightly evolved  doesn't it it's like yeah so you so much more   like brown tones rather than like you know in  pink I used to do so much more color like blue   eyes yeah clips and now into mostly neutrals I  look like just getting it and just do it we have   some watches every sleep new brushes Wow you  really haven't seen him yet no oh you're gonna   die look at these it kind of looks like it's your  product more than mine to be honest if I'm calling   this is gonna look so stupid it's so bright you  see no I don't the fist first you know ladies   when you go to make a con you check the product  on your broker club oh my god this bush is so   nice I oh my god it looks so beautiful I kind of  want to make it more like just dotted like Marie   Antoinette you have a gig tonight yes the Foo Baba  what's the highway what's the longest you'd kept   this makeup on because this is like a communion I  was finally lost Gay Pride I think I took her off   at like seven eight I was in drag from like 8:00  in the morning that's coming the longest but it   wouldn't take me long to like take it all back  on again Glenn takes on an hour and ten that's   I thought you would have took like three hours no  it's fast people always think it's longer yeah but   it's also a blueprint at this point I know exactly  where everything goes but this isn't just gonna   be like a flagrant display of how beautiful you  are and cut down my look in this a makeup like   terrible on purpose it's gonna be like um when  you order online versus when it arrives people   don't really get interact at the clubs in the UK  do they that's not know but you can't seems like   people get ready a moment ago sometimes the other  driver will be like we're on and then like those   CEOs it dragon they'll be like that has happened  to me yeah yeah and I never get propositioned   money heart was telling me that some uber driver  was like yeah my shoulders are sore you can give   him a rub if you want let that never happens  to me they're like get out one star right I've   been ma how about the Browse guy now okay are you  looking for the restroom oh it's that way that's   the way you can pee on the legs I'm just mixing  your eyelet this is so cool let me see this is   what it is it like with human in Europe I've  gained the eyebrows now woman in Sweden we did   not like to pay out once we like for our payments  you see I think let me see them turn my head like   I'm on yeah a beauty school mannequin liquid  liquid liner right on the brows you are very   quick about huh what do you where do you get a  lot of your makeup you do like the drugstore you   do fancy what do you like I buy like mostly cheap  stuff and then like I have a have a jeffree star   I like thirsty one I leave that I use the blue  to like contour so good I'm beautiful sometimes   it makes my that's from Saturday have you ever  been gross I'm sorry Geoffrey you have to stay   in this one we go to Bob I will people are gonna  get you a know I'm gonna be like yes but if I can   I'm a [ __ ] I do a British accent no don't think  I'm lying do you face facts that you think oh yeah Oh mrs. Doubtfire that's my nephew  probably like I'm jeanna badge it'll be so believable it'll be like I'd like  to get paid and they'll take your module a dad   but oh my god in part of that book video they  really had you up and drag in a grocery store   huh that's just that's just normal hey  we're people what can I do like a crazy   enough indecent went up to at these two little  boys and they were like this like hi and she   went I use I use scattered or excited and they  were like excited it's the first boner is there   chocolate its grapes I hate children this guy  all the children either I do not for children it's kind of like when I'm applying makeup  to somebody else I'm not like careful and   concentrated because I like I'll paint  somebody else's face like their paint   with sculptures I kind of like I do feel like  what here little sculptures right now if you   guys want to purchase any of your sculptures  are they available they're on my website juno   [ __ ] calm i'm gonna do the highlights here  as well it's my favorite minute format yeah   an ultimate operation like what is this person  like a brush pattern i wear so much liner that   i do the jello pit or is this Maybelline Great  Lash yeah you better work this is like combust   curious all my mom use do you want to put some  lashes on the other I think he might be bad at   daylight yeah I have never one lash this small  in my life I were to presenting with a bottom   oh my god don't look at me I look like a little  pig baby right ready for these lips cabbage what   are you using it's a NYX pink their pistols are  so good yeah amazing I like this makeup because   it's it's equal parts heavy application but  really minimal yeah I think really heavy on the   foundation and then the eyes have quite something  yeah everything else is very small I brought like   just really like cheap getting lipstick Stacey  oh no like open your mouth at home I love this   lipstick because it's like it's so much but it  doesn't go crummy or crispy I know it it also   feels so like when I was testing the formula  how do you wear it around the house another   egg her mom is just such a good luck yeah and  then I would be like it would be smooth feeling   and I'd be like oh it's not holding out it's not  gonna be Matt and they're looking you're like I   mean what a bit of drug lord in the middle you  ready huh come here just like smoosh it uh-huh I feel beautiful in here locally  good summer and victim like this   the toddlers in tiaras sunburns  you ready for the beauty spot and is that it yeah you're done full sweep it's in   here in costume on and then  I'll see what's up I love it ready oh my god you smell really you mind well  whatever you smell like you look like we're from   the same planet it's like I arrived and you were  hearing I was like oh sure to do this planet for   kill move on I feel so comfortable and glamorous  oh yeah food Bob I'm off but she's come in like   this I'm gonna come soon where her I think  nobody will recognize me I think moving you   I'm only gonna get mixed up yeah well they're  right oh my let's do a photo shoot yes yeah Oh super mother one time I saw Dolly Parton  and she had a wig hair in her eye and she   was performing and she pulled it out and she  went Wow and then it went locked and she went   no it didn't hurt me no diva an issue went  probably hurt some little girl in the career   though they were like but is Dolly Parton's  obviously she meant it like sweet you're like
Channel: Trixie Mattel
Views: 3,416,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trixie mattel, trixie, mattel, drag, drag queen, juno birch, makeover, drag makeover, trixie cosmetics, stacy lipstick, summer of love palette, makeup, alien, manchester, cosmetics, drag makeup, tutorial, jennifer coolidge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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